Natural Awakenings NYC Nov 2012

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


The Golden Living with Years Passion Helping Pets Age Gracefully

Ways to Create Purpose and Joy

Holiday Cheer

Healthier Drinks for Celebrations

NOVEMBER 2012 | New York City Edition |

Doctors at trump place longevity institute and medispa Taking Care of New Yorkers since 2001

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New York City Edition

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November 2012


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New York City Edition

What We



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Private Lessons Group Classes & Parties Wedding Dance Space Rental

New Yorker Social Dance

335 W35th St (6th Floor) New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-216-9344 Fax: 212-216-0935


New Yorker Social Dance Club


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natural awakenings

November 2012


letterfromthepublisher Dear Natural Awakenings Readers and Friends, “Does one have the power to change the course of their path or is it preset before us?”

contact us Publisher Tina Woods CEO Sharon Bruckman Editor Alison Chabonaise Calendar Editor Janet Merryman Design & Production Julee Bode Natural Awakenings NYC P.O. Box 1995 Radio City Station New York, NY 10101 To contact Natural Awakenings New York City Edition email

neverglossy.alwaysgreen. Natural Awakenings practices environmental sustainability by using post-consumer recycled paper and soybased ink on uncoated stock, avoiding the toxic chemicals and huge energy costs of producing shiny, coated paper that is harder to recycle.

© 2012 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.


New York City Edition

This is the conversation I had recently with a good friend. I told her this...I started the NYC Edition of Natural Awakenings Magazine 3 years ago and stood in the middl e of Times Square with a paper magazine blowing in my hand, looked up at the sky and am I going to do this in the media mecca of the world? I then told her that 1 year ago, we had a National Natural Awakenings Publishers Conference. I was in the midst of deciding if I would be able to get the NYC Edition to the place it needed to be. In this joining of like minds and souls, we held hands, we prayed and set intentions for the future of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation. We participated in a moving Shaman ceremony where I tied a Shaman bracelet on my wrist that I have never taken off to this day. It was my commitment to make this NYC edition happen. I then got a postcard from our location and wrote on it all the intentions that I had for the course of Natural Awakenings in NYC and I spent time over it with my eyes closed asking God to put all his energy into it. Afterward, I put it on my bulletin board and did not look at it until a few months ago. When I did take it down and flipped it over, all the intentions I had written came true. I then told my friend if we have the power to change our path, it is through prayer, meditation and connecting to the God who is ever present in all of our hearts. I hope you enjoy this plentiful November edition as we share with you many passionate people living to their truest intentions, including myself and all those involved in Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation. Blessings,

Tina Woods

We’re more than a magazine! We’re a lifestyle!

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Natural Awakenings NYC on Facebook, NaturalNYC on Twitter and Natural Awakenings NYC on Linkedin

contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

14 10 newsbriefs 14 healthbriefs


15 globalbriefs 24 consciouseating 22 inspiration


26 naturalpet

28 calendar 29 classifieds 30 resourceguide



Realize Your Purpose and Feed Your Soul


by Lisa Marshall


Special Drinks Help Make a Party Memorable

by Judith Fertig

22 GROUNDED IN GRATITUDE Embrace Every Gift Because Each Blessing Counts


by Frank Jude Boccio

26 AGING GRACEFULLY Good Ways to Care for Pets in their Golden Years

by Sandra Murphy

advertising & submissions How to Advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please go online at or email Deadline for ads: the 15th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 15th of the month. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 212-726-1420. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit natural awakenings

November 2012


Natural Awakenings speaks with

Dr. Kogan Founder of Doctors at trump place

Patients Ask... I have always had a delicate digestive system, but this fall is 10 times worse than usual. I have been bloated, running to the bathroom with diarrhea and enduring severe stomach pains. Please help! If your doctor has ruled out a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection, your symptoms may be due to a flare up of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). For people who suffer from this subtype of IBS marked by diarrhea (more than 76% of whom are undiagnosed), the surge in serotonin and histamine levels that occurs as a result of a sensitivity to a particular irritant negatively impacts intestinal movement. Researchers are still investigating why this occurs but it is clear that the result is extreme bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain. To decrease your risk of IBS Symptoms, you should limit your intake of hot beverages and spicy foods, which provoke serotonin release. For extra support, I like to use a probiotic, usually the one rich in Bacillus coagulans. In a recent study in Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, this strain was shown to normalize micro flora and reduce IBS-related diarrhea, pain and bloat within six weeks. I also like a supplement we carry by Natural Clinician called Clinical Digestion which has Milk Thistle Extract, L-glutamine, Turmeric Root, and Quercetin to help quell the gastrointestinal over reactivity of the IBS. Another extremely effective tool in dealing with IBS is Hypnosis. It has been shown to control most of the disabling symptoms in large randomized trials in the US and abroad. We are pleased to offer all of the above therapies at DTP Longevity Institute and hope that you won’t be shy to ask for help. 8

New York City Edition

Ouch! These underarm pimples are so painful. About a week ago, I noticed a big red painful pimple on my armpit. I have been bathing morning and night, but it hasn’t gone away. Then this morning I noticed another one. What’s going on here? I suspect those red bumps are actually boils, which crop up when staphylococcus bacteria infects hair follicles and skin tissue. The underarm area is susceptible to infection due to friction, shaving (which can break skin to allow bacteria entry) and sweat (which encourages bacteria to breed). While boils are more common in people with suppressed immune systems, these painful bumps can also occur in perfectly healthy people. I see many presenting in my office with boils on their backs as well as on the buttock area. The good news is that most boils disappear with home treatment. Just soak a washcloth in warm salt water (add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 quart of warm water) and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes three-four times daily. The boils should rupture and drain within several days, after which you can apply a thin film of antibiotic ointment two-three times daily. To prevent future boils from forming try turmeric powder. We just love that turmeric, don’t we? Drinking a daily glass of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder is proven to ward off bacterial skin infections. The credit goes to the spice’s curcumin, which has anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. I also use autohemotherapy, hundreds years old folk therapy, to strengthen the immune system to help handle the boils. It involves autologous transfer of one’s own blood to a different site on one’s body. This creates a profound activation of macrophages, which are immune system’s scavengers of inflammatory particles and debris. A typical course consists of 10 autohemotherapy treatments, one day apart. To inquire about this or any other western or holistic therapy, feel free to call us at 212-580-0900 to schedule a consultation for your particular needs. For more information, please contact Dr. Kogan at 212-580-0900 or visit See ad on page 2.

Tired of being tired? Get sick often? Are you or someone you care about feeling stressed lately?

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natural awakenings

November 2012



Kripalu to offer classes in Angelically Guided Energy Healing with the Lightworkers Healing Method

Awaken Wellness Fair November 11 in Tarrytown


n November 11, the Awaken Wellness Fair returns to the Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown, NY, just a 35 minute train ride on the Metro North from Grand Central Terminal, where more than 100 speakers, practitioners, intuitives and vendors will showcase their alternative wellness techniques. “We’ve grown a lot in the past decade, attracting nearly 1,000 guests to this semiannual event,” says facilitator Paula Caracappa, founder of the PPC Group, LLC. “Our mission has always been the same: to educate people in the very best and latest ways to achieve wellness of body, mind and spirit.” Among the exhibitors will be Christine DiDomenico, offering instruction in “Running the Bars,” a noninvasive energy process using light touch to promote a sense of calm and positivity. Rejuvenation Café will offer life-enhancing products like Mimi’s Natural teas and condiments, EMF protection devices, and intelligent water systems. Susan Lasky, a productivity coach, ADD/ADHD strategist and professional organizer, will chat with visitors about their organizational challenges and give a 10:15 a.m. talk on “The 7-Step PowerPlan to Action.” Psychic medium and author Lisa Ann from Spiritquest Healing Center also will have a table and give a presentation. Her specialties include intuitive healing, past-life regression and guided meditation. The fair launches Caracappa’s second decade of creating community wellness events. “My mission is to educate the general public about the many effective and varied wellness practices that are available to them, from ancient practices to cutting-edge technology,” she says. In December, her PPC Group will offer another event, “An Evening for Goddesses.” Fair hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For tickets or more info, visit


he Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM) is a healing art and a spiritual growth vehicle with an exceptional goal: to align us with our soul’s life purpose. LHM can improve any aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – and return us to our natural state of joy and fulfillment, with loving relationships and healthy finances. Nothing is off limits. “If you are a Healing Practitioner or a Serious Spiritiual Seeker, this book and these classes can take your practice and your life to a whole new level,” says Lynn McGonagill, the Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method. Lynn’s book, The Lightworkers Healing Method: BE Who Your Soul Wants You To Be, is now on sale at major bookstores or your favorite online retailer. It is written as a how-to manual for this unique and powerful channeled healing system. Lynn explains that channeling Divine healing is not a gift; it is a teachable, learnable skill. Everyone “gets it” and you can too. The LHM Avatars lovingly lead you through the process in every class and even on every page. Lynn is currently leading experiential workshops nationwide, including demonstrations and practice sessions. “The core curriculum consists of four progressive workshops that build on each other. Level One provides the matrix of the energy alignment. Adding techniques into the matrix takes the work to a whole new level. It’s like planting seeds in a fertile field. Level One provides the field; Levels Two and Three are the seeds. Level Four is the water. I have always wanted to teach Levels One and Two in a combined weeklong intensive, and Kripalu is providing us that opportunity,” Lynn joyfully explains. To learn more about LHM, Lynn, or her book, you can tune into one of her radio appearances. Lynn has a weekly radio program, Wednesdays at 5pm EST on News for the Soul Radio at For more information, a demonstration of the method, or to take a freely shared online introductory class, go to Distance learning and webinar options also available.

Upcoming Kripalu workshops: SPECIAL - Levels One & Two Intensive Retreat Workshop January 27 – February 1, 2013 Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts 10

New York City Edition

Dance Your Way To Health 2012 Rocks the Ritz Plaza


lively entertaining dance team transformed Stonehenge’s Ritz Plaza Park into a dance mecca to promote a healthy body and healthy mind on Saturday, October 20, 2012. “Dance Your Way to Health 2012” was a free community event by hosts, New Yorker Social Dance Club and Stonehenge NYC, along with sponsor Natural Awakenings Magazine to show that being healthy can mean being happy and having fun while doing so. Residents, pedestrians and onlookers could not help but stop and notice the engaging performances and toe tapping beats that were bellowing out of the Mid-town park and onto 48th Street. Children, families, elders, all ages and cultures enjoyed participating in group dances, watching the professional dance performances and chatting with the healthy living vendors that were there, including Rebecca Spath of Breathing Room Therapies / USANA, Dr. Park of Vemma, Naturopath Dr. Ivy Branin of Simplicity Health Associates, Schweta of Ayurveda Healing Center of 96th St, and NYPD. Dimitrios Damalas, co-owner of New Yorker Social Dance Club states “Dancing is by far the greatest investment you can make for your body, mind and spirit. One lifestyle change that will last for a lifetime!”. Dimitrios and the other dance professionals from NYSDC welcome you to a free complimentary lesson at their dance studio at 335 W. 35th Street with mention of Natural Awakenings Magazine. To find out more about New Yorker Social Dance Club visit and call 212-216-9344 to take advantage of their free private lesson. See all pictures from this event online at See ad on page 5.

natural awakenings

November 2012


Lost Your Joie de Vivre? Your Hormones May Be to Blame You may be completely miserable and you don’t even know it. This is the case with most of my new patients until they experience just how great they can feel after just a few weeks of treatment. I was discussing this with one of my colleagues here at Patients Medical, Dr. Vivan DeNise, who specializes in hormonal balancing and integrative internal medicine and she heartily agreed. Let’s take Sandra, for instance. During her first visit, we were discussing her daily routines. She said that she usually “feels fine”. But when I dug a bit further, she admitted that she • Woke up most nights and couldn’t get back to sleep for hours • Felt tired and depressed most mornings • Needed coffee and something sugary to eat to get her morning started • Was fatigued and in a foul mood all day at work • Didn’t have the energy after work to exercise or spend time with her husband • Felt stressed during and after work and was using alcohol and junk food to relax In my book, that’s not feeling “fine”. That’s feeling miserable. But most patients think that this way of life is the norm. They assume it’s an inevitable symptom of “getting older”. Dr. DeNise and I agree that this is simply not the case! Many times there is a medical problem causing you to feel this way. And the great news is that life CAN be great. You CAN feel inspired and joyful, optimistic and radiant. And you CAN feel this way every day when your body is working well for you. According to Dr. DeNise, many people are suffering from hormonal imbalance and they may not even know it. Often, conventional medical doctors aren’t familiar with the symptoms or are not well-versed enough in the delicate web 12

New York City Edition

By Rashmi Gulati, MD Medical Director, Patients Medical

800 Second Avenue, Suite 900, NYC 10017

of our hormonal systems to even be able to evaluate the nature of the imbalance. “Many of my patients have already been to other doctors who tried to put them on anti-depressants when they weren’t really depressed. They didn’t know what was wrong and they didn’t know where to turn. So when the doctor offered them a ‘quick fix’, they took it. But it made the problem worse,” explains Dr. DeNise. As a holistic medical doctor, we are trained to always look for the “root cause” of the symptom, instead of just trying to cover it up with a prescription drug. The health and balance of your sex hormones and adrenals are key to feeling excited about life, productive and having drive and passion every day. It’s not easy to find this balance, but a physician who is trained in hormonal balancing with Bioidentical Hormones can help you get there. After getting her hormones and adrenals balance, nutrition in order and helping her find some nutritional supplements that support her whole wellness, Sandra feels alive again. “My colleagues don’t have to walk on egg shells around me because I’m glad to be at work and I feel productive,” relates Sandra. “And now instead of my husband chasing me for sex, I’m chasing him!” Looks like her work isn’t the only area where Sandra found her joie de vivre. Are you ready to get your groove back? Partner with one of our holistic medical doctors to evaluate your hormonal and adrenal health. They’ll help you create a plan to start feeling joyful and passionate about your life again. Mention this article to get $25 off your office visit with one of our holistic medical doctors before November 30th, 2012. For more information about Patients Medical call 347-2694762 or visit

Creating Happiness in Work and Life Why are so many people unhappy at work? Can anything be done about it? Yes - by reconnecting your work with your life and inner world journey work


e all want happiness and we all want to be away from suffering. Imagine the three realms of life – work, home, and inner fulfillment – to be circles. When our circles have rich overlap, we are happy; when our circles have no overlap, we suffer. The forces at play today tend to push these circles away from each other. The best remedy is to create a deliberate strategy for happiness at work and life that seeks not less but more overlap. A Conference Board survey showed that 55% of Americans are unhappy at work. Add 12.5 million unemployed plus those who want more gratifying work, and the number could easily surpass 100 million! Too many people in this country are unhappy at work, more than half the workforce. The root cause of unhappiness at work is separating work from life, inner fulfillment, passion, and purpose. How can people be happy spending half their waking hours on work that has little to do with their sense of purpose or fulfillment? Audrey Wong Chung, CEO of Beliza Design found courage and perseverance to become a successful entrepreneur by connecting with her inner journey, tapping into purpose and passion: “If your path aligns with your soul journey, abundance will surely follow.” Alignment with your inner compass is important. Be sure that business-shaping decisions feel right with the inner journey. Early in life, we choose actively: school, mate, and career, but later we relinquish choice and abdicate the role of master of our own fate. Our life circles drift apart and cause unhappiness. At key life junctures, we ask our-


Too often, we separate work into an orbit of its own. Making work part of what we see as relevant and makes us happy leads to a healthier and more balanced life.

selves what we seek to create. At each juncture, we can deliberately choose to create happiness. Choice is a strategy. Once we reignite the awareness of choice, we can change our lives and reclaim our fate. If we align each choice with our inner journey, our circles of life move closer. Will the choice create more overlap in our circles of life? Spend time to tap into the inner self and make choices that create overlap in work, family and the inner worlds. It is said that our choices create our destiny. With deliberate strategy we choose to create our own destiny.

inner fullfillment

About the Author Ed Wong is a consultant, executive coach, and strategy teacher. He is writing Deliberate Strategy, a book to make the techniques of strategy used by leading corporations available to everyone. He holds an MBA from Columbia University and a BA from Columbia College. He was a Tai Chi instructor at his village recreation department. He writes, consults, and lives with his family in New York. He can be reached at

natural awakenings

November 2012



More Americans are Eating Fresh


t’s official: Americans are eating more fresh foods than they did five years ago. A recent survey of 800 U.S. adults by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation reports that more than 68 percent of respondents say they eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables than they did in 2007. Farmers’ markets and stands attracted 70 percent of the survey participants, although only 14 percent regularly shop at such venues. More good news: 64 percent of the respondents agree that it’s very important that produce be grown in an environmentally friendly way and also important that the fruits and veggies be organic.

Antibiotics Overused for Sinus Infections


study by investigators at the Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, concludes that antibiotics typically prescribed for sinus infections aren’t any more effective than inactive placebos. “Patients don’t get better faster or have fewer symptoms when they get antibiotics,” says Dr. Jay F. Piccirillo, a professor of otolaryngology and the study’s senior author. He adds, “Our results show that antibiotics aren’t necessary for a basic [acute] sinus infection—most people get better on their own.” The researchers do suggest treating symptoms such as pain, cough and congestion and carefully watching to see if further treatment is necessary.

Nuts Help Neutralize Metabolic Syndrome


ccording to the World Health Organization, metabolic syndrome—linked to inflammation and oxidative stress that increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease—affects 25 percent of U.S. adults and 20 percent of adults worldwide. A nut-rich diet may offer some protection. Researchers at the University of Barcelona, in Spain, discovered that a daily one-ounce serving of mixed nuts, including raw, unpeeled walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, boosted patients’ levels of beneficial metabolites derived from metabolizing tryptophan (an amino acid), serotonin (a hormone), fatty acids and polyphenols (phytochemicals with antioxidant activity). Their findings support the hypothesis that nuts can help prevent metabolic alterations that lead to chronic disease. 14

New York City Edition

The Other Problem with Trans Fats


o keep the holidays merry, rather than moody, check labels when stocking the pantry and avoid products containing trans fatty acids, which not only contribute to insulin resistance, inflammation and heart disease, but also exacerbate mood swings. After studying nearly 1,000 men and women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, researchers at the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine found that consumption of dietary trans fatty acids (dTFA) was significantly associated with greater aggression and irritability. The study, led by Associate Professor Dr. Beatrice Golomb, provides the first evidence linking dTFA with adverse behaviors, ranging from impatience to overt aggression. Analysis of participants’ baseline dietary information and behavioral assessments were adjusted for sex, age, education and use of alcohol or tobacco products. The new finding strengthens health experts’ recommendations to avoid eating products like margarines, shortenings and prepared foods that contain trans fats and to steer clear of serving them in schools and other institutions. Source: PLoS One


Veggie Feast

News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Loving It

Fast Food that’s Good Food Mike Roberts, once the president and CEO of McDonald’s, has cofounded Lyfe Kitchen, a restaurant chain that aims to serve healthy food on a fast-food scale. The acronym Lyfe stands for Love Your Food Everyday, and the food is made without butter, cream, white sugar, white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), trans fats or additives. He foresees hundreds of the alternative bistros opening across the country, all serving locally sourced, sustainable gourmet meals with the efficiency and economy usually found in a fastfood chain. With free-range chicken; burgers from grass-fed, humanely raised cattle; roasted kabocha squash; beet and rice salad and Napa cabbage salad, costs are expected to be pricey at first, but decrease as more locations are added. Visit

Meatless Traditions Replace Turkey Day Across America, millions of people will celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving with a new, more compassionate and lifeaffirming tradition that eschews killing and eating animals. Citing factors that include torturous breeding and production practices, health risks posed by additives and adulteration, and the ethics of animal killing, Gentle Thanksgiving has become a Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) annual campaign. Families are encouraged to prepare a whole vegetarian or vegan meal to commemorate the traditional occasion of communal sharing and abundance. Soybased mock turkeys are widely available, as well as a cornucopia of meat-free recipes. Visit Gentle


Your trusted source for natural health and wellness services natural awakenings

November 2012




t was cold and rainy the day I went to prison. Although it was in the middle of the summer, there was nothing warm about the place. There was no heating, no color, no plants, no life. Simply a dark, barren, harsh concrete trap on an island made of rock in the middle of the San Francisco harbor. The place was Alcatraz. Fortunately, I was only there as a visitor. But even being there for an afternoon gave me a glimpse of what life must have been like for thousands of prisoners who lived there before the prison was closed. It was a cold, dark, haunting place that allowed few, if any, of its residents to escape. One of the highlights of the visit was our tour guide, a former prisoner nicknamed “Whitey”, who told us during the visit that he had been a prisoner on Alcatraz for many years. He gave us rich insights into the incredible nightmare of being imprisoned on Alcatraz. I found Whitey to be fascinating, and so during one of our breaks I took the opportunity to speak to him. “Whitey” I asked, “what was it like to actually live on Alcatraz? It must have been hell.” “Actually it wasn’t as bad as you might think” he responded. “Now, of course, it seems like hell, but at the time I didn’t really realize how bad it was. Took me a few years away from the prison to realize it.” “Really?” I responded in amazement. “I cannot even imagine being in a place like this for a week, let alone years. How could you ever think that it was okay?” “Well, its interesting” Whitey responded. “I can’t even begin to tell you how many guys I knew here who, after serving their sentences, would go to San Francisco and commit a crime, and intentionally allow themselves to get caught so they would get sent right back.” “What?” I responded in shock. “Why on earth would they do that? “Because” Whitey replied, “as bad as Alcatraz was, for these guys it felt like home. And the fear of the unknown was worse for them than living in hell.” I thought a lot about Whitey’s statement long after the tour ended. It is easy sometime to dismiss behavior that seems on the surface so different than our own, and doing prison time is not a life experience I have had or can relate to very easily. But if we go deeper and ask ourselves hard questions, we find more commonalities in the human experience than we find differences. And this case was no different. We often trade our hopes and our dreams for exactly the same reason: security. How many times in my own life had I stayed in a bad relationship where I was lied to, or mistreated, because I feared being alone? How many times had I put up with a boss or work situation that did not nourish my 16

New York City Edition

creativity or passion because I worried about my financial future? How often had I endured circumstances or situations that caused me stress because I did not have the courage to face the unknown associated with changing those circumstances or situations? The truth is that we are often locked in our own prisons. Although our prison walls look different than the walls of Alcatraz, they still kept us trapped and often locked in a place filled with depression and despair. The bitter pill of truth that many of us have to swallow is that we too are scared to face the unknown, and this fear keeps us trapped. And when that happens, the flames of our passion slowly begin to fade. And we get stuck and lose hope. And it happens, not overnight where we might be shocked into action, but rather over time, in a slow progression that is obscured by fleeting moments of materialism, pleasure, and distraction. In those moments when we realize this truth, the decision we are then faced with has profound consequences. Will we choose security and allow our dreams to die, or will we choose freedom and fight for our dreams to live by facing the unknown? I have been teaching self-awareness and leadership for over a decade to thousands of individuals, and I can tell you this: heaven and hell are not created by what is happening to us, or outside of us. Rather, heaven and hell are consequences of our state of mind and are built, respectively, either on a foundation of, or lack of, the inner strength and courage to pursue our hopes and dreams. So as the character Andy Dufrane stated in one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, as he was planning his own escape from prison: “You can either get busy living, or you can get busy dying.”

Austin Vickers is a professional speaker, and the writer and producer of People v. The State of Illusion, a powerful new film on the science and power of imagination, distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films, that will be coming to New York for 3 nights only in December with a keynote discussion and Q&A to follow by Producer Austin Vickers. For more information about the movie and how you can see it, visit the website at or text your email address to 480-282-2156. To learn more about Austin Vickers, you can visit his website at See ad on page 27 Copyright © 2012 Austin Vickers. All rights reserved.

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November 2012


44 to 70 have already transitioned into encore careers that combine purpose, passion and a paycheck. Another 31 million would like to. Meanwhile, surveys show that new college grads are increasingly gravitating toward nonprofit and public sector jobs that feed their souls more than their bank accounts. Off-the-clock volunteerism is soaring. Due to working and earning less, people are also consuming less, cooking, sewing and gardening more, rediscovering forgotten passions and relationships and finding new ones in the process. “When the economy tanked, it prompted a real moment of spiritual awakening for all of us,” observes Sue Frederick, of Boulder, Colorado, a nationally renowned career counselor who also applies her intuitive skills in helping clients like Readnower find their muse. “We are no longer able to hide out behind jobs and benefits that might

In the midst of uncertainties, many are asking, “Why am I here?”

Fashion a Passion-Driven Life

Realize Your Purpose and Feed Your Soul by Lisa Marshall


hree years ago, Cindy Readnower felt as if work was swallowing her life. As a single mom with two sons to support and two franchise restaurants to run in Sarasota, Florida, she routinely would get up at 4 a.m. and go to bed after midnight. She didn’t see enough of her boys. “I never had a free moment to just shut down and think about what I really wanted,” she recalls. Then the economy collapsed, forcing her to shutter her businesses, file for bankruptcy and consult with a career counselor to plan her next steps. Today, at 57, she’s working as a life coach and business consultant and as she sees it, living the life she is meant to live. “When you hit hard times and say, ‘My worst fears have come true; what am I going to do now?’ It makes you


New York City Edition

realize you will only find true success when you follow your passion,” she says. Readnower represents what some see as the silver lining in these challenging economic times. At a time of high unemployment, when some can’t find a job and others are working grueling hours to compensate for laid-off coworkers, many Americans are stepping off the corporate hamster wheel and sincerely asking themselves: “What is my purpose here, and how can I realize it?”

Purpose Over Profits

According to a recent study by the nonprofit, which helps older Americans pursue more meaningful careers, as many as 9 million people ages

not have been a good fit for us to begin with. People are remembering their soul’s mission and waking up to the true work they are intended to do.” At the leading edge of the purposedriven career movement is the millennial generation, now in their 20s through early 30s. Having come of age amidst the Enron Corporation scandal, 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the 2008 economic collapse, they’re graduating from college with a more holistic perspective on what constitutes a good career. “The decade in which we have matured has been turbulent in almost every dimension,” says John Coleman, 31, a recent graduate of Harvard Business School and co-author of Passion and Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders. “This generation is looking at a world that has so many problems and saying, ‘The old opportunities are not there anymore, so we have to create new ones.’ Many are actively seeking more meaning and purpose at work.”

One 2010 survey of It is not how much and friends, your spirituality and health, what you 500 MBA students found you do, consume and where you that when considering a long list of options for what choose to live…” but how much love She asks clients to write they looked for in a career, they ranked “intellectual down five life-defining you put challenge” and “opportupassions (see sidebar) and into the doing, nity to impact the world” as use them as a guidepost. their first and third priori“Whenever you are faced that matters. ties, bracketing “compensawith a choice, a decision ~ Mother Teresa tion” which ranked second. or an opportunity, choose Another analysis by in favor of your passion,” The New York Times found she counsels. Attwood has that in 2009, 11 percent more college observed firsthand how success often graduates worked for nonprofits than in follows, because, “When you choose in the previous year. Accordingly, Colefavor of the things that have the greatest, man’s book is packed with encouraging deepest meaning for you, the universe examples, from a Harvard MBA student supports you more than if you are just and a U.S. Marine that co-founded a tepid and neutral about something.” nonprofit addressing poverty in Kenya’s For some, that has meant working largest slum to a biomedical engineering fewer hours for less pay, in order to algrad that launched a web-based carlow more time for clarifying meditation, sharing service. family dinners, volunteering at a local This altruistic, purpose-driven shelter, taking a long-yearned-for dance career track seems a stark departure class or planning the next career shift. It from that of the baby boomers, collechas also led to willing trade-offs in buytively referred to as the “me” generation ing less and doing more for oneself. for its materialistic ethos. Yet those that According to the 2010 MetLife Study specialize in helping people find more of the American Dream, 77 percent of meaningful lives say this group curAmericans now say that achieving their rently counts among their best and most big dream comprises improving the focused customers. quality of their lives by strengthening “We are at a time in the world personal relationships. As for millennials, when it is more socially acceptable 39 percent say they already have what to follow your passions,” says Janet they need. Also, those that feel growing Attwood, whose Passion Test workpressure to buy more and better material shops—established in 2004—are welpossessions has dropped from 66 percent coming more people than ever. “In my in 2006 to well below half today. day, my dad was so freaked out I’d end “Plenty of people have already up homeless that he sent me to business started down this path. They’re growing school so I would learn how to type. vegetables, raising chickens and keeping Back then, parents never asked: ‘What bees. They’re building their own homes, turns you on?’” often with the help of friends and neigh That’s a shame, remarks Frederick, bors,” writes Boston University Sociolbecause first hints at our purpose often ogy Professor Juliet Schor, Ph.D. bubble up in our youth. “I believe all of In her groundbreaking book, us know at some point what our gift is, Plenitude: The New Economics of True but we often bury it and say, ‘I have to Wealth, she argues that contrary to many fit in and get a job with benefits and a economists’ assumptions, a shorter work good paycheck.’” There is an alternative. week and smaller economy is better for society as a whole. More, such a lifestyle, “allows people to build stronWork and Consume Less, ger social connections, maintain their Live More physical and mental health and engage Attwood stresses that living in line with in activities that are more creative and one’s passion isn’t just about work, meaningful.” noting, “It’s about your relationships

Take the Passion Test Make a list of your passions; the 10 or 15 things most critical to your happiness and well-being. Start each entry with, “When my life is ideal, I am … ” (living in a beautiful house in the mountains, working in a job that changes lives, spending plenty of time with my children, etc.) Don’t worry about how you’ll get there. Just write it down. You become whatever you are committed to. “People often write down a passion, but if they can’t immediately see how they can manifest it, they erase it and instead write something down that they can easily put their arms around. In other words, they play it safe,” says Janet Attwood, co-author of The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose. Instead, think big. Narrow the list to your top five passions. Write all five passions down on five index cards. Post passions in places you will routinely see them, such as on the bathroom mirror and refrigerator door; display them prominently on your computer. Create a vision board (a collage of representations of your passions). “It’s an easy way to keep your attention on the things you really want to grow stronger in your life,” notes Attwood. Use these priority passions as a guidepost. “Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision or opportunity, choose in favor of your passions,” advises Attwood. Then run to the goal with purpose in every step. Take the test again every six months, because passions can change and evolve over time.

natural awakenings

November 2012


This is the true joy of life—being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Any Example Proves the Rule

Ever since childhood days of helping her mother make clothing for the family, Juliette Bastian has had a passion for fashion design. Her love of dancing dates back to watching American Bandstand. But when it came to choosing a career, “There was always this trigger that went off in my head that said, ‘You need to make money,’” she explains. By her mid-40s, this San Dimas, California, resident boasted a six-figure salary and a successful, but not terribly fulfilling career doing accounting and strategic business planning. To indulge her creative side, she created colorful spreadsheets, but it wasn’t enough. “At one point, I acknowledged, ‘I am not happy walking into work anymore,’” recalls Bastian, now 52. “I felt like a hamster on a wheel.” Seven years ago, she walked out, and with Attwood’s help, set out to find her true

callings. “People always think you have to pick just one, but you have passions that run across every aspect of your life,” she says. “I now realize I am a dancer, fashion designer, family person and spiritual woman.” Bastian begins each week by making a color-coded “strategic plan of action,” making sure to include elements of each of her five passions: financial freedom, exceptional relationships, optimal health, successful business ventures and an alliance with God. That means she’s back in school studying fashion design, and now makes time for dancing, church, family and a part-time career-coaching business. She says that it has been financially rough at times. But the “sacrifices”—like fewer hair appointments, fancy clothes, meals out and expensive holiday gifts for friends—have been well worth it. “I now have the flexibility, freedom and joy of knowing I am living who Juliette truly is,” she says with a smile. “I know I’ll be taken care of as long as I honor what truly matters to me.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance writer near Boulder, CO. Connect at

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Candidiasis the “Great Impersonator”

Dr. Howard Robins

The Problem They come in each day all with different health complaints and suffering in their own special way. No two are exactly the same. Most have been suffering for years and have tried everything, almost everything, that is, to get well. While many treatments and medicines have offered hope and have helped, at least for a while, they finally fail to stop the never ending discomfort, pain and suffering. Each doctor has told them that they have this or that condition or disease. They show the entire range of classic symptoms of it, don’t they? Then why didn’t their treatments work? The answer is that the true underlying cause was missed or ignored. Ignored because it wasn’t recognized as the real “felon”, the real reason for their/your problem.

The Cause Since the first time you had even ONE dose of antibiotics as a child or eaten red meat or chicken that wasn’t organic (most contain traces or more of various antibiotics) your good healthy bacteria (probiotics) in your intestine were killed along with the harmful bacteria that needed to be destroyed. This allowed yeast, the different types of Candida (also known as Monilia) to overgrow in your intestinal wall as well as bad bacteria to move in and inhabit your intestinal wall continually secreting toxins into your system.

The Results So what real difference does this make? Well after years of research scientists have discovered that by allowing the yeast(s) to overgrow your immune system and body becomes weakened. Weakened to different degrees and in different ways as each of us are unique individuals causing a wide variety of symptoms often leading to a misdiagnosis. What’s worse is that while most doctors know the condition exists they “don’t see the forest because there are too many trees in the way”! They either don’t believe or don’t recognize the relationship between your health problems and the yeast overgrowth. The symptoms, conditions and illnesses are so varied that it’s hard to believe that this one cause could be the problem. Believe it or not this is just a partial list of symptoms that have been associated with this horrible illness (found on numerous Anti-Candidiasis websites): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Constant tiredness, excessive fatigue and exhaustion Foggy brain / trouble concentrating/ cognitive impairment Anxiety/ depression Mood swings/ irritability Poor memory Learning difficulties Hyperactivity Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Anger outbursts Irritability Headaches Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads (carbohydrates in general) Abdominal gas and bloating, stomach pain, digestive problems Acid reflux Headaches/ migraines Cravings for alcohol

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne, itchy skin) Vaginitis Rectal itching Diarrhea/constipation Sinus inflammation Pre-menstrual syndrome Hormonal problems Low sex drive Inability to become pregnant Dizziness Persistent cough Muscle weakness Sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals Thrush Athlete’s foot /fungus nails Sore throat Chronic pain in muscles/ joint pain Herpes outbreaks Environmental allergies

It’s hard to believe that this one problem can cause all these different health problems. Regardless, do you suffer from one or more of these symptoms or know someone who does? Please don’t give up hope (though you may already have), read on.

The Answer Finally, the answer to this persistent health dilemma consists of a necessary combination of three things: Temporary Dietary change (anti-Candida diet); Special probiotics (the kind that adhere to the intestinal wall); and most importantly, Intravenous Ozone Therapy. Without all three, failure to get well may be the result as it has with most people. Many of you may have tried the first with some success along with pharmaceuticals. Many of you have taken what you believed to be quality and correct probiotics also with some small relief. Only those patients who added Ozone Therapy often after years of suffering have achieved the results they so desperately wanted and finally had their health restored! If you or someone you know and care about is still in need of help you owe it to them and or yourself to contact Dr. Howard Robins. He is considered by many to be not only an international expert, but also the foremost clinical expert on Intravenous Ozone Therapy in North America. This safe and proven treatment employs medical grade ozone as the medicine to fix and heal most everyone who suffers from this dread condition. It is the necessary missing piece of the healing puzzle that makes the difference between failure and success in getting your life back again. So don’t wait, you’ve been ill long enough. To find out more about it go to and contact Dr. Robins at 212-581-0101 with questions or to arrange for a consultation.

natural awakenings

November 2012



Grounded in Gratitude Embrace Every Gift Because Each Blessing Counts by Frank Jude Boccio


n counting our daily blessings, we find that even uneventful or difficult days possess precious gifts. Consider all the contributions that make it possible for family members to gather for the holidays— the workers that helped construct and maintain the vehicles that brought us here, the house where we come together and the trees that light the fireplace. Consider the food that nourishes us, thanks to the Sun’s energy, Earth’s minerals and rain and the labor of the farmers, processors, truckers, retailers and cooks. Whether or not the holidays fulfill our expectations, we have much for which to be grateful. As the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat

Hanh points out, every blessing is the gift of the whole universe. When we stop and really look, we see that we are supported continuously in countless ways. Author Roger L’Estrange noted in the 17th century how humans tended to “mistake the gratuitous blessings of heaven for the fruits of our own industry.” We awaken when the alarm goes off due to the skill of the technology’s engineers, designers, assembly workers, distributors and salespeople. We can turn on the light because power company workers are supplying the electricity. Our morning spiritual practice is the gift of generations of teachers and writers that observed the

truth and shared what they learned. It feels good to be bowled over by each moment of grace and the simplest act of kindness. Such gratitude flows when we break out of a petty point of view—with its selfcentered expectations and demands—to appreciate that through the labors, intentions and existence of an inconceivably large number of other people, life forms and elements, we have been given the miracle of life, with all its present goodness. This heightened awareness of our connection spontaneously fills us with a joy and gratitude that transforms our experience. Thankfully, gratitude can be cultivated. It simply takes practice in being present to what is being given. It helps to remain aware of some of the most pernicious obstacles to thankfulness, and one of the most obvious is the failure to notice what we have, including a roof over our head and someone to love. As Joni Mitchell sang, “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.” So the first step is to start paying attention to gifts that have always been there, but until now went unnoticed and unappreciated. We are rich in what counts and never truly alone, because we are always supported by the universe. The 13th-century mystic Meister Eckhart counseled, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice.” Frank Jude Boccio is the author of Mindfulness Yoga (

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localbrief Braco Shares A Transformative Gift Through His Silent Gaze


n the silence of Braco’s gaze and interaction is offered, which has improved many peoples lives. The impact of Braco’s work has been established with over 17 years of helping people in many countries; including Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Israel and the United States. Many visitors, including doctors and scientists, have called the effects of Braco’s gift “extraordinary”. Since 1998, over 90 documentary films have been produced in Europe and the U.S. to detail personal accounts of transformation resulting from Braco’s loving gaze. Harmonizing body, mind and spirit, Braco’s gift is viewed by many as profoundly uplifting to individuals by presenting them with a new foundation of peace and unity. Well-known leaders who consider his work to have a tremendously positive impact on people, regardless of creed, race, ideology or social status, have recognized Braco. Please join us to experience Braco’s loving gaze. For detailed information about Braco, please visit: Braco Gazing Event: Nov 17-18 (SAT & SUN). New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Avenue - Manhattan. 10 sessions daily, beginning hourly - 35 min. ea. Tickets sold at the door or Advance Tickets Online: www.

natural awakenings

November 2012



Organic or fresh-squeezed fruit juices also make good mixers. Monin has a sugarfree pomegranate syrup that can substitute for grenadine.”

Gluten-Free Spirits, Wine and Beer

HOLIDAY CHEER Special Drinks Help Make a Party Memorable by Judith Fertig


his year, glasses Musician Dave Matthews’ Organic Wines of choice and Bubbly Dreaming Tree wines of holiday cheer “Much like spirits,” might help everyone Sonoma County, California, Rathbun says, “you feel jollier the mornmay have to do some ing after, as well as tout lighter bottles for a research on wines during festive getsmaller carbon footprint, labels and sparkling wines, togethers. As party and then find the hosts or guests, we made of 100 percent recycled finest organic opcan stock or bring tions in your area.” gluten-free beverages paper and sustainably grown Some good choices and organic spirits, for organic wines corks. He recently partnered wines, mixers and include Nuova Capcocktails that avoid with The Wilderness Society. pelletta, from Italy’s sugary syrups to help Piedmont region and keep our “fa-la-la” Snoqualmie wines spirit going stronger and longer. from Washington State. Also, the Organic Leave it to award-winning author A.J. Wine Company of San Francisco imports Rathbun, a Seattle-based wine and spirits a variety of organically produced French expert, to steer us away from ingredients Languedoc wines. For a sparkling wine, that can turn naughty on those that are Rathbun suggests La Cantina Pizzolato’s nice. He leads us off with some of his prosecco, produced in Italy’s Vento region. favorite beverages.

Organic Spirits

In the category of organic spirits, Rathbun likes Square One organic vodka, Casa Noble tequila and Juniper gin. “Also, if you can find their products,” he advises, “great organic and sustainably made spirit-makers from the state of Washington include Bainbridge Organic Distillery, Side Track Distillery, Sound Spirits and the Woodinville Whiskey Company.” 24

New York City Edition

Organic and Low-Sugar Mixers

Keeping the artificial ingredients to a minimum in mixers is important, too. “I strongly suggest Rachel’s Ginger Beer,” says Rathbun. “It’s not sugar-free, but is organic and gluten-free. Also, Fever-Tree mixers (tonic water, bitter lemon, ginger ale and ginger beer) are all natural— again, not all sugar free—and amazing.

Rathbun found that small-batch distillers that use local and organic ingredients assure customers that they’re getting the real thing, with no unwanted extras. Koval, in Chicago, for instance, offers a naturally gluten-free millet whiskey that’s distilled from organic grain, and then aged in oak barrels made in Minnesota, deemed free of even trace amounts of gluten. Other gluten-free alcoholic beverages can include wines, vodka, tequila, brandy, bourbon and scotch. By contacting the maker or company directly, gluten-free fans can find out more about their beverage of choice. Captain Morgan’s spiced rum, for example, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau permit to be designated as glutenfree, is not labeled as such on the bottle. Gluten-free beers are appropriately labeled and include Sapporo, a Japanese beer brewed from rice; Green’s, a British beer made from a blend of sorghum, buckwheat, millet and brown rice; and O’Brien’s, an Australian beer using a blend of sorghum, millet and rice. Glutenfree beer lovers can also check locally for micro-brewed options.

Crafting a Holiday Cocktail

Signature cocktails have become a holiday specialty of Andrea Currie, who recently appeared on the Discovery Channel’s Craft Wars. “A cocktail is kind of like a dessert,” says the San Diego, California, creativity specialist. “You don’t have one every day, and when you do have one, you want it to be really, really good.” Moreover, she adds, “When you make cocktails by hand, you get to control the ingredients.” Currie blogs and crafts at Hand, with her husband, Cliff. His becoming gluten-free three years ago prompted her to develop her gluten-free Mistletoe Mojito, using rum distilled from sugar cane, rather than grain. Pear juice, fresh strawberries and mint combine for a

fresh-tasting and festive concoction. Signature cocktails can build excitement for holiday get-togethers, notes Rathbun. “Plan on serving only two or three signature drinks, plus having wine, beer and a nice nonalcoholic option,” he suggests. “If you start mentioning these drinks on the

invitations to whet people’s appetites, you give your celebration more personality from the get-go and help ensure a memorable holiday party.”


Award-winning cookbook author Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFood


“The best, and most simple, way to have better cocktails is to use fresh juice,” says author A.J. Rathbun. This recipe is adapted from his Champagne Cocktails. Yields 4 servings 6 oz (4 jiggers) white grape juice, preferably organic Chilled prosecco, preferably organic Frozen green or red grapes, preferably organic 1. Pour 1½ oz (1 jigger) of the grape juice into each of four flute glasses. 2. Fill glasses almost to the top with prosecco. Carefully drop one or two grapes into each glass and serve. Variation: Change the white grape juice to strawberry juice or strawberry purée and garnish with a fresh (not frozen) strawberry instead of a grape, to transform this into a Rossini.

Gluten-Free Mistletoe Mojitos

Andrea Currie developed this signature holiday cocktail for gluten-free celebrants. Currie recommends using natural pear juice, found bottled at health food markets. Yields 2 servings 3 large mint leaves 2 fresh strawberries, hulled and quartered

3 oz (two jiggers) spiced rum 4 oz (½ cup) pear juice or nectar Ice for cocktail glasses Splash of carbonated lemon-lime beverage Slices of fresh pear and mint sprigs for garnish 1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the mint and strawberries with rum, using a wooden muddler or a wooden spoon. 2. Add the pear juice and shake. 3. Pour into cocktail glasses filled with ice and add a splash of carbonated lemon-lime beverage.

Organic Royale

Chicago’s Koval distillery advises that if kobuso juice, made from a Japanese citrus, isn’t available, just squeeze in a little fresh lemon juice to taste. Yields 1 serving 4 oz chilled organic hard cider ½ oz chilled Koval Organic Chrysanthemum-Honey Liqueur ½ oz chilled Yakami Orchard Single Orchard Kobuso Juice 5 drops bitters 1. In a chilled champagne flute, combine the chilled chrysanthemum-honey liqueur and the chilled kobuso juice, then top if off with hard cider. 2. Add drops of some favorite bitters. 3. Stir and serve.

Waking to a Brighter Future Begins with Light-Filled Holidays Welcome to Natural Awakenings’ special Awakening Humanity issue

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November 2012



A GING GRACEFULLY Good Ways to Care for Pets in their Golden Years by Sandra Murphy


s with humans, living longer doesn’t mean adding on time at the end, but adding to the middle, when pets can still enjoy themselves, maybe with some changes and modifications,” advises Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Mark Howes, owner of Berglund Animal Hospital, in Evanston, Illinois. “Pets deserve quality of life.” Howes believes the old rule of thumb—one human year equals seven dog years—has changed. Size and breed are also factors now. “A 7-year-


New York City Edition

old great Dane is a senior, but for a Pomeranian, it’s closer to 10,” he says. “For other breeds, 12 is not necessarily elderly.” Key signs that indicate a pet may be slowing down and require special attention include changes in appetite, mobility and social interaction with people and other pets. In general, watch for flagging desires, abilities and cooperation.

Helpful Steps

Instead of visiting a veterinarian’s of-

fice, choosing a vet that makes house calls is one viable solution. This is how New York City-based Dr. Jonathan Leshanski has specialized in aiding pets for 15 years. “During home visits, I notice things a pet’s person may miss or misinterpret in the midst of daily companioning,” says Leshanski, who sees more cats than dogs. “Because house calls are convenient for owners, I see pets more often and can diagnose problems earlier.” Dr. Cathy Alinovi also takes to the road with her rural practice, Hoof Stock Veterinary Service, in Pine Village, Indiana. She’s found, “The best way to keep a pet healthy and present longer is to keep the brain active,” adding that clients attest that their dog lived well and longer because of early intervention. “Some treatments for maintaining flexibility in their body are as simple as massage and stretching,” she adds. An older or ill pet can become a finicky eater whose diet needs revamping. Dogs can sometimes skip a meal or two, but it’s important for cats to eat regularly says Jodi Ziskin, a holistic nutrition consultant who specializes in companion animal care in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “Each animal is different, and it’s important to find the right food texture, smell and taste,” she notes. “Keep nutrients as pure and organic as possible and serve real meat and veggies. If a pet has trouble chewing or needs more

fluids, try dehydrated foods, thinned by blending with filtered water to a puréed consistency. Don’t set food and water dishes on the floor—raise them so the pet’s head is higher than his stomach, which helps digestion.” Ziskin recalls how a holistic diet and supplements enabled her own cat, Kayla, diagnosed with chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism and irritable bowel syndrome at age 14, to live twice as long as her original prognosis of three years. Acupuncture and subcutaneous fluid therapy complemented her nutritional program. For pets with chronic pain from arthritis or another ailment, veterinary house calls can literally be lifesavers, because they give owners more options than premature euthanasia. Dr. Karri Miller, a veterinary oncologist with Veterinary Healthcare Associates, in Winter Haven, Florida, advises, “Cancer treatments for pets are not as harsh as they are for people and have

fewer side effects. Before making a decision about treatment, consult a veterinary oncologist and ask a lot of questions. More pets today are living longer with a good quality of life.” Dr. Kathleen Cooney, owner of Home to Heaven veterinary services, in Loveland, Colorado, likes the team approach. “We teach people to partner with their pet on a day-to-day basis and help take away the fear by educating the family to recognize the stages of aging and illness, pain and crisis, manage nutrition and live like their pets do—in the moment, not in the future. Understanding brings peace.” When the end comes, compassionate euthanasia at home or on Cooney’s farm lends a comforting atmosphere at a difficult time.

Leaving with Dignity

For aging or terminally ill pets, Dr. Mary Gardner, owner of Lap of Love, in Broward County, Florida, works with

families through the end of the pet’s life. “As a veterinarian who solely practices in-home hospice and euthanasia, I have been given a unique privilege,” she says. “Hospice care supports both the pet and family. I make sure the family and I have a clearly defined goal—the comfort of the animal.” Similar to hospice care for humans, pets in hospice are given palliative care that can prolong life without suffering or pain. Accepting help from a hospice service is not about giving up, but simply recognizing that additional treatment will not cure the illness. It’s accepting that the quality of each day of life is more important than the number of days. It’s living fully, beginning to end, right up until the last breath. Sandra Murphy is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines.

natural awakenings

November 2012


calendarofevents NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR AWAKEN FAIR The biggest/best loved body-mind-spirit-green event north of NYC!

Sunday November 11 10am to 5pm Doubletree Hotel 455 So. Broadway, Tarrytown NY 10591 Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers:

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Born Out of Necessity – 10:30am-5:30pm. Showcasing objects that adhere to the traditional view of design as a tool for problem-solving, this exhibition offers close examination of the problems themselves, whether urgent, foreseen or imagined. Examine how design intervenes across a range of experiences, including medical emergencies and natural disasters. Included is awareness of the need to incorporate environmental responsibility in everyday life. MoMA, 11 W 53rd St. 212-708-9400.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Yes! The Truth About Bioidentical Hormones – 6:307:30pm. Dr. Vivian DeNise will answer all of your questions about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, including: are bioidenticals safe, do they actually work, and do you have to take them for the rest of your life? Patients Medical, 800 2nd Ave, Suite 900. 212-661-4441,

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Basic Meditation Course – November 9-12. Vedic Meditation is an easy, natural technique that delivers immediate benefits like reduction of stress and anxiety, better sleep, more energy and slowing of the aging process. The deep rest gained from meditation creates the conditions whereby the nervous system is able to spontaneously purify and re-balance. This course is offered over four consecutive days with each session lasting approximately two hours. New York Meditation Center,

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 A Day of Healing with One Light Healing Touch – 9:30am-5pm. In this day-long introduction to the One Light Healing Touch work, you will tap into your own healing powers and know yourself as a healer. Learn to scan and clear auras, channel radiant light (including sending long-distance) and color healings. Experienced healers will receive a 9-point protocol to protect yourselves and your clients during healings. Pre-registration required. Source of Life Center, 352 7th Ave. Contact AnnE at 917-748-8463, Info@ or

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Partner Yoga Workshop – 10-11:45am. Sri Dharma Mittra has been giving Yoga partnering exercises since the 70s, before it became popular. Partner Yoga allows you to stretch to your full potential, uninhibited by the confines of gravity and the limits of a flat surface beneath you. Start with simple postures to practice supporting your partner’s body weight, learn to release your own, then move into hanging postures. It’s like getting a full body massage, and it’s fun, playful and joyful! Dharma Yoga, 61 W 23rd St, 6th Floor. 212-889-8160 x2.


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New York City Edition

Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch – 6:30-8pm. Spend an evening learning about how life-force energy flows and how you can work with it to improve your health and your lives. We will do a profound grounding exercise that will allow you to be more present, as well as a few self-healing practices. Pre-registration required. Meta Center, 214 W 29th St. Contact AnnE, 917-748-8463, Info@ or

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch – 6:30-8pm. Spend an evening learning about how life-force energy flows and how you can work with it to improve your health and your lives. We will do a profound grounding exercise that will allow you to be more present, as well as a few self-healing practices. Pre-registration required. LGBT Center, 208 W 13th St. Contact AnnE, 917-748-8463, Info@ or

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Love-Soul-Bodyfood – 5:30-8:30pm. As we celebrate World Diabetes Day, we offer an intimate

setting for attendees to meet, greet and exchange new ideas and expertise regarding today’s preventive health movement. Culinary nutrition pioneer Stefanie Sacks is the evening’s keynote speaker, discussing “The Role of Food in Preventing Illness and Restoring Health.” In addition, Certified Stress Management Coach Colette Ellis will present “Chronic Stress: The Hidden Health Risks and How to Reduce Them.” Turtle Shell Health is pleased to present this event that benefits The Seeds of Care Foundation. The Farber Center for Radiation Oncology, 21 W Broadway., MastersofHealthandWellness. com or

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Estrogenius Festival: A Celebration of Female Voices – This festival is an annual celebration of female voices. It is one of NYC’s largest women’s arts festivals. Founded by Fiona Jones in 2000, the festival debuted with a program of 10 short plays and music. Since then, it has grown into a multi-week event including short plays, solo shows, music, visual art, dance, stand-up comedy, teen performances and support for African girls’ education. TBG Arts Center, 312 W 36th St. 212-760-2615.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Group Gazing Sessions – November 17-18. A gentle man from Croatia named Braco (pronounced Braht-zo) has a remarkable gift that has helped countless people with life’s difficulties, health problems, relationship issues and more. Europeans have arrived by the 1000s to participate in gazing sessions with Braco, and now Americans are doing the same. They are opened to new and better possibilities by an invisible and silent power that can result in healings and life transformations. New Yorker Hotel, 481 8th Ave. Contact Coley Smith at 503-805-0372 or

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 The Night Sky – 4pm. Night sky programs highlight the history and folklore of the solar system, using the naked eye to locate stars and planets. Programs are best enjoyed on clear nights, so please call ahead if weather conditions are not clear. Inwood Hill Nature Center, Inwood Hill Park (enter park at 218th St and Indian Rd, walk west to the nature center). 212-304-2365.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Great Spirit Flute Circle – 6:30-8:30pm. You are invited to show up, play, celebrate, connect and honor Spirit, each other, and all life, through sharing our Native American style flute songs and stories; improvising in ensembles, and/or soloing. We begin by co-creating sacred space as we invoke the 7 Directions, the natural elements, Ancestors and Spirit. All are welcome to offer your own ideas and wishes for activities in this circle. Joelle Danant. One Spirit Learning Alliance, 247 W 36th St, 6th Floor. 212-931-6840.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Creatures of Light: Nature’s Bioluminescence – 10am-5:45pm. You’ll be introduced to the astonishing variety of bioluminescent organisms, exploring various ways they glow, the functions of bioluminescence, and how scientists study this remarkable characteristic. A series of immersive environments begins in a forest of bioluminescent mushrooms and takes visitors through a meadow filled with fireflies,

a bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico, coral reefs, and the deep sea. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W at 79th St. 800-649-6715.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – 9am. The 86 Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade begins and travels down Central Park West from 77th Street to Columbus Circle, along Central Park South to 6th Avenue, down 6th Avenue to 34th Street and along 34th Street to Macy’s Herald Square. Don’t miss it! th

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Day After Thanksgiving Special! Cross-Park Promenade – 12:30-1:45pm. Join us for a tour through Central Park in which you will see a hidden bench that tells time, miniature boats powered by the wind, a magnificent sculpture celebrating fresh water, and much more! Groups of seven or more, call 212-360-2726 or email Tours@CentralParkNYC. org to schedule a custom tour. Easy to negotiate, paths and few stairs. Central Park, E 72nd St and 5th Ave.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Fitness Hike (Vigorous) – 1pm. Join the Urban Park Rangers for this vigorous hike at Jamaica Bay. This hike will be over long distance, with hills and rugged terrain. For all hiking programs we recommend wearing comfortable shoes or boots, and packing water and a light snack. Plumb Beach Comfort Station, Manhattan. 718-421-2021.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Butterfly Conservatory – 10:15am-5pm. Five hundred shimmering tropical butterflies flutter into the museum for their annual visit. Traipse through the tropics all winter in their warm and lush habitat, with abundant vegetation and flowering plants that offers visitors a respite from the cold. Interact with the butterflies in the vivarium, view illustrated displays on the butterfly life cycle and evolution, and learn about conservation efforts. American Museum of Natural History (Whitney Hall of Oceanic Birds, 2nd Floor), Central Park W at 79th St. 800-649-6715.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Radio City Christmas Spectacular – 2pm. This holiday favorite ushers in the season! Radio City Music Hall, 1260 6th Ave. 212-247-4777.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Picturing Science – 10am-5:45pm. Whether museum scientists are studying parasites, people, or planets in other solar systems, cutting-edge imaging technologies such as infrared photography, scanning electron microscopes, and CT scanners now make it possible to examine details that were previously unobservable. Curated by Mark Siddall. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W at 79th St. 800-649-6715.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Self-Healing with One Light Healing Touch – 6:30-8pm. Spend an evening learning about how life-force energy flows and how you can work with it to improve your health and your lives. We will

do a profound grounding exercise that will allow you to be more present, as well as a few self-healing practices. Pre-registration required. Source of Life Center, 352 7th Ave. Contact AnnE, 917-748-8463, or

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 The Children’s Aid Society 2nd Annual Gala – 6pm. The “Keeping the Promise” 2nd Annual Gala celebrates Children’s Aid Society’s 159-year commitment to improve the lives of NY’s neediest children through medical, educational and recreational programming, while showcasing the work of corporate and community leaders who serve as role models by upholding the Children’s Aid Society promise through meaningful contributions. 583 Park Avenue at 63rd St and Park Ave. or

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Holiday Train Show – 10am-7pm. This cherished tradition delights people of all ages! Marvel at the charming model trains (more than EVER before) and NY landmark replicas, stroll the spectacular grounds, decorate gingersnaps, break for lunch and hot chocolate and shop for everyone on your list. Advance reservations are strongly recommended. New York Botanical Garden, 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx. 718-817-8700.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Kripalu presents the Lightworkers Healing Method: Angelically Guided Energy Healing Classes We invite you to learn the Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM), an Angelically guided healing art with the exceptional goal of aligning us with our soul›s life plan. LHM is both a healing system and a spiritual growth vehicle that can improve any aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual – and return us to our natural state of joy and fulfillment, with loving relationships and healthy finances. Nothing is off limits. If you are a serious spiritual seeker or a healing practitioner wishing to expand, this workshop is for you.

Levels 1 & 2: Combined Workshop Retreat, Jan 27 - Feb 1

Kripalu Center in the Berkshires

For information/registration visit:

classifieds Traditional Ayurveda

Taos high desert Ayurvedic clinic offers Kindly priced panchakarmas and rejuvenating retreats. Friendly, quiet, private, secluded.

Natural Healing

Do you truly want to be healed? Healing naturally at home? Nature has all the answers. Visit

tri-stateevents Saturday-Friday November 4 - 9 Road Scholar® Hiking the Catskills - Through expert-led daily hikes, experience beauty and nature in Catskill Park — part of New York’s “forever wild” Forest Preserve. Join our naturalists for active adventures investigating and interpreting the dynamic natural history of the area as you encounter meadows, ponds, cascading waterfalls, and seemingly endless mountain trails throughout pristine landscapes. sign up for these programs through

Friday, November 9 Second Annual Family Barn Dance with Live Fiddle Music to Benefit Blue Rock School – 7-9 pm. Children are welcome. No previous dance experience necessary. A professional dance caller will lead the way as guests keep step to live traditional fiddle tunes from Ireland, Appalachia, New England and beyond. $10. All proceeds to benefit the Ruth Schaeffer scholarship fund at Blue Rock School. Congers Lake Memorial Park Auditorium, 6 Gilchrest Rd., Congers. 845-627-0234.

Friday - Sunday November 9 - 11 Adventures in Leadership Weekend (Girl Scouts) - Girl Scouts build leadership skills—communication, responsible decision-making, trust, and teamwork—on our adventure course, including a climbing tower, flying squirrel, zip line, and more! Journey Working Towards: It’s Your World – Change It! & Leadership Journey. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville, NY, 845-985-2291,

Saturday, November 10 Take a Hike: Free Night Awareness - 6-8pm – Explore the beauty of Frost Valley after the sun sets. On this hike you will learn about the adaptations of nocturnal animals and enjoy (weather permitting) some of the best stargazing you’ll ever see! Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville, NY. Please contact Heather Bowman at or call 845-985-2291 ext 397.

Monday, November 12 Veterans Day Break Camp - 9am-4pm - Activities will include hiking, sports & games, Incredible Edible, arts & crafts, and climbing. $35 per child (age 4-15) includes bus, lunch and snacks. Contact us to register today! Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville, NY, 845-985-2291,

Saturday, November 17 Introductory Session and Campus Tour at Blue Rock School – 10am. Blue Rock School will be hosting an introductory session and campus tour for families interested in grades K-8. The community is invited to come learn about Blue Rock School’s unique, child-centered philosophy and tour their beautiful, four-acre wooded campus. RSVP. Beverly Stycos. 845-535-3353 or bluerockschool@verizon. net. Blue Rock School, 110 Demarest Mill Rd (off Germonds Rd.), West Nyack.

natural awakenings

November 2012


communitydirectory Acupuncture Eastgate Acupuncture P.C. in Columbus Circle 1841 Broadway, Suite 907, NY, NY 646-719-1883

Eastgate Acupuncture specializes in making alternative healthcare a great experience. With specialists in Pain, Injury, Fertility, Chronic Disease and Facial Rejuvenation we have the practitioner that is right for you. In network with BCBS and Cigna. See ad on page 22.

career counseling Barbara Distler, Psy.D. 646-200-5104 • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled at work? Mid-career, just graduated, or recently retired? At NextStep Career Counseling, you will receive short-term, constructive, focused career development sessions by a licensed clinical psychologist. I have 20 years of experience and use authentic, research-based assessment tools. Let me help you figure out your next step. Midtown location.

fit body Apogee Power Pilates

49 W 23RD ST 2ND FL [BTW 5TH & 6TH AVE] New York, NY 10010 212-627-5852 • Discover your inner strength, transform mind and body, increase stamina, improve your health and achieve a new and exciting physical well being. Transforming your body from the inside out with power pilates will improve your posture, abdominals, back and buttocks, while strengthening and toning your overall appearance. Chronic back pain and other debilitating physical ailments will decrease significantly as your range of motion and mobility improves. See ad on page 7.

New Yorker Social Dance Club 335 W. 35th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-216-9344 •

Learn the benefits and delights of social ballroom dancing and have an experience that is challenging but rewarding, productive but joyful and memorable. Each student is special and their needs unique. New Yorker Social Dance Club aims to thoroughly assess the interests, prior experience and future goals of each individual to be able to successfully address your specific needs and objectives to make Dance a Lifestyle choice you will never regret! See ad on page 5.


New York City Edition

Intuitive Guide DEIRDRE ABRAMI

holistic Counseling


Private Intuitive Readings • Intuitive Development Training & Coaching

Providing invaluable

Michael Mongno Ph.D

phone readings for nearly 10 years

Licensed Psychotherapist, Relationship Counselor 212-799-0001 • An Experiential approach to al healing, personal growth and spiri561-542-0271 tual Michael Mongno Conferences, Workshop & Classes is the founder of Present Centered Therapies. He has synthesized Gestalt therapy, Eastern spirituality and the best of Couples therapy into an effective, multi-dimensional approach to personal growth and relationship healing. See ad on page 20.

integrated medicine PATIENTS MEDICAL

800 Second Avenue, Suite 900 New York, NY 10017 347-269-4762 A Bridge to Health, Hope and Healing... Integrate the Best of Conventional Technology with Holistic Medicine. See ad back cover.


Doctors at Trump Place Longevity Spa and MediSpa 194 Riverside Boulevard New York, NY 10069 212-580-0900 Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Dr. Kogan has been practicing Western and Eastern Medicine for over 10 years. She has been taking care of New Yorkers since 2001, combining traditional medicine and holistic healing. Her work has been featured in the press repeatedly and can be seen at See ad on page 2.


Deirdre Abrami is a 6th generation Intuitive Healer who is a nationally known spiritual advisor, teacher & former radio show host. After her near death experience in 2003 her passion became her purpose. Today she offers private phone intuitive readings, intuitive development courses & workshops. Her newest endeavor is her life-changing conference & event company See ad on page 10.

Joan Carra, Psychic Medium Offices in NYC & Greenwich 203.531.6387 •

Joan guides you on your path drawing on her intuitive powers. As a medium, she can bring to life, friends on the other side. She is in five books including The 100 Top Psychics in America. Also visit

Natural Beauty Salon Mauricio Hair Studio

210 Fifth Ave. Suite 1102 New York, NY 10010 212-532-3030 • Mauricio is a cross-cultural hair artist who provides a holistic approach to the beauty industry—one that focuses not only on the physical but also on the overall well-being of his clients, through unique services, truly organic products, tailored experience and Zen-like environment that all work together to support the mind, body and soul. Mauricio’s private hair studio mission is to be the first of its kind: an innovative ecofriendly hair studio and ‘inner beauty salon’ that seeks to unlock every guest’s beauty.

JACK WIENER, CDMT, LP 98 Riverside Drive, Suite 1 New York, NY 10024 212-724-2044

Adults 35-70. An approach to creative movement refined over 53 years of teaching 3-90 year olds. Incredibly grounded in realigning the musculature that Incrementally corrects physical habits, and through improvisation to music alters emotional patterns that distort moving freely and feelingly. Reclaiming the flow of feelings through the body in a uniquely personal way. Six per class.

NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings iPhone / iPad app is used by 16,362 people & growing. To advertise with us call: 212-726-1420

Natural Furniture Dancing Moon LLC

Sustainable Delivery to NYC 845-291-1936 • Local Hudson Valley artisans create hand crafted furniture out of reclaimed materials and sustainable design and finishing practices are utilized. Their collection includes: chests, candle holders, unusual musical instruments, coat racks, key hooks, and pedestals. Their creative team intently works on new designs, creating new exciting products that are continuously added to their collection. See ad on page 20.

Naturopathic Doctor Simplicity Health Associates Dr Ivy Branin, ND 928 Broadway, Suite 301 New York, NY 10010 646-470-8458

Dr Ivy Branin, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor dedicated to making her patients feel great using natural therapies and methods. Although she sees a wide variety of conditions, her practice focuses on mood and sleep problems, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal conditions, and women’s health.

OZONE THERAPY Dr. Howard Robins The Healing Center 200 W. 57th St., Suite 807 New York, NY 10019 212-581-0101 • If you have a disease or condition that you haven’t been able to get rid of, Ozone Therapy will most likely be the answer, even for people that have suffered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioning if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr Robins contact information above. See ad on page 3.

WELLNESS Team Northrup

Rebecca Spath 845-389-6991 • Inspired by the work of Dr. Christiane Northrup? Interested in operating a home-based business in the health and wellness industry? Like to work for one of Business Week Magazine’s top 3 “Hot Growth Companies” and Forbes Magazine’s “Best Small Companies?” Contact Rebecca Spath at the number above for more information.

natural awakenings

November 2012


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