Essential Naples - Fall 2020

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Are You at a Greater Risk with

Mercury Fillings? ESSENTIAL Naples

By Dr. Josephine Perez, DMD

FALL 2020



ental amalgams, or “silver fillings,” have been used to restore cavities since World War II and is still taught in dental schools around the world. Currently their use in the dental profession has dramatically decreased for several reasons: the main reason being that they contain mercury and mercury is toxic; not only to the environment, but to humans as well. This fact has been a topic of great debate and discussion for the past 20 years between dentists, scientists, researchers, FDA, ADA, EPA, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, as well as many other worldwide authorities. Amalgam fillings contain up to 50% mercury in their composition combined with silver, tin, copper and sometimes zinc. They were the filling material of choice because of their availability, durability, and were inexpensive as compared to gold. In recent years, they have come into question as to whether they are safe. The greatest risk of mercury vapor is present while placing and removing these “silver fillings”. It is a known fact that up to 80% of this mercury vapor is inhaled into the lungs especially when removing. Please, make sure if you have these fillings removed and replaced that you have them done safely with a qualified biological dentist who is certified with S.M.A.R.T. or PROTECT Protocol.

The Background on Mercury

Mercury is a heavy metal in liquid form at room temperature. Mercury is used in thermometers, (banned in 2003), blood pressure cuffs, fluorescent lighting, and dental restorations. Although banned presently, mercurochrome was a widely-used antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes. Mercury is still present in some laxatives, diaper rash ointments, eye drops, and nasal sprays as well as diuretics and some mascaras. Recent research has demonstrated that mercury vapors are released from amalgam fillings during placement, removal, and especially for those who grind their teeth, chew gum, or eat hot foods or liquids. Mercury causes mitochondrial damage and wipes out DNA synthesis. Also, for those who like to “oil-pull,” please be sure and check with your biological dentist that it is safe for you.

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