Seeking a New Biological Paradigm by Gina Loree Bryan
n the debate over whether diet or exercise is more important for optimal health, food is usually assumed to be the source of the components the body uses for growth, metabolism and repair, but it is becoming better understood that through the process of mechanotransduction, physical forces also act upon the behavior of cells. This is the approach that “biomechanist” Katy Bowman, MS, founder of the Nutritious Movement Center, in Sequim, Washington, has taken.
Nutrition is Everywhere As Bowman explains in her book Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement, mechanotransduction is the process by which mechanical input is converted to biochemical and biological responses by the cells. This renders movement analogous to food when it comes to how cells respond. As she explains, “Both food and movement create a cascade of biochemical signals that alter the state of your physiology.” The implications of mechanotransduction and its role on biological outcomes are generating excitement in the health science field. A 2016 article published in the Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal outlines the opportunity physical therapists are envisioning for targeted movement healing protocols to affect genetic expression and tissue healing with their patients/clients. For the majority of those outside of the therapeutic relationship seeking practical applications to support everyday health maintenance, it may be helpful to think of movement as a source of nutrition.
A New Science To understand mechanotransduction better, picture a single cell within an environment of trillions of other cells within a body that is always “loaded” by the surrounding environment, including all the 24
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other cells. By virtue of the force of gravity upon mass, all of these cells are being loaded, or “squished”, as Bowman puts it, in some way. Turning, lifting, stretching, breathing, smiling or rolling the eyes will deform the shape of the cells in those areas; the torsion, stretch, shearing or compression of which is then processed as information that affects the cells’ activity.
Connect the Dots Based on mechanotransduction, it is a given that every movement and non-movement of the body will affect the cells in some way, but the degree to which the cells are nourished by mechanical forces is dependent upon the types and locations of the loads. Consistently engaging in weightlifting will result in the biceps growing larger and stronger, just as wearing ill-fitting shoes over time will produce the response of calluses or blisters. This is an important point, because exercise regimens are often approached with the intent of having a generalized, whole body benefit. For the cardiovascular or respiratory systems, this may be the case, depending on the exercise. Yet, in the same way that as a weight-bearing load on the upper arms will not do much for quadriceps, the body may be left with localities of under-moved parts on a cellular level—localized, movement-nutrient deficiencies, even within an overall active body.
Move Smarter, Not Harder A movement-nutrient-dense life can begin with moving more and in wider variations. It may be helpful to consider four main movement food groups when intentionally constructing an active lifestyle: walking, sitting (unsupported), lifting/carrying and hanging/climbing. Within each of these larger components (think macronutrients, like protein, carbohydrates and fats) are the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, organic acids and trace minerals). For example, walking is a complex movement made up of a number of smaller movements. Walking on flat surfaces with supportive footwear is more physically accessible to a wider population than walking barefoot on a mountain trail studded with rocks and roots. Yet, on the cellular level, a larger number of localized “neighborhoods” would be served by the latter in terms of the variations of loads. Much like moving toward a healthier food diet, it’s easier (and less injurious) to acclimate slowly. Incorporating one new vegetable or movement strategy into a daily or weekly regimen will be easier to integrate and make a habit than the less consistent, go-for-broke workout.