Natural Nutmeg March 2013

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Natural Nutmeg

March 2013

Connecticut's Resource For Essential Living

The Book That Changed My Life Bernie Siegel, MD

Treating Autoimmune Disease Ann Aresco, ND

Toxins Are Everywhere Deanna Cherrone, MD

Functional Lab Testing... What Can We Learn? Debra Gibson, ND


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Natural Nutmeg March 2013



ARTHRITIS Arthritis pain can be annoying at best, and crippling at worst. It can affect your every move, and even keep you from the activities you love. But there is hope. Valley Sports Physicians is southern New England’s leader in non-surgical treatment for osteoarthritis (the wear-and-tear kind). With over 18 years of performing Prolotherapy injections, 5 years of Platelet-Rich Plasma treatments, and 2 years of Stem Cell treatments, we have more experience than anyone in these cutting edge treatments. And, unlike most practices, we do ALL of our injections under ultrasound guidance to insure safe and accurate treatment. In fact, we are nationally recognized leaders in musculoskeletal ultrasound. Before you consider surgery for your arthritis, consider a consultation with us! SPECIALIZING IN THE TREATMENT OF: • • • •


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Featured Content


Treating Autoimmune Disease Ann Aresco, ND 12


ur mission is to provide valuable insight, information and resources that will allow our readers to maintain a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. Natural Nutmeg contains timely information on natural health, complementary and alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, and the products and services that support good health.

Toxins Are Everywhere Deanna Cherrone, MD 18 Health Coaching and Patient Navigation Christi Holmes 24



Dr. Diane Hindman Chris Hindman


Functional Lab Testing... What Can We Learn Debra Gibson, ND 34

Deb Percival



Ann Aresco, N.D. Deanna M. Cherrone, M.D. Debra Gibson, ND Lauren Gouin, ND Kenneth Hoffman, LAc, CCH David Johnston, DO Roberta Kline, MD Vicki Kobliner, MS, RD, CD-N Donald Piccoli, DC Paul Tortland, DO




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Natural Nutmeg March 2013

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Natural Nutmeg Magazine


© 2007-13 by Natural Nutmeg, LLC. All rights reserved. Parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your feedback.



pring is just around the corner and for many of us it’s a time to do some spring cleaning. Whenever I’m cleaning things out or rearranging things in my home, I like to keep in mind the ancient Chinese secrets of feng shui that have been used successfully for centuries to improve health, wealth and happiness. Feng shui is the act of purposefully arranging things around you to gain positive results, from furniture to art to your toothbrush, believe it or not! According to feng shui, everything that happens in life can be categorized into nine life situations, which are spatially represented by areas in your living quarters. This is called a bagua and it includes: prosperity, fame & reputation, relationships & love, family, health, creativity & children, skills & knowledge, career, people & travel. The bagua is essentially layed over the frame of your house or dwelling with the main door of the house corresponding to a particular side of the bagua. This is how you determine what each corner or area of your home represents. Next, determine which of these areas you are unsatisfied in currently, vs. trying to tackle them all at once. Then, focus on those specific areas to shift the energy in your home and your life. You should also make a note of what is working to determine if unknowingly you have already properly placed things according to feng shui principles. Then using things such as color, shapes and textures to represent the five elements of fire, metal, water, wood and earth you will be able to balance your life and have your home work for you in generating positive energy. You must also set the intention that the elements work for you in a particular area. Just to give you some immediate insight into one of the areas, I’ll choose prosperity. If you are standing at your front door looking into the house, the prosperity section is the furthest left back corner of the home. Immediate action items for bringing prosperity into your life include: cleaning this section of the home well, removing broken items, using purple, green and gold colors, round-leaved plants. Things you would not want in your prosperity section: trash cans, toilets, dead or fake plants, fireplaces, dust or broken items. There are many informative books on feng shui, but my favorite is “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life,” by Karen Rauch Carter. She takes what can be a very complicated subject and makes it easy to read, understand and apply. I hope this inspires you to do some spring cleaning! In health and happiness,

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THE BUZZ A Toast to Women!


oin us in a toast to women! Come to our wine tasting event on International Women’s, Day Friday, March 8th from 7:30-9:30pm at La Trattoria Restaurant in Canton. Tickets $35. To purchase go to or call 860/930-9298. Have fun while helping to make a difference in the lives of women and girls. Enjoy tasting wines from five different vendors. Receive a special event discount from Super Cellar Warehouse Liquors on any three or more bottles purchased. There will be a silent auction as well with a chance to bid on many distinctive items from a foursome of golf to a weekend at a private condo in Mystic to jewelry from a luxury store. Or bid and get a great deal on such services as a Spa Day, facial and massage, or local restaurant packages. This event is presented by Soroptimist International of Farmington Valley, CT (SIFV). 100% of net proceeds will benefit SIFV’s projects including support of Grace Academy, a tuition-free, middle school for inner city girls in Hartford; Prudence Crandall Center, the oldest domestic violence program in Connecticut; and grants to women heads of households who need to further their education to support their families. This event is sponsored in part by Scala & Associates, LLC, Kathy McAfee - America’s Marketing Motivator, Body Talk, Collinsville Bank, Kevorkian & Associates, People’s United Bank, and Tina’s Ice Cream. Soroptimist International of Farmington Valley is a member of Soroptimist International, a 501(c)(3) volunteer service organization for business, professional and community-minded women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. To find out more about Soroptimist International of Farmington Valley, CT, please visit or contact us at

New Morning Market First To Offer Fresh Laurel Ridge Local Beef


ew Morning Market in Woodbury, CT is proud to be the first retailer in Connecticut to offer Laurel Ridge Farm’s fresh, not frozen, locally raised, grass fed beef. Laurel Ridge Farm is located in Litchfield, CT. Sixteen different cuts of meat are being produced from each quarter, which means the meat case is stocked with roasts, chops and steaks all from the same animal, a true example of community food. “Being able to bring our customers ‘community food’, speaks directly to our mission to foster and promote local sustainability,” says owner John Pittari. “And, this is how beef should be: humanely raised, antibiotic free, 100% Non-GMO grass fed, and free of any added hormones. We’re proud to offer truly local and wholesome meats to our customers.” Research from the California State University in Chico shows that grass fed beef is much less fatty than grain feed beef, and also contains two to four times more Omega3 fatty acids. More information can be found on regarding the benefits of eating grass fed livestock. New Morning Market of Woodbury, CT is the leading natural and organic, independent retailer for healthy sustainable living. Owner John Pittari and his staff continually create an environment that fosters meaningful exchanges of knowledge, services and products. New Morning has been in business for more than 40 years and has recently relocated to their brand new facility at 129 Main Street North in Woodbury. Boasting more than 9,000 square feet of retail space and a large community room for classes and presentations, New Morning has become a popular destination for tourism, while remaining an important part of the local community. More information can be found at or by calling 203-263-4868.

Time For Personal Spring Housecleaning


r. Robert M. Murphy RN, N.D. will present a lecture on Sat., March 9th, 10-11:30am at A Healing Trail , 500 Burlington Rd., Harwinton, CT. This lecture is ideal for anyone who wants to jumpstart their metabolic spring cleaning. Learn how environmental toxins in our home, air, water, soil and food can profoundly affect our health. Learn how to minimize our exposure, and how we can promote elimination of these toxins from our body with scientifically validated detox protocols in order to lose weight, clear brain fog and headaches, reduce fibromyalgia pain, increase energy and reduce our risks for cancer and chronic degenerative illness. Dr. Murphy has practiced as a Naturopathic Physician in Torrington for the past 30 years. Call 860-485-0405 to reserve your spot for this exciting and informative presentation.

Westside Chiropractic, LLC Dr. Richard Duenas

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Dr. Christina Kosswig Chiropractic Physician

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Natural Nutmeg March 2013

ON THE PATH OF HEALING Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher LightarianTM Reiki Master/Teacher Auriculotherapist, Aromatherapist level 1 ~ Also Offering Usui Reiki & Lightarian Classes ~

Carol Hipkins • 860-413-3592

Purple Turtle Wellness and Massage Information at

6th Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest April 6th & 7th

Natural Health Options for Mind, Body and Spirit


eaders of Natural Nutmeg have a strong interest in alternative, complementary, natural and holistic medicine and probably make use of several modalities. Do you want a better understanding of how you can benefit from holistic practices? Join over 80 exhibitors, choose from over 35 workshops, and explore a product marketplace at the sixth Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest, from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. each day at the Vernon Center Middle School. If you attended our last biennial health fair in 2011, you were impressed with the number of holistic practitioners right in your own back yard. At this year’s two-day fair meet even more practitioners whose holistic approaches include: acupuncture, chiropractic, nutrition, massage therapy, energy work, herbalists, hypnotherapy, naturopathic physicians, psychotherapy, vibrational healers and so much more. The Healthfest will provide information that can help you live with greater energy and vitality. When each of us nurtures and nourishes our mind, body and spirit, we enhance the quality of our daily lives – and you know daily life can be a struggle. The question then becomes how you navigate these daily struggles. Workshop offerings include: past life regression, naturopathic approaches to allergy relief, natural approaches to weight loss, sound healing and so much more! We hope you join us at the 6th Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest. Admission and all workshops is only $5. Produced by the Vernon Youth Services Bureau and Conscious CT with all proceeds benefiting programs sponsored by Vernon Youth Services Bureau. For more information, please visit We’re confident you will go home with great information and feel more relaxed after your massage! See ad on page5.

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Natural Nutmeg March 2013


By Bernie Siegel, MD

The Book That Changed My Life


must begin by saying I do not believe any book can change your life; only you can. Two people read the same book, one is inspired while the other is bored. It is the person and not the book that is the issue and what lies within each of us. The author’s wisdom when combined with the reader’s inspiration and desire to change can lead to a new life for the reader. The book that has meant the most to me, in my life is “The Human Comedy” by William Saroyan. When I was struggling with many issues, particularly loss, as a physician caring for and counseling people with life threatening illnesses I came across a story by Saroyan called “The Young Man on the Flying Trapeze.” At the end of the story the young man dies after thinking about a trapeze to God, and Saroyan’s closing words are, “He became dreamless, unalive, perfect.” From then on I sought out all his books. I see the pain of most people’s lives and particularly their childhoods. Growing up feeling unloved with destructive messages from their parents which lead to their not caring for themselves. Saroyan has a teacher talk to one of her students and tell him what we all need to hear to survive; to respect each other even if you do not like each other, the love of truth and honor, to not be alike but to be human in your own way and to pay no attention to those trying to hold you back and embarrass you. These are mottoes we need to hear from our parents and live by them. Perhaps the most important words in his book for me were these, “But try to remember that a good man can never die…The person of a man may leave-or be taken away-but the best part of a good man stays. It stays forever. Love is immortal and makes all things immortal. But hate dies every minute.” Those words, plus the thought that when we leave our bodies we become perfect again have sustained me through much loss and from my experience I believe they speak the truth. He knows what I learned, “Doctors don’t know everything… They understand matter, not spirit.” Medical education is not a true education. It is more about information and matter and not spirit and the real world people exist in.

If every child were brought up with the words spoken in The Human Comedy the world would be a very different place. I see the pain of those who grew up being told they were failures, never good at anything and were dressed only in dark colors. Last but not least finding pennies has always been a sign from God that I am on the right path. In the book one brother tells the other, “Pick it up, it’s good luck. Keep it always.” When I spoke to Saroyan’s daughter she said her father was like that and would run out into traffic to pick up a penny he saw. The ultimate sign for me was finding twenty six cents while I was about to run a marathon, which is twenty six miles long. It was a sure sign I was going to make it. Why? Because the penny says it all; In God We Trust; the Liberty to be the unique and authentic person we want to be and not what others impose and Abe Lincoln, staring into the east where the sun rises so he cannot see any shadows but still without a smile. Would he have lived differently if he knew what was coming in his life? So I have learned to accept my mortality and love until I am tired of my body. Then I will leave and become perfect and immortal. Bernie runs a Woodbridge Cancer Support group on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month and a Mind, Body, Health Support Group on the first Tuesday evening of every month at Coachman’s Square, Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT. Contact: Lucille Ranciato at 203-288-2839 or email her at or email Bernie at Wisdom of the Ages, a special place to nurture your spiritual side. It's filled with items to calm the mind, heal the body & empower your spirit. They also provide massages & monthly meditation classes. Wisdom of the Ages is owned by Bernie's son & daughter- in-law, Keith & Jane Siegel. Located at 1408 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury. Please call for info or to register for Bernie's group. (860) 651-1172, See ad on page 16.



Becoming Your Own Agent of Change


e live in an era where “healing” and “intuition” are no longer words one doesn’t dare say out loud in public. For millennia, healers have used a variety of techniques, from the spiritual, such as the laying of the hands, to the physical, such as administering medicines. While these traditional forms of healing continue to be practiced all over the world, there is a reconfiguration going on in contemporary society, especially Western societies regarding the role of the healer. The second decade of the twenty-first century has brought with it an amazing advent of self-revelation. We are going inside ourselves for the purpose of self-discovery, and we are also making external choices based on a desire to live from a more aligned place. This is a transition from “what do I do in the world”… to “how will I be in the world?” Making this shift and living an enriched, fulfilled life requires the examination and treatment of that which has previously kept us from living our purpose and dreams. Intuition may provide insight to what blocks are present, but the in-born healer knows how to transform those blocks into potential energy. A healer, in this sense, is nothing more than an administrator of transformation. How we show up in the world depends on the myriad belief systems and emotional patterns that come in the wake of our life experiences. If we are happily living life to the fullest, we are truly blessed! If, however, we are dissatisfied with our lives, the cause may lie in the limiting belief systems, stuck energies, unex-

pressed emotions and the like that restrict life’s flow and so prevent our experiencing ourselves as free, peaceful or powerful. The healer uses intuition to inwardly define and locate blocks and, where possible, ascertain their origin. From there, acquired healing skills are used to transform stuck energy into useful power. The healer subsequently administers healing by combining Divine light and the person’s intention to no longer live with what does not serve them. Tuning into intuition is required for making the shift from “what do I want to do in the world?” to “how do I want to be in the world?”, and accessing the inner healer is required to make use of what the intuition reveals. Everyone is inherently intuitive and many people regularly access intuitive knowing, can be psychic or even channels. A healer on the other hand, not only receives information, but understands what to do with it to enhance physical and spiritual wholeness. In this sense, a healer is an agent of change. What’s exciting about this model of healer/healing is that it’s available to anyone who desires to initiate change in her/his life. Wendy De Rosa is an intuitive energy healer with a national and international practice, offering intuitive healings by phone and inperson. Her Healer Training Program provides extensive education and personal process for any person wanting to expand their skills and experience personal transformation. For more information on the Healer Training Program, visit: See ad on page 19.




INFLAMMATION? Toxins drive neurological, metabolic (including weight gain), immune and cardiovascular illnesses – not to mention any disease ending in “itis”. We have the knowledge and technology to help your body heal itself. For 25+ years, our patients have enjoyed remarkable success with naturopathic treatments which cleanse, detox, nourish, repair and balance. Contact us for more:


Natural Nutmeg March 2013

D r M a r v i n S c h w e i t z e r. c o m 2 0 3 . 8 4 7. 2 7 8 8


By Patrick DeFrancesco, DC

Why Are We Attacking Ourselves?


he prevalence of autoimmune disease is on the rise with more than 23.5 million Americans being affected. A predicament exists in that our immune system, designed to protect us from disease and infection, is attempting to destroy the body it was meant to protect. They are a leading cause of death and disability, tend to run in families, and women account for 75% of the total amount diagnosed. What is truly hard to believe is that there are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases currently identified. Several of the conditions have very similar symptoms, thus making it very difficult to diagnose and distinguish which autoimmune disease is really present. Some of the more common diseases include: Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Graves Disease, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease, Sjögren’s Syndrome and Psoriasis. Most autoimmune disorders affect certain types of tissue, glands, organs and cells throughout the body. For example, Multiple Sclerosis attacks the brain and Crohn’s Disease assaults the gut. Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis both affect connective tissues while Graves’s disease and Hoshimoto’s affects the endocrine system, primarily the thyroid gland. The very thought of our body destroying itself creates puzzlement and leaves us searching for answers, but we are coming up short. Currently the only medical treatment is to prescribe immunosuppressive medications, such as Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporine, Mycophenolate, and Methotrexate. However, these drugs suppress not only the immune reaction but also the body’s ability to defend itself against other foreign substances, including microorganisms that cause infection and cancer cells. Consequently, the risk of contracting infections and cancer increases. Last year alone the revenue from these immunosuppressant medications represented 85% of total pharmaceutical sales. We recognize that there are many possible causes of autoimmune disease including environmental pollutants, heavy metals, increased usage of pharmaceuticals (antibiotics), tainted water supplies and higher levels of emotional stress. The source of autoimmune disease still remains a mystery to this day…or does it? Perhaps we need to work in reverse in order to find a possible answer as to why it occurs. Let us say you are sitting in your home and over time various lights, sporadically malfunction. At first you may just change the burnt out light bulbs. Then something strange happens, all the same lights burn out again in the next few days. You may be tempted to rechange the bulbs, however, after thinking more deeply; you should ask yourself this question. How could all of these lights continue to burn out day after day? Obviously the problem must be originating

in the fuse box or electrical system, not in the lights themselves. Why do we not approach our health in the same manner? Instead of just treating the symptoms, we should be looking for the cause. What controls, regulates and balances everything else in your body? Yes, the nervous system: the brain, the spinal cord, and the spinal nerves. The nervous system controls the immune system and the immune system is what has gone rogue in autoimmune situations. What is the reason that the immune system reverses its primary mission; from protecting our body to destroying it? Something is causing a trigger in the nervous system to short circuit the immune system. We need to explore alternative ideas and avenues of treatment for this pervasive condition. Many diets today include processed foods which contain trans fats, artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors. These ingredients were not used nearly as much in the early to mid-1900s, which may explain why autoimmunity was very uncommon then. When these toxic foods are ingested they lead to digestive tract immune support failure which causes a disruption of the healthy intestinal environment and digression of assimilation of nutrients into the blood stream. This ultimately leads to bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, and /or yeast infections. These manifestations cause mucosal protective lining failure and fungus, and negative bacteria invade the intestinal wall causing permeability or Leaky-Gut. This resulting digestive failure further cripples the immune system by polluting the nervous system. When these toxins build up in the body the neurological regulators are disrupted and send aberrant signals to other areas such as the immune system causing confusion of its primary mission. It is time to look to your foods and choose wisely. When a nonprocessed, organic whole food diet is implemented, inflammation is reduced. Realize that inflammation is one of the leading causes of ill health in our country today. If you currently suffer from autoimmunity, be proactive by making nutritional changes. Stay positive and be patient knowing that you are now addressing the cause and not just changing the light bulbs. To prevent and help treat this serious condition, concentrate on a diet that is devoid of poor nutrition in order to reduce neurological dysfunction. This will then allow the central nervous system to once again control the body’s systems, tissues and cells as it was designed to do. Submitted by Dr. Patrick DeFrancesco who has been practicing chiropractic for 21 years in Glastonbury at the Chiropractic Health Center on 2934 Main Street. His main focus is wellness care for children to adults and he specializes in sports injury. See ad on page 15.


Treating Autoimmune Disease “No Labels, No Guessing, Just Eat Whole Foods” By Ann Aresco, ND


utoimmune disease is a diagnosis that, unfortunately, I see in my practice every day as a naturopathic doctor (ND.) The best modality of care for autoimmune patients is a cooperative approach between MDs and NDs who can work together to determine the root cause of the disease and then treat the resulting side effects. This type of MD/ND co-management is ideal for a patient who can benefit from both preventative lifestyle changes and traditional medications as needed. There are many different naturopathic approaches to autoimmune disease that can be effective, including diet, food sensitivity testing and supplements.

Why I Began To Treat Autoimmune Patients As I studied to become an ND, there was a personal motivation behind my quest to treat patients with naturopathic methods. I had a passion for learning about autoimmune disease, and my goal was to open a practice someday that would specialize in these areas. Many years later, I did just that. My late sister-in-law suffered from Scleroderma, a connective tissue disease that involves changes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs. The immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. She was diagnosed in her early 20’s and MDs predicted that she would probably only live a few years before the disease would lead to her demise. She immediately began drug treatment, but reacted negatively to the medications. Most of the drugs’ side effects were worse than the disease symptoms. She tossed all the pharmaceutical meds in the trash and sought help from a naturopathic physician in California where she lived. The ND began by placing her on a restricted diet, and like most people, I’m sure she thought that she could NEVER stick to the plan. It was an insane diet of no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, and avoidance of all night shade vegetables such as potatoes, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes. Tomatoes?!?! This Italian born and raised gal was not going to eat tomatoes?! As her skin continued to show signs of the advancing disease, she finally decided to give up all of the foods that her ND had advised. She began to exercise as often as she could and used only the remedies suggested by the ND, unless she absolutely had to go to standard medicine for help. Her friends and family were terrified that she was seeking treatment from a naturopathic doctor and wasn’t taking all of the prescribed drugs from her MD. They surely must have thought she was taking a big risk with her disease management. 12

Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Once I enrolled in medical school, my sister-in-law began calling me for advice, then she would check with her own ND and proceed with a plan that she felt comfortable with. She did this because she was the manager of her own health care. She made the final decisions, knowing what was going to work best for her. Taking care of her health was a constant job that she never gave up on, and never stopped learning about. This is also a core value of naturopathic medicine. Her Scleroderma over the next several years went into remission, or was at the very least, advancing at a much slower pace now. She was able to maintain her health in a way that was very different from the bleak prognosis that she was first given by her doctor. She lived over 20 years beyond the prediction of the MDs. She learned how to handle the ups and downs of the disease, with mostly natural remedies, until she ran into a situation that required standard medical help. She ended up taking the prescribed drug that she had shunned for more than 20 years. After a year on the medication, she passed away. I felt then, as I feel now, that she made the right decision to go with a natural medicine route. Not that she didn’t need the standard medicine at one time or another, she did. Unfortunately the MDs who cared for her back then were not open to discussing alternative options. I believe that she would still be with us today if her MDs had worked with her ND to determine to her healthcare plan. After all, it was the ND who had preventatively helped to keep her healthy for so many years. Hopefully we’re closer to the day when MDs and NDs can work together on a cooperative plan for patients that utilizes the best of both approaches. MDs are slowly becoming more aware that naturopathic physicians do practice traditional medicine, but with some philosophies that are different than their own pharmaceutical-based training. NDs do recognize the need for pharmaceuticals, but only as a last resort. We also follow up after a prescription with the goal of determining when the drugs are no longer needed, instead of continuing them indefinitely. This of course requires the commitment and cooperation of all involved. Patients should manage their own health care, make their own decisions, and seek treatments that work for them. If they don’t find the answers they are looking for with a practitioner, they should keep looking. To paraphrase an old saying, “No one person, doctrine or religion has the monopoly on knowledge.” Patients with autoimmune conditions should keep this in mind as they begin the search and education for their own wellness.

Diet Autoimmune patients need to know that what they are eating has a HUGE, let me say it again, HUGE, effect on their condition. Don’t believe the people who say that nutrition doesn’t matter. It’s only logical that the human body requires the ability to assimilate all of the available nutrients in order to function. This is especially true for patients who have health conditions, including autoimmune disease. When I advise a patient to alter their diet in order to treat autoimmune issues, a frequent response that I hear is, “I’ve been eating this way my entire life, so how could food be an issue now?” Think about this statement. If food plays even a small part of the equation, and the patient has been eating the same way their entire life, then doesn’t it make sense that diet is at least part of what is causing the damage that has led to a bigger health problem? The human body, when given the proper tools (such as nutrients), has the amazing ability to heal itself. It is also amazing how much abuse it will take before breaking down and creating a condition that is going to be more difficult to repair down the road. With any chronic condition, the patient will improve by eating what helps them and eliminating foods that do not help, or cause further issues. For autoimmune patients, the first two foods to be eliminated are inevitably dairy and wheat. Just about every processed food has wheat in it. To avoid reading a ton of labels, the easiest way to handle wheat avoidance is to focus on eating plant based foods. No labels, no guessing, just eat whole foods. As far as dairy, do not worry that eliminating it will cause a calcium deficiency. Many cultures around the world don’t consume the same large servings of dairy that Americans consume. Also, many whole foods contain calcium. If you’re still concerned, then you can always take a calcium supplement. Other foods that should be excluded are sugar (of course) and red meat. There is also a group of vegetables called the night shades which are considered highly inflammatory and should be avoided. These include the peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant. Arthritis patients seem to have the most problems with the night shade varieties.

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Food Sensitivity Test Food sensitivity tests are available to help patients determine what other foods might be creating issues. These are not food allergy tests to determine anaphylactic reactions, but rather food sensitivity tests that show what are called, “delayed reactions.” Delayed reactions



to foods are notoriously difficult to track. It is hard to correlate a response to a food when there isn’t an immediate connection, and it takes time for the body to react. To many, it doesn’t seem to make sense that food sensitivity could be the culprit, but it can be. The only true way to determine sensitivity is the elimination of it for at least two weeks, and preferably longer. A long-term condition won’t mkt clear with two weeks of avoiding the possible offending food, but the patient will likely feel much better. That result - is better than any test result. Anyone can get started today and make significant changes in their health without going to the doctor, looking up the research, waiting for test results, or waiting for further/future research. Having a completely wholesome and healthy diet will make all the difference in how a patient feels and how the body handles various conditions. If a patient can’t handle the diet changes on their own, they need to seek help from someone who can guide them. This is a very important component of anyone’s healthcare, no matter what other treatment options they choose.

Supplements And Other Treatments When working with autoimmune patients, each patient is different from the next. The supplements, botanicals, homeopathic 1/6th remedies, acupuncture and medicine selected for each patient are all dependent on the individual and their symptoms. The modalities used by each practitioner can be very different as well. Patients have many choices to make when managing their chronic conditions. There is a lot of recent research on the effects of vitamin D, DHEA and omega fatty acid for autoimmune disease. The list grows every year, as does the availability of information about new treatment protocols. Again, the patient is the key component in the equation for what the best heath plan will be for each individual. The health plan also needs to reflect what the individual is able, or not able, to do. If a patient is not able to make dietary changes to help control the condition, then there is likely going to be a need for more nutritional supplements and possibly protein-fortified drinks. This will differ from a patient who can handle a nutrient rich diet, likes to juice, eats only organic foods and is willing to eliminate all processed foods. Using other remedies usually does require professional direction. There are so many options; patients need to work

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Natural Nutmeg March 2013

with a doctor who can help to narrow down to a plan that works for the individual. Otherwise, a patient who “tries various methods that they read about” could end up wasting a lot of money and time. Clinical research can determine if a treatment or therapy will work for some patients, but it doesn’t mean it will work for all patients with the same condition. For example, the hormone DHEA may show promise for treatment…but what about patients who already have DHEA levels that are too high? The individual factor is also critical when examining the risk of interactions with pharmaceuticals. Even when patients are working with both MDs and NDs, the patient should be aware of contraindications between remedies and pharmaceuticals. Why? Because doctors see so many patients everyday that they don’t remember what each patient is taking. It is very, very important that you pay attention to what you are taking. Many patients come into my office with prescribed drugs, and I always ask if they know why they are taking each prescription. Many times, they don’t know what all the prescriptions are for.

Treat The Cause(s) Not Just The Symptoms Digestion is almost always an issue with autoimmune patients and it needs to be addressed right away. If you can’t process and assimilate nutrients from food or supplements, then getting any remedies into the system is going to take much longer. Systemic treatment requires a systemic approach. Therefore, it is important that the body’s digestive system work in the patients favor, instead of against them. Ruling out other conditions such as Lyme disease is also important. This has become a fairly consistent test for autoimmune patients now. When I first began my practice, I was one of the few who ordered Lyme tests. Now, more often than not, the patient comes in with Lyme Disease results that were tested for early on, usually prior to the diagnosis of an autoimmune condition. In consideration of the mind body connection, NDs often inquire about the patients’ emotional well-being and stress levels, past and present. Often, a trigger can be found in these areas. Helping the patient to understand the significance of these types of triggers, and determining how to resolve them, is another step in the direction of better health.

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The complex nature of autoimmune conditions usually requires more than one practitioner to assist in a patients’ overall wellness. Working with doctors who appreciate the needs of a patient, and who are actively seeking and utilizing more than one modality at a time, can be an essential part of treatment. I advise patients to tell their MDs that they are seeking other treatment options that the MD may not be familiar with. Hopefully we can all work together to get a protocol that works for the patient. When an MD discourages a patient who explains that there are other specialists involved in treatment, the patient will not share essential information with that doctor. This is clearly not the best scenario for the patients or the doctors. Therefore it is important for all medical professionals to appreciate the needs of the patient, and what each practitioner brings to the case, as this is the optimal plan that will benefit the patient. Submitted by Dr. Ann Aresco of ProNatural Physicians in Kensington. To learn more about naturopathic medicine, or to find a licensed naturopathic doctor near you, visit All ProNatural Physicians Group NDs are providers for most major insurance carriers. ProNatural Physicians Group, LLC is a network of naturopathic doctors that serve patients throughout Connecticut. The member-based organization provides administrative support such as insurance coding for service reimbursement and insurance credentialing. Interested NDs may contact Dr. Ann Aresco for membership information at, , 860-505-0702. See ad on page 36.


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Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Pachakuti Mesa Tradition:

An Instrument for Spiritual Growth & the Garden of Your Soul


n the midst of our shifting Earth paradigm and focus on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the need for Organic Farming, we are stimulated to strive for better and healthier alternatives. We understand that the awareness of what we eat and how we grow our food makes a big difference in our health and for our Earth. Looking at the need for natural gardening, I am reminded that how one tends to their garden also has an important impact on the size, health and production of their harvest. The illustration of the garden is also an illustration of one’s spiritual life. So I ask you, as you bring your awareness to tending to your Earthly Garden, “Are you tending to the Garden of your Soul as well?” How we tend to our Soul needs can also bring forth many outcomes to our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical life. Here are some illustrations to consider: A well tilled, and composted plot, positioned in a sunny location that is carefully seeded and then weeded and provided adequate water will likely produce a robust, bountiful harvest. A well tilled spirit filled journey will likely produce a passionate, meaningful, purposeful “Juicy” life. A plot tilled to begin with that is seeded, rarely weeded or tended to can produce less healthy and smaller bounty. A life seeded with spiritual connection and then left without community, or water (flow) or consistent connective reinforcement will likely become mundane, lack meaning and be overcome by the influx of the corporate driven, marketing ploys of the capitalistic machine. Sometimes finding the right tools to help with the job at hand makes a big difference! Whoever invented the garden spade knew the needs of a gardener. The Bronze Age marked the invention of smelting, the process by which raw materials like tin, copper, and later iron are separated from their ores, then purified into workable materials. This development meant sharper, harder tools for agriculture. Plows, axes, spades, scythes, hoes, and forks were made from solid pieces of bronze, making them more durable and efficient. The ancient Sumerians also developed irrigation systems, canals and reservoirs for their gardens. Since utilization of tools is what sets humans apart from our other Earthly relatives, why not learn to use spiritual tools? The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition has many beautiful spiritual tools! Working with the Mesa is like unfolding a well-organized, aesthetic and maintained tool shed for spiritual and planetary honoring and personal healing. A mesa is the consecrated arrangement of ceremonial power objects that make up a curandero’s “tool set,” and is also

the point of focus for the spiritual forces engaged through ritualized action. When using the Mesa as a “spiritual tool” you begin to see many of the same teachings that an Earthly garden shows us. You are able to see how your seeded intentions are planted and then grow through stages. You are able to see how all the elements, your spiritual allies and the Earth work in harmony to bring about the balance which is necessary for a spirit driven and healthy outcome. You also gain insight into this very important understanding that all things are inter-related and nurture your relationship with all things. While you are connected to the fact of your inter-connectedness, you also begin to deeply unite with the realization of “community” and develop relationships with others “tending their spiritual gardens.” Historically the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition comes from Peruvian Shamanic traditions linked to the Andes Mountains where traditions were handed down by one – to – one apprenticeship over years of study with a Master. The Pachakuti Mesa is a cross-cultural tradition of shamanism born of the ancestral wisdom and indigenous healing arts of Peru. Used for both personal and planetary transformation, the Pachakuti Mesa is extraordinarily effective in contemporary society, while remaining faithful to the deep roots of the native lineage. For more information: and Read more: The History of Gardening Tools | http:// html#ixzz2J1Gy0lOY. Submitted by Audrey Bennett. If you haven’t found the tools to assist you in growing a deep and rich spiritual garden, if your passion for life has fallen on difficult ground, if you are seeking a connection to a “down to Earth” spiritual community, or if you just want to understand how to use another instrument in your personal journey, come join us for “Caring, Curing & Community: Befriending the three muses of shamanism” on April 19-21st at the Wainwright House in Rye, NY. There is no pre-requisite and all are welcome. For more information visit -special events. For registration contact Audrey Bennett (860) 819-8570. See ads on page 13, 25. 17 17

Toxins Are Everywhere By Deanna Cherrone, MD


any people think that detoxification is only necessary for people who must rid their body of an addictive substance such as alcohol or drugs. In Functional Medicine, detoxification is viewed as essential to achieving and maintaining the best possible health. The reason for this is our world is flooded with toxins. It is estimated that there are over 80,000 different chemicals, most of which are untested, being used in various industries today. From pesticides and cleaning products to plastics and personal care products we are inundated with these “poisons.” Our body is only able to handle so much before it starts to rebel and develop symptoms. Excess saturated fat in the diet can build up in arteries and contribute to heart disease just as toxins can build up and deposit in various tissues and organs affecting their ability to function optimally. Our ability to process these toxins varies greatly based on our genetic make-up. We are all born with genes, which we get from each of our parents. Having certain genes predispose us to developing particular dis-ease states. However, we now know that we are not slaves to our genetic make-up. Although we cannot change our genes we can influence how our genes are, ultimately, expressed by the way we live our lives. Genes can be switched on or off by the environment in which they live. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the way we move, sleep, think, manage stress and our exposure to environmental toxins all affect the way our genes function. Providing proper nourishment for our genes to prevent dis-ease and illness is critical. If we want to delay or completely avoid the onset of disease we must be mindful of each of these areas of our lives. Paying close attention to our lifestyle can make the difference between living a long, healthy life and premature death. At the end of the day, we are ultimately, responsible for how healthy or unhealthy we are. It is our choice.


Natural Nutmeg March 2013

All toxins are processed by the liver and we each have a particular genetic tendency for how well we are able to remove toxins from the body. The liver’s detoxification system has two distinct phases. The first phase uses oxygen and as a result is responsible for producing free radicals. The second phase involves different conjugation reactions, which ultimately take that free radical and make it water-soluble so that it can be excreted from the body in urine, stool or bile. If there is too much phase one or there is a problem with a person’s ability to conjugate (phase two) then these free radicals can build-up in the body and cause dis-ease such as cancer, autoimmune dis-ease and/or neurodegenerative dis-ease. Making sure that our detoxification pathways are functioning optimally given our potential genetic weaknesses is, therefore, extremely important. Toxins can deposit anywhere in the body and no matter where they accumulate they wreak havoc. When they deposit in the liver they adversely affect the liver’s ability to detoxify anything and everything we put in or on our body from caffeine, alcohol and prescription or non-prescription drugs to processed food and personal care products such as lotions, make-up, shampoos and deodorants. The liver is also responsible for detoxifying the hormones, which our body makes naturally, and removing them from the body. When toxins accumulate in the brain they contribute to a variety of different neurologic disorders such as autism, dementia, depression, neuropathies and Parkinson’s dis-ease. Toxins can also adversely influence the health of our intestines by upsetting pH balance, causing mucosal irritation, impacting bile flow, which can negatively affect our ability to digest and absorb fats and they can also cause hypersecretion of mucous in the body. Toxins are stored in fat in the body so their rapid release can occur when one loses weight. Yeast overgrowth is another consequence of toxicity because yeast can absorb four times its weight in toxins. Yeast overgrowth can therefore act as a protective mechanism against the accumula-

tion of toxins in the body. Sometimes when we get overzealous in treating yeast we may make a person worse as we are taking away that built-in protection from the body. We may need to address toxicity issues first and then address the yeast. Too much yeast in the body can cause many symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, reflux, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headaches, joint aches, muscle aches, nasal/sinus congestion, asthma, PMS, irregular or heavy menses, infertility, weight gain, acne, depression, mood swings, brain fog, poor concentration, poor focus and sugar cravings. Can you relate to any of these? If you can, you may have yeast overgrowth possibly resulting from toxicity. Betty Brown came to me approximately 2 years ago with a longstanding history of hypothyroidism treated with Synthroid for 20+ years and a 5-year history of high blood pressure treated with Diovan. She was menopausal and had recently been placed on vaginal Premarin. She had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) constipation dominant treated unsuccessfully with Zelnorm. Her constipation was so bad that if she didn’t use heavy-duty laxatives daily she would only move her bowels once a week. She also had symptoms of reflux and heartburn requiring treatment with Protonix. She had been treated for H. pylori twice and continued to have the above gastrointestinal complaint along with belching and bloating. She had environmental allergies controlled with Zyrtec, a daily nasal spray and weekly allergy shots as well as symptoms of asthma requiring the use of an Advair inhaler. She

also used Imitrex as needed for migraine/sinus headaches. She complained of moderate weight gain, which refused to budge with diet and exercise. Her typical diet consisted of coffee and a Wasa cracker with jam or oatmeal for breakfast, coffee, salad and a sandwich for lunch and some type of animal protein and a vegetable and salad for dinner. If she had coffee after 2 PM it affected her sleep but otherwise she slept 7-8 hours straight through the night. She walked weekdays 4.5 miles a day for ~ one hour. She felt her ideal weight was 155 pounds and the last time she remembered weighing that was ~ 30 years ago. She described herself as always being “heavy” as a child and therefore had no illusions of becoming skinny but she knew she needed to lose weight to be healthier. Her symptom questionnaire and environmental toxicity evaluation revealed a moderate level of symptoms and moderate toxic load. She did state that she was very sensitive to perfumes and aftershave. To address her symptoms of toxicity and multiple health challenges we put together the following plan: a 3 week taper off of her caffeine, an elimination diet to remove “proinflammatory” foods from her diet, a daily detox shake to begin to address her possible toxicity issues, magnesium citrate and a probiotic to help improve her bowel habits, blood work to assess her nutritional and thyroid status and to rule out celiac disease, a breath test to rule out persistent H. pylori infection and salivary hormone testing to address her menopausal symptoms and assess

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her adrenal gland functioning. I also suggested that she try taking 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water for her heartburn symptoms instead of taking the Protonix. She was excited to begin the process. The patient returned one month later having lost 5 pounds with improvement in her headaches, constipation and allergy symptoms. She had also previously determined that her asthma was greatly improved when she avoided dairy so she continued to do this. She did not have Celiac Disease. She was found to be vitamin D deficient with low normal vitamin B12 levels and low normal red blood cell magnesium levels, low normal pregnenolone levels as well as deficient in zinc. Her hormone levels revealed a high estradiol level (from the vaginal Premarin she was taking). Her progesterone level was virtually nonexistent. Her testosterone was normal. She had a very low DHEA-S level and a normal AM cortisol but low cortisol levels throughout the remainder of the day suggesting severe adrenal fatigue. She began vitamin D, zinc and B12 (a B complex) and continued on her magnesium. She was started on progesterone cream and a biest cream to replace the vaginal Premarin with plans to slowly taper her down on the biest as her symptoms allowed. Her adrenal fatigue was addressed and treated with an adrenal cream consisting of pregnenolone, DHEA, and low dose hydrocortisone. Her H. pylori breath test came back positive so she began treatment with Helidac since she had previously been treated with the Prevpac twice without success. It was clear that nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, infection and toxicity were all contributing to her problems. She continued with the detox shake and the elimination diet reintroducing only a few foods, which she was really missing from her diet including beef and eggs and she continued to lose weight. She began taking the hormone creams and experienced an improvement in her hot flashes, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, decreased libido, water retention and depression. Her fatigue improved with the adrenal cream. Her weight continued to drop. She had lost 12 pounds after being on her customized program for only 2 months. When her weight began to plateau after about a 15-pound weight loss we decided to do food sensitivity testing to determine if there were “healthy” foods, which she was eating that might, in fact, be “toxic” to her body. We found that oats, wheat, sugar cane, tomato, cranberry, pineapple and brewer’s and baker’s yeast were all reactive 20

Natural Nutmeg March 2013

foods for her. She began a 3-month elimination of these foods from her diet. The test also revealed that she had yeast overgrowth. She did have a history of toenail fungus, which did not respond to oral therapy and sinus trouble, which can often be attributed to yeast overgrowth. The sinuses have poor blood supply and are dark, damp places, perfect for growing yeast. The positive Candida prompted an evaluation of her heavy metal status because as mentioned above yeast can absorb four times its weight in toxins. Her heavy metal challenge did reveal elevations in both lead and mercury. As mentioned above, heavy metals can accumulate in the body over many years so the source is not always obvious. She did have 2 amalgam (silver) fillings remaining so that was the likely explanation for her high mercury level. The lead was less clear. We discussed the need to replace these fillings so she made arrangements to see her dentist in NYC to have them removed. We began oral chelation with DMSA simultaneously to address any increase in mercury levels that can occur when these fillings are removed. It took us six months of oral chelation to get her mercury levels down to normal. Over these six months she only lost about 5 pounds but in the next six months when we began treating her yeast overgrowth she lost an additional 20 pounds. During that time we continued to taper her biest (estrogen) down. She is now on a very minimal dose and will likely be able to come off of the estrogen completely. This is testimony to the fact that her menopausal symptoms were more likely due to progesterone deficiency and not estrogen decline. Also, the effect of toxins on her hormone imbalance is also something to consider. After her metal levels returned to normal it was time to address her Candida overgrowth. She began a Candida diet continuing to eliminate brewer’s and baker’s yeast from her diet as well as mushrooms, cheese, sugar and whole grains except for amaranth, millet, quinoa and buckwheat. She also eliminated all fruits except for black currants, lemon, lime and green apples. She was treated with two different herbal preparations over the course of three plus months. This is when her weight loss seemed to really accelerate as noted above. Her symptoms continued to improve. Her headaches were gone and she was not using the Imitrex or Maxalt. She was moving her bowels daily. She was off of caffeine and drinking mostly herbal teas and lots of water. Her allergies and asthma improved to the

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point where she was able to stop her allergy shots as well as the Zyrtec, nasal spray and Advair. Her blood pressure also dropped with her weight loss and she was able to come off of her Diovan. Her H. pylori infection was finally eradicated and she no longer needed her Protonix. Her hormones were balanced and she was close to coming off of estrogen

and she no longer needed the Hydrocortisone to support her adrenals. Lastly, she had reached her projected “ideal” weight of 155 pounds. It was a long process but with perseverance and persistence this patient was able to reduce symptoms, get off most of her medications (only her Synthroid remained which we recently switched to Armour thyroid as a more comprehensive approach to treat thyroid disease). She also was able to achieve her weight goal. It required quite a lot of discipline for her to stay off of all the foods found to be “toxic” to her body, to go through the six-month chelation process

and then to follow the extremely restrictive Candida diet and treatment for 3+ months. The detoxification/chelation of metals from her body seemed to be the greatest catalyst in allowing her to achieve her ideal weight and to rid her of most of her symptoms. This case illustrates the far-reaching effects of a body burdened with toxins and the need for detoxification to improve and/ or reverse the symptoms of dis-ease. Detoxification is a cleansing process for the body similar to spring-cleaning your house. There are varying degrees to which one can detox. What are the key components of a healthy detoxification program? Phytonutrients from plant foods especially cruciferous and sulfur containing foods; clean protein sources such as biologic whey protein or a specific medical food for detoxification; vitamin, mineral and herbal supplementation; lots of water to flush the toxins and saunas are also helpful to induce sweating but must be eased into slowly and carefully to prevent the release of too many toxins. Each patient has his or her own unique biochemistry and physiology and this, in turn, determines how to best approach the detoxification process. Please consider consulting a healthcare professional who has experience in detoxification and/ or chelation especially if you have multiple medical problems or symptoms. Dr. Deanna M. Cherrone is a board certified internal medicine physician who practices Functional Medicine at Natural Health and Healing, LLC, 60 East Main Street in Avon. Phone (860) 677-4600. See ad on back cover.


Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Finding Your Essence


hether you are the entrepreneur of your business or your life, you will need to understand the shift in consciousness that is occurring in people all over the world. With this shift, an understanding of energy and the spiritual dimension is becoming a necessity in order to thrive and prosper in this century. Many people have different definitions of what it means to be conscious-minded, from a spiritual perspective to a mental or emotional perspective to a physical perspective. I believe to truly come from a place of being conscious about your life and your actions; you have to incorporate all of these into your belief system. With all of the daily demands and challenges we face, how do we maintain this conscious-minded perspective on a regular basis? A practice and belief system that I have developed that has worked amazingly well for myself and others empowers the individual to believe that through developing consciousness skills in certain areas of their life, they can bring anything they desire into their life. The process focuses on teaching and developing these skills in four areas of one’s life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. In ordinary terms, the individual discovers the relationship between “be” (spiritual consciousness) – “think” (mental consciousness) – “feel” (emotional consciousness) – and “do” (physical consciousness) – which leads to creation or manifestation. The first skill we’ll focus on is spiritual consciousness or what I call “be”. In order to be conscious in any of the other areas, you must first get in touch with who you are at the most basic level of being. Your essence. The essence of who you are as a spiritual being determines everything you attract into your life. This essence determines your thoughts and belief system. And because your thoughts determine your emotions and feelings and your feelings determine the actions you take on a daily basis, where you are in life is simply a result of who you are. Most of us have no idea what we want in life, let alone who we are! I believe that once you figure out who you are as a spiritual being, what your purpose is for being alive, then the rest will fall into place. Finding or tuning into your essence is not an easy thing. Webster defines essence as: 1. the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence; 2. the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person.

What is the most significant quality or aspect of you as a human being? Are you here to love, to inspire, to nurture, to be compassionate or maybe all of the above? The ego loves to get involved here and tell you who you’re supposed to be or rather what you’re supposed to “do” in this lifetime, but you won’t find your true essence through thought or what the mind tells you. You’ll have to feel your way into this one. And some would say it’s even beyond emotions or feelings. Don’t get confused by asking yourself what you are here to do, the real question is who are you here to be? There are many exercises out there to help you find your essence or purpose; however, many of them focus too much on thinking about it. A couple of my favorites involve relying more on present moment awareness practices; meditation, shamanic journeying, and silent retreats. Finding your essence is a work in progress and it may change over the years and you may have more than one purpose throughout your lifetime. Just keep giving yourself the space to tune into and listen to what your soul is saying to you. When it really comes down to it, what kind of person do you want to be remembered as, what legacies do you want to leave? And I don’t mean legacy in terms of an empire, a successful business or a prominent career. When the mind quiets down and is finally silent, who are you? Who is that being inside of you that has no fear, that places no judgment, that has infinite wisdom? What is the one word that would describe that part of you? That is your true essence. Dr. Diane Hindman is the owner and publisher of Natural Nutmeg Magazine and founder of Dr. Diane Speaks. She is a speaker, writer and workshop facilitator. For 20 years, her work has focused on inspiring individuals to learn about the power of thought and emotion and how it shapes their lives. She holds a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Connecticut, a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland and is a Certified Empowerment Life Coach. Her passion centers on helping people bridge the gap in understanding and using spiritual, sustainable and natural living tools to achieve their personal and professional goals. You can learn more about her online at or


Health Coaching and Patient Navigation: Two Key Components in Healthcare Reform


t’s been more than two years since President Obama signed his comprehensive healthcare reform into law. Most of the provisions under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) go into effect in 2014, and here in Connecticut we are already seeing the implications of what promises to be a massive transformation of our healthcare system. This new legislation will invest heavily in state and communitybased efforts that work to improve public health, prevent disease, and protect against public health emergencies. It requires most U.S. citizens and legal residents to obtain healthcare insurance, and includes a number of provisions that target underserved communities. In other words, the Affordable Care Act strives to lower healthcare costs while making insurance more accessible to Americans of diverse racial, ethnic, and financial backgrounds.

But what does this huge paradigm shift in healthcare policy mean for Connecticut? Here in our state, it is projected that between 120,000 and 140,000 previously uninsured people will become insured under this new law. A significant majority of this population’s current access to medical care is limited strictly to the Emergency Room. Many are suffering from chronic illness but are unable to afford the medical care that is necessary to aid in their treatment and recovery. This means that in 2014, we are likely to see a surge in the demand for medical care at all levels – including primary care, behavioral health providers, and specialists. The bottom line is that physicians alone will not be able to respond to this increased demand on our state’s medical care. Nor will they be equipped to ensure successful patient outcomes in a system that is already constrained by ballooning healthcare costs and limited time for face-to-face interactions.

What are some of the solutions to these anticipated problems? One potential answer can be found in the ACA itself. According to Section 4001, President Obama will establish the “National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council.” The role of this council will be to provide leadership “with respect to prevention, wellness and health promotion practices, the public health sys24

Natural Nutmeg March 2013

tem, and integrative health care in the United States.” This includes developing a strategy to promote preventative healthcare practices and incentivizing patient care so that doctors are rewarded for moving healthy patients in and out of the system, instead of reaping the insurance benefits of patients who remain embedded in a cycle of chronic treatment and lack of recovery. Perhaps the greatest implication of the ACA’s commitment to wellness and preventative care is the rise of a new and vital occupation in the healthcare system – the Health Coach and Patient Navigator. Coaching (i.e., Health, Executive, and Life) is one of the most rapidly growing professions in the United States and around the world. In fact, The U.S. Department of Labor’s O-Net (i.e., Occupational Trends) analysis of current market trends cites the vocation of coaching as a “red hot” (i.e., “high growth”) area that will sustain occupational growth over the next decade. Today, several thousand health and wellness coaches work in many diverse settings, including corporate wellness centers, health clubs, medical fitness facilities, hospitals, clinics, and private practices. This growing profession also includes the integration of coaching competencies into many existing health professions, including nursing, primary care, exercise and mental health intervention, and physical and occupational therapy. Patient navigation, also a growing field, is an occupation of growing importance as more previously uninsured individuals enter the healthcare arena. Patient navigators serve an important role in guiding patients through an increasingly complex system – which includes everything from accompanying them on doctor’s visits to filling out insurance and reimbursement paperwork, to communicating with specialists and pharmacies to maintaining their health records. Taken together, Health Coaching and Patient Navigation is a rapidly emerging field that facilitates sustainable lifestyle change, supports wellness and disease prevention, provides individual assistance to patients and caregivers to help overcome health system barriers, and enables timely access to quality medical psychosocial care. It connects the dots between two distinct practices – coaching and navigating – by encompassing the preventative aspects of patient care (i.e. wellness, nutrition, emotional, spiritual, and psychological health) and integrating them with the daily functions of navigating a changing healthcare system. In addition to communicating on the patient’s behalf with physicians, insurance companies, and across all aspects of the patient’s

network of care, the Health Coach and Patient Navigator will work with patients one-on-one to make behavioral and lifestyle changes that will ensure greater emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical health. Here is a model where educating the patient becomes as important as treating the patient. Businesses as well as healthcare organizations will make a good investment by hiring health coaches/ patient navigators who can work at the front end of keeping people healthy and insurance premiums low. For those of us who have long been promoting the benefits of a more systemic and holistic approach to patient care, none of this should come as a surprise. However, rather than approaching integrative healthcare as supplemental to traditional healthcare, the ACA is finally demanding that hospitals and physicians be rewarded for making behavior, lifestyle, and wellness a core part of their approach to effective treatment. There is already evidence that the rise of this profession will contribute to decreased healthcare spending in 2013, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. One thing is clear: when the dust settles in the aftermath of these huge structural changes, there is going to be a real need for certified health coaches and patient navigators. Christi Holmes is a Connecticut Health Foundation Health Leadership Senior Fellow. Christi has worked with The Graduate Institute of Bethany, CT to develop the state’s first Health Coaching and Patient Navigation Certificate program. Enrollment is now open for the first session, which begins October 2013. For more information call (203) 874-4252 or visit Email Christi at The Graduate Institute at See ad this page.

CERTIFICATE IN INTEGRATIVE HEALTH COACHING & PATIENT NAVIGATION The Graduate Institute (TGI) has created an Integrative Health Coaching and Patient Navigator Certificate program the first in the state. The program blends the art of health coaching with the science of patient navigation, connecting strategies for wellness, healthy living, and preventative care with the daily functions of navigating a changing healthcare system. Participants who complete the 12-credit program will be well-poised to enter this emerging profession and will also be eligible to apply for their professional coaching credential with the International Coach Federation (ICF). To learn more, please call Mia Hawlk, Director of Admissions & Outreach, at 203-874-4252 or email Mia at



Ashley Burkman, ND

Catching your ZZZ’s


atching your ZZZ’s is more important than you may think! Restful sleep has been shown to improve mood and memory, maintain a healthy body weight and blood pressure and reduce risk for certain diseases like cancer. With so many reasons to get quality sleep, why are we a society full of sleep deprivation? Over scheduling, over caffeinating and overworking ourselves are just a few reasons we are losing sleep. This lack of sleep does not come without a price; we are a species that need sleep to survive, making sleep essential. The following are 4 reasons to start making sleep a priority.

Improve Academic Performance Students who continually have 2 or more hours of sleep deprivation per night have been shown to have lower academic performance when compared to those who consistently get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Also seen is the correlation in sleep deprived students and an increased consumption of stimulants including caffeine. Use of stimulants can further lead to sleep deprivation and so on. The Journal of Psychiatric Research found that of 144 medical students preparing for board examinations, those students who maintained quality sleep verses quantity of sleep achieved better scores. Although the majority of students reported feeling tired and overall sleep deprived, it was the students that reported feeling so stressed that they could not get a quality night’s sleep, despite lying in bed for 8 hours, who performed poorly. This lends that stress can also play a role in our ability to sleep well.

Pain Reduction Continually sleep-deprived individuals suffering from chronic pain syndromes including fibromyalgia, arthritis and depression, have been shown to be less responsive to certain pharmaceutical interventions when compared to individuals with normal sleep patterns. When it comes to pain reduction it is not clear if overall length of sleep or if quality of sleep is key to improving outcomes and responsiveness to pain management treatment interventions. What is clear is the correlation of sleep and the ability for the body to handle stress, including stress from a chronic illness. Chronic back and muscle pain has been argued to be one of the most common reasons for disrupted and inadequate sleep. Insomnia leads to less restorative sleep time, time needed for the body to restore and repair. Less sleep, more chronic pain, more chronic pain leading to less sleep; and the cycle continues. All the more reason to have your chronic pain addressed by a health care practitioner as there are a myriad of treatment options available for all types of chronic disease.


Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Metabolism Maintenance Who knew sleep could play such an important role in the maintenance of healthy body weight! Of course diet and exercise are also important pieces to keeping fit; however, studies on shift workers who continually work night hours have been shown to have altered hunger responses due to circadian rhythm disruption. Circadian rhythm is the 24 hour cycle that regulates sleep, wake and feeding cycles in addition to hormone releasing. This circadian rhythm cycle is based on environmental cues including daylight. Specifically, the hormones ghrelin and leptin are released at set times during day light and nighttime hours. Ghrelin is the hormone responsible for promoting hunger and initiating food intake. Leptin is responsible for the suppression of food intake and energy balance. Normally, circulating leptin concentrations are the highest at night and the lowest in the daytime while ghrelin circulation is the highest in the day and lowest at night. It has been shown that with chronic disruptions in circadian rhythm cycles, leptin and grelin secretions can fluctuate throughout the night and day, thereby altering the feelings of hunger and satiation, leading to altered eating patterns and over eating.

Hormone Balancing Our body’s hormones are not continually released throughout the day, they are also cyclical and are subject to disruption when sleep wake cycles are not in rhythm. The hormone melatonin, whose release is reliant on cues of light and darkness, not only let the body know when to wind down for sleep or when to wake, but also acts as a mediator in the timing of when other hormones are released. Normally, circulating levels of melatonin are highest at night and almost undetectable during the day. Melatonin release cycles can become disrupted in shift workers, jet lag and individuals who have poor eyesight, as the cue of light and dark are altered. Melatonin levels are highest in children and decrease as we age. This natural drop in melatonin secretion in older individuals could be to blame for increased sleep problems as we age. Some speculate that due to melatonin’s antioxidant effects that it could play a part in anti-aging therapies. Before considering supplementing with melatonin for sleep imbalances, speak with your health care practitioner as there may be more than just melatonin to blame for your sleep problems.

How to Improve Sleep Quality Start with the basics, good sleep hygiene. With so many things inhibiting consistent quality sleep it is important to adopt good sleep hygiene habits. Starting with the bedroom itself, keeping lighting dim and temperatures down will not only set the stage for sleep but

also encourage melatonin release with darkness cues. Removing electronics and televisions from the bedroom, anything that can be a distraction from going to bed. Consider incorporating a nightly glass of warm tea or a warm bath as a ritual before bedtime, further setting the stage for sleep. Once in bed, consider meditation or praying as this can help to quiet the mind and allow you to let go of the stressors of the day and fall asleep. For consistent sleep disturbances or insomnia concerns, speak with your physician about further measures that can be done to support normal sleep cycles. Testing for hormone imbalances, addressing nutritional needs and stress management are all part of a sleep maintenance protocol that can be addressed to help maintain quality sleep for life. Dr. Ashley Burkman is a board certified licensed Naturopathic Physician at Connecticut Natural Health Specialists, LLC. Like all the physicians at Connecticut Natural Health Specialists, LLC, Dr. Burkman is dedicated to treating the cause of disease and is an in-network provider for most insurance companies. Visit For an appointment, please call (860) 533-0179. See ad on page 16.



Natural Digestive Healing

By Dr. Donald Piccoli


y now, many people have heard of the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) program, especially those who are involved with autism. According to the Weston Price Foundation, only two or three decades ago autism was a rare disorder that most doctors never saw and few people had ever heard of, affecting approximately 1 in 10,000. By 2009, there was a forty-fold increase in newly diagnosed cases with 1 child in 150 diagnosed with autism and it continues to increase. And the word on the GAPS diet has also been spreading like wildfire due to its life changing effects on the health of so many people of any age with so many health problems. The originator of the GAPS program is Dr. Natasha CampbellMcBride, M.D., with a post graduate degree in neurology who has practiced as a neurologist and neurosurgeon in the United Kingdom. When her son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, she found that her profession had no solutions to offer. She decided to return to school and attain a post graduate degree in nutrition, developed and applied her own program and as a result her son completely recovered. In her clinic in Cambridge, England she specializes in nutrition for children and adults with behavioral and learning disabilities, and adults with digestive and immune system disorders. She is the author of the book “Gut Psychology Syndrome” and soon to be published “Gut and Physiology Syndrome.” All Diseases Begin in the Gut! ~ Hippocrates 460-370 B.C. GAP syndrome establishes the connection between the state of the gut and the health of the rest of the body. According to Dr. Campbell-McBride, research in Scandinavia has demonstrated that 90% of all cells and all genetic material in the human body is in our gut flora. To understand how enormous the gut is, realize if you laid out the gut lining it would cover the surface of a tennis court!

Roles of Gut Flora • Protection from invaders • Health of the integrity of the gut • Appropriate digestion and absorption (can’t happen without flora) • Vitamin production (main source of B vitamins in the gut) • Detoxification (heavy metal chelation) • Immune system modulation 28

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What Can Damage Gut Flora? • Antibiotics • Steroids, The Pill • Other Drugs • Stress • Poor Diet • Infections • Disease

• Bottle Feeding • Old Age • Pollution • Radiation • Alcohol • Toxic Chemicals • Dental Work

What is GAPS? • Abnormal gut flora is the main cause of GAPS • Abnormal digestion leads to nutritional deficiencies • Damaged gut lining leads to food allergies • Toxins produced by the pathogens in the gut absorb and are distributed around the body causing symptoms • Detoxification system collapses • Autoimmunity joins in • When brain is affected-Gut and Psychology Syndrome • When the rest of the body is affected-Gut and Physiology Syndrome • The two GAP Syndromes always overlap!

GAPS symptoms 1. Gut and Psychology Syndrome: mood alterations, memory and cognitive problems, behavioral and social problems, sleep problems, psychotic symptoms, panic attacks, anxiety, involuntary movements, epilepsy, tics and fits, obsessions, compulsions, eating problems, etc. 2. Gut and Physiology Syndrome: digestive problems, fatigue, muscular weakness, cramps and abnormal muscle tone, pain & ache in bones, joints, and muscles, skin problems, neurological problems, hormonal abnormalities, headaches, frequent infections, allergies, anemia, urinary problems, infertility, etc. - In every person symptoms of both GAPS overlap

Autoimmunity is always present in GAPS! • Autoimmunity is born in the gut! • Caused by absorption of undigested protein and toxins through damaged gut wall • Immune system produces antibodies, which then attack body’s own tissues • In type 1 diabetes pancreatic cells are attacked • In celiac disease small intestine is attacked • In MS, autism & other mental and neurological problems nervous system is attacked • Always more than one tissue is attacked “We have drifted into this deplorable position of national malnutrition quite inadvertently. It’s the result of scientific research with the objective of finding the best ways to create foods that are non –perishable that can be made by mass production methods in central factories, and distributed so cheaply that they can sweep all local competition from the market. Then, after there develops a suspicion that these “foods” are inadequate to support life, modern advertising science steps in to propagandize the people into believing that there is nothing wrong with them; that they are products of scientific research intended to afford a food that is the last word in nutritive value. The confused public is totally unable to arrive at any conclusion of fact, and continues to blindly buy the rubbish that is killing them off years ahead of their time. The American people have been humbugged into digging their graves with their own teeth!” ~ Royal Lee, DDS, 1943

The Program The GAPS diet is a healing protocol involving healing and sealing the gut lining, detoxification, repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria through dietary changes and supplementation.

The GAPS Diet There are six stages of an INTRODUCTION DIET to follow before moving on to the FULL GAPS DIET. How fast or slow you move through the stages depends on the severity of your condition. The full GAPS diet itself generally lasts one to two years.

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Who Can Benefit from the GAPS Program? Just about everyone could benefit from this program to some degree, especially if you have any of the health problems listed above. This is not a program for vegetarians/vegans as the diet relies heavily on bone broths and other traditional healing protocols. The first necessary first step is to read the book: “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. There is also an abundance of information available on the internet. Recommended websites are,,, and Dr. Donald Piccoli chiropractic physician, is certified in advanced Nutrition Response Testing and is the director of Holistic Solutions Health Center in Kensington, CT (860)-828-2966. For more information visit See ad on page 35.

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Revolutionary New Treatments for Sagging Skin and Wrinkles


s we get older, the trillions of cells in our body do too. And like us, they become less resilient and able to weather the stress of everyday life. Our skin especially tells the tale of what’s happening throughout our bodies. Collagen makes up approximately 30% of the proteins within the body. These are tough and strong structures found all over the body, in bones, tendons and ligaments. With age, collagen production slows and cell structures weaken. The skin gets thinner and is easier to damage, hair gets lifeless, skin sags and wrinkles, tendons and ligaments become less elastic, and joints get stiff.

What does collagen do? Collagen helps to give strength to various structures of the body and also protects structures like the skin by preventing absorption and spreading of pathogenic substances, environmental toxins, micro - organisms and cancerous cells. Collagen protein is the cement that holds everything together. Collagen is also present in all the smooth muscle tissues, blood vessels, digestive tract, heart, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder holding the cells and tissues together. Collagen is even the major component of the hair and nails.

Where is collagen found? In nature, collagen is found exclusively in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of mammals. Collagen is a part of the connective tissue in the skin that maintains firmness, suppleness and constant renewal of skin cells. Collagen is vital for skin elasticity.


Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Ligaments are another type of connective tissue that attach two bones and consequently hold the joints together. Tendons are similar but are different types of tissue that attach the muscles to the bones. All of these tissues, the bones, ligaments, tendons and the skeletal muscles themselves, are made up of proteins. One of the most predominant proteins is called collagen. Collagen is the main component of connective tissue, and is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.

What can we do about it? SAIAN Pure Collagen Masks are made from freeze-dried collagen fibers, and are formulated to deliver dramatic and long-lasting results. These potent masks are used for superior moisturizing results that plump up the skin, and reduce the appearance of laugh lines, crow’s feet and expression lines. They deeply hydrate and moisturize the skin, as well as stimulate collagen production, and prevent dehydration. A luxurious non-invasive face-lift effect that can only be achieved through a professional treatment. The results are long lasting after each application. Marine Collagen is known as the best source of collagen for human skin. Marine Collagen Silanetriol/Polypeptides are designed to stimulate Type III collagen deep down within the skin. The enhancement comes from a concentration of extrinsic native proteins from marine collagen which is known as the best source of collagen. With its polysaccharides, vitamins and essential sea minerals, it aids in the healing and structuring of connective tissue.

Marine Elastin helps maintain the suppleness, elasticity and proper nourishment of the skin. How soon can I expect to see noticeable results? Your skin will look different after the first treatment; smoother, more hydrated with a natural radiant sheen. Because the results commence from within the skin, the skin feels active, more alive, plump and tighter after just one treatment. The results are cumulative over time with repeated treatments. Do I need maintenance treatments? YES, maintenance treatments are important in order to maintain visible results. Usually a once a month treatment is recommended, unless otherwise determined by your skin care specialist. Is the Collagen treatment a good complement to other skin care treatments? YES, Micro-Current treatments (non-surgical facelift) are an excellent complement as this treatment helps stimulate collagen production from deep within the skin. Is the Collagen treatment for everyone? YES, everyone can benefit from SAIAN Infusion and Micro-Current treatments as they are safe and promote healthier skin and make you look and feel better.

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By Vicki Kobliner MS, RD, CD-N

4 Nutrition Myths: Busted!


e all know that eggs, especially the yolks, are bad for us. So is coconut, whether it be the oil, the milk or the flesh. Low fat foods are healthier, while fruit has too much sugar, and should be avoided. Well, March is National Nutrition Month- a perfect time to set the record straight about some seemingly irrefutable nutrition truths that simply aren’t true at all. Myth #1: Eggs, especially the yolks, contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. This is one of the most strongly held and common misperceptions about food. The fact is, the cholesterol in egg yolks contributes very little to the production of cholesterol in our bodies. Trans fats and certain saturated fats are far more problematic. Not only are eggs not harmful, they are extremely nutritious. They are a good source of protein; contain healthful unsaturated fats, as well as choline which is important for brain development and function. Don’t compromise taste by eating only the white either- it is the yolk that contains the zinc, folate, calcium, Vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as important antioxidants. Even better, the yolk contains lecithin, a compound that has been shown to raise HDL (the “good” cholesterol), and reduce the inflammation that is a key factor in heart disease. Myth #2: Coconut in all its forms contains dangerous saturated fat. Move over, eggs. Coconut has suffered the same fate, getting unfairly labeled as an unhealthy food when in fact it is rich in nutrients and has many healing properties. Coconut oil, like all saturated fats, remains solid at room temperature, but there is no reason to run for the liquid vegetable oils. Much of the fat in coconut is comprised of Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCT, and these fats are so beneficial to health that they are a key component of baby formula, and intravenous solutions given to critically ill patients. They are easily digested and 32

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provide a ready source of energy. They do not raise cholesterol or contribute to heart disease. Because coconut also contains a compound called lauric acid, which has the capacity to kill bacteria and viruses, it is used in many cultures for its medicinal properties. A few human studies indicate that the fat from coconut can actually increase metabolism, and animal research has identified that coconut water has the potential for lowering high blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Instead of being a dangerous substance, coconut in all its forms is not only delicious, but nutritious and therapeutic as well. Myth #3: Fruits are too high in sugar and should be avoided. While many people try to limit the fat in their diet, for others, carbohydrates have become the enemy, and included in that category is fruit. Fruit has been vilified as having too much sugar, causing weight gain and even diabetes. Watermelon has been especially victimized for having a high glycemic index (GI), which is an indicator of its power to raise blood sugar. However, the GI is calculated based on the amount of glucose in a food, and it takes over 4 cups of watermelon to reach that level. While watermelon may have a higher glycemic index than some fruits, what really matters is something called glycemic load- a measure of the GI balanced by portion size. When this is taken into account, watermelon, and most fruits, no longer appear artificially dangerous. What often gets missed in the media sound bite or the ‘diet tip” from a friend or coworker, is that the sugar in fruit is natural and our bodies know how to metabolize it, and that it comes in a package filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as the essential fiber needed to slow its passage into the bloodstream. One study after another points to the importance of a plant heavy diet for true health, and rich, brightly colored fruits are a key component of a healthy lifestyle.

Myth #4: Low-fat foods are always a better choice than their full fat versions. Have you ever looked at the ingredients in low-fat peanut butter? How about lowfat salad dressing? When the fat goes out, ingredients like extra sugar, corn syrup, soy protein, and hydrogenated vegetable oils are added to improve taste and texture. Yet these synthetic ingredients are worse for our health than the natural fats they are replacing. Decades of low-fat eating have not helped reduce our incidence of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. In fact the numbers have escalated while we flocked to the grocery shelves to buy low-fat versions of our favorite foods. Peanuts contain beneficial monounsaturated fats, and may even promote weight loss. Olive oil and vinegar are a far healthier combination to pour over your salad than the chemical cocktail we find on grocery shelves. So go ahead- have a tasty veggie omelet made with whole eggs for breakfast, enjoy a snack of full-fat peanut butter and banana, and bake some coconut crusted salmon for dinner. All the while you can smile knowingly at those who tell you “the real truth” about these “dangerous” foods. Vicki Kobliner MS RD, CD-N is a Registered Dietitian and owner of Holcare Nutrition ( Vicki works with infants, children and adults with digestive disorders, food allergies, ADHD, autism and other chronic illness, and provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling. Vicki has extensive experience in using dietary modification, appropriate supplementation and functional lab testing to achieve optimal wellness. She can be reached at 203.834.9949 or vicki@holcarenutrition. com. See ad on page 13.


By Kara Burkhart, ND

Chinese Herbal Medicine:

Alleviating Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis


hinese herbal medicine offers the oldest and the most advanced system of herbal medicine in the world today. Complex herbal formulas are standard treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in many countries including Japan and Korea. Many of these traditional formulas have been used for over 2000 years to relieve symptoms of joint pain and swelling. Chinese herbal medicine for internal use can be taken in pill form, strong teas called decoctions, or granules. Decoctions are concentrated teas made by boiling the ingredients for upwards of 40 minutes. These water extractions are not very convenient in modern times. The end result tends to be dark in color, have a strong odor, and can pose taste and smell palatability issues. Most Chinese take decoctions, while granules are far more popular for the Japanese and Taiwanese. Granules are powders that can come individually wrapped in convenient single dose packets. People can pour them directly into their mouths or dissolve the granules in hot water and drink as a tea. How do these herbs really work? The answers lie in complex plant chemicals. It is hard for us to understand because we are used to taking one chemical at a time and not a milieu of ingredients that work on multiple systems in the body. One plant medicine can contain hundreds of chemicals that are active in the body. Researchers have been examining traditional formulas looking for the biochemical answers for how these herbs are anti-inflammatories and protect the joints. Chang shan, Chinese blue green hydrangea (Latin name Dichroa febrifuga), targets a specific immune system cell, Th-17, that is implicated in driving the inflammatory process of Rheumatoid arthritis. That immune cell makes interleukin-17, currently the focus of millions of dollars of pharmaceutical research. Interleukin-17 is a powerful messenger in the immune system that sends signals to increase inflammation leading to destruction of joints. Other herbs with some interesting research include Gu Sui Bu, commonly called Drynaria root (Latin name Drynaria fortune) and Lei gong teng, called thunder god vine (Latin name Tripterygium wilfordii). Most formulas include eight to twelve ingredients comprising a complex array of plant chemicals and affecting many body systems and biochemical pathways.The complexity can be mystifying but is based on very specific principles that have developed over many generations. After close examination, the traditional formulas prove to be brilliant in working synergistically to alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It is possible (and likely) that the traditional formulas provide superior benefit than isolated active ingredients of single herbs. One formula commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis contains an herb associated with digestive complaints. The traditional herbal combination also includes an herb that soothes the digestive tract in the recipe, thereby curbing side effects.

Are herbs safe? According to Norman Farnsworth, internationally respected medicinal plant researcher: “Based on published reports, side effects or toxic reactions associated with herbal medicines in any form are rare. In fact, of all classes of substances reported to cause toxicities of sufficient magnitude to be reported in the United States, plants are the least problematic.” However, there are serious quality issues surrounding the use of Chinese herbs. Choosing a company with the strictest quality standards is important. First and foremost, the company must test to make sure that they are selling the right plant species. Many case reports exist where a more toxic plant has been substituted and caused harm. Chinese herbs need to be tested for contamination. Good herb companies employ independent labs to test for heavy metals including arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium. Also, pesticide residues like DDT and BHC. Please see these resources for finding a qualified practitioner to guide you. The American Herbalist Guild; The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Kara Burkhart, ND, LAc is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She practices in West Hartford, CT at New England Integrative Health Associates and West Hartford Yoga, and currently is an adjunct faculty member of the University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine. See ad on page 31.


Functional Lab Testing... What Can We Learn? By Debra Gibson, ND


he plot of “The Fantastic Voyage”, a science-fiction movie from the 1960’s, centers on the adventures of a group of scientists who are miniaturized by a newly invented machine to a size small enough to enter an ill colleague’s body. Their mission? To navigate (inside a tiny submarine) the colleague’s cardiovascular system to his brain, save his life by dissolving a blood clot, and safely exit his body before the miniaturizing effect wears off and they revert to normal size. Along the way they witness up close the miraculous workings of the human body: the beating of the heart, the oxygenation of blood by the lungs, and, when their submarine comes under attack by white blood cells, the unerring power of the immune system to target invaders. A fun, imaginative and fascinating movie, even today, and one I am often reminded of when I review results of a functional laboratory test with a patient. Because like that journey into “inner space”, this new breed of laboratory evaluation gives physicians and patients a window on the inner workings of the human body not provided by standard lab tests. Functional medicine biomarkers and test profiles are ahead of the curve of standard lab assessments, offering the closest thing to real-time insights into the way the body actually functions, and more importantly, providing specific information about body system dysfunctions. It is these “system failures” that can cause complex and puzzling symptom pictures and create the negative physiologic momentum that drives the development of many diseases. The ability to examine deeper, fundamental causes of illness through functional testing can guide treatment in more effective directions and allow progress and outcomes to be tracked in ways never before possible. But it may be as tools for disease prevention that functional lab markers hold greatest potential for benefit, enabling us to “look upstream” and identify patterns of risk for illness that can often be resolved or significantly reduced with lifestyle and natural therapies. These markers also provide a practical and accurate way to personalize healthcare, as they reveal the unique metabolic “footprint” of an individual at a particular point in time. It’s a kind of brave, new world of laboratory testing, and it can be credited for many “miraculous” healing outcomes by those who work with it.

Biomarkers in Functional Assessment The term “biomarker” can be applied to everything from something as basic as a red blood cell count to sophisticated genetic testing which checks the appropriateness of a particular drug for a person. Functional biomarkers are a special category of tests which identify otherwise hidden patterns of body system dysfunction. 34

Natural Nutmeg March 2013

Some biomarker tests with functional applications are available from standard laboratories; those listed below can easily be added to an order for basic lab tests such as a metabolic panel or cholesterol test to screen for functional systemic imbalances. • Homocysteine: originally identified as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, an elevated serum level of this breakdown product of the amino acid methionine points to impairment of one or both of two crucial and common metabolic pathways. Because of this, increased homocysteine is a risk indicator for many diseases, among them rheumatoid arthritis, Type 2 diabetes and its complications, Alzheimer’s dementia, depression, anxiety, and osteoporosis. Nutritional support in the form of folic acid, vitamins B12, B2, and B6, and betaine leads to reduction in homocysteine and normalizes the flow of the metabolic pathways. • Insulin: Elevated serum insulin, either in the fasting state or after a “challenge” of carbohydrate, contributes to heart disease and stroke, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, polycystic ovary syndrome, and many other undesirable health issues. I also pay attention to a low insulin level, as that may indicate declining insulin output by the pancreas. An abnormal insulin level can appear years or decades before diagnosable disease presents itself, so it is the best kind of prevention to find it and treat it. Identifying this very commonly abnormal functional marker and prescribing lifestyle changes and nutritional support can lead to dramatic improvement, and while reducing long-term risk for serious disease, in the near term it improves weight, energy, mood and well-being. • CardioCRP: Also called “highly sensitive CRP”, this test measures very small blood amounts of a protein which is produced by the liver in response to inflammation. Elevations in cardioCRP have been associated with significantly increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiac events, as well as stroke, cancer, and depression. Natural medicine approaches to normalizing elevated cardioCRP include reducing inflammation by means of lifestyle change (a high-fiber Mediterranean diet is effective) and taking natural anti-inflammatory supplements such as fish oil, vitamin C, flavonoids, and curcumin. Other biomarker tests which can be performed by standard laboratories include the VAP (Vertical Auto Profile), which provides more detailed information about blood lipids than standard cholesterol measurements; and the marker Lp-PLA2 (Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2), which can be paired with cardioCRP to more precisely identify those at greatest risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke.

Functional Medicine laboratories Functional medicine labs provide testing for a special category of biomarkers not generally available from conventional laboratories. Functional laboratories combine multiple biomarkers to create profiles, some of which are system-specific, some of which offer broad assessment of the status of multiple body systems. Some evaluate unhealthy body levels of toxins: for example, there are functional lab profiles which test for toxic reactions to foods; for excess estrogen due to inadequate metabolism and clearance from the body; for elevated body burden of toxic metals such as mercury and lead; and for toxic chemicals such as phthalates, styrenes, solvents and pesticides. Identifying higher-than-healthy amounts of specific toxins is key to developing an appropriate treatment approach to clear them from the body. Described below are some of the systemsbased tests which I find most useful: Comprehensive Digestive Analysis: Health begins in the colon. This fundamental principle of naturopathic medicine, that our digestive tracts have multisystemic influenc-

Holistic Solutions Holistic Weight Loss Program with Nutritional Planning

Symptoms are like low-hanging fruits: They’re easy to knock off their branches, but that does little to affect the rest of the tree. Dig down to the roots of mediocre health and rejuvenate your tree of life at Holistic Solutions:

The $60 Weight Loss Program Includes: • Initial visit - Nutrition Response Test: 90 minute appointment involves testing neurological reflexes and acupuncture points, as well as discussing any food allergies, immune challenges, and environmental toxins that may be impairing your health. • Follow-up visit - 90 minute appointment at which you’ll receive a report of the tests’ results and a personal nutrition plan that suggests specific changes to your diet, eating habits, and daily routine. Led by Dr. Donald Piccoli, a chiropractic physician certified in advanced Nutrition Response Testing, our Kensington wellness center has earned many weight-loss testimonials, and wants you to feel good on the inside – allowing your body of work to fully blossom.

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on our health, is the basis for the frequent Arthritis, abdominal pain,es use of digestive analysis in many natural medicine practices. Whether the problem is high cholesterol, high irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, coliblood pressure, migraines, tis, or GERD; anxiety, depression, arthritis, or digestive analysis can reveal underautism, ADD, ADHD, Seneczema; lying imbalances which may contribute. This sitivity to medications, ge functional profile uses stool samples which are collected at home and sent overnight riatric medicine, nutritional to the lab, to evaluate digestion of food, absorption of nutrients across the intestinal support, Diet and exercise, wall, and the “ecology” of the digestive tract pain management, back – microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, sometimes parasites which populate the pain, colitis, IBS, Chrons, and intestines, and factors (such as acid/alkaline chronic conditions, acute balance) which can influence the survival of healthy or harmful organisms. It’s not surprisconditions pediatrics, ing that those factors which promote the WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCES of the “good guys” are hostile to the menopause, ar survival Helping Patients Findthyroid, Doctors survival of the “bad guys”, and vice versa, so determining which markers are off-kilter thritis, issues, Who Treat stomach Health Care Naturally... is a powerful tool to tipping the balance in head Memberache NDs: including mi the right direction. Comprehensive digestive Dr. Ann Aresco • Kensington • 860-829-0707 analyses also contain markers for increased graines, eczema, Dr. Rick Cooper • Norwalk • 203-229-0164psoriasis, risk for colon disease, colon cancer, gall Dr. Marcos de Escobar • Waterbury • 203-757-9336 adrenals, allergies,bladder disease, and even hormonal cancers Dr. Summer McAllistersinus, • Norwalk • 877-437-3537 as breast cancer, enabling preventive Dr. Jonathan Ritz • Lebanon • 860-281-7489 food allergies, hormone such steps to be taken before increased risk can 860-505-0702 imbalances Arthritis, ab progress to disease. dominal pain, rheumatoidStress Hormone and Neurotransmitter Test-

Essential Reiki Weekends

ing: Sleep issues, anxiousness, depression, attention issues, poor memory, obsessive compulsive disorder – all are characterized by changes to the healthy balance and interaction of stress hormones and neurotransmitters (“brain messengers” which influence

mood, energy, focus, memory, motivation, impulsiveness and other aspects of brain function and emotion). Saliva and urine samples can be used to identify imbalances which can then be modulated or resolved using natural formulations specific to the pattern of dysfunction, and attention to improved lifestyle where appropriate. Functional Nutritional Testing: Standard serum tests are for the most part of limited value in assessing nutritional status; for this purpose, functional medicine practitioners rely on profiles that evaluate and cross-reference a variety of biomarkers from plasma, whole blood, serum and urine to determine adequacy or deficiencies of vitamins, minerals (including trace minerals), fatty acids (such as the omega-3s and omega-6s), amino acids, antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10 and glutathione, and even markers for free radical damage to cell membranes and cell nuclei. Functional laboratory profiles stand at the intersection of medicine, biochemistry, and the new field of genomics, and give us a wide-angle view of a person’s health status. With such detailed and personalized insights, treatment can truly be “custom tailored” to the individual. Debra Gibson, N.D. practices functional naturopathic family medicine in her Ridgefield, CT office. She can be reached at 203431-4443 or at drgibsonsoffice@sbcglobal. net. Her blog can be found at See ad on page 2.

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Natural Nutmeg March 2013

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HAPPENINGS Friday, March 1st Free Blood Pressure Screening at Thyme & Season, sponsored by Yale-New Haven Hospital St. Raphael Campus CareCard Program. 11:30am - 1pm Free, No reservation required; Thyme & Season Natural Market, 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, 203-407-8128. Nutrition Counselor on Staff M-F 9-5.

Saturday, March 2nd Meditation Basics with Claire. 1-2:30 pm. Visiting teacher Claire Thompson explores meditation techniques for training your mind and increasing your well-being, using neuroscience, yoga and Buddhism. Includes 2 guided meditations. $15. Sustainable Health and Wellness, 2 Tunxis Road, Suite 209, Tariffville. http://www. 860-217-1171. Couples Counseling – Combining Psychotherapy with a Buddhist Approach to Conflict Resolution with Drs. Donna Baker-Gilroy and David Gilroy. Sat 9:30am-4:30pm; Sun 9am1:30pm. Hartford Family Institute. Cost $250 (CEUs). Explore a Zen Buddhist approach to working through and growing from relationship conflicts. Practice creating peace between spouses, partners, friends, relatives, coworkers, groups, and nations – learning how to do so in conjunction with Body-Centered Psychotherapy and Subtle Energy Healing. To register, call 860236-6009 or visit Free Reiki at Thyme & Season: Tranquil Healing Reiki provided by Usui Reiki Master Anita Jones. 11-3pm. First & 3rd Saturday of Every Month! All are welcome, Free, No reservation required; Thyme & Season Natural Market, 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden 203-407-8128.

Healing Effects of Whole Foods. Learn how whole foods restore your body’s natural healing ability. Prepare dishes under the guidance of a professional chef. Small-class size ensures individual attention. Mar. 2, 9, 16, 30 and Apr. 6, 10 am – 12 pm. The ATMA Center, West Hartford. $275.00. Register at

Wednesday, March 6th Healthy Eating with Rachael Tsokalas. 6:30 pm. - 8:00 p.m. $25.00. Learn to prepare foods that are healthy, taste good and simple to make. You will be sampling food items, learning how to prepare the food and taking home the recipe. Please pre-register so we’ll have plenty of food to sample! Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit www. Group Past Life Regression. 6:30pm-8:30pm $20. Through exploration of your past lives, learn some of the reasons you are repeating patterns, why you were born into your particular family or why you have certain behaviors. No previous experience necessary. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford.. Gayle Franceschetti @203-2652927, or visit www. return2love.

Thursday, March 7th “Genetic Roulette”. Screening of Jeffrey M. Smith’s 2012 film about genetically engineered foods. 7-9pm. Discussion led by Beth Beisel and Tara Cook-Littman of GMO-free CT. Thyme & Season Natural Market, home of one of the largest selections of natural, organic, nonGMO, gluten-free & vegan foods in the area: 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, 203-407-8128.

Friday, March 8th

The Path of Tantra Medicine Woman with Luba Evans. 2pm, $45 early registration, $55 regular registration. During this workshop you will experience how the foundations of Tantra, breath, movement, communication and touch can help to expand your awareness, power and sensation.Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury CT. 860-657-9545 www.

A Toast to Women. 7:30 – 9:30pm. La Trattoria Restaurant, 21 Old Albany Turnpike, Canton, CT. Tickets are $35; purchase them at www. or call 860/930-9298. Join us in a toast to women at a wine tasting event and silent auction on International Women’s Day to celebrate great women everywhere. This event is presented by Soroptimist International of Farmington Valley, CT (SIFV).

Accelerated Admissions Day at TGI. 10am 2pm. Attend a brief Open House, meet The Graduate Institute’s President, engage in an on-site interview with a member of the faculty, turn in your application materials, and receive an admissions decision on the spot. 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT. Pre-registration required. Contact Mia Hawlk, Admissions Director, at (203) 874-4252 or Visit for more information.

Ladies Night Out with Dori Sargent. 7:30pm, $16 prepay (class cards accepted), $20 at the door. A class for all levels. Relax and rejuvenate. We will move and breathe into bliss together with exercises to strengthen, support, and empower ourselves as feminine beings. Class requires 3 person minimum signed up to be held. Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury CT 860-657-9545.

Saturday, March 9th How to Start and Maintain Your Practice with Dr. Dori Gatter. 9:30am-4:30pm. Hartford Family Institute. Cost $125. Develop the skills that are needed to become recognized as an expert in your field. Identify your blocks to creating success in your business, learn how to build a practice, gain name recognition, and navigate internet marketing and social networking. To register, call 860-236-6009 or visit Yoga Meets Dance with Lucy Rosenblatt. 4pm, $15 pre-pay, $20 at the door. Yoga Meets Dance™ is a unique melding of movement arts and yoga practice. These classes promote overall wellness, reduce stress, and encourage healing. This fun and creative program is appropriate for all ages and abilities.Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury CT. 860657-9545. Meditation Basics with Claire. 1-2:30 pm. Visiting teacher Claire Thompson explores meditation techniques for training your mind and increasing your well-being, using neuroscience, yoga and Buddhism. Includes 2 guided meditations. $15. Sustainable Health and Wellness, 2 Tunxis Road, Suite 209, Tarrifville. http://www. 860-217-1171. Psychic Saturday. 10am – 4pm. $25.00 for a 20-minute reading. Receive a private reading with Medium Priscilla Bengtson. Other readers may also be available. Receive guidance from your angels, spirit guides and loved ones. Prescheduling is highly recommended. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To pre-schedule an appointment, please call 860.301.1468 or visit Get Your Toes Wet! Intro To Expressive Art. 12:30-3:30pm $35. A playful, spacious, atmosphere allows you to open and trust the artist within. Create authentic imagery using collage, paint and drawing materials. Facilitated by Elisabeth Moss BFA, 12 Old Farms Rd. Avon. Call 860-550-0882. No prior art experience needed! 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training. Invest one weekend a month for a year to learn the origins of yoga, proper alignment, sequencing, meditation and other techniques to enrich your yoga practice and change your life. Taught by Maggie Rueda, ERYT-500 & Robin Kirsche, PTA. at Valley Yoga & Healing Center in Simsbury. For more info, call Maggie, 860-680-1482. 37 37

HAPPENINGS Sunday, March 10th Reiki II. 9am – 5pm. $150.00. Receive attunements to higher frequencies of universal energy and enhance your healing work. Learn how to do distance healing, as well as heal mental, emotional and past life issues. Participants receive a manual and certificate. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. For information please call 860.301.1468 or visit Full Moon Flow Yoga with Erika Halford. 5-7pm. $20. Celebrate the Full Moon with a rejuvenating candle lit practice that will include backbends and hip opening, forward bends and twists, restorative inversion and a special full moon meditation. Relax, Restore and Reflect to the soothing sounds of the waterfall. CT Yoga Center, 91 Beverly Heights, Middletown, CT. 860.986.2017

Tuesday, March 12th Gong and Himalayan Singing Bowl Meditation with Priscilla Gale. 7pm, $15. Everything in and around our bodies resonates to sound. Sound therapy has long been shown to strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, relieve pain, improve sleep patterns and help with depression and anxiety. Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury CT. 860657-9545. Healing Effects of Whole Foods. Learn how whole foods restore your body’s natural healing ability. Prepare dishes under the guidance of a professional chef. Small-class size ensures individual attention. Mar. 12 – Apr. 9. 6:00 – 8:30pm. Common Ground Urban Farm, New Haven. $275.00. Register at

Wednesday, March 13th Healing in Harmony Night. 5pm – 7pm. FREE. Stop by the center for a FREE healing service. Participants will sit individually with a healer and receive an 8 – 10 minute healing. No reservation required. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. For information please call 860.301.1468 or visit Tell Your Story! With Paint, Collage & Drawing Materials. 5:30-8:30 4 weeks March 13, 20, 27, and April 10th. $165. In a relaxed open atmosphere we express with paint, collage and drawing materials, the unique stories we carry within. Elisabeth Moss BFA, Certified Expressive Art Facilitator. Held at 12 Old Farms Rd. Avon. To register call 860-550-0882. No prior art experience needed! 38 38

Natural Nutmeg Nutmeg March March 2013 2013 Natural

Community Lecture. No Cost. 6:00-7:30pm Instructor: Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, Phd, PT, IMTC. Learn How to Listen to your Body and Eat the Right Foods for YOU. This lecture will include basic self-treatment techniques, including easy-to-perform exercises. 1 Northwestern Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield, CT06002. To obtain additional information or to sign up for this class, please contact Amanda Albrecht at or call 860-243-5220.

Thursday, March 14th Core Stabilization & Strengthening Class. No Cost. 1:15pm-1:45pm. Instructor: Carol Gordon, PT, IMTC. This one hour class offers the student basic core stabilization and strengthening techniques that can be performed easily at home or hotel room. The Institute of Integrative Manual Therapy, 1 Northwestern Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield. Contact Amanda Albrecht at or call 860-243-5220. Thyme & Season Free Health Talk: Health Truths, with Dr. Aviva Wertkin, ND. 7pm. Free, No reservation required; Supplement coupon to all attendees. 7:00pm at Thyme & Season Natural Market, 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, 203-407-8128. Check website & Facebook for topic details. Information Session on The Graduate Institute’s Master of Arts in Integrative Health and Healing. 12 to 1:30 pm. Learn more about a degree program that explores complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) on a continuum with allopathic medicine. Held in Hartford Hospital’s Special Dining Room. RSVP online at or call (203) 874-4252 for more information. Wholistic HCG Fat Loss Program Free Educational Seminar. Reach Your Weight Loss Goal at Last!! Learn how you can lose up to 30 pounds in 40 days with our UNIQUE, safe and effective, medically supervised weight loss program! Time: 6-7pm Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, Ct. Call 860-657-4105 to reserve your space.

Friday, March 15th Gallery Night. 6:30pm – 8:30pm. $45.00. Enjoy an intimate evening of learning about angels and guides and experiencing intuitive readings with medium and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Priscilla Bengtson. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit

Explore IMT! No Cost. 10am-12pm. Integrative Manual Therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment for pain, disability, and disease. During your two hours you will: tour the building, observe a class, ask questions. The Connecticut School of Integrative Manual Therapy, 1 Northwestern Drive, Bloomfield. More information: or 860-2435220.

Saturday, March 16th “Move Better, Feel Better” Alexander Technique Intro Class. Free. 9am-10am. Do you experience tension or fatigue? Do you wish you had better posture and balance? Learn how the Alexander Technique can help you! Offered by Eric Miller, certified Alexander Technique teacher. Please call 860-656-6177, or email to register, space is limited. Miller - Alexander Technique, Farmington, CT. Free Reiki at Thyme & Season: Tranquil Healing Reiki provided by Usui Reiki Master Anita Jones. 11-3pm. Free, No reservation required; Thyme & Season Natural Market, 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, 203-407-8128. Certified Nutrition Counselor to assist you M-F 9-5. Mediumship Development Level I. 9:30am – 6pm. $300.00. Also Sun. Mar. 17th. This is Part I of a three level program to become a certified medium. Learn about the spirit world and how to connect with those energies residing there. Create a system for yourself to work with spirit energies so that you can be accurate every time and improve your evidential mediumship. Held at The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit Nutrition & Psychotherapy with Pam Carignan & Doris Barnes. Sat 9:30am-4:30pm; Sun., 9am1:30pm. Discuss and discover how nutrition plays an integrative role in supporting optimal health and well-being. Gain an understanding of the basic building blocks of nutrition and signs of imbalance; how eating habits are interrelated with emotional, physical and mental state of being; and integration of nutrition to support clients in a psychotherapy practice. Hartford Family Institute. Cost $250 (CEUs). To register, call 860-236-6009 or visit

Sunday, March 17th Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society potluck. 4:30 pm. Featuring Iwona Leger, RN. She will discuss using food as medicine, what kind of a diet is most likely to prevent, treat and even reverse most chronic diseases. Iwona is an RN and Certified Health Coach with a practice of individual clients and group classes. Bring

a vegan dish to share along with a note card listing your recipe and your name. Vegan means no animal ingredients (zero honey, dairy, eggs, meat, or fish). Please bring your place setting (plate, cup, and utensils). A donation of $8 per adult is requested. Children are free. The Suffield Senior Center, 145 Bridge Street, Suffield, CT. For information, telephone Harry at (860) 6238082 or email Harry at or see

Monday, March 18th Information Session on The Graduate Institute’s Master of Arts in Integrative Health and Healing. 7 to 8:30 pm. Learn more about a degree program that explores complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) on a continuum with allopathic medicine. 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT. RSVP online at or call (203) 874-4252 for more information. Developing Your Intuition I Series. 6:30-8:30pm $97series (March 18, April 1, 15, 29 & May 13) Tap into innate ability of knowing. Learn to “tune in” to inner voice. Use meditation, knowing, & experiential exercises to master techniques to access creativity/intuition. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford.. Gayle Franceschetti @203-265-2927, or visit www.return2love. Reiki Level Two Training with Priscilla Gale. 11:00am to 5:00pm. $145. Students are attuned to a higher frequency of energy, and learn how to apply symbols in the present as well as distant healing. CT Yoga Center, 91 Beverly Heights, Middletown, CT. 860.986.2017 www. QiGong. No Cost. 1:15-1:45pm Instructor: Risa Brophy, MQT. Join us to calm you mind and energize your body with the deep breathing and slow movements of these ancient Chinese exercises. Please, eat your lunch before or after this program. 1 Northwestern Drive, Suite 101, Bloomfield. Contact Amanda Albrecht at or call 860-243-5220.

Tuesday, March 19th Dare to Be Different. 6:30pm – 8:30pm. $45.00. Are you feeling stuck? Challenge yourself to make radical changes in the way you respond to life. Understand why you are stuck, why you stay there and how to get unstuck. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit

Wednesday, March 20th Spring Equinox. 6:30pm-8:30 $20 Access the new Spring energies that facilitate manifesting

opportunities and initiating new endeavors. These energies also facilitate the balance of the masculine and feminine within each of us. 36 Cheshire Road, Wallingford Gayle Franceschetti @203-265-2927, email sunnispirit@sbcglobal. net or visit

Thursday, March 21st Thyme & Season Free Health Talk: Sleep Apnea, with Dr. Stephen J. Palluotto, D.MD. 7pm. Free. No reservation required; Supplement coupon to all attendees. 7pm at Thyme & Season Natural Market, 3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, 203407-8128. Check website & Facebook for topic details. www.ThymeAndSeasonNaturalMarket. com. Biomat Healing & Detox Clinic. Free Educational Seminar With Donna Grimm, RN. Learn how the Biomat Clinic at Glastonbury Naturopathic Center can improve your health, detoxify and prevent illness. Receive a free introductory session on the Biomat, and enjoy organic treats! Time: 6-7pm Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, CT. Call 860657-4105 to reserve your space.

Saturday, March 23rd Spring Cleaning Class with Priscilla Connors. 1pm, $40. Learn how to mix and clean with Earth Friendly cleaning products, with an emotional balancing blend of essential oils. All recipes are included in the Field Guide to Vibrational Cleaning which every student will get a copy of to take home. Sacred Rivers Yoga 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury CT. 860-657-9545. Energy Medicine: Practical Applications and Scientific Proof With Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. 9:30-5pm. Engleman Hall Rm. C112, Southern CT State University , 501 Crescent Street, New Haven. Parking is in LOT 12 on Crescent Street. At-door registration/book tables open at 8:30 a.m. For more information call: A.R.E. Headquarters, 800-333-4499 or go to: FLYY (Freedom to Love the You in You) – Passion and Purpose through Movement and Music with Sistah Anyango. Sat 9:30am-4:30pm; Sun 9am-1:30pm. Free up the energy in your body, love and accept yourself for exactly who you are in the moment by discovering and celebrating all of who you are thru the universal language of movement. By utilizing colors, animals and toys that enhance movement, you can begin to release inhibitions and come into more personal power. Cost $250 (CEUs). To register, call 860236-6009 or visit Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory & Terminolgy. 9:30am - 4:30pm. $429.00 (28 CEU hours approved by NCBTMB). Also March 24,

April 6, 7. Through the recognition of patterns, TCM describes disharmonies without diagnosing disease. Students will learn the terminology and diagnostic skills needed for accurately recognizing the clinical signs and symptoms of Traditional Chinese Medicine patterns of disharmonies. Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies, 912 Corbin Avenue (RTE 372) New Britain. 860-8262705.

Sunday, March 24th Sound Healing: Crystal Bowl Group Meditation with Priscilla Gale. 6-7pm. $20. Each musical tone of the bowls clears, awakens and stimulates the chakras, organs, tissues and cells bringing the body, mind and emotional self into alignment for peace and healing. CT Yoga Center, 91 Beverly Heights, Middletown, CT. 860.986.2017 Women’s Empowerment Meditation. 10am – 12noon. $25.00. This guided meditation is specifically designed to the energy of the group. We invite in our angels and guides to help us release those things that keep us stuck. Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit Positive Empowerment Group. 4-5:30pm. $25 (All proceeds to go to a family in need.) Share positive thoughts & an empowering meditation. Positive self dialogue becomes powerful when done with compassion for self. (Includes a one hour teleconference & meditation 2nd Sunday of every month 4-5pm) 36 Cheshire Rd.Wallingford. Gayle Franceschetti @ 203 265 2927,, or visit www. return2love.

Monday, March 25th Circle of the Divine Feminine. 7:00-8:30pm. $15.00. Lynda Aldorisio, Certified Life Coach. Women have always gathered, in tribal societies, iindigenous tribes; my passion/purpose is to re-ignite a culture where we see each other as whole/awake, recognizing each others beauty/ uniqueness, integrating/exploring every Goddess aspect of ourselves. Spirit Matters, 199 West Center Street, Manchester, CT. 2 Day Registration. Ph. 508-962-0009.

Wednesday March 27th Full Moon Meditation. 6:30pm-8:30pm. $36. Align with the new energies of the full moon. The full moon presents us with an opportunity in which we can allow spiritual energies to reach human hearts and minds. Tap into this vast pool of energy. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford.. Gayle Franceschetti @203-265-2927 sunnispirit@, or visit www.return2love. 39 39

HAPPENINGS Wednesday March 27th Home Message Circle. 6:30pm – 8pm. $15.00. The session is open to anyone who wishes to practice their mediumship message delivery in a group. Your ability doesn’t matter as we are all here to get some practice and learn from each other. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit NYR Organic Skincare Opportunity Event. 7-9 PM. FREE. Beloved in the U.K., new to the U.S.! Come learn about the fastest-growing organic direct sales company in U.S.! Sample luxurious products while learning about a flexible home based business that fits around your lifestyle. Learn more about this 30+ year old company at Marriott Hotel in Avon. Reserve your spot by RSVP’ing to Fiona at 860-680-2588 or Barbara at

Thursday, March 28th Meditation for Beginners. 6:30-8 pm. $15. Combine gentle yoga postures with the serenity of breath meditation. SunDo Healing Arts Center, 45 South Main, West Hartford Contact 860.523.5260 or visit 5 Day Group Cleanse Program. Includes 2 Day Pre-Cleanse recipes and menus and 3 days of Juicing Essentials Guide, with specific recipes and protocols for a successful Cleanse.$50 per person. (Program fee does not include juices or pre-detox food). Group meets 3/28 & 3/29 @ 6-7pm, 3/30 @ 10 am, 3/31 no meeting, and 4/1 @ 6-7pm. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, CT. Call 860-657-4105 to reserve your space. www.

Friday, March 29th Meet your Angels and Guides. 6:30pm – 9pm. $50.00. Receiving spiritual guidance is easier when you understand who you are connecting with. During this workshop you will learn about your primary spiritual guides and guardian angels. The Healing in Harmony Center, 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury. To register, please call 860.301.1468 or visit

Thursday, April 4th The Work of Byron Katie® 6:30-8 p.m. $90. 4-week class. 4/4-4/25. Classes will focus on troublesome relationships, whether with a partner, husband, wife, mother, father, sibling, son, daughter, etc. To register, contact Joy Karim 40 40

Natural Nutmeg Nutmeg March March 2013 2013 Natural

at 860-796-9461 or Watkins Professional Center, 935 Main Street, Manchester, CT.

Friday, April 5th The Work of Byron Katie® 12 noon-1:30 pm. $90. 4-week class. 4/5-4/26. Classes will focus on troublesome relationships, whether with a partner, husband, wife, mother, father, sibling, son, daughter, etc. To register, contact Joy Karim at 860-796-9461 or Watkins Professional Center, 935 Main Street, Manchester, CT.

Saturday, April 6th Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest. Also April 7th. The sixth holistic health fair will be held from 10 - 4 each day at the Vernon Center Middle School, 777 Hartford Turnpike (Route 30) in Vernon. There will be over 80 exhibitors and 35 workshops. Although the focus is on holistic health and education you’ll also find a good variety of vendors selling crystals, jewelry, books, DVD’s, candles and a whole lot more. At 3 p.m. our last hour each day will include a drum circle. The cost of admission is only $5 with access to all workshops. VernonHealthfest. com for exhibitor and workshop information and schedule.


Tuesday QiGong/Tai Chi Classes. 7:30pm. $60. Learn how to gain more energy, balance your energy, emotionally & physically, free yourself from pain and stiffness, strengthen your immune system, relax, rejuvenate and get a great night’s sleep. Feel Great! Marcey Hickey Certified Instructor. Suffield By The River, 7 Canal Road, Suffield, CT. Call 860-8448535 to register. Conscious Living Relationship Tools Series. Ongoing Second Tuesday’s, begins March 12th. 7-9pm. $20.00 Lynda Aldorisio, Certified Life Coach. The intention of this series is to learn how to end power struggles, criticism, get unstuck from recurring patterns; to communicate authentically/ listen consciously. Come explore/discover essential relationship tools to create more harmony/ vitality/love/creativity. Spirit Matters, 199 West Center Street, Manchester, CT. 2 Day Registration. Ph. 508-962-0009. Yoga Bootcamp. 9:00am, $5. Try yoga with a kick! This strength-inducing power class will build heat, sweat and stamina challenge yogis of all levels. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608.

Thursday Yoga Bootcamp. 9am and 5:45pm, $5. Try yoga with a kick! This strength-inducing power class will build heat, sweat and stamina and challenge yogis of all levels. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608.



Yoga Bootcamp. 9:00am, $5. Try yoga with a kick! This strength-inducing power class will build heat, sweat and stamina and challenge yogis of all levels. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608.

Ellington Winter Farmers Market. 4-6:30pm. Feb 1 & 15, March 1, 15, & 29. Indian Valley YMCA, 11 Pinney St., Ellington. Providing a variety of products that are grown or produced in CT, including: dairy, seafood, meats, bakery, produce, specialty foods, and artisan wares.

Zumba. 5:30pm, $5. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™! Join us for a full, fun hour of sweating off the calories and have fun doing it!. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608. Vigorous VInyasa Yoga. 6:30pm, $5. In this dynamic, challenging class, you will be guided through a series of asana coordinated to the flow of your breath. Standing and seated postures, backbends, hip openers, and inversions flow together to form a seamless dance- like movements deepening the awareness of your breath. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608.

Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Healing and QiGong. Let the good vibrations flow through you to alleviate pain, get a good nights sleep, become more centered & balanced. West Suffield Third Friday of every month: February 15th, March 15, April 19th. 7pm - West Suffield Congregational Church, 1408 Mountain Rd., West Suffield, CT. More info call Marcey 860-844-8535. $10.00 per person bring pillow, mat, blanket and water.

Saturday Zumba. 9:30am, $5. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™! Join us for a full, fun hour of sweating off the calories and have fun doing it!. mission Fitness, 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT, 860-657-8608.



Stan Baker, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac. Menla Holistic Health, 35 Nod Road, Ste. 106 Avon, CT. • (860) 836-1068.

The Canaan Gentle Dentle & Implant Center Dr. Thomas Livingstone 3 Railroad St. North Canaan, CT (860)824-0751 • See ad on page 21.

Glastonbury Naturopathic & Acupuncture Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, CT • 860-657-4105 Dr. Helene Pulnik, RPh, MS, ND, L.Ac. email: website: Facebook: See ad on page 29.

Dr. Steven Hinchey 2249 New London Turnpike South Glastonbury, CT. (860) 633-6518 See ad on page 35.

Sophia Natural Health Center Kenneth Hoffman, L.Ac., CCH 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804. (203) 740-9300 • See ad on page 20.

South Windsor Smiles Kevin Norige, D.M.D. Matthew McCabe, D.M.D 112 Deming St., South Windsor, CT. (860) 644-0113 • See ad on page 2.



Birthing From Within® Childbirth Preparation Giedre Kere (Mentor, Birthing From Within®) (203) 554-7249 •

CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Health Center of Glastonbury 2934 Main St.,Glastonbury, CT 860-657-8800 • See ad on page 15.

Put It Together, llc Judie Ricciardi Heritage Center,464 Heritage Road, Suite 1B Southbury, CT 06488 • 203-263-7836 Email: M-Th 9:30 am-4:30 pm, Fri. until noon.


Westside Chiropractic 557 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford,CT (860) 523-5833 • See ad on page 6.

Parkade Health Shoppe Manchester Parkade, 378 West Middle Tpke, Manchester, CT • 860.646.8178 M-Sat 8am-9pm • Sun 9am-6pm See ad on page 15.



Wholistic Allergy Solutions Dr. Helene Pulnik, RPh, MS, ND, L.Ac. 18 School St. Glastonbury, CT. 06033 860-657-4105 • Facebook: See ad on page 29.

Center for Holistic Practices & Psychotherapy 963 Queen Street, Suite C Southington, CT 06489 • (860) 276-5843

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Glastonbury Naturopathic Center Dr. Helene Pulnik, RPh, MS, ND, L.Ac. 18 School Street, Glastonbury, CT. 06033 tel: 860-657-4105 • See ad on page 29.

HYPNOSIS Diane Bahr-Groth, C. Hy., TFT, Dir. 1177 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT. (203)595-0110 • See ad on page 13. Lisa Zaccheo, MA, BCH, BCI Board Certified Hypnotist & Instructor Mind Matters Hypnosis Center 12 Waterside Court, Avon, CT 06001 (860)693-6448 •

HYPNOSIS/NLP/AURA CHAKRA ANALYSIS Nishanto Kane...MindDesigning. Hypnosis, Master NLP Practitioner, Aura/Chakra Analysis, Enneagram Profile, Astrology Chart, Interpretation, Belief Change Sessions. Simsbury, CT. (860 658-9678) •

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE New England Integrative Health Associates, LLC (NEIHA) 345 North Main Street, Bishop’s Corner West Hartford, CT 06117 Ph. 860.278.3812 • Fax: 860.525.6054 Email: • See ad on page 31.

LIFE COACH PEAK Results Coaching Jeff Forte, CSIC, CME 2389 Main St., Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)633-8555 • See ad on page 16.

MASSAGE The Center for Massage & Holistic Therapy Larry R. Joyner, LMT, Oncology Therapist 2049 Silas Deane Highway Suite 202, Rocky Hill, CT. • 860-721-0249 • See ad on page 29. Wholistic Spa 18 School Street, Glastonbury, CT. 06033 860-657-4105 See ad on page 29.

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE CT Natural Health Specialists Lauren Gouin, ND 135 Center St., Manchester, CT (860) 533-0179 • See ad on page 16. Debra Gibson, ND 100 Danbury Road, Ste. 102 Ridgefield, CT 06877 • (203)431-4443 See ad on page 2. Glastonbury Naturopathic & Acupuncture Center 18 School St. Glastonbury, CT • 860-657-4105 Dr. Helene Pulnik, RPh, MS, ND, L.Ac. email: website: Facebook: See ad on page 29.

Michele P. Rousseau, MA, CH 267 William Street, Middletown, CT 06457 860-704-9054 •

41 41




Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center Dr. Ann Aresco 355 New Britain Rd, Kensington, CT (860) 829-0707 • See ad on page 36.

Holcare Nutrition Vicki Kobliner MS RD 3 Hollyhock Lane, Suite 2A, Wilton, CT 06897 203-834-9949 • See ads on page 13.

Anew You Skincare & Wellness Center Melissa Martin, 16A Ensign Drive, Avon. (860)284-9730 • See ad on page 36.

Naturopathic & Acupuncture Health Center Dr. Marie Mammone, ND Dr. Renee Mammone, ND John Mammone, Licensed Acupuncturist 274 Silas Deane Hwy., Wethersfield, CT 06109 (860)529-1200 •


William Nager, ND, DC 11 Mountain Ave., Ste. 201, Bloomfield, CT, 06002 (860) 242-8277 • The Wellness Institute Marvin Schweitzer, ND 1 Westport Ave, Norwalk, CT (203) 847-2788 See ad on page 10. West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine Frank Aieta, ND 301 N. Main St., West Hartford, CT (860) 232-9662 • See ad on page 20. ProNatural Physicians Group LLC 355 New Britain Road Kensington, CT 06037 • 860-505-0702 ProNatural Members Dr. Ann Aresco 355 New Britain Road Kensington, CT 06037 P: 860-829-0707 • F: 860-829-0606 E: • See ad on page 23. Dr. Rick Cooper 258 Main Avenue Norwalk, CT 06851 P: 203-229-0164 E: Dr. Marcos de Escobar 171 Grandview Avenue, Suite 101 Waterbury, CT 06708 P: 203-757-9336 E: Dr. Summer McAllister 71 East Avenue, Suite D Norwalk, CT 06851 P: 877-437-3537 • F: 917-456-0362 E: Dr. Jonathan Ritz 37 West Town Road Lebanon, CT 06249 • P: 860-281-7489 E:


Natural Natural Nutmeg Nutmeg March March 2013 2013

Advance Biomedical Treatment Center, LLC (formerly Avon Therapeutic Center) Eileen C. Comia, M.D. 35 Jolley Dr., Ste., #102 Bloomfield, CT 06002 Tel 860.242.2200 • Fax 860.242.2212 • See ad on page 20. Natural Health & Healing, LLC Deanna M. Cherrone, MD 60 East Main Street, Avon, CT. (860) 677-4600 • See ad on back cover. Tamara Sachs, MD Functional Medicine & Integrative Care 15 Bennitt St., New Milford, CT (860) 354-3304 • See ad on page 9.

SPA/FLOATATION SERVICES iFloat 163 Main Street. Westport, CT 06880 Phone: 203-26-7378 Website: • Email:

THERMOGRAPHY Sophia Natural Health Center 31 Old Route 7, Brookfield, CT 06804. (203) 740-9300 • See ad on page 20. X to Rays, LLC Suzanne Pyle, MS, CCT 35 Boston Street, Guilford, CT 866.986.7297 or 203 331-2878



Osteopathic Wellness Center, LLC David L. Johnston, DO • Lisa Preston, DO 158 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877 (203) 438-9915 See ad on page 25.

The Healing in Harmony Center Priscilla Bengtson, ATP® 99 Citizens Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)632-8434 • See ad on page 7.



Inner Change Holistic Counseling Deni Weber, MA, LPC, DCEP Weston, CT. • 203-544-6094

Mobile Pet Vet Kim Rio, DVM (203)584-1210 • See ad on page 19.



PEAK Results Coaching Jeff Forte, CSIC, CME • Relationship Coach 2389 Main St., Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860)633-8555 • See ad on page 16.

Sacred Rivers Yoga Paula Scopino LMT, E-RYT 500 IAYT, Owner 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 PH. 860.657.9545 • FAX. 860.657.3161 See ad on page 7.

SCHOOLS Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies LauraMignosa, NCCH 912 Corbin Ave, New Britain, CT 06052 (860) TCM-2705 • See ad on page 30. The Graduate Institute Leslie Cahill, Director of Admissions, Recruitment. (203) 874-4252 • See ad on page 25.

Sacred Movement Yoga 10 Simsbury Road (Bishop’s Corner) West Hartford, Connecticut 06117 860.990.2555 • Visit our Facebook page! mission FITNESS 80 Commerce Street, Glastonbury, CT 860-657-8608 Visit our Facebook page!


Deanna Cherrone, M.D.

Board certified Internal Medicine Functional Medicine practitioner

“Do you believe you should feel better than you do?” I help restore balance so that you can look, feel and function your best. Areas of Focus: • Adrenal Fatigue • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy • Bone Loss • Detoxification • Food Sensitivities • Heavy Metal Testing & Oral Chelation • Leaky gut • Menopause & Andropause • Mind Body Medicine

Many of my patients are simply looking for someone who will listen.

Functional Medicine explores the root cause symptoms: Fatigue • Brain Fog • Sugar Cravings • Headches • Depression • Stress & Anxiety • Decreased Libido • Aches & Pains • Decreased Stamina • Constipation • Allergies • Inability to Lose Weight • Insomnia Dr. Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing, provides Functional Medicine with emphasis on patient education and self care for optimal health.

Call Dr. Cherrone toDay at (860) 677- 4600

• Neurotransmitter Testing • Nutritional & Lifestyle Counseling • Thyroid • Weight Loss

60 East Main Street, Avon CT. 06001 44

Natural Nutmeg March 2013



Natural Nutmeg March 2013



Natural Nutmeg March 2013

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