In the Year of Marking the Great War centenary 1914-1918, when there is a threatening danger, from a lot of sides, of minimizing the contribution of Serbia on the side of the victorious Allies in this war, it is necessary to present documentary sources of all kinds created through the work of Serbian state institutions, army and ordinary citizens, participants and contemporaries. The exhibition "Šumadija Division 1914-1918" is dedicated not only to the jubilee and anniversaries, but also to the memory of perishing and heroic exploits of small nation, which was respected and esteemed by its allies, to the Serbian peasant, head of his household, "gedža" (Serbian peasant), who made the skeleton of the Serbian army, who, in his "opanak" and "gunj" (peasant shoe and jacket), by his superhuman efforts, his love for his homeland and devotion to oath sworn to the king and homeland, with faith in God, made Serbian stronger than death on its death road prepared by others.