November 2022 Compass Rose Newsletter

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C mpass Rose

A monthly publication from the City of Nassau Bay


Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211

PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN FALL SWEEP - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 The Parks & Recreation and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful (KNBB) Committees will host its fourth annual Fall Sweep for the City of Nassau Bay on Saturday, November 5 from 8AM to 12PM, and the entire community is encouraged to take part!

“This year, in conjunction with Council’s push for beautification, we will partner with the Garden Club to plant more flowers in empty beds around the City,” said Councilmember Michelle Weller, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation and KNBB Committees. “The Committee is very excited to invite all our neighbors in Nassau Bay to partner with the team for clean up, painting and planting.

“This year, we plan to have an after party with food and fun activities for the kids. Sign up today!”

Volunteers are asked to meet at the Pavilion in David Braun Park at 8AM for coffee. Prior to commencing work at 8:30AM, volunteers will receive instructions, maps, and equipment. After the beautification projects, the Committee will host an after party at 12PM at the Pavilion in David Braun Park. Fall Sweep Project List

Volunteers will be asked to select from several planned activities in: David Braun Park - Main Park, Entrances and Reflection Garden; David Braun Park - Shoreline; David Braun Park/Nassau Bay Wildlife Peninsula - Shoreline; Swan Lagoon Park - Main Park and Clipper's Circle; Howard Ward Park Main Park and Tranquility Arbor; Upper Bay Road - Five (5) waterfront planters; Founders Park; Memorial Garden; Garden Club Circle Garden; and the Corner of West Indies & Upper Bay. Additional details on each project, including the number of volunteers required at each location, is available on the City website at Volunteers can register on the City of Nassau Bay website at: For more information about volunteering, please contact Parks & Recreation | KNBB Chairman Michelle Weller at michelle.

RECOGNIZING OUR VOLUNTEERS: NANCEE LYNN, PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE The City of Nassau Bay is so grateful for the work of all of its Boards, Commissions and volunteer groups, and this month we are recognizing Nancee Lynn, a member of the Parks & Recreation Committee. The Parks & Recreation Committee has oversight for the development and use of the City’s parks and green spaces. Lynn is also a long-time member of the Nassau Bay Garden Club and has served two terms as Club President.

“The Parks and Recreation Committee is one of several committees that residents can volunteer for to help city officials maintain the integrity and charm of Nassau Bay,” she said. “We work hand-in-hand with the Nassau Bay Garden Club and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful, who have done so much work to bring beauty and tranquility to Nassau Bay and maintain City gardens.” Michelle Weller, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation | Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful Committees, said she truly enjoys having Nancee on the team.

“Nancee has dedicated many years as a volunteer in Nassau Bay, and I look forward to her contributions on all the great projects we will accomplish this year,” Weller said.

Family of Volunteers: Nancee Lynn (far right) is pictured with her two daughters. Both girls grew up volunteering in Nassau Bay.

NASSAU BAY GARDEN CLUB The Nassau Bay Garden Club celebrates Arbor Day with a program and tree planting at Howard Ward Park at 10AM on Friday, November 4.

HOLIDAY IN THE PARK - DECEMBER 10 Save the Date! Holiday in the Park, hosted by the Special Events Committee, will take place on Saturday, December 10 from 2PM4PM in Howard Ward Park (18300 Upper Bay). We hope to see you there!

"Arbor Day is the celebration of a tree's value,” said Catherine Johnson, Club Event Chair. “We plant new trees in honor and recognition of the many gifts they bring for us - oxygen to breathe, climate stabilization for our environment, provide shelter and homes to wildlife, and they beautify our land. Join us as we gather together and plant a new tree this Arbor Day." Marking its 58th year the Club has celebrated Arbor Day, the public is invited to join in the ceremony near the gazebo. Mayor Phil Johnson will present a proclamation naming November 4 as Arbor Day in the City of Nassau Bay. Moon Valley Nurseries has donated a tree to be planted near the gazebo. The community is invited to attend. In other activities, the Club plans to celebrate its veterans early this year in learning more about the Blue Star Memorial at its November 8 meeting. The memorial is a tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America.


November 12, 2022 | Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Join Run 4 Health, a 5k hosted at Gloria Dei! All proceeds of this event will go to Anchor Point, a ministry partner of Gloria Dei that delivers hope to families, including pregnant teens and women, babies on the way, troubled youth and their families, foster and adopted children, and families considering adoption. Those interested can register here by November 5:

CHILI COOKOFF FOR PUBLIC WORKS Neighbors Giving Back, a Nassau Bay community group, will host a Chili Cook-Off and tailgate event on Saturday, November 19 to honor the City’s Public Works Department. The event will take place from 1PM to 5PM at the Nassau Bay Pool near the marina.

Neighbors Giving Back invites all residents to come out, taste delicious chili from a range of competitors, and support Nassau Bay Public Works.

For more information, reach out to nbneighborsgivingback@

Local resident and retired naval veteran Bob Warters will speak to the club members about the memorial located on NASA Parkway. Following the program, members will place U.S. flags at the site. Due to elections at the City Hall, the meeting will be held at Chick-fil-A beginning at 9:30AM, followed by the meeting and program at 10AM. It is open to members and guests.

Members also plan to participate in the Fall Sweep hosted by the Parks and Recreation Committee and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful (KNBB) Committee on Saturday, November 5. Volunteers are encouraged to participate.


On Saturday, November 5, St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church in Nassau Bay will again welcome the Galveston Food Bank to its parking lot for its November Food Distribution. This distribution is available to any individuals or families, regardless of where they live. At the last distribution, over 100 cars arrived seeking food assistance for 375 people. The program served these citizens fresh fruit, vegetables and sometimes meat and hygiene items. This event will begin in the St. Thomas parking lot (18300 Upper Bay Rd., Nassau Bay) from 8AM until about 9:30AM. If you are interested in serving or leading in this effort, please email Mike Stone at Community members are always invited to serve in this ministry!

LEADING NASSAU BAY - MAJOR BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS ON THE HORIZON City Council has significant plans for the beautification of Nassau Bay. We have partnered with the Economic Development Corporation and increased funds in our FY2023 City budget to make these initiatives a top priority.

The first beautification project we will undertake is the replacement of twenty-six Medjool palm trees in the NASA Parkway median between Point Lookout Drive and Upper Bay Road. A partnership between the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the City of Nassau Bay will return palms to the center of Nassau Bay. You will recall that these majestic palms were killed by Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. Since that time, the NASA Parkway median has been missing the trademark palms that graced our City. Mayor Phil Johnson Replacement palms will include 20 feet of bare trunk and will be planted at locations with existing light structures. The palm tree replacement project will be initially funded through the City to meet a tight planting timeline and to ensure these trees are installed prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday. This should allow our Nasa Management District the time to light up the trees for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. While the City is advancing the funds for this project, 100% of the cost of this project will be reimbursed by the EDC.

The second beautification project is the Fall Sweep taking place on Saturday, November 5. This is an annual project lead by the Parks and Recreation and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful Committees. This year we have included the Garden Club, many of our churches, and City Staff in our push to plant significantly more flowers and landscaping in empty beds around the City. The details of this project are included on the front page of this edition of the Compass Rose. Volunteers will meet at David Braun Park Pavilion at 8AM prior to commencing work on the beautification projects.

Lastly, we will beautify our parks and community through a proactive City maintenance program. Our parks, street medians and other areas of our community are showing significant signs of wear and they need immediate attention. Council provided dedicated funds in our FY2023 budget to tackle these areas over the next year. Our first project will be to rehabilitate the baseball field in David Braun Park and provide for golf cart access to all City parks. Councilmember Michelle Weller has taken on the improvement of our parks and is leading the Parks and Recreation Committee to address these long-needed improvements. City ordinances restricting golf cart access to our parks will be discussed and potentially modified and presented to Council for consideration. Next up, we will focus on replacing missing trees throughout the City, fully-landscaping medians, and giving attention to the cleanliness of our streets and curbs.

PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR FLOOD RISKS All of Nassau Bay is prone to repetitive flooding so it’s critical to be prepared at all times. Here are some ways to protect yourselves, your neighbors, and your property. • City staff can help you determine if you are located in a high risk flood zone. Staff can provide FEMA map information including flood zones and base flood elevations, as well as information on flood insurance, floodways, past flooding, and natural and beneficial functions.

• Buy flood insurance. There is a 30-day waiting period before a policy takes effect, and homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood damage. Visit www. for more information on flood insurance. • Contact the City Building Department at (281) 336-6292 to see if a permit is needed before you make any repairs or improvements to your home.

• Protect your home’s foundation from flooding by making sure your downspouts drain away from your house. City staff can provide advice on how to correct drainage issues, information on grant opportunities in order to elevate your home, and other flood protection assistance including sources for financial assistance. Call the Building Department for more information or to request one-on-one site visits. • Keep debris and trash out of the streams and ditches so water doesn’t back up and increase the flooding risk to nearby buildings. • Don’t dump in the drains as they lead to Galveston Bay.

• Make a disaster preparedness kit, and have a plan for evacuation.

Visit the City's website for more information on flood preparedness.


Statistics for September 2022


Total Service Calls............................ 284 Total Reports Taken........................... 67 Total Patrol Miles.......................... 5499 Crimes Against Persons...................... 5 Property Crimes...................................19 Arrests................................................... 29 Avg Response Times (minutes)..... 3.13


Combined total - August and September 2022 statistics Total Calls............................................. 68 Fires......................................................... 5 Rescues................................................... 3 Motor Vehicle Accident...................... 4 Hazardous Conditions........................ 6 Fire Alarm ............................................ 10 EMS Assist............................................ 17 Cancelled in Route/Other................ 23


Total Calls........................................... 209 Total Patients in Nassau Bay.......... 172


The City of Nassau Bay Parks & Recreation Committee held a special reception on October 10 in honor of the City’s hard-working Public Works Department. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of these invaluable staff members. The Committee would like to express appreciation to the Nassau Bay Garden Club for their support and participation in the event.


Presented Commendation Award to Officer Claude Crider. Recognized the National Night Out Block Captains.

Presented a Proclamation for Arbor Day to the Nassau Bay Garden Club. Presented a check to the HLSR – Go Texan Committee.

Approved the second and final reading of Ordinance O2022-825 amending Chapter 20, Utilities and Services, establishing water and sewer rates. Received an update from the City Attorney regarding code enforcement activity for 18410 Kingstown Ct.


Nassau Bay City Council voted to approve new Utility Rates on October 10, 2022. The new rates will go into effect starting with the January 1, 2023 utility bill (mid-November to mid-December consumption). The new rates and additional information can be found on the City's website at www.nassaubay. com/UtilityRates.

STREET SALES TAX ELECTION On November 8, Nassau Bay residents will be asked to reauthorize the ¼ cent sales tax allocation dedicated for street repairs. Early voting will continue through Friday, November 4, 2022. Early Voting hours for November are: • Tuesday, November 1st, 7am to 7pm • Wednesday, November 2nd, 7am to 7pm • Thursday, November 3rd, 7am to 10pm • Thursday, November 4th, 7am to 7pm

The nearest early voting place for City of Nassau Bay residents is the Freeman Branch Library (16616 Diana Lane). Note: Voters may vote early at any designated Harris County branch polling place. On Election Day, residents can vote at the Nassau Bay City Hall Council Chamber (1800 Space Park Dr. #200) from 7am to 7pm. Should you have any questions, please contact City Secretary Sandra Ham at 281.333.4211.

Approved the first of two readings of three EDC Projects previously approved by the EDC, including the “Palm Tree” Project (estimated $150,000 to $200,000), “Community Landmark” Project (estimated $50,000 to $75,000), and the “Java Owl” Project (estimated $26,000). Authorized the Mayor, City Manager, and Public Works Director to select and award Bid No. 2022-04 NASA Parkway Palm Tree Replacement Project.

Directed the City Manager to formulate a plan for implementation of the Parks & Recreation Committee’s recommendations for improvements of the David Braun Park baseball fields by Spring 2023. Tabled for future workshop the Nassau Bay Public Works GIS Software project.

Directed the City Manager to develop a comprehensive code enforcement plan by the beginning of 2023.

Directed the development of a comprehensive plan for Active Shooter initiatives.

Approved the first of two readings of Ordinance 2022-828 amending Chapter 9, Section 9-35 to allow the City to revoke its adoption of Subchapter C Quasi-Judicial Enforcement Of Health and Safety Ordinances of Subchapter C of Chapter 54 of the Texas Local Government Code. Join us for next month's Council Meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022. Visit for more details on the meeting.

CONTACT YOUR CITY OFFICIALS Mayor Phil Johnson 281.734.1074 | Mayor Pro Tem Don Matter, Position 1 832.260.4626 | Councilmember Lucie Johannes Sommer, Position 2 832.338.1828 | Councilmember Ashley Graves, Position 3 281.330.5413 | Councilmember James Abbey, Position 4 979.422.2383 | Councilmember Sandra Mossman, Position 5 281.333.2194 | Councilmember Michelle Weller, Position 6 832.868.8663 |

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