Natural Awakenings NYC Feb 2014

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feel good • live simply • laugh more



Pioneers Re-Examine Cardio Care

Love Your Locks

Benefits of Natural Hair Care

Attract Your Soul Mate Good-for-Us


FEBRUARY 2014 | New York City Edition |


New York City Edition

THE TOXIN DESTROYER Intravenous Ozone Therapy

All Toxins, Virus, Bacteria, Fungus, Yeast and Parasites are Destroyed by Ozone Therapy, Safely!

A frequent guest on the Gary Null Radio Show, Dr. Howard Robins has been helping people using Ozone Therapy for over 21 years and is considered by many to be foremost clinical expert in North America on Bio-oxidative Therapies for the SAFE treatment of diseases and illness with over 175,000 treatments performed. DIV Ozone Therapy has successfully treated Herpes I and II, HIV, all forms of Hepatitis, Diabetic ulcers/neuropathy, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Candidiasis, MS, RA, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Shingles,

Dr. Howard Robins

Acne, Psoriasis, HPV and now RSD/CRPS just to name a few diseases and conditions.

Please call and speak to Dr. Robins to find out more about this amazing treatment and/or go to

When all else has failed DIV Ozone Therapy may be your only hope and the answer! The Healing Center

$50 off Initial Consultation with this Ad

The world leader in Bio-oxidative Therapies 200 W. 57th St. • New York, NY 10019 (corner 7th Ave by Carnegie Hall)

212-581-0101 natural awakenings

February 2014


letterfromthepublisher Dear Natural Awakenings Readers and Friends,

contact us Publisher Tina Woods CEO Sharon Bruckman Editor Alison Chabonaise Linda Sechrist

February is here and the color red is blazing through my head, heart and soul! This month, in conjunction with the day of Saint Valentine, we bring you much love and education for yourself, your soul, your pets and your planet! It is through the vibration of love that the best things in life are created and we welcome you to carry this resonance of love with you as you take each step every day! Love to You & Yours, Tina Woods

Calendar Editor Janet Merryman Design & Production Julee Bode Natural Awakenings NYC P.O. Box 482 Radio City Station New York, NY 10101 Contact:

neverglossy.alwaysgreen. Natural Awakenings practices environmental sustainability by using post-consumer recycled paper and soybased ink on uncoated stock, avoiding the toxic chemicals and huge energy costs of producing shiny, coated paper that is harder to recycle.

Natural Awakenings NYC

naturalnyc Š 2014 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.


New York City Edition

contents 6 newsbriefs 8 healthbriefs 10 ecotip 11 globalbriefs 8 19 wisewords 20 consciouseating 22 healthykids 24 greenliving 26 naturalpet 28 calendar 10 30 resourceguide

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



Pioneering Doctors and Patients Reinvent Cardio Care by Linda Sechrist



Katherine Woodward Thomas on Drawing True Love Our Way by Debra Melani


advertising & submissions

by Judith Fertig

HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please go online at or email Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month.


EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month.


CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 15th of the month.


REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 212-726-1420. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


Boosting Diets and Heart Health


Bringing Out the Best in Introverts by Meredith Montgomery


Practical Pillars of Well-Being

by Christa O’Leary


How to Keep Little Hearts Humming by Dr. Shawn Messonnier

26 natural awakenings

February 2014


newsbriefs Chase The Winter Blues Away With Colors


here are a few things we absolutely need for survival like air, water and food. Light is another important element we tend to forget. Hunger and thirst strongly remind us about lack of food and water, and winter blues is the physiological reminder about the lack of light. If you feel sleepy, tired, down and depressed during winter months, your body tells you that it needs more light. During the rest of the year, we effortlessly absorb light waves by looking at colorful trees, plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables, the sky or the sea. The rainbow of light wave frequencies benefits the body’s electromagnetic field and makes us feel vibrant, energetic and active. Chase winter blues away and claim your happy and productive energy now, try these suggestions from Julia Kulakova, New York based creator of Silk Moves: Fit and Feminine, dance fitness with colorful silks. • Enjoy looking at the snow, whenever you have a chance. Snow exaggerates light reflection and naturally counteracts winter’s dim light. • Wear color. Take a break from the New York’s infamous black silhouette, and treat yourself and all around you to colors from your wardrobe. Wearing color against the backdrop of black trees and grey sky suits everyone. • Eat color. Choose fruits and vegetables of bright colors, eat them and display them in a bowl to add color to your household. • Look at color. Make your winter art choices wisely. Stay away from black and white movies and graphics and look for vibrant textile or fine art exhibitions. • Reading and computer work is mostly a black and white activity; remember to balance it with colorful time outside. • Play with color. Find the activities like painting or knitting to touch colors. Try a session in authentic holistic practices of Ayurveda and Qi Gong, which relate colors to particular organs and employ color visualization to improve mood and health for centuries. For a quick portable color fix, a kaleidoscope is a great invention. Color your winter life to create your own health, energy and happiness. Julia Kulakova’s Silk Moves: Fit and Feminine dance fitness with colorful silks starts on Feb 2nd at the JCC Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave at 76th St. More info at or contact 6

New York City Edition

Online Radio Emphasizes Role of Natural Health Care


special Rethinking Health Matters online radio show, hosted by Natural Awakenings National Editor Linda Sechrist from 3 to 4:30 p.m. EST, February 7, will highlight the importance of independent media in informing the public about natural health care options. Guests will include several Natural Awakenings publishers and Scott Tips, president of Natural Health Federation, an international educational nonprofit that protects access to healthy food and supplements and alternative therapies without government restrictions. Additional guests are Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., executive director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, which collects clinical data to advance nontoxic, cost-effective therapies, plus international research consultant Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile. Also participating are Dr. James Forleo, author of Health is Simple, Disease is Complicated; Dr. Constance Casebolt, owner of South Carolina’s Greenville Functional Medicine; and Sayer Ji, founder of, the world’s foremost openaccess, natural medicine database. To listen, visit Rethinking Health Matters at BlogTalkRadio. com/greenmedradio.

Love Your Locks


owadays people are more aware about what they are putting into and on their bodies and more informed of the risks of using non-organic hair products that are toxic to our body. Mauricio Cifuentes,founder of Mauricio Hair Studio in the Flatiron District shares why it’s important to provide loving care to your locks: • Regular hair dyes tend to contain hundreds of chemicals, which are the causes of severe hair loss and now is believed to be cancer causing. • Non-organic products are harsh for the skin, highly damaging to hair and even allergy causing. • Organic products are supplied in eco-friendly packaging that eliminates the unnecessary use of paper and plastic. • An Organic hairstylist will detoxify and treat your hair with the appropriate proteins and moisture levels to balance its pH and restore normal elasticity. Mauricio is a certified organic hairstylist and hair products specialist who attracts a worldly clientele with his expertise. He has over 10 years of experience working as a fashion and editorial hairstyle. Fluent in unisex styles and color trends, Mauricio’s creations live on the cutting edge of what’s fresh and modern—always using the best non-toxic products that are nutritious and safe for the body and equally effective. Restore your hair with love by Mauricio and his team by calling 212-532- 3030 or visiting First time clients, mention Natural Awakenings and receive extra discounts and offers!

Jikiden Reiki from Japan comes to NYC


racticed for 65 years by Chiyoko Yamaguchi‘s family for first aid and for serious health conditions in Japan, Jikiden Reiki is now available in New York City. Jikiden is a form of Reiki with no western ties and has preserved simply and with clarity the cultural essence of Reiki as a uniquely Japanese form of spiritual healing. The Shoden course, Reiki I, focuses on the body’s natural healing system, detoxification and on the capacity of the hands to sense levels of toxicity called byosen, which guides each Reiki therapy session. Meditation tools to enhance hand sensitivity are taught along with up-to-date historical grounding. This is Reiki and Light on the Origins of Reiki by Frank Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, offers perspectives on “byosen” as well as the unique history of the Yamaguchi’s in carrying on the traditions of Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Paula Michal-Johnson, a registered teacher of the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, brings Jikiden to NYC on March 15 & 16 at Manhattan’s Healthy Body NYC, at 1130 Broadway near 26th Street. A University educator for 30 years in health communication, Paula studies with Tadao Yamaguchi and Frank Arjava Petter in Kyoto. For more information contact 484-686-7388 or On the web, visit

The Next Level of Human Evolution This is the Purpose of the Lightworkers Healing Method®. That’s the assignment. Absolutely.


s a species and as a Biosphere, we’re in the process of evolving from a horizontal “Channels-out” focus to a vertical “Channels-up” mentality. This is the time of the Awakening. Different words are used in different wisdom traditions, but we’re all saying the same thing: this is the time of the Awakening. The time is now. As spiritual beings having a human experience, our souls have a plan for our lives before we’re born. We know there will be challenges, but we expect to win. Then we’re born and it’s harder than we thought it would be. Our lives get off track. We get stuck. The Lightworkers Healing Method is a system of Angelically Guided Energy Healing, and a compelling spiritual growth vehicle with the exceptional goal of aligning us with our soul’s life purpose. It improves the present by working with Guides, Angels, past lives and future lives, in a unique and powerful process. The Lightworkers Healing Method is a way of tangibly doing something to trigger the Awakening, for ourselves and for the world around us. Channeling Divine healing is a teachable, learnable skill. You can learn to BE who your soul came here to be, and help others do the same. Hasn’t your soul already waited long enough? Why not begin now with the Level One in Tampa, Boston “Hybrid,” or by Webinar March 8-9. Self-paced Distance Learning with Mentor support available. As taught at Kripalu and the Institute of Noetic Sciences CE Provider: NASW, NCCAOM, NCBTMB

Reference: NANYC

natural awakenings

February 2014



Early Warnings of Heart Troubles Differ for Women


omen may worry more about breast cancer, but in reality, heart disease is the top killer of American women, claiming 300,000 lives a year, 7.5 times the number that die of breast cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although heart disease is more often perceived as a men’s issue, since 1984 more women have died of heart disease than men. Part of the reason may be that women’s heart attacks can differ from men’s and the American Heart Association (AHA) warns that women often fail to recognize the symptoms, ranging from torso aches and pains and nausea to anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness and extreme fatigue. They may experience subtle symptoms for months and write them off as byproducts of menopause, heartburn or effects of aging. The National Institutes of Health states that 43 percent of women that have heart attacks experience no chest pain. The difference between the more subtle signs of a heart attack in women and the more dramatic signs in men may help explain why 75 percent of men, prompted to act quickly, survive a first heart attack, while only 62 percent of women do, according to the AHA. “Research shows that women may not be diagnosed or treated as aggressively as men,” notes the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Nostalgia Arms Us for the Future


aving lingering fond memories of happy times, once actually thought to be a psychiatric disorder, have now been confirmed as a healthy and, ultimately, positive activity. Most people experience nostalgia at least once a week and nearly half of those surveyed reported experiencing it three or four times a week, say researchers at England’s University of Southampton. When speaking wistfully of the past, individuals are usually reconstructing happy memories of family and friends, and typically become more optimistic about the future, reports lead researcher and Social Psychologist Constantine Sedikides, Ph.D., who observes, “Nostalgia makes us a bit more human.” The Southampton paper, presented to the American Psychological Association, meshes well with another study confirming that nostalgic memories inspire positive feelings of joy, high self-regard, belonging and meaningfulness in life. In two studies, social psychologists at North Dakota State University found that past fond memories help us become more self-confident and cope better in the present. “We see nostalgia as a psychological resource that people can dip into to conjure the evidence they need to assure themselves that they’re valued,” says lead researcher Clay Routledge. 8

New York City Edition

FDA Moves to Ban Trans Fats


eart-clogging trans fatty acids may soon be a thing of the past. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken the first step to remove trans fats from its GRAS (generally recognized as safe) list, effectively banning their use in food products. Trans fats, also known as hydrogenated vegetable oils, can be found in many processed foods, including baked goods, microwave popcorn, peanut butter, frozen pizza, margarine and coffee creamers. Created by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to turn them into a solid form, trans fats have been used to improve the texture, shelf life or flavor of foods. For more than a decade, numerous scientific studies have documented that trans fats raise dangerous LDL cholesterol and lower good HDL cholesterol. The FDA’s proposed ban would require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats, likely over several months or years, noting their threat to health. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 deaths. Many food manufacturers have already phased out trans fats since new nutrition labeling requirements were introduced by the FDA in 2006; plus an increasing number of local laws have banned them.

A Different Breathalyzer Test for Heart Failure


imply blowing up a balloon may help doctors test heart function, according to a new study from the Cleveland Clinic. Although such examinations usually require expensive and sometimes invasive procedures, the new test can be done in a doctor’s office in 30 seconds, according to the research findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The patient simply breathes into a Mylar balloon, similar to a party version, and the air is passed through a machine to produce an individual “breathprint”. Researchers determined that exhaled breath contains volatile organic compounds that can be easily analyzed to determine potential heart failure.

Zinc Orchestrates Immune Response


any have heard that zinc can stop a cold in its tracks, and new research from Ohio State University tells us why; it turns out that zinc gently taps the brakes on immune responses, slowing them down and preventing inflammation from spiraling out of control. The researchers’ work with human cells and animals found that zinc serves to balance the immune response within the cells so that the consequences of insufficient zinc at the time of an infection include excessive inflammation. Of all the zinc contained in our bodies, only about 10 percent of it is readily accessible to help fight off an infection, notes Daren Knoell, professor of pharmacy and internal medicine and lead author of the study, published in Cell Reports. The research team suggests that proper zinc balance is especially important in battling serious and potentially deadly infections. Zinc deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide, including an estimated 40 percent of the U.S. elderly.

Happy Marriage, Healthier Lives


University of Missouri expert says that people in happy marriages are more likely to rate their health better than their peers as they age. Evidently, engaging with one’s spouse builds a strong relationship that can improve spirits, promote feelings of well-being and lower stress. Analyzing data from 707 continuously married adults that participated in the Marital Instability Over the Life Course panel study, a 20-year nationwide research project begun in 1980, researchers found that married people have better mental and physical health and are less likely to develop chronic conditions than their unmarried, widowed or divorced peers. Thus, researchers recommended involving spouses and families in treatment for any illness. They further suggested that in cases of a strained marital relationship, improving marital harmony would also improve health.



ver the years, a broad range of research has confirmed that omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines promote heart and brain health. Now researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have found that taking fish oil supplements isn’t as effective at keeping blood pressure under control as eating an actual fish. The animal study published in the U.S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that eating oily fish helped open ion channels, a complex series of membranes in the cells that line blood vessels, letting sodium, calcium and potassium in and out of those crucial cells and helping reduce blood pressure. Because fish oil supplements did not activate the ion channels, they didn’t reduce blood pressure in the same way.



aintaining healthy blood pressure is vital for long-term heart health, and scientists have now discovered evidence that a component of egg whites may have beneficial cardiovascular effects. Researchers from Clemson University, in South Carolina, found that a peptide in egg white, one of the building blocks of proteins, reduces blood pressure in animals about as much as a low dose of Captopril, a prescription medication for high blood pressure. The RVPSL peptide acts as a natural ACE inhibitor, functioning similar to the entire family of prescription medications that treat hypertension.

natural awakenings

February 2014




Traditional Health Benefits of Hawthorne Berries


erbs comprise a substantial part of traditional health care. Many may be consumed with food or infused into tea while others work well applied directly to skin. Examples include celery used for joint health, sage for digestion and rosemary for circulation. According to the American Journal of Health (2003), Hawthorne berries prove helpful in supporting aging vascular systems, which can lose elasticity and become increasingly rigid due to lack of copper in the diet which authors note, helps build flexible collagen; and can be exacerbated by poor Vitamin C intake which results in scarring on the inside of the blood vessels (Nature Genetics, Feb 2004). With the heart continually pumping blood through the body, a rigid vasculature structure can raise blood pressure, causing the heart has to work harder and all the systems become stressed. Hawthorne berries work to tone the heart muscle and relax vasculature tissues, according to most sources of herbal information. ( This two-phased effect is generally noticeable within the first week of taking Hawthorne berries. (Whole berries are preferred to tinctures or extracts that fracture or leave out essential nutrition components that work best in combination.) Hawthorne berries have even been associated with the correction of some arrhythmias, easing of congestive heartfailure symptoms and improvement in the condition of the interior walls of blood vessels, according to Pittler, Schmidt and Ernst in the American Journal of Medicine (2003). Hawthorne berries, like many other herbs, are available in supplement form under a variety of brand names. It’s a good practice to test a few and find the one that works best, then keep the bottle refrigerated to extend shelf life. Primary source: Steve Frank, founder and managing partner, Nature’s Rite LLC. For more information, email SteveF@ or visit See ad, page 12.

Beyond Bling

True Treasures Avert Eco-Harm Done right, Valentine’s Day and gifts of jewelry go together like love and marriage. Those that have no desire to support the unsafe worker conditions, widespread price fixing and waste associated with gold mining, also linked to pollution, financing wars and terrorism, look for better options. They wish to have no part in underwriting standard ring-making practices which, according to the Worldwatch Institute, create tons of toxic mining waste that can persist for decades and enter the food chain. Happily, there are far more ethical choices. Alternate routes. Among many sustainable and socially responsible options, jewelry made from recycled gold, silver and titanium plus synthetic gemstones is offered by GreenKarat ( while Brilliant Earth ( provides antiques and also custom makes or helps customers create their own treasured gifts utilizing minerals from pure sources; the company also donates 5 percent of its profits to support communities that have suffered from unethical industry practices. Heirlooms. A son or grandson gifting a grandmother’s or mother’s cherished piece of jewelry to a spouse or girlfriend expresses a tradition of love and family connectivity, plus gives new life to precious items. Michelle Ercanbrack, a family historian at, recommends using a family-treasured diamond in a more modern setting or making a ring into a pendant. “Heirlooms link the present to the past—they are part of a family narrative that can increase the present generation’s sense of belonging and identity,” she says. Native American jewelry. Deborah Nelson, owner of Silver Eagle Gallery, in Naples, Florida, and Highlands, North Carolina, attests that artful jewelry by Native Americans supports their culture and forges a connection to Americana with timeless appeal. Bracelets made by Navajo Indians incorporate turquoise pieces often linked together or set in mosaic form on a sterling band. Sterling silver and golden amber sunburst rings also make good gifts. “The handmade attention to detail is a stark contrast to what’s cast in a mold overseas,” says Nelson.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 10

New York City Edition

globalbriefs Handy Curriculum

Shop Class Teaches Sustainability According to a report in The Boston Globe, some American schools regret that they replaced woodshops with high-tech educational forums in the 1990s. Shop class is valuable for students that may underperform in traditional academic settings and empowers them to learn and produce tangible results. Doug Stowe, a woodworker and teacher in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, writes in, “Our society has inadvertently created a dependent generation of young people that don’t know how to fix things and lack even the most basic manual competence. Putting girls and boys into shop class would challenge rampant consumerism because a person is less inclined to throw out a piece of furniture and buy a replacement if they know how to fix it. “With so many cheap imports flooding stores, it’s difficult for students to gain perspective on the resources and time required to create a piece of furniture, so shop class can teach students to appreciate long-lasting quality and its accompanying fair price tag. In this way, shop class is linked to sustainability.” Source:

Green Finance

Canada Shows the Way via Mass Transit The government of Ontario, Canada, is issuing “green bonds” to fund the expansion of mass transit infrastructure in the province. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says, “Green bonds are a great tool to raise capital for a project with specific environmental benefits. The worldwide market for green bonds in the last year has doubled; it’s now estimated to be more than $346 billion in U.S. dollars.” Source:

natural awakenings

February 2014


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Wild Valentines

Many Animals Mate for Life Humans like to think of themselves as unique when it comes to taking vows of togetherness. But a surprising number of other species in the animal kingdom provide sterling examples of fidelity, monogamy and lifelong pairing. Gibbons, of the ape family, are the nearest relatives to humans that mate for life. They form extremely strong pairings and both sexes are on relatively equal footing in their relationships. Bald eagles, our national emblem, typically mate for life, except in the event of a partner’s inability to procreate. Wolves, often portrayed as tricksters in folklore, conduct a family life more loyal than many human relationships. Wolf packs typically comprise a male, a female and their offspring, making them akin to a human nuclear family. Swans form monogamous pair bonds that last for many years or even for life. Their loyalty is so storied that the image of two swans swimming with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart has become a universal symbol of true love. French angelfish are seldom found far from their mate, because they live, travel and even hunt in pairs. The fish form monogamous relationships that often last as long as both individuals are alive. In fact, they act as a team to vigorously defend their territory against neighboring pairs. Other examples include albatrosses, African antelopes, black vultures, Malagasy giant rats, prairie voles, sandhill cranes, termites and, of course, turtle doves.

Greenwashing Watchdog

To view images, visit and MatesSlideshow.


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Dr. Bronner Clears Out Imposters The nonprofit manufacturer of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps (DrBronner. com), known in the U.S. for more than 50 years for its devotion to purity and information-crammed product labels, has taken to filing lawsuits against companies that don’t live up to health claims or that employ deceptive greenwashing tactics. One primary focus is the cosmetics industry’s use of so-called “organic” ingredients. Company president David Bronner reports, “About 80 percent of these companies simply dropped their claims; the others reformulated.” He also lobbies for labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in Washington State.

kudos WGCU Public Media has recognized Natural Awakenings founder Sharon Bruckman as one of its 14 exceptional women for 2014 Makers: Women Who Make Southwest Florida. The Sharon Bruckman, award coincides CEO/Publisher with the magazine’s celebration of 20 Years in Publication, a milestone recognized nationwide.

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New York City Edition

CANDIDIASIS The “Great Impersonator”

The Problem They come in each day all with different health complaints and suffering in their own special way. No two are exactly the same. Most have been suffering for years and have tried everything, almost everything, that is, to get well. While many treatments and medicines have offered hope and have helped, at least for a while, they finally fail to stop the never-ending discomfort, pain and suffering. Each doctor has told them that they have this or that condition or disease. They show the entire range of classic symptoms of it, don’t they? Then why didn’t their treatments work? The answer is that the true underlying cause was missed or ignored. Ignored because it wasn’t recognized as the real “felon,” the real reason for their/your problem.

The Cause Since the first time you had even one dose of antibiotics as a child or eaten red meat or chicken that wasn’t organic (most contain traces or more of various antibiotics), your good, healthy bacteria (probiotics) in your intestine were killed along with the harmful bacteria that needed to be destroyed. This allowed yeast, the different types of candida (also known as monilia), to overgrow in your intestinal wall as well as bad bacteria to move in and inhabit your intestinal wall, continually secreting toxins into your system.

The Results So, what real difference does this make? Well, after years of research, scientists have discovered that by allowing the yeast(s) to overgrow, your immune system and body becomes weakened. Weakened to different degrees and in different ways, as each of us is unique,

Dr. Howard Robins causing a wide variety of symptoms often leading to a misdiagnosis. What’s worse is that while most doctors know the condition exists, they “don’t see the forest because there are too many trees in the way”! They either don’t believe or don’t recognize the relationship between your health problems and the yeast overgrowth. The symptoms, conditions and illnesses are so varied that it’s hard to believe that this one cause could be the problem. Believe it or not, this is just a partial list of symptoms that have been associated with this horrible illness (found on numerous anti-candidiasis websites): Constant tiredness, excessive fatigue and exhaustion Foggy brain/trouble concentrating/ cognitive impairment Anxiety/depression Mood swings/irritability Poor memory Learning difficulties Hyperactivity Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Anger outbursts Irritability Headaches Intense cravings for sugars, sweets and breads (carbohydrates in general) Abdominal gas and bloating, stomach pain, digestive problems Acid reflux Headaches/migraines Cravings for alcohol Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne, itchy skin) Vaginitis Rectal itching Diarrhea/constipation Sinus inflammation Pre-menstrual syndrome Hormonal problems

Low sex drive Inability to become pregnant Dizziness Persistent cough Muscle weakness Sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals Thrush Athlete’s foot/fungus nails Sore throat Chronic pain in muscles/joint pain Herpes outbreaks Environmental allergies It’s hard to believe that this one problem can cause all these different health issues. Regardless, do you suffer from one or more of these symptoms or know someone who does? Please don’t give up hope (though you may already have), read on.

The Answer Finally, the answer to this persistent health dilemma consists of a necessary combination of three things: temporary dietary change (anti-candida diet); special probiotics (the kind that adhere to the intestinal wall); and most importantly, Intravenous Ozone Therapy. Without all three, failure to get well may be the result as it has with most people. Dr. Howard Robins, with more than 22 years of clinical experience using medical ozone therapy and over 185,000 treatments performed, is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost clinical experts on its use. He is also available and willing to answer your questions about it. He can be reached at his Manhattan office by calling 212-581-0101.

natural awakenings

February 2014



Imagine that you have a dentist appointment tomorrow and are scheduled to have work done. Instead of being worried or anxious, you take a little pill and get a great night's sleep. When you get up, a companion escorts you to the dental office, where you lay back, get a cozy blanket and are given some more relaxing meds. Soon you are dozing off and getting some much needed rest. While you are in dreamland, your dentist is gently and painlessly restoring your mouth to a state of perfect health and beauty. After what seems like just a short while, he is calling your name to wake you up. Your companion appears and gets you home, where you recline on a couch, watch tv and eat ice cream. You might even catch up on some more sleep, if you wish. Relaxation Dentistry is the use of anti-anxiety and relaxation medications to help a person completely relax through their dental visit while restoring your smile. Due to the nature of the sedation pill, you are not aware of the length of your visit and it seems like a very short time has elapsed. This type of dental visit is designed for people who are anxious and/or have had a traumatic experience at a dental office and have no desire to ever go back. It also works well for extremely busy people who want to have as few visits as possible. Other people who benefit from this experience are those who have trouble holding their mouth open as well as people who find it hard to sit still. For patients who have a strong gag reflex, having relaxation dentistry is the perfect answer. 14

New York City Edition

The cost of Relaxation Dentistry is very reasonable and some insurance companies actually will cover this. We offer outside financing to help you fit this into your budget. Depending on what procedures you had done, your response to Relaxation Dentistry may be anything from nothing to moderate soreness that can easily be treated with something like ibuprofen. This is an extremely safe procedure when performed by someone who is certified and well trained. I have over 18 years of experience in this field. Your vital signs are monitored constantly and the dosing of the medications are done very carefully and safely. While you are having a Relaxation session at my office, there is no doubt that Ozone will be involved. In my office, we use Ozone to kill bacteria before placing restorations, to fight gum disease and even to help whiten teeth! This versatile gas can be bubbled into water or oil and placed under the gums and used as a rinse. So if you or someone you know might consider having this very positive experience, please call our office at 212-924-6890.

To see if you are a candidate for this procedure, please call Dr Silver's office at 212-924-6890 or email us at

Minimally Invasive Ozone Dentistry M.I.O.D.

Free consultation and Exam valued at $325

Dr. Peter Silver

For over 18 years, Dr. Peter Silver, DDS, has been practicing MIOD in Greenwich Village, near Union Square. MIOD is the use of specialized techniques that allows your teeth and gums to be healed in the most gentle manner possible. Traditional dentistry attacks cavities by removing healthy tooth structure along with the decay. Dr. Silver uses Ozone gas to eliminate the bacteria, leaving your healthy tooth structure unharmed.

In many cases, no drilling or injections are needed, because Dr. Silver uses an air/powder spray to remove the decay that doesn’t cause any discomfort. For more extensive restorations, pain free injections are given and you are profoundly numb so that nothing will bother you. For those with any dental anxiety, we have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) which helps you relax in our extra soft chairs. We also offer Sedation Dentistry (Sleep Dentistry) for those patients who want a completely alternative visit. After wiping out the bacteria, a remineralization solution is placed on the tooth, so it can start healing itself immediately. Then a tooth colored restoration is placed and your tooth is ready for chewing!

212-924-6890 • 24 East 12th Street Suite 305 • Between University Place and Fifth Avenue Dr. Peter Silver is a founding member of the International Association of Ozone in Healthcare and Dentistry. natural awakenings February 2014 15

RETHINKING HEART HEALTH Pioneering Doctors and Patients Reinvent Cardio Care

by Linda Sechrist ing proper nutrition, fitness and stress n 1977, Dr. Dean Ornish began to management—which must include love think beyond an allopathic medicine and support—can reduce symptoms of paradigm that defined the reversal CHD and other chronic conditions. He of cardiovascular disease, including remarks in Love & Survival: 8 Pathways coronary heart disease (CHD) and the hypertensive diseases such as heart fail- to Intimacy and Health that despite numerous studies showing a medical basis ure and stroke, as physiologically imfor its occurrence, the reason why CHD plausible. Undaunted by the challenge is reversible is still the subject of debate. of funding his research, he pushed for Ornish’s work has paved the ward. Results of his foundational 1986 way for a growing corps of pioneerto 1992 Lifestyle Heart Trial, published ing integrative physicians successfully in the Journal of the American Medical collaborating with patients to reduce Association, proved that individuals the leading cause of death for men and with preexisting coronary atherosclewomen in the United States. rosis that make intensive, integrated lifestyle changes can begin to experience improvements in their condition Plaque the Culprit after as little as one year without using The cause of cardiovascular disease lipid-lowering drugs. is arterial plaque, a fine layer of fatty Based on his 30-plus years of clini- material that forms within the artercal research, Ornish and his colleagues ies and blocks blood flow. It is largely further showed that five years of followthe result of food and activity choices,



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plus the degree of inflammation in the arteries. Dr. Steven Masley’s three keys to improving heart health highlighted in his book, The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up, and an upcoming PBS special, concern lifestyle factors capable of shrinking plaque, improving circulation and strengthening the heartbeat. “Abnormal plaque growth is preventable 90 percent of the time,” states the president of Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida. While conducting research on the heart health of nearly 1,000 patients over a period of 20 years, Masley suspected that the traditional assessment approach of measuring cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure didn’t effectively address the biochemistry within arteries. Testing intima-media thickness (IMT) using a simple 10-minute external ultrasound confirmed it. The test bounces high-frequency sound waves to measure the thickness of the carotid arteries’ innermost two layers on either side of the neck. “This valuable tool allows for an estimate of arterial age. A healthy, young cardiovascular system has less plaque and an unhealthy, old one has more,” advises Masley. IMT, a useful tool for preventing future heart attacks and strokes, differs from standard carotid Doppler ultrasound, which looks for artery obstructions suggesting surgery. A practitioner of functional medicine, Masley explains heart-related diagnoses differently than his allopathic counterparts. “Rather than diagnosing high blood pressure as hypertension, I categorize it as not enough exercise, not enough fruits and vegetables, high emotional stress and excessive body fat.” To optimize heart health, Masley employs a broad, holistic matrix of options that enhance the cardiovascular system—the interactions among diet, activity level, weight, environmental toxins, hormones, stress and biochemical factors such as blood sugar control and inflammation levels. He prescribes heart-healing foods that simultaneously help to manage the aging process, following a customized,

Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing. ~ Dr. Dean Ornish, Love & Survival heart-friendly supplement plan; engaging in exercise that strengthens the heart and arteries; and learning how to better manage stress. He contends that cardiovascular events remain the top cause of death because individuals are largely unaware of treatment options before they get into trouble. More, “Most people falsely assume that their condition has been fixed with a medical procedure and/or drugs, and that a lifestyle change isn’t necessary.”

Cholesterol’s Bad Rap

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, anti-aging specialist and bioenergetics psychotherapist in Manchester, Connecticut, has also shifted his heart health paradigm. He now prescribes a combination of conventional medicine, food, supplements, mind/body strategies and natural healing methods. His book, Heartbreak and Heart Disease: A Mind/Body Prescription for Healing the Heart, relates many inspiring case histories that address the psycho-emotional component of heart health and illustrate how to repair and reopen a broken heart by releasing long-repressed emotions. Following two years of Gestalt psychotherapy training and seven years of bioenergetics training, Sinatra likewise realized that heartbreak was one of the major causes of heart disease. An expert in the field of natural cardiology, he had once believed that cholesterol and fat were the primary causes before 40 years of treatment research taught him otherwise. “Cholesterol is not the reason for heart disease,” advises Sinatra, founder of and author of The Great Cholesterol Myth.

“The body produces and needs cholesterol to convert sunlight to vitamin D, to make sex hormones, vital semipermeable membranes for the body’s trillions of cells, plus bile salts for digestion. Even your brain makes and uses cholesterol to build connections between the neurons that facilitate learning and memory.”

Real Perpetrators

Sinatra names the real perpetrators of heart disease—stress, inflammation and overeating sugar and processed foods containing saturated fat. He counsels that the heart benefits less from a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet than one low in carbohydrates and higher in healthy fats, overturning widespread medical mantras. Also, a high-fructose, high-grain carbohydrate diet raises triglycerides, increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and contributes to insulin resistance, causing the liver to produce more cholesterol, as well as more inflammatory, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) particles, all of which increase the risk for CHD, diabetes and stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that meta-

bolic syndrome, which affects nearly 35 percent of American adults, may overtake smoking as the leading risk factor for CHD. The AHA currently is focused on increasing awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Its Go Red for Women campaign emphasizes the vital need to take preventive basic actions, including adopting an exercise routine, healthier diet and doctor visits for appropriate non-invasive tests.

Essential Spirit

Dr. James Forleo, a chiropractor in Durango, Colorado, with 30-plus years of clinical experience, maintains that health is simple, disease is complicated (also the title of his book). He counsels patients, “If mental stress is present in your life, you owe it to your cardiovascular system to change to a healthier lifestyle. Your life may depend on it.” Forleo has recognized that an individual’s state of mind can be a big help or hindrance in maintaining a healthy heart. “The heart represents a different realm of experience entirely, one that cannot be explained by logic and reason,” comments Forleo. He champions the link between maintaining normal spinal function and healthy heart function, along with supporting the inner presence of Spirit, which he calls the healthy heart’s ultimate elixir. “Its essence relaxes the heart, opens the mind to possibilities greater than itself and provides the perspective that the heart and the mind are complementary,” he observes.

natural awakenings

February 2014


It is no coincidence that we address our physical and emotional heart by the same name. Our physical heart usually reflects the state of our emotional heart, and vice versa. ~ Dr. James Forleo He explains that when our emotions get bottled up, something in our heart or circulation has to give. “If you or someone you know experiences heart problems, chances are that unresolved emotions lie directly below the surface,” he says. “There are exceptions, and genetic problems can explain many heart defects, but heart problems don’t usually show up unless emotions are involved.” Forleo’s concept is supported by the work of Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., executive vice president and director of research at California’s Institute of HeartMath. His research papers include The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People. “Today, evidence suggests that the heart may play a particularly important role in emotional experience. Research in the relatively new discipline of neurocardiology


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has confirmed that the heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that learns, remembers and makes independent functional decisions that don’t involve the cerebral cortex,” advises McCraty.

To Happy Hearts

Pioneering integrative medical doctors Masley, Sinatra, Forleo and Mona Lisa Schultz, who also holds a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience, agree that in matters of heart disease, emotions take center stage. Schultz, who recently co-authored All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition, with Louise L. Hay, a leading founder of the self-help movement, applies her 25 years of experience as a medical intuitive with the best of Western clinical science, brain research and energy medicine. Shultz observes, “Every illness has

an emotional component, which tells us intuitively that something or someone in our life or environment is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Our use of language—such as frustration makes our heart race, anger boils our blood—and our common sense are telling us what we don’t need more studies to confirm. If we can’t deal with our anger in a timely fashion, name our feelings, respond effectively and release them, we increase our chance of illness, ranging from hypertension to cardiovascular events.” According to the American Journal of Cardiology, the U.S. spends 10 percent of all healthcare dollars for cardiovascular disease prevention and medical management versus 90 percent on medical treatment procedures and hospital care. For individuals interested in taking charge of their heart health, working with a physician that embraces the emerging paradigm of integrative lifestyle changes and prevention can be a drug-free, life-saving decision. Linda Sechrist is the senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Visit for full interviews.



Katherine Woodward Thomas on Drawing True Love Our Way by Debra Melani


fter years of experiencing love going sour, Katherine Woodward Thomas set a goal: She would marry her soul mate within a year. Her quest inspired a surprising awakening that spurred her to look deep inside for the key that would unblock love. Thomas realized the transformation that enabled her success involved clear steps that could help anyone. Today, the licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert has guided thousands toward successful relationships via her national bestseller, Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life, and subsequent books and seminars.

What catalyzed your Calling in “The One” professional journey? I was 41, a card-carrying member of one of America’s largest-growing groups—the never-marrieds. I had bought into the cultural belief that a woman my age had little chance of finding a great husband. I felt anxious and resigned, trying to come to terms with it, but sad inside. Fortunately, at the time, I was part of a small group supportive of each other’s intentions. So I set the outrageous intention that I would be engaged by my next birthday. I also recognized my longstanding pattern of attracting unavailable men who were engaged, married or alcoholics. A woman in the group said, “Katherine, I will hold that intention with you if you

permit me to hold you accountable to be the woman you would need to be in order to fulfill it.” Her wake-up call turned my focus from running out to find love to going within to discover the barriers I had against it. Thus I began what became the Calling in “The One” process.

How does it differ from other approaches to finding love? Many approaches focus on the external reasons love is elusive, such as all the good men are taken, men don’t like powerful women or just not having met the right person. This approach focuses more on the internal reasons—going within to discover and release one’s own conscious and unconscious barriers. For most of us, a gap exists between how much we think we want love and how much we are actually open and ready to receive it. Until we bridge that gap, we will covertly keep love at bay, and won’t even realize we are doing it.

What are the most common hidden barriers to love? One hidden barrier is resentment. We only resent people to the extent that we’ve given our power away to them. Uncover your role in what happened. Even if it was 97 percent their fault and 3 percent yours, zero in on that 3 percent, because you’ll only be able to trust yourself to love again once you’ve taken that responsibility. If you still feel resentful, you have not yet evolved

beyond the person you were before. Another centers on old agreements— the spoken and unspoken, agreements we make, usually in an emotional time—such as “I’m never going to let myself get hurt again” or “I’ll never love anyone the way I love you.” Such agreements live in our lives as intentions. They may no longer be conscious, yet still set our course. Another has to do with toxic relational dynamics. To find the best partnership, you need to be your best self. Maintaining a toxic dynamic drains personal power, making it hard to move forward in life. It’s vital to evolve out of this debilitating dynamic so you are in the center of your power everywhere in life. The fourth area, and probably the most important, revolves around the core beliefs you hold about both yourself and others. You might have a reasonably clear sense of yourself around money, career and friendship, but your core love identity might cause you to believe yourself unworthy of a quality partner. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is critical in learning how to break free from them, helping to raise your value in your own eyes and thus in others.

You believe the best way to find a needle in a haystack is to become magnetic and allow that needle to find you. How does one become magnetic to love? Being centered in the truth of your own value and the real possibilities you hold for true love is wildly attractive. Love yearns to embrace us, but can’t come to us if it can’t come through us. When we shift into this place of possibility, we can become profoundly magnetic to love. Learn more at, or Explore the qualities possible in an enlightened mate at NaturalAwakenings Freelance journalist Debra Melani is from Lyons, CO. Connect at

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February 2014


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CHOCOLATE AS HEALTH FOOD Boosting Diets and Heart Health by Judith Fertig

Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation

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esearch tells us that 14 out of any 10 individuals like chocolate,” quips cartoonist Sandra Boynton. American chocolate lovers buy 58 million-plus pounds around Valentine’s Day, according to Nielsen Research. Ideally, the dark treat would be as healthy as a salad or an apple. Fortunately, accumulating research is on the way to giving plant-based chocolate superfood status. All chocolate starts with cacao beans, seeds from the pods of the tropical cacao tree that thrives only in hot, rainy climates in Africa, Indonesia and South America. Local soil and climate conditions determine flavor characteristics, much as with grapes. Harvested beans are fermented to create the chocolate taste and then dried. Afterwards, chocolate makers add brand-specific ingredients to the cacao solids. “The percentage number on a bar’s wrapper represents the weight that actually comes from the cacao bean content,” says Robert L. Wolke, professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh and author of What Einstein Told

His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained. “The higher the number, the lower the percentage of sugar and the less sweet, more bitter and complex the flavor.” This is significant because dark chocolate contains higher levels of antioxidants which can help reduce cell damage, according to the Integrative Medicine Department at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Alex Whitmore, founder of Taza Chocolate, in Somerville, Massachusetts, recently had one of its bars lab tested for antioxidant levels, called ORAC, or oxygen radical absorption capacity; the higher the value, the more antioxidants. Taza Chocolate’s 80% Dark Bar had a 65 percent higher ORAC than Himalayan goji berries, famed for being a superfood. “This is very high for a chocolate bar,” notes Whitmore. Cocoa also serves as a superfood for cardiovascular and metabolic health, report two recent studies from separate teams of Harvard School of Public Health researchers. A 2012 meta-analysis of clinical trials published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that consuming dark, unsweetened

cocoa powder and dark chocolate can improve blood pressure, vascular dilation and cholesterol levels, plus reduce metabolic precursors like diabetes that can lead to heart disease. In 2011, Eric Ding, Ph.D., a Harvard School of Public Health epidemiologist and nutrition scientist, reviewed short-term trials of subjects ingesting 400 to 500 mg per day of flavonoid-rich cocoa, which he equates to 33 bars of milk chocolate or eight bars of dark chocolate. While Ding feels this is an unreasonable amount to eat because of the extra calories from sugar and fat, he states, “Supplements with concentrated cocoa flavonoids may perhaps be helpful for garnering the benefits discovered. The key is getting the benefits for heart disease while avoiding the calories, and for that, chocolate bars are not likely the best solution.” Another observational study published in Nutrition shows that eating dark chocolate might help keep the pounds off for teenagers. Researchers with the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence program at the University of Zaragoza, in Spain, knew that chocolate consumption in adults already had been linked to lower body mass index. They found that chocolate consumption was also associated with lower total and midsection fat in European adolescents, reports Sayer Ji, founder of, a natural health research database. “The quality and cocoa content they used in their research is probably much higher than in America,” says Ji. “From my perspective, it appears that even when researchers don’t control for type, the results across the board are rather startling. Even American subjects, presumably eating common milk chocolate bars, see benefits.” So, this Valentine’s Day—and every day—we can happily relish that oneounce piece of artisan dark chocolate melting slowly in our mouth and know we’re doing it for pleasure and for health. Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd from Overland Park, KS.

Chocolate Cookery Vegan Chocolate Pie

Serve this with fresh raspberries and enjoy a little romance. Yields 8 servings Chocolate Wafer Crust 6½ oz dairy-free chocolate wafer cookies, crushed into fine crumbs 1 Tbsp maple or date sugar 3 oz vegan buttery stick (such as Earth Balance), melted and slightly cooled Chocolate Filling 13 oz dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips (such as Ghirardelli) 1 /3 cup strong brewed coffee 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 lb silken tofu, drained 1 Tbsp agave 1 (9-in) prepared chocolate wafer crust Preheat the oven to 350° F. For the crust, combine the cookie crumbs, sugar and melted vegan buttery stick. Press this mixture firmly and evenly into the bottom, up the sides and just over the lip of a 9-inch metal pie pan. Bake on the middle rack of the oven until the crust is set and appears dry, 18 to 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool completely, about 1 hour.

For the filling, melt the chocolate chips with the coffee and vanilla in a medium metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring often with a spatula. Combine the tofu, melted chocolate mixture and honey in a blender or food processor until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour the filling into the crust and refrigerate for 2 hours or until the filling becomes firm.

Vegan Hot Chocolate

A comforting way to enjoy the benefits of chocolate on a cold day. Yields 4 servings 2½ cups plain rice milk 3 Tbsp maple or date sugar 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder ½ tsp salt ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 pinch ground cinnamon 1 pinch cayenne pepper Bring the rice milk, sugar, cocoa powder, salt, vanilla extract, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to a simmer in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Remove from the heat and whisk until frothy. Serve immediately. Source: Recipes courtesy of Judith Fertig

Chocolate Artistry Small-batch, artisan chocolate makers strive to make delicious chocolate in the purest, most ethical and sustainable ways possible. They often travel to meet the growers to source the best cacao beans (organic preferred), use fair trade principles and take a personal interest in making fine chocolate without filler ingredients. Here is a partial list of conscientious members of Craft Chocolate Makers of America: Amano Artisan Chocolate, Askinosie Chocolate, DeVries Chocolate, Patric Chocolate, Taza Chocolate, natural awakenings

February 2014



Quiet Kids in a Noisy World

Bringing Out the Best in Introverts by Meredith Montgomery


abrielle Perillo’s daughter, A’ngel, 11, is a deep thinker, compassionate for all beings (human and not), a defender of justice, spiritual and extremely creative. She pursues any subject she studies with focus and passion. Although other children are naturally drawn to her, A’ngel, a born introvert, generally prefers to play quietly on her own. At first, her mother worried that her daughter was being insensitive to others and not paying attention to her surroundings. But once Mom released her own emotional projections, she recognized how happy her daughter is in her own space and began to appreciate the benefits of this independence. At least a third of Americans are introverts, yet many parents are prone to mischaracterize their more private children as antisocial, self-centered and lonely. Susan Cain, a former corporate attorney and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, explains, “Introverts are not antisocial, they just prefer socializing in lower-key ways.” They usually form a few deep and intimate relationships compared to extroverts that often cultivate many friends. Christine Fonseca, an educational psychologist and author of Quiet Kids, notes the danger in misunderstanding a child’s hesitancy or reserved nature. “Kids can benefit from understanding 22

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who they are and what it means to be an introvert. Otherwise, they may compare themselves to their extrovert friends and feel deficient.” Introverts own many exceptional qualities. They tend to be deep thinkers able to work independently in highly creative and innovative ways. They may prefer to learn a lot about a few topics instead of a little about many different areas. Often described as empathetic, conscientious and self-aware, introverts make authentic leaders and effective managers as adults. Introvert and extrovert temperaments are distinguished by how individuals generate energy. Introverts process the world and recharge through solitude; many can flourish in social situations as long as they can rejuvenate by being on their own. Fonseca notes a defining difference in physiology. “Introverts use part of the nervous system that has a long pathway from point A to point B, so it takes them longer to process information.” Cain adds, “Introverts also usually have a longer runway than others, so it takes them longer to take off and fly. It’s crucial that the message they’re receiving from parents and teachers is, ‘That’s okay.’” It’s important that parents balance how they honor a child’s preferences with teaching them skills to thrive. “Don’t expect them to follow

the gang,” says Cain. “Instead, encourage them to follow their passions.” Parents can empower children with tools to increase their comfort zone. If youngsters have difficulty speaking up in class, it helps to prepare them with what they want to say beforehand. Cain notes that this lessens anxiety and when they are able to speak up, they’ll feel like part of the class. Simple tips can offer relief in uncomfortable social situations. Perillo reinforces social manners before she and A’ngel arrive at an event. She focuses on the greetings, reminding her to extend her hand first, speak clearly, make eye contact and smile. Also, because self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to introverts, they often need coaching to highlight their own assets when applying for a club, college or job. Fonseca encourages families to embrace digital technology. She observes, “Most introverts are extroverts online. While face-to-face communication tends to drain them, that doesn’t happen as much online, plus it’s easier to feel more adept socially there.” They’ll still need to disconnect and renew after socializing online, so it’s important to set usage boundaries. Fonseca, who has one introverted and one extroverted child, facilitates dialogue that teaches each of them to communicate with their peers about their needs. “My introvert tells her extrovert friends not to take offense if she needs to take quiet time alone. They offer each other a perspective that makes their own point of view more well-rounded.” From a neuropsychological perspective, introverts and extroverts can learn from each other, as well. According to Fonseca, extroverts that habitually activate their sympathetic nervous system (“fightor-flight”) can experience burnout if they don’t learn how to slow down and be calm. However, introverts, relying mostly on their parasympathetic system (“rest and digest”), can be overly calm and slow to respond to situations. Fonseca notes, “It’s not about one temperament being more positive than the other; it’s about understanding who everyone is, their authentic self and finding balance.” Meredith Montgomery is the publisher of Natural Awakenings Mobile/Baldwin, AL (

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February 2014



Natural Iodine Supplementation A Must for Most Americans


study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that iodine deficiency in the developed world has increased fourfold in the past 40 years and now affects nearly three-quarters of all adults. Taking the right kind of iodine in the right dosage can rebalance thyroid function and restore health to the thyroid and the whole body.

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Practical Pillars of Well-Being by Christa O’Leary

Done right, our home serves as an empowering foundation for well-being. Aligning with four key pillars of harmony will facilitate an inspired, healthy and vibrant home that supports body, mind and spirit.

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Creating an inspired and healthy home environment soothes the soul and recharges our proverbial batteries. Making healthful choices in the products we use and consume helps ensure we retain a healthy body and vibrant living in an era when we are inundated with disease-producing toxins in our homes, food, air and water. Applying simple solutions to slow down helps us maintain a calm mind amidst the frenetic pace of daily life. Periodically unplugging from the instant demands of technology is a good first step. Tuning into our life purpose and sharing it with others allows us to shine. We naturally radiate our inner light in everexpanding ways.

Mindful Strategies

A study published by the International Academy for Design and Health shows that because our home influences us on many levels, the setting is continually either supporting or depleting its occupants. Consciously creating and sustaining a nurturing environment fortifies the roots from which family members evolve and grow. Experience shows us how improving our immediate surroundings, ranging from our wardrobe to household furnishings, helps to manifest positive internal transformations. The activity likewise reflects our inner landscape, allowing us to take a step

back and observe how we are changing and hope to change. That’s why we periodically feel impelled to clear unsettling clutter from our private spaces. It’s an irritant that disrupts order and our sense of beauty; even when it’s stashed in drawers and closets, we still know it’s there. It competes for attention and distracts our focus. A recently relocated design client felt that her new house was beautiful, but didn’t feel like a home. The woman explained that when she was there, she was short-tempered with her kids, a sharp contrast to her usual demeanor. She yearned to love her home, enjoy her kids and live vibrantly. A key part of the solution was tackling the home’s mudroom entrance that was cluttered with the kids’ detritus, a condition that irritated her the minute she walked through the door. Many of the home products we buy contain disquieting, hidden elements. Understanding which ingredients are hazardous is imperative to maintaining a safe home environment. Key decisions range from the choice of carpets, couches and bedding to cleaning products, laundry solutions and air fresheners. Knowing the products we use are healthful enhances peace of mind. As one homeowner said, “I am so relieved to have a better understanding of what products I shouldn’t bring home. I was so scared before that I just ignored the idea that chemicals could be harmful.” Being informed and alert to the composition of the items we bring into our home—including food—is vital. More than 80,000 chemicals make up the ingredients in commonly available products that end up in the typical American home, and

a large portion of them are toxic. Nearly 20 percent of the chemicals are not divulged, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA also reports that the average person holds more than 700 toxic chemicals in their body. We inhale myriad chemical byproducts that fill the air both indoors and out, plus ingest numerous toxins in the foods and beverages we consume. Once absorbed, they remain in the body unless flushed out, throwing it out of balance and, as widespread research shows, causing a broad range of diseases. reports that the psychological impacts of feeling stressed, helpless and overwhelmed by the fear of lurking poisons can directly influence our physical health. Making informed choices can alleviate such feelings. It only requires taking a series of small and manageable, progressive steps to create our own style of a healthy and harmonious home life. On a spiritual level, we can rest assured that such caring for our inner temple and larger environment supports a greater good and fosters a deeper connection to life’s Source. We feel more physically, psychologically and spiritually vibrant. Our home becomes a vital wellspring that, cleaned and furnished with holistic awareness, continually refreshes us. Christa O’Leary is founder and CEO of Home in Harmony, Inc., combining expertise in marriage and family therapy, interior design and green living. Her book, Home in Harmony Lifestyle: Designing an Inspired Life, will be released in November. Connect at

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Come and Join Us for a Free Meditation and Healing Where: The Center for Pranic Healing When: Every Wednesday night (7:30-9:30)

The Center for Pranic Healing is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization with the prime objective of promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being through Pranic Healing, Arhatic Yoga, meditation, study and service. Love donations are welcome. The Center for Pranic Healing • 420 Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

201 - 896 - 8500 • natural awakenings

February 2014




Cardiac Care for Pets How to Keep Little Hearts Humming by Dr. Shawn Messonnier


ymptoms that suggest a dog or cat’s heart is not pumping effectively include coughing and fatigue from light exercise. Before the signs are evident, it is far better to check for heart disease during regular twice-yearly visits to the veterinarian. Using a stethoscope, a skilled doctor can pick up telltale heart murmurs during the examination. A fairly common problem with cats, heart disease tends to occur as cardiomyopathy, an issue with the heart muscle. In most dogs, where cardiomyopathy is rare, it usually involves damaged heart valves, resulting in “leaks” that allow blood to flow in both directions. Upon an initial diagnosis of heart disease, one of two mistakes in treatment routinely occur: Either a doctor prescribes strong cardiac medications to “prevent” heart failure from happening (even though no medication has been shown to prevent heart failure), or he takes a wait-andsee approach, only intervening when the disease progresses to irreversible heart failure. 26

New York City Edition

The better approach is to do further testing and evaluation at the first sign of a murmur, including chest X-rays, an electrocardiogram (EKG) and a cardiac ultrasound to classify the stage of the disease and determine if conventional medications can help. Follow-up visits every six months allow the doctor to identify the point at which heart disease has progressed toward impending heart failure. In general, pets with either a diseased or failing heart can benefit from supplements. Individual regimens vary, based on the nature of the patient’s case.

Fish oil contains beneficial docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. The principle metabolites derived from the metabolism of EPA and DHA tend to be anti-inflammatory. Contrariwise, omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in warm-weather vegetable oils, produce pro-inflammatory mediators. Because omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids compete with each other to be converted to active metabolites (pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory) in the body, decreasing the intake of omega-6 fatty acids and/or increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acid levels, available through fish oil, is generally considered beneficial. The differing numbers identifying omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids simply refer to where the carbon-carbon double bonds are positioned in the molecules. Supplementing with fish oil may also reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure and sudden cardiac death by decreasing inflammation throughout the body, including in the heart.

Coenzyme Q-10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinol or ubiquinone, is a naturally occurring antioxidant synthesized in most tissues in the body. The highest concentrations are in the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas. In the diet, CoQ10 is found in foods such as organ meats, poultry, fish, meat, nuts, soybean oil, fruits, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. The Professional’s Handbook of Complementary & Alternative Medicines explains that CoQ10 is used in electron transport in mitochondria— small organelles inside cells that convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. It reports that studies in people with hypertension showed a reduction in systolic blood pressure through CoQ10 supplementation. Benefits of such therapy studied in people with a heart that has failed in its pumping ability showed increased improved heart function and proper dilation of the blood

vessels for improved circulation. It is proving to be one of the best nutrients to help an ailing heart.


The herb hawthorn is highly regarded for its suitability in the treatment of heart disease due to its flavonoid and other antioxidant content. It provides several beneficial effects for the heart—helping to maintain a normal heart rhythm with decreased risk of arrhythmias; bolstering the force of heart muscle contraction; increasing coronary blood flow; and decreasing the organ’s energy demands. It acts like angiotensin-1-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as the medicine Enalapril, used to help regulate blood pressure and reduce the workload of a failing heart. While other therapies can be used to help pet heart patients, these three are a sound starting point. In some cases, they may be suitable instead of medications that can cause side effects to the kidney and liver, or at least allow for smaller doses. Natural remedies provide a gentler alternative.

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Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more information, visit

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You owe it to yourself & your spouse to try Sleep Apnea Relief! 1-800-991-7088 natural awakenings

February 2014


calendarofevents NOTE: If you would like to add your event to our calendar, please email for guidelines. View our entire calendar on our CityGuide online at

markyourcalendar SUNDAYS, FEB 2, 9, 23 MARCH 2 ,9 1:15 -2:15pm

FIT AND FEMININE: SILK MOVES This innovative series combines dance fitness, qi gong, yoga and Russian athletics for upper body and breast tissue health. Improve the look of your shoulders and under arms, free up your posture, release stagnation in the breast tissue. All techniques are easy and fun to do with the help of colorful playful silks. Expect to challenge your arms and to elongate your body lines. Side effect: Moving among colors reduces stress, recharges your mind and rejuvenates your spirit. Full course or single sessions (upon availability). JCC 334 Amsterdam Ave at W 76th St.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Green Thumb Workshop: Organizing Your Group – 5:30-7:30pm. Bring your neighbors together to bring about meaningful community change! You will obtain tools you can use to craft a mission statement, recruit volunteers and build alliances. This workshop is for volunteer-led garden groups and individuals interested in working on community improvement projects, and is in partnership with Citizens Committee for New York City. An ID is necessary to enter the building. Green Thumb Office, 49 Chambers St, New York, NY. 212-788-8070, or

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Namaste Bookshop Presents Prana – 6:30-9pm. Join us for a special program of kirtans/chants with calland-response chanting and musical accompaniment, led by Prana, with special guest Krishna Das. Kirtan is a tradition of call and response of ancient spiritual songs with primordial sounds and devotional chants, and has the power to significantly raise your vibration above the conscious mind. Reserve your seats today! $25 advance, $30 at door. Subud Center NYC, 230 W 29th St, New York, NY. Call Namaste Bookshop at 212-645-0141 or visit

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 5Rhythms Dance/Movement Class – 10am-12pm. This class, facilitated by 5Rhythms® certified teacher Margaret H. Wagner, is a dynamic movement practice. It’s a practice of being in the body that ignites creativity, connection and community. Using musical beats from around the world, it is a body and soul workout for young and old, survivors of bum knees, bad backs and broken hearts! Students move through the energies of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. $20; $15 for full-time students with valid IDs. New York Live Arts, 219 W 19th St (between 7th and 8th Aves), New York, NY. 203-209-0047, margaret@ or

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Arsenal Gallery Exhibition – 9am-5pm. In commemoration of Black History Month, the gallery is pleased to present “The March,” an exhibition that includes work from seventeen artists. The exhibition, which is coordinated by NYC Parks Ebony Society, reflects on the struggles and victories of the Civil Rights Movement of the past, present and future, as well as those individuals who have advanced this cause. The Arsenal, Central Park, 830 5th Ave, New York, NY. 212-360-8163, or

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Live Music Yoga Class – 6-7:20pm. Join Ximena Milagros Savitch for a 75-minute, all-levels Vinyasa Yoga Class with live music by the very unique and talented Kirtan musician, Eddy Nataraj. Regular class fee applies, donations for musician welcomed! YoGanesh, 208 W 29th St, 2nd Floor, New York, NY. 212-967-9642 or


New York City Edition

Winter Walks in the Forest – A self-guided winter walk at the Garden illuminates the silhouetted framework of trees without their leaves, and the power of pines, firs, and spruces takes center stage as red winterberries and other colorful fruiting shrubs brighten the landscape. Take some time to step out onto the trails of our Forest for a stroll among the snow-laden branches, viewing this treasured old growth woodland in all its seasonal finery. In the Thain Family Forest at New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY. 718-817-8770 or nybgorg.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 5Rhythms Dance/Movement Class – 10am-12pm. This class, facilitated by 5Rhythms® certified teacher Margaret H. Wagner, is a dynamic movement practice. It’s a practice of being in the body that ignites creativity, connection and community. Using musical beats from around the world, it is a body and soul workout for young and old, survivors of bum knees, bad backs and broken hearts! Students move through the energies of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. $20; $15 for full-time students with valid IDs. New York Live Arts, 219 W 19th St (between 7th and 8th Aves), New York, NY. 203-209-0047, margaret@ or

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Reiki 2 Chuden Class with Jyogan Hakata-Kohler – 3-9pm. Expand your Reiki Practice! Become attuned to the first three Reiki symbols and learn to do distant Reiki Healing. Includes Komyo Reiki Kai manual and Komyo Reiki Kai Level 2 Certification. Class is open to anyone who has taken Reiki 1 with any instructor. $225. Namaste Bookshop Healing Center, 80 5th Ave, Suite 1104, New York, NY. 212-645-0141, or

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Parenting Conference – 9:15am-2:15pm. What do you really need to know? Our renowned experts present the latest information about healthy child and family development and how to raise independent and resilient children. Best for parents whose children are aged 2-10 years. 92Y Tribeca Kaufmann Concert Hall, Lexington Ave at 92nd St, New York, NY. 212415-5500 or

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 An Evening with Greenmarket Founder Barry Benepe – 6:30-8pm. Join Greenmarket founder Barry Benepe at the Jefferson Market Library as he shares history and anecdotes of the development of farmers’ markets in New York City through the decades, from Gansevort to Union Square to Abingdon Square. 425 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY. 212-4759585, or

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Reap the Benefits of Cover Crops – 5-7pm. Cover crops are grown to replenish the soil and prevent erosion. In this workshop, we will discuss the role of cover crops in enhancing soil health, speak about recommended crop choices and practice sowing seed. A cover crop that was planted last fall will also be tilled under, and you can learn how to plant cover crops for seasonal rotations. Grow to Learn schools will receive cover crop seeds on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. City Hall Garden, City Hall Park, 260 Broadway, New York, NY. 212-788-8073, andrew. or

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Columbia Greenmarket – 8am-5pm. Open yearround, this market serves a diverse population, including university students, faculty and staff, St. Luke’s Hospital staff, visitors, patients and Upper West Side residents. Shoppers will find milk and yogurt, fruit, baked goods, preserved fruits and vegetables, cider, eggs, cheese, smoked meats, fish, pickled vegetables, maple syrup, honey, and a lunchtime favorite—focaccia topped with locally-sourced fruit, veggies, herbs and cheeses. On Broadway between 114th and 116th Sts, New York, NY.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Love in the Parlors: A Valentine in Concert – 7pm. The Bond Street Euterpean Singing Society presents lush, romantic vocal music of the world’s greatest 19thcentury composers performed in the Merchant House Museum’s Greek revival double parlor. Singers Anthony Bellov, Jane Elizabeth Rady, and Dayle Vander Sande perform rarely-heard gems by Rossini, Schumann, Liszt, Delibes, Rachmaninoff, Stephen Foster, and more. Chosen by NBC Online as a top pick in 2010 and a top pick by TimeOut NY in 2012 for Valentine’s Day. 29 E 4th St, New York, NY. 212-777-1089, nyc1832@ or

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 5Rhythms Dance/Movement Class – 10am-12pm. This class, facilitated by 5Rhythms® certified teacher Margaret H. Wagner, is a dynamic movement practice. It’s a practice of being in the body that ignites creativity, connection and community. Using musical beats from around the world, it is a body and soul workout for young and old, survivors of bum knees, bad backs and broken hearts! Students move through the energies

of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. $20; $15 for full-time students with valid IDs. New York Live Arts, 219 W 19th St (between 7th and 8th Aves), New York, NY. 203-209-0047, margaret@ or

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Black & White WinterArt Drawing – 1pm. This Urban Park Ranger Nature Art program allows you to interpret the natural world through artistic expression, while learning about the local environment. The art program may include drawing, painting, and nature art projects. All supplies are provided unless otherwise indicated. All our art programs are family friendly, but may be challenging for younger children. Belvedere Castle, Central Park, New York, NY. 212-628-2345 or

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Six Week Beginner Workshop – 7:45-9pm. These intimate experiences are the perfect way to begin your journey or anchor your basics in a safe, nurturing and inspiring setting. You will be guided step-by-step through yoga breathing, core postures and the flow that links all these elements together. One class a week for 6 weeks. A possible added bonus might be meeting some great new friends! Krissy Shields. Sonic Yoga, 754 9th Ave (between 50th and 51st Sts), New York, NY. 212-397-6344 or

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Winter Science Camp: Plant Pioneers –Be a plant pioneer like American scientist, botanist, educator, and inventor George Washington Carver! Using the incredible grounds and resources of gardens, 5-10 year-old children can explore the fascinating worlds of plants and participate in exciting experiments, hand-on activities, and fun science games and crafts. See our camps page for full details and register now since space is limited. New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY. 718-817-8700 or

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Kirtan, World Chant & Community Concert 7:00pm – 9:00pm. 13 HANDS (aka DALIEN) provides healing kirtan/chant and music that integrates various world music styles and inspirational song. With Native flutes, guitars, harmonium, hang drum & percussion, he creates a fun and interactive journey to opening the heart. 13 HANDS is a two-time Grammy nominee, kirtan wallah, Professor of Yoga who’s been involved in the holistic, contemporary, world and shamanic healing applications of music and yoga for 20 years. See his website a $20 Pre-registered /$25 at the door. Children under 15 free. Credit cards, checks & cash in advance, cash only at the door. Meta Center NY, 214 West 29th St. Register at 212-736-0999 Ext. 1.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 The Creativity Workshop – 10:30am-1:30pm. Become more creative in your personal and professional life! This workshop utilizes tools such as art, creative writing, guided visualization, mapmaking, memoir, photography, and storytelling. Several countries and professional fields are represented by those in attendance, including business, psychology, education, the arts and the sciences. Many past participants say this workshop was a transformative experience that helped them to write books, start new companies, complete long overdue projects, transition to rewarding retirements and change





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As taught at Kripalu, Institute of Noetic Sciences CE Provider: NASW, NCCAOM, NCBTMB their outlook on life. Stimulate your imagination and innovative thinking and get over creative blocks and the fear of failure by learning practical techniques. The Meta Center in the Chelsea neighborhood, W 29th St (between 7th and 8th Aves), New York, NY. 212-203-3252 or

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 5Rhythms Dance/Movement Class – 10am-12pm. This class, facilitated by 5Rhythms® certified teacher Margaret H. Wagner, is a dynamic movement practice. It’s a practice of being in the body that ignites creativity, connection and community. Using musical beats from around the world, it is a body and soul workout for young and old, survivors of bum knees, bad backs and broken hearts! Students move through the energies of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. $20; $15 for full-time students with valid IDs. New York Live Arts, 219 W 19th St (between 7th and 8th Aves), New York, NY. 203-209-0047, margaret@ or

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Monthly Reiki Share with Jyogan Hakata-Kohler – 5:30-8pm. This Reiki Share (led by Jyogan HakataKohler, Namaste Bookshop’s resident Reiki Teacher) is open to anyone, even if you have never tried Reiki before! It is in the same style as the share held in Kyoto, Japan at Dai Zen In Temple with Hyakuten Inamoto (Jyogan’s teacher). Everyone will receive group-style Reiki (one person lies on the table as others give Reiki). And, a basic Attunement to the Reiki Energy will be given to all who attend. $20. Namaste Bookshop Healing Center, 80 5th Ave, Suite 1104, New York, NY. 212-645-0141, or

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Postnatal Mommy & Me Class—12-1pm. After giving birth, a new mommy not only has a beautiful bundle of sweetness to love, she also often has a sore lower back, tense shoulders and tight hips as well. This relaxing and rejuvenating yoga sequence is sure to bring relief. Prenatal yoga-specific classes are required for this class. Mat rentals included. Caprice Abowitt. Sacred Sounds Yoga, 163 Bleecker St, New York, NY. 212-533-9642, or

Back to the Roots of Reiki - Detoxification 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Jikiden trains practitioners to sense toxicity and monitor it for acute and chronic conditions. Dr. Paula Michal-Johnson, registered teacher at Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto. 1130 Broadway @ 26th St, Suite 1023 484-686-7388 See more page 7

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Central Park Tour: Northern Welcome Tour – 1212:45pm. See the park’s northernmost highlights on this walk from Conservatory Garden, along the Harlem Meer and past the North Woods. The route is easy to negotiate with a few stairs. Tour takes place rain or shine, except in extreme weather conditions. Groups of seven or more are required to schedule a custom tour (3 weeks in advance). Central Park, E 106th St Entrance, New York, NY. 212-860-1370, tours@centralparknyc. org or

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Stray Kat Art Exhibit – Artist Zane Fix and his partner Stella Michaels describe their exhibit as art “for the people, by the people.” From humble beginnings showcasing his art on the streets, to pop-up shows in his van, to the halls of Chelsea Market, Zane Fix and Stray Katz has become an institution. He combines his love of everything Japanese with modern pop culture of some of the greatest American decades for Rock n’ Roll, creating a very unique and poignant perspective. Chelsea Market, corner of 459 W 14th St, New York, NY.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Belvedere’s Kingdom Tour – 12pm. Take a walk around the landscapes dominated by historic Belvedere Castle situated high on Vista Rock. This great exercise involves moderate inclines and a few stairs and is about 75 minutes in duration. Advance registration is suggested since space is limited. Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for check-in. Central Park, mid-park at 79th St, New York, NY. 212-310-6600, or

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Lower East Side Gallery Tour – 2pm. Some of the most exciting artistic activity in New York City is happening now in the Lower East Side galleries, showing some of the most relevant emerging artists as well as establishes ones. Thomas Beachdel, teacher of art and architectural history at Hunter College leads the tour. Meet at the southeast corner of Orchard and Broome Sts, New York, NY. 212-415-5500 or

natural awakenings

February 2014




ACUPUNCTURE EASTGATE ACUPUNCTURE P.C. in Columbus Circle 1841 Broadway, Suite 907, NY, NY 646-719-1883

Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, Eastgate Acupuncture specializes in making alternative healthcare a great experience. With focus in Pain, Injury, Fertility, Chronic Disease and Facial Rejuvenation we have the practitioner that is right for you. Treatment may include any of the following therapies: Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Kyo-Jung, and Herbal Recommendations. Eastgate Acupuncture accepts insurance and will be happy to help you determine if you have acupuncture benefits under your plan.


800 Second Avenue, Suite 900 New York, NY 10017 347-269-4762 A Bridge to Health, Hope and Healing... Integrate the Best of Conventional Technology with Holistic Medicine.


Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Spa and MediSpa 194 Riverside Boulevard New York, NY 10069 212-580-0900 Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Kogan has been practicing Western and Eastern Medicine for over 10 years. She has been taking care of New Yorkers since 2001, combining traditional medicine and holistic healing. Her work has been featured in the press repeatedly and can be seen at


272 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, NY 914-241-7363 Join us for a transformative experience as you develop your intuitive and scientific abilities to heal through therapeutic touch. Classes taught to auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners. Financial aid available for full and part-time programs.


New York City Edition


57 West 57th St. New York City, NY 10019 & Shokan NY 212-813-9461 •


Holistic dentist & author, Dr. Zeines, takes into consideration the whole persons balance of physical, environmental, mental, emotional & spiritual needs so you receive a more complete dental health evaluation & treatment. Dr. Zeines is available for phone consultations.

Khadija Farjy, Founder & CEO New York, NY 10010 646-249-7769

KENZA International Beauty provides the highest quality skin & hair beauty care made with 100% Pure Argan oil and Prickly Pear Seed Oil. Our Moroccan oils are USDA Organic, registered with the FDA for their authenticity, ISO9001 certified for quality, sustainably sourced, produced by women cooperative, and support social change for women. KENZA “be generously beautiful” ™ Skin & Hair care line is available for retail and wholesale and also available in bulk for Organic/Green SPA, Health & Beauty stores, and professional Hair salons. Special Valentine’s Day: Enter code: LOVEKENZA to get $10 off 1st order. Visit:


210 Fifth Ave. Suite 1102 New York, NY 10010 212-532-3030 • Mauricio is a cross-cultural hair artist who provides a holistic approach to the beauty industry—one that focuses not only on the physical but also on the overall well-being of his clients, through unique services, truly organic products, a tailored experience and Zen-like environment that all work together to support the mind, body and soul. Mauricio’s private hair studio mission is to be the first of its kind: an innovative eco-friendly hair studio and ‘inner beauty salon’ that seeks to unlock every guest’s beauty. Natural color services are available for both pregnant and everyday clients.

NATURAL FASHION MUSHANA Recycled paper and glass, handwoven bark cloth, and hand-painted cotton fabrics lovingly crafted into stunning home and fashion products.
 Natural vegetable dyes are used, creating a full color palette from soft neutrals to rich, vibrant hues. Products are handmade by women of Uganda to sustain their daily lives.

NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR SIMPLICITY HEALTH ASSOCIATES Dr Ivy Branin, ND 230 West 13th St., Suite 1-B New York, NY 10011 646-470-8458

Dr Ivy Branin, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor dedicated to making her patients feel great using natural therapies and methods. Although she sees a wide variety of conditions, her practice focuses on mood and sleep problems, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal conditions, and women’s health.


Christina Scali & Laura Pica, Founders Find us on Instagram #thecurioustree Artfully hand-crafted, natural soaps and organic scrubs for all skin types! At The Curious Tree our mission is simple: to change the world in small but powerful ways. We take pride in making natural and organic products that are good for you and harmless to our environment. We also believe in giving back, that’s why 5% of proceeds and 1/10th of our stock goes to local charities & food banks. That’s good karma every time you scrub! Join our movement and choose from 40 different scents by shopping online at Use coupon code GOODKHARMA10 for 10% off!


24 East 12th St., Stuite 305 212-924-6890 • Located in an easily accessible area by Union Square, Dr. Peter Silver practices Minimally Invasive Ozone Dentistry. Ozone is used to kill bacteria in cavities and gum disease, while speeding up the healing of your tissue. Dr. Silver also practices Guilt-Free dentistry, where you are never made to feel uncomfortable about the condition of your mouth. If you are anxious about visiting the dentist, Dr. Silver uses laughing gas and does sedation dentistry as well. See ad on page 15 .

OZONE THERAPY DR. HOWARD ROBINS The Healing Center 200 W. 57th St., Suite 807 New York, NY 10019 212-581-0101 • If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr Robins contact information above. See ad on page 3.


241 West 30th St. 2nd floor New York, NY 10001 212-691-7690 • Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment Center offers affordable work-shops and individual consulta-tions explaining how to use the Cayce remedies to help bring the body back to its natural state of health. You can find NYC’s largest selection of Cayce remedies and books on holistic health, and holistic health practitioners, including chiropractic, massage, energy & intuitive healing. There are also frequent workshops on angelic, shamanic, sound & energy healing; pendulum dowsing, akashic records, and dreams.



214 W. 29th St., 16th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-736-0999

22 E. 30th St. New York, NY 10016 212-219-2527

The Open Center presents programs of exceptional depth and integrity, concentrating in five major areas: Contemplative and Spiritual Traditions; Health and Wellness; Psychology; Society and Ecology; and Creativity and the Arts. Programs and teachers focused on understanding health and mind-body healing, depth psychology, mystical and esoteric traditions, compassionate dying, socially responsible investing, humanity's impact on the earth and renewable energy, untapped sources for creativity in the arts and what we can learn from world cultures.



250 W 49th St., 2nd Floor New York, NY 10019 212-974-2288


Reflections Center for Conscious Living is an urban oasis nestled among giant financial institutions, Times Square, Broadway theaters and luxury high-rises in Hell’s Kitchen, midtown Manhattan. We welcome and invite you to transcend the tensions of city life and join us for a “just right” yoga class with some of the best teachers in NYC, an illuminating talk, or a super cool dance party. Come to Reflections and celebrate all of who you are.



Namaste Bookshop and Healing Center offers a unique and large selection of Eastern & Western philosophy books, tarot cards, crystals, pendulums, calendars, wind chimes, incense, greeting cards, yoga accessories, meditation cushions, instructional & music CD’S & DVD’s, salt lamps, and 20 sections of books- including Spanish.. The event space, in the same building above the bookshop, holds classes, workshops, and book signings as well as provides rooms for regular readers and practitioners.

STWS is a nonprofit that offers holistic/integrated healing modalities to people affected by 9/11, Hurricane Sandy, the BP oil spill in the Gulf, as well as armed forces personnel and veterans. Over 3000 people have gone through our programs including over 1200 NYC firefighters. SWTS also offers Yoga by Donation classes that are offered on a donation basis to the 9/11 community, all firefighters & their immediate family members, people who have been affected by Sandy military personnel and veterans. More information online.

2 W 14th St. New York, NY 10011 212-645-0141

PO Box 237047 New York, NY 10023 Jose Mestre, 347-306-0729 Marshall Stackman, 212-600-1992

Add your event or business to Natural Awakenings Cityguide

The META Center is an upscale space rental and event facility in New York City focusing on Multidimensional Education, Transformation & the Arts. It offers conference rooms and private consultation rooms for day, evening and weekend rentals plus a full program of events If you’ve got an event dedicated to the Healing Arts, Personal Growth, Transformation, Creativity or the fostering of Metaphysical Education, the META Center is the Place To Be! This upscale facility includes Conference Rooms and Private Consultation Rooms.

Reiki Shihan (Teacher)

Have you wanted to learn the Japanese art of Reiki hands-on healing? Jyogan Hakata-Kohler, also a Buddhist Lay Teacher, studied all 3 initial levels of Reiki while he was living in Japan directly with Buddhist Priest and renown Reiki Teacher Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto. Jyogan teaches and certifies students in all levels of Reiki (Komyo Reiki Kai). You too can practice Reiki as it is taught in Japan! In addition, Jyogan offers a monthly Reiki Share on the 4th Sunday of every month that is open to all even if you have never tried Reiki before (see calendar listing). Reiki Treatments are also offered at Namaste Bookshop and Healing Center (2 West 14th St., 212-645-0141) and other locations around New York City. You will experience and learn Reiki directly from its roots in Kyoto, Japan!

WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT SIERRA BENDER® 888-794-3330 Sierra Bender, a modern day Renaissance woman and leading pioneer in the Women’s Empowerment, leadership and entrepreneurship movement for over 25 years. She is the founder of the SBEM Core Institute, Sierra Bender Empowerment Method®(SBEM), Boot Camp for Goddesses® internationally renowned retreat, and author of Goddess to the Core. She’s been featured on Oprah Radio, CBS, Univision TV, USA Today, Marie Claire, Shape, Body & Soul, Yoga Journal, Fit Yoga and other media outlets in Australia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, U.K., Germany and the U.S.

natural awakenings

February 2014


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A Healthy You with keynote speaker

Carol Alt

Leading a cast of 16 top wellness-oriented and prevention-minded healers, this supermodel, cancer survivor, author, actress and host of A Healthy You on the Fox News Channel will show you how to lay the foundations for optimal wellbeing, lasting beauty, fabulous fitness and inspiring longevity. sponsored by:

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