Decrease the Harmful Physical and Psychological Effects of Stress with Biofeedback By Jamie Kliewe
iofeedback can be described as a class of therapies using mind-body techniques that involve visual, auditory or frequency feedback to bring balance and harmony to Mental, Emotional and Physical functions of the body. This may include things such as heart rate, muscle tension, blood flow, pain perception, blood pressure and much more. This process involves being connected to a device with sensors that provide feedback about specific aspects of your body. The goal of biofeedback is to make subtle changes that result in a desired effect of less stress on the body. Long term chronic stress is one of the primary causes of most diseases and illnesses thus reducing overall stress on the body promotes healing and restoration. Some techniques of biofeedback may include relaxing certain muscles, slowing heart rate or respiration, or reducing feelings of pain. The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback defines biofeedback as a process that allows people to alter their physiological ac-
tivity in order to improve health or performance. Utilizing precise measurement biofeedback devices, information about the body’s functions are provided to the user. They suggest, “The presentation of this information often in conjunction with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior, supports desired physiological changes. Over time, these changes can endure without continued use of a biofeedback device.”
Types of Biofeedback
There are many different types of biofeedback devices. The specific approach you choose to utilize might depend upon what you hope to accomplish and what your therapist or physician recommends. Some of the available options include: ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOFEEDBACK: Utilizes harnesses containing LED diodes designed to aid in the reduction of stress and promotes muscle relaxation.