Poultry Planner June 2017

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VOL. 19 | No. 06 | JUNE - 2017


From the Editor’s Desk New Chicken Breed Changes Egg Industry Dynamics in India Seven years of research have paid rich dividends in the form of a unique breed of broiler chickenthat can multiply three times as fast as ordinary hens, lay more eggs, and can survive in the open without any extra care, writes A Nair. The breed is the Jharsim chicken, a crossbred between the local and broiler variety, further crossed with imported Durham Red breed. Developed by the Birsa Agricultural University at Ranchi, Jharkhand, the bird actually performs better on a low level of nutrition. Scientists at the University claim the new breed of chicken called Jharsim - named so since it was developed in Jharkhand state and sim meaning hen in tribal dialect - is set to produce more eggs than the normal local hen, in a move that will enhance the economic power of poultry among farmers. To develop the Jharsim breed, a PV2 male broiler from the state of Punjab was crossbred with a Jharkhand local hen. The hen produced by their mating was later bred with an imported Durham Red breed, imported by India for its bigger size and tender meat. For experimental purposes, the University distributed 25,000 chicks from its first lot to villagers across Jharkhand state. More than 95 per cent of the chicks survived with most reproducing. A handiwork of the All India Co-Ordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding, the indigenous chicken boasts of faster growth, optimum egg production, an attractive multi-colour plumage, and better adaptability to agro-climatic conditions. Scientists pointed out the birds weigh 400-500 grams at 6 weeks and 1600-1800 grams at maturity under the backyard system. The age at first egg laying is 175-180 days and the egg weight is 52-55 grams at 40 weeks of age. The birds have the potential to lay 165-170 eggs under the backyard system. The variety is set to provide higher supplementary income and nutrition through both egg and meat to rural and tribal farmers. While the local hen variety lays around 50-60 eggs in 54 weeks, each Jharsim hen can lay between 130170 eggs in 72 weeks, according to H. Rahman, Deputy Director General (Animal Science), Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Pointing out that poultry is the fastest growing sector in India, given that it provides jobs to an increasing number of rural and urban youth, Mr. Rahman said the development of the new, improved breed would give a big boost to poultry farming. He pointed out that the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has been promoting intensive schemes in five states across India - Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Maharashtra and Jharkhand. At many of these centres, intensive research is being carried out in the development of chicken varieties utilising local germplasm, and aimed at catering to the rising economy of rural marginal farmers through the rearing of these chicken varieties. Noting that China was the global topper in poultry, contributing around 30 per cent of the world's production of meat and eggs, R.N. Chatterjee, Director, Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad, said India lagged far behind, contributing barely 5 per cent-7 per cent. Jharsim can help boost production of meat and eggs in a big way," said Mr. Chatterjee, adding it provided immense potential for backyard poultry farming in Jharkhand's rural areas. Jharsim has also been termed as more resistant to diseases, and can survive in natural habitat without much care. Shushil Prasad of the Birsa Agricultural University added that since Jharsim has traits of local chicken as well as traits of an exotic variety, it grows up to be bigger and develops a stronger immune system.

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In India’s most preferred poultry magazines

VOL. 19 | No. 06 | JUNE - 2017



दसर ू को मानते है, तब तक आप अपनी सम याओ ं एवं किठनाइय को िमटा नह सकतेA भीड़ हमेशा उस रा ते पर चलती है जो रा ता आसान लगता है, लेिकन इसका मतलब यह नह क भीड़ हमेशा सही रा ते पर चलती है| अपने रा ते खदु चिनए य िक ु आपको आपसे बेहतर और कोई नह जानता इस दिनया ु भी नह | हम वो सब कर सकते ु म असभंव कछ है, जो हम सोच सकते है और हम वो सब सोच सकते है, जो आज तक हमने नह सोचाA बीच रा ते से लौटने का कोई फायदा नह य िक लौटने पर आपको उतनी ही दरी ू तय करनी पड़ेगी िजतनी दरी ू तय करने पर आप ल य तक पहचँ सकते हैA महानता कभी न िगरने म नह बि क हर बार िगरकर उठ जाने म हैA

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



TYPES OF POULTRY HOUSING SYSTEMS IN INDIAN CONDITION INTRODUCTION There are generally four types of housing system are adopted by Indian poultry keepers. The type of housing system adopted by poultry keepers depends upon the amount of capital and ground available. 1.

Free-range or extensive system


Semi-intensive system


Folding unit system


Intensive system

Free range system This method of housing system is oldest among all and has been widely u s e d b y s m a l l / m a rg i n a l farmer s, where there is no shortage of land. This system allows more but not unlimited, space to the birds on land where they can find an appreciable amount of food in the form of herbage, seeds and insects, provided they are protected from predatory animals and infectious diseases including parasitic infestation. Semi-intensive system This system is adopted where the free space availability is limited, but it is necessary to allow the birds 20-30 square yards per bird of outside run. If possible, this space should be divided giving a run on either side of the house of 10-15 square yards per bird, thus enabling the birds to move into fresh ground. Folding unit System This system of housing is adopted in 10

recent years. In portable folding unit's birds being confined to one small run, the position is changed each day, giving them fresh ground and the birds find a considerable proportion of food from the herbage are healthier and harder. For the farmer the beneficial effect of scratching and manuring on the land is another side effect. The disadvantages are that food and water must be carded out to the birds and eggs brought back and there is some extra labor involved in the regular moving of the fold units. The most convenient folding unit to handle is that which is made for 25 hens. A Floor space of 1 square foot

should be allowed for each bird in the house, and 3 square feet in the run, so that a total floor space to whole unit is 4 square feet per bird, as with the intensive system. A suitable measurement for a folding house to take 25 birds is 5 feet wide and 20 feet long, the house being 5' X 5', one third of Ibis fun. The part nearest the house is covered in and the remaining 10' open with wire netting sides and lop. Intensive system In this type of housing system the birds are confined to the house entirely, with no access to land outside, and it is usually adopted where land is limited

and expensive. The intensive system is consisting of Battery (cage system) and deep litter methods. A. Battery system This is the most intensive type of poultry production and is useful to those with only a small quantity of floor space at their disposal. Nowadays in large cities hardly a poultry lover can spare open lands for rearing birds. For all such people this system will prove worthy of keeping birds al minimum space. In the battery system each hen is confined to a cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to stand and sit comfortably. The usual floor space is 14 X 16 inches and the height, 17 inches. The floor is of standard strong galvanized wire set at a slope from back to the front, so that the eggs as they are laid roll out of the cage to a receiving gutter. Underneath is a tray for droppings. Both food and water receptacles are outside the cage. Many small cages can be assembled together ; if necessary it may be multistoried. The whole structure should be of metal so that no parasites will be harbored and through disinfection can be carried out as often as required. Provided the batteries of cages are set up in the place which is well ventilated and lighted, is not too hot and is vermin proof and that the food meets all nutritional needs, this system has proved to be remarkably successful in tropical POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



countries. It may be that as it requires a minimum expenditure of energy from the bird, which spends its entire item in the shade, it lessens the load of excess body heat. The performance of each bird can be noted and culling easily carried out. Pullets, which are more often used than birds of over one year, should be placed in the cages at least one month before they are expected to lay.The feeding of birds in cages has to be carefully considered, as the birds are entirely dependent on the mash for maintenance and production. To supply vitamins A and D, cod liver oil, yeast, dried milk powder are useful/ and fish meal or other animal protein, and balanced minerals and some form of grit must be made available. As in each cage there will be only pullets so one can never expect fertilized eggs, hence the vegetative eggs will be there, which can be preserved for a longer time than fertilized eggs at ordinar y room temperature but can never be used for hatching purposes.

Advantages of Deep Litter System 1. Safety of Birds Birds on rage of

really big features of deep litter

even in a netted yard can be taken

usage. With correct conditions

by wild animals, flying birds, etc.

observed with well managed litter

When enclosed in deep litter intensive pen which has strong wire netting or expanded metal, the birds and eggs are safe.

B. Deep litter system

2. Litter as a source of food supply The built-up deep litter also supplies some of the food requirements of the birds. They obtain "Animal Protein Factor" from deep litter and some work indicates that this could learn that birds obtain sufficient of this to enable to suitable feed ration to be prepared with only a vegetable protein such as groundnut meal included in the feed. The level of vitamins such as riboflavin increases up to nearly three-fold. The combination of deep litter and the Animal Protein Factor is necessar y for good hatchability of eggs and early growth of chickens.

In this types of housing system the poultry

3. Disease control The level of worm

birds are kept in large pens up to 250 birds

infestation and coccidiosis is much

each, on floor covered with litters like

lower when watered kept on good

straw, saw dust or leaves up to depth of 8-

deep litter than with birds (or

12 inches. Deep litter resembles to dry

chickens) in bare yards and bare

compost. This method is more common as compared to other method.

4. Labour saving This is one of the

floor sheds particularly where water

there is no need to clean a pen out for a whole year; the only attention is the regular stirring and adding of some material is needed. 5. The valuable fertilizer This is a valuable economic factor with deep litter. According to McArdle and Panda, 35 laying birds can produce in one year about 1 tone of deep litter fertilizer. The level of nitrogen in fresh manure is about 1%, but on well built-up deep litter it may be around 3 per cent nitrogen (nearly 20% protein). It also contains about. 2 per cent phosphorus and 2 per cent potash, its value is about 3 times that of cattle manure. 6. Hot weather safeguard This is an important feature in a hot climate. The litter maintains its own constant temperature, so birds burrow into it when the air temperature is high and thereby cool themselves.

spillage is allowed.

Sushil Kumar, Satheesh Kumar P, Saleem Yousuf and Naseer Ahmad baba Ph.D. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001, India

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In India’s most preferred poultry magazines

VOL. 19 | No. 06 | JUNE - 2017

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



ROLE OF ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINS SUPPLEMENTATION IN POULTRY HEAT STRESS Abstract Heat stress is one of the most important environmental stresses challenging poultry production worldwide. The detrimental effects of heat stress on broilers and laying hens range from reduced growth and egg production to decreased poultry and egg quality and safety. Moreover, the negative impact of heat stress on poultry welfare has recently attracted increasing public awareness and concern. Much information has been published on the effects of heat stress on productivity and immune response in poultry. However, our knowledge of effective feeding strategies under heat stress conditions is in fact scarce. Intervention strategies to deal with heat stress conditions have been the focus of many published studies. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of most of the interventions has been variable or inconsistent. This article focuses on the scientific evidence available on the dietary antioxidant vitamin supplements to alleviatethe effect of heat stress in poultry production. Keywords Heat Stress, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Egg Production, Poultry Introduction High ambient temperature is one of the most important stressors for poultry, and has a direct relationship on the profitability of meat and egg production. A seasonal problem in m a n y pa r t s of t h e w o r l d , h i g h environmental temperatures (35-430C in tropical countries) cause economic losses through reducing feed intake and decreasing nutrient utilization, live weight gain, egg production, egg quality and feed efficiency. The ideal temperature for broilers is 10-220C for optimum body weight, and 15-270C for feed efficiency. Layers will produce eggs constantly at temperatures of 10-300C. 14

Above 300C, performance declines in terms of growth and egg production. The lack of sweat glands and relatively high body temperature make poultry, especially meat-type, fast-growing chickens, more susceptible to heat stress. During exposure to high ambient temperature, poultry face difficulties in maintaining body temperature. Their primary means of heat loss above upper critical temperature is by an increase in breathing rate (panting) and by raising their wings (to increase the surface area). Under stress conditions, avian blood undergoes a change from acid base balance to alkaline balance. There is a drop in the plasma, a decreased level of vitamin C in the adrenal cortex, a reduction in lymphocytes and a depression of immune response. As the temperature rises, the birds undergo many changes – increased water consumption, respiration rate, body temperature, inferior egg quality and susceptibility to diseases. Dietary approach Several methods are available to alleviate the negative effects of high environmental temperatures on performance. Heat stress can be regulated by controlling the environment where the poultry are being reared, i.e. housing temperature and ventilation. However, this may not always be possible because of economic factors, and so alternative strategies must be considered. One such strategy is nutritional manipulation. Nutritional modification usually involves optimizing the diet to meet the altered needs of stressed birds. Ambient temperature has a considerable impact on feed consumption of birds, especially adult birds, because feed intake decreases as

environmental temperature increases. At temperatures above 300C, consumption decreases by 2.5-4g per degree rise in temperature. It is advisable to formulate higher density diets in order to maintain daily intake in line with requirements for growth and egg production. Reduction in dietary protein, with suitable supplementation of essential amino acids, is also a way of combating the effects of rising temperatures. Electrolyte solutions (sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate) in drinking water will help replenish the bird's electrolytes and correct the acid/base balance. Supplementing antioxidant vitamins is also an effective way of alleviating summer stress in poultry. Antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A (retinol), E (α tocopherol) and C (ascorbic acid) are used in poultry diets because of their anti-stress effects and also because their synthesis is reduced during heat stress. Heat stress stimulates the release of corticosterone and catecholamines and initiates lipid peroxidation in cell membranes. It has been observed that birds stressed due to high environmental temperatures have reduced plasma retinol, α tocopherol and ascorbic acid concentrations. Heat stress also impairs absorption of these vitamins (A, E and C) and thereby increasing the dietary re q u i re m e n t of t h e s e v i t a m i n s . Supplementation of these vitamins at higher doses may be beneficial in o ve rc o m i n g h e a t s t re s s re l a te d depression in performance of poultry. Vitamin E Vitamin E is one of the most important natural antioxidants and is an excellent biological chain-breaking antioxidant that protects cells and tissues from lipoperoxidative damage induced by POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017

ARTICLE free radicals. Poultry cannot synthesize vitamin E, therefore requirements must be met from dietary sources. Heat stress stimulates the release of corticosterone and catecholamines and initiates lipid peroxidation in cell membranes. It is suggested that vitamin E can reduce the negative effects of corticosterone induced by s t re s s . V i t a m i n E a l s o p ro v i d e s protection for those cells involved in immune responses (lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells) against oxidative damage and enhances proliferation and functions of these cells. Therefore, additional vitamin E supplementation in diets is necessary under heat stress conditions. Vitamin E can be supplemented in broiler diets at 250mg/kg as a protective management practice to reduce the negative effects of stress and to result in optimum performance in broilers. In layers, vitamin E supplementation at 125-250mg/kg i m p ro ve s e g g p ro d u c t i o n , f e e d efficiency and immune competence. Heat stress depresses egg production due to lower plasma concentrations of egg yolk precursors, vitellogenin and very low density lipoprotein. Vitamin E improves egg production by facilitating the release of vitellogenin from the liver and increasing the circulating supply of this precursor for yolk formation by p ro t e c t i n g t h e l i v e r f ro m l i p i d peroxidation and damage to cell membranes. Vitamin C is necessary for various biosyntheses (collagen, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D and adrenaline) as well as for re g u l a t i o n of d i ve r s e re a c t i o n s (secretion of cor ticocosterones, regulation of body temperature and activation of immune system). It has been reported that vitamin C enhances


the antioxidant activity of vitamin E by reducing the tocopheroxy radicals back to their active form of vitamin E. Adult poultry under normal conditions are able to synthesize vitamin C to meet the requirement. However, it has been reported that vitamin C requirement is higher during stress and several reports have documented a beneficial effect of supplementing poultr y feed with ascorbic acid. Supplemental dietary vitamin C limits and alleviates the metabolic sign of stress and improves performance, immunological status and the behaviour of birds. Optimum response in growth, feed efficiency and/or livability in broilers under heat stress seems to occur with supplements of about 250mg vitamin C/kg feed. Laying hens have also shown responses to supplemental vitamin C at 200400mg/kg in terms of improvement in livability, feed intake, egg production and egg quality. Vitamin A is involved in several functions of the body including vision, epithelial cell differentiation, growth and reproduction. Due to its involvement in epithelial cell differentiation, vitamin A has an effect on the immune function of birds. It has been reported that conversion of carotene to vitamin A reduces under stress. Supplemental vitamin A at 15000IU/kg and zinc (30mg/kg) improves the performance and carcass traits in broiler chickens and thus offer a potential protective management practice in preventing heat stress related depression in performance of broiler chickens. Supplementation of vitamin A at 9000IU/kg in commercial layer diets under heat stress is beneficial for optimizing laying performance and immunity.

Antioxidant vitamin combination Combination of antioxidant vitamins may be more beneficial in overcoming heat-stress related depression in poultr y performance. Overall a n t i ox i d a n t p o te n t i a l h a s b e e n reported to be more efficient and crucial than single antioxidants. Panda et al., 2008 have studied the combination of vitamin C (200mg/kg) and vitamin E (125mg/kg) in WL layers d i e t d u r i n g s u m m e r s t re s s a n d obser ved beneficial effect on production performance as well as on immune response. Vitamin A (15000IU/kg) and vitamin E (250mg/kg) has been shown to improve performance of broilers under summer stress. Conclusion High environmental temperature leads to deficiency of specific nutrients because of decline in feed intake, reduced absorption and poor utilization of vitamins. Therefore, appropriate supplemental dose of vitamins are required to sustain the performance of poultry during summer. Hence, vitamin E (125-250mg/kg), vitamin C (200-250mg/kg) and vitamin A (15000IU/kg) are recommended for alleviating summer stress in poultry. References 1. Panda AK, Ramarao SV, Raju MVLN and Chatterjee RN. 2008. Effect of dietary supplementation with vitamins E and C on production performance, immune responses and antioxidant status of White Leghorn layers under tropical summer conditions. British Poultry Science. 49(5): 592-599. 2. Sahin K and Kucuk O. 2003. Heat stress and dietary vitamin supplementation of poultry diets. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, Series B. 73: 41R–50R.

M. Anudeep Reddy¹* and N. Anitha Reddy² 1Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of veterinary Science, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. 2Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of veterinary Science, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30.

*Corresponding author:anudeepreddy07@gmail.com


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



FARM WASTE UTILIZATION – AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH ON INCOME GENERATION Introduction Most of the commercial livestock farmers facing a huge problem due to the improper waste disposal systems in their farms. Modern livestock and poultry farms have enormous problems associated with their wastes and this becomes significant as people are more aware of the harmful effects of the polluting environment. Wastes from livestock and poultry industry include a mixture of excreta (manure), bedding material or litter, feed and fodder waste, dead animals/birds, damaged eggs, feathers and farm sweeps out etc. Due to the Improper handling and management of farm and poultry waste results in production of large volume of gases, organic material, bacteria and other substances that leads to, posing risk of pollution of air, soil, and water. Moreover improper farm waste management resulting into uncontrolled release of methane in environment is responsible for the global criticism of livestock operations. The major greenhouse gases (GHGs) of livestock origin is Co2, CH4 and N2O are increasing at 0.5, 0.9 and 0.25 % per annum. Methane is the most potent GHG produced by livestock, and its global warming potential is 24 times higher than that of Co2. The estimated total output of dung in India is about 2 million tons per day, which may go upto 3 million tons in 2022 (Harsdorff, 2012). Another estimate of wet dung produced in India is about 1,287 million tons per year. Majority of the wastes from livestock and poultry are being wasted in our countr y. The effective and sustainable management of these wastes and their conversion into useful products are profitable value additions to producers. There are wide range of value added products that can be produced from animal wastes. More over biogas production via anaerobic digestion, composting, vermicomposting are the some of the practices to convert farm waste into 18

valuable resources. Livestock wastes are generally looks as huge but for efficient conversion they are best. The most advantages of livestock and poultry waste is, it can be rendered “green and environment friendly”. Through this the profit of livestock and poultry farms can be enhanced through preparation of value addition products from farm wastes. Now is a matter of concern to dispose the farm waste into efficient manner and to utilize the farm waste into valuable/ value added products. Tr a d i t i o n a l u s e of f a r m w a s t e Traditionally farm waste slurry is used for agricultural purposes like irrigation and the dried dung cake is used for household burning purposes. Recently different techniques will be available to make farm waste into value added products for income generation. Farm waste into Value added products 1. Cow dung briquettes Cow dung briquettes were used for burning and cooking purposes. The energy value is high compared to regular dried dung cakes. In farm along with dung feed and fodder waste is also available. Combination of fodder and feed waste with dung with specific sphere shape improves energy level. There are different combination like cow dung with Charcoal powder, Paddy husk, Saw dustand Ground nut husk powderwere used to improve the burning capacity and binding nature. A mixture of 80 % dung and 20 % mixture of binding combination (Charcoal powder/Paddy husk/Saw dust/Ground nut husk powder)placed in the holder of specific size of 15 cm length and 1.5 inch width. The end product of different combination can be used as a fuel for household purposes.

2. Dead bird and animal bin composting Composting is accelerated bio-oxidation of organic matter passing through a thermophilic stage (45-65°C) where micro-organisms (mainly bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes) liberate heat, c a r b o n d i ox i d e a n d w a te r. T h e heterogeneous organic material is transformed into homogenous and stabilized humus like product through turning and aeration. Composting biological waste with poultry manure can be an effective means of conserving the nitrogen in the manure, which may not only improves the fertilizer value, but also reduces the potential for NH3 to contribute the environmental pollution. Composting is a relatively fast biodegradation process, taking typically 4-6 weeks to reach a stabilized material. The litter can be made into compost with dead birds. The compost material is odourless and fine textured with low moisture content and can be used as an organic manure. Composted poultry litter is easy to handle and pathogen free. The advantages are reduced manure volume, disposal of dead birds is ecofriendly, easy adaptable to both small and large farms, the end product can be applied directly to land as a valuable manure, pathogen free and economically viable.The entrance of the bin locked with door for taking out the manure. The ground space was sealed with cement floor above that carbon source placed for about 1 feet height then cow dung/poultry litter 1 feet height then dead animals/birds, again cover with fresh cow dung/ cow dung/poultry litter. After 4-6 weeks of packing the bin, final product will be of organic manure. POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



3. Vermicomposting Vermicomposting is basically a managed process of worms digesting organic matter to transform the material into a beneficial soil amendment. The beds can be prepared with 10 feet length, 5 feet width and 0.6 m height. Cow dung and farm waste can be placed in layers to make a heap of about 0.6 to 0.9 m height. Earthworms are introduced in between the layers @ 350 worms per m3 of bed volume that weighs nearly 1 Kg. From each kg of dry manure only 60 % will be converted into vermicompost. The beds are maintained at about 40-50% moisture content and a temperature of 20–30o C by sprinkling water over the beds. Of about 350 species of earth worms in India with various food and burrowing habits Eiseniafetida, Eudriluseugeniaeand Perionyxex-cavatusare some of the species that are reared to convert organic wastes into manure. A combination of epigeic species that form no permanent burrows and live on the surface, anecic that form semip e rm a n e n t a n d ve r t i c a l b u r ro w s e x te n d i n g f ro m t h e s u r f a c e a n d endogeic that typically live throughout the deeper layers may be considered. Normally the vermi- beds should have have 0.3 to 0.6 m height depending on the provision for drainage of excess water. Care should be taken to make the bed with uniform height over the entire width to avoid low production owing to low bed volumes. The bed width should

not be more that 1.5 m to allow easy access to the center of the bed. 4. Azolla cultivation Azolla is an aquatic fern consisting of a short, branched, floating stem, bearing roots which hang down in the water.The soil in the area is first cleared of weeds and leveled. Bricks are lined horizontally in a rectangular fashion. A UV stabilized silpaulineazolla sheet of 6 x 12 feet size is uniformly spread over the bricks in such a way as to cover the margin of the rectangle made by the bricks. 10-15 kg of sieved soil is uniformly spread over the silpauline pit. Slurry made of 2 kg cow dung and 30 g of Super Phosphate mixed in 10 liters of water, is poured onto the sheet. More water is poured on to raise the water level to about 10 cm. About 0.5-1kg of pure mother azolla culture seed material is spread uniformly over the water, after mild stirring of soil and water in the azolla bed. Fresh water should be sprinkled over the azolla immediately after inoculation to make the azolla plants upright. In a week's time, the azolla spreads all over the bed and develops a thick mat like appearance.Azolla is a highly productive plant. It doubles its biomass in 3-10 days.Azolla can be fed to livestock either in a fresh or dried form. It can be given directly or mixed with concentrates to cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, pigs and rabbits. 5. Biogas production Biogas is a gaseous fuel generated from biological decomposition via anaerobic digestion

of organic waste such as cattle dung, also yields raw slurry as a valuable by product. Biogas generally comprises of Carbon dioxside (35%), Methane (5%), Hydrogen sulfide (1%) and Hydrogen (1%). The caloric value of gobar gas varies between 4500-5500 k Cal Cubic meters. The gas can replace cooking fuels such as wood, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Biogas can be used in a biogas burner or cooking. A biogas plant of 2 m3 capacity is sufficient for cooking fuel to a family of 4 persons. Conclusion Eco-friendly and economically sustainable livestock production demands efficient method of waste management. Wastes produced in large intensive and poultr y farms become an issue of concern for livestock producers due to their environmental consequences. Proper handling and treating the livestock waste not only protect the environment but also can contribute to the profit of the producers. For sustainable livestock farming and augmentation of livestock waste must be treated and utilized scientifically, which enables production of quality organic fertilizer for the crop field, proper recycling of organic matter, avoid water and environmental pollution and minimize the GHG production. Therefore, scientific livestock waste management is essential and need of the hour for maintenance of sustainability of livestock production systems and reducing the cause of climate change due to global warming.

M. Arul Prakash*,A. ShanmugasundaramT. Geetha,T. Muthuramalingam, P. TensinghGnanaraj and V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, TamilNadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051 20

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



PROBIOTICS: ADVANTAGE AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction The WHO and FAO (2002) define probiotics as “live microorganisms which w h e n a d m i n i s t e re d i n a d e q u a t e amounts confer a health benefit on the h o s t ”. T h i s d e fi n i t i o n e x p l i c i t l y recognizes the positive effect of probiotics on the health of animals to which they are administered. Probiotics have emerged a potent candidate as growth promoter, intestinal micro flora modulator, immunity enhancer and pathogen inhibitor in recent days. Feed being the major input in any poultry industry accounting to about 70% of total input, its optimum utilization is the core of profitability in any poultry industry along with FCR (feed conversion ratio), high carcass weight, superior body weight gain and lowered mortality due to enhanced immunity of flock and superior gut health. The last 10 years of research has directed the scientific c o m m u n i t y to w a rd s o t h e r n o ve l pathways like probiotics application in poultry at molecular level instead of its gut colonizing and whole organism effect. Advantages of probiotics Ÿ

Inhibits growth of diseases producing organisms.


Prevents digestive upsets and diarrhea due to bacterial invasions.


Improves intestinal ecology by creating a balance in the gut microbial population.


Harmonize functions of digestive system and improves absorption of nutrients.


Improves feed intake and feed conversion ratio.


Increases growth rate, body weight

gain and productivity.

Future recommendations


Regulates the lipid metabolism and reduces the body cholesterol content.


Improves fertility, egg quality and reduces cholesterol concentration.


Enhances survival and significantly help lowering of chick mortality.


Helps to maintain healthy gastrointestinal tract after antibiotic therapy.


Reduces stress after vaccination, antibiotic therapy, transportation, change of feed etc.


Stimulates immunity and also augment the effects of drugs and vaccines.


Helps in quicker detoxification of mycotoxins.

In India, probiotics are often widely used as animal feed supplements for dairy animals like cattle, poultry and piggery. With large number of multinational companies entering the probiotic business, an erroneous increase in market value is there. Today markets are flooded with a range of commercial probiotic products. Due to wide therapeutic benefits and their use in treatment and prevention of clinical disorders with negligible side effects, probiotics are much more preferred over the conventional dosage forms such as antibiotics. So, proper well defined regulatory guidelines must be there for the manufacturing and sale of probiotics for their lawful use.


Improves litter condition by reducing ammonia and fecal water contents.


Synthesis of the vital B group vitamins.


Production of short chain fatty acids. Much safer without any side effects.


No residue carry-over in meat or eggs.


Cost effective and reduces expenditure on antibiotics.

Selection criteria for a probiotic

Conclusion Probiotics are microorganisms which confer a series of innate health benefits to the host, having a wide range of applications. Feeding probiotics to poultr y improve the utilization of proteins, intestinal tract health, feed conversion ratio, strengthen beneficial microbial populations and suppress harmful bacterial growth in the digestive system, counteract adverse effect of antibiotics, nutrient synthesis, stimulate immune system, decreased diarrhoea and mortality. Further, it improve the feed intake, feed conversion ratio, body weight, lower cholesterol in blood, serum and meat, increase the tenderness and meat quality along with carcass yield. So that feeding probiotcs in broiler chicken is highly beneficial for economic production of poultry.

Sandeep Kumar Chaudhary1, Akansha Singh2 and Mahipal Singh1 ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, U.P-243 122 1MVSc Scholar, Animal Nutrition, ICAR-IVRI 2MVSc Scholar, Animal Genetics, ICAR-IVRI E-mail (Corresponding author): sandy6050@gmail.com 22

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



BACKYARD NAKED NECK CHICKEN FARMING: A SOURCE OF BETTER LIVELIHOOD FOR RURAL FARMERS Introduction Poultry farming is one of the old practices of domestication. The domestication of chicken in India dates back to 3200 B.C. The ancient Indians were attracted by their use as food as well as for sports. Cockfighting was known in India over one thousand years B.C. and till recently, it was regarded as an important sport providing a lot of entertainment to the people. Naked Neck is a breed of chicken originally from Transylvania and is naturally devoid of feathers on its neck and vent. It is also called Turken since it was mistaken as a hybrid between chicken and domestic turkey. It is called ‘motta kalzhuthu kozhi’ or ‘kazhuthu aruthaan kozhi’ in Tamil. It was largely developed in Germany. The naked neck game fowl was also believed to be originated in the Indus Valley of India and this naked neck trait was originated in South-east Asia (most probably Malaysia). India has been trading with rest of Asia for millennia so it is possible that traders brought to India for naked neck game hens. Since Bay of Bengal was also one of the stopping-off points of the spice trade, and it is possible that Asiatic Naked Neck game fowl were brought there by ships of the Dutch East Indies company in the 17thcentury as their first stop-off point after Malaysia on the route back to Europe. The trait responsible for naked neck is one dominant gene and it can be easily introduce into other breeds by cross matting. These induced breeds are called cross breeds rather than pure breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association since 1965. These naked neck gamefowl is of ten confused with Transylvanian and French Naked Neck. Characteristics Eventhough it has unusual appearance, the breed is not particular meant for exhibition purpose but it is a dual24

purpose utility chicken. They are average egg layers with light brown eggs. They are considered for desirable tasty meat production because they need less plucking and have a meaty body. They are very good foragers and are immune to most of the poultry disease. This breed is resistant for cold weather despite its lack of feathers. Naked Neck Roosters have a single comb with very bright red neck and head during increased sun exposure. This breed has approximately half the feathers of other chicken which makes them resistant to hot weather and easier to pluck during slaughter. Indigenous naked neck chicken performs better in terms of growth, meat yield, egg production and survivability compared to its indige-nous full feathered counter parts. It can produce double the standard number of eggs under improved nutrition and management conditions. Crossbreds of Indigenous Naked Neck chicken with exotic chicken can perform even better than that of exotic chicken in respect of productive and reproductive traits. Consumers prefer the meat and eggs of Indigenous Naked Neck chickens for reasons of pigmentation, leanness, taste, firmness, and they are also used in special dishes. Indigenous Naked Neck chicken prices are typically higher compared with those of products from exotic stocks. Indigenous Naked Neck chickens are good layers, producing brown eggs and are hardy, vigorous birds. They can be reared under free range or at confined in runs and are not known as being particularly good fliers. They need protection in extremely cold temperatures because of their lack of

feathers but can cope remarkably well in very hot climates. They are easy to tame and are very placid, calm birds. They are not good broodies as their lack of feathers makes it hard to keep the eggs warm but if allowed to sit on just a few eggs, they are capable of hatching their own eggs and the resulting chicks are born with their necks already exposed and featherless. Matured males weigh around 3 to 3.5 kg while the females are 2.2 to 2.7 kg. Synonyms Deshi Naked Neck (Bangladesh), Ganji (Pakistan); Bengali Naked Neck; Native Naked Neck Distribution Bangladesh, India (Coastal regions), Pakistan, South Africa Morphological characters Ÿ Beak: Short and well curved Ÿ Comb colour: Red Ÿ Comb type: Single Comb Ÿ Eyes: Compact and well set Ÿ Face: Long, not covered with feathers Ÿ Neck: Long cylindrical, featherless, only a tuft of feathers is seen on the front of the neck above crop Ÿ Plumage: Black brownish, brown, white, multicolour, red brownish and black feather combinations. Ÿ Skin colour: Reddish particularly in males as they approach sexual maturity. Production traits Ÿ Body weight: 1.0 - 1.5 kg Ÿ Age at first egg: 201 - 218 days Ÿ Fertility rate %: 66 - 86% Ÿ Hatchability on total egg production: 57% - 71% POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



moderate number of chicks; it will keep Disease management Egg shell colour: Varies from cream the chicken healthy. to light brown. Compared to indigenous chicken, Feed and Water for Naked Neck indigenous naked neck is considered to be Ÿ Annual egg production (numbers): 80 Chicken better at heat dissipation and heat - 164 eggs per annum tolerance. They are well adapted to tropical Proper and high quality feed is the main Ÿ Egg weight: 53-70 gm climate and more resistant to disease thing to success in naked neck chicken Ÿ Food conversion ratio: 3.5 : 1 compared to indigenous full feathered farming. Naked neck chicken needs high Ÿ Climatic adaptation: Resistant to counterparts. Deworming and vaccination ratio of protein in their feed to grow well. extreme weather. schedule for desi chicken can be followed They should also provide proper vitamin Ÿ Rearing system: Intensive and semi for the Naked Neck Chicken also. like A, B2, D3, B12 and K to meet their intensive system. Moreover regular vaccination and needs. Provide some disinfectant to keep Ÿ Utility: Dual-purpose deworming schedule as that of desi them free from poultry diseases. Naked System of Rearing chicken can be followed for Naked Neck Neck chicken eats feed whole day. So, Naked neck chicken can be reared both chicken is necessary. The vaccination make sure the supply of feed during day under deep litter system and cage system. schedule for the chicks is mentioned time. Along with feed, fresh and clean Feeding below. The deworming of chicken to be water is very important. Naked Neck Ÿ For 0-6 weeks of age the bird need done for every month and periodic fecal chicken takes a lot of water every day. 22.00% protein and 2800 K cal examination should be done to avoid Make the water available all time to their metabolic energy. mortality due to internal parasites. cage. In winter season farmer should Ÿ Crude fiber should not more than 6 Regular debeaking is necessary at 45 days supply warm water. However, to be percent in feed of age if the chicken is maintained under successful the farmer must have to be s emi intensive system with over m o r e c a r e f u l i n f e e d a n d w a t e r Ÿ Generally native chicken feed can by population. Dipping should be carried management. fed to birds out with 1% of either cypermethrin or Ÿ During the first few days chicks should Ÿ Vitamin A, B2, D3, B12 and K is an deltamethrin to control lice infestation be fed in egg carton. extensive requirements to broiler whenever needed. Fencing and provision food. Ÿ 2.5 cm space is required per chick until of shelter during night hours should be they reach 1 week. Ÿ Potassium, Iodine, Manganese sulphate given to prevent predator menace. and Zinc carbonate should mixed well Ÿ Provide the feed four time a day. Conclusion separately and feed the chicken. Ÿ Provide fresh and clean water all time. Age of the chicken Vaccine name Route of Administration Ÿ A little amount of disinfectant should Ÿ Water pot should keep as much as Day old Marek's S/C mixed in food and this will keep the 5th day RDVK – F1 strain Eye / oral possible according to the number of IBD Intra nasal 14th day chick free from diseases chicken. Lasota Drinking water or S/C 28th day Fowl pox S/C 40th day Ÿ After 6th week the chicken can be Ÿ Naked neck chicken takes more water RDVK S/C 8th week RDVK Drinking water 16th week reared under mud floor or backyard in summer season. Lasota Drinking water 24th week with partial unconventional feed like Lasota Drinking water Above 24 weeks Breeder stock should be maintained with (2 months once) broken rice, dried brewery waste and commercial desi chicken breeder mash, chopped greens The diet of urban people is more likely to whereas the chicken reared for meat Housing of Naked Neck Chicken shift from carbohydrate to protein source purpose can be fed with unconventional due to increase in Diabetic health Breeding and egg production: A wel feed like brewery waste, oats waste, problem. Among the meat consumers house should be constructed in east-west moong dal, termite, broken rice, broken more preference is given for white and direction. Ventilation system must be well maize, etc. By feeding these lean meat rather than to red meat due to accompanied. The regular distance from unconventional feed we can able to increased incidence of heart attack. Since one house to another house should be reduce the cost of production of Naked the meat of Naked neck chicken is more 11-12 meters (35-40 feet). The house Neck Chicken reared for meat purpose. tastier than desi chicken the consumers' should be cleaned well before bringing Finely chopped Co4, Co5 fodder crops preference to naked neck chicken meat is the chick to the farm. The insects like lice, can be included in the diet of chicken higher. mosquito, mites and flies should run off reared for meat purpose. with blow lamp. Heating system of the space of chicks should observe well 48 Shanmuga sundaram.A, P.Tensingh Gnanaraj, A.Sundaresan, hours before the chick reaches the farm. T.Muthuramalingam, M.Arul Prakash, and T.Geetha The temperature of the house should be Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, maintained at 35°C. Space requirement Madhavaram Milk Colony, per chick is 7 sq inch. Always keep a TANUVAS, Chennai – 51 Ÿ


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



FACTORS AFFECTING EGG PRODUCTION Layer’s production cycle lasts just over a year (52-56 weeks). During the production cycle many factors influence egg production; therefore, the cycle must be managed effectively and efficiently in order to provide maximum output and profitability. The following factors influence egg production Breed: The breed of the laying bird influences egg production. Management and feeding practices, however, are the key determining features for egg production. Mortality rate: Mortality rate may rise due to disease, predation or high temperature. The mortality rate of small chicks (up to eight weeks of age) is about 4 percent; that of growers (between eight and 20 weeks of age) is about 15 percent; and that of layers (between 20 and 72 weeks of age) is about 12 percent. The average mortality rate of a flock is from 20 to 25 percent per year. Age: Birds typically begin producing eggs in their twentieth or twenty-first week and continue for slightly over a year. This is the best laying period and eggs tend to increase in size until the end of the egg production cycle. Body weight: Optimum body weight during the laying period should be around 1.5 kg, although this varies according to breed. Underweight as well as overweight birds lay eggs at a lower rate. Proper management and the correct amount of feed are necessary in order to achieve optimum body weight. Laying house: The laying house should be built according to local climatic conditions. A good house protects laying birds from direct sunlight, rain, excessive wind, heat and cold, as well as sudden changes in temperature and excessive dust. If the climate is hot and humid, for example, the use of an open house construction will enable ventilation.

In closed houses, where layers are not exposed to natural light, the length of the artificial day should be increased either in one step or in a number of steps until the artificial day reaches 16 to 17 hours, which will ensure constant and maximized egg production. Effective day length should never decrease during the laying period. Feed: Free-range hens will produce more meat and eggs with supplemental feed, but only if they are improved breeds or crossbreeds. The selection of local hens is done on the basis of resistance and other criteria rather than feed utilization for production.Fresh and clean water should always be provided, as a layer can consume up to one-quarter of a litre a day. Culling: Culling is the removal of undesirable (sick and/or unproductive) birds, from the flock. There are two methods of culling: Ÿ


Mass culling, when the entire flock is removed and replaced at the end of the laying cycle; and Selective culling, when the farmer removes individual unproductive or sick birds.

Culling enables a high level of egg production to be maintained, prevents feed waste on unproductive birds and may avert the spreading of diseases. Climate: The optimal laying temperature is between 11° and 26° C. A humidity level above 75 percent will cause a reduction in egg laying. The following table indicates the effect temperature on egg production. Temperature and its effects on egg production When the temperature rises above 28° C the production and quality of eggs decrease. Seasonal temperature increases

Temperature (°C) 11 - 26 26 - 28 28 - 32 32 - 35 25 - 40 40 and above

Effects Good production. Some reduction in feed intake. Feed consumption reduced and water intake increased; eggs of reduced size and thin shell. Slight panting. Heat prostration sets in, measures to cool the house must be taken. Mortality due to heat stress.

can reduce egg production by about 10 percent. Management factors: Effective and efficient management techniques are necessary to increase the productivity of the birds and consequently increase income. This entails not only proper housing and feeding, but also careful rearing and good treatment of the birds. Vaccination and disease control Diseases and parasites can cause losses in egg production. Some of the diseases are as follows Ÿ

Bacterial: tuberculosis, fowl typhoid


Viral: Newcastle, fowl plague


Fungal: aspergillosis


Protozoan: coccidiosis


Nutritional: rickets, perosis

Some of the parasites are Ÿ

External: lice, mites


Internal: roundworms, tapeworms

Vaccinations are administered to birds by injection, water intake, eye drops and spraying. Clean and hygienic living quarters and surroundings may eliminate up to 90 percent of all disease occurrences. Collection of eggs Frequent egg collection will prevent hens from brooding eggs or trying to eat them and will also prevent the eggs from becoming damaged or dirty.

Lighting schedule: Egg production is stimulated by daylight; therefore, as the days grow longer production increases. In open houses, found commonly in the tropics, artificial lighting may be used to Mr. G. K. Rathinam increase the laying period. When darkness Hatchery Specialist, Technical Consultant 5/2 I, Rajapurampudur, Kanakkanpatti P.O., falls artificial lighting can be introduced Palani Tk, Dindugul Dist, Tamilnadu, India. Pincode: 624613. Email: gkrathnam@gmail.com Mobile: +91 99947 71380 for two to three hours, which may increase egg production by 20 to 30 percent. 28

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



MICROCLIMATIC CONDITION IN POULTRY HOUSES The climate in poultry houses influences the wellbeing and health of humans as well as the birds. Respiratory, digestive and behavioural disorders are more likely to occur in houses in which the climatic conditions are not up to standard. The efficiency with which feed is utilised is related to the health status of the flock. Animals that are not healthy cannot be expected to perform optimally. The younger the animals are or the higher their production level, the more sensitive they become to the climatic conditions in the house. Climate can be defined as the sum of environmental factors which influence the functioning of man and animal. Climatic factors The following factors must be measured at animal level. Ÿ



Relative humidity




Airspeed and air movement



Temperature Layers are warm blooded (homoiothermic) i.e. within a certain range, their body temperature is quite constant. On average, the body temperature of birds is between 41oC and 42.2oC. Body temperature is kept quite constant and is regulated by part of the chicken brain (the hypophyge). This part of the brain is comparable to a thermostat. Contraction and widening of blood vessels and the speed of respiration influence heat emission and retention which consequently influence the body temperature. It takes some time before heat regulating mechanisms star t functioning in newborn animals and therefore they need a higher ambient temperature than adult animals do. Furthermore, the ratio between the surface area and weight of young animals is unfavour-able and they do not have any fat reserves.


Temperature zones


Changing body position and huddling – birds can effectively regulate heat loss through body position. Heat loss can be minimized by huddling close together. In hot weather, on the other hand, the birds increase their body surface as much as possible.


Va p o r i s a t i o n o f w a t e r – i f temperatures are high, or extremely high, sensible heat loss is minimized and almost all heat will have to be lost as insensible (latent) heat. Latent heat loss is the heat lost from the body through the elimination of respiratory moisture.


Flow of blood through skin and mucous membranes – the flow of blood to the skin and mucous membranes can be controlled through the contraction and widening of blood vessels. The larger the flow of blood is, the more heat is lost.

The comfort zone is defined as the temperature zone in which the birds are able to keep their body temperature constant with minimum effort. This temperature zone also depends on the feeding level and housing conditions. The thermoneutral zone is defined as the temperature zone in which the birds are able to keep their body temperature constant with the help of physical heat regulation . This temperature zone depends on feeding level and housing conditions of the birds and other factors. The lowest temperature in the thermoneutral zone is called the lowest critical temperature (LCT). If temperatures fall to under this temperature the bird will start to use feed energy to warm itself (i.e. maintain its body temperature) and will consequently consume more feed. The highest temperature in the thermoneutral zone is called the highest critical temperature (HCT). If the temperature rises above this temperature the birds can no longer dissipate their heat. They will start to consume less feed and production will drop as a result. Physical heat regulation When temperatures are not within the comfor t zone, birds have several mechanisms which enable them to keep their body temperature constant without having to produce extra heat. This is referred to as physical heat regulation and factors that influence physical heat regulation include: Ÿ

Tissue insulation - if birds have a layer of subcutaneous fat, they can afford to let their skin temperature drop. Only if the animals are fed properly can they deposit a subcutaneous fat layer when temperature decreases.


Feathers - feathers have an insulating effect and decrease the amount of heat that is lost to the environment.

Chemical heat regulation Another way in which poultry can regulate their body temperature is chemical heat regulation. When the ambient temperature is not within the thermo neutral zone the birds can: Increase feed intake when the temperature is below thermo neutral zone D e c r e a s e f e e d i n t a ke w h e n t h e temperature is above the thermo neutral zone. Recommended temperatures for layers and broilers The critical temperature for layers is 20oC. For every 1oC lower than 20oC, the birds require an extra 1.5 g of feed per day. The most efficient temperatures for layers are between 20 – 24oC. When temperatures rise above 24oC, shell quality and egg weight will reduce. The critical temperature for broilers and rearing birds is highly dependant on age. Recommended temperatures for broilers and rearing POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017

ARTICLE First day


32-34oC o

1st week decrease

30 C

2nd week decrease


3rd week decrease


4th week decrease


Relative Humidity The following concepts are used to measure the humidity of air in poultry houses: Absolute humidity grams of moisture present in 1 m3 of air. Maximum humidity maximum grams of moisture that can be present in 1 m3 of air at a given temperature. Relative humidity the relationship between the moisture content of the air and the maximum moisture content at the current air temperature expressed in percentages. Measuring humidity Relative humidity in poultr y houses is measured to determine whether respiratory disorders are due to too high or too low relative humidity. If the relative humidity is too high, condensation can accumulate in the house. This has a direct effect on the growth of micro-organisms.

Humidity is controlled by the intense heating or cooling of house air in response to the temperature outside the house. When outside temperatures are low, relative humidity in the house is low, which often results in dry dust circulating in the air within the house. If the relative humidity is too high, this may result in wet litter. The ideal relative humidity for poultry is 60-80%.

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) – H2S is released when organic matter (protein) in the manure decomposes. It has an offensive smell (rotten eggs) and is a very dangerous gas. When the manure is stirred or removed from the pit, the H2S is released into the air. Even low concentrations of hydrogen sulphide in the air can be

Air composition

fatal for humans and animals. This is

The most important components of air are nitrogen (N2, approximately 79%) and oxygen (O2, 20.3%). In addition to these main components there are several other gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O). Birds inhale O2 and exhale CO2 and H2O. True 'lack of oxygen' does not occur in poultry houses because animals can inhale sufficient oxygen even if the oxygen levels in the air are substantially lower than normal. What is called 'lack of oxygen' in practice is, in reality, often a combination of high CO2 concentration, high temperatures and high humidity.

why it is important to ventilate at

Harmful gasses in poultry houses are Ÿ

Measuring and controlling humidity There are several ways to measure the moisture content of the air in a poultry house, with the most common being the psychrometer dry/wet bulb or the mechanical hygrometer. Measuring the moisture content in the air may be useful, however there are higher relative costs involved in the measurement of the humidity compared to measurement of temperature alone. Due to this, the moisture content of air is not commonly measured.



Carbon dioxide (CO2) – The carbon dioxide in poultry houses largely originates from air exhaled by the birds. The CO2 content of the air is used to measure the effectiveness of ventilation. Ammonia (NH3) – Ammonia is a product of bacteriological processes in the manure. It is easily bound to water. Ammonia is lighter than air and thus it rises in the air. The ammonia content of the poultry house air depends on ventilation, temperature, relative humidity and stocking density. High ammonia concentrations irritate the mucous membranes.

maximum capacity while stirring or removing the manure. Ÿ

Carbon monoxide (CO) – Carbon monoxide is an odourless, very dangerous gas. It is the result of incomplete combustion due to a lack of oxygen (O2) in gas heaters (clean filters).


Sulphur dioxide (SO2) – Sulphur dioxide develops when oil is used as fuel. The cleaner the oil, the less SO2 is formed. The Maximum gas concentrations allowed in European poultry houses are in the table below.

Gas Standards for European poultry houses






<2500 ppm = 0.25 vol%


<25 ppm = 0,0025 VOL%

H 2S




Dr. Varun.A. ¹, Dr.Tamizhkumaran. J ²* 1 Ph.D Scholar, Department of Poultry Science Madras veterinary college, Vepery, Chennai 600 007. 2 Teaching Assistant, Department of Veterinary and A.H. Extension Education, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry- 605 009 *docjtk@gmail.com (corresponding author) 32

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017




About Jubilant Life Sciences Limited

g l o ba l P h a rm a c e u t i c a l a n d L i f e

Ingredients segment, is engaged in

Jubilant Life Sciences Limited is an

Specialty Intermediates, Nutritional

Sciences Company,has announced a

integrated global pharmaceutical and

Products and Life Science Chemicals

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Ingredients and Drug Discover y

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customers and wherever existing

Solutions. The Pharmaceuticals

house innovation & collaborative

contracts permit. This is further to the

segment, through its wholly owned

research and partnership for out-

price increase of up to 15% announced

subsidiary Jubilant Pharma Limited, is

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in December 2016.

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APIs, Solid Dosage Formulations,

Sciences Limited has a team of around

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leading pharmaceuticals and life sciences companies globally.


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



ZIMBABWE REPORTS H5N8 SMETHWICK POULTRY PLANT CLOSURE 'SAD', SAYS UNITE can confirm that the Smethwick site will BIRD FLU AT POULTRY close on 23 June which is very sad news FARM - OIE for the workforce, Through intensive



imbabwe has repor ted an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu at a commercial poultry farm in Mashonaland East province, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said on Friday, The virus was detected on a farm with 2 million birds in Lanark and killed 7,845 animals. Another 75,155 birds were culled, the Paris-based OIE said, citing a report from the Zimbabwe's livestock and veterinary services, The affected site is close to a small dam where there are a n u m b e r of d i f f e r e n t m i g r a t o r y water fowl, which are tentatively suspected to be (the) source of infection, the report said.


hicken prices in many parts of the country have started rising and are expected to soar by 25-30 per cent amid raging controversy over beef consumption in the country, industry body Assocham has said, Chicken prices in many parts of the country have started rising and are expected to soar by 25-30 per cent amid raging controversy over beef consumption in the country, industry body Assocham has said, Consumption of chicken is likely to go up by 35-40 per cent, it said, Poultry wholesale price index has also risen over 22 per cent while that of beef and buffalo meat has declined about three per cent between May 2014 and March 2017," as per the analysis by Assocham's Economic Research Bureau 34

he closure of the poultr y processing plant in Smethwick in the West Midlands on 23 June is 'very sad', Unite, the country largest union, said today (Monday, 5 June), The 2 Sisters Food Group said that the factory at Bevan Way, Alpha Business Park is 'ageing' which is the reason behind the closure, Unite's national officer for the food industry Julia Long said: "Unite

negotiations we have managed to save about 250 jobs which will be taken up by other 2 Sisters' sites in the West Midlands, Unfortunately, this still means that some 300 workers face redundancy, However, given the company's business case that this site was ageing and needed drastic modernisation to conform environmentally, we believe that this was the only achievable outcome, Unite always has the welfare of its members as the top priority and we are continuing to support them in the days and weeks ahead.


(AERB), Besides production of poultry meat, mainly chicken has been steadily growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 10-12 per cent, while its consumption has been clocking a CAGR of 15-18 per cent during the course of past few years, In contrast, between June 2013 and May 2014, there had been an increase in wholesale price levels of over 10 per cent in beef and buffalo meat while that of poultry chicken declined by about 9 per cent, Controversies related to beef and animal slaughter "have surely come as a blessing in disguise for poultry firms in states like Andhra Pradesh, Har yana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and other key

regions", an Assocham spokesman said releasing the findings of the chamber's a n a l y s i s , G o v e r n m e n t n e e d s to encourage poultry farmers to give them a level playing field against developed countries in terms of export/import market," the chamber suggested, India also provides a huge oppor tunity for foreign direct investment (FDI) in poultry especially in areas like breeding, medication, feedstock, vertical integration and processing, as such these areas should also be exploited," it recommended, Assocham conducted a quick survey of about 100 poultry shops in these states where majority of the respondents said that demand was picking up despite the onset of summer, Currently, there is about 15-20 per cent rise in prices which might go up to 25 per cent and beyond, more so owing to on-going Ramzan, it said, Most of the respondents said that though both poultry demand and prices usually drop during summer, it was not so this year due to beef controversy. POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017

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Daily/Monthly Egg Prices Declared by NECC and Prevailing Prices at Various Production Centres (PC) and Consumption Centre (CC)


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017





he Washington State Department of Health announced an ongoing Salmonella outbreak associated with live poultry, As of the latest update on this outbreak, 16 people in Washington (including two in King County) have been diagnosed with Salmonella, though the outbreak is affecting people nationwide, We sat down with Public Health Veterinarian Beth Lipton to learn more about this disease and how to prevent illness, Salmonella outbreaks linked to live poultry, especially baby poultry like chicks and ducklings, have been happening regularly but have increased in recent years as more people keep backyard flocks. In 2016, a record number of illnesses across the country were linked to contact with backyard baby poultry – 895 reported cases in 48 states, including 209 hospitalizations and 3 deaths. So far in 2017, there are 372 reported cases in 47

states, Salmonella is a common bacteria in the intestines of baby poultry. Baby poultry shed the bacteria in their droppings at a high frequency. While adult poultry may also carry Salmonella, they are less likely to shed the bacteria in their droppings and make people sick. You should always wash your hands after handling all poultry, or any animal for that matter, Chicks and other baby poultry that have Salmonella in their intestines often do not look or act sick. Because of this, it is really important that everyone who has contact with the birds take steps to prevent illness, I can’t overstate the importance of good handwashing. Wash with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds (sing “Happy Birthday” twice!), paying extra attention to finger tips, between fingers, the backs of hands, and the bases of thumbs. If warm w a t e r a n d s o a p i s n ’ t a va i l a b l e immediately after handling, start with hand sanitizer and follow up with a good wash later. Caregivers should help kids wash hands to make sure they do a thorough job. When handling poultry, don’t touch your face or mouth because you could accidentally ingest the bacteria,If you have long hair, it’s best to keep it tied back. Avoid eating and drinking when around live baby poultry and areas where they live and roam, Beyond that, don’t keep baby poultry in your home, and don’t wash

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their dishes, cages, or other supplies inside either. And, as you said, little chicks and ducklings are very cute, but don’t snuggle or kiss them, If you raise poultry at home, check out this guide from the CDCfor more prevention tips, If you develop diarrhea, fever, or abdominal cramps and have had recent contact with live poultry, you should call your health care provider. Let your provider know about your contact with poultry, For most people, the illness lasts 4-7 days and they recover without treatment, although certain people are more at risk for severe illness, such as children under the age of 5, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. It is recommended that people at risk for severe illness not handle or touch chicks or other baby poultry, Public Health does not regulate backyard chicken flocks or have knowledge of how many flocks and birds there are in King County. Public Health does permit and inspect poultry retailers in King County, and we require them to: provide educational material regarding the risk of Salmonella to customers purchasing live poultry, place educational posters where the birds are displayed, provide hand washing stations or hand sanitizer next to poultry display areas, and have a plan to guide effective sanitation and disease prevention measure.

In India’s most preferred poultry magazines

VOL. 19 | No. 06 | JUNE - 2017

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017





argill has acquired Colombianbased Pollos El Bucanero S.A. (Bucanero Chicken), one of Colombia's leading producers of chicken and processed meats products, The a c q u i s i t i o n m a r k s C a rg i l l 's fi r s t introduction of its global protein business into Colombia, The company works with more than 170 farms across

the country to deliver high-quality protein options to its customers, Jorge Ivan Duque will serve as general manager of Cargill's Pollos Bucanero business. He has spent the past 12 years working in the poultry sector in Central A m e r i c a a n d C o l o m b i a , Po l l o s Bucanero will operate as part of Cargill Protein Latin America, which includes businesses in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, Cargill is starting a new stage in Colombia, under the Bucanero brand, which is recognized and preferred by millions of customers across the country, said Mr Duque, Just like Cargill, this is a family business. We are confident that this will be a smooth integration and will lead to numerous benefits for our employees, customers and communities, We are

thrilled to expand our operations in Latin America by bringing our protein business to Colombia,said Xavier Vargas, president of Cargill Protein Latin America, As we enter this market, we bring the experience gained from w o r k i n g i n p ro te i n a c ro s s f o u r continents for more than 50 years,This global presence, and our extensive work in other regions of Latin America, provides us a wealth of expertise in quality standards and an under standing of cultural taste differences, We look for ward to delivering on the preferences of Colombian consumers and enriching their protein options, Bucanero has 5,000 employees, which will bring the number that Cargill employs in Latin



he two-week event based at the Cobb global headquarters at Siloam Springs, Arkansas, provided the opportunity to learn about the latest developments of chicken breeding from grandparent stock production to processing optimization along with current aspects of animal welfare, research, health and nutrition, Eight outside visits, hands-on training sessions and 30 speakers featured in the Cobb World Technical School for 50 participants from 24 countries, I appreciate that our distributors around the world greatly value places in the technical school for their employees, and we aim to develop a program that combines the more basic skills and knowledge with topical issues facing the chicken industry,” said Joel Sappenfield, president of Cobb. “I was greatly impressed by the enthusiasm of the participants and by the feedback on how much they had enjoyed and learned from the event, Dr Steve Bolden, director of the Cobb World Technical Support Team, commented:This year's class was a particularly eager group, as demonstrated by their array of great questions and energetic participation in every topic, The students benefited from seeing and hearing the ver y latest in all disciplines including antibiotic free production and a strong briefing on muscle myopathies. Aside from the academic excellence of the school, lasting friendships were established among the attendees outside of the presentations, The visits took in the Cobb feed mill at Siloam Springs, parent stock and broiler farms, a hatchery, processing plant, ventilation demonstration, transportation display and the Tyson Foods Discovery Centre where new food products are researched and developed, Cobb-Vantress, Inc. is a poultry research and development company engaged in the production improvement and sale of broiler breeding stock. Cobb is the world's oldest pedigree broiler breeding company. Founded in 1916, Cobb has grown into one of the world's leading suppliers of broiler breeding stock with distribution into over 120 countries. Cobb has contributed to the dynamic efficiency and growth of an industry that has transformed chicken into an economically affordable healthy protein source for many of the over seven billion people in the world. 38

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017





eflecting continued slow decline of H7N9 avian flu cases in China, eight new illnesses were reported this week, as research teams from the country published new studies that provide an early glimpse of the epidemiology and clinical features of the highly pathogenic variant that recently emerged in poultry and is also infecting people, The eight latest H7N9 cases from China noted last week (2 June) in a regular update from Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) are down slightly from nine cases reported last week. Among the new batch of illnesses, six patients had known exposure to poultry, poultry markets, or mobile stalls. No deaths were reported, All of the sick people are adults with illness onsets ranging from 12 May to 29 May, and five are men, The patients are from seven different provinces that make up a broad geographic area, which with lateseason northward spread has been a unique feature of China's fifth and biggest wave of H7N9 activity, which began in October and is still under way. Affected provinces are Shandong, Anhui, Guangxi, Hebei, Hubei, Shaanxi, and Sichuan, The CHP said the new case-patient reported from Shaanxi province, located in northern China, w a s p ro ba b l y i n f e c te d i n I n n e r Mongolia province, which a few days ago announced its first-ever local H7N9 case and had recently reported its first outbreaks in live-market poultry, In its fifth wave, China has now reported at least 722 H7N9 cases, at least 205 of 39

them fatal. The second-largest wave, in 2013-14, saw 319 reported cases, Two early-release studies published in Emerging Infectious Diseases last Thursday shed more light on the new highly pathogenic strain infecting poultry, which has also been detected in some patients, raising questions about whether the illness pattern for people is different from what China has seen with the low-pathogenic version of H7N9 avian flu, Last month, Chinese researchers repor ted that highly pathogenic H7N9 has a slightly increased binding preference for human airway receptors compared with the low-pathogenic form, In one of the new studies, researchers from China and their counterparts at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examined eight casepatients from three provinces in southern China (Guangdong, Hunan, and Guangxi) who had highly pathogenic H7N9 infections and compared the clinical and epidemiologic findings with patterns seen for low-pathogenic H7N9, According to their preliminary findings, infection with highly pathogenic H7N9 was associated with exposure to sick and dead poultry in rural areas. Those patients were hospitalized earlier than those infected with low-pathogenic H7N9, but otherwise showed similar patterns and disease severity, The researchers said the low number of highly pathogenic H7N9 cases limited their power to detect differences between the two patient groups. They said their findings might suggest more rapid disease progression and greater severity, because they saw higher mortality and shorter intervals between illness onset and death for those who were sick with the highly pathogenic virus, but the differences weren't statistically significant, In the second report, a team from China described the clinical course and genetic findings in a

56-year-old Guangdong province man who died from a highly pathogenic H7N9 virus that showed a marker for resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors (NIs), the antiviral drugs commonly used to treat influenza, The man, who had underlying medical conditions, got sick in early January. Before he became ill, he noticed that some of his backyard chickens were sick and dying. Some of the birds were slaughtered, cooked, and eaten by the man and his family, Four days after symptoms began, the man was hospitalized with pneumonia and given the NI oseltamivir (Tamiflu) because of the contact he had with poultry. His condition deteriorated, and he was placed on a ventilator and given peramivir, another NI, in the intensive care unit, where he died a few weeks later, Phylogenetic analysis of an H7N9 isolated collected on day 6 of his illness, 2 days after oseltamivir treatment began, revealed a hemagglutinin marker that suggested the virus might be highly pathogenic in poultry and was similar to mutations seen in recent human cases in Taiwan and Guangdong province, The researchers said viruses from two other patients with the highly pathogenic H7N9 mutation also had the resistance marker, and all three patients probably acquired it after oseltamivir treatment began. They a d d e d t h a t t h e m u t a t i o n l i ke l y contributed to the treatment failure, Other factors may have contributed to the man's poor outcome, the group wrote, including his underlying conditions as well as a heart attack and secondary infections from antibioticresistant bacteria while hospitalized, The authors concluded that so far the clinical features don't appear different from those of earlier infections with lowpathogenic H7N9, and no evidence was seen of systemic infection. They added, however, that heightened surveillance is needed to determine the extent of the two mutations. POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017





he assured safety of chicken and other food products is of vital concern for Americans, especially the e l d e r l y, c h i l d r e n , p e o p l e w i t h suppressed immune systems, and others vulnerable to foodborne illness, To provide assurance, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) or its US Department of Agriculture antecedents have been regulating food safety in meat since before 1900. Amid mounting food safety concerns, FSIS promulgated the Pathogen Reduction and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (PR/HACCP) rule in 1996. For chicken-related salmonellosis illnesses, these provisions had a substantial shor t-term impact, reducing annual instances in the United States by 190,000 from 1996 to 2000, but with little further effect (Williams and Ebel, 2000), Notwithstanding the large effect of the PR/HACCP rule, Painter et al. (2013) estimated that from 1998 to 2008, 650,000 people became ill each year from poultry contaminated with Salmonella and other bacteria. Food safety exper ts have long recognized that many consumers contract a foodborne illness because they cannot directly observe the food safety of the products they buy. Some sophisticated institutional buyers undertook their own Salmonella or other testing programmes to measure food safety, but many other buyers that did not test their produce had no direct knowledge of the safety of the products they purchased. This began to change in 2003 when FSIS announced its 40

intention to update regulations and raised the possibility of making results for Salmonella testing for individual establishments publicly available, Information about Salmonella levels of the products sold by their suppliers would give institutional buyer s information that would enable them to take food safety into account in their p u rc h a s i n g d e c i s i o n s . FS I S h a d promulgated a standard for the number of samples in a test that could be positive for non-typhoidal Salmonella (hereafter referred to as Salmonella) for livestock and poultry carcasses and ground meat and poultry under the PR/HACCP rule. FSIS began testing at establishments in 1996 and publishing industry-level data on the results of such tests, but without identifying the performance of individual establishments, Over the 8 years following 2003, FSIS (1) in 2006 adopted an easy-to-understand metric for rating an establishment's performance on Salmonella tests and informed the industry that regulatory changes were forthcoming; (2) from 2008 to 2010 disclosed the identities of establishments with mediocre or poor performance on Salmonella tests on the agency's website; and (3) in 2011 established a new Salmonella standard for chicken carcasses that was less than half the 2005 level, This ERS report examines the impact of the regulatory changes in the levels of Salmonella on young chicken carcasses from FSIS tests. ERS researchers reasoned that if food safety is important to institutional buyers and performance on Salmonella testing is a measure of food safety, then chicken slaughter establishments would have an incentive to improve performance if test results were made public. The availability of more information to the public, starting in 2006, should lead to a reduction in Salmonella levels, ERS deďŹ nes poor performance as failing to stay within

the FSIS standard's percentage of samples allowed to test positive for Salmonella. Good performance equals a Salmonella share of less than half the FSIS standard; mediocre performance means the establishment meets the FSIS standard but does not outperform it, Chicken slaughter establishments identiďŹ ed as having poor or mediocre performance on Salmonella tests in 1 year were almost certain to improve their performance the following year. The odds of an establishment with mediocre per formance showing improvement were about 7 to 1 For those with poor performance, the odds were much higher at 49 to 1,The adoption of an easily interpreted numerical rating of performance on Salmonella tests, with subsequent disclosure of test results to the public, was followed by a sharp drop in Salmonella levels on young chicken carcasses. ERS results show that the percentage of samples testing positive for Salmonella declined by about 30 per cent over 2006-08, The decline of young chicken samples testing positive for Salmonella of about 60 per cent over 2006-10 enabled FSIS to reduce the standard for the number of samples testing positive for Salmonella by about half, The Internet appears to be an effective communication tool through which market forces,set in motion by better information about the food safety performance of slaughter establishments,can discipline establishments that perform poorly on Salmonella tests.The result is a level of food safety determined more by market demand and less by direct regulation, The key data required to conduct this analysis were Salmonella test results from FSIS.The agency also provided administrative data and Dun & Bradstreet information on the characteristics of slaughter establishments for 2000-14. many factors could be responsible for POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017



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In India’s most preferred poultry magazines

VOL. 19 | No. 06 | JUNE - 2017

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017




(Life Time Period 10 Years)

Ingredients 400 gm boneless chicken breast 3 tablespoon thick curd 2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup coriander leaves 1 cup mint leaves 1/2 cup methi leaves (fenugreek) chopped 1/2 cup spinach leaves, chopped 1-1/2 inch ginger piece 6-8 cloves garlic 4-5 green chilies thinly chopped 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder 2 teaspoon coriander powder 1-1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder 1 teaspoon butter 2 tablespoon cooking oil Salt to taste Bamboo skewer stick/sathe sticks to grill Directions 1. Wash the chicken breast and cut into medium size chunks. Apply salt, butter, lemon juice and red chilli powder on the chicken pieces and keep aside for 10-15 minutes. 2. In the meantime, chop the methi leaves thinly, boil in little amount of water and drain aside. Combine the boiled methi, spinach, coriander-mint leaves, ginger, garlic and green chilies. Grind into a smooth paste. 3. Now add curd and spices in ground paste of leaves and coat the chicken pieces very well in it. Cover the marinated chicken and keep it aside at least for 20 minutes, so that chicken gets the aroma and flavors of green paste and spices. 4. Soak the wooden skewers in normal water for about 4-5 minutes. Apply some oil on the skewers and arrange the pieces of chicken onto the skewers. Spread some more oil on top of the chicken pieces. 5. Preheat the oven at degrees 350F for 5 minutes and place the skewers in the oven. Leave to grill for about 15-18 minutes. 6. Keep checking and turn the skewer sticks to cook evenly from all the sides. Grill till the kabab is well done. Remove the kabab from the skewers and arrange on the serving plate. Serve hot with lemon wedges, cabbage kachumber and spicy green chutney. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.06 | JUNE - 2017

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