Poultry Planner - Oct. 2017

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VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017




PROLOG delivers.... Ÿ Lowers feed conversion rate

Ÿ Better body weight gain Ÿ Increased egg production and improve egg quality Ÿ Improve fertility and hatchability in breeders Ÿ Lowers ammonia in poultry houses Ÿ Decrease egg shell contamination by reducing pathogenic bacteria in faeces Globion India Pvt. Ltd. Corporate office: 2nd Floor, Vasavi Gold Stone, Survey No. 25, Near Military Football Ground, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad-500 015, Telangana , India Phone: +91-40-2799 0397 / 98 Fax: +91-40-2799 0399 Email: technoforum@globionindia.com Website: www.globionindia.com Factory: D. No.4-3, Survey No. 321, Biotech Park Phase III, Karakapatla Village, Markook Mandal, Siddipet District- 502281, Telangana, India


Ÿ Lowers digestive disturbances

From the Editor’s Desk Feed Additives Comman feed additives used in poultry diets include antimicrobials ,antioxidants, emulsifiers, binders ,PH control agents and enzymes. within each one of these classes of additives there can be dozens of specific additives manufactured and distributed by a wide variety of companies. Again all ingredients and additives must be noted on the label and their use and inclusion levels meet the standards as defined by low. Growth promoting hormones are not used in the poultry industry the efficient growth and egg productivity of commercial poultry has been achieved over the last 50 years through traditional animal breeding techniques and improved nutrition and management practices. Antimicrobials have been used extensively in intensive poultry operations to minimize disease and improve growth and feed utilization however the industry is currently evaluating alternatives to chemical therapeutics, it should be pointed out that antimicrobial practices do not extend to production of commercials eggs ( should a need for antimicrobials arise all eggs laid during the treatment and withdrawal periods cannot be sold)and the meat industry must adhere to stringent guidelines with regard to drug withdrawal periods before marketing. Commercials enzymes are also produced that significantly reduce the negative effects of phytates, phytates are plant storage source of phosphorus that also bind other minerals, amino acids ( protein) and energy and reduce their availability to the birds. Ongoing research will develop enzymes that are more effective in maintaining function under a wider range of processing and digestive conditions new enzymes may include those capable of reducing toxins produced during feed spoilage ( should growth in grains) and facilitating digestion of carbohydrates currently not available to simple-stomached animals (poultry, pigs, humans) such as cellulose, lignin and chitin.

OUR TEAM Vishal Rai Gupta Managing Director vishal@pixie.co.in Bhavana Gupta Editor in Chief N.K. Gupta General Manager pcslkarnal@gmail.com

M : 999 170 5005

Probiotics are defined as live mono or mixed culture of microorganisms which are nonpathogenic, resistan to gastric and bile acide and when ingested can beneficially affect the host animals by improving the characteristics of intestinal microbiota.

Aparna Mehmi Marketing Manager Poultry.pcsl@gmail.com M : 999 170 5007

Prebiotics are defined as indigestible food ingredients which stimulate the growth or activity of a selected number of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of host animal. When enter the gut,prebiotics serve as a substrate for the endogenous beneficial bacterial thus can promote competitive excluse of pathogenic microbes and selective colonization by beneficial microbes. Among the known prebiotics,mannan-oligosaccharide(MOS)fructoligosaccharide(FOS) and galacto-oligosaccharide(GOS) have extensively been tested in poultry

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M.VSc., PGDEP., Ph.D.

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(Ph.D in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education)

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Mr. Rakesh Kumar Poultry Consultant










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Advanced Bio Agro Tech Ltd


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Globion India Pvt. Ltd.




Indian Herbs Spec. Pvt. Ltd.


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Karamsar Poultry Appliances


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Natural Herbs, Dehradun


Promois International


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Ventri Biologicals




Zoetis India Ltd.


Zydus Animal Health




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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



FACTORS AFFECTING CHICK QUALITY embryo survival after storage. Exposing newly laid eggs to prolonged high temperatures before storage causes continued development past this preferred stage. Egg storage

What are the characteristics of high quality chicks When removed from the hatcher the chick should be clean(Free from adhering dried yolk , shell and membrane), Dry with a completely sealed navel, no deformities(Straight feet and legs with no lesions or swellings), and alert. Let's review the management practices that influence hatchability and chick quality. Quality of hatching eggs Size, shape, colour, and integrity of the shell are influenced by nutrition, genetics, age of flock, and house temperature. Shell contamination is affected by house environmental management (temperature, relative humidity, ventilation and drinker height and flow rate) and the frequency of egg collection. Embryo development and time of collection Stage of embryo development at the time the egg is laid differs by genetic strain in cell division rates. The embryos in the more advanced stages (gastrulation) prior to being laid by the hen withstand storage better or more successfully restart development when placed in the incubator. Egg cooling stops embryo development. House temperature and collection frequency impacts time needed to cool the eggs. Gastrulation stage is preferred for good 10

Carbon dioxide level in the albumen is inversely related to albumen pH and is influenced by storage time. Carbon dioxide level is high when an egg is laid and decreases with time causing the pH of the albumen to increase. Eggs stored less than 4 hours have too low a pH decreasing hatchability. Too high a pH impedes the initiation of embryo development once eggs are placed in the incubator. The higher the storage temperature the faster albumen pH will increase. Each day of egg storage increases incubation time by 1 hour. Short-term (5 days or less) egg storage temperature should be 18 - 20 C & R. H. 70.0 – 75.0%. For long-term storage, lower the temperature to 12-16 F and R. H. 80.0%, which is thought to reduce the amount of disproportionate embr yo development. Note the interaction of stage of embryo development at the time of lay with storage length and temperature. Incubation temperature For optimum hatchability a consistent setter temperature between 99.5 to 100 F is necessary and influenced by machine size, incubator type (single or multi-stage), design, tray position, ventilation rate and space between eggs. Temperature fluctuations during incubation should be kept to 0.2 - 0.5 F. The challenge during this phase is to prevent variations within the machine that would result in advancement or delay in embryo development. Depending on breed and stage of developmental variations might not be

propor tional causing reduced hatchability and chick quality and performance problems. Incubation carbon dioxide concentration In multistage incubators carbon dioxide concentration of 0.1 to 0.4% is optimal while an acceptable range for the hatcher is 0.5 to 0.8%. Be advised that there is a general lack of information in this area, but hatchery personnel should generally seek to control carbon dioxide concentrations through ventilation rates so as not to negatively impact embryo liveability. Spread of hatch time Hatchability will decreased artificially in an industrial setting anytime the h a tc h i n g p ro c e s s i s d e l a ye d o r prolonged, because the production schedule dictates when chicks are removed and processed the hatchers. All late hatching chicks are not included in the percentage hatchability, and obviously this low hatch number decreases flock performance. The difference in time between the first and last eggs that hatch is influenced by the uniformity of breeder hen weight (directly related to variation in egg size/weight), flock age, storage time and conditions, and variation in incubator conditions. Adelay in feed and water consumption by early hatching chicks causes a delay in yolk sac utilization, stunting of GI tract development, delay in maturation of the enzyme systems that control metabolism and delay in development of the immune system. Delaying placement of chicks after hatch causes a delay in feed and water consumption and is especially detrimental to chicks from small eggs as they have less residual yolk. Continue page on...18

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



BIOSECURITY FOR BACKYARD POULTRY IN INDIGENOUS CONDITION Biosecurity has multiple meanings and is defined differently according to various disciplines. It can be executed in areas as large as a nation or as small as a local farm. But here it is related to protection of birds from infectious organisms such as viruses and bacteria. In real sense biosecurity is a set of preventive measures designed to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases among the poultry flocks from the outside source. It is a comprehensive approach, encompassing different means of prevention and containment. It not only aims the protection of flock from infectious agents but also against noninfectious agents such as toxins or pollutants. In our country generally villagers raise poultry to meet household food demands and as additional sources of incomes. But backyard production methods imply low biosecurity measures and high risk of infectious diseases as biosecurity implementation requires awareness, resources and the perception of higher risk and loss of profit. Unfortunately, as these conditions are not met, there is insufficient interest among rural people in the need to protect backyard poultry. Now it’s high time to make people aware that biosecurity is an indispensable tool to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases and to make their poultry flock healthy. Biosecurity is the most cost effective disease prevention means available. Biosecurity has three major components 1.



Traffic Control



Realistically, it is difficult to perform all of these steps, but the more we do, the more protected our birds will be. How to practice Biosecurity Ÿ

Quarantine all incoming birds for minimum of three weeks


Isolate sick birds: and if necessary cull them



Dispose of dead birds properly


Do not co-mingle species (birds of different species or age should never be mixed, due to the varying immune abilities of different breeds and ages )


Wash hands after handling birds


Don’t share equipment (Ideal) or make sure completely cleaned and sanitized


Disinfect feeders and waterers regularly.


Keep the poultr y house and its surroundings clean, control the rodent population.


Disease free, improved strain, dual purpose poultry birds should be procured for back yard poultr y farming.


Clean drinking water and fungus free feed should be supplied to the birds. FAO considers food and water management as a biosecurity hazard to backyard poultry.


Overcrowding should be avoided.


Alternate sources of high protein content like grasshoppers, earthworms, termites and algae like spirulina, azolla can be fed for tolerance to combat viral diseases.


Before procuring new flocks the shed should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.


During summer and winter months the shed should be protected from hot or cold wind

measures need to be adopted for better production. Generally backyard production methods imply low biosecurity measures which may pose high risk for infectious diseases. Implementation of basic biosecurity measures in villages to safeguard poultry is not seen as a priority and each backyard poultry keeper will approach biosecurity differently based on personal risk tolerance, but if a farmer adopts some important basic and desired biosecurity measures it will not only limit the potential health threats to a flock but will also boost up the production, thus improving the economic and protein status of farmer. One should remember that biosecurity is an indispensable tool to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. Know your chickens For recognition of warning signs try to spend time with them, so you will easily identify sick ones. Recognize unusual behavior in order to treat and prevent the spread of disease within the flock. Unusual behavior includes a lack of energy, poor appetite, watery/green diarrhea, sneezing, gasping for air, coughing, nasal discharge, discoloration of the wattle/ comb/ hocks, swelling of the neck/ head/ eyes, drooping wings, tremors, and twisting of the neck or head. If you suspect that the chickens are sick, contact veterinarian, the state diagnostic lab, or a qualified expert. Get a diagnosis, if possible, before going to the store to buy a treatment that may or may not be effective.

Although Backyard poultry production is an age old practice in rural India. Most of t h e ba c k y a rd p o u l t r y p ro d u c t i o n comprises rearing of indigenous birds with poor production performances. However, the backyard poultr y status can be Dr. Rohini Sharma improved with introduction Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural of new varieties of chicken Sciences and Technology, R.S. Pura, Jammu (J&K). Family Quarters, 6/C District Police Lines that promises a better meat Gandhi Nagar Jammu, 180004, (J&K). and egg production but also disease protection

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



ULTRA-MODERNPROCESSING TECHNIQUES OF POULTRY Introduction Poultry is the main source of consuming animal protein. The standard sets out a number of food safety requirements for the primar y modern production andprocessing of poultry, and poultry carcasses and poultry meat for human consumption. Atthe primar y production stage, businesses that produce poultry must implement measures tocontrol the food safety hazards and must be able to trace their products. Hence there are lots of hygienic standards to be undertaken for ultra-modern processing of poultry meat and its products. Impor tance of ventilation in a poultry shed All living things give off heat, and within certain limits, give off more total heat as the temperature falls and less total heat as the temperature rises. This is generally at a balance of about 23°C for poultry. With fully grown poultry, any temperature above this will start to cause distress. Excessive temperatures can potentially be fatal for bird stock.Maximum ventilation requirements are calculated to maintain an internal temperature at no more than 2.5°C above external temperatures. The ideal relative humidity for poultry is 60-80%. Table1. Recommended temperatures for broilers and rearing

crate dimensions are 8 inches wide, 12 inches deep, and 10 inches tall per bird. Cages or crates should be well ventilated and of sufficient height to allow the bird to stand. Cages or crates should have rigid floors and be designed in order to prevent any part of the bird from protruding during travel. Sharp edges, hinges or latches should not project into the cage. Locking mechanisms, to prevent the birds from escaping during transportation, should be fitted. The means of transport used must be designed, constructed, maintained and operated so as to avoid injury and suffering, and ensure the safety of the birds. This includes requirements for cleaning and disinfecting, and the provision of adequate lighting. The floor surfaces of containers must be strong enough for the weight of the birds, and should provide sufficient grip for stability during transport. Feed and water supply For poultry, suitable food and water s h a l l b e a va i l a b l e i n a d e q u a t e quantities, except in the case of a journey lasting less than: (a) 12 hours disregarding loading and unloading time; or (b) 24 hours for chicks of all species, provided the journey is completed within 72 hours after hatching. Space allowances: Sufficient floor space must be provided for poultr y appropriate to the intended journey and in compliance with the minimum floor areas as detailed in table: Table2: Densities applicable to the transport of poultry in containers. Minimum floor area to be provided

Transportation Sick, injured or weak birds should not be transported. Poultry fit for transport should be carefully loaded into clean cages or crates. The minimum cage and 14

Impor tance of pre-slaughter handling When the birds have reached “harvest” time, they are generally taken off of feed and water. This allows their digestive tracts to empty and reduces the potential for contamination during processing.At night the birds are caught by specially trained crews and placed into plastic or wooden transport cages. The birds are then transported to the slaughterhouse, where the trucks are often kept between sets of fans to ventilate the cages. In the next step the birds are removed from the cages and transferred to continuously moving shackles where they are suspended by both legs. The transfer is often done in a dark room illuminated by a red light; the birds are not sensitive to the red light and this helps to keep them calm.The handling and transfer of birds both on the farm and at the slaughterhouse can be stressful. Stress can have negative effects on the quality of the final meat product, and therefore efforts are constantly being made to improve the preslaughter processes. Protocols and efficient method of slaughtering in poultry industry Stunning and killing After the birds have been transferred to the moving shackles, they are usually stunned by running their heads through a water bath that conducts an electric current. Stunning produces unconsciousness, but it does not kill the birds. A low voltage electric stunning of 50 volts AC for 1 m has been found to be satisfactory. The birds are killed either by hand or by a mechanical rotary knife that cuts the jugular veins and the carotid arteries at the neck. Any birds not killed by the machine are quickly killed by a person with a knife assigned to the bleed area. BleedingThis process is carried out in an inverted cone shaped equipment to

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

ARTICLE rest the body of the bird and keep the head out and down. There are several techniques of slaughtering poultry in order to seek proper bleeding. The technique most commonly used these days is “modified Kosher Method” in which jugular vein is severed just below the jowl taking care not to cut trachea and oesophagus. Another technique for slaughtering the birds is decapitation which is not so common. Still another method which involves piercing knife through the brain has become obsolete. In general, a bleeding retards the keeping quality of d re s s e d c h i c ke n . T h e b i rd s a re permitted to bleed for a fixed amount of time, depending on size and species (e.g., 1 1/2 minutes for broilers). Any bird that is not properly bled will be noticeably redder after feather removal and will be condemned. Scalding Following bleeding, the birds go through scalding tanks. These tanks contain hot water that softens the skin so that the feathers can be removed. The temperature of the water is carefully controlled.Broiler and young birds are scalded at 55ºC for 1.5 minutes whereas culled birds and spent hens are scalded at 60ºC for 2 minutes. If retention of the yellow skin colour is desired, a soft-scald is used (about 50 °C, or 122 °F). If a white bird is desired, a higher scald temperature is used, resulting in the removal of the yellow pellicle. Turkeys and spent hens (egglaying birds that have finished their laying cycles) are generally run at higher temperatures—59 to 60 °C (138 to 140 °F). Defeathering The carcasses then go through the feather-picking machines, which are equipped with rubber “fingers” specifically designed to beat off the feathers. The carcasses are m o v e d t h r o u g h a s e q u e n c e of machines, each optimized for removing different sets of feathers. At this point 16


the carcasses are usually singed by passing through a flame that burns off any remaining feathers. An extra process, called wax dipping, is often used for waterfowl, since their feathers are more difficult to remove. Following the mechanical feather picking, the carcasses are dipped in a melted, dark-coloured wax. The wax is allowed to harden and then is peeled away, pulling out the feathers at the same time. The wax is reheated and the feathers are filtered out so that the wax can be reused. This process is usually per formed twice.The blood and feathers accumulated during these early steps are generally collected and rendered to make blood meal and

feather meal. The feathers from ducks and geese are often carefully collected and used for down production. Singeing The carcasses are now singed over a blue flame for 5 to 10seconds to remove hair like appendages called filo plumes. Washing The singed carcasses are washed with spray water to removedirt and reduce the microbial load. Removal of heads and legs The heads of the birds go into a channel where they are pulled off mechanically; the legs of the birds are removed with a rotary knife (much like a meat slicer) either at the hock or slightly below it, depending on national custom. The

carcasses drop off the shackle and are re h u n g b y t h e i r h o c k o n to t h e eviscerating shackle line. By law in the United States, the scalding and defeathering steps must be separated by a wall from the evisceration steps in order to minimize cross-contamination. Evisceration and inspection At this point the preen, or oil, gland is removed from the tail and the vent is opened so that theviscera (internal organs) can be removed. Evisceration can be done either by hand (with knives) or by using complex, fully a u to m a te d m e c h a n i c a l d e v i c e s . Automated evisceration lines can operate at a rate of about 70 birds per minute. The equipment is cleaned (with re l a t i ve l y h i g h l e ve l s of chlorine) after each bird.The carcasses are generally inspected during the evisceration process. The inspectionprocedures in the poultry industry vary around the world and may be performed by government inspectors, veterinarians, or plant personnel, depending on a countr y’s laws. For example, in the United States the viscera are removed and placed on the side of the bird. Inspectors from theU.S. Department of Agriculture then examine the entire bird. The plant provides each inspector with an assistant who carries out any adjustments required by the inspector (e.g., removing the entire bird or removing some part of the bird). The rejected parts are placed in a container marked “inedibles,” and the contents are generally dyed (often a bluepurple), under supervision of the inspector, in order to prevent possible mixing with edible parts. Following inspection, the carcasses are fur ther cleaned. The viscera are separated from the carcasses, and the edible offal are removed from the inedible offal. The heart, stomach, and

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



liver are all considered edible offal and are independently processed. Stomachs are generally cut open and the inside yellow lining of the stomach along with the stomach contents are removed. The lungs and kidneys are removed separately from the other visceral organs using a vacuum pipe. A final inspection is often carried out at this point, and the carcasses are then washed thoroughly. Chilling After the carcasses have been washed, they are chilled to a temperature below 4 °C (40 °F). The two main methods for chilling poultry are water chilling and air chilling. Water chilling is used throughout North America and involves a prechilling step in which a countercurrent flow of cold water is used to lower the temperature of the carcasses. The carcasses are then moved into a chiller-a large tank specifically designed to move the carcasses through in a specific amount of time.Two tanks are used to minimize cross-contamination.A specified overflow of water for each tank is required by law in the United States and Canada. Although this renders the chilling process very water-intensive, it helps to minimize bacterial crosscontamination by diluting the microorganisms washed off the carcasses, thereby preventing

Contd of... Page 10

Air chilling Air chilling is the standard in Europe. The carcasses are hung by shackles and moved through coolers with rapidly moving air. The process is less energyefficient than water chilling, and the birds lose weight because of dehydration. Air chilling prevents crosscontamination between birds. However, if a single bird contains a high number of pathogens, this pathogen count will remain on the bird. Thus, water chilling may actually result in a lower overall bacterial load, because many of the pathogens are discarded in the water.

the final chilling. For water-chilled carcasses this final chilling takes place after packaging, when the carcasses are placed in an air chiller. Washing and grading Dressed birds are thoroughly washed again with clean spray water preferably maintained at 15±5ºC. Special care should be taken to wash the interior and sides.Dressed chickens are graded on the basis of conformation, degree of fleshing, bruises, cuts and other quality attributes. Packaging and storage Before packaging, dressed chickens having gizzard without mucosal layer, heart without pericardium and liver without gall bladder are placed in the abdominal cavity of the carcass and packed in polyethylene bags (200 gauge). Shrink packaging may be adopted if dressed chickens are to be stored in a frozen condition. Dressed chicken can be stored in a refrigerator at 2ºC for 7 daysand deep freezer at -18 to -20º C for a period of 46 months.

The final temperature of the carcasses before shipment is usually about −2 to −1 °C (28 to 30 °F), just above the freezing point for poultry. In Deepandita Barman¹**, Kotresh Prasad², some cases, a Rebeka Sinha³ and Prajwalita Pathak⁴ Ph.D. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, slight crusting Karnal, Haryana-132001, India on the surface Email-saleemyousuf57155@gmail.com occurs during


This summary outlines the interactions between fertile eggs (size, storage time and conditions, etc.) and incubation conditions (temperature, humidity, ventilation rate and carbon dioxide), suggesting complex relationships that are intra-independent To achieve the best chick quality, variation in egg source, storage length and conditions, and incubation conditions must be minimized. In situations where the hatch process 18

recontamination.Water chilling leads to an increase in poultry weight, and the amount of water gained is carefully regulated. In the United States the legal limits for water pickup are 8 percent for birds going directly to market and 12 percent for birds that will be further processed (the assumption is that they will lose the extra 4 percent by the time they reach the consumer).

is prolonged, adding incubation time must be evaluated on the basis of how many chicks are lost as pips verses the damage to the chicks that have already hatched (chick quality and broiler performance loses).

Mr. G. K. Rathinam Hatchery Specialist, Technical Consultant 5/2 I, Rajapurampudur, Kanakkanpatti P.O., Palani Tk, Dindugul Dist, Tamilnadu, India. Pincode: 624613. Email: gkrathnam@gmail.com Mobile: +91 99947 71380

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



USES AND MANAGEMENT OF POULTRY LITTER poultry litter is applied under soil and climatic conditions that do not favour agronomic utilization of the manureborne nutrients.

Introduction Good litter is a basic principle of a wellmanaged poultry farm, indicating less ammonia, a better environment and healthier birds. The poultry industry is one of the largest and fastest growing agro-based industries in the world. This can be attributed to an increasing demand for poultry meat and egg products. However, a major problem facing the poultry industry is the largescale accumulation of wastes including manure and litter which may cause disposal and pollution problems unless environmentally and economically sustainable management technologies are evolved. Poultry litter is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and material used as bedding in poultry operations. There are specific practices that must be followed to properly maintain the litter and maximize the health and productivity of the flocks raised on it. Many factors must be considered in successful litter management including time of the year, depth of the litter, floor space per bird, feeding practices, disease, the kind of floor, ventilation, watering devices, litter amendments, and even the potential fertilizer value of the litter after it is removed from the house. Most of the litter produced by the poultry industry is currently applied to agricultural land as a source of nutrients and soil amendment. However environmental pollution, resulting from nutrient and contaminant leaching can occur when 20

Poultry litter provides a major source of nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements for crop production and is effective in improving physical and biological fertility, indicating that land application remains as the main option for the utilization of this valuable resource. The alternative use of poultry litter; as an animal feed and fuel source, is limited by contaminants, and high moisture content, respectively. Proper use and best litter management practices can mitigate environmental consequences associated with air and water quality parameters that are impacted by land application in order to maintain the continued productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the poultry industry. Moisture The heating and ventilation systems in a poultry house must be continuously monitored to keep the moisture content of the litter controlled so that the litter remains friable (easily broken up or crumbly). If the litter becomes too wet and the litter is allowed to become “sealed”, then the birds will be living on a damp, slippery and sticky surface. This sealed litter is what is referred to as being “caked.” In this condition, the litter is simply saturated with water and is unable to dry out. A severe problem with litter moisture will result if large areas of the house floor surface are caked. The more common issue, however, is having localized areas of caking near leaky watering cups, nipples, troughs or roofs. Watery droppings caused by nutrition and/or infectious agents can also be a cause of excessive moisture in poultry litter. If litter is not kept at an acceptable moisture level, very high bacterial loads and unsanitary growing conditions may

result producing odors (including ammonia), insect problems (particularly flies), soiled feathers, footpad lesions and breast bruises or blisters. This can affect the health and mortality rate of the flock, and could result in quality issues when birds reared under such poor conditions reach the processing plant. In a wellmanaged broiler house, litter moisture normally averages between 25 and 35 percent. Litter that is managed correctly with the moisture content kept within the acceptable range can be reused if no disease or other production problems occur. On the other hand, caked litter must be removed between flocks and replaced with new litter. Litter re-utilization Some broiler producers are simply removing cake and excess litter after house washing and then placing broilers on old litter for an extended number of flocks. Their expectation is that total clean out is not needed unless there some disease or other biosecurity issues. However, producers doing this should be aware that total disinfection under these conditions is probably not possible. Re-utilization of at least some fraction of used litter as a supplement for fresh wood shavings bedding in broiler houses has been found to not significantly increase pathogens and indicator microorganisms in litter compared to using fresh wood shavings. No consistent significant differences have been found regarding flock

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

ARTICLE performance when comparing houses using fresh litter with houses reutilizing litter. A major issue with reutilization of previously used litter is the generation of ammonia. Ammonia is produced by microbial breakdown of fecal material in the litter. It is well documented in the literature that higher moisture levels result in higher ammonia production. The caked portion of the litter is very high in moisture and nitrogen and should be removed from the house to reduce ammonia generation and provide optimal air quality for chicks during the brooding period. Add litter treatments to reduced ammonia generation. Controlling ammonia with a litter treatment can save money on energy costs by reducing the amount of air e xc h a n g e re q u i re d to m a i n t a i n adequate air quality. Disposal and re-use Broilers have on average a 47-day growout period, during which the typical broiler chicken will generate about two pounds of litter, if you add the manure and bedding materials. Actual manure generation will be lower because it is only a fractional component of litter. This translates to an average of about 0.7 ounce per day per bird, varying considerably over the life of the bird. This means that a single broiler house, which can contain well over 20,000 birds, can generate over


farms. This limits its resale value in regions where there are more poultry farms than suitable nearby farmland. Poultry litter is also a source of nutrients to the crops, it contains high level of nutrients such as N, P and C. Use as animal feed

40,000 lbs of litter per flock. Historically, applications for used poultry litter have included, and still include, use as feed for cattle in the commercial beef industry, land application as a fertilizer for crops or pastures, or occasionally as potting material for the greenhouse and plant container industries. Recently there has been an upsurge in the use of poultry litter as a bio-fuel source for electrical cogeneration and gasification.

Poultry wastages like Litter or Manure can be used for different purposes just like as input to animal feed. Recycled animal wastage such as processed chicken litter or manure has been used as ingredients to animal feed for many years. These wastages contain various amounts of minerals, fiber and protein. They are usually used within the state or province where it is produced because it is not cost effective to move such a bulk material to far away. Mostly this kind of wastage is used by the dairy farmers as a winter food supplement for mother cows.

Use as a nutrient source

Use as fuel

Poultry litter is often used as an organic nutrient source in forage, cereal and fibre crop production. The addition of poultry litter to tall fescue, orchard grass, Bermuda grass has been shown to increase dry matter production.

Poultry litter can be burnt directly as a fuel source to produce heat energy. One of the problems with using poultry litter as a fuel source is its relatively high moisture content. The moisture content should be less than 15% in order to achieve the maximum heat energy during burning. Alternatively, the anaerobic digestion of poultry waste yields biogas, a combustible gas composed of approximately 60% methane, 38% carbon dioxide, and mixture of water vapour, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Biogas (also known as 'producer' gas) may be used as an energy source for burning as heat or as fuel for internal combustion engines to generate electricity. Both the burnt ash material and the post-anerobic digested solids may be used as fertiliser and animal feed supplement.

Use as fertilizer Poultry litter's traditional use is as fertilizer. As with other manures, the fertilizing value of poultry litter is excellent, but it is less concentrated than chemical fertilizers, giving it a relatively low value per ton. This makes it uneconomical to ship long distances, and it tends to lose its nitrogen value fairly quickly. Extracting its value requires that it be used on nearby

Prajwalita Pathak¹**, Rebeka Sinha¹, Pranesh Kumar² and Vivek Kumar Nayak³ ¹PhD Scholar, ³MVSc Scholar, Animal genetics & Breeding Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana ²Veterinary Officer, NEC food Processing Ptv. Ltd, Guwahati, Assam


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



“BURSAPLEX”- A ONE SHOT “IMMUNE-COMPLEX (ICX) IBD VACCINE” FOR BROILERS Bursaplex is an Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) vaccine that can be given by either in ovo or at hatch by subcutaneous route. Ÿ


It is combination of 2512 strain of IBDV and bursal disease antibody (BDA), formulated at 100 EID50 units of 2512 IBDV and 24 units of BDA.

(Effect of Day old Age IBD maternal antibody levels on vaccine Vs field challenge virus)


Bursaplex eliminates the vaccination timing guess work and poor application issues associated with giving IBD vaccines on the farm.

The higher the maternal immunity at hatch the later the vaccine virus will begin to replicate. Just as maternal immunity declines to a low non-protective level the vaccine virus starts to replicate in the cloacal bursa. Vaccine virus replication protects the broiler from infection with virulent field strains of IBDV. This unique mechanism allows for maternal immunity and the vaccine to work together to close the window of susceptibility. In addition, this occurs in each individual broiler regardless of the level of maternal immunity passed to the broiler chick.


In contrast to the macrophage, follicular dendritic cells capture immune complexes and hold them on the surface of their dendrites for long periods.


The immune complex seized to the surface of the dendritic cells allows other immune cells such as T and B lymphocytes to interact with the viral antigen. This interaction helps stimulate an immune response.



Thus, the vaccine is tailored to work in broilers with low, medium or high levels of maternal Immunity to IBDV. Unique proposed Mode Of Action Ÿ




Upon administration at hatch, the Bursaplex vaccine(ICx)quickly finds its way to the blood circulatory systems where MAb to IBDV are plentiful Quickly the immune complex will encounter many cell types, including Macrophage & FDC. These two Immune System cells are thought to be important for MOA of Bursaplex IBDV is known to replicate within the macrophage. It is believed that

When maternal antibody declines, the vaccine virus emerging from the macrophages and escaping from the immune complexes on dendritic cells will be able to infect the bursa. The vaccine virus will replicate quickly here, stimulating strong immunity Plasma cells develop and produce antibodies to IBD, providing powerful, lifelong protection for the entire broiler flock

Bursaplex and its Effect on Bursal B Cells in SPF Ÿ


Va c c i n e v i r u s starts replication according to each chick's MAB level ü

Immune complex vaccine is known to internalize by the macrophage, thereby providing a mechanism for the vaccine virus to replicate and survive elimination via maternal antibody.

BDA delays the on-set of vaccine virus replication and to attenuate the pathogenic effects of the vaccine virus. This allows Bursaplex to be given in the hatchery either in ovo or at hatch by the subcutaneous route.

Other vaccines h a ve to b re a k through maternal antibodies, Bursaplex works together with m a t e r n a l antibodies

Bursaplex immune complex vaccine unlike traditional IBD naked virus vaccine will not infect and destroy immature B lymphocytes as soon as they reach the Bursa. Allows more immature B lymphocyte mature and migrate out of the Bursa and colonizes other lymphoid tissues.

Bursaplex differs from conventional IBD vaccines


No need to worry about un-uniform maternal antibody titres in day old chicks


High maternal antibody levels will not interfere with effectiveness


A single dose given at hatch or in ovo provides onset of immunity at the time maternal immunity declines to non-protective levels


Eliminates risk associated with timing of multiple doses and vaccine administration technique


A strong IBD vaccine approved for in ovo and at hatch


A strong IBDV safe for use with other vaccination programs

·Other benefits of Bursaplex Vaccine Ÿ

Hatchery vaccination better than field vaccination


Centralized vaccination program


Va c c i n a t i o n c a n b e d o n e i n environment with better biosecurity


Done by professional team


Less vaccine titre decline compared to conventional vaccines


Better vaccine storage and handling management


More room for vaccination of other important diseases like ND Author

Dr. Sunil Sawant Field Technical Manager sunil.sawant@zoetis.com

Dr. A. Kandasamy Field Technical Manager kandasamy@zoetis.com

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



BEGINERS GUIDE TO POULTRY HOUSING SYSTEM Poultry housing should have proper accessibility; safety, exterior appearance, and appropriateness of design are important aspects of housing for your poultry flock. Before begin to build poultry housing system you should consider how you will access and maintain your poultry housing. You should choose a design that allows for easy access to nests, perches, feeders, and water. Suitable access will make it easier to clean all part of the coop. B e f o re d e s i g n i n g , b u i l d i n g , a n d maintaining your coop, take action to prevent possible injury to you or your birds. You should remove any loose or ragged wire, nails, or other sharp-edged objects from the coop. You should make ensure that the birds can perch on only roosts that you are providing. You should remove access to other perching areas, eg. windowsills, nest box tops, or electric cords, whenever possible. If the poultry house is visible to your neighbours, you make ensure that it does not detract from the overall appearance of its surroundings. You can improve the looks of your poultry coop by painting and properly maintaining the exterior. Removing weeds and trash from around the coop not only enhances its appearance but also helps with rodent control. you should do landscaping that can screen your poultry coop from neighbours as well as help muffle the sounds your flock produces. Ÿ

Before making poultry housing system one should keep following things in mind


The house should protect birds from adverse climatic conditions.


It should have easy and economic operation.


You can do scientific feeding in a controlled manner.



Provide proper micro-climatic conditions in a near vicinity of bird


Should have an effective disease control measures.


You can do proper supervision.

Before selection of location of poultry housing system Ÿ

Your poultry house shouldn’t be near residential and industrial area.


It should have proper access with road facilities.


It should have the basic amenities l i k e w a t e r, f e e d a n d c h i c k s transportation and electricity.


Wherever you can find farm labourers at relatively cheaper wages.


It should be located in an elevated area and should not be any waterlogging.


It should have proper ventilation and should be in open area

Before making layout preparation Ÿ

Layout should not allow visitors or outsiders vehicles near the birds.


The sheds should be ideally located that the fresh air first passes through the brooder shed, followed by grower and layer sheds. This will prevent the spread of diseases from layer houses to brooder house.


There should be from a minimum distance of 50-100 feet between chick and grower shed and the distance between grower and layer sheds should be of minimum 100 metre.


The egg store room, office and the feed store room should be located near entrance to overcome the movement of people around the poultry sheds.


The disposal pit and sick room should be constructed only at the extreme end of the site.

For poultry housing another important factor to consider is the poultry housing system and fencing options. Poultry housing system determines around 40% of the rate of success and profitability of

your poultry farming business. A good poultr y housing system is ver y important for the success of your poultry faming. Following poultry housing system is generally commonly used in poultry farming Ÿ

Extensive Housing System: Range and fold unit


Semi Intensive Housing System: Standard semi intensive unit and straw yard


Intensive Housing System: 1. Deep Litter 2. Wire & Slated Floor 3. Straw Yard 4. Battery Cage

A. Free Range System Under free range poultry farming system, birds are roaming around on their own in search for food. This poultry housing system cannot be used for commercial poultry farming because of high level of risks involved in it. B. Deep Litter System This system involves spreading wood shavings or saw dust on a concrete ground with the chickens placed on the floor and the dust serving as a ‘cushion’ for them. The dust is changed regularly, either by removing and replacing or by layering. This system is used by a lot of poultry farmers because it increases efficiency and it is easier to manage large flocks of birds but it also allows to spread of diseases when there is an outbreak and also m a ke s i t d i f fi c u l t to fi s h o u t unproductive birds. C. Battery Cage System As for the battery cage housing system, metal Continue page on...27

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

ARTICLE B.M dh nLrd ds lkFk gh chekfj;ksa dh nLr[kr Hkh fn[kus yx tkrh gSA ;g t:jh gS fd ge viuh rjQ ls dksbZ xyrh u djsa] vkSj ;g y{; r; djds pysa fd eSustesaV dh ckjhfd;ksa dks /;ku esa j[k dj LoLFk ¶y‚d fudkysaA eSa bl ys[k esa flQZ mUgha ckrksa dk mYys[k dj jgk gw¡ tks xyfr;ka ge vDlj dj tkrs gSaA B.M ds ekSle esa fo'ks"k rkSj ij /;ku j[kus okyh ckrsa gSa] 1- lgh rkieku 2- lgh ueh/ vknZzrk ¼áwfefMVh½ 3- rkth gok dk fu;fer lapkj 4- BaMh gok ds >ksadks ij jksd 5- nwf"kr xSl dh lgh fudkl 6- ikuh dk lgh rkieku 7- lkQ ikuh 8- i;kZIr txg 9- i;kZIr jkS'kuh 10- BaMh ds fy, mi;qä iks"k.kA 11- chekfj;ksa ds fo#) lgh Vhdk vkSj jksdFkke ds lgh mik;A vke rkSj ij igys lIrkg esa 90&95 fMxzh QkjsugkbV] nqljs lIrkg esa 90 fMxzh QkjsugkbV mlds ckn 85 fMxzh QkjsugkbV j[kus dk çko/kku gS] ysfdu rkieku dks dHkh fcuk áwfefMVh ds vk¡dk ugha tk ldrkA ;g ekud rHkh mfpr gSa tc fjysfVo áwfefMVh Hkh yxHkx 60 ds vklikl gksA ;kn jgs ;fn áwfefMVh blls T;knk gS] rks ;s ekud mfpr rkieku dh ctk; vf/kd rkieku djok nsaxsA QkeZj HkkbZ vius QkeZ ij rkieku vkSj áwfefMVh ekius dk ;U= t:j j[ks vkSj vankt o'k dke u djsaA Contd of... Page 26

cages are made inside a building to house the birds. The cages are g e n e r a l l y s p l i t i n to d i f f e re n t compartments to keep small groups of birds. The cages also contain feeding and water pots as well as laying nests. Bird’s droppings fall on the floor and it is cleaned mechanically by a scraper. This method is considered to be the most effective for a layer farming but the 27


rkieku dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, vke rkSj ij C:fMax ,fj;k dks iwjh rjg lhy dj fn;k tkrk gS rkfd :e dks xeZ djuk vklku gksA ysfdu ,sls esa rkth gok dk lapkj :d tkrk gS] tgjhyh xSl tek gksrh gSa vkSj fofHkUu rjg dh chekfj;ksa dks U;ksrk nsrh gSaA blls cpus ds fy, bl ckr dks lqfuf'pr djuk t:jh gS] dh gok ds vkokxeu ds fy, dqN O;oLFkk djus ds ckn Hkh C:fMax ,fj;k dks xeZ djus dh gekjh {kerk gksA lkbM ls ijns gVkuk mfpr u gks] rks QkeZ dh yackbZ okyh [kkyh iM+h ,fj;k ls gok yh tk ldrh gS]vkSj ,Dlg‚LV QSu dk mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA iqjs le;] pkgs fnu gks ;k jkr] ,d leku rkieku egRoiw.kZ gS] vkSj ;fn mPpre vkSj U;wure rkieku dk QdZ cM+k gksxk rks fnDdr vk ldrh gSA rkieku dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, QkYl lhfyax] vkSj Mcy dVsZu bLrseky dj ldrs gSa] cl osafVys'ku dk /;ku j[kuk t:jh gSA ;fn fnu ds od~r fdlh rjQ ls inkZ [kksyuk mi;qä gks rks lwjt dh fn'kk esa [kksys]vkSj cPpks ds Lrj ij inkZ u [kksys] rkfd lh/kh gok cPpks ij u yxsA cPps dks ikuh lgh rkieku ij feyuk t:jh gSA cgqr BUMs ikuh ls 'kjhj dh xehZ dk uqdlku gksxk vkSj ihus ;ksX; xquxqus ikuh ls vf/kd BaMh esa dqN jkgr fey ldrh gSA ikuh v'kqf);ksa ls eqä gksuk pkfg,A BafM;ksa esa fnu NksVk gksus dh otg ls vaMk nsus okyh eqfxZ;ksa ds çksMD'ku esa deh vkrh gSA blds fy, lqfuf'pr djsa] dh r; jkS'kuh ls de ;k T;knk jks'kuh u nsA czk;yj dks Hkh viuh mez ds eqrkfcd lgh ykbV nsaA BafM;ksa esa 'kjhj xeZ j[kus ds fy, cPpksa dks vf/kd ,uthZ dh t:jr gksrh gS] ftlls oks T;knk nkuk [kk ysrs gSaA bl ckr dks lqfuf'pr djsa dh nkus esa ,uthZ] çksVhu] rFkk QhM ,fMfVo ekSle ds vuq:i gksaA

jkmaM C:fMax vo'; djsa] cPpks dks 'kq#okr esa 0-25 ls 0-3 oxZ QhV txg ns] fQj mez vuqlkj c<+k,aA 13 QhV O;kl ds {ks=Qy esa bl rjg 400 ls 500 cPps j[ks tk ldrs gSa ¼ekSle vkSj mez ds vuq:i½A isij QhfMax] feuh fMªadj] Vk;j QhfMax bR;kfn dk mi;ksx ykHkçn gSA de ls de 5 çfr'kr cPpks dk eq¡g ikuh vkSj fQj nkus esa Vp djds NksM+us ls lHkh cPps nkuk ikuh tYnh <wa< ysaxsA cPpks ds vkus ds 12&24 ?kaVs igys ls gh mfpr rkieku 'ksM esa lsV gks tkuk pkfg,A FkekZehVj dks ghVj ls 1-5&2 QhV nwj vkSj tehu ls 1-5 QhV Åij gksuk pkfg,A xSl C:Mj] bysfDVªd C:Mj bR;kfn dk mi;ksx cq[kkjh ls csgrj gksrk gSA ;fn cq[kkjh dk bLrseky dj jgs gSa] rks fo'ks"k lko/kkuh cjrsa dh xSl dk lgh fu"dk'ku gks tk;sA B.M esa ¼oSfj,aV ,su Mh ½ ds uke ls tkuh tkus okyh chekjh] ¼ok;jy vksfjftu dh usÝkbfVl/ vkbZ-ch/ ,LVªks½ ] ¼lh- lh-vkj-Mh½] ¼,u- Mh½] ¼xacksjks½ rFkk ¼vkbZ-ch-gsp½ tSlh chekfj;ka vkus dh lEHkkouk gksxhA vius ,fj;k dh chekfj;kas vkjS ekl S e ds vu: q i vius M‚DVj ls nok vkjS Vhds dk 'kM s y w cuok yAas ck;kslhD;ksfjVh dk fo'ks"k /;ku j[ksA 'ksM dh lQkbZ lgh gks] çfr lIrkg fNM+dko gks] fcuk dke ds yksx ;k oLrq QkeZ rd uk igqapsA QkeZ ij vkus okys yksx vkSj oLrq ij fNM+dko gksA ftruk de cPpks ij LVªsl vk,xk mruh vPNh ¶y‚d fudysxhA

Mr. Praveen

BEGINERS GUIDE TO POULTRY HOUSING SYSTEM major downside of this method is that it is more expensive to construct and maintain in compare to other types of poultry housing systems. Intensive housing system is the best housing , if you are running a poultry farm for commercial purposes and you intend getting the best out of the business, in term of high birds’ productivity and efficiency. So you should consider for intensive housing system.

Please note all three housing system has its own advantages and disadvantages. You will have to consider accordingly your requirements.

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Growel Agrovet Private Limited Website www.growelagrovet.com rakesh@growelagrovet.com

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



NATURAL REMEDIES CHOSEN AS ASIA'S BEST HEALTHCARE BRAND Natural Remedies has been awarded as the “Best Asian Healthcare Brands of 2017” by The Economic Times for excellence in healthcare sector.The award ceremony was held in Dubai on 28th September as part of India-UAE Strategic Conclave, under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE's Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development. Mr Vrajesh Jha, GM Marketing Natural Remedies received the award on behalf of organization from Mr. Navdeep Singh Suri, Indian Ambassador to UAE. ET Best Asian healthcare awards recognizes the corporate houses which are taking greater risks and exploring newer channels to infuse dynamism in their various areas of operations and branding, and embracing entrepreneurship. They are not just making their presence felt in their countries of origin, but also expanding their operations across the globe These Healthcare Brands are set apart from the other brands because they are constantlybeing able to innovate, adapt and leverage the everchanging marketplace in terms of the product offering, pricing, solutions, business models, packaging, delivery, placement etc.


Natural Remedies wholeheartedly thank our business partners & our customers whose support helped us to make our journey successful & we look forward to having the same support in future. About Natural Remedies Natural Remedies is the leading herbal

healthcare company in India, headquartered at Bangalore. We manufacture & market herbal veterinary & human healthcare products which are scientifically validated, effective, safe and consistent. We are present across various locations in India and rapidly growing in the major markets across the globe.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017




POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

& AY SE D TI TO ER E t: 07 V IB ac 0 5 D R t 05 00 A C on 17 05 BS C 999 17 1- 999 SU +9 1-

+9 #923, Sector-9, Urban Estate, KARNAL - 132001 (Haryana) INDIA Email : poultry.pcsl@gmail.com | info@pixie.co.in Website : www.pixie.co.in




POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017





Dr. Vijay Makhija T h e C h a i r m a n of I n d i a n H e r b s , Saharanpur (India), Dr. Sushiel Agrawal, is honoured with the prestigious INFAH Award 2017 by Indian Federation of Animal Health Companies, popularly known as INFAH, for his exemplary contribution to Indian Animal Health Industry. This is the recognition of pioneering work of Dr. Sushiel Agrawal who has rendered very distinguished and exceptional services during last more than 40 years for developing Veterinary Ayurveda as a science of animal health care. This innovative work has now become an internationally recognized science and practiced in more than 50 other countries also. T h e d e ve l o p m e n t of Ve te r i n a r y Ayurveda has tremendous impact on animal health care. It has increased productivity in livestock, poultry and fish farms. The contribution of Dr. Sushiel Agrawal is commendable for


economic upliftment of rural farmers through better animal health and productivity. The farmers are now able to afford safe and effective treatment of their animals at a very low cost and the farming has become more profitable and rewarding. It has also helped the people engaged in cultivation and collection of herbs and medicinal plants in hilly, rural and tribal areas to earn their livelihood. INFAH is a united progressive force of Veterinary companies and non-profit organizations working towards animal health care. It heads a strong group of member companies, dominated by allopathic, synthetic chemical product manufacturing companies, including multi-nationals. They belong to different genres of animal husbandry industry of India r i g h t f ro m f e e d m a n u f a c t u re r s , Veterinary Drugs manufacturers and support systems to researchers. INFAH is affiliated to International Federation of Animal Health companies (IFAH). Dr. Sushiel Agrawal has been conferred with Honorary Fellowship by the National Academy of Veterinar y Sciences (India) in November 2012 for his invaluable contribution to veterinar y science. He has been honoured with many awards e.g. National Awards for Outstanding Entrepreneurship (2007), for Outstanding R&D Achievements (2008), and for Manufacturing Outstanding Q u a l i t y Products (2010) from Govt. of India and also State Awards for Excellent performance in Export (2008-09, 2004-05) and P r o d u c t

Quality Excellence (2009-10) from Govt. of U.P. He w a s presented Award of H o n o u r (2007) for outstanding contribution to the profession of veterinary medicine & animal sciences by Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine at their Silver Jubilee Convention at Pant Nagar. He has also been honoured with AIMA – Dr. Juneja Award (2007) for Creativity and Innovation by All India Management Association, New Delhi (More than 100 year old Association of Business Managers); Life Time Achievement Award (2015) for best innovation and performance and for the contribution to poultry development, by Poultry CEOs Forum India, Hyderabad etc. INFAH being a prestigious body of Animal Health Industry of India, the present award attains special significance. The Award was recently presented to him at a glittering ceremony held in Mumbai at The Leela Hotel in the august presence of various luminaries of Indian animal Health Industry.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017


Key2Green recently organized AGRI FEST 2017 concurrently with DAIRY FEST, POULTRY FEST & FOOD FEST 2017 at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh (UP) from 06 to 08 October 2017 with an aim to strengthen these sectors and to earn the trust of the industry for bringing investments in the state through PPP or other knowledge based models. The 6th Edition of the FEST was officially opened by Smt. Rita Bahuguna Joshi Hon’ble Minister of Women, Family & Child Welfare, Maternity and Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh on 6th October 2017 Visitors started pouring in even before the official inauguration of the exhibition. The 6th edition was bigger & better both in terms of number of exhibitors and visitors. Exhibitors showcased their latest products and innovations in the field of agriculture, food, dairy & poultry sectors. Altogether, thousands of farmers and trade-only visitors made their way for the 6th edition of AGRI, FOOD, DAIRY & POUTRY FEST 2017. Participants were



not only from across the country but also from the countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh & Bhutan who found it an interesting show displaying a diverse range of products & services catering to the different sub-sectors of agriculture industry. Exhibitors in the FEST included companies operating in the field of Farm machinery, agri-inputs like seeds, pesticides, insecticides, bio-fertilizers, shedding nets, agricultural pipes, dairy & poultry farming machineries & equipments, animal health, Feed & Nutrition etc. Apart from these there were different central & state government departments disseminating information regarding their various schemes, policies, extension activities & innovations in their respective fields. There were B2B por tals, publications and other software related to business activities who displayed the techniques & a d va n t a g e s of j o i n i n g t h e m i n promoting the business ventures to the national & global level.

Most of the exhibitors fetched direct benefits from the show and said that this FEST has the potential and showed likeliness to participate at future editions. They also said that this show is the best place to network with the Potential clients and a very good place to find new business opportunities. They were satisfied with the quality of visitors but they have also found the need to adopt a more aggressive marketing & promotional activities to reach to the targeted audience on a wider scale and thus becoming one of the leading trade events in the agriculture & allied sectors servicing not only Uttar Pradesh but also nearby s t a t e s l i k e B i h a r, J h a r k h a n d , Uttarakhand and even further. Apart from the several deals being done by key buyers and decision makers, some manufacturers chose this FEST as the stage to launch a raft of new products into the region making it a vital par t of most companies’ promotional campaigns.

Profile of Exhibitors

Farm Machineries like tractors, rotovators, Excavators, Irrigation Equipments Back-hoe, Generator sets, Mobile starters etc.; Agri-Inputs like Seeds, Pesticides, Insecticides, Bio-Fertilizers, Shedding Nets, Agricultural Pipes, Processed Food, Food Packaging, , Horticulture Products, Animal Health, Livestock Feed, Dairy Farming Equipment & machineries, Cold Chain and cooling equipments, Dairy Products Packaging machinery, Animal Feed Machinery, genetics and breeding Equipments, Poultry Farming Equipments & machineries, Quality control and analytical labs, Banks, Government Departments, Publications, Online Portals

Profile of Visitors

Visitors were the stakeholders in the Agriculture and allied sectors like Food processing, Dairy & Poultry sectors. Their category of position is given below for your kind perusal. Ÿ Agriculture Farmers Ÿ Dairy & Livestock Farmers Ÿ CEOs/ Directors/ Top Executives Ÿ GM or Middle Level Managers POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



Association Heads Frontline Executives Ÿ Would be Entrepreneurs Ÿ Ÿ


The Fest was promoted to the industry year round, with its extensive media campaign build up reaching a crescendo five months prior to the event. A B2B and B2C Media Campaign was conducted to spread awareness and publicize the event across all Stakeholders before and during the Show

Number of Participants

There were Approximately 15000 visitors not only from across India but also from some neighboring Countries.

Uttar Pradesh (UP) is India's most populous state, as well as the world's most populous sub-national entity. It is the second largest state economy in India. Keeping in view the vast potential of the state, it has major role to play in ushering in farm sector led economic growth of the country. Our Fest will be particularly relevant in Uttar Pradesh


Dealers & Distributers Ÿ General Visitors Govt. Officials Ÿ Media Ÿ Research Scholars/ Students Ÿ


where farmers grow a number of crops, but face problems in enhancing production and productivity because of inadequate exposure to high technology and inputs as also to a d va n c e d p ro d u c t i o n p ra c t i c e s , logistics and marketing. In order to introduce latest mechanization & technological innovations, AGRI, DAIRY,

POULTRY & FOOD FEST can prove to be an ideal platform to showcase exclusive range of products and services among thousands of progressive farmers, agri entrepreneurs who throng this expo. Therefore, the companies can take advantage of this opportunity by participating in this mega show.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



VAMSO BIOTEC PVT. LTD. AND ICA INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS JOIN HANDS FOR THE LAUNCH OF BREAKTHROUGH BIO-SECURITY PRODUCT, ZOCLEAR™ IN INDIA. Vamso Biotec & ICA International Chemicals, South Africa join hands with the intention of a long term relationship for marketing and distribution of a biosecurity product, ZoClear™ in India (which contains a patented m o d i fi c a t i o n o f Po l y D i m e t h y l Ammonium Chloride, globally known as Virukill). With an increasing pressure on poultry producers to reduce or even stop the use of antibiotics bio-security is emerging as one of the most important disease control options open to poultry farmers across the globe. There is a growing need for countries to establish bio-security systems, either to prevent disease occurrences or meet obligations under international agreements. Dr. Wouter Schreuder, Managing Director, ICA remarked, “We are proud of this association with Vamso Biotec serving the Indian animal health market and we view this as an exciting milestone in bringing our latest technology advancements to South Asia”.


Vamso Biotec and ICA International Chemicals organized a series of events in Aug, 2017. Dr. Rober t Bragg (Consulting scientist & Professor: University of Free State of South Africa) with a work experience of about 20 years in the areas of bio-security and advanced microbiology, enlightened the launch events with his knowledge and research in this field. Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. provides research based efficacious and quality assured Natural, Biotechnological products for health & productivity needs of variety of animal species through its group of companies viz.

Cattle Remedies India Ltd. (CRIL) and Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. (VBPL). The company focuses on its resources for the development of unique solutions for Cattle, Poultry and Pet health care. Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2015 & GMP certified company having manufacturing unit at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) in India with the state of the art R&D at Dehradun (Uttarakhand). The manufacturing and R&D is equipped with modern and sophisticated instrumentation facility & machinery to maintain high quality standards during product development and manufacturing. The ICA Group of Companies are South African registered entities. The group Researches, Develops, Manufactures & Delivers Novel and Generic Chemical Products for use in the Agricultural, Food Processing and Industrial Hygiene Industries. ICA state of the ar t manufacturing facility is located in Stellenbosch, close to Cape Town in South Africa. Dr. Arindam Chatterjee Dr Wouter Schreuder


The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Kansai in Osaka Prefecture has succeeded in making hens lay eggs that contain a pharmaceutical agent that can be used to treat such diseases as cancer and hepatitis, it has been learned, The Japan News reports that the procedure uses genome editing technology to produce interferon beta, a type of protein related to the immune system, at a relatively low cost, As early as next year, a joint research company plans to sell the drug as a research reagent at a price about half that of the conventional product. Eventually, they hope to lower the price to less than 10 36

Speaking on the development Mr Mukesh Agarwal, Managing Director Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. said, “Our endeavor has always been to enable access to innovation across India and this bonding with ICA International Chemicals will help bring innovations to the poultr y market of India. The availability of new advanced poultry bio-security solutions in India adds a new dimension to the disease prevention in poultry.

per cent of the current level, Interferon beta is used in the treatment of malignant skin cancer and hepatitis, as well as for virus research,Conventional production requires large-scale cultivation facilities, and it costs from ¥30,000 to ¥100,000 to produce a unit of the substance weighing a few micrograms, A research team consisting of AIST Kansai, the National A g r i c u l t u re a n d F o o d Re s e a rc h Organization in Ibaraki Prefecture and the reagent import and sales firm Cosmo Bio Co, in Tokyo developed the method, First, they introduce genes that produce interferon beta via genome editing technology into cells

t h a t a re p re c u r s o r s of c h i c ke n sperm,The cells are used to fertilize eggs that produce male chicks, The hatched male chicks are crossbred with several females to rear chickens with the inherited genes, In late July at the company's breeding facility in Otaru, Hokkaido, female chickens with modified genes laid eggs, which the researchers confirmed contained interferon beta in the whites of the eggs, Currently, three females are each laying eggs every one or two days, In the future, the team plans to stably produce interferon beta weighing several dozen milligrams to 100 milligrams from one egg.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017





would like to take the opportunity to respond to Rep. Doug Collins’s (RGa.) Op-Ed on Sept, 27 Liberals shun science, defy Obama in poultry production, I led House Democrats in a letter to Sonny Perdue, secretary of the U.S. Depar tment of Agriculture, demanding that the agency not propose a rule that would increase line speeds to the industry-preferred 175 birds per minute (bpm) or roughly 3 birds per second, I did not do so to demonize economics as Rep, Collins so creatively put it Rather I spoke up to raise my deep worker safety and food safety concerns, The poultry industry is dangerous enough without increased line speeds. Rep Collins makes the argument that because these line speed increases would take place in first processing, where birds are inspected for food safety purposes, rather than in second processing, where birds are cut and separated, worker safety would not be compromised, This point demonstrates Rep, Collins’ relatively myopic view of what worker safety means, though I appreciate the impulse behind his patronizing geography lesson, Even at the current speed of 140 birds per minute, a single USDA inspector is checking 2.33 birds every second. In their relentless pursuit of 37

profit, these corporations rarely stop the line or even slow it down leaving workers making tens of thousands of repetitive motions each day, Tell the mother who cannot lift her child because of the pain in her wrists and shoulders that her injuries don’t count because they weren’t caused by a paring knife, I take issue with the claim that injury and illness rates have been dropping steadily since 1994. It is a favorite statistic of industry as well yet OSHA, the GAO, and others have found time and again that plants deliberately under report injuries, In fact up to two thirds of injuries may go unreported, In 2002, a change to OSHA form 300 eliminated reporting for musculoskeletal disorders immediately and artificially lowering the incident rate. This is one of the main types of injuries caused on the poultry line, Rep. Collins failed to mention that the poultry industry has the twelfth highest number of reported work related amputations and hospitalizations of any industry in this country more than the saw mill industry and construction. According the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, poultry workers face unsafe work environments and steep injury rates at almost fifty percent above the national average, Workers in poultry plants also become

ill at rates seven times higher than all other industries, But let’s just look at poultry plants in his home state of Georgia: in just the first half of 2015, the OSHA database shows finger and limb amputations, hospitalizations, fractured legs, and other serious injuries, Pilgrim’s Pride in Rep Collins district, has one of the highest incidence of reported severe injuries of any company reporting to the federal government. Turning from worker safety to food safety, Rep. Collins favorably mentions Brazilian chicken production bemoaning the fact that in 2010, Brazil outpaced the U.S. as the world’s leading poultry broiler meat exporter. Brazil’s poultry industry has been plagued with worker and food safety issues Just this month, a Brazilian poultry worker fell into a processing machine And bacteria-contaminated Brazilian poultry caused the largest recall of chicken products across Europe in the last 15 years, The European Union and even China reduced their importation from Brazil amidst this crisis, Brazil does not export chicken to the United States, because its poultry inspection system has been deemed inadequate and not equivalent to our system, There’s an old saying: “Fast, good or cheap pick two, When it comes to food we put in front of our children and families, Brazil has chosen fast and cheap with disturbing and dangerous consequences, My colleague cites an unnamed landmark study as proof that higher line speeds meet Food Safety and Inspection Service standards, It seems that he is referring to the HACCP-Based Inspection Models Project pilot program, which allowed a small number of plants to increase line speeds, This study has been criticized for its small sample size and incomplete conclusions, Even the Government Accountability Office found that USDA has not thoroughly evaluated the performance of each of the pilot

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

NEWS projects, On a personal note, the congressman from Georgia’s op-ed repeatedly accused me, my colleagues, and labor advocates of shunning science, ignoring biology, scuttling a broad range of scientific disciplines, and walking a road so extreme and so hostile to empirical evidence, I take those accusations seriously and I find them puzzling coming from a man who is skeptical of climate change and has voted to undermine the EPA and exclude the regulation of greenhouse gases, I wish the congressman would show the same reverence for science when the future of our planet is on the line, not just corporate profit in his district Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones And those who promote corporate profit over the health and safety of hardworking Americans should not be surprised to find themselves on the wrong side of history.


CALLS TO ADDRESS ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE oncerns over the failure to address AND POULTRY DISEASES Cantimicrobial resistance (AMR) in poultry in developing nations have been raised at this week’s Poultry Africa Expo in Rwanda, Scientists spoke of their concern that small-scale farmers in Africa did not have the skills or understanding to control and better manage their farms, Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, principle s c i e n t i fi c of fi c e r f o r l i v e s t o c k a t Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, said people in developing c o u n t r i e s w e re u s i n g a n t i b i o t i c s whenever there was a disease outbreak without accurate testing, The consequences of AMR included failure to successfully treat infections, leading to increased mortality; more severe or prolonged illness production losses; reduced livelihoods and food security and higher costs of treatment, And experts also spoke about high pathogenic avian influenza had caused devastating effects in Africa, Edir Silva, former president of

the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA), said We need to come up with strong preventive measures to contain poultry diseases and to boost financial support for preparedness and response efforts in Africa and globally, According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), avian influenza outbreaks have been confirmed so far this year in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Togo, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, The two-day Expo and conference in Kigali featured 70 international companies. Rwanda’s Agriculture and Animal Husbandr y Minister Dr Geradine Mukeshimana said the event represented a great opportunity to bring together poultry industry stakeholders to explore news technologies and learn best practices to increase poultry productivity.


The poultry industry is being asked to comment on a statutory levy of R500 per container (excluding VAT) being i m p o s e d o n i m p o r t e d c h i c ke n ‚ 38

propos ed by t h e Associa tion of Meat Impor t ers and Exporte r s (Amie), T h i s w a s contain ed in a statem ent by Nation al Agricultural Marketing Council,Amie a n d t h e S o u t h A f r i c a n Po u l t r y Association (Sapa) have been on opposite sides of a long-running

dispute over protection for the local poultry industry which says it is being undercut by dumped imports,The estimated income from the proposed levy would be approximately R7m for 2018-19, and is intended to finance development and retention of markets‚ including the export promotion of South African chicken transformation in the industry; research and development; quality control and consumer assurance and administration, The statement said the proposed annual levy would apply to different chicken products including deboned cuts frozen carcasses and offal, Directly affected groups in the poultry industry have until October 20 to submit their written comments to enable the council to finalise its recommendation to the minister of agriculture‚ forestry and fisheries.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017





he growth in chicken consumption, as displayed by street side vendors' menus is a recent phenomenon, News reports about the rampant malnutrition in our country alongside reports about our demographic dividend form our daily diet, the one making a mockery of the other. That diet would probably be better, i.e., healthier, with a dose of realism in the form of some easily available, (relatively) affordable white meat namely chicken, Going by what's eaten on Pune's streets, chicken doesn't lag vada pav, bhel, dabheli or dosa. Please to note that none of the veg options, barring the last, is really a healthy option: it's just a quick bite on the run. Chicken, as consumed on the street, too, is not at its healthiest being a deep-fried patty stuffed into white bread (bun), Yet, chicken is a growth sector. Industry veteran OP Singh maintains growth of this segment of the agriculture economy is a conservative compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6 per cent or more for the next few years. (CAGR refers to the average annual growth rate of an investment over a set period of time usually longer than a year). That growth, he insists, is unavoidable and will come from the affordability, availability and convenience couple with the fact that there are no socio-religious inhibitions surrounding its consumption, There are challenges to this sector as in any other business and the one challenge no one seems to be paying much attention is the one being mounted from outside the country. That call, of allowing entry for produce from other countries, is getting stronger as our numbers excite the rest. This may be the last large market remaining where growth is happening, The challenges that the poultry industry faces range from the internal, namely its structure to the need for more openness about its inputs (corn and soya are the main 39

i n p u t s t h e p r i c e s of w h i c h a re unpredictable and opaque bringing uncertainty) to cost-effective production here preparing industry to go global, The likelihood of India emerging as an international poultry player is worrying established overseas players. If the Indian poultry industry gets its cost-effectiveness and quality right, it could be a daunting

international player. This worrying element has added to the international calls for India to open up her markets for chicken imports, Even should imports be allowed, there are hurdles because international players are believed to use genetically- modiďŹ ed inputs and meat meal in the feed formulation, all of which form a kind of natural non-tariff barrier to imports.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017




: Chander Mohan Kapila Company : Alex Edutech Exporter +91-72101-14055 Ambala Name : Vikas Jain Company : Microteknik +91-98960-44855 Ambala




Name : Onkar Singh Company : Indu Hatchery +91-98963-07277 Ambala

Name : Abhishek Nayyar Company : Nayyar ScientiďŹ c Instrument Traders +91-98966-66471 Ambala

Name : Ramesh Chander Company : Bhagwati Feed Pvt. Ltd. +91-92159-44454 Bahalgarh, Sonipat (Haryana)

Name : Rajesh Poonia Company : Ghangash Hatcheries +91-97286-15932 Bhiwani

Name : Sudhir Company : Rama Equipment Co. +91-94169-32373 Ambala

Name : Rajeev Sangwan Company : Kundan Farms +91-99924-75000 Bhiwani

Name : Sanjay Kathuria Company : Airtech Cooling Process Pvt Ltd. +91-93505-11679 Faridabad

Name : Rajbir Singh Company : Panwar Poultry Research & Breeding Farm +91-92541-41500 Bhiwani

Name : Harsh Bhardwaj Company : Koyka Electronics Pvt. Ltd. +91-98105-01205 Faridabad


Name : Sube Singh Company : Ishwarwal Poultries +91-99913-85844 Ambala Name : C. L. Bajaj Company : Arora Bajaj Poultry Farm +91-98111-33206 Gurgaon Name : Shashi Kapur Company : Avian Consultants +91-98960-33722 Gurgaon

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



Upcoming EVENTS


OCTOBER 2017 Event Date Venue Ph.


he British Free Range Egg P r o d u c e r s Association says its members will innovate and invest to meet any rise in demand for their product, The association says that a decision by the UK's major retailers to only source non-cage eggs from 2025 will take about 775 million eggs a year off supermarket shelves,The shortfall is expected to be met by both barn and free range systems, Meanwhile, a population increase and steady growth in market share in the years leading up to 2025 are likely to organically grow sales of free range, S p e a k i n g a t B F R E PA 's a n n u a l conference in Birmingham today, chief executive Robert Gooch said The free range sector has grown rapidly to occupy about 60 per cent market share of retail egg sales, produced by over 20 million hens, We have a great track record in producing a safe, quality product that consumers value enormously and, while 2025 may seem a long way off, our members are looking ahead at how they can meet any increase in demand, We are perfectly positioned to deliver what retailers and major food brands need, and we urge them to make British free range eggs a major part of their sourcing policy going forward, Mr Gooch added that the recent Fipronil scandal, which affected Dutch eggs sold in products 41

: : : :

ILDEX Indonesia 2017 October-2017 Jakarta +62 (21) 266 45000/131


in major supermarkets, highlighted the risks associated with relying on imported food, The case for sourcing more British eggs is overwhelming, We have a ready-made assurance scheme in the form of the Lion Code which delivers everything that retailers need and consumers demand, A sustainability report commissioned by BFREPA earlier this year estimated that if demand for free range eggs from major retailers increases by 5 per cent in 2025 then an additional 1.8 million laying hens are required, That number jumps to 2.7 million hens if demand grows by 10 per cent, Mr Gooch said Conservative estimates are that the required investment from the free range sector to meet a 5 per cent increase in demand would be ÂŁ58 million in new housing and equipment alone, Free range producers are not afraid of investment and expansion provided they have the conďŹ dence that there will be a market for their product, This is why it is important that retailers are clear and committed to British free range egg producers, and that they set out their procurement plans for post 2025 as soon as possible.

Event Date Venue

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Contact Ph. E-mail Web

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Poultry India 2017 22-23-24 November-2017 Hitex Exhibition Complex Center, Hyderabad, Telangana Mrs. Sandhya Rani + 91 9490612032 info@poultryindia.co.in poultryindia.co.in

JANUARY 2018 Event Date Venue Ph. E-mail Web

FEB01-IPPE 2018 30 January-2018 Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia USA : +1-770.493.9401 : info@ippexpo.org : ippexpo.com : : :

MARCH 2018 Event Date Venue

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Contact Ph. E-mail Web

: : : :

FVG asia 2018 27-29 March-2018 Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC), Bankok, Thailand Mr. Ashish Kala +91-82957-33669 maarcservices@gmail.com victam.com

APRIL 2018 Event


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Livestock Asia Expo & Forum 19-21 April-2018 Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia +603 2176 8788 +603 2164 8786 rita.lau@ubm.com livestockasia.com

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017



Cheddar Baked Chicken

(Life Time Period 10 Years)

Ingredients 1/4 cup butter, melted1/2 cup all-purpose flour Ÿ 1 teaspoon salt Ÿ 1 teaspoon ground black pepper Ÿ 1 teaspoon garlic powder Ÿ 1 egg Ÿ 1 tablespoon milk Ÿ 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese Ÿ 1/2 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs Ÿ 1 cup crispy rice cereal Ÿ 3 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut in half Ÿ 2 tablespoons butter, melted Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Coat a medium baking dish with 1/4 cup melted butter. 2. In a bowl, mix the flour, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. In a separate bowl, beat together the egg and milk. In a third bowl, mix the cheese, bread crumbs, cereal. Dredge chicken pieces in the flour mixture, dip in the egg mixture, then press in the breadcrumb mixture to coat. Arrange in the prepared baking dish. Drizzle 2 tablespoons butter evenly over chicken. 3. Bake 35 minutes in the preheated oven, or until coating is golden brown and chicken juices run clear. Ÿ

Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd. #923, Sector-9, Urban Estate, KARNAL - 132001 (Haryana) INDIA Email : dairy.pcsl@gmail.com | info@pixie.co.in Website : www.pixie.co.in

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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No. 10 | OCTOBER - 2017

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