5 Basic Steps for Improving Fertility
By Jennifer C. Pierre, ND, MPH
ver the past 20 years, technological advances in fertility have been quite remarkable. Accordingly, it should come as no surprise that much of the attention rests on the fancy terminology and procedures that make up the modern fertility landscape. However, it is astounding how little attention is given to the basics of fertility. Fertility is still a biological process that can be enhanced naturally. Many reproductive practices require no equipment nor do they culminate in costly medical bills, just a well thought out diet and lifestyle regimen. In the United States, about 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age have experienced fertility issues. In about 1/3 of these cases, the cause is related to the man, another 1/3 is associated with the woman and in the final 1/3, the cause remains unidentified. Interestingly enough, most if not all, of the fertility conversation focuses on women even though men play a vital role in the final outcome as well. There are action steps men can take to improve sperm count and quality, thereby creating Olympic grade swimmers! In contemplating fertility, how often is lifestyle, diet and nutrition fully explored? Often it is an afterthought, only given a brief overview. It is imperative to examine some basic tenets of reproductive health that are often overlooked in practice. These tenets can significantly enhance fertility success with or without advanced medical techniques.
Stress is the most underestimated fertility killer. Many women who express frustration about the inability to conceive often lead very busy lives. High-achieving women are used to accomplishing everything they set their sights on; not being able to realize the goal of conception may be especially difficult to manage psychologically. Compared to men, women tend to take on more of the emotional toll, as much of their perceived self-worth is tied into the ability to create life.
In life’s hierarchy of physical survival needs, sleep is often the first need to be sacrificed. There are many reasons we do not get enough sleep, a common justification is a lack of time. Time management practices can aid in providing structure to the day thereby increasing efficiency. There will always be surprises in scheduling, but having a consistent routine makes it easier to get back on track.
High-grade stress triggers the overproduction of cortisol and adrenaline released by the adrenal glands. When disruption occurs, the hormonal pathway favors cortisol production over sex hormones. Since the same precursor hormones are used to synthesize both cortisol and sex hormones; levels of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone decline. Any mother knows stress only intensifies once the baby makes its arrival. When pursuing a pregnancy ask yourself some pertinent questions: How will I make time for a new or additional baby? Have I streamlined my life to accommodate a new family member? What are the dynamics of my household? Have I considered the toll a baby will take on my partner? How will we dole out responsibilities? Consider seeking out a licensed therapist to examine these concerns and to assist in removing potential roadblocks that may be contributing to feelings of anxiety or depression.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which an individual cannot get to sleep or stay asleep, it is important to investigate all possible causes with a sleep specialist. Stress can affect sleep cycles as well. Cortisol is highest in the morning then gradually declines throughout the day until it reaches its lowest levels around bedtime. The opposite occurs under stressful conditions. Insomniacs tend to have higher levels of cortisol and brain activity than average, resulting in more frequent arousals. Having an erratic sleep schedule upsets the brain’s process of recharging while we are asleep. In this scenario, sexual arousal is affected as well and we all know how babies are born. Do not rob yourself of your body’s natural process of renewal. Establish a realistic bed time and stick to it, make sleep a priority now before the baby arrives. Self-Care For those struggling with infertility, constant medical appointments can be depressing. It is vital to keep one’s spirits www.NaturalNutmeg.com