healing ways
Building Spiritual Community
Rev. Theresa Fieberts
941-376-0177 • CSLCulturalCoast.org Follow us on FB
Sunday Gathering at 11am Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Blvd of the Arts
CBD’s New Frontier
Musical Guests for March 3/1 Elaine Silver, 3/8 Special Guest, John Stringer, 3/15 Len Seligman, 3/22 Mindy Simmons, 3/29 Emily Ross CSL and the Science of Mind philosophy is open and affirming, welcoming to all.
The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. ~Kobe Bryant
Sarasota/Manatee Edition
Help for Mental Health
by Julie Marshall
hen Kaye Her- It’s really important However, as an unbert’s husband for people to know regulated supplement, CBD brought home presents a challenge for their options and consumers in its ubiquity a free sample of cannabito keep looking for from CBD-infused pillows diol (CBD) oil, she didn’t hesitate to give it a try. what works for them. to gummies, soaps and Having heard about its even pet food. Discerning ~Peter Bongiorno calming effects, she gave purity, dosage and safety CBD to her three sons, are real concerns for those whose attention deficit hyperactivity disthat may grab any bottle off the shelf. order made home-schooling difficult due Consumers must become well into frequent tantrums and lack of focus. “I formed, especially when replacing medicadidn’t expect CBD to be miraculous, but tions for serious disorders, experts say. But I was surprised that my kids’ frustrations for anxiety and emotional well-being, CBD were greatly reduced,” says the Austin, is largely heralded as a safe and natural Texas, mom. “We weren’t seeing the sechoice by providers well-versed in CBD, verity of meltdowns.” such as Peter Bongiorno, past president of The use of CBD in tinctures, capthe New York Association of Naturopathic sules and lotions has grown exponenPhysicians. “It’s really important for people tially, along with the science to prove its to know their options and to keep looking efficacy in remediating physical pain. for what works for them,” he says. Newer, but equally as robust, is the viThe Feel-Good Molecule ability of CBD as a remedy for mental CBD, a compound extracted from the health-related issues, experts say, pointhemp plant, is appealing because it can ing to anxiety, depression and stress as raise the level of cannabinoids—feel-good the top three applications.