Natural Nutmeg
February 2012
Connecticut's Resource For Living Naturally
Stop and Say Hello Bernie Siegel, MD
Natural Nutmeg’s Cover Photo Contest! Debunking The Cholesterol-Heart Disease Myth
Were You Stumped By Our January Cover Photo? See Page 51 For Details
Paul D. Tortland, DO
Caveman Diet vs. Mediterranean Diet: Who’s Right?
Kenneth R. Hoffman, D.Ac, L.Ac
Is Your Child Making The Grade? Jared Skowron, ND
The Rise of Unexplained Infertility Deborah Gilmour, B.S.N., R.N., C.C.H
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
In this Issue Debunking The Cholesterol-Heart Disease Myth Paul D. Tortland, DO 10 Caveman Diet vs. Mediterranean Diet: Who’s Right? Kenneth R. Hoffman, D.Ac, L.Ac 16
ur mission is to provide valuable insight, information and resources that will allow our readers to maintain a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. Natural Nutmeg contains timely information on natural health, complementary and alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, and the products and services that support good health.
PUBLISHERS Dr. Diane Hindman Chris Hindman
Is Your Child Making the Grade? Jared Skowron, ND 32 The Rise of Unexplained Infertility Deborah Gilmour, BSN, RN, CCH 38
ADVERTISING SALES Peter Morgan Office: (203) 987-7797 Cell: (860) 992-9979
News&Notes 6
Ann Aresco, N.D. Deanna M. Cherrone, M.D. Debra Gibson, ND Andrew Gregory, DC Lauren Gouin, ND Kenneth Hoffman, D.Ac, LAc, CCH David Johnston, DO Roberta Kline, MD Vicki Kobliner, MS, RD, CD-N Tom Moorcroft, D.O.
Prescription for Living 9
Natural Nutmeg Magazine
Supplements 101 24 Healthy Self 35 Doctor’s Notes 40 Calendar 44 Resources 47 4
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
P.O. Box 447, Avon, CT 06001 Ph. (860)206-9500 • Fax (860)263-8505
In keeping with our concern for the environment, Natural Nutmeg is proudly printed on recycled paper with soy based inks. Natural Nutmeg is a free publication supported solely by our advertisers and distributed throughout Connecticut. Please call for a location near you. If you would like to receive Natural Nutmeg at your place of business please call (860) 206-9500 or email to © 2007-11 by Natural Nutmeg, LLC. All rights reserved. Parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your feedback.
hat would you do if you discovered that every incompletion in your life was holding you back from manifesting your dreams? What if you realized that every broken agreement or commitment, every unresolved fight or discussion, every lie that you told and every mistake that you made was blocking your ability to create and live your ideal life. Well it’s true and it’s all about integrity. Integrity is our ability to live in accordance with our own values, promises and commitments. Not only do we need to keep the agreements we make with others, more importantly, we need to keep the agreements we make with ourselves. Do you make commitments to yourself and then break them to please others? How many times have we made a commitment to lose weight, exercise, eat healthier and then failed to do so? How many times have we given up sacred time meant for ourselves because someone else needed us to do something? Instead, we put others needs first, we do things for other people because we feel guilty if we don’t and we sacrifice our time and energy in doing so. But once you realize the impact these actions have on your ability to manifest your hopes and dreams, you will begin to take broken commitments very seriously. Life will bring you many opportunities to deepen your commitment or sell out. Now that I am more aware of the gravity of broken agreements, it amazes me how many people break commitments all the time and think nothing of it. Once you clean house, you will experience tremendous peace of mind and greater ease to accomplish your dreams. Broken agreements and commitments can be worked out and recommitted to. You can simply write a letter or talk to the person you had an argument with to resolve the issue. If you make a mistake, fix it as quickly as possible. Don’t be afraid to apologize if you’ve hurt someone. It takes tremendous courage to speak the truth, to name what’s wrong and to question what’s right. In health and happiness,
news & notes
umps, Babies & Beyond (BBB) Expo is an afternoon where expecting parents, new again parents and grandparents can come to learn about different products and services available to them. On Sunday March 25, 2012 from noon to 4pm, the public is invited to spend the afternoon browsing through a variety of Fairfield County’s best baby-friendly resources at BBB Expo, now in its third year at the Italian Center, 1620 Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT. With exposure to companies offering a variety of items, this year’s event will feature a variety of exhibitors who focus on the wants and needs of families that are expecting a child and families that are already in the process of raising children. Norwalk’s Frittabello; Stamford’s The Italian Center, SmartSeat Chair Protectors by pb&J Discoveries and Laura Geraghty Photography are already signed on as exhibitors, with more being added daily. Admission to the expo is free to all who sign up in advance on the event’s website, A $5 per person admission will be charged at the door to anyone who has not pre-registered.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
New State Solar Funding, Best Rebates February 2012 Apply Now! Rapidly Decreasing Incentive Program Announced The State of Connecticut has designed a program to create urgency in Solar PV installation in order to achieve 30 Megawatts installed by 2022. The most money is provided in the earlier stages, funding fewer systems. With incentives greater than the 2011 program, Stage 1 is expected to be exhausted in March 2012. The state incentives rapidly decrease in each stage, stimulating growth in the first quarter of 2012. The cost of this frenzy lowers incentives for the next 10 years. If you are curious about solar power, now is the time to act! Up to 50% of system cost + 30% federal tax credit = 80% savings on your Solar system. Call 877.786.9798 or E-mail Now for your free consult to find out what solar can do for you. See ad on page 25.
Mobile Medical, llc dr. HeatHer M. Veronesi naturopatHic pHysician 191 Albany Turnpike,Suite 301 PO Box 193,Canton, CT 06019 860-601-1318
Taoist Yoga Teacher Training Coming to West Hartford
or the first time in Connecticut, an internationally known Taoist Yoga & Meditation School is leading a certified training program starting on March 1, 2012. Led by advanced instructors, Eunmi Han and Christine Ucich, this Grounding & Centering Level I certification will teach students the fundamental principles and practices of Taoist Yoga and allow them to be recognized as associate instructors. The course offers two tracks of instruction within a comprehensive curriculum: a student track for those primarily interested in physical practice, and an instructor track for those who would like to study Taoist philosophy, yoga physiology and breathwork. Eunmi Han is a certified respiratory therapist who presents workshops on changing the health of the body through better breathing practice. Christine, a certified teacher of arts education, often brings yoga and meditation instruction to students in the public schools. Three free information sessions with refreshments and tea will be held: February 9th, 7-9 pm, Feb. 11th and Feb. 26th, 3-5 pm at the SunDo Mountain Taoist Center in West Hartford. Participants are strongly encouraged to register in advance. Taoist Yoga readies the physical body to cultivate vital Qi energy combining breathwork, visualization, mantra meditation and yoga postures for healing and transformation. For more information, please visit, contact or call 860.523.5260. See ad on page 41.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
prescription for living
by Bernie Siegel, MD
Stop and Say Hello
o you realize how few people ever say hello or acknowledge you as you walk past each other when out exercising or shopping or whatever. Look people in the eye and give them a smile and see them as one of God’s children and a part of yourself. When you just think that way your consciousness will affect them and change their behavior towards you; believe me. Give it a test this week; on the street, with your family and at work. Learn to be grateful for the opportunity of life and it will lead to changes that make it truly a gift. One of my meditations, which comes from a Buddhist story is: “Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.” Try repeating it several times a day and watch what it does for you and when someone asks you how you are, answer, “I have no complaints.” It will change your way of thinking and your life. It’s true when I greet people I often say, “Morning” so we don’t get into the good or bad issue but at least I acknowledge their existence. Animals wouldn’t let us get away with that behavior. Our cats and dogs make noise when they want attention or a meal. Or they fall down in front of me, roll over
on their back or poke me in the leg to let me know they want a tummy rub or a hug. So the next time you need a hug or a massage just fall down in front of someone you want to notice you and see what the result is. And keep that child in you alive so you can enjoy the day. The other day I had to fax some forms back to a financial institution. The people there know me so I thought I’d have some fun. Where it said print name I printed NAME and where it said sign here I signed it HERE and faxed it back. A few minutes later I faxed a second copy with my name printed and signature as they desired. I got a phone call telling me there was a new secretary in the office who almost fainted when she saw my first fax response. Well she won’t forget me and maybe she’ll even smile next time. My other favorites are the signs which say WET FLOOR. I do every time I see one and most of you know I have a mailbox eighteen feet in the air at the end of our driveway which reads AIR MAIL on its side. I don’t want to give out too much of my material or people won’t think I am unique anymore.
The last one was at the Westville Kosher Deli, I walked in and asked where the bacon was located. The customers looked at me like I was nuts but Rachel, the owner is a kid too and she answered, “Over next to the pork.” I am at home there and the food is really good too. Oops they keep reminding me it is not good; it is excellent. Bernie holds a support group in Simsbury at Wisdom of the Ages the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm. Wisdom of the Ages, a special place to nurture your spiritual side. It's filled with items to calm the mind, heal the body & empower your spirit. They also provide massages & monthly meditation classes. Wisdom of the Ages is owned by Bernie's son & daughter- in-law, Keith & Jane Siegel. Located at 1408 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury. Please call for info or to register for Bernie's group. (860) 651-1172,, See ad on page 12. Bernie also runs a Woodbridge Support Group which meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Coachman's Square, Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT. Contact: Lucille Ranciato at 203-2882839 or email her at
Debunking The Cholesterol-Heart Disease Myth By Paul D. Tortland, D.O.
What Is Cholesterol?
The Cholesterol “Problem”
ost everything we’ve been taught about cholesterol and heart disease is wrong. The second most commonly prescribed drug in America in 2010 was Zocor® (simvastatin). More than 94 million prescriptions were filled. Second only to the pain killer, Vicodin®, Zocor is used to treat high cholesterol. It’s a member of the class of medications known as statins. Two other statins, Lipitor® and Crestor®, ranked in the top 10. Statins are prescribed to treat high cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. There’s only one problem. They don’t work! A 2010 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine analyzed 11 randomized controlled trials covering 65,229 subjects. The authors concluded that statins do not reduce death rates in people who don’t have established heart disease. And they have no benefit for most people who take them. In fact, there has not been even one single legitimate study demonstrating any benefit from statins in people who haven’t already had heart attacks; little benefit for men who had suffered heart attacks; and no benefit for women – ever. Statins also supposedly reduce cholesterol, but there’s no proof of that, either. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the pressure to take statins. Even more significantly, it has never been shown that reducing cholesterol is actually beneficial. Nonetheless, it’s been ingrained in modern medicine, not to mention in the public’s mind, that cholesterol is a great evil, and that we all need to go on low-fat diets and eat statins to cut cholesterol. Twenty to thirty years ago, in an attempt to reign-in heart disease, leading medical societies, in concert with the federal government, began pushing low-fat and fat-free food. The thinking went like this: Cardiovascular disease is caused by cholesterol deposits. Cholesterol comes from dietary fat. Therefore, reducing the dietary fat will reduce heart disease. Surprise – it didn’t work either! In fact, since the push for lowfat diets began (coupled with the admonition to eat a diet “high in whole grains”), people have been getting fatter, and heart disease continues to skyrocket, in spite of lowered cholesterol levels. The problem is that the association of cholesterol with cardiovascular disease is just that – an association, not a causation. Reducing cholesterol intake to stop heart disease is like saying, “In high crime areas there are more calls to the police. Therefore, to reduce crime, stop calling the police.” Sounds ridiculous, right? So is the push to lower dietary cholesterol. 10
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Cholesterol is a steroid of fat that is produced in the liver or intestines, or ingested. It’s required to build and maintain cell walls. It helps keep the cell wall fluid or pliable over the range of physiological temperatures. Cholesterol is the direct precursor for key hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, vitamin D (yes, vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin!), and the blood pressure modulator aldosterone. Bile, which is stored in the gall bladder and secreted to help digest fats and aid in the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K, is made from cholesterol. Healthy nerves and brain development depend on cholesterol. Many nerves are encased in myelin, a waxy substance that enhances nerve transmission (like the insulation around an electrical wire. Myelin is rich in cholesterol. In other words, cholesterol is essential for all animal life. If you don’t get enough, your body will make it anyway, in some cases stealing it from other important areas (such as hormone production).
Sources of Cholesterol By far, the most abundant source of cholesterol is animal fat. All foods containing animal fat contain cholesterol to some extent. Major dietary sources of cholesterol include beef, poultry, pork, fish, shrimp, cheese, and egg yolks. Human breast milk is also cholesterol-rich. Cholesterol is not found in significant amounts in plant sources. In fact, plant products such as flax seeds and peanuts contain cholesterol-like compounds called phytosterols that may actually block cholesterol absorption in the intestines.
Cholesterol Metabolism Contrary to popular belief, HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein) are not respectively “good” and “bad” cholesterol. In fact, they’re not cholesterol at all! They are proteins, specifically, lipoproteins. Since cholesterol is insoluble in blood (fat & water mix poorly), it is carried in the blood by HDL and LDL. It’s a simple and elegant system. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to where the body needs it for repair and maintenance purposes. HDL carries the unused or old cholesterol back to the liver for recycling or excretion.
Cholesterol Doesn’t Cause Heart Disease Shocking, but true. According to Christie Ballantyne, MD, a cardiologist at Baylor College of Medicine, “The majority of people who end up having heart attacks or stroke don’t have high cholesterol.” The landmark Framingham Heart Study was launched in 1948 to identify the common factors that contribute to coronary artery disease (CAD) by following CAD over a long time period in a large group of people who had not yet developed overt symptoms of CAD or suffered a heart attack or stroke. Almost the entire town of Framingham, MA was followed for 50 years. The results showed that, with one exception, there was no discernible association between reported diet intake and serum cholesterol. (The one exception was a weak negative association between caloric intake and serum cholesterol level in men. As caloric intake went down, serum cholesterol went up.) Regarding CAD and cholesterol, no relationship was found. In fact, according to Malcolm Kendrick, MD, commenting on the study, “There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels during the first 14 years and mortality during the following 18 years.” In other words, death rates went up as cholesterol levels went down! Sadly, this didn’t stop researchers from misrepresenting the data. After all, if certain data don’t fit your hypothesis (or agenda), just ignore the data! As Dr. William B. Kannel, director of the Framingham Study, has stated, although there is no discernible relationship between reported diet intake and serum cholesterol levels in the study, “it is incorrect to interpret this finding to mean that diet has no connection with blood cholesterol.” Oh really?
In his attempt to demonize the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock, producer of the documentary film “Super Size Me,” ate at McDonald’s for a month. He gained 25 pounds, his body fat percentage increased from 11% to 18%, his liver was showing signs of damage, and his total cholesterol increased from 168 to 225. However, Spurlock ate over 5,000 calories and a gallon of soda a day! In response, comedian Tom Naughton wrote and produced the movie “Fat Head.” He, too, ate at McDonald’s for a month. However, he limited his total daily carbs to less than 100 grams, and kept his total daily calories to around 2200. He nonetheless ate the cheeseburgers and fried chicken – not the salads – essentially feasting on protein and saturated fat. At the end of 28 days he had lost 12 pounds. His total cholesterol remained essentially unchanged (231 to 222), and his body fat decreased from 31.2% to 28.2%.
The Historical Record Dietary history further argues against the cholesterol-causes-heart-disease hypothesis. Prior to 1970, the inhabitants of the isolated Polynesian atoll of Tokelau subsisted on coconuts and fish. More than 70 percent of their calories came from coconut, and more than 50 percent from fat (90% of which was saturated fat). There was virtually no cultivation of crops on the islands. There was no heart disease nor any of the other degenerative or inflammatory diseases. By the mid 1960s, the New Zealand government (which had assumed administration of the islands) became concerned about potential overpopulation on the atolls. It initiated a voluntary migration program to move half the population to the mainland. In the decades that followed, fish and coconuts practically vanished from the migrants’ diets, replaced virtually overnight by bread, potatoes, and meat. Fat and saturated fat consumption also dropped, replaced by carbohydrates, “…the difference being due to the big increase in sucrose consumption” (according to the Tokelau Island Migration Study). There was an almost immediate increase in weight and blood pressure, and a decrease in cholesterol levels. There developed an “exceptionally high level incidence [of] diabetes, gout, osteoarthritis, as well as hypertension.” In fact, as Gary Taubes notes in his best-selling book, Good Calories, Bad Calories, “The migrant experience had led to an increased incidence over the entire spectrum of chronic diseases.” This is hardly a unique exposé. The historical and scientific record is replete with
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
evidence as far back as the 1700s that, prior to industrialization and the availability of cheap commercially refined flour and sugar, people ate vastly more meat and fat, and far less carbohydrate. In 1793, according to historian Harvey Levenstein, Americans ate eight times as much meat as bread. As Taubes writes, “By one USDA estimate, the typical American was eating 178 pounds of meat annually in the 1830s, 40-60 pounds more than was reportedly being eaten a century later.” In 1937, Columbia University biochemists David Rittenberg and Rudolf Schoenheimer showed that dietary cholesterol had little effect on blood cholesterol. Warren Sperry, co-inventor of the blood test for cholesterol, came to the unambiguous conclusion: “The incidence and severity of [CAD] are not directly affected by the level of cholesterol in the blood per se.”
On...Nutrition and Heart Health “Inflammation is a key factor in heart disease. Look beyond a low-fat diet for true heart health”
Vicki Kobliner, MS RD |
3 Hollyhock Rd. • Wilton, CT • 06897 • 203-834-9949 •
Inflammation is the Real Culprit The problem is not the cholesterol level by itself but rather what happens to cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is susceptible to a process called oxidation. Technically, oxidation is the loss of at least one electron. (A freshly cut apple turning brown is an example of oxidation.) When cholesterol becomes oxidized, it becomes stickier. By itself, this stickiness is not necessarily a problem. The real problem is what causes the oxidation in the first place. Inflammation increases the presence of free radicals; unstable molecules that steal electrons from other molecules, such as – you guessed it – cholesterol, thus causing oxidation and damage. Inflammation also damages the walls of the arteries, allowing otherwise harmless cholesterol molecules to worm into arterial walls causing plaque formation and vessel narrowing.
Think of the arterial wall as a tennis net. The net prevents a tennis ball and larger items from passing through. But if the net tears, bigger items slip through. So it is with arteries. Healthy walls prevent cholesterol from getting in. But inflammation damages the walls, allowing the oxidized – and sticky – cholesterol to pass through. Furthermore, there are two types of LDL – large buoyant, and small dense. The large buoyant LDLs are basically harmless. It’s the small dense ones that wreak havoc. They’re smaller than the holes in the ‘tennis net’ and pass through the arterial walls more easily. Inflammation increases the amount of the small dense LDL. So what causes the inflammation? Dietarily, quite simply, it’s carbohydrates, especially refined, high starch, and high sugar carbs. Carbs cause a spike in insulin, the hormone secreted by the pancreas to lower blood sugar. At normal levels, insulin is both essential and harmless. But persistent high levels cause a multitude of health problems, mostly related to the insulin-induced inflammation.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Misguided Medicine, or Conspiracy? If the evidence is so overwhelming against cholesterol causing heart disease, why the push to lower cholesterol? Several factors seem to be involved. Large credit goes to American scientist Ancel Keys. Keys hypothesized that a diet high in animal fats led to heart disease. To prove this, in the 1950s, he collected data both on deaths from CAD and on fat consumption from 22 countries. Despite the fact that 22 countries provided statistics, Keys cherry-picked the data from the 7 countries that supported his theory. Later known as the “Seven Countries Study,” the results appeared to show that serum cholesterol was strongly related to CAD mortality. As a result, in 1956 the American Heart Association began telling people that a diet rich in butter, lard, eggs and beef would lead to coronary heart disease. The U.S. government piled on, recommending adoption of a low-fat diet to prevent heart disease. Sadly, this idea still prevails despite the fact that there is not a shred of scientific evidence to prove it. (And yes, the Food Pyramid is upside down!) Secondly, the Food and Drug Administration currently is on the payroll of the drug industry. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to pay fees to the FDA for speedy approval of their drugs. Thus a large amount of FDA funding comes directly from Big Pharma. Currently, 70 percent of all new drug research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and 30 percent is government funded. Control of funding means control over data outcome. Moreover, study conclusions are often written by physicians hired by drug companies and published in medical journals that accept millions in drug advertising funds.
As noted at the beginning, 3 of the top 10 prescription drugs sold in 2010 were for cholesterol. Follow the money.
So What to Do? There are two keys points: First, dietary cholesterol by itself does not cause heart disease; Second, eating fat does not make you fat. Sugar is the culprit. Begin by limiting your daily carb intake to 100 grams or less. If you happen to have a higher carb day, balance it by going ultralow carb the next day. Choose carbs that are complex, high-fiber, and unrefined. Eat whole fruit; avoid fruit juice. Avoid ALL high fructose corn syrup. Increase daily protein intake to at least 0.5 gram per pound of lean body weight, spread out among breakfast, lunch and dinner. Consume fats from good saturated or monosaturated sources, such as eggs, lean meats, olives, nuts, cheese, butter, plain yogurt, and olive oil. Avoid unsaturated and trans fats, including corn oil and margarine. • Increase Omega-3 fish oil intake to 6000 mg/day or higher. This is a great natural anti-inflammatory and also is the best way to reduce your triglycerides. • Add anti-oxidants to keep oxidation from damaging cholesterol and fish oil. These include: Coenzyme Q10; Vitamins A, C & E; Alpha Lipoic Acid. • Raise HDL via exercise, niacin (use sustained-release to avoid flushing), and vitamin D. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” Submitted by Paul D. Tortland, DO of Valley Sports Physicians and Orthopedic Medicine in Avon, CT. For more information, call 860675-0357 or visit See ad on page 3.
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Caveman Diet vs. Mediterranean Diet: Who’s Right?
By Kenneth R. Hoffman, L.Ac, D.Ac, CCH
hen it comes to nutrition, it can get very confusing. Patients often vent their confusion to me by claiming, “The information is always changing! I don’t know what to believe!” In their ensuing frustration, they often abandon a wholesome way of eating for the S.A.D. Program which stands for Standard American Diet. It is well known that the S.A.D. diet is, in part responsible for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a host of other public health issues. Among developed countries, the United States has the most obese and overweight people. According to Jean Lemaire, Wharton professor of insurance and actuarial science, Americans are much heavier than they were 10 years ago and much heavier than other people around the world. Professor Lemaire further states: “Life expectancy in the U.S., which is among the richest countries, only ranks 48th in the world.” Being overweight is comparable to having diabetes or having high blood pressure. To further illustrate the problem, a report published in the Journal of Health Affairs, found that individuals who are obese have 30 to 50 percent more chronic medical problems than those who smoke or drink heavily. Clearly finding a better way is, to me, a national emergency. To cut through the confusion, let’s define what we mean by “diet” and talk about 2 popular nutrition regimens and let you decide what may be right for you. But to be clear, it seems that the “new” diets that we are bombarded with in the news and magazines are really just fads. They are not sustainable and in many cases, people have worse health after they discontinue the diet. However, after almost 20 years in natural medicine, I believe there is no confusion. The fact is that the foundation of any diet that provides optimal health is based on ancient wisdom and traditional diets that have not changed for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. With all the complexities in the world, I feel simplicity and returning to the root of good nutrition is the best hope for a healthy lifestyle.
So What Do I Mean By “Diet”? According to the dictionary, diet is the customary amount and kind of food and drink taken by a person from day to day; more narrowly, a diet planned to meet specific requirements of the individual, including or excluding certain foods. It is not necessarily about weight loss. When looking at diet it should be a way of eating that becomes a lifestyle. It should be a sustainable habit, easy to follow, nutritious and impart optimal heath benefits. This excludes short term eating changes, dietary restriction, starvation or sacrifice. If
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
the diet you follow nourishes you, equally, on ALL levels physically, physiologically and emotionally, I would call this a healthy diet. Two popular concepts that I believe are sustainable in modern life are the Paleolithic Diet or Caveman diet and the Mediterranean diet. While they seem to be very different, they do agree on key points. It is up to each individual to research and find what kind of a healthy diet can be sustained for the rest of one’s life. As I preach in my Wellness Practice, you must also take into account the individual, their health status and specific needs in their diet. This is exactly why we get significant weight loss and improved health in our clinic…because everyone is an individual.
The Paleo Diet The Paleo Diet is a nutritional plan based on the ancient diet of wild plants and animals that our ancestors consumed over 10,000 years ago. Support for this diet is based on the published scientific surveys known as the Kitava Study from 1989, which studied tribes in Papua, New Guinea. These tribes ate a pre-westernized diet of 55-65% animal foods and 35-45% plant foods. They discovered that these societies had no stroke, heart disease, diabetes or hypertension. The diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, vegetables, fruits, roots, spices and nuts. There is no restriction on number of calories and the foods can be cooked. It excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, high glycemic foods and processed oils. Clinical trials that compared the Paleolithic Diet to commonly prescribed diets for Type 2 Diabetes determined that the Paleo diet was more effective resulting in lower blood sugar levels and HbA1c (a marker for long term blood sugar control), lower triglycerides, lowered blood pressure and lower body mass index. The Paleo diet is superb for weight loss, insulin problems and excels above other diets such as calorie restriction or the ADA diet. There have not been a large amount of studies on the Paleo Diet, but those that are available have shown great results. A good source for more information on this diet can be found at
The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean Diet, on the other hand, is inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of southern Italy, Crete and much of Greece. The principle aspects include a diet high in olive oil consumption, high consumption of legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, vegetables and moderate consumption of dairy (mostly cheese and yogurt), moderate to high consumption of fish, low consumption of
meat and meat products and moderate wine consumption. The benefits of this type of diet have been studied much more extensively than the Paleo Diet and the results are astounding as well. A 10-year study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that this type of diet was associated with a 50% lowering of early death rates. The Lyon Diet Heart Study found that mortality from all causes while strictly adhering to a Mediterranean diet was reduced by 70 %! Other studies reported reductions in cancer, stroke, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more. The benefits, again, are far beyond that of old beliefs of just calorie restriction and exercise.
• Personology • Science of the 52 cards • Numerology • Astrology Personalized Reports & Readings for Individuals, Couples and Businesses. Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC, is a licensed psychotherapist offering clinical and metaphysical therapies to provide an integrative approach to the art of transformation. 377 Hubbard St., Glastonbury, CT • (860) 657-1131 •
While both diets have benefits, here are some of the highlighted differences: Swedish researchers reported recently that a Paleolithic diet was more satiating than a Mediterranean-style diet, when compared on a calorie-for-calorie basis in heart patients. Both groups of study subjects reported equal degrees of satiety, but the Paleo dieters ended up eating 24% fewer calories over the 12-week study. A published study in Science Daily in 2007 showed that foods of the kind that were consumed during human evolution may be the best choice to control type-2 diabetes. A study from Lund University, Sweden, found markedly improved capacity to handle carbohydrate after eating such foods for three months. A recent analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of overall and cardiovascular mortality, a reduced incidence of cancer and cancer mortality, and a reduced incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The British Medical Journal published a 2008 study of non-diabetic participants on a Mediterranean style diet that had a 35 percent reduction in risk for developing diabetes due to changing eating patterns. In a clinical study published in 2007, a group of researchers compared 14 patients who were advised to consume an ‘ancient’ (Paleolithic, ‘Old stone Age’) diet for three months with 15 patients who were recommended to follow a Mediterranean-like prudent diet with whole-grain cereals, low-fat dairy products, fruit, vegetables and refined fats generally considered healthy. All patients had increased blood sugar after carbohydrate intake (glucose intolerance), and most of them had overt type-2 diabetes. In addition, all had been diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Patients in the
Paleolithic group were recommended to eat lean meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables and nuts, and to avoid grains, dairy foods and salt. The main result was that the blood sugar rise in response to carbohydrate intake was markedly lower after 12 weeks in the Paleolithic group (–26%), while it barely changed in the Mediterranean group (–7%). At the end of the study, all patients in the Paleolithic group had normal blood glucose. While the benefits of a Mediterranean diet are clear, this indicates that the Paleo Diet may be better for blood sugar control. There are definitely benefits to either diet and there are clear points that BOTH diets agree upon, which I think is wise advice. Namely, processed foods are killing all of us. For example, in 2009, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), a non-profit watchdog group, found that nearly one in three of 55 brand-name foods contained mercury. The chemical was found most commonly in high fructose corn syrup contained in dairy products, dressings and condiments. Other studies find toxic mineral oils in boxed foods as well as pesticides and genetically modified grains that are damaging us in untold ways including genetic mutation. Therefore we have to get back to the basics. Fresh produce, fruits, and lean meats, anything made by nature directly. We are consuming way too much of the bad kind of carbohydrates. There is not adequate fiber in our diet programs, and too many of the wrong fats. All processed food should be eliminated from our diet, that is a 20th century occurrence and our body is not used to handling them. In the end it is our genes that decide our requirements nutritionally, and we are not living in compliance with them. In the end, there is a divide as to which diet is “best.” HOWEVER no one disagrees that if you eat as close to what nature has provided us you will bring equilibrium back to your body – simple! Kenneth R. Hoffman, L.Ac, D.Ac (RI), started private training under the tutelage of a Taoist medical and qi gong master in 1991 where he began learning the art of Chinese healing through Qi Gong, Herbology, Tui Na (Chinese medical massage) and Tai Qi. He is the medical director for Sophia Natural Health Center in Brookfield where his specialties are hormone conditions, allergies, pain and medical thermography. It is one of the largest acupuncture and Oriental medicine centers in Connecticut. He can be reached at his new location at Brookfield Medical Center, 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT or 203-740-9300. www.SophiaNaturalHealth. com. See ad on page 31. 18
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Coffee Talk
(with apologies to Linda Richman)
hh, the intoxicating aroma of a good cup of coffee! Whether you’re at home smelling a fresh pot or in Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts or even McDonald’s (they do brew Newman’s Own, after all), coffee’s fragrance is powerful and seductive. But is this a healthy or unhealthy attraction? We’ll look at the evidence both for and against coffee as an elixir vitae and discuss its historical role. (Disclaimer: when I refer to coffee, I don’t mean a Caramel Macchiato).
History Coffee originated in the Horn of Africa, most likely Ethiopia, around the 13th century and spread via nearby Yemen and Arabia to Turkey and Europe. Legend has it that coffee was discovered by an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi who noticed his goats had more energy after eating red berries (raw coffee). Kaldi then experimented on himself, goes the legend, and felt more energy as well. Some ascribe coffee’s extreme popularity in the Muslim countries of the Arabian peninsula to Islam’s ban on alcohol, making coffee a desirable substitute. In any case, coffee houses started popping up all over the place in cities and towns throughout the Middle East and eventually, Europe. Coffee made its way to the New World first with Captain John Smith in 1607 at Jamestown, Virginia, eventually replacing beer as New York City’s favorite drink in 1668. The Boston Tea Party helped vault coffee to the top of the list as America’s favorite beverage, replacing tea.
What is coffee? Coffee is derived from a plant which can grow over 30 feet high. Over seventy percent of all coffee is the Arabica variety, which is easier to drink than the Robusto. Robusto is higher in caffeine and used mostly in instant coffee and blends. The coffee fruit is called the cherry, and contains the coffee bean, which is really a seed. The beans are separated from the cherry and its pulp, cleaned and dried and ready for export. Raw coffee beans, like raw tea leaves, are green. Beans are usually roasted in the importing country so they can be sold as close to fresh roasted as possible. Roasting is done around 550 degrees with the beans moved around to prevent burning. Once the beans reach 400 degrees internally, they begin to release their oil and flavor. At this point they’re ready to be ground, brewed and enjoyed!
What’s in dem beans? Caffeine is the best known of coffee’s ingredients, and the amount per 8 ounce serving of filtered (drip) coffee ranges between 115-175 milligrams. Compare that to about 50 mg in tea and 35 mg in a can of Coke. Espresso contains about 100 mg per two ounce shot. Caffeine is the bitter-tasting part of coffee, and its level is not affected much by how long coffee is roasted. Caffeine is a stimulant; it wakes us up, makes us more alert and raises our spirits. Caffeine is broken down in the liver, and its breakdown products can help lower sugar levels, dilate arteries and relax the lungs. In a diseased liver, caffeine won’t be broken down properly, potentially leading to a much stronger stimulant effect. Also, some people have a mutation in the genes that regulate caffeine metabolism, leading to a better or worse tolerance for this potent substance (your doctor can test for your ability to clear caffeine from your system). Decaf appears to have a lot of the same health benefits as caffeinated, so you do have choices. Just stick to Swiss Water process decaf to avoid the nasty solvents used in other methods. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is the major antioxidant in coffee and is probably responsible for most of coffee’s health benefits. While 1-2% of coffee is caffeine, 6-10% is CGA. A cup of coffee has 200550 milligrams of antioxidants, much more than green tea, so the potential for it to really shine is clearly there. The last decade has seen research into CGA explode. CGA has been shown to slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream after a meal and to block the liver’s production of sugar. CGA is sold in Europe as a food ingredient to promote weight loss. Coffee also contains small amounts of fatty acids, protein and fiber.
Benefits of coffee: What’s the evidence? Cancer: some of the most recent and provocative news about coffee relates to its association with dramatically lower rates of prostate and uterine cancer. For prostate cancer, Harvard researchers followed 47,000 men over 20 years, tracking how much coffee they drank. It turns out the men who drank 6 or more cups a day had a whopping 60% lower risk of lethal prostate cancer than nondrinkers. Risk of prostate cancer in general was 20% lower for the heavy coffee drinkers, and lower cancer rates were roughly the same whether folks drank caffeinated or decaf, suggesting the role of CGA as an antioxidant. Also, since insulin resistance is thought to be a risk
factor for prostate cancer, CGA’s benefits here no doubt contributed. Less coffee is still helpful, with three cups a day still contributing a 30% drop in lethal cancer. Uterine Cancer: Using women enrolled in the mammoth Nurses’ Study, Harvard researchers found that drinking 4 cups or more of coffee reduced uterine cancer risk by about 25%. Similar reduction was found with decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee, again pointing to the antioxidant benefits. The number of cases of cancer fell from 56 to 35 per 100,000. More research needs to be done, but these are very encouraging numbers. Diabetes: Researchers both here and in Australia compiled results from multiple studies and showed a drop in diabetes risk between 25-30 percent for people who drank 4-6 cups a day. Again, decaf showed a similar, though slightly smaller benefit. Antioxidants are once again thought to provide the benefit.
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Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Other conditions: Coffee drinking has also been shown to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease (caffeinated only), Alzheimer’s, Liver Cancer and Stroke.
What to look out for? Heartburn/Esophagus: With all that acid, you would think coffee is a major cause of heartburn and esophageal problems, but the evidence doesn’t back that up. If coffee bothers you, it may be too hot, which is certainly bad for your body as hot drinks do damage the esophagus. If drinking cold or warm coffee still bothers you, try decaf as some people are bothered by the acidity. High Blood Pressure/Arrhythmia: Caffeine is a stimulant and does raise epinephrine, or adrenaline, levels in the short term, so caffeinated coffee can be a bad idea if blood pressure is a risk. Again, the studies don’t show coffee drinking consistently raises blood pressure or contributes to heartbeat irregularities, but decaf is a safer bet. Bone loss: Coffee can interfere with calcium absorption, so if you are a coffee drinker, take a calcium supplement at a different time of day. Anxiety: Caffeine can make some people jittery. If this is you, try decaf. Dehydration: Coffee is a diuretic, like tea, but the body appears to adjust and when urine is tested, it appears the same when people drink coffee or water. I personally drink between a quart and a half gallon of water a day, and I encourage my patients to drink water liberally. I can’t really buy that coffee is as beneficial for hydration, but I’m prepared to be wrong. To sum up, coffee, preferably organic, and brewed with a filter, is good for you. Go easy on the sugar and dairy, drink decaf if you want, and enjoy! Dr. Goodman practices in Bristol and Bloomfield and is the author of The Omega Solution, an evidence based guide to the health benefits of essential fatty acids. Visit his website at
Do Environmentalists Eat Meat? By Maribeth Abrams, MS, CNC The sad truth, for every pound of meat you eat, you are essentially leaving your shower on for 30 hours straight.
hank goodness styrofoam cups are on their way out. After all, nothing else so quickly kills the taste of chamomile tea. But it’s the public’s perception of styrofoam burgeoning from landfills that has motivated many a dining establishment to discontinue use of the infamous, spongy material. Indeed, coffee shops, fast-food joints and plenty of forward-thinking places that sell grub, increasingly say no to styrofoam and plastic in favor of environmentally-friendly paper, or even choose washable mugs and plates in favor of disposable-anything. That’s good for the environment. And good for business too, because many consumers are attracted to businesses perceived as environmentally-friendly. Case in point, a “Green Dining” article recently printed in a Greater-Hartford monthly magazine. The author named names: specific restaurants that consciously reduce waste, use post-recycled materials, use efficient heating systems, choose local vendors. These companies got some sweet free advertising, and I say kudos to all of them. However, the article completely missed the point. When it comes to dining out - heck, when it comes to life in general - the single most powerful thing we can do to improve the state of our planet has everything to do with what we eat, but hardly anything to do with the biodegradable, corn-based fork; the postrecycled, unbleached paper plate; or even the truck transporting our food. More specifically, it has everything to do with whether or not our food is plant-based or animal-based. The process of producing meat, eggs and milk is so inefficient that it is now considered the world’s number one cause of climate change. According to the United Nations, animal agriculture generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined. In its 2006 report “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” the UN even called for “immediate action,” prompting countries including England, Germany and Belgium to initiate public programs to reduce consumption of meat and dairy in favor of plant-based foods. Here’s why. Animals raised for food need space on which to live. But they also need food to eat and water to drink, and it takes a lot of land and water to grow that food. When it comes to efficiency, the amount of land, water and grain required to produce a single pound of beef is staggering. Indeed, it takes about one-twentieth the resources to feed a person on a plant-based diet (vegan) than it takes to feed a non-vegetarian. The production of one pound of beef requires 2500 gallons of water and about 16 pounds of grain or soy. Think about this for a moment: A cow has to consume 16 pounds of food for every one pound of edible muscle that its body can produce. And 2500 gallons of water? That’s enough for six months of showers. Consciously
conserving water by limiting your showers to just five minutes? The sad truth is that for every pound of meat you eat, you are essentially leaving your shower on for 30 hours straight. If food grown for cows was redirected for human consumption - rather than being cycled through animals - then up to 16 times less food could be grown to feed our population. That frees up enormous amounts of cropland in a world of exponentially expanding population. Intensive animal agriculture is also considered at the top of the list of causes for rainforest destruction and water pollution. Interestingly, eating veggies trucked from far away has been shown to cause less of an environmental problem than eating local meat. A 2008 award-winning study at Carnegie Melon University found that our carbon footprint is more effectively reduced by eating 100 percent plant-based (vegan) one day a week than by eating 100 percent local every single day of the week. Even the UN climate chief, Rajendra Pachauri, says that having one meat-free day every week is the biggest single contribution that people can make to curb climate change in their personal lives. So why did Al Gore conveniently leave this nugget of information out of his famous documentary? Maybe he covets his Quarter Pounder Double Cheese. Nevertheless, the official handbook for Live Earth, the anti-global warming concerts that Gore helped organize, says that not eating meat is the “single most effective thing you can do” to reduce your climate change impact. And Gore himself said in a recent interview with Alex Bogusky that we should curb our meat consumption to help curb global warming. I can’t resist pointing out divine synchronicity. How fascinating that the diet that preserves our environment is also optimal for our physical health. Indeed, the world’s leading nutrition experts agree that a whole-foods plant-based diet offers great protection from heart disease, type II diabetes, and many kinds of cancer. Indeed, the Meatless Monday campaign launched in 2003 in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is now active in 23 countries around the world for this very reason. So why not say yes! to our health and say yes! to the health of our planet. Go for the black bean and grilled vegetable burrito instead of the chicken chimichanga. After all, what have you got to lose? Maribeth Abrams is a Certified Nutritionist and Holistic Health Practitioner practicing in Glastonbury. She loves locally-grown, organic veggies and refers budding environmentalists to the book Comfortably Unaware by Dr. Richard Oppenlander. See ad on page 13.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
Emerging Role In Acute And Chronic Illness By Gail Szakacs, MD & Nancy O’Hara, MD
ositive clinical outcomes and evolving research suggest a potential adjunctive role for Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy in the effective management of various types of medical injury and illness. Although HBO therapy often enhances treatment and recovery from acute problems, mounting clinical experience shows that it may also help long after an injury occurs or with chronic disease in general. HBO involves the therapeutic administration of up to 100% oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure (up to 3 atmosphere absolute or ATA). The majority of oxygen is usually delivered to body tissues bound to hemoglobin, but HBO increases overall oxygen delivery by significantly elevating the plasma oxygen content and not changing hemoglobin-bound oxygen levels. It has been shown that the boost in plasma oxygen content with HBO at 100% oxygen and 2 ATA drives more oxygen down physiologic gradients and into areas of the body that cannot be reached by hemoglobin-bound oxygen. Both hard and soft chambers can be effective, but hard chambers (monoplace or multiplace) can reach higher pressure and oxygenation than soft chambers. Neither is without risk and those details should be discussed at length with a physician, taking into account a person’s history, as part of the evaluation when considering HBO therapy. Underlying mechanisms by which HBO is thought to promote positive clinical outcomes include: 1. Hyperoxic (not hypoxic) vasoconstriction – Decreasing local blood flow helps to decrease inflammation and the increased plasma oxygen content under hyperbaric conditions allows this to occur without corresponding hypoxia. 2. Antimicrobial effect: a. Inhibitory effect on growth of certain organisms – For instance, in 2004, Jain reported that HBO is known to block the production of two known clostridial toxins (alphatoxine, which is hemolytic and increases tissue necrosis; and thetatoxine, which causes vascular injury and also increases tissue necrosis). b. Increased phagocytosis. 3. Anti-inflammatory and immune stimulatory effects – HBO can affect the
white blood cells involved in the inflammatory reaction/response to injury (inflammation is associated with polymorphonuclear and other immune cell infiltration, increased oxidative stress, and prevents maximal uptake of oxygen by cells). 4. Decrease in tissue lactic acid level and help maintaining more optimal cellular energy function. 5. Neovascularization and collagen production by fibroblasts (cells necessary for wound healing) a. Hypoxia helps trigger angiogenesis but the collagen deposition that is needed for growth of new capillary beds needs oxygen – in a 2004 article, Jain noted, “the alteration of states of hypoxia (during HBO break) and hyperoxia (during HBO treatment)… is responsible for maximum stimulation of fibroblast activity in ischemic tissues and producing the development of the matrix of collagen that is essential for neovascularization.” Many professional athletes, and a growing number of sports teams, use HBO therapy to speed recovery from injury and enhance performance. There are many sports teams that even travel with portable units so the benefits of HBO therapy can be immediately available. Clinicians also are implementing HBO therapy into their general practices to help with sports and post-concussive injuries, as well as the other problems noted below. Although most of the research on HBO to-date is flawed due to various aspects of poor study design and has yielded mixed results, the research is emerging to support the tremendous and mounting positive clinical outcomes seen by clinicians and patients worldwide.
• Inflammatory bowel disease, Lyme Disease • Anti-aging • Post-traumatic stress disorder The following indications for HBO Therapy have already been approved: 1. Air or gas embolism 2. Carbon monoxide poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning complicated by cyanide poisoning 3. Gas Gangrene 4. Crush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute ischemias 5. Decompression sickness 6. Exceptional anemia (acute severe blood loss and the inability or lack of permission to transfuse blood) 7. Intracranial abscess 8. Necrotizing soft tissue infections 9. Osteomyelitis (refractory) 10. Delayed radiation injury 11. Poor wound healing 12. Skin grafts and flaps 13. Thermal burns Although more research is needed, one should consider further medical evaluation about the potential use of HBO as adjunctive therapy in the various acute or chronic injury and illness noted above.
Dr. Nancy O’Hara and Dr. Gail Szakacs dedicate their practice to the integrative care of children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, other Neurodevelopmental disorders, various chronic medical illnesses, and acute problems such as post-concussive injury. Their comprehensive center offers a variety of functional medicine interventions, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy for use in a primary or adjunctive role in the treatReported and emerging uses for HBO ment of many acute and chronic medical Therapy include: problems. Dr. O’Hara is board certified in • Traumatic brain injury, post-concussive injury Pediatrics and Dr. Szakacs is board certified • Sports injuries, headaches in Internal Medicine. Their practice in Wilton, • Sleep disturbances CT has been serving the local and global • Enhanced athletic performance (reducing communities since 1999. See ad page 35. fatigue and increasing endurance) • Musculoskeletal injuries (primarily muscle- tendon junctions & ligament injuries) • Autism (improved overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, sensory/cognitive awareness) • Cerebral palsy, Multiple sclerosis, Psoriasis
Supplements 101
Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S. Erika Dworkin, Dip. C.N. (Pend.)
Heart Disease Prevention: Key Nutritional Supplements & Lifestyle Choices Some risk factors for heart disease you can control and some you cannot. Coronary artery disease causes roughly 1.2 million heart attacks each year, and more than 40% of those suffering from a heart attack will die. . . .According to the American Heart Association, over 7 million Americans have suffered a heart attack in their lifetime. ~, Heart Disease Health Center
id you know that chronic heart disease (CHD) is the #1 killer in the United States? Did you know that you have a higher risk for a heart attack, stroke, or death from CHD if you are age 65 or older, male, a post-menopausal female, African/Mexican/Native American, or have a family history of CHD? You also can dramatically increase your risk for CHD if you smoke, suffer from unmanaged stress, anger or anxiety, or are diabetic, obese, or physically inactive. The good news is that you can make choices today that will have an impact on the controllable group of risk factors.
What Is Heart Disease? The human heart maintains the body’s circulatory system by pumping oxygenated blood to every living cell. Its unique muscle is especially resistant to fatigue, has a large number of mitochondria (cellular powerhouses), and allows continuous production of cellular energy. In fact, each
day, the heart beats approximately 80,000 to 100,000 times, and pumps almost 2,000 gallons of blood. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the medical term for what is generally referred to as “heart disease.” CAD develops from atherosclerosis of the walls of the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients [narrowing, hardening, and clogging of arteries by plaque, a combination of ’bad‘ (LDL) cholesterol and cellular debris]. While CAD is the most common type of CHD, many other conditions can stem from it or relate to other forms of cardiovascular dysfunction, including: angina (chest pain from atherosclerotic deprivation of the heart’s oxygen); arrhythmia (abnormal heart rate or rhythm); atrial fibrillation (an arrhythmia characterized by an irregular “flutter” of the heart’s atria, its small upper chambers; caused by disruptions in the heart’s electrical conduction system; linked to the osteoporosis drugs called bisphosphonates); cardiomyopathy/congestive heart failure (CHF) (heart loses its ability to adequately pump blood throughout the body; causes shortness of breath and fluid buildup in the lungs and extremities); high blood pressure (excessive pressure on the blood vessels overworks the heart and greatly increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke); and peripheral artery disease (arteries supplying blood to the lower extremities become diseased and narrowed).
Risks of the Conventional Approach
For patients with CHD, conventional physicians typically prescribe drugs or recommend invasive procedures such as angiography, angioplasty, bypass surgery, or defibrillator implantation. Unfortunately, all of these treatments come with a host of side effects and research shows they may not be effective for many people. Doctors most frequently prescribe statins (lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation), beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. According to Julian Whitaker, M.D., a leading holistic physician, research shows that, for most people, expensive statins “do not protect against heart attack or premature death,” and that “not a single study” suggests that men or women of any age will receive “any benefits,” even if a statin reduces cholesterol substantially. Beta blockers (for hypertension, angina, and arrhythmia), which inhibit the heart’s ability to respond to adrenaline, actually weaken it. Calcium channel blockers (also for hypertension, angina, and arrhythmias), prevent calcium from entering the muscle cells lining arterial walls, thus relaxing them and easing the pressure against them. Unfortunately, they also block essential functions of the heart and blood vessels, and one study even found that patients taking large doses of calcium channel blockers had a 60% higher death rate than those taking diuretics or beta blockers! Before starting a new prescription, consider exploring with your doctor the natural alternatives and lifestyle changes below that may be more beneficial. (If you already take medications to support your heart health, don’t stop them without first consulting your physician.)
The Natural Approach Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) Acetyl L-Carnitine / D-Ribose / Magnesium At the recent 52nd Annual Conference of the American College of Nutrition, Stephen Sinatra, M.D., author of The Sinatra 24
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Solution: Metabolic Cardiology, emphasized the importance of treating cardiovascular disease (CVD-abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels) at the cellular level. (See also Since diseased hearts lack enough adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the source of cellular energy, they require restoration of their energy through various nutritional supplements: ubiquinol (the best-absorbed CoQ10); acetyl L-carnitine (ACL) [an amino acid that rapidly protects the powerhouse (mitochondria) of all cells]; D-ribose (a simple sugar that can protect heart attack induced cell damage and help rejuvenate blood-deprived heart muscles); and magnesium (critical to proper heart function). While the body requires D-ribose to create ATP, it uses ACL and CoQ10 to recycle ATP efficiently. Magnesium, which participates in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, also helps boost ATP production to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.
Michael Holick, MD, PhD (Professor of Medicine, Boston Univ. Med. Center), recently reported that taking as much as 10,000 i.u/ day is safe (with 750mg of calcium/day and magnesium). Dr. Whitaker recommends 2,000–4,000 iu in divided daily doses. Vitamin E (100% Natural, Mixed Tocopherols) The oxidation of LDL from exposure to heat and oxygen (which generates free radicals), rather than cholesterol itself, promotes the buildup of arterial plaque and injures the arterial lining. Vitamin E neutralizes oxidized cholesterol. More than 6,000 studies substantiate the role of vitamin E in preventing and treating CVD disease. One 16-country study from the World Health Organization, which included thousands of men and women, found that a low level of vitamin E in the blood was more than twice as predictive of a heart attack as either elevated cholesterol or hypertension.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) Vitamin D deficiency, rampant in this country, especially during the winter, is linked with a dramatically increased risk of CVD. Research also suggests that vitamin D has the ability to improve heart function. Studies have shown that the vitamin D blood levels of patients with congestive heart failure are about 50% lower than those of healthy people. One 2008 study revealed that animal subjects prone to this condition were much less likely to develop it when they took supplemental vitamin D3.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs), containing EPA and DHA, are vital components of cell membranes, precursors to important chemical messengers, and particularly important for overall heart health. They reduce “stiffness” and improve vascular function by promoting proper blood vessel dilation. Omega-3s also reduce inflammation, promote normal blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and reduce the risk of fatal arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
Contrary to conventional medical wisdom, researchers of a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology concluded that even high-dose fish oil supplementation is safe when used in combination with blood-thinning drugs like aspirin and Plavix®. (Consult with your doctor for the appropriate dose.) The baseline therapeutic fish oil daily dose is 1,000 mg EPA, taken in divided doses with meals. Most researchers have administered at least 3,000 mg/day of the total of EPA plus DHA in studying the impact of fish oil on humans with various health conditions. Nattokinase & Grape Seed Extract High in vitamin K2, the fermented soybean-derived enzyme, nattokinase, combats blood clotting, an independent risk factor for CVD. A number of human and animal studies have also demonstrated its ability to reduce LDL cholesterol and total serum cholesterol. Grape seed extract contains free-radical-fighting oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) which support heart health by enhancing blood vessel dilation through nitric oxide production. Human studies have also demonstrated this herb’s significant impact on hypertension and blood clotting. Lifestyle Modifications Many studies have demonstrated the importance of diet and exercise in maintaining a healthy heart. A heart-healthy diet: (1) excludes saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats; (2) minimizes
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
simple carbohydrates; and (3) includes fish and raw foods, such as low-sugar fruits (berries, apples), nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds), legumes, a large variety of dark green and cruciferous vegetables, and soluble and insoluble fiber (¼ cup of flax seed provides 11.7g of fiber). Regular, moderate aerobic exercise is also critical. It conditions the heart muscle, stimulates the production of collateral blood vessels (which naturally bypass blocked arteries), raises HDL cholesterol, and lowers triglycerides, LDL (especially in women), and blood pressure. Conclusion Don’t take your heart health for granted! Empower yourself with knowledge about natural cardiac care. Then choose to live a healthier lifestyle and a longer life, and consider working with a holistic practitioner who can provide you with a tailor-made natural approach. Submitted by Michael Dworkin, P.D.,M.S., a Registered Pharmacist and State Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CT Certification No.232), with J. Erika Dworkin, Certified Health Coach and Dip.C.N./Board Cert. Holistic Nutrition (pending). Owner of the Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe (860.646.8178, 378 West Middle Turnpike, Manchester), Pharmacist Dworkin has been guiding patients since 1956 and is available for consultation by appointment. Erika is available to speak to groups. All statements in this article are research-based and references are available upon request. See ad on page 11.
Infertility Treatment with Acupuncture: Bringing New Lives into Yours By Helene Pulnik, ND
t’s estimated that after a year of trying to conceive, 10 percent of American couples are unable to get pregnant on their own. The vast majority of women turn to traditional fertility treatments for help, but a growing number are also trying alternative therapies, including acupuncture. More and more women are delaying childbirth into their late 30s and early 40s than ever before. In fact, according to the U.S. Census Report on Fertility in America, about 20 percent of women ages 35-39 are childless in 2002. In 1976, only 10 percent of women in that age category had never given birth. Because a woman’s fertility declines as she ages, more and more women are having trouble getting pregnant.
What Causes Infertility? There are many causes of infertility in women. Hypothyroidism, pre-mature ovarian failure, decreasing ovarian function with advancing age, immune system producing antibodies against sperm or ovaries, stress, poor nutrition, hormonal irregularities, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, and unexplained infertility are among the most common causes of infertility in females. Men may also have fertility problems, including low sperm count, and poor sperm motility and morphology.
Conventional Medicine Treatments for Infertility Reproductive Endocrinologists prescribe drugs to stimulate ovulation with drugs such as Clomid. If the Clomid treatment fails, the next step may be intrauterine insemination or IUI, (where the sperm is placed directly in the woman’s uterus) or in vitro fertilization or IVF, (where a sperm and egg are united outside the uterus and later placed in the womb after fertilization). More and more couples are turning to acupuncture to treat infertility because it is safe, cost effective, and has been shown in studies to increase the success rate of IVF up to 40-60%.
Acupuncture to Treat Infertility
points that are thought to be central to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical balance. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of maladies such as headaches and back pain. For fertility, the needles are placed in energy points linked to the reproductive organs to improve energy flow to those areas. It’s still not entirely clear how the technique works, but there is some evidence that it increases the production of endorphins, or brain chemicals that make you feel good and help reduce stress. It may also improve blood supply to the ovaries, which improves their function, and the uterus, which can make it easier to nourish a fetus and reduce the risk of miscarriage. Traditional acupuncture involves inserting extremely thin, sterile, stainless steel, disposable needles into specific points on the surface of the skin. This ionic transfer sets in motion an elegant interplay of the body’s own energies, restoring balance to the body, mind and spirit along with the correction of infertility-related imbalances and deficiencies. This age-old system of medicine has stood the test of thousands of years and yet continues to rise above and improve health even in our modern western culture. This sophisticated yet subtle method of treatment is so effective because of its focus on each individual’s particular needs. Your acupuncture, herbal and nutritional treatments for infertility are tailored to address your specific imbalances, and will revitalize you in a relaxing atmosphere. Acupuncture can help improve fertility and the success of IVF in a number of ways: 1. Improve the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs. 2. Restore hormonal balance and blood flow to the ovaries to produce a large number of follicles. 3. Increase blood flow to the uterus to increase thickness of the uterine lining. 4. Reduce stress, increase relaxation and improve sleep. 5. Lessen the side effects of drugs used in IUI and IVF. 6. Balance the immune system. In men, acupuncture has been shown to improve sperm count, motility and morphology.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that involves placing tiny hair-like needles in the skin as a way of stimulating energy
Why Should You Try Acupuncture For Infertility? Most women who choose acupuncture are doing it together with traditional infertility treatments. But some couples have undergone multiple cycles of IVF or other fertility treatments and nothing seems to be working. Also, fertility treatments can be incredibly expensive. For example, intrauterine insemination can cost hundreds of dollars and a single cycle of IVF can cost $10,000-$20,000. So couples are looking for other options that could possibly give them a greater chance at success. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are used alongside with IUI and IVF, as well as a stand-alone treatment for infertility. As a licensed Acupuncturist for over 10 years, Dr. Helene Pulnik uses proven acupuncture techniques, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary counseling, vitamins, nu-
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
tritional supplementation and stress reduction to restore overall balance and overall wellness. Because 40% of infertility can be due to male factors, Dr. Pulnik also treats male partners of women trying to conceive. Restoring balance allows the body’s natural cycles to become more regular, and increases the body’s response to IUI and IVF, thus improving fertility. Dr. Helene Pulnik is a board-certified Naturopathic Physician, Licensed Acupuncturist and a Registered Pharmacist who holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition. Dr. Pulnik has studied infertility treatment using acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and stress reduction with Dr. Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure. Dr. Pulnik is in private practice at Glastonbury Naturopathic & Acupuncture Center, in Glastonbury, Ct. and is accepting new patients. See ad on page 28.
Let The Vet Come To You
o you get a knot in your stomach each year when the reminder card comes in the mail saying your pet is due for her annual examination? The trip to the vet’s office can be stressful for both pet and owner. When a cat is so upset by the travel and the unfamiliar surroundings that it becomes aggressive, its owner may find it difficult to focus on the medical information the veterinarian is trying to convey. A dog may be arthritic and have difficulty getting into the car and his owner may not know how to help him without causing more discomfort. It is very important to both veterinarian and owner that a pet’s lifestyle and medical condition be discussed thoroughly, so that all the diagnostic and treatment options can be conveyed and understood. When everyone is stressed communication is often difficult. Wouldn’t it be great if the vet could come to you so that your pet could get the care she needs right at home? Pets often do not travel well for many physical and behavioral reasons. Many dogs become motion sick or agitated when taken for car rides; cats often vocalize, and may urinate, defecate or vomit in their carrier due to the stress of traveling. Dogs that are not well socialized or that do not get along well with other dogs may be difficult to manage in a waiting room full of people and other animals. Puppies and kittens that have not yet completed their vaccination series, or pets with compromised immune systems, may be exposed to infectious diseases while in the clinic’s waiting or exam rooms. Older, large-breed dogs often have difficulty getting in and out of the car. Senior citizens, busy pet owners with young children, and owners of multiple pets are some other groups that appreciate the convenience of a house call for their pets. There has been an increase in the number of veterinarians choosing to provide
house call services. The ability to provide more personalized care and an individualized approach to pet health care is appealing to veterinarians looking for an alternative to a busy corporate veterinary practice, or looking to establish a practice in which they can give each patient the attention she deserves. House-call veterinarians are able to provide quality wellness care at home for many pets. Physical examinations, comprehensive bloodwork, vaccinations, as well as treatment for many medical conditions can often be performed at home, with less stress to both pet and owner. The house call provides the opportunity to focus completely on that pet, determine her medical needs and tailor a plan for wellness care specific to her. The distractions of other pets and the stress of travel are eliminated. Some house call practitioners utilize a full-service mobile unit capable of performing surgery, radiology and full service medical procedures, while others work in the home providing basic wellness care, and refer their patients to a brick and mortar clinic when they need surgery or other more involved procedures. Certainly not all medical conditions can be treated in the home; many medical and surgical emergencies are better and more effectively treated in a full service emergency clinic. One service often best performed at home is euthanasia. Sick or debilitated pets can be difficult to transport to the clinic without causing additional stress and discomfort. Pet owners greatly appreciate being able to spare their pets this final pain. Dogs and cats can often be given a sedative
and allowed to settle comfortably in their own beds for the euthanasia, rather than being nervous and bewildered in a cold an unfamiliar exam room in a clinic. And their owners are more comfortable being able to grieve privately in their own home. House-call veterinarians work with pet cremation facilities and aftercare services in order to provide a wide variety of burial and cremation options, and will often provide transportation, sparing the pet owner the worry of these final arrangements. A pet owner may be somewhat hesitant to schedule a house call, not knowing what to expect from the experience. While working in the home, house call practitioners strive to provide stress-free, clean and professional service. They carry their own supplies and equipment, usually work with a technician, and ask only for a well-lit area in which to work. A full physical examination can be performed, a thorough history taken, and blood samples obtained in order to assess the pet’s health status. Vaccinations may be administered, after discussing the pet’s life style and risk of exposure to individual diseases. Medications are dispensed and full exam reports are provided, much the same as you would expect from a visit to a brick and mortar clinic. Minus the stress. Dr. Kim Rio is a 1991 graduate of Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. After spending nearly 20 years in small animal clinical practice in Connecticut and Pennsylvania, she launched her housecall practice, “Mobile Pet Vet”, with certified veterinary technician Julie Barton, in order to bring individualized wellness care to pets in their homes. For an appointment, or for more information call: (203)584-1211 or visit www. See ad on page See ad on page 25.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: How Organizing and Changing Your Thoughts Will Help You Achieve the Life You Want
houghts support action: If you live in America today, I’m sure you have heard a variation of the above title phrase before. If you’re like most people, it sounds right to you… but the devil is in the details, and you may have some trouble figuring out how to apply this positivity-type practice to your everyday life. As an organizational and life-enhancement coach, my job is to alleviate any disparity my clients have between the life of their dreams and the life they are living now. As a coach, I find that I spend a large amount of time helping my clients to identify goals, organize and streamline their lives and schedules, and create finite action steps which allow them to achieve their dreams. In so doing, I’ve found that people’s “default thoughts” frequently determine if this is an easy or a laborious process. For example, let’s take “Susan”, a client of mine who we discussed in a past article. Susan has a busy and full life, and in the article I described how we organized her schedule so that she could get more done by grouping “like” action items together. This also freed up some much needed ‘Susan time’ for her. We scheduled time for regular exercise, which improved Susan’s mood and gave her more energy. Overall, creating a more clearly defined and prioritized schedule made a big difference for Susan. However, after a few sessions, Susan and I both noticed that many of her “default thoughts” were often of a “self sabotaging” nature. They continually formed barriers that made it unnecessarily difficult for her to implement her action steps consistently, making it much harder to reach her goals. Susan agreed to confront those thoughts head-on. By eliminating the thoughts that were draining her energy, and replacing them with thoughts that were empowering, Susan’s progress toward her goals was dramatically accelerated…and she had a lot more fun along the way! From resentment to empowerment: It takes some forethought and discipline to approach our life with the attitude required to thrive, but the payoff is huge! A relatively small effort to create a new “thought habit” can yield enormous results. One of the key ways of doing this is by eliminating thoughts that leave you feeling negative, embittered, pessimistic, and ultimately drained of energy. Usually, if you have resistance or resentment about the things you feel you have to do, it is because: 1. You feel forced into tasks, roles, and activities that aren’t part of “the life of your dreams.” 2. You don’t feel sufficiently acknowledged for your efforts, even the ones done in service of others. 3. You feel some despair because you don’t see how you are ever going to have the time or energy to change things. Self-defeating thoughts are burdensome and get in the way of
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a “just do it” attitude, making it extremely difficult to carry out your plan of action. If you want to make consistent progress toward your goals, you need to eliminate any “sabotaging” thought processes, and replace them with empowering ones. Empowering thoughts typically have one of the following qualities: Ownership: In order to feel empowered, you need to OWN the fact that you have chosen your responsibilities. By claiming ownership of a task or a responsibility, you begin to feel how you have directed the course of your life, and can continue to do so. Far different from when you felt your responsibilities had “happened to you” and you “had to do” some task that’s not fair or even acknowledged by others. Self-Approval/Appreciation: Many of us feel that we are waiting for some external approval meter which will finally signal that we are recognized and honored for our efforts. In Susan’s case, she felt like she had to do way too much, and, even worse, nobody cared or appreciated her efforts. Unfortunately, no amount of accolades or recognition pulled from external sources ever made Susan feel better, as it always felt like “too little, too late.” We noted this recurring pattern of feeling unrecognized in many parts of Susan’s life, and so Susan and I decided to create a selfacknowledgement ritual for her to do daily. This involved taking time everyday to acknowledge her unique amazing brilliance and the awe-inspiring way she organizes a big life for a lot of people. This can be done looking in the mirror and complimenting yourself earnestly—looking in your eyes. Or, in Susan’s case it worked best to journal compliments to herself, stating them in the way she would like to hear them from other people. By the way, others aren’t withholding compliments for you. They are either just too busy to notice what you are doing (probably busy trying to get some compliments of their own!), or not full enough of love themselves to pass any along. So give the love you seek to yourself and cut out the middleman! Release of guilt: After a bit of poking around it was apparent to Susan that she felt frustrated and guilty around money. She has raised her children in a wonderful home, creates wonderful meals, earns money, is a careful spender mostly…but these things were hard for her to see. The self-acknowledgement work had clicked with Susan so we decided to apply that here as well. Susan journaled a “rampage of appreciation” listing her successes relating with money. She didn’t write any of her fears of failure or of not making enough—only a list of the good stuff. We did this because she had to even things out—she had been telling herself only the bad stuff for years! This self-acknowledgement of her skill and success with money started to break the evil spell of the guilt-ridden story Susan had been telling
herself. Approaching money without her old story gave her the freedom to make different choices and create great new outcomes! Supporting activities: Without exception, my clients report that all of the above practices are far easier to maintain when they practice regular self care. For your goals to succeed and for you to create a sustainable, balanced, and successful life, you must have a strong self-care and self-nourishment practice. This basically means exercise at least 4-days a week, have quiet time, and fun time. Prioritize your self-care in your day to day life, because it really is the most important thing for your overall wellness and success. If you skimp on self-care you will feel resentful, overburdened, and unacknowledged. You will compensate with over-spending or eating or some other cyclical behavior. Your inner self will rebel, or go on strike, if you do not acknowledge and celebrate him or her! Make time everyday to get back to who you are, the essence of you. Start to value serenity over stimulation. Walk in the quiet of the woods, sketch in your journal, even if you’re not planning on becoming an artist for work, go to a cute café far from your home town and read for hours. Workout at a new gym or an old one….Do any and all of it to honor the fun creative side of you! So, in closing I will say that it’s not enough to just know all of these things intellectually. We all do, at least to some extent. To have real change and satisfaction you need to feel your change of attitude in your body and spirit...and you do that by consciously redirecting your thoughts. Repeating your new belief to yourself while walking in the woods, or sitting in meditation— even singing it to yourself in your car while driving to work will help cement your new decisions and attitudes as your new reality! And this will bring together your self-care time with some goal-directed work—so you get two things “off your list” at once! Having said that, I am off to do some walking and cartwheels now! My body and spirit are very excited! Enjoy your journey and contact me if I can help you with some personal coaching! Love and warmth to you this winter!
~ Now Accepting New Patients ~
Tiffany Chion is a Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Avid Gardener, and Cat Lover. Her website is If you would like to have a FREE phone consultation with Tiffany, to see if coaching is right for you, call 860-342-8783 or email See ad on page 13.
Is Your Child Making The Grade? The Top 10 Natural Therapies to Increase Grades and Improve Behavior By Dr. Jared M. Skowron
ow many calls or notes did you get from your child’s teacher this year? How much of a fight did it take every night to get your child to do their homework? Is your child getting the grades you think they should? The problem might be ADHD, one of the most common childhood developmental issues of the 21st century. Over 5 million children in the USA have a learning disability, 9% boys and 6% of girls. It is more common in families with lower income (12%) versus higher income (6%), and it is more common in single parent families (13%) versus two parent families (7%). Your child may have symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity.
Fill out this checklist to calculate if your child should be evaluated and treated: Symptoms of Inattention: • Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities. • Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities. • Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. • Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace. • Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities. • Avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as homework). • Loses things necessary for tasks or activi- ties (toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools). • Is easily distracted by outside stimuli. • Is forgetful in daily activities. • Symptoms of Hyperactivity: • Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat. • Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected. • Runs about or climbs too much in situa- tions in which it is inappropriate. • Has difficulty playing quietly. • Is ‘on the go’ or acts as if ‘driven by a motor.’ • Talks too much. 32
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Symptoms of Impulsivity:
Are these side effects worth the potential benefits of the medication? Or would you • Blurts out answers before questions have rather use natural vitamins to help your child do better in school without the side effects? been completed. • Has difficulty waiting his or her turn. Like most parents in my clinic, many fami• Interrupts or intrudes on others (such as lies in Connecticut want to do everything they can for their children, including natural butting into conversations or games). medicine. If multiple symptoms of this checklist sound too familiar, you may have already Top 10 Natural Therapies considered, or your child may have already to Increase Grades and been diagnosed with ADHD. You may have heard this from your pediatrician or your Improve Behavior child’s teacher may have recommended medication to help them keep control of 1. Test your child’s brain chemistry. Most their classroom. parents are unaware that your brain runs on The problem with ADHD medications serotonin, dopamine, and other chemicals is that they do NOT cure ADHD. They are a that can easily be tested in the urine! Most band-aid. A band-aid with side effects, and insurance plans cover these tests, and the once your child stops taking the medicine, results can help you pick the right natural their symptoms return. treatment. 2. Eat natural foods! I tell my patients they can eat anything from nature. Salmon Common Side Effects Of from the river, broccoli from the ground, but Stimulants For ADD & ADHD: there are no bagel bushes and no cookie trees. Eat foods on the perimeter of the su• Feeling restless and jittery permarket. The foods in the center are filled • Difficulty sleeping with colors and preservatives and can sit on • Upset stomach, Loss of appetite those shelves for months to years. • Headaches, irritability, mood swings 3. Count your child’s sugar intake. Over • Depression the course of one week, write down every• Dizziness, racing heartbeat, tics thing your child eats and drinks. Count their • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting servings and check the amount of sugar on the ingredient list. Add up all the grams and divide by 4. This is the number of teaspoons
of sugar in their diet everyday. (I.e. a can of soda can have 48 grams of sugar. 48/4 = 12 teaspoons of sugar! I’m starting to feel hyperactive just thinking about it) 4. Exercise. Remember that? Sitting in front of active video games or television shows can ramp up activity levels. We’re usually jealous of the energy of the youth. Let them run around outside or it will build up and release in the classroom. 5. Fish oil – One of the most common supplements for ADHD, fish oil, especially DHA can help calm kids down. Clinically, I notice children with dry skin or eczema respond better to fish oil. You need at least 1,000 mg daily of EPA + DHA to see an effect. 6. Chamomile tea. While some kids don’t like hot tea, most everyone likes iced tea! Get some chamomile tea bags and make a pitcher of iced tea. Have a glass after school and with dinner. It can calmly mellow them out. 7. Test their MTHFR DNA. There’s a gene that affects the usage of folic acid in our body. If this gene isn’t working, we’re genetically predisposed to anxiety, depression, heart disease, an increased risk of cancer (such as childhood leukemia), and more! Have this DNA test performed by your naturopathic physician, so the proper treatment can be started. 8. B vitamins. The best vitamin for the brain is all of the B vitamins. Usually a dose in a children’s multivitamin is too low. A B complex added on will help the brain function better. 9. Play with your child. Your child loves you and wants to engage with you. Sit down on their level with their toys and games. The more you play with the things they love, the more responsive they’ll be. 10. Magnesium is the calming mineral. Magnesium helps everything relax, from our muscles to our brains. Not only can it help calm children, it is also a great natural remedy for constipation. Treating your child naturally is the best for them. You want them to excel at school and be the best they can be. Drugs can sometimes be beneficial, but other times are only a band-aid filled with side effects. Have your child evaluated by a natural pediatric expert to choose the best remedies for them. By the end of the school year, you’ll see the difference! Submitted by Dr. Jared Skowron of Harvest Park Naturopathic Medicine. For more information, call 203-500-5532 or visit www. See ad on page 33.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Healthy Self
Dr. Lauren Gouin, ND
The Many Paths to Healing Heartburn
or some people, heartburn is simply your body’s revenge for an indulgent meal. For others, it can be a daily occurrence and the body’s way of saying something is wrong. Heartburn is a symptom of an underlying condition known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition occurs when the digestive tract becomes irritated and gastric acids and bile flow back up the esophagus. This causes damage to the esophagus as well as pain and discomfort, though sometimes there can be “silent reflux” with little to no symptoms. Other signs could be a chronic cough, bad breath or stomach pain. As much as the symptoms can vary from acid reflux, the causes can vary as well.
Bacterial Infection Some people may not experience stomach pain their entire life and suddenly heartburn starts. It can continue to get worse and is experienced during most meals. An infection from the bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, can cause symptoms of heartburn and gastritis. This bacteria changes the pH in the stomach as it burrows into the lining of the stomach. It can be diagnosed through breath, stool and blood tests. Treatment can be from antibiotics or otherwise natural substances. There have been some studies showing probiotics, green tea, flavonoids, garlic, red wine and even broccoli can help prevent an infection. Often times, treating the infection and healing the digestive tract resolves heartburn symptoms.
Mixed Signals Protecting the esophagus from the acids and bile within the stomach is a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This muscle works in response to food entering the body to tighten or relax, allowing food to pass and containing stomach contents. Many factors can influence this muscle and cause acid reflux. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, have been shown to relax this muscle, so that even when the LES should be closing off, cortisol keeps it relaxed and open. Low estrogen levels have also been implicated with influencing the LES muscle as well. The body is so connected that hormones out of balance can lead to heartburn symptoms. Medication can also cause similar problems; particularly medication for high blood pressure can have the side effect of heartburn. If this is a side effect, a physician can help find an alternative medication that doesn’t damage the digestive tract.
The Body’s Structure Hiatal hernia can be an underlying cause for acid reflux symptoms. A herniation is a protrusion of an organ out of its cavity. In this case, a hiatal hernia is the stomach escaping past the diaphragm and stretching upwards. The symptoms of these hernias can vary, but supporting the body’s structure can help mitigate the symptoms. Small meals, sitting up and not eating late at night can help keep gastric juices from climbing up through the hernia. Also, a healthy body composition with a normal
sized belly prevents increased pressure on the stomach. A diagnosis of a hiatal hernia requires imaging or an endoscopy and could lead to answers on how to address heartburn symptoms.
Diet Spicy food. Fatty food. Tomatoes. There are some foods that can induce heartburn and acid reflux in many people. But also, avocado, sugar, mint, dairy and breads can cause these symptoms as well. Though these are the classic offenders, every acid reflux is unique, and so everyone can have their own offending foods. Food sensitivities are the immune system being overstimulated by specific foods. Either from dietary changes or a blood test, specific foods that may irritate the digestive tract can be identified. Acid reflux is a message that something is out of balance. Many people ignore these cries for help with over the counter anti-acid medication. Putting a metaphorical band-aid on the symptoms could allow the imbalance to persist and worse symptoms to occur. Persevering through symptoms of heartburn increases risks of cancer, potential nutrient deficiencies and damage to the digestive tract. Dr. Lauren Gouin is a board certified naturopathic physician, accepting new patients for her family practice in Manchester, CT. Dr. Gouin is in network with most insurance companies. For an appointment or more information, please call (860)533-0179 or visit See ad on page 26.
I CAN HELP YOU HEAL SPECIAL ATTENTION to chronic and difficult cases including those with “PESS” (physio-emotional spiritual stress)* *See article in November 2010 issue at Dr. Francis X. Tortora Chiropractor, Board Certified Craniopath 1 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT. 06851 (203) 348-0678 •
Hearts on Fire Chronic Inflammation and Cardiac Disease By Vicki Kobliner MS RD, CD-N
hen we think about inflammation, we envision swelling, redness, and possibly bruising. We commonly imagine a joint or a wound becoming inflamed from an acute injury, such as a sprain or cut. Rarely do we think about our heart being inflamed, yet more and more research points to inflammation as an important underlying cause of heart disease. The difference is that this inflammation comes not from one specific injury, but from the longer term effects on the heart of a continuously stimulated immune system. Patients with chronic inflammatory conditions are known to be at an increased risk of heart disease, but even those without autoimmune disease or other inflammatory disorders can suffer from atherosclerosis after years of chronic stress from the environment, dietary and lifestyle challenges.
Is Cholesterol The Culprit? Cardiac disease is generally thought of as mostly a problem of excess fat deposition in arteries and organs. The popular explanation is that as fat builds up in an ever thickening layer, plaques can rupture, and ultimately block the flow of blood through the arteries. While this may be a piece of the puzzle, this theory does not explain why almost half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. To further confuse the issue, contrary to popular belief, dietary cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol levels. Our bodies control cholesterol production in response to its need. The question then is: why do our bodies start to produce this excess cholesterol and what is cholesterols’ role in atherosclerosis? Far from being the enemy we have grown to believe it is, cholesterol is a critical compound for all human beings. It is part of many hormones, is actually necessary for normal fat digestion, helps our brains work, and is required for normal Vitamin D production. The body also increases cholesterol production in response to inflammation, in order to form a protective barrier, much like a Band-Aid. People with normal total cholesterol levels can still have small plaques targeted to areas of inflammation. It is only when this fatty covering ruptures, that 36
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trouble occurs. This link between cholesterol production and inflammation may be a key to better understanding its role in cardiovascular disease, and may explain why even those with normal cholesterol can experience a heart attack. Over 40 years ago, Ross and Glomset developed what is known as the “response to injury” theory of atherosclerosis, postulating that injury to the cells was the first step in the development of the disease. Other researchers implicated infectious agents such as viruses in the development of cardiac disease as well, and there is good evidence to support these theories. These scientists relate the deposition of fat to evidence of inflammation, and suspect both are necessary for the disease to occur. Once inflammation is present, LDL (the “bad” fat) accumulates around the site of injury and is a key component in plaque formation. The LDL is most dangerous when it is “oxidized”, which means it has been exposed to dangerous free radicals. Free radicals are naturally produced by the body, but are increased when inflammation is present, and can be reduced by consuming anti-inflammatory foods, spices and herbs. Once again, inflammation and heart disease are clearly linked.
Identifying Inflammation A specific blood marker, known as C-reactive protein (CRP), can accurately identify people with increased inflammation,
and a number of studies have shown a clear correlation between elevated CRP and heart disease. While this is still not a routine part of a cardiac profile, more and more healthcare practitioners are checking CRP. Triglycerides (TG) are another important marker to monitor. TG is a standard component of a lipid profile, but is often overlooked when assessing heart risk. This is unfortunate, as more and more data points to TG as an independent risk factor for a heart attack, regardless of whether other cholesterol markers are normal or elevated. TG rise in response to high carbohydrate intake, especially the simple sugars that are so pervasive in a typical American diet. Sweets, alcohol, and refined flours are known to increase chronic inflammation in the body and will also raise TG, providing another link between heart disease and inflammation.
Fighting The Fire Reducing the lifestyle factors that increase free radical damage is key to protecting your heart. Stress, smoking, excess alcohol and poor diet are major contributors to free radical production and consequent inflammation. Addressing one and ideally all of these areas can have a powerful impact on cardiac health. Simple steps to fight the fire include stopping smoking and limiting alcohol. In terms of alcohol, complete avoidance does not seem warranted. Red wine and beer are both rich in antioxidant nutrients that are heart protective, so one drink a day can be beneficial. Excess intake of 3 or more drinks a day however, is counterproductive and undesirable. Busy, overscheduled lives lead to inflammation as well. Stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, exercise or simply slowing down to breathe deeply can help. Incorporating these techniques into your life daily can have far reaching benefits and don’t entail a major time commitment. In terms of diet, brightly colored fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and quench the dangerous free radicals, as do flavorful herbs such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon. Limit sugar and refined sweets to reduce inflammation. Many low fat foods have extra sugar added instead, so choosing artificially low-fat foods is counterpro-
ductive. Stick to naturally lower fat items instead. Cut out processed foods which are empty of key nutrients and snack on nuts and seeds which provide antioxidant nutrients and heart healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fatty fish or fish oil are also anti-inflammatory. Even the much maligned egg has a place in the diet; it contains lecithin which helps process fats, as well as antioxidant vitamins. As it is with many other chronic health issues, inflammation is a key component of the disease. The good news is that the fire can be doused with healthy diet and lifestyle. Vicki Kobliner MS RD, CD-N is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Holcare Nutrition ( Vicki works with infants, children and adults with digestive disorders, food allergies, ADHD, autism and other chronic illness, and provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling. Vicki has extensive experience in using dietary modification, appropriate supplementation and functional lab testing to achieve optimal wellness. She can be reached at 203.834.9949 or vicki@holcarenutrition. com. See ad on page 13.
Holistic Gynecology
Additional services include: Energy medicine, Meditation, Nutritional & Psychological Counseling
The Rise of Unexplained Infertility
By Deborah Gilmour, B.S.N., R.N., C.C.H
ecently the media has become saturated with stories proclaiming the rise of “unexplained infertility” and our increasing “need” for medical intervention. It is now unfortunate but common belief that it’s just not easy to have a baby. According to infertility expert Sherman J. Sibier, M.D. of the infertility Center of St. Louis (St. Luke’s Hospital, Missouri), we are in the midst of a worldwide infertility epidemic. Studies show that not only can hypnosis double the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is an efficacious and timesaving treatment for Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA – missed menstrual periods), and is, among other things, effective for childbirth related issues such as pain control and shortening of labor. Specific hypnotic procedures complement both natural and medically assisted fertility and birth. Women may become preoccupied with becoming pregnant and prematurely rush in for medical testing. The stress brought on by this invasive protocol alone is enough to impede the natural process. At the present time women aged 35 and up are immediately considered “high risk.” Hearing these words is often enough to cause women devastating emotional upset and seriously increase their already soaring stress levels. Stress hormones simply do not contribute to an environment positive for conceiving.
The Stress Cycle The hypothalamus – the neuro center located at the base of the brain and linked to the pituitary gland, controls the flow of hormones in the body and is sensitive to stress and acts as a bridge between the emotional and physical, turning emotional messages into physical responses that impact hormone levels. When you think of a stressor whether it is conscious or subconscious, your brain secretes corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) which in turn releases cortisol, the master stress hormone. When these hormone levels are high women are less likely to conceive and more likely to miscarry. In lay terms, if you are stressed trying to get pregnant, you increase the stress hormones; in turn the body protects you from getting pregnant. It’s giving the body a message that it is not the right time. Almost everyone knows of a friend or acquaintance that had tried for years to get pregnant with nothing but disappointment. Yet, as soon as they were successful in adopting a child they became pregnant. There is an obvious reason for this.
The Reduction of Stress Whether a woman has a physiological impediment or has been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility,” fertility hypnosis may be the 38
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missing link that will help them achieve conception. Many women are experiencing infertility due to physiological issues. Hypnosis can help with these issues in many ways including stress reduction and as a direct complement to medical procedures. Subconscious blocks are often shown to be the cause of infertility whether there is a physiological cause or not. Unresolved issues can interfere with conception. Men often have subconscious blocks similar to those women experience. In other words the emotional strain and stress a couple endures during a year of infertility testing and medical procedures, appears to have serious impact. We often forget, that men may have unresolved issues involving previous pregnancy or abortion. There are many scenarios, which may have occurred causing his subconscious mind to put up a protective block, which can interfere with conception. Perhaps previous partners having an abortion when he really wanted a child have devastated him. He may be concerned with repeating abusive behavior stemming from his own childhood experience. In these cases, hypnotic resolution can effect conception (low sperm count) just as it does when addressing issues of the female. Hypnosis is an outstanding and proven method of reducing or eliminating stress. Fertility by hypnosis takes hypnosis a step further as it’s a program designed specifically for fertility.
How Can Hypnosis Help Unexplained Infertility? Stress and lack of confidence tend to be the top culprits that must be addressed with hypnosis for “unexplained infertility.” Many couples have lost faith in the natural process of conception and maintain too strong a conviction in the need for medical assistance. And with more and more women in high stress jobs, it’s really no wonder that conception doesn’t always occur immediately (disastrous in our want-it-right-now culture). Fertility by hypnosis literally applies powerful hypnotic techniques to enhance the mind/body connection which studies have shown to greatly enhance the success of both natural and medically assisted fertility. Hypnosis goes beyond simple relaxation methods and those who have experienced hypnosis for fertility can easily recognize the distinction. Hypnosis supports conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond, and has been utilized for various issues, including these for centuries. Most of the clients who come in for hypnotherapy have already seen a physician, often having received the “unexplained infertility” diagnosis. Many of these women are undergoing acupuncture, and, as you may be aware, acupuncture is widely accepted for the treatment of infertility. In fact, many reproductive endocrinologists will refer their patients to an acupuncturist to complement the IVF process. Hypnosis is a powerful adjunct to acupuncture, as well as any
or all other fertility treatments and the combination of these methods can effectively accelerate the fertility process – whether natural or medically assisted. As all hypnosis is technically self-hypnosis, the Certified Fertility by Hypnosis Consultant functions as a type of guide. Self-hypnosis, like meditation, is a highly effective method for reducing stress and creating inner calm, however, a skilled professional trained in Fertility by Hypnosis methods is required to facilitate some of the deeper work necessary for the successful outcome of either natural or medically assisted fertility. Many people dealing with infertility are tired of being told to “just relax.” That is about the equivalent of an insomniac being told to “just go to sleep.” You don’t have to relax to benefit from hypnosis, nor do you have to totally quiet your mind. Your Fertility by Hypnosis consultant is trained to facilitate a calming environment for you, where you can access the rejuvenating properties of your parasympathetic nervous system. All you have to do is breathe. During the hypnotic state there is a physiological change that occurs in the brain, which basically balances the two hemispheres of the brain, strengthening communication pathways between them. This makes you more receptive to suggestions for change. Suggestions are given in the form of imagery, pictures, patterns and emotion, and are created based on information provided by the patient during an intake session. The hypnotherapist does not have control of your mind, and you will not concede to a suggestion that is against your will. Often a lot of the work done by a Fertility Consultant is actually more of a “dehypnotizing” process. The reason is that your critical factor may be bypassed often during daily life without your being aware of it, resulting sometimes in formidable subconscious blocks.
We know that a range of medical options are available to help conquer infertility problems, however, despite the progress that has been made in the treatment of infertility, the success rate for those who undergo high-tech procedures is currently only about 20%. Connecticut Hypnotherapy can double your chances of success. Studies indicate that infertile women and men utilizing mind/body techniques have a 42-55% conception rate as compared to those not using these techniques. Stress is the main factor preventing conception and the mind/body experience can correct that blockage. Deborah Gilmour, B.S.N., R.N., C.C.H. is a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Board Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Hypnosis for Fertility and Hypnobirthing. She is the Scottish Regional trainer/ Director and trainer for the East Coast U.S.A. for the Hypno Fertility Foundation based in Colorado. In March of 2011 she presented at the First World Conference on Unexplained Infertility in Chicago. See ad this page.
Doctor’s Notes
Dr. Lindsay Jones, ND
Ayurvedic Medicine for Menopause
enopause – the time in a woman’s life when her ovaries cease production of estrogen and go into retirement – is a normal and natural transition. In general, menopause begins around age 50 and in the United States women will live approximately 30 years beyond this phase. This is an important time for women to focus on their health, as estrogen deficiency is linked to many symptoms and diseases. Using a combination of Ayurveda and naturopathic medicine to support a woman’s body through this phase is a powerful way to promote hormonal balance and ease menopausal concerns.
The Physiology of Menopause The age of menopause is unaffected by race, socioeconomic status, age of your first menses, or number of prior ovulations, and appears to be genetically determined. Women who experience early menopause
have had a history of smoking, hysterectomy, toxic exposure, chromosomal abnormality, autoimmune disorder, chemotherapy, or radiation. At the level of the ovary, there is a depletion of ovarian follicles that becomes more resistant to stimulation from the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Ovulation becomes irregular, and finally ceases altogether. Once the ovary no longer responds like it has previously, progesterone also ceases. Fortunately, not all sex hormones are completely gone at this point. Fifty percent of testosterone comes from ovaries and adrenal glands and the other 50% comes from the liver, the skin, and the brain. The adrenal glands also produce, androstenedione, which converts to estrogen in the body fat and other tissues in the body. For some women, this may be enough estrogen to help with an easier transition. Since the adrenal glands are a primary source of sex hormones after menopause, those who have poor adrenal function caused by chronic stress, lack of exercise, poor sleep and excess caffeine may experience more severe symptoms.
Principle Health Concerns Changes with menopause can be mild, moderate or severe. The most common symptoms women experience are hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances and vaginal dryness; these are also the primary reasons most women visit the doctor. Other symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, headaches, muscle or joint pain, urinary incontinence, bladder infections, depression, and/or anxiety, memory changes and changes in sexual function. Other major health concerns include osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. These conditions can dramatically change one’s life and are an important reason to seek the help from a naturopathic physician to help in the prevention or slowing down of progression. 40
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Testing for Menopause There is no test for menopause, which may seem surprising with all of the medical advances that have taken place. The main basis for diagnosis is based on a patient’s medical history and clinical presentation. Testing to differentiate and rule out other possible hormonal imbalances may occur, but for menopause there is no actual test. Although, testing FSH can help infer that menopause has been established if it is above 30 mIU/mL, this test is not that accurate because FSH can fluctuate and is difficult to measure in women using hormonal contraceptives or hormonal replacement therapy (HRT).
The HRT and BHRT (Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy) Debate The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was a long-term national health study that focused on strategies to prevent heart disease, breast and colorectal cancer and fracture in postmenopausal women. The WHI was a 15-year project that resulted in some of the most definitive and far-reaching research for women’s health ever done in the U.S. Women who participated in one of the trials were put on a hormone replacement therapy (HRT) called Prempro or were given a placebo. The trial ended early because researchers found that subjects on Prempro had a greater incidence of coronary heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, pulmonary embolism compared to those receiving a placebo. Due to the results of this trial, HRT is no longer the recommended therapy for menopausal symptoms. There is still concern over the use of bioidentical hormones, which include progesterone, estradiol and estriol. Special concern is with the safety of bioidenti-
cal hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) compared to traditional synthetic and animal-derived versions. In 2009, a study out of Postgrad Medicine concluded that physiological data and clinical outcomes demonstrate that BHRT is associated with decreased risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. They appear to be more efficacious than their synthetic and animal-derived counterpart and remain the preferred method in HRT, but there are other approaches other than HRT and BHRT that have been proven to be helpful in menopause.
How Ayurveda and Other Naturopathic Therapies Can Help Using a strategic approach by combining Ayurveda (traditional medicine from India) and naturopathic medicine is a great way to combat menopause without experiencing an increased risk for lifethreatening diseases. The main goal of this combined approach is to alleviate symptoms and prevent/treat osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and other aging-related diseases. After symptoms and risk have been assessed by a skilled physician, recommended treatment options may include herbal supplementation, nutrition, exercise, yoga, breathing exercises and orthomolecular therapy. The Ayurvedic perspective on menopause is that it is a normal sign of aging and is known as the golden age. Women are viewed as becoming more elegant and are celebrated, quite different than the American perspective. The secret to a comfortable and easy transition is living a healthy lifestyle. The more balanced you are before you reach menopause largely determines how you will react to menopause. Eating a healthy diet and getting exercise provide a foundation for health and are two keys to being “in balance.” Menopausal symptoms vary from woman to woman; Ayurveda ascribes symptoms to different body types or doshas. The three types of doshas include Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If you have an imbalance in one of these doshas you may experience the following menopausal symptoms: Vata: Nervousness Anxiety Panic Mood swings Vaginal dryness Loss of skin tone Feeling cold Irregular periods
Insomnia Mild or variable hot flashes Constipation Palpitations Bloating Joint aches and pains
Pitta: Anger Irritability Feeling hot Hot flashes Night Sweats
Heavy periods Excessive bleeding Urinary tract infections Skin rashes Acne
Kapha: Weight gain Sluggishness Lethargy Fluid retention
Yeast infections Depression Lack of motivation Slow digestion
Based on the dosha, or sometimes combined doshas, a treatment plan that may include herbal therapies can be prescribed to
bring the patient back into balance, thereby reducing menopausal symptoms. A physician skilled in Ayurvedic medicine is key.
Good News: Hot Flashes and Menopausal Symptoms May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk by 50%! A recent study done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) found that women who have experienced hot flashes and other related menopausal symptoms can have up to a 50% lower risk of developing common forms of breast cancer over menopausal women who never had such symptoms. Also, the protective effect increased with more frequent and severe hot flashes. So for those of you who wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, this is something positive to take away from the experience.
The link between decreased cancer risk and menopausal symptoms involves hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Menopausal symptoms occur due to a fluctuation and then drop in these hormones, which can play an important role in the development of most breast cancers. Symptoms are a direct result of gradual cessation of these hormones. So women who experience hot flashes and night sweats may have lower risk due to decreased estrogen levels. In the FHCRC study, 1,437 postmenopausal women in the Seattle area were interviewed; 988 had been previously diagnosed with breast cancer and 449 had not, to serve as a comparison group. The women discussed symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, irregular or heavy menses, depression and anxiety. If more studies are carried out to confirm these findings, we could enhance our current knowledge and understanding about breast cancer etiology and prevention strategies. Although menopausal symptoms are not particularly pleasant, this study helps to remove some of the negative feelings regarding these symptoms and the impact they can have on your daily life.
Cool Down During a Hot Flash Shitali is a wonderful breathing exercise to soothe, relax and cool the body and its nervous system. How to perform Cooling Breath (Shitali): 1. Open your mouth to form an “O” shape. 2. With your mouth in this position, form a funnel with your tongue and place it between your lips. If you can’t roll your tongue, just purse the lips making a small “o” shape with your mouth. 3. Slowly inhale through the tube of the tongue, swallow the breath. 4. Relax your tongue and mouth, and then exhale through your mouth.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Case Study
but still helped her achieve her goals. Lifestyle changes included coffee cessation, cooling breath, daily yoga and sun salutations. For her low libido and vaginal dryness I prescribed a product containing an herb, maca. To help with anxiety I recommended an adaptogenic herb, holy basil. At her 2-week follow up she reported feeling like a “brand new, hormonal teenager,” in reference to her libido and vaginal dryness. Her anxiety dramatically reduced by 80% and she was able to sleep throughout the night. Three months later she is only taking the maca product and holy basil as needed. After more intense work on her diet and exercise regimen, she has lost 10 pounds, lowered her cholesterol within a normal range and reports that she still feels like a younger version of her old self.
I recently had a 56-year old female presenting with menopausal symptoms that included mild hot flashes (they didn’t bother her), extreme anxiety (interrupting sleep), weight gain, low libido and vaginal dryness. Her main goal was to have relief from her symptoms (mostly anxiety) and work on creating a wellness program that would put her back on track so she could be the healthiest she could be before turning 60. Her lab work revealed elevated cortisol and cholesterol. Together, we created a plan that worked for her lifestyle,
Dr. Lindsay Jones is a licensed naturopathic physician in Connecticut, and is an active member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She practices at Whole Health Associates, LLC, a Farmington Valley resource for natural medical care for the entire family, offering naturopathic medicine, chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage therapy. She specializes in Ayurvedic Medicine. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit www. or call 860-674-0111. See ad on page 2.
Yoga for Menopause A study in Menopause, reported that after 8 weeks perimenopausal women experienced a decrease in climacteric symptoms, perceived stress and neuroticism when incorporating an integrated approach to yoga therapy, as opposed to simple exercise performed for 1 hr/d x 5 days. The yoga therapy was comprised of surya namaskara (sun salutation) with 12 postures, pranayama (breathing practices), and avartan dhyan (cyclic meditation).
Community Calendar Listings in red are held in Fairfield County Wednesday, February 1st Biomat Healing & Detox Clinic Educational Seminar. Free. 6-7pm with Donna Grimm, RN. Learn how the biomat clinic can improve your health, detoxify, and prevent illness. Receive a free introductory session on the Biomat, and enjoy organic raw treats! Call 860657-4105 to reserve your space. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, Ct. So you want to be a Medium? 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $45.00. Are you ready to take your intuitive skills to the next step by connecting with angels, guides and loved ones in the spirit world? Participants will learn the differences between mediumship and psychic ability, how to receive messages clearly and how to know who you are working with in the spirit world. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit
Friday, February 3rd Crystal Bowls Sound Healing. 7:008:30 pm. $15. Edie Jemiola, RMT. Sound used with intention can shift the energy in and around the body to help reestablish physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Bring a mat, pillow and blanket. Spirit Matters @ Ravenwood, 199 West Center Street, Manchester, Register with Edie: 860-933-8145.
Sunday, February 5th Full Moon Prana Flow Immersion. 5:00 – 7:00 pm. With Erika Halford. Preregister/pre-pay for $20 or $25 day of. Full Moon Prana Flow Yoga combines
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
this vital link with yoga and ayurvedic (seasonal) wisdom to guide and balance all areas of our lives. You will learn ayurvedic considerations to guide the flow of your life. Visit Space is limited so please pre-register by contacting Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545.
Tuesday, February 7th Learning to Let Go. 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $35.00. If you are someone who hangs onto emotional issues, lives with pain or needs to release a habit, this workshop will introduce you to the simple technique of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit
Wednesday, February 8th Wholistic HCG Weight Loss Program. Educational Seminar. $20 per person. 6-7pm. Learn how you can lose up to 30 pounds in 40 days with our UNIQUE, safe and effective, medically supervised weight loss program! Call 860-657-4105 to reserve your space. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, Ct. Healing in Harmony Night. 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. FREE. Participants will sit individually with a healer and receive an 8 – 10 minute healing. No reservation required. You will be served in the order in which you enter the center. The healing services are offered one night each month. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. For information please call 860.301.1468 or visit
Thursday, February 9th
Sunday, February 12th
Taoist Yoga Training Info Sessions. 7pm. Our training includes poses and breathing exercises to open each of the 14 meridians, acupressure techniques and breathwork to circulate Qi energy, and an introduction to Taoist philosophy and meditation.These sessions are free of charge but pre-registration is required. To register, contact us at 860.523.5260 or email
Healing and Empowerment for Women Through Yoga. 1 – 5 pm. $75, pre-registration required. With Dori Sargent. This is part of an ongoing Yoga Teacher Training. Open to all Health Care Professionals (OT’s, PT’s, RYT’s, LMT’s, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, etc). Continuing Education Units can be given to RYTs. Visit www.sacredriversyoga. com for more information. Pre-register by contacting Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545.
Saturday, February 11th Taoist Yoga Training Info Sessions. 3pm. Our training includes poses and breathing exercises to open each of the 14 meridians, acupressure techniques and breathwork to circulate Qi energy, and an introduction to Taoist philosophy and meditation.These sessions are free of charge but pre-registration is required. To register, contact us at 860.523.5260 or email Partner Yoga. 5:30 – 7:30pm. $50 per couple. With Steve Fava. In this workshop, we will explore the beauty of sharing space and energy with another person, and witness the new layers that are unfolding in our relationships. Visit for more information. Space is limited so please pre-register by contacting Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545. Psychic Saturday. 10a.m.–4p.m. $20.00 for a 20-minute reading. Stop by or pre-schedule a private reading with Intuitive and Angel Therapy Practitioner® Priscilla Bengtson. Receive guidance from your angels, spirit guides and loved ones. Pre-scheduling is highly recommended. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To pre-schedule an appointment, please call Priscilla at 860.301.1468 or email appointment@
Women’s Empowerment Meditation. 10a.m. – 12 noon. $25.00. We invite in our angels and guides to help us release those things that keep us stuck. The energy of the group helps us to release those things that no longer serve our highest good and allow us to live an empowered life. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, call 860.301.1468 or visit www.healinginharmonycenter. com.
Wednesday, February 15th Manifest Your Desires. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $45.00. If you’ve experienced the movie “The Secret”, this session will take you beyond the concepts presented and show you how you can apply practical solutions to each situation in your life and achieve what you want. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit www.
Thursday, February 16th Hold Peace In Chaos: An Introduction to Meditation. 7-8:30 pm. Free. Sample meditation styles: breath; walking; mantras; visualization; awareness. Discover your personal pathway to a calm mind, where clarity and wisdom reside.
Ravenwood Holistic Wellness Center, 199 West Center Street, Manchester. No advance registration, just walk-in. Biomat Healing & Detox Clinic Educational Seminar. Free. 6-7pm with Donna Grimm, RN. Learn how the biomat clinic can improve your health, detoxify, and prevent illness. Receive a free introductory session on the Biomat, and enjoy organic raw treats! Call 860657-4105 to reserve your space. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, Ct.
Friday, February 17th Gallery Night. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $45.00. Enjoy an intimate evening of learning about angels and guides and experiencing intuitive readings with medium and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Priscilla Bengtson. Everyone in attendance will receive a message. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or email registration@
Saturday, February 18th Reiki I. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. $125.00. Participants will learn traditional hand positions, how to give a full body session and receive attunements to the universal Reiki energy for self-healing and healing others. Participants receive a manual, book and certificate. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit www.
nal distress, arthritis, back pain, flus & colds, coughs, hay fever, trauma and more will be covered. Learn where to purchase these formulas & herbals. Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies, 900 Wells Road (RT 175), Wethersfield, CT. 860-666-5064 Meditation and Oneness Blessing. 7 – 8pm. $10. With Wendy Kolanz. The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine Energy which over time is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient. This energy has been brought to the world through Divine Grace and is being bestowed upon humanity. Visit for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545.
how we function in the world. Healing and coaching tools are provided. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit www.
Sunday, February 26th Medical Intuition Skills Program. 12p.m. – 3p.m. $60.00. Participants will utilize the tools that were presented in the introductory medical intuitive course to read the energy of others and provide direction and guidance towards health and healing. Pre-requisite: Introduction to Medical Intuition. Held
at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit www. Taoist Yoga Training Info Sessions. 3pm. Our training includes poses and breathing exercises to open each of the 14 meridians, acupressure techniques and breathwork to circulate Qi energy, and an introduction to Taoist philosophy and meditation.These sessions are free of charge but pre-registration is required. To register, contact us at 860.523.5260 or email
Thursday, February 23rd Wholistic HCG Weight Loss Program. Educational Seminar $20 per person. 6-7pm. Learn how you can lose up to 30 pounds in 40 days with our UNIQUE, safe and effective, medically supervised weight loss program! Call 860-657-4105 to reserve your space. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, Ct.
Friday, February 24th Reiki for Kids. 12p.m. – 4p.m. $75.00. This class is offered to attune kids to the Reiki energy and reawaken in them the natural healing ability they possess. This is ideal to help participant’s self-heal so they learn to heal others. Age 10 and up. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit
Tuesday, February 21st
Saturday, February 25th
Common Ailments Treated with Safe,Traditional Chinese Herbs. Laura Mignosa, NCCH. 6:30 - 8:30pm. $28.00. Discussion on formulas to treat common disharmonies like stomach and abdomi-
Introduction to Medical Intuition. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $90.00. In this program you will learn the basics of medical intuition, understand energy and how it impacts our physical health as well as
intuitive readings angel therapy® hypnosis reiki
health coaching development circles workshops
Priscilla Bengtson Scan with your smart phone to learn more
99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury 860.632.8434
Calendar Ongoing Events
laxation of gentle yoga with the heatbuilding core and balance work of vinyasa flow yoga. All are welcome. Visit for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT. 06033. 860.657.9545.
Yoga Therapy classes for those with Multiple Sclerosis. 10:45 am. Sacred Rivers has been working with the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, a non profit organization benefiting all people whose lives are touched by this devastating disease. Yoga Therapy classes are free to those diagnosed with MS with funding provided by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. The classes are taught by Paula Scopino, owner and director of Sacred Rivers Yoga as well as Susan Taff. Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main St., Glastonbury, CT. 860.657.9545 www.
Yoga for Runners. 7 – 8pm. With Paula Scopino. $10 per person. Join the Glastonbury River Runners in a weekly yoga class designed specifically to stretch and strengthen the areas of the body that are affected by running. Visit for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033. 860.657.9545.
The Thought Exchange - A Workshop with David Friedman. 7pm. A spiritual support group based on observing the thought/sensation connection to manifestation. “What if your life is just a reflection of your thoughts?” Love offering. Unity Center above the Ford Dealership. 3 Main St. Norwalk. 203.855.7922 Tong Ren Healing Class: 7-8pm. $10. each class. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine, studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He studied Tong Ren Healing with Master Tom Tam since 1994. Wu Healing Center , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT. 800-990-9332. www. 978-461-2168 (Office)978-790-8888 (Cell). Mom & Baby Yoga with Jennifer Errickson. 12-1pm $16 drop in, Series price also available. Breathe, stretch, and strengthen your body and spirit all while enjoying, stimulating, and bonding with your baby. Visit www.sacredriversyoga. com for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545.
TUESDAY Tai Chi/Qi Gong classes. Lee Holden’s QiGong/Tai Chi as seen on PBS. 7pm. Qigong/Tai Chi for more energy, clarity & healing. Marcey Hickey Certified Instructor. The Suffield House 1 Canal Rd Suffield CT. Call 860-844-8535 All Levels Vinyasa. 5:45-6:45pm. $16 drop in, class cards available. Maeve Ryan combines the stretching and re-
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Mindfulness for Middle Schoolers and Teens. January 11 – February 22, 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm. Fee: $100 for 7 weeks. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of Mindfulness tailored to middle school and high school aged students, and will experiment first-hand with various simple-but-effective mindfulness techniques in each 30 minute lesson. Visit www.sacredriversyoga. com for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545. Yoga Therapy classes for those with Multiple Sclerosis. 10:45am. See details under Monday listing. Sacred Rivers Yoga is located at 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT. 860.657.9545 www. Itsy Bitsy Yoga with Laurie Frucce. Wednesdays, February 8 – February 29, 1:00 – 2:00pm. $48 for the series, $16 drop-in. For ages crawling to 24 months and their parents! See how yoga can help divert tantrums and offer easy transitions between activities. With lots of praise in this playful and structured class environment, you will deepen the bond with your child while exercising! Visit for more information. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, 860.657.9545.
THURSDAY Qi Gong with Dr. Anne Mitchell. QiGong is a healing practice similar to Tai Chi. Qi Gong qualifies as weight bearing exercise and will help osteopenia and osteoporosis. It will strengthen your core muscles and stabilize your spine. It will help you find peace and quiet within yourself. Common Benefits of Qi Gong are serenity, clarity of mind, focus, strength pain relief. Classes are Thursday at 5:30pm in our 2 Broadway, North Haven location Call to sign up and reserve a spot. 203-239-3400. $10
cash per person, Bring a friend and you each get 1/2 your first visit. Tai Chi/Qi Gong classes. Lee Holden’s QiGong/Tai Chi as seen on PBS. 9:30am. Qigong/Tai Chi for more energy, clarity & healing. Marcey Hickey Certified Instructor. First Church, 81 High St., Suffield CT. Call 860-844-8535. A Brush With Soul. 2nd Thursday Monthly. 7:00-9:00 pm Explore your Self with expressive arts—led by Alexandra Philippas.. All are welcome. Love offering. Unity Center above the Ford Dealership. 3 Main St. Norwalk. 203.855.7922. Healing Prayers. 3rd Thursday Monthly. 7:00pm. Healing oneself through prayer with Karen Mitchell. Love offering. Unity Center above the Ford Dealership. 3 Main St. Norwalk. 203.855.7922.
FRIDAY Bible Study. 2nd & 4th Friday Monthly. 7:00 pm. Watch video presentation of new Testament book, followed by discussion with Rev. Shawn Moninger. Love offering. Unity Center above the Ford Dealership. 3 Main St. Norwalk. 203.855.7922. Bible Study. 3th Friday Monthly 7:00 pm. In depth Bible study with Rev. Ed Townley. Love offering. Unity Center above the Ford Dealership. 3 Main St. Norwalk. 203.855.7922.
thentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He teaching Tai Chi in US for over twenty years. Mention this ad for first month free Tai Chi class on Monday ($60) or Saturday ($80) Exp Oct 1, 2011. Wu Healing Center,45 South Main Street, Suite #100, West Hartford, CT. 800-990-9332. www. Tea Ceremony and Meditation. 8-9am with Dr. Ming wu. Free , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford. 978-7908888. Tong Ren Healing Class: 11am - 12pm. $10. each class. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine, studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He studied Tong Ren Healing with Master Tom Tam since 1994. Wu Healing Center , 45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT. 800-9909332. 978461-2168 (Office)978-790-8888 (Cell). The Art of Living: Introduction to Sudarshan Kriya. 4 - 5 pm. $5 suggested. Breath is the link between the mind and the body - each emotion has a distinct breathing pattern. Learn how to transform yourself with specific breathing techniques. Get into the rhythm of your Being. Located at 660 Prospect Ave. Hartford, CT 06105. To register call Rajesh Kumar 860 502 5981, rajesh.
Tai Chi Class. 9-11am. Instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine who studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the au-
Women’s Temple. schedule at www. Canton, CT 860693-9540.
Classified Milk Truck for Sale Milk Truck 1988 Ford B600 Diesel. All new parts. New tires, brakes. Engine and Transmission are good. Brand new refrigeration system. Good gas mileage. Asking $25,000 or best offer. Great for promotions and customer recognition. Call 203.426.0885. email:
CHIROPRACTIC Westside Chiropractic
ACUPUNCTURE Stan Baker, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.
35 Nod Road, Suite 106, Menla Holistic Health, Avon, CT. • (860) 836-1068 Stan Baker is a fully licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner with offices in Avon, CT and Springfield, MA. He has been a practitioner in the Oriental healing arts for 25 years. He specializes in difficult cases including back pain/sciatica, headache/migraine, allergies, and arthritis. He is also a teacher of advanced Chen Tai Chi, Aikido and Sun Do Mt. Yoga. See ad on page 37.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center Dr.Helene Pulnik, ND LAc. 18 School St., Glastonbury,Ct 6033 (860) 657- 4105,
Dr. Pulnik is a licensed, board certified Acupuncturist and Naturopathic Physician with over 25 years experience as a healthcare professional. She specializes in acupuncture for infertility, womens' health, migraines, anxiety/stress/ insomnia, arthritis, back & neck pain, sciatica, allergies, chronic sinusitis, and more. See our ad on page 28.
557 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford,CT (860) 523-5833 • Our mission is to provide chiropractic care, naturally based generalist, primary or specialty health care, for persons of all ages. We are committed to educating our patients about their health and wellness and providing them with tools for self improvement. We seek to work in partnership with you to achieve good health and well being in a way consistent with your way of life. Visit our location in West Hartford See ad on page 44.
Kenneth Hoffman, D.Ac, L.Ac. 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804. (203) 740-9300 • Combining Chinese Medicine with modern science, we restore health by identifying imbalances that cause illness. Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination, Chronic Pain Relief, Hormone Balancing, Thermography, Detoxification. See ad on page 31.
Whole Health Associates, LLC Mark S. Stagg, DC 100 Simsbury Rd. Suite 208. Avon CT 860-674-0111
Dr. Stagg is a chiropractor with additional training in acupuncture, and is owner of Whole Health Associates located at the Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center. Dr. Stagg treats many conditions using acupuncture, including headaches/chronic pain, sports injuries, menopausal symptoms and anxiety. Dr. Stagg is a provider for many insurance companies. See ad on page 2.
Mark S. Stagg, DC 100 Simsbury Rd. Suite 208. Avon CT 860-674-0111
Dr. Mark Stagg is a chiropractor and owner of Whole Health Associates located at the Hartford Hospital Wellness Center in Avon. Dr. Stagg has additional training in sports injuries, acupuncture, and treatment protocols for patients involved in work injuries and auto accidents. He treats a wide range of conditions, including headaches, back pain, tendonitis, shoulder pain and fibromyalgia. Dr. Stagg is a provider for many insurance companies. See ad on page 2.
ALLERGY TREATMENT Anne Mitchell, ND (203) 239-3400 • North Haven & W. Hartford
Eliminate your allergic reactions using a technologically advanced treatment that corrects the body’s response to the offending food, pollen, mold, perfume, pets, etc. No medications. Non-invasive. Child-friendly. See ads on page 12, 42.
Francis X. Tortora
Chiropractor, Board Certified Craniopath 22 Fifth, St., Ste. 208, Stamford, CT (203) 348-0678 See ad on page 35.
30 Buxton Farms Road, Stamford, CT 06905 800-798-7279 • Bryce Rx Laboratories is a full service Compounding Pharmacy specializing in the formulation of drugs that are not commercially available. From impotence injections, bio-identical hormones, pain management, and veterinary (this list is not inclusive). Please note, all compounded medications require a prescription from a physician. See ad on page 43.
FITNESS/NUTRITION Cassandra Forsythe, PhD, RD 860-933-8255
Cassandra Forsythe is a certified Registered Dietitian and holds her PhD in exercise science and nutrition from the University of Connecticut. She specializes in weight loss, heart health, high blood pressure, sports nutrition, low carb diets, detox and healthy eating. Contact her today to get your nutrition and health on track.
DENTISTRY The Canaan Gentle Dentle & Implant Center Dr. Thomas Livingstone 3-5 Railroad St. North Canaan, CT (860) 824-0751 See ad on page 26.
Dr. Steven Hinchey
2249 New London Turnpike South Glastonbury, CT. (860) 633-6518 See ad on page 33.
Dr. Kevin Norige, D.M.D.
112 Deming St., South Windsor, CT. (860) 644-0113 Dr. Kevin Norige has been in practice for almost 30 years in South Windsor, CT. His services include Invisalign, Perio Protect, Lumineers, Snapon Smiles and Snap-it, Global Mini Implants, and non-surgical periodontal treatments. He is a member of the ADA, CSDA, and the Hartford Dental Society. He is a clinician with the CT Mission of Mercy Dental Clinic and also serves as a facilitator to dental students at the Univ. of CT. See ad on page 11.
Glastonbury Naturopathic Center
Parkade Health Shoppe
Manchester Parkade, 378 West Middle Tpke, Manchester, CT • 860.646.8178 M-Sat 8am-9pm • Sun 9am-6pm The Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe is an information and service-oriented health food store that has served its community since 1956. Owner, Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S., a Registered Pharmacist and State Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is available for consultation by appointment. Our other staff nutrition consultants provide customers with instore guidance in choosing vitamins, herbs, sports nutrition products, natural body care, natural and allergen-free foods, and life style changes. Many of our products are discounted every day. Ask us about our gym and other special discounts. See ad on page 11.
HYPNOSIS Diane Bahr-Groth, C. Hy., TFT, Dir. 1177 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT. (203)595-0110 •
Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis is a Certified Hypnotist specializing in fast and effective methods for weightloss, stress, fear, pain, smoking, etc. Hypnosis, Thought Field Therapy™, Time Line Therapy™ & NLP. Call for a free consultation. See ad on page 24.
18 School St., Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 (860) 657- 4105,
Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND is a certified Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Practitioner. Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) is a clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the many symptoms associated with allergies, food sensitivities, environmental sensitivies, IBS, headaches, skin problems and more. The AAT treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is safe, painless and available to all ages including infants. See ad on page 28.
COLON HYDROTHERAPY Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St., Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 (860) 657- 4105,
Bryce Rx Laboratories, Inc.
Whole Health Associates, LLC
Advanced Allergy Relief CT Sophia Natural Health Center
Constance Jones is New England’s senior Colon Hydrotherapist. During her 30 years of practice, she has performed nearly 50,000 colonics. Connie is certified through both the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists (I-ACT) and The National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy. She creates a nurturing, serene, and safe environment, and maintains your utmost privacy and comfort. See our ad on page 28.
HYPNOTHERAPY/NLP Nishanto Kane...MindDesigning
Foot Reflexology Wu Healing Center
Hypnosis, Master NLP Practitioner, Aura/Chakra Analysis, Enneagram Profile, Astrology Chart Interpretation, Belief Change Sessions. Simsbury, Ct. (860 658-9678)
45 South Main St., Suite 100, West Hartford, CT 06107
All that is, was first created in the mind.
Do you want more energy, eliminate pain, release stress? Experience this ancient healing art which uses hand and thumb pressure on areas of that foot that correspond to systems in the body. Tension in the feet sets tension levels in the rest of the body. Through reflexology, we can interrupt the stress signal and help bring your body into balance. The benefits of reflexology include relaxation, reduced pain, rejuvenation of tired feet, improved circulation; and amelioration of other health conditions. Foot reflexology is a fast, inexpensive and relaxing way to help strengthen the systems in your body, improve chi, and stay in balance with nature. 1 hr. Foot Reflexology $50. To make an appointment, please call 800-990-9332.
Nishanto Kane is a certified Eriksonian Hypnotist, Master NLP practitioner, Reconnection practitioner, Aura/Chakra Analyst. She has over 25 years experience in assisting many to stop smoking, release self-sabotaging habits, develop beliefs to attract abundance and well being, eliminate per allergies, anxieties, phobias, weight gain, stress, alcohol abuse, insomnia, improve school grades and more. Offering Chakra analysis - this amazing scientific state of the art technology allows you and the practitioner to view your aura. Through interpretation you can learn to bring yourself into physical, mental and emotional balance.
Inner Wisdom Guide 10 Crossroads Plaza, West Hartford, CT. 860-232-3331 • The Clare-ity Method will assist you in awakening your heart to the truth of who you are. By discovering who you are, you can choose paths in your personal and professional life that bring you your greatest joys – abundant joys which enable you to be of great service to all beings. Together, we will open a channel to the spiritual realm through your own Akashic Records! Please call Robin at 860-232-3331 or email her at to find out more.
Jeff Forte, CSIC, CME 2389 Main St., Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)633-8555 • Is the happiness you want in your life eluding you? Do you feel stressed because of the pro lems that you can’t seem to overcome? It doesn’t have to be that way. I will show you step by step exactly what to do so you can create the happiness and peace of mind you want in your life. These little known secrets will put you on the path to getting the results you want guaranteed. I am a Certified Strategic Interventionist Coach and Marriage Educator. Clients frequently come to me when nothing else seems to work, or when something must change now. Call today and learn what to do. See ad on page 37.
MASSAGE Whole Health Associates, LLC Donatella Fino, LMT, Donna Mullen, LMT 100 Simsbury Rd. Suite 208. Avon CT 860-674-0111
The practice provides two types of massage: deep tissue/treatment work and relaxation massage. Deep tissue massage involves specific soft tissue manipulation using manual techniques like trigger point and myofascial release to address connective tissue conditions, often under the direction of our physicians. Relaxation massage is a full-body treatment targeting stress. The massage therapists also provide care for motor vehicle injury cases and athletes. See ad on page 2.
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE CT Natural Health Specialists
Lauren Gouin, ND 135 Center St., Manchester, CT (860) 533-0179 • Dr. Lauren Gouin is a naturopathic physician with a family practice in Manchester. Dr. Gouin is accepting new patients and is in network with most insurance companies. For more information, visit www. See ad on page 26.
Debra Gibson, ND
158 Danbury Road, Suite 8, Ridgefield, CT 06877 • (203)431-4443 Natural family healthcare using nutrition and biochemistry; herbal, homeopathic, and energetic medicine; lifestyle transformation and detoxification, to promote well-being of body, mind, and spirit. See ad on page 22.
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE Kensington Naturopathic Medical Ctr.
Dr. Ann Aresco 355 New Britain Rd, Kensington, CT (860) 829-0707 • Centrally located in Connecticut, Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center provides comprehensive family healthcare. Our team of specialized health professionals is dedicated to facilitating our patients’ optimal health, and offers a wide range of services, including supplementation, homeopathy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs as well as nutrition, holistic health counseling and weight loss/life style changes. See ad on page 25.
A Life Center
2 Broadway, North Haven, CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Ste 7A, West Hartford, CT 203-239-3400 Dr. Henderson runs our weight loss program here at the Life Center and is internationally recognized for her work with diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease. Dr. Henderson’s writing has been published in several medical journals. The first step toward health is improving our relationship with food and choosing to properly nourish ourselves. Dr. Henderson uses all the tools of naturopathic medicine to help us reach our health goals, including achieving a healthy weight. She also uses botanical medicine, flower remedies, homeopathy, acupuncture, exercise therapy and detoxification to guide individuals to attain their health goals, and to live their best lives. She is seeing patients in both our North Haven and West Hartford offices. See ads on pages 12, 42.
NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine
11 Mountain Ave., Ste. 201, Bloomfield, CT • (860) 242-8200 William Nager is a 1985 Graduate of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Portland Oregon. He also earned a second degree in chiropratic medicine from Western State Chiropractic College. For the past 25 years Dr. Nager has practiced family medicine using non-toxic therapies for digestive disorders, anxiety, and depression, fatigue, back pain, eczema, allergies, hypertension, high cholesterol and pain management as well as other conditions within the scope of a general family medicine practice. See ad on page 45.
The Wellness Institute Marvin Schweitzer, ND 1 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT (203) 847-2788
Dr. Schweitzer treats all ages with natural therapies including homeopathy, herbal medicine, enzymes, nutritional supplements and more. His advanced cutting-edge technologies evaluate underlying causes and create individualized treatment plans. ASYRA, Ondamed, BrainPaint, footbaths, acupuncture and oxygen therapies are used to achieve optimal health. Allergy desensitization, detoxification programs, immune system support, Lyme disease issues and other wellness protocols are included in his personalized care. See ad on page 20.
Center for Integrative Healthcare & Healing
301 N. Main St., West Hartford, CT (860) 232-9662 •
533 Cottage Grove Rd, Bloomfield, CT
Dr. Frank Aieta, founder of West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine, is a board certified licensed Naturopathic Physician who specializes in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease utilizing the most advanced natural therapeutics. He offers a wide range of natural, non-toxic treatments which include: Acupuncture, Spinal Manipulation, Clinical Nutrition, Detoxification, Pain Management, Herbal Medicine and Natural Hormone Balancing. See ad on page 20.
The first of its kind in the country, Connecticut Multispecialty Group (CMG) is a large multispecialty group with its own Integrative Medicine Department. The physician-directed model uniquely blends conventional medicine with complementary therapies. Over 70 physicians work collaboratively with licensed massage therapists, licensed acupuncturists, certified energy workers, and registered dieticians. The end result is comprehensive model of healthcare delivery that focuses on whole person wellness and optimal health. CMG also features an electronic health record that interconnects all providers and offers portable flash drives with personal health information to all its clients. See ad on page 50.
Whole Health Associates, LLC
Dr. Jennifer J. Stagg, Dr. Todd Born, Dr. Lindsay Jones, Dr. Keith Yimoyines 100 Simsbury Rd., Suite 209, Avon, CT (860) 674-0111, Whole Health Associates, LLC is an integrative family practice offering naturopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapy services. The approach to patient care at Whole Health Associates differs from most other provider’s offices. Every person is addressed on an individualized level, tailoring treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient. Consideration of all aspects of the patient’s life is taken into account. Unique services include comprehensive food allergy and neurotransmitter testing, stomach acid analysis, body composition testing and gentle chiropractic techniques. The doctors are providers for many insurance companies. See ad on page 2.
NUTRITION Holcare Nutrition
William Nager, ND, DC
Vicki Kobliner MS RD 3 Hollyhock Lane, Suite 2A, Wilton, CT 06897 203-834-9949 • Vicki Kobliner MS RD, CD-N is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Holcare Nutrition. Vicki works with infants, through adults with chronic illnesses, digestive disorders, food allergies, ADHD and autism and provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling. She is a contributing author to A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in Americas Children. See ads on page 13.
PHYSICIANS, M.D. Advance Biomedical Treatment Center, LLC
(formerly Avon Therapeutic Center) Eileen C. Comia, M.D. 701 Cottage Grove Road Ste., C-10 Bloomfield, CT 06002 • 860.242.2200 Fax 860.242.2212 • Dr. Eileen Comia is a board certified Internal Medicine specialist with16 yrs of experience in private practice. In 2002, she founded Avon Therapeutic Center (now Advance Biomedical Treatment Center) specializing in Integrative Medicine. She offers a unique practice using Functional Medicine in the treatment of chronic illnesses. She is a seasoned Defeat Autism Now! Practitioner of 10 years and a member of ACAM (American College for Advancement in Medicine). See ad on page 17.
(860) 243-2224 •
Natural Health & Healing, LLC
Deanna M. Cherrone, MD 60 East Main Street, Avon, CT. (860) 677-4600 • Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing, is a board certified Internal Medicine physician who has changed the focus of her practice from traditional Internal Medicine to Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine is a science based approach to health care that involves looking at each patient as a whole being with interconnected systems that function best when they are all in balance. See ad on back cover.
Tamara Sachs, MD
Functional Medicine & Integrative Care 15 Bennitt St., New Milford, CT (860) 354-3304 • See ad on page 7.
Jill Moorcroft, DO, Tom Moorcroft, DO 844 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, CT 860-430-9790 • Origins Of Health is a holistic medical center that specializes in OsteopathicManipulation,inc luding Cranial Osteopathy, Integrative Medicine and Nutrition. Founders Drs. Tom and Jill Moorcroft integrate their personal passion and extensive training as Family Medicine Physicians while working with you to develop a personalized approach to health that stimulates the self-healing forces within. Our goal is to assist you in realizing optimum health while being free to enjoy life and all it has to offer. See ad on page 9.
Osteopathic Wellness Center, LLC
David L. Johnston, DO • Lisa Preston, DO 158 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877 (203) 438-9915 • Gentle, natural, hands-on, osteopathic medical care for infants, children and adults. Childrens’ health and development, birth trauma, musculoskeletal pain and injuries, nutrition and wellness counseling, stress reduction, immune support, allergies. Most major insurances accepted. See ad on page 5.
PSYCHOTHERAPIST Soul Support Counseling Nancy M Brockett, PhD, LPC West Hartford, CT 860.223.2232
Feeling stressed, confused, anxious or depressed? Imagine yourself breaking free from worries and fear and then confidently doing what you haven't been able to before! We work together from the perspective of the whole self to get to the heart of what’s troubling you. Using painless, drug-free treatments, Dr Brockett helps you uncover and build on your own inner strengths so you can free yourself from negativity and live with more joy in your life. See ad on page 45.
Inner Change Holistic Counseling Deni Weber, MA, LPC, DCEP Weston, CT. • 203-544-6094
With compassion, intuition and wisdom Deni guides individuals on their journey of regaining lost power leading to renewed purpose, well-being, and emotional balance. Specializing in mind-body therapies with clinical certifications in Body-Oriented Psychotherapy and Energy Psychology she works with adults, teens and children healing traumatic stress related to Abuse, AD/HD, Learning Disabilities, Chronic Illness, Lyme Disease, and Autistic Spectrum.
Jeff Forte, CSIC, CME Relationship Coach 2389 Main St., Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)633-8555 • Do you want a more fulfilling marriage but don’t know what to do? Are you feeling stuck in an unhappy relationship that seems doomed to fail? You can change all that starting now. I will show you step by step exactly what to do to create the love and connection you want in your relationship. You will learn exactly what to do to rebuild trust, and re-ignite the passion. Imagine the feeling of being in love all over again. I am a Certified Marriage Educator, and clients frequently come to me. When nothing else seems to work or when something must change now. If you want to know what works, call today. See ad on page 37.
SCHOOLS Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies
LauraMignosa, NCCH 900 Wells Road (RT. 175) Wethersfield, (860)666-5064 Founded in 1992, the CT Institute of Herbal Studies focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers a Certified Herbology Program with a foundation in both theory and clinical diagnosis as practiced in China today. See ad on page 45.
Leslie Cahill, Director of Admissions, Recruitment (203) 874-4252 • The Graduate Institute is an accredited institution of higher education that offers Master of Arts degrees in emerging fields of inquiry. Degree programs include: Experiential Health and Healing, Peace Studies, Oral Traditions, Holistic Thinking, and Conscious Evolution. Classes meet one weekend per month and programs are offered in Hartford, Bethany, New Milford, and Stamford, CT. For more information or to find an Information Session near you, call (203) 8744252 or visit See ad on page 15.
31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804. (203) 740-9300 • As the hormone experts, we specialize in women’s health, natural hormone balancing, breast cancer prevention and thermography utilizing the highest definition camera in the area with interpretations from MD specialists in the field. Thermogram results include a free 15-minute phone consultation. See ad on page 31.
X to Rays, LLC
Suzanne Pyle, MS, CCT 35 Boston Street, Guilford, CT 866.986.7297 or 203 331-2878 Suzanne is a board certified clinical thermographer. She offers totally safe (no radiation), painless (no compression), 97% accurate FDA approved breast cancer screening. With a masters in Nutrition, Suzanne also advises on breast and body health. Scans for thyroid, lung, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and ovaries are also available. Call for locations throughout CT.
Anew You Skincare & Wellness Center
Melissa Martin, 16A Ensign Drive, Avon. (860)284-9730, We are committed to strengthening your overall well-being and skin health through the use of excellent quality products and extraordinary services that produce amazing results. Only natural ingredients are used, including plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential oils! We want you to be "WOWED"! See ad on page 5.
SOCIAL WORK Michael Westfall, LCSW
243 East Center Street Manchester, CT 06040 • (860) 212-8923. Michael Westfall is a licensed clinical social worker with a practice in Manchester, CT. He has extensive experience with children and teens but works with many adults and couples as well. In network with most state and commercial insurances, he is accepting new clients at this time. Please visit the website: or call him at (860) 212-8923. See ad on page 44.
Still Waters Pond, LLC
45 South Main Street, Suite #100 West Hartford, CT • 800-990-9332 978-790-8888 (Cell) • Ming Wu, Ph.D., Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Herbalist, Tui Na Therapy, Tai Chi Master
Group leaders interested in workshop/retreat space: Still Waters is nestled among 100 acres of pine forest and a private-10-acre pond. Comfortable, rustic lodging includes a two-bedroom, furnished cottage with full kitchen (sleeps four), Guest House (sleeps 11) and 1200-sq.ft. Art & Yoga Studio. Contact us to arrange a tour. See ad on page 44.
Tai Chi Class on Mondays 6-7pm and Saturdays 9-11am, the instrutor, Ming Wu Ph.D., a doctor of Chinese Medicine who studied Tai Chi in China and US for 40 years, he received the authentic Yang Style teaching from his Sifu Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, disciple of Yang Sau Chung. He teaching Tai Chi in US for over twenty years.
280 Shetucket Turnpike Voluntown, CT 06384 860-543-3244 •
Sophia Natural Health Center
The Graduate Institute
Wu Healing Center
VIBRATIONAL/ ENERGY HEALING Lightworker of Vibrational Energy LLC, L.O.V.E. Gayle Franceschetti Med,CHt. 36 Cheshire Rd., Wallingford,CT 203-265-2927 •
Gayle Franceschetti is the founder of the L.O.V.E. Institute and is an acclaimed intuitive counselor and healer, Reiki Master, certified Hypnotherapist and past life regressionist. As an open channel for Divine Energy, Gayle integrates the power of universal love, compassion and understanding in all her workshops and healing sessions. Gayle conducts healing and mentoring sessions in person, by phone and hosts a variety of workshops and power journeys throughout the U.S. and around the world. See ad on page 40.
VIBRATIONAL/ ENERGY HEALING The Healing in Harmony Center Priscilla Bengtson, ATP® 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)632-8434
The Healing in Harmony Center, a spiritual healing, counseling and education center, offers programs and services that help individuals acknowledge and develop their own gifts to the highest level. Owner Priscilla Bengtson is dedicated to helping people live a joyous and fulfilled life and offers classes and workshops that help people achieve this. Private sessions are offered for intuitive, trance channel and angel readings, medical intuitive readings, trance healing, hypnosis, reiki, mandala healing, and health coaching. A free healing service is offered once monthly. See ad on page 45.
Kim Rio, DVM (203)584-1210 • Mobile Pet Vet is a veterinary housecall practice providing wellness care for dogs and cats. By treating pets at home we reduce their stress and their exposure to infection. Pets with chronic health problems such as diabetes, kidney disease and other endocrine disorders often benefit from home-based care. We spend time developing an individualized treatment plan for each animal and we offer a full range of laboratory services. Our flexible scheduling accommodates busy pet owners. See ad on page 25.
2 Broadway, North Haven CT 1007 Farmington Ave, Suite 7A, W. Hartford CT 203-710-6605 • Are you frustrated because you want to lose weight but cannot figure out how? Do you exercise but it doesn’t seem to help? Are you sabotaging yourself by overeating or emotional eating even though you have the best of intentions? Get off the dieting merry-go-round and FINALLY achieve your ideal weight? The Life Diet matches your nutrition to your metabolism. Most Insurances accepted. We offer a medically supervised weight loss program with whole foods, individualized nutrition, meal planning, and weight loss coaching. See ad on page 12, 42.
860-990-8395 • Pentalign is now offering the benefits of Reconnective Healing in the workplace and to clubs, organizations, families and individuals. This gives companies and organizations and invaluable offering for their employees that can have a dramatic effect on general wellbeing, stress related issues, and overall quality of life. This can directly lead to less sick days, higher job satisfaction and increased productivity resulting in a win-win situation for both the employee and the employer. We offer on-site or off-site introductory presentations as well as recurring weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly healing clinics that fit your company’s needs and schedule. Individuals are more than welcome as well. Contact Pentalign today to learn more about how we can be of value to you, your company or organization. See ad on page 33.
Paula Scopino LMT, E-RYT 500 IAYT, Owner / Director 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 PH. 860.657.9545 • FAX. 860.657.3161 See ad on page 45.
West Hartford Yoga
23 Brook St West Hartford, Ct 06110 860 953 9642
Natural Nutmeg February 2012
Guess The Image On Our January 2012 Cover and Win!
e’ve created quite a buzz in the Natural Nutmeg community with the image on our January 2012 cover as depicted here on the right! Countless readers called asking me what it was and told me they looked through the entire magazine to try and figure it out. So, we decided to run a contest to see who can tell us what the image is! If you guess the image correctly, you’ll be entered in a random drawing to win either a $50 gift card from Whole Foods, a $50 gift card from Anew You Skincare in Avon or a 60 minute Acupuncture Consultation from The Center for Integrative Healthcare & Healing in Bloomfield. To enter, please email what you think the image is to by February 20th. Please include your name and contact information in your email.
A Guided ApproAch to optimAl heAlth
Health & Healing
AreAs of focus
Anti-Aging (Optimal Aging) • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy • Detoxification Food Sensitivities • Heavy Metal Testing & Oral Chelation • Menopause & Andropause Mind Body Medicine • Weight Loss • Neurotransmitter Testing • Quantum Biofeedback Thyroid, Adrenal Testing & Treatment • Nutritional & Lifestyle Counseling
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Do you believe you should feel better than you do? Many of my patients are simply looking for a doctor who will listen and explore the root cause of their symptoms which commonly include: Fatigue • Brain Fog • Sugar Cravings • Headaches • Depression Stress & Anxiety • Decreased Libido • Aches & Pains • Decreased Stamina Constipation • Allergies • Inability to Lose Weight • Insomnia
“I blend the best of traditional and alternative therapies to help your body function at its best.”
Deanna M. Cherrone, M.D. (860) 677- 4600 60 East Main Street, Avon CT. 06001 52
Natural Nutmeg February 2012