feel good • live simply • laugh more
Homemade Give Oneself Celebrate a New Humanity and Heartfelt Away Gain the World in Return
Light-Filled Holidays Lead the Way
Do-It-Yourself Stocking Stuffers
DECEMBER 2012 | New York City Edition | NaturalAwakeningsNYC.com
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December 2012
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December 2012
letterfromthepublisher Dear Natural Awakenings Readers & Friends,
contact us Publisher Tina Woods CEO Sharon Bruckman Editor Alison Chabonaise Calendar Editor Janet Merryman Design & Production Julee Bode Natural Awakenings NYC P.O. Box 1995 Radio City Station New York, NY 10101 www.NaturalAwakeningsNYC.com Contact: Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsNYC.com
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© 2012 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.
Psst, are you awake? This month, we explore the farreaching, yet fundamentally personal, topic of “Awakening Humanity.” At its foundation, awakening humanity is about making the shift of our individual focus from “me” to “we.” In our feature article, “It’s All About We” (page 18) Linda Sechrist explores this topic as it relates to several recent literary works. You’ll learn how thought leaders such as Jack Canfield and Lynn McTaggart can help us see through the “what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours” mentality into a “me-we” way of thinking that can help inform wise decision-making about everything from environmental stewardship to economics to health and spiritual development. These works assert that “no man is an island” and that we as individuals do not exist separately from the rest of mankind nor from our planet—we are, indeed, One. Aside from the spiritual aspects, hard scientific research across various disciplines such as physics and biology continues to prove that, in reality, everything and everyone is linked into a coherent whole. Furthermore, it is believed that we are genetically hardwired for co-creation and cooperation and, as a result, most of the world’s greatest innovations are a result of collaboration, not competition. Therefore, in order to improve, and possibly even save, humanity, we must “awaken” to the reality of a universal Oneness. We must take off our blinders, openly look around ourselves and embrace a more holistic world view. At the same time, we must also move beyond negative thought traps that engender fear of others and of the unknown. Only as we begin to shift our focus away from looming negatives and selfcenteredness and toward positive connections and meaningful relationships can we fuel constructive change. Only by focusing on our overlapping goals and interests and setting aside our differences can we fully realize the good that we can effect together. What a wonderful time of year to awaken and think about our blessings and how we can share with others. Tina Woods, Publisher
We’re more than a magazine! We’re a lifestyle!
Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
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contents 14 10 newsbriefs 14 healthbriefs
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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
by Michael Mongno, Ph.D
Do-It-Yourself Stocking Stuffers by Meredith Montgomery
Conscious Evolution: Why We’re Better Together
by Linda Sechrist
advertising & submissions How to Advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please go online at www.naturalawakeningsnyc.com or email publisher@naturalawakeningsnyc.com. Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: publisher@naturalawakeningsnyc.com. Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Email Calendar Events to: publisher@naturalawakeningsnyc.com. Deadline for calendar: the 15th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 212-726-1420. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com. natural awakenings
December 2012
Natural Awakenings speaks with
Dr. Kogan Founder of Doctors at trump place
Medical Innovations: Dermapen
inally, the long-awaited new treatment for Stretch Marks, Surgical Scars, and Acne Scars is here! This treatment is called Dermapen. Most of us would do anything to get rid of the unsightly damage which our skin undergoes as we age. Actually, it’s not just the older people whose skin shows signs of aging. Motherhood is an amazing and fulfilling experience. Still, it can leave some unwanted marks on our bodies. The majority of women, myself included, have to deal with concealing the unsightly stretch marks as well as c-section scars. People who lose and gain a lot of weight, develop stretch marks too. Finally, both men and women suffer from acne scarring and wrinkles. That is why we are so pleased to introduce Dermapen treatments to the list of other revolutionary anti-aging offerings at Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Institute and Medispa. This in-office procedure is performed with the state of the art device, which promotes the release of skin growth factors and tissue remodeling. The treatment boosts collagen production and smoothes away scars as well as fades the stretch marks. After Dermapen treatment, all patients immediately emerge with brighter, tighter, and younger skin. Dermapen also helps to drive topical antioxidants and serums, like vitamin C or Hyaluronic Acid into the skin. This technology allows the topicals to be absorbed 1,000 times more effectively, which is a huge advantage when you are fighting to reverse the damage that your skin went through over the years. The procedure itself is quick and painless, lasting about 20 minutes. Dermapen can be used on any color of the skin and the results of this treatment are immediate. There is no downtime with this treatment, which is always important for our busy working patients. If you wish to receive a consultation or to book a Dermapen Treament, please call Anna at 212-580-0900 8
New York City Edition
Tired of being tired? Get sick often? Are you or someone you care about feeling stressed lately?
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FAMILY HOLIDAY WEEK | December 26, 2012 – January 1, 2013 What a great time to bring the family together and let Frost Valley YMCA host your gathering. Let us take care of the cooking and programming, while you and your family focus on each other. We’ve put in a request for snow early, so hopefully we’ll be able to offer a winter wonderland of activities: Snow Tubing, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoeing and more! Camp favorites will be available: Climbing, Guided Nature Hikes, Arts & Crafts, and Wreath Making. There is something for everyone! And we’re running a special promotion: all CAMP STYLE LODGING with BUNK BEDS will be ½ price. To register your family or group, please contact us at reservations@frostvalley.org or via phone at 845-985-2291. We look forward to spending the holiday season with you!
natural awakenings
December 2012
Angelically Guided Healing Method Workshops Now Available at Kripalu
Help Haiti with Health Products
mericans’ seasonal generosity is extensive, reaching overseas with a helping hand to neighboring countries, including those in desperate need in Haiti. Steven Frank, owner of Nature’s Rite, maker of natural organic herbalbased products, has launched his own Haiti Relief Project as a way for people to help send the company’s health products to a nutritionally impoverished population. Haiti is still struggling to recover from the 7.0 earthquake that killed nearly 300,000 people on January 12, 2010, and many residents have been living in makeshift shelters ever since. Last August, Hurricane Isaac brought severe flooding to much of the country, causing mudslides and additional destruction to already vulnerable areas. After a recent trip to Haiti, Frank reports that the main hospital in Port-au-Prince is still a pile of rubble surrounding a rough shell. He found that most people must rely on the generosity of roadside clinics, often set up in tents, when their health problems become unbearable. “There is no health insurance for most of them, and the minimum expense is well beyond what they have or can earn. When I asked a local whether he would visit the hospital for his typhoid, he said, ‘No. We try drinking tea or anything else. We don’t have the $200 it would take just to get in.’ I gave him a bottle of Typhoid Relief and hoped for the best,” says Frank. A section on MyNaturesRite.com allows website visitors to select company products totaling up to $20, $50 or more that cover joint, respiratory, digestive, skin and other health issues for shipment to Haiti. Products are designed to help alleviate rash, eczema, foot fungus, sinusitis, shingles, osteoporosis, food poisoning and many other conditions. For more information or to contribute (not tax deductible), visit MyNaturesRite.com or call 888-465-4404. See ad, page 27.
s Oprah Winfrey recently said in her Lifeclass, “The best thing that can happen in your life is to figure out your life path as soon as possible and start making the plans necessary to be living that now.” You can learn to do this with the Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM). LHM is a healing art and spiritual growth vehicle with the exceptional goal of aligning us with our own soul’s life purpose. LHM can improve any aspect of life: physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional. Nothing is off limits. We can live a life of joy and fulfillment, with loving relationships, vibrant health and overflowing prosperity. Fresh from teaching workshops at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Lynn McGonagill, Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method, now brings these workshops to the Kripalu Retreat Center. Lynn has trained with higher-dimension Avatars since 1990, for the past twelve years has worked with thousands of clients, and began teaching this unique and powerful Angelically guided energy healing art in 2007. She is now leading these experiential workshops, including demonstrations and practice sessions, nationwide. “The core curriculum consists of four progressive workshops. Level One provides the matrix of the energy alignment. Adding techniques into the matrix takes the work to a whole new level; it’s like planting seeds in a fertile field. Level One provides the field; Levels Two and Three are the seeds. Level Four is the water. I have always wanted to teach Levels One and Two in a combined weeklong intensive, and Kripalu is providing us that opportunity,” Lynn joyfully explains. Lynn’s first book, The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be, is now on sale at major bookstores or your favorite online retailer. It is written as a how-to manual for this unique and powerful channeled healing system. Lynn emphasizes that channeling Divine healing is not a gift; it is a teachable, learnable skill. Everyone “gets it” and you can too. The LHM Avatars lovingly lead you through the process in every class and even on every page. For more information, a demonstration of the method, or to take a freely shared online introductory class, go to www. lightworkersmethod.com. Distance learning and webinar options also available, as well as continuing education credits. NOW is the time for transformation. 2012 is coming to a close. Take powerful action to transform your life and the world around you. Hasn’t your soul waited long enough? SPECIAL Levels One & Two Intensive Retreat Workshop January 27 – February 1, 2013 KRIPALU CENTER FOR YOGA AND HEALTH in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts
New York City Edition
Spirits Lift Despite Hurricane Sandy
fter one of the largest storms on record hit the Northeast, devastating the shorelines of New York and New Jersey and uprooting the status quo in surrounding states, locals saw a new kind of energy Natural Awakenings’ Long Island publisher with emerge among the populace. her community in Long Beach. Kelly Martinsen, publisher of the Long Island edition of Natural Awakenings and a resident of Long Beach, New York, joined the corps of volunteers that are helping families and businesses dig out of the ruins of their once beautiful beach town. In turn, her magazine’s advertisers and neighboring publishers reached out to share their office space, homes and other heartfelt help to keep Natural Awakenings’ NYC publisher with Friends her own business afloat. “While of Firefighters in Queens donation center. I have lost much, I feel blessed to have lived through this event,” says Martinsen. “I was able to experience the wonderful nature of people helping people in the days after the storm.” Tina Woods, publisher of Natural Awakenings’ New York City edition, changed the role of her delivery truck from distributing magazines to carrying food to residents and volunteers assisting in Brooklyn neighborhoods. She also participated in recovery work along the Jersey Shore and collaborated with her advertisers to raise $1,000 for relief efforts towards Friends of Firefighters. Woods observes, “In times like this, you know what it means to truly be local and look to the people immediately next to you to get by.” To join or support coordinated Hurricane Sandy relief efforts vetted by Charity Navigator, visit Tinyurl.com/JoinHurricaneSandyRelief. To support local efforts, visit FriendsofFirefighters.org.
Compelling Film Comes To New York
xalt Films and Samuel Goldwyn Films are proud to present People v. The State of Illusion to the New York community. This compelling film explores the science and power of perception and imagination and documents the evidence that answers the central questions of this provocative film, “what is real?” and “can we really change?” Written and produced by Austin Vickers, it is an inspiring movie that will wake you up to the power of your imagination, encourage your hope, and elevate your spirit. Watch the trailer at TheStateofIllusion.com and join Vickers for one of the New York screenings followed by a keynote discussion on the Science of Imagination and Q&A. Thurs, 12/13 7:00pm META Center Friday, 12/15 6:30pm Downtown Community Television Center Saturday 12/15 6:00pm University of Albany Performing Arts Center
Post-Sandy Health Tips
n the wake of Sandy, we need to focus on taking the best possible Dr. Greenberg care of ourselves.. This includes getting proper sleep each night. Here are three tips for better sleep from Dr. Greenberg of Flatiron Health Associates. Turn off electronics: Too many electronic diversions mean that even when we hit the sack, we stay awake, getting progressively more tired and setting the stage for a restless night. Take a Nap: Why? Because when you’re overly tired, you’re less likely to experience sound sleep. Grabbing a nap whenever you can (or the nonsleep equivalent, anything that allows you to close your eyes and relax body and mind) prepares you for a good night’s sleep. Don’t Eat Late: Particularly anything that’s heavy, greasy, spicy, sugary or contains caffeine. Give your body at least two hours to digest your last meal of the day so when it’s time for bed, the focus can be on falling asleep. Dr. Greenberg is a wellness advisor and chiropracter at Flatiron Health Associates located at 87-89 Fifth Avenue near 16th Street. Learn more at DrGreenberg.com
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natural awakenings
December 2012
HOLIDAY Enjoyment Guide
reetings and Happy Holidays everyone! This time of year, we are usually inundated with “holiday survival tips”, as if the holidays were a natural disaster that we need to “batten down the hatches” in order to live through. Here in the NYC area, that is no longer something to be taken lightly. After Hurricane Sandy ravaged our area, we now have a fuller appreciation for what we have and the people in our community. Now, more than ever, I like to think of ways that I can prepare to fully enjoy the holiday season. Here are 6 ways to move towards being truly present for the events that may occur in the coming weeks. 1. Remember that the holidays are a state of mind…not a limited engagement. There is no expiration date on connecting with friends and family, being generous with those who need support in your life and being open to the youthful wonder of the season. You can partake in these qualities all year round! Remembering this will help you resist the temptation to try to cram in all your celebrating in an exhausting few weeks. You can also enjoy small amounts of your favorite holiday at anytime, anywhere. 2. Breathe. Breathing consciously helps you be fully present, staves off anxiety and just feels really good. Our Energy Kinesiologist, Heike Zelnhefer, encourages us to “try breathing in joy, harmony, love and peace. Breathe out anything that no longer serves you. This infuses more joy and awareness into our lives and upgrades the quality of the energy we take in.” 3. Take time for the daily rituals that ground you. Our Nutritionist and Practice Manager, Judy Penta, lets us in on her personal routine: “I start each day with a good sweat from my workout, a prayer of gratitude and the mantra ‘everything passes’”. No matter what type of daily routine you have – a healthy breakfast, connecting with a loved one, personal care routines – find a way to incorporate them into your day even during travel to keep your body, mind and spirit fresh and aligned. 4. Celebrate with the people who inspire you. Just as you have learned to make healthy choices around food, friends and work, choose to celebrate the holidays with people who you find it easy and comfortable to be around. If you’re far away 12
New York City Edition
By Rashmi Gulati, MD Medical Director, Patients Medical
800 Second Avenue, Suite 900, NYC 10017
from those people, technology such as Skype, instant messenger, text and (of course) good old fashioned phone calls are great ways to stay connected. Our Supplements Adviser, Leah Barber, says “Staying connected with people I love and feel safe with helps me move through the emotions of holidays.” 5. Be kind to yourself. Just as you may have been trying to be “on your best behavior” around relatives or other people that you feel challenged by around the holidays, be “on your best behavior” towards yourself. Did you let a snarky comment slip to your mother-in-law? Let it go. Did you eat a few too many of your favorite desserts? Forgive yourself. Over-cook the turkey? Let yourself off the hook. 6. Give yourself the gift of health. If you go into the holidays already feeling unbalanced, you may be setting yourself up for a rough time. Just like you might clean your home before company arrives, take time to spruce up your health before the holidays. This means getting a physical examination if you haven’t had one in over a year. It also means checking in about your mental and emotional health with a professional if you feel that may be appropriate. Getting well supported around all aspects of your health can help you look and feel great, allowing for much more time and space to enjoy the best of the holiday season. Are you ready to get your health ready for the holidays? Partner with one of our holistic medical doctors to evaluate your physical, mental and emotional health. They’ll help you create a plan to get balanced so you can feel the joy and wonder of the season.
Mention this article to get $25 off your office visit with one of our holistic medical doctors before December 31st, 2012. For more information about Patients Medical call 347-269-4762 or visit www. patientsmedical.com
IF YOU’VE LOST SOMEONE YOU LOVE Connecting To Your Departed Eases Your Pain By Sue Frederick author of I See Your Soul Mate, I See Your Dream Job & I See Your Loved Ones on the Other Side
The holidays can be especially tough when we’re grieving the loss of a loved one. This technique can help heal your grief knowing that your loved one is guiding you…
e sense a presence when a departed loved one is near. We may see an image in our mind’s eye, get goose bumps, hear a whisper, or even smell a familiar scent. Yet when we’re lost in grief, our sadness and depression creates a grey energy cloud, which blocks our ability to sense their presence and prevents them from communicating directly with us. Opening the heart and sending love to others in spite of our own pain, shifts us out of the grey energy of grief and opens our gateway to the divine. The ethereal realms are as close to us as the clothes that we’re wearing are to our skin. Yet this is hard for us to comprehend because our eyes don’t translate that information to us. Sensing our departed standing beside us is not a matter of seeing a perfectly formed being. Our departed will rarely materialize fully forus—unless there’s an emergency or something essential they need to say with no other way of getting our attention. This kind of complete materialization is rare and difficult for a spirit in the higher realms to achieve (although it does happen). Complete materialization requires enormous energy from the departed. Their daily visits to us appear more as fleeting glimpses, or hazy images in the corner of our vision—not directly in front of us. Our eyes may be scanning a room when we catch something in our field of vision that resembles a human form. But when we turn to look directly at it, the image is often no longer there
because we’ve activated our left-brain reality filter. Sitting in prayer or meditation for twenty minutes each morning, you can raise your frequency, release your pain, and clear your channel to the divine. This daily practice requires discipline—but the benefits are enormous.
My Break Your Heart Wide Open Meditation to help you heal your grief: Sit in prayer or meditation with eyes closed for twenty minutes. Then ask to feel the full heartbreak of your loss. Allow yourself to cry the pain out. Offer your pain to the divine beings to carry away and transform into love. Focus on the love you feel for your departed. Then speak directly to him or her. Ask for their guidance. Tell them how much you love and miss them. Ask for strength to carry on and accomplish your great work – which is the reason you’re still here. Take note throughout the day of when you experience a sense of knowingness about a difficult situation, have a feeling of peace wash over you from nowhere, or bump into an old friend who makes you laugh and feel better. Your loved one is helping you in these moments. Speak directly to your loved ones and thank them for the gifts they’ve put in your path that day. Tell them you realize they’re watching over you and that you’re grateful. Through practice, you’ll learn to trust the information you get from your higher self and use it in your daily life. Sue Frederick is a lifelong intuitive and author of I See Your SoulMate, I See Your Dream Job & I See Your Loved Ones on the Other Side. For more information visit: www.ISeeYourRSoulMate.com natural awakenings
December 2012
Healing With Ozone Therapy
One-Size Meditation D Does Not Fit All
n intriguing study recently posted online by Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, suggests that new meditators are most likely to stick with the practice and reap its healthful benefits if they select methods with which they are most comfortable, rather than those that are most popular. In one of the first studies to compare meditation techniques head-to-head, author Adam Burke, a professor of health education at San Francisco State University and the director of its Institute for Holistic Health Studies, taught 247 participants four popular methods—mantra, mindfulness, Zen and qigong visualization. He asked them to choose which they preferred to practice at home for six weeks before techniques were evaluated. The simpler methods, mantra and mindfulness, each were preferred by 31 percent of study participants. Zen and qigong were selected by about 22 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Burke says the results showed the value of providing people new to meditation simpler and more accessible methods, and also emphasized that no one technique is best for everyone. He hopes to see more comparative meditation studies, especially to determine if particular methods are better at addressing specific health issues such as addiction. “If that’s the case,” he advises, “healthcare professionals would be able to guide patients toward techniques that will be most effective for them. Additional studies are also needed to determine if there is a way to predict which method will be best suited for any particular individual.”
A Wise Man’s Gift for Arthritis Sufferers rankincense, an aromatic resin obtained from Boswellia trees native to Africa, is an age-old herbal remedy that may help alleviate the pain of arthritis, according to scientists at Cardiff University, in Wales. “The search for new ways of relieving the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis is a long and difficult one,” says Dr. Emma Blain, who led the research with co-investigators Professor Vic Duance, from Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences, and Dr. Ahmed Ali, of the Compton Group. The team believes they have been able to demonstrate that treatment with an extract of Boswellia frereana—a rare frankincense species—inhibits the production of key inflammatory molecules and helps prevent the breakdown of cartilage tissue that causes the condition. The African Somali people have long used extracts of frankincense as a traditional remedy for arthritis. “Our research achieved the use of innovative chemical extraction techniques to determine the active ingredient in frankincense,” says Ali. “We will now be able to further characterize the chemical entity and compare its success against other anti-inflammatory drugs used for treating the condition.” New York City Edition
If you suffer from these and other infectious ailments and conditions he can be reached in his Manhattan office at 212-581-0101. See ad, page 3.
Stop Wasting Food
r. Howard Robins of The Healing Center in New York City appeared at the N.A.V.E.L. Health Expo on Nov.18th at the Huntington Hilton where he gave two workshops on Intravenous Ozone Therapy. Considered by many to be the foremost clinical expert on the use of Medical Ozone in North America, Dr Robins spoke about eliminating Candidiasis and toxic metals as well as viral infections such as Herpes safely through the use of Medical Ozone.
t’s time to step up to the plate—but not waste what’s on it. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reports that about 40 percent of all food in the United States goes uneaten. Each year, we are throwing away the equivalent of $165 billion in discarded food, making it the single largest component of solid waste in America’s landfills and costing the average family of four between $1,350 and $2,275 annually. About two-thirds of household waste consists of spoiled food that’s not used in time; the rest is caused by people cooking or serving too much food. Learn easy steps to reduce food waste via the NRDC free online fact sheet at Tinyurl.com/StopFoodWaste.
Giving Oneself Away and Gaining the World in Return Michael Mongno, Ph.D
ith the devastation that’s recently occurred on the East Coast, we’ve all been called to see how capable we are of giving, as well as appreciate what we have that we often take for granted. After Storm Sandy many have been left with absolutely nothing and our collective hearts go out to those who have suffered so much, so unfairly. Perhaps that’s what draws us to care so much--knowing that it could have easily happened to any of us. Even now as we see the pictures of neighborhoods that were destroyed or that now have to be razed for safety concerns, the suffering is monumental and impacts our collective unconscious. Perhaps this knowing now becoming visceral, and is just what may create the critical mass necessary for real change. The devastation that has occurred is also something that each of us can use in our personal transformation, as it brings us face to face with how we are living each moment of our lives. We were all simply just living our lives days before the storm hit and then for many, life was irrevocably changed forever. Knowing how fragile life is can make us extremely aware of how we are living each precious moment. This awareness of how we are living our minutes, hours and days can help us see what we might be taking for granted. We can notice if our thoughts are focused on the non-essential, the inane/mundane dramas that often captivate and nullify our consciousness. And more importantly we can see how we are treating the loved ones in our lives who often go under-appreciated until something happens and it’s too late. Let’s first start with ourselves and what we have that we may not be fully appreciating, such as our wondrous body and its capabilities, our homes that provide shelter and comfort, and our work that helps create abundance and raison d’etre. These things can rise to paramount importance when disaster strikes and any of them are taken away. If we take several minutes upon waking each day to give thanks, we can adopt an attitude of gratitude that will help us see ourselves and the world differently and help sustain real feeling of appreciation for what we have and for what’s real. We can truly savor the
things that support us or bring us joy, perhaps something as small as a hot cup of coffee or a comforter on a cold day. By taking the time to do this it forces us to really be in the present moment, as that’s where any real savoring of our experience takes place. We’ll find that there are many, many reasons to “be here now.” From here we can better see who around us might benefit from what we have to give. It becomes easy to give from our own feelings of gratitude as we can’t help but to give what we have away, knowing that we are open vessels for more to flow through us. It becomes organic; we see a need and then we fill it. This doesn’t have to be a complicated process, as we simply follow what’s unfolding right in front of us. We are in fact helping ourselves by helping others--the two are inextricably entwined or perhaps even one and the same. Living from this place can be very rewarding indeed, as there’s always something to do which can bring meaning great and small. Inevitably this leads to a life more deeply experienced which offers the kind of personal fulfillment that expands the frame within which we live. We become more expansive human beings: to quote Walt Whitman in his Leaves of Grass, “I am larger, better than I thought, I did not know I held so much goodness.” Sometimes it takes a wake-up call to really get what we’re capable of. Let’s make this recent tragedy that has affected so many our own personal wake-up call, a waking up to a life of appreciation, responsibility and giving so that the world we create will be one we would want to pass down to those who follow after us.
Michael Mongno MFT, Ph.D, LP is a licensed psychoanalyst, relationship counselor and holistic practitioner in Manhattan. He brings a wealth of successful experience with a wide range of couples issues as well as down-to-earth wisdom and modern sensibility to what it takes to create healthy, loving and empowered relationships. Please visit PresentCenteredTherapies.com or call (212) 799-0001 for more information. natural awakenings
December 2012
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Smog Begone
Dramatic Decline in Los Angeles Air Pollution Legendary late-night TV host Johnny Carson made the thick, automobile-generated smog that covered Los Angeles the butt of jokes for decades, but times have changed. In the past 50 years, California’s Los Angeles Basin has shown a 98 percent decrease in levels of some vehiclerelated air pollutants even as area denizens now burn three times as much gasoline and diesel fuel. Between 2002 and 2010 alone, the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC) dropped by half, according to a new study led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. “The reason is simple. Cars are getting cleaner,” says Carsten Warneke, a NOAA-funded scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Primarily emitted from the vehicle tailpipes, VOCs are a key ingredient in formation of ground-level ozone, which at high levels can harm people’s lungs and damage crops and other plants. The magnitude of the drop in VOC levels was surprising, although it doesn’t mean that ozone levels have dropped as steeply, because the air chemistry is complex. Levels of ozone pollution in the basin are down, but don’t yet meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. Warneke expects the decrease in VOC emissions by cars to continue, given that engine efficiency continues to improve and older, higher polluting vehicles will be taken off the roads. Source: American Geophysical Union (Tinyurl.com/SmogBegone)
Many Tongues
Human Rights Day is December 10 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Now, the office of the high commissioner for human rights has been awarded the Guinness World Record for having collected, translated and disseminated the declaration into more than 380 languages and dialects, from Abkhaz to Zulu, making it the world’s most universal communication. The work sets out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all men and women everywhere are entitled, without distinction. It was drafted by representatives from all regions and legal traditions, and has over time been accepted as a contract between governments and their peoples. Visit Tinyurl.com/UN-HumanRightsDeclaration. 16
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Coming Clean
Environmental Hall of Shame From shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste to laundry detergent and window cleaners, hundreds of chemicals of unknown origin and effect can be found everywhere in our daily lives. Some are regulated by government agencies, but many are not; some cleaning products, for example, are not even required to list their ingredients on labels. The research team at the nonprofit consumer watchdog Environmental Working Group has released a new Cleaners Hall of Shame database (Tinyurl.com/CleanerHallOfShame) that ranks more than 2,000 household cleaners by how hazardous their ingredients are and how much information is on their labels. Many products contain ingredients known to cause asthma or are contaminated with carcinogens. Even so-called “green” products aren’t necessarily any better. Many of them boast of ingredients made from plants, rather than petroleum, but there is little or no safety data for some plant-based ingredients. A truly green product poses few risks to health or the environment and transparently informs users of its content.
Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. ~ Baltasar Gracian
microwave the bag for 30 seconds at a time until achieving the desired temperature or place it in the freezer to use as a cooling or freezer pack. For aromatherapy, mix the rice with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil before filling. At room temperature, the scented version doubles as a soothing eye pillow.
Seeds to Throw and Grow
Homemade and Heartfelt Do-It-Yourself Stocking Stuffers by Meredith Montgomery
ith the volume of household waste soaring 34 percent beyond normal levels in the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day it’s particularly important to remain eco-conscious during the holidays,” says Anna Getty, author of I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas. “It’s easy to get so wrapped up in buying gifts and decorations that ecofriendliness goes out the window.” This year, consider giving the family’s stocking stuffers a sustainable makeover by gifting homemade items. Getty observes, “Useful, thoughtful homemade gifts can be really sweet… and green.”
A Jar for Everyone With a ribbon and label of instructions, inexpensive canning jars and glass containers filled with homemade goodies can become creative and practical gifts for everyone on the list. Sugar body scrubs offer a simple and affordable home spa experience. Combine two cups of sugar with one cup of oil (sweet almond, grapeseed or olive) and add 10 to 20 drops of essential oils to scent. Try a combination of rosemary and peppermint for an invigorating morning scrub or lavender and vanilla to unwind later. Fill jars with ingredients for some simmering home aromatherapy. Labels instruct recipients to boil the contents in a small saucepan of water, and then reduce heat to
simmer, adding water as needed. Combine evergreen sprigs, cinnamon sticks, cloves, dried apple peels and citrus rinds for a festive holiday scent. Lemon, rosemary and vanilla afford a refreshing alternative. For family grill masters, obtain bulk spices for barbecue rubs at a health food store. A basic recipe from DadCooksDinner.com combines four tablespoons paprika, four tablespoons brown sugar, two tablespoons chili powder, one tablespoon freshly ground black pepper, two teaspoons garlic powder, two teaspoons onion powder and one teaspoon dried thyme.
Upcycled and Sewn Experienced crafters can follow online guidelines to upcycle fabric scraps and unwanted clothing and linens. An old sweatshirt or sweater becomes an iPad case and colorful T-shirts morph into tote bags and scarves. Creating therapeutic hot/cold bags can be fairly simple, even without a sewing machine. Cut a 16-by-eight-inch piece of flannel, cotton, fleece or terrycloth and fold it in half with the finished side inside, lining up the edges. Using sturdy thread, sew a quarter-inch seam along the open edges, leaving a half-inch opening. Carefully turn the fabric right-side-out through the opening and fill the bag three-quarters full with long grain white rice. Tuck in the opening’s unfinished edges and sew closed. To treat aches and pains, the giftee can
Guerilla Gardening’s (GuerillaGardening. org) recipe for seed bombs makes fun gifts for gardeners and nature lovers. Choose flower and herb seeds that grow well in each recipient’s region. Combine five parts clay soil or potter’s powder (from art supply stores), one part compost and one part seeds, with water to bind. Form the mixture into balls approximately one inch in diameter and let dry for one to two days in an empty egg carton. Wrap seed bombs in recycled paper or cloth tied with a ribbon and instructions. Toss them in the yard or garden and watch them grow.
Creative and Kid-Friendly Enlist Santa’s elves to assemble a fort-building kit for children, inspired by SaltwaterKids.com. Stock a pillowcase with two sheets, clothespins, plastic clamps, rope, suction cups and a flashlight. Tie up the pillowcase with rope and a cute label, and watch old linens come to life with a little imagination. Give broken and unwanted crayons a second life with fun-shaped recycled crayons. Fill greased muffin tins or cookie cutters on a foil-lined cookie sheet with broken crayon pieces (paper removed). Bake at 150 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until the crayons melt. Allow them to cool completely before removing from the molds. “I like to encourage families to focus on creating memories and rituals as a way to avoid excessive holiday consumption,” says Getty, who is renowned for her homecooked gifts packaged in reusable tins with recycled bows. She notes, “These become a tradition that people know and love.” Such heartfelt gifts open the door to special moments and memories celebrating the true spirit of the season. Meredith Montgomery is the publisher of Natural Awakenings of Mobile/Baldwin, AL. Connect at HealthyLivingHealthyPlanet.com. Holiday waste report source: epa.gov
natural awakenings
December 2012
It’s All About We Conscious Evolution: Why We’re Better Together by Linda Sechrist
fter decades of studying issues of environmental destruction, poverty and war, Malcolm Hollick, Ph.D., author of The Science of Oneness: A New Worldview for the Twenty-First Century, concluded in 2006 that a better future for humanity requires a more holistic worldview. It must be one that reflects the evidence of both new sciences and established spiritual traditions, all of which point to a deep unity, or Oneness, the grand reality underlying and often belying the superficial testimony of the senses. Hollick concluded, “We become open to the experience of this unity only when we recognize at the deepest intuitive level that we do not exist as separate selves.” The founder of the Findhorn College Foundation, in Scotland,
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recognized that while the old worldview has disintegrated, the concrete of a new one has not yet set. He also observed how the acceleration of scientific findings—advancing knowledge and understanding of the universe, as well as the meaning and purpose of life—would continue to influence the general worldview. Within a decade, of the publication of his book, hard scientific evidence across many disciplines—particularly physics and biology—as well as pioneering ideas and anecdotal evidence presented by leading philosophers and authors, affirmed the existence of a reality in which everything is connected and linked in a coherent whole. Such thinking further revealed that evolution has equipped humans
with genetic wiring for co-creation, cooperation and collaboration. Martin A. Nowak, a professor of biology and mathematics at Harvard University and co-author of Super Cooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed, explains that most great innovations of life have resulted not from competition, but cooperation, the real “master architect” of evolution. Nowak believes that figuring out how cooperation comes about and breaks down is the key to human survival as a species. Books such as The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us, by Lynne McTaggart, a scientific researcher and award-winning journalist, and The Golden Motorcycle Gang: A Story of Transformation, co-authored by motivational speaker Jack Canfield, are helping individuals to see through the illusions of the old “survival of the fittest” and “I win, you lose” paradigms into one expressed in terms of connectedness and relationships. This new “Me-We” thinking and way of being has been spreading; it now informs everything from enlightened environmental stewardship to economics, as well as health and spiritual well-being.
How Community Works Canfield emphasizes the valuable lesson of collaboration and cooperation he learned while working for W. Clement Stone, a philanthropist and self-help author: When working together, focus on overlapping goals and interests, and not on differences. In Chicago, Illinois, where the Eat Fresh Eat Local movement sparks successful collaborations, the focus is on food, rather than issues of race, sex or economic disparity. There, hundreds of people are growing food together in communal spaces on cityowned land, privately owned empty lots and rooftops, as well as in school gardens, food forests and urban farm sites. “Self-reliant, community-operated urban farms and the food centers that retail the produce to residents in surrounding neighborhoods—some in the city’s most isolated and impoverished communities— are economic drivers that create jobs,” says Erika Allen, projects manager of Chicago’s Growing Power office. The daughter of national organization founder Will Allen notes that local workshops resemble a cross-section of the world. “Participants from different countries, cultures and economic levels come together for three meals a day, where we connect, share perspectives and learn from one another.” Another successful initiative, Building a Healthier Chicago (BHC), brings together the Chicago Department of Public Health, the Office of the Regional Health Administrator of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Chicago Medical Society and the Institute of Medicine of Chicago. The BHC agribusiness project develops and maintains a system of more accessible food supply, distribution and markets where people live, work, play, pray and learn. Neighbors in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, organized park cleanups with the long-range goal of replacing crime and litter with learning. Now, Riverside Park, once an area of urban blight, has both a college-level field research station and grade school outdoor classroom, offering
“We’re one humanity and we’re all in this together.” ~ Jack Canfield
“The transformation of our society, world and universe starts and ends with the transformation of ourselves… and in this way to co-create with others and Spirit a person, a community, a civilization, a planet and a cosmos that are whole and harmonious.” ~ Malcolm Hollick innovative school, adult and community programs operated by the Urban Ecology Center (UEC). Programs serve 44 schools and have spawned two branches in Washington Park and Menomonee Valley to serve residents in those areas. The UEC’s latest project, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Milwaukee, the River Revitalization Foundation, Milwaukee County Parks, private businesses and local landowners, is an arboretum that will protect and restore 40 acres of land for native species and wildlife habitat along the Milwaukee River. “With the creation of the Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum, southeastern Wisconsin has a new, biologically diverse space for growing future environmental stewards,” says UEC Executive Director Ken Leinbach. He particularly likes creating spaces and resources that give people that wouldn’t normally connect a place to bump into one another.
Expanding Worldview College settings are similarly intended to encourage stimulating and expansive dialogue among diverse populations. At Mount Holyoke College, in South Hadley, Massachusetts, recent environmental study grads Dana Rubin and Hannah Blackmer met Frances Moore Lappé when she visited to share the message of her book EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think, to Create the World We Want. As a result, the pair embraced the need to shift their view of the world away from looming negatives to focus on creating positive connec-
tions and meaningful relationships that recognize life’s interdependence and fuel constructive change. After more research, the duo built a simple website named Convenient Resilience.com and created a blog before commencing a coast-to-coast, 100-day, solutions-oriented journey last summer. They posted nearly 30 “webisodes” of heartfelt interactions with individuals and organizations with stories to tell, like the group at 2100 Lakeside Emergency Men’s Shelter, in Cleveland, Ohio, that is using small-scale, practical and cost-effective solutions to lessen their impact on the environment. “The personal stories we heard affirm what we learned from Frances—that it’s possible to locally solve global problems together,” advise the sojourners, who travel in a grease-powered car. “Learn to think beyond negative thought traps that engender fear,” advises Lappé. “Thinking, ‘There isn’t enough to go around, so I have to grab what I can now,’ for instance, focuses on separateness and lack, which is precisely what got us into the state we are in.”
Starting Within A big-picture, more-whole-systems perspective forms naturally when individuals come together to explore the power of building intentional coherence. The Art of Hosting (and convening conversations that matter), World Café, Vistar Method for Circles and OpenSpace collaborations leverage technology for the practice of mindfulness to foster deeper connections, authentic conversations and outside-the-box ideas, all contributing to a more enlightened collective intelligence. One’s own new world perspective can even emerge as a result of a dark night of the soul, as Patricia Ariadne, Ph.D., author of Drinking the Dragon, has observed with clients that have undergone a personal metamorphosis as a result of the economic downturn. “Often, the entire process of transformation indicates a spiritual initiation—a renewal or rebirth—that acts as an induction into a level of expanded consciousness and new relationship with Spirit,” remarks Ariadne. “True spiritual progress inevitably leads to a desire to be of greater service to others, to go from ‘Me to We,’ which I believe is our mandate for the 21st century.”
natural awakenings
December 2012
Living mindfully can literally change our brains, states Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., in the introduction to A Mindful Nation, by Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, which reports on the supporting science. “Mindfulness… can improve our capacity for perspective taking and decision making, and enhance our emotional intelligence and our ability to act with clarity and wisdom, alone and in concert with others.” Kabat-Zinn is the founding director of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, in Worcester. “A peaceful revolution is being led by ordinary citizens across our nation,” confirms Ryan. “At the core of it is mindfulness—finding ways to slow the mind, pay attention to the present moment and see how you are connected to others and can work in a spirit of cooperation to get things done.” The inner impulse to recognize the deeper unity of all life and sense the reality of Oneness is bubbling up within individuals, small groups and organizations, and finding expression in writings and teachings, according to Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Birth 2012 and Beyond: Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution. Individuals that feel compelled to join with others in expanding their consciousness to help foster systemic change and a culture of a higher order are invited to find a compatible group. Hubbard offers webcast training for Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE), now 3,000 members strong; Craig Hamilton, founder of Integral Enlightenment, provides an online telecourse called Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life.
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“Evolutionaries sense that we are facing a critical moment in the unfolding of our human story and feel called to create pathways to a better future,” says Hamilton. He notes that the 35,000 participants in his most recent introduction to his webcast were interested in where they could find a supportive community of kindred spirits committed to living life on the same level. He states, “We instinctively know that we can accomplish more together.” A partnership with The Shift Network, which empowers a global movement of those intent on creating an evolutionary shift in consciousness, has enabled Hubbard, a featured sage in the documentary Awaken Soul to Soul, and her ACEs to launch a global initiative to mark the inauguration of a sustainable planetary civilization on December 22. Thousands of individuals are now working in collective hubs across the United States to prepare for the Planetary Birth Day celebration. An initial concern for many individuals seeking to experience Oneness is, “What happens to my identity?” Christopher M. Bache, Ph.D., professor emeritus in the department of philosophy and religious studies at Youngstown State University, in Ohio, reassures us that within the matrix of connectivity, individuality is not suffocated, but paradoxically liberated into deeper forms of self-expression. “While opening to the collective fields that surround us melts the boundaries of the private ego, bringing about the ‘death of self’ noted in spiritual literature, as the ego dies, a deeper form of individuality is born—not an isolated individuality, but one that thrives in subtle give-and-take,” explains the author of The Living Classroom: Teaching and Collective Consciousness. While the idea of a future in which American and other cultures reflect oneness can seem distant and idealistic, it is already present in South Africa’s Xhosa community in the form of Ubuntu, a worldview which means, “I am what I am because of NaturalAwakeningsNYC.com
who we all are.” According to South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, Ubuntu iterates the essence of being human and speaks to the fact that it’s impossible to exist as human beings in isolation. We are people through other people. “We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected, and what you do affects the whole world,” he observes. “When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.” Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. For more information and in-depth interviews on It’s All About We, visit ItsAllAboutWe.com.
The Global Birth Day of a New Humanity December 22, 2012 Birth2012.com Join the Conscious Evolution ArtOfHosting.org BarbaraMarxHubbard.com ConvenientResilience.com GrowingPower.org NewMomentumfhu.org SmallPlanet.org TheShiftNetwork.com TheWorldCafe.com VistarFoundation.org
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Yes, I Finally Got Rid of Herpes!
Dr. Howard Robins
Imagine… You’ve got that first date with him/her. You ‘ve got that interview for the new job you so very much need. You’re getting married today. You’re meeting that new client, the CEO of the biggest account you’ve ever had. You wake up in the morning with a huge, red, ugly blister on your lip. It’s a Herpes outbreak! It couldn’t have picked a worse time to appear. There is no way to cover it up. You can’t be more embarrassed. Do you cancel? What do you do?
The Problem It’s not complicated. You caught a virus, the Herpes virus, that comes in two varieties, Herpes Type I; Herpes Type II. The CDC says over 50 million Americans have it out of 350 million. It appears that the numbers are really reversed. In truth maybe 50 million don’t, as most people are not blood tested for it. Stress, any kind of stress may bring on an attack, an outbreak, as your immune system weakens for the moment. While there are many other types of herpes viruses these are the most severe psycho-socially embarrassing ones, ugly, painful and at times dangerous. Years ago the cold sore, the “canker sore” was for the most part ignored. That’s not the case today. Relationships have ended or never even started when it’s revealed or found out that one you has Herpes. While Type I is generally considered oral and Type II genital, it has been proven by testing that you can have either in both locations!
The Truth about how you got it Would you believe that grandma might have given it you? How about your best friend? How is that possible? Isn’t it only sexually transmitted? What you don’t know could get you infected. In truth, while it often is sexually transmitted it can also be passed on by contact with silverware while dining or even sharing a water bottle at the gym. Unfortunately, it’s simply that easy. Grandma may have had a little brown or pink “dot” on her tongue one morning when she fed you your oatmeal. Not the full-blown blister that we all know is obviously an outbreak. Tasting it, she found it too hot so she blew on it and tested it again. Finding it was now the right temperature she fed it to you. Unfortunately she just transferred the virus onto the spoon and now to you. Have you ever shared food in a restaurant with a friend, a family member or on a date with that special someone? The same thing that could have happened with grandma could have happened then. Ever shared a soft drink with a friend or allowed your date to taste your cocktail? Most will blame the last person they were intimate with, but unless you had a blood test shortly before being with them proving you were clean, you may have already been infected.
How can it be dangerous? As scary as this may sound an outbreak on you lips or inside your nose can travel up your face to your eyes and literally blind you. Believe it or not this is not that uncommon. Besides being painful as it attacks the sensory nerves and putting aside the small
scar it can leave (though most lesions fade away), if a woman has it internally it may breakout during birth causing the baby to be born blind.
What can you do to get rid of permanently? Please don’t believe the drug commercials on television that say it can only be suppressed. Their only interest is to keep you on expensive medication for the rest of your life. They either don’t know about the treatment I am going to share with you or they choose to ignore and suppress its existence. Intravenous Ozone Therapy uses ozone gas as a medicine effectively destroying, getting rid of these dreaded viruses completely. Over 45,000 physicians have used it safely in over 50 countries for over 70 years, while being suppressed in this country obviously for the financial gain of Big Pharma. In truth it is a very, very hard virus to kill. The good news is that Ozone used as a medicine intravenously will penetrate its defenses and completely destroy it without the possibility of developing a mutated or resistant strain. It does this safely with virtually NO adverse reactions! Believe it or not, it is even possible to rid your body of it so completely with Ozone therapy that you will stop manufacturing antibodies for it (the bodies normal defense mechanism), so that you will test negative for it, as if you never had it! To find out more about this time proven safe treatment go to www.ozoneuniversity.com. If you have questions concerning the treatment call Dr. Howard Robins, considered by many to be an international expert on Intravenous Ozone Therapy and the foremost clinical expert on it in North America at 212-581-0101.
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December 2012
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December 2012
Natural Awakenings Talks with
Dr. Michael Doyle
ichael E. Doyle, MD is a board certified medical doctor, with degrees from Cornell and Georgetown, who is committed to offering his patients the safest and most effective care possible. Dr. Doyle believes that when conventional medical approaches are unsafe or ineffective, it is his job to find better “alternative” approaches to restoring and maintaining health. His unique expertise in nutrition and natural hormone therapies has attracted patients throughout the New York metro area and from across the country.
You started out as a conventional MD. What led you to transition your practice to integrative and natural medicine? My transition from strictly conventional medicine to an integrative approach was really a matter of me getting back to my core beliefs. My mother had a great influence on me by passing along her interest in natural nutrition. My extended family has contained many doctors including my grandfather, two uncles and two cousins. So I grew up with a keen interest in health and medicine, but I was always a bit of a skeptic. As a teenager, I experimented with various natural remedies and often found fault with the conventional medicine that I saw being practiced. Even my college applications referred to alternative health approaches, and my essay was written about the dangers of some medical treatments. Eventually, my cousin the surgeon had a long talk with me and helped convince me that the best way to achieve my goals was by going to medical school. I learned a great deal in medical school and residency, but I was never fully satisfied with the contemporary approach to the practice of medicine. I felt that I was often mindlessly chasing numbers and frequently using treatments that were neither safe nor very effective. Eventually, I quit my job as medical direc-
New York City Edition
tor and began to study alternative medicine in earnest. I soon discovered doctors who were practicing a type of medicine that actually made sense to me - it was safe and effective and actually helped patients feel better, too.
Yet there are some aspects of your conventional medical training that you still strongly believe in. What are they?
I have great respect for my medical training. It has given me a great foundation for my medical career. The basic medical approach that has been taught for over 100 years is very sound. The problem is that we MDs have strayed from our core teachings. We are all taught that a diagnosis is usually made primarily by listening to and examining the patient. Unfortunately, after we leave the classroom we doctors are taught that test results are what really matter. This is a tragic distortion of a medical model that has worked for generations. Worse yet, while these tests are supposed to represent absolute science, many of them are based on unproven theories and supported by little evidence.
How would you describe your process for treating a patient? My approach with a new patient starts with listening to my patients talk about their specific symptoms and concerns as well as their overall health. I then examine them, including both a general evaluation and a specific search for signs of the likely cause(s) of their problems. The next step is to use the best and most appropriate tests when needed. I want to focus on tests that are actually going to help me take better care of my patients, not just provide numbers. This includes some traditional tests as well as some “alternative» or non-traditional medical testing. I combine all of this information to identify the underlying cause of my
patient’s specific symptoms or problems. I emphasize common and treatable problems such as thyroid or adrenal or other hormonal dysfunction, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. My treatment is geared toward helping my patients restore a healthy balance of nutrients and hormones while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This most often involves treating deficiencies with bio-identical hormones or natural nutrients. I then follow the patient’s progress, adjusting treatment as needed to restore health.
What resources have been most influential to you in staying current on integrative medical developments? My approach to staying up-to-date in integrative medicine involves a wide variety of resources. These include conventional and alternative medical journals and online resources as well as attending medical conferences. However, my most important strategy for continuing to learn about the many facets of integrative medicine has been to seek out and learn from the best doctors of the past and present. In addition to studying the writings of medical pioneers like Sir William Osler, Eugene Hertoghe and Broda Barnes, I try to find the best integrative MD’s to learn from. This spring I was able to meet with and learn from, international hormone expert Dr. Thierry Hertoghe at the Bio-identical Hormone Symposium in San Francisco. His sister, Therese, has been one of the greatest influences on my medical career. She is a fourth-generation hormone specialist who has taught me many of the finer points of natural hormone therapy. She continues to be a valued advisor, answering questions that no one else could answer with such wisdom and experience. Another great asset is Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, arguably the world›s number one expert on the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Ten years ago, Dr. T. introduced me to many of the core tenets of alternative medicine. He continues to be a great resource through his articles and through personal communications, consistently offering me exceptional advice. Michael Doyle, MD practices integrative medicine in Stamford, CT. To schedule an appointment, call 203.324.4747. For more information visit GoToDrDoyle.com.
natural awakenings
December 2012
calendarofevents NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email publisher@naturalawakeningsNYC.com for guidelines and to submit entries.
Wine Party – 12-3pm. Make sure you have a taste of all the team members’delicious hors d’oeuvres they have to offer this holiday season. They will be walking around the store offering a taste of something sweet, savory and absolutely mouthwatering! Stop by enjoy! Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
Dance Your Way to a Healthy Body and Mind – Come join the mesmerizing and sophisticated moves of ballroom dancing as you dance your way to health! New Yorker Social Dance Club, one of New York’s premiere ballroom studios, invites you to this exciting social party. 335 W 35th St, 6th Floor. 212-216-9344 or NewYorkerSocialDance.com
Holiday Lighting in Central Park – 4:30-5:30pm. Celebrate the season at the 16th Annual Holiday Lighting in northern Central Park. Watch Okamoto Studio live carve an ice sculpture, sing with the Original Dickens Carolers, take a photo with Santa (your camera) and warm up with hot cocoa and cookies! Event culminates with the lighting of the Dana Center and a flotilla of 13 trees on the Harlem Meer. Charles A Dana Discovery Center, Central Park. 212-860-1370 or CentralParkNYC.org/calendar.
Hostess Gifting – 12-4pm. Today is the day to get those gifts selected and out of your mind. Stop by the store and hand-select some of the wonderful products that are used to create deliciously-desired homemade gift baskets. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Independent Designer Pop Shop at Chelsea Market – Dec. 4-9, 7am-9pm. ID Pop Shop’s first holiday event begins today in Chelsea Market’s big event space! Come join the excitement as you shop for apparel, accessories, jewelry, and more. 75 9th Ave (between 15th and 16th Sts). ChelseaMarket.com.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 Team Member Delights Holiday on a Budget – 5-7pm. Today the Whole Foods Market team members will give out tips on making meals on a budget. Each department will create meals under $20 for the whole family that are nutritional and delicious for all! Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
markyourcalendar Kripalu presents Lightworkers Healing Method: Angelically Guided Energy Healing Classes We invite you to learn the Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM), a healing art with the exceptional goal of aligning us with our soul›s life plan. LHM is both a healing system and a spiritual growth vehicle that can improve any aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – and return us to our natural state of joy and fulfillment, with loving relationships and healthy finances. Nothing is off limits. If you are a serious spiritual seeker or a healing practitioner wishing to expand, this workshop is for you.
Levels 1 & 2: Combined Workshop Retreat, Jan 27 - Feb 1
Kripalu Center in the Berkshires For information/registration visit:
www.lightworkersmethod.com See ad on page 10.
New York City Edition
Hanukah Tasting Event – 5-7pm. Let our team members delight you with both traditional and new Hanukah dishes. The departments will be in a competition to see who can make the most presentable and mouthwatering dish. Come in and vote for your favorite dish! Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160. Winter Wellness Spa in the City. 7-9pm. Join Rebecca Spath of USANA Health Sciences & Breathing Room Therapies for an evening of self-care and tools for nourishing your body, mind and spirit. Pamper yourself with a beautiful blend of self care options, nutritional recommendations, a spa treatment and inspired pleasure for better health. Leave feeling rejuvenated and nourished with glowing skin, a relaxed body and an energized spirit and some free samples! Limited to 10 guests. Near Gramercy Park. Address will be provided after RSVP to rebecca.spath@usana.com. Find out more at exhale21.usana.com
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 The Work of Byron Katie®: Question Your Thinking, Set Yourself Free! 9am-5pm. “Life is difficult; my partner doesn’t listen; I need more money.” Thoughts like these create stress, anxiety and pain in our lives. The Work® offers a way out, allowing us to discover for ourselves the peace that’s always there, even in the face of apparent misfortune, sickness or heartbreak. Certified Facilitator Joy Karim. $95 by Dec. 4th, $125 after. Upper West Side, Manhattan. Contact Joy 860-796-9461, Joy@TheWorkwithJoy.com or TheWorkwithJoy.com.
markyourcalendar People v. The State of Illusion New York Film Screening This compelling film explores the science and power of perception and imagination and documents the evidence that answers the central questions of this provocative film, “what is real?” and “can we really change?” See more on page 24. Thurs, 12/13 7:00pm META Center Friday, 12/15 6:30pm Downtown Community Television Center Saturday 12/15 6:00pm University of Albany Performing Arts Center Advance tickets at
TheStateofIllusion.com for $20 or $25 at door.
this event that benefits The Seeds of Care Foundation. The Farber Center for Radiation Oncology, 21 W Broadway. TheFarberCenter.com, MastersofHealthandWellness. com or TurtleShellHealth.com.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 Holiday Diets – Here is another opportunity for the health conscious shopper to try various healthy eating product options and educate themselves on how to incorporate these products into a scrumptious holiday meal. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 Ballroom Holiday Showacse – 5pm. Come watch the mesmerizing and sophisticated moves of ballroom dancing as Basic Ballroom & New Yorker Social Dance Club host their annual Holiday Showcase. All are welcome. See page 25. 335 W 35th St, 6th Floor. 212-216-9344 or NewYorkerSocialDance.com Holiday Desserts Tasting Event – 12-3pm. Every guest, save room for dessert! Discover the many options to settle the craving of holiday sweets! Stop by and try a few—you won’t be disappointed. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
Team Member Delights – 5-7pm. Here is an opportunity for the health conscious shopper to try various healthy eating product options and educate themselves on how to incorporate the products into a scrumptious holiday meal. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
Beginners Meditation – Learn about meditation and life—both big topics! Pondering them can raise questions, answers and more questions. Share these issues at Manhattan Meditation Center, 39 W 14th St, Room 508. New.York.Eventguide.com/events/e502214.htm.
Love-Soul-Bodyfood – 5:30-8:30pm. As we celebrate World Diabetes Day, we offer an intimate setting for attendees to meet, greet and exchange new ideas and expertise regarding today’s preventive health movement. Culinary nutrition pioneer Stefanie Sacks is the evening’s keynote speaker, discussing “The Role of Food in Preventing Illness and Restoring Health.” In addition, Certified Stress Management Coach Colette Ellis will present “Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks and How to Reduce Them.” Turtle Shell Health is pleased to present
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 New York Philharmonic: Handel’s Messiah – 7:30pm. A musical rite of the holiday season, the Baroque-era oratorio still awes listeners 250 years after the composer’s death! Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center Plaza (corner of Columbus Ave and 65th St). 212-875-5030.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19 Feast of the 7 Fishes Tasting Event – 5-7pm. Help us celebrate the “Feast of the Seven Fishes,” a time-honored
Italian Christmas Eve tradition! The custom of serving at least 7 seafood dishes on the holiday dates back to medieval times when Roman Catholics refrained from eating meat or milk products on Fridays and specific holy days. Join us for a sampling of some of our favorite holiday seafood, as well as a wine pairing perfect for any Christmas Eve meal. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 Local Delights – Local vendors are not just important to our localeconomy,buthavetheuniqueflavorandtastetotheirproducts specific to our region. Stop by and taste the wonderful treats your visitors will enjoy for their holiday snacks. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160. Winter Solstice Celebration – In celebration of the winter solstice—the shortest day and longest night of the year—this concert is made up of fantastical effects which take the audience on a symbolic journey through the longest night of the year. The cathedral is transformed into a theatrical stage with a gigantic tam-tam gong representing the sun and a humongous ball that spins down the aisle representing the Earth. The yearly event has its own unique style and flavor and seeing is believing! Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave. 212-316-7540 or livingmusic.com.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 Woodland Fairy House Walk – 1pm. We connect children with nature to encourage active exploration of the natural world. Children who spend time outdoors develop strong imaginations and learn to socialize better with others. Let your child’s imagination run wild in a safe, supportive atmosphere! Supplies provided. Inwood Hill Nature Center, Inwood Hill Park. 212-304-2365.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Holiday Train Show – 10am-6pm. This cherished tradition delights people of all ages. Marvel at the charming model trains and NY landmark replicas, stroll the spectacular grounds, decorate (and eat!) gingersnaps, break for lunch and hot chocolate, and shop for everyone on your list! Landmarks are made of natural materials such as bark, twigs, stems, fruits, seeds and pine cones. Enid
A Haupt Conservatory, New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx. 718-817-8777.
gather healthy recipes and learn how to entertain, not only with a traditional menu. It’s a great opportunity to find new recipes to impress your guests. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
Midnight Meditation – 11pm-1am. We lovingly invite you to participate in a Midnight Meditation for World Peace, facilitated by Rev Nafisa Shamff. Come and bask in the brilliance and abundance of Divine Light and offer your light as a gift to humanity. Suggested love donation $20. Harlem Holistic Center, 115 W 128th St. 212-841-5449.
Tudor Christmas—English Carols, Motets and Seasonal Pastimes – 2-3:30pm. Holiday gifts from England’s Renaissance courts and chapels includes medieval ‘carowles,’ masquing tunes composed by King Henry VIII with Advent, Nativity and Epiphany motets by Cornysh, Tye and Byrd and gleefully performed by Early Music, NY’s engaging men’s voices with virtuoso instrumental trio. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave. 212-316-7540 or EarlyMusicNY.org.
NatureArt – 2pm. It has been said that art takes nature as its model. The beauty of nature has inspired many greatAmericans to create artistic masterpieces, from wildlife portraits of Audubon to the stunning black and white photography of AnselAdams, nature has been a muse to artists for centuries. Interpret the natural world through artistic expression, while learning about nature and the environment. Inwood Hill Nature Center, Inwood Hill Park. 212-304-2365.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 Buddhism Along the Silk Road: 5th-8th Century – 9:30am-5:30pm. Drawing together objects from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the western reaches of Central Asia this exhibition illuminates a remarkable moment of artistic exchange. Although this political system disintegrated into chaos, over the next century trade routes connecting India to the western Central Asian Silk Road continued to link these distant communities. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Ave. 212-535-7710.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 G. Balanchine’sThe Nutcracker – 6pm.This time-honored holiday classic story is of a young German girl who dreams of a Nutcracker Prince and a fierce battle against a Mouse King with seven heads. David H KochTheater at Lincoln Center, 20 Lincoln Center. 212-870-5505 or NYCBallet.com.
New Year’s Party Tasting Event—12-3pm. This is the year to eat healthy! Come into our store and sample tasty, nutritious dishes to make at home. Whole Foods Market Upper West Side, 808 Columbus Ave. 212-222-6160.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 31 Zoo York – Just steps from Fifth Avenue, visitors can chill out with penguins and polar bears, or warm up with tropical rainforest critters. Big cats are in the big city at the newest exhibit, the Allison Maher Stem Snow Leopard exhibit. Learn about the natural history, biology, cultural roles and conservation status of over 150 species from around the globe. To make the most of your zoo expedition, check the daily schedule of feedings and enrichment demonstrations. Central Park Zoo, 830 5th Ave (at 64th St). 212-439-6500.
classifieds Traditional Ayurveda
Taos high desert Ayurvedic clinic offers Kindly priced panchakarmas and rejuvenating retreats. Friendly, quiet, private, secluded. www.auromesa.com
Natural Healing
Heading into a Healthy New Year – Today in the store, vendors will provide multiple options that will be perfect to serve individuals with a specific diet. This is a great time to
Do you truly want to be healed? Healing naturally at home? Nature has all the answers. Visit www.Vibrantherbal.com
The New York Times recently reported ...
Manhattan’s Premier Acupuncture Clinic
In September the New York Times reported on a new acupuncture meta-analysis. Over 6 years was spent compiling data from 29 of the highest quality acupuncture studies available. The results? “The researchers found that acupuncture outperformed sham
treatments and standard care when used by people suffering from osteoarthritis, migraines and chronic back, neck and shoulder pain.” Call us to find out more about how acupuncture can help! Like us on Facebook to follow our news. 1841 Broadway(@60th), Suite 907, NY, NY 10023
with specialists in: Massage Therapy Facial Rejuvenation Fertility Pain Mental Health Chronic Disease Digestive Complaints In network with: BlueCross BlueShield Cigna
natural awakenings
December 2012
tri-stateevents Frost Valley YMCA Winter Season 2012-2013
Dec 26, 2012 – Jan 1, 2013 Family Holiday Week - What a great time to bring the family together and let Frost Valley YMCA host your gathering. Let us take care of the cooking and programming, while you and your family focus on each other. We’ve put in a request for snow early, so hopefully we’ll be able to offer a winter wonderland of activities: Snow Tubing, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoeing and more! Camp favorites will be available: Climbing, Guided Nature Hikes, Arts & Crafts, and Wreath Making. There is something for everyone! And we’re running a special promotion: all CAMP STYLE LODGING with BUNK BEDS will be ½ price. To register your family or group, please contact us at reservations@frostvalley.org or via phone at 845-985-2291. We look forward to spending the holiday season with you!
January 18-21, 2013 Martin Luther King Weekend - This holiday weekend, let Frost Valley host your family gathering! We’ll take care of the cooking and programming so you can focus on having fun together. Come enjoy a winter wonderland of activities: Snow Tubing, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoeing and more! Camp favorites will also be available: Climbing, Guided Nature Hikes, Arts & Crafts and Wreath Making—something for all ages. Call us and come enjoy a 2-3 night package in the beautiful Catskill Forest Preserve!
All winter weekends We’ve heard that it’s going to be a great year for snow here at Frost Valley! So book your weekend visit with us now and enjoy our snow tubing run, 25 miles of cross country ski trails (both groomed and back country), ice fishing, ice skating, and more! Of course, it wouldn’t be camp if there weren’t a wide array of arts & crafts, nature activities, and adventures to lure you in out of the cold. We’ll provide you with warm, tasty meals, comfortable lodging, and winter fun ‘til your heart’s content!
communitydirectory Acupuncture Eastgate Acupuncture P.C. in Columbus Circle 1841 Broadway, Suite 907, NY, NY www.eastgateacupuncture.com 646-719-1883
Eastgate Acupuncture specializes in making alternative healthcare a great experience. With specialists in Pain, Injury, Fertility, Chronic Disease and Facial Rejuvenation we have the practitioner that is right for you. In network with BCBS and Cigna. See ad on page 29.
Chiropractic Wellness Dr Elizabeth Greenberg
Wellness Advisor and Chiropractor 89 Fifth Ave Ste 604, New York, NY 10003 DrGreenberg@DrGreenberg.com 212.627.2660 • www.drgreenberg.com facebook.com/DrElizabethGreenberg Dr. Elizabeth Greenberg has been practicing in Manhattan as a Wellness Advisor and Chiropractor since 1988. The office focuses on preventative as well as rehabilitative care. Short term pain relief programs are also available.
fit body Apogee Power Pilates
49 W 23RD ST 2ND FL [BTW 5TH & 6TH AVE] New York, NY 10010 212-627-5852 • www.powerpilates.com Discover your inner strength, transform mind and body, increase stamina, improve your health and achieve a new and exciting physical well being. Transforming your body from the inside out with power pilates will improve your posture, abdominals, back and buttocks, while strengthening and toning your overall appearance. Chronic back pain and other debilitating physical ailments will decrease significantly as your range of motion and mobility improves. See ad on page 7.
New Yorker Social Dance Club 335 W. 35th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001 212-216-9344 • www.newyorkersocialdance.com
Learn the benefits and delights of social ballroom dancing and have an experience that is challenging but rewarding, productive but joyful and memorable. Each student is special and their needs unique. New Yorker Social Dance Club aims to thoroughly assess the interests, prior experience and future goals of each individual to be able to successfully address your specific needs and objectives to make Dance a Lifestyle choice you will never regret! See ad on page 5.
New York City Edition
holistic Counseling Michael Mongno Ph.D
Licensed Psychotherapist, Relationship Counselor 212-799-0001 • PresentCenteredTherapies.com An Experiential approach to emotional healing, personal growth and spiritual transformation. Michael Mongno is the founder of Present Centered Therapies. He has synthesized Gestalt therapy, Eastern spirituality and the best of Couples therapy into an effective, multi-dimensional approach to personal growth and relationship healing. See ad on page 24.
1601 3RD Avenue New York, NY 10128 212-369-1992 • www.bodyfeelgoodstudio.com Madeline has studied and practiced holistic health care, energy medicine, and bodywork for over 20 years. She is a compassionate, talented and innovative practitioner and healer. Her ability to attune to what your body needs offers the kind of intuitive precision that is rarely found, always adjusting treatment to your comfort level. You will always be greeted with a smile and eased into a peaceful, nurturing environment. Madeline’s bodywork and healing methods will uplift your spirits and help you live a healthier, happier, and lighter life.
integrated medicine PATIENTS MEDICAL
800 Second Avenue, Suite 900 New York, NY 10017 347-269-4762 www.patientsmedical.com A Bridge to Health, Hope and Healing... Integrate the Best of Conventional Technology with Holistic Medicine. See ad back cover.
Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Spa and MediSpa 194 Riverside Boulevard New York, NY 10069 212-580-0900 www.DTPdoctors.com Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Kogan has been practicing Western and Eastern Medicine for over 10 years. She has been taking care of New Yorkers since 2001, combining traditional medicine and holistic healing. Her work has been featured in the press repeatedly and can be seen at www.DTPdoctors.com. See ad on page 2.
INTO THE FEELING BODY JACK WIENER, CDMT, LP 98 Riverside Drive, Suite 1 New York, NY 10024 212-724-2044
Adults 35-70. An approach to creative movement refined over 53 years of teaching 3-90 year olds. Incredibly grounded in realigning the musculature that Incrementally corrects physical habits, and through improvisation to music alters emotional patterns that distort moving freely and feelingly. Reclaiming the flow of feelings through the body in a uniquely personal way. Six per class.
Intuitive Guide DEIRDRE ABRAMI
INTUITIVE HEALER, SPEAKER & COACH 561-542-0271 • www.DeirdreAbrami.com
itive Development Training & Coaching
eadings for nearly 10 years
om ts.net
Natural Furniture Dancing Moon LLC
Sustainable Delivery to NYC 845-291-1936 • www.DancingMoonFurniture.com Local Hudson Valley artisans create hand crafted furniture out of reclaimed materials and sustainable design and finishing practices are utilized. Their collection includes: chests, candle holders, unusual musical instruments, coat racks, key hooks, and pedestals. Their creative team intently works on new designs, creating new exciting products that are continuously added to their collection. See ad on page 31.
Naturopathic Doctor Simplicity Health Associates Dr Ivy Branin, ND 928 Broadway, Suite 301 New York, NY 10010 646-470-8458 www.simplicityhealthassociates.com
Dr Ivy Branin, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor dedicated to making her patients feel great using natural therapies and methods. Although she sees a wide variety of conditions, her practice focuses on mood and sleep problems, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal conditions, and women’s health.
Joan Carra, Psychic Medium
Mauricio Hair Studio
Joan guides you on your path drawing on her intuitive powers. As a medium, she can bring to life, friends on the other side. She is in five books including The 100 Top Psychics in America. Also visit JoanCarraTheMysticSongWriter.com.
LIFE COACH Life Solutions Coaching
Liz Carey, M.S. 845-225-5192 • www.leadership-connections.com Live the life you want. Live the life you DESERVE. Break old patterns of thinking and acting and open yourself to less stressful living, stronger and closer relationships, and a sense of meaning and purpose in your personal and work life. Liz has helped many people live a fulfilling life – let her help you too. Complimentary first session. Budget-friendly plans.
Dr. Howard Robins The Healing Center 200 W. 57th St., Suite 807 New York, NY 10019 212-581-0101 • DrHowardRobins@gmail.com If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr Robins contact information above. See ad on page 3.
New York City 845-389-6991 • rebecca.spath@usana.com
Deirdre Abrami is a 6th generation Intuitive Healer who is a nationally known spiritual advisor, teacher & former radio show host. After her near death experience in 2003 her passion became her purpose. Today she offers private phone intuitive readings, intuitive development courses & workshops. Her newest endeavor is her life-changing conference & event company MindBodySoulEvents.net. See ad on page 10.
Offices in NYC & Greenwich 203.531.6387 • PsychicJoanCarra.com
ORGANIC Beauty Salon 210 Fifth Ave. Suite 1102 New York, NY 10010 maurucio@mauriciohair.com 212-532-3030 • www.MauricioHair.com
Would you like to be part of a group of like-minded people who believe in optimal health & wellness, value time freedom, and are creating a life of their dreams running a home-based business for themselves but not by themselves? Do you have a passion for helping people improve their lives? Does the idea of “residual income” appeal to you? Would you like to partner with a company Forbes Magazine & Warren Buffet consider one of the “Best Small Companies” and Business Week Magazine calls one of the top 3 “Hot Growth Companies?” Contact Rebecca Spath to learn more today!
Mauricio is a cross-cultural hair artist who provides a holistic approach to the beauty industry—one that focuses not only on the physical but also on the overall well-being of his clients, through unique services, truly organic products, tailored experience and Zen-like environment that all work together to support the mind, body and soul. Mauricio’s private hair studio mission is to be the first of its kind: an innovative eco-friendly hair studio and ‘inner beauty salon’ that seeks to unlock every guest’s beauty.
Natural Beekeeping Classes Brooklyn and Hudson Valley www.HoneybeeLives.org • 646-522-7656 HoneybeeLives is a New York company working with bees in Brooklyn and the Hudson Valley. In their two-day winter workshops they provide the knowledge and inspiration to nurture honeybees with a Natural/ Biodynamic influence, encouraging love and respect for these gentle, hardworking creatures. Beekeeping is a wonderful experience that changes the way we see everything in the world around us. The 2013 Brooklyn winter class will be held Feb 2 & 3.
natural awakenings
December 2012