Natural Texan Magazine - July/Aug 2017

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Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House + Cleanout Services




owned and operated by: Brian

& Becky Harkness

(936) 254-9810 Hauling

8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975

We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.


We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.


We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and conveyor belts we come to your location and remove the litter in a timely and safe manner.


d e


Publisher | Editor-in-Chief GABRIELLE WEST

Editor/Staff Writer REBECCA MOTT Layout & Design BRITTNEY FORD Contributing Writers: VICKY HUDSON




Want to see YOUR BUSINESS or YOUR STORY in The Natural Texan? Please call: 936-332-8144 or email:

It’s almost time to start hearing those alarm clocks go off again every morning for school! Fighting to get the kids up and out of bed on time, (which I haven’t had to take on just yet) and making it to school before the bell rings...After a summer full of vacations, beach time, and soaking up the sun with family (or whatever you do on your summer time adventures), it sure is hard to get back in that routine. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in everyday life and routines until we forget to cherish the time we have with our children, share their milestones they accomplish and spend lots of QUALITY time with them! If you start to get all tied up, and down in this so called LIFE thing just remember that there are many Dads that miss out on events involving their children and family time in order to help others and provide for their families. What a sacrifice we rarely consider. Although it is summertime, we have had some rough and stormy weather. Let’s be sure to remember the Co-op guys that may not get to hear those alarms go off for school or get to attend their son’s football game, cheer competition or the Rodeo. They often are required to attend to the community’s needs instead of enjoying time with the family. As citizens of Shelby County, we should show this group of individuals a special thank you.





6 26 8


6 Staying Healthy When School Starts 8 Don’t Get Iced by Heat Strokes


22 Best Fall Destinations of 2017

ON THE COVER 14 Life on the Line




20 Summer Storm Safety

4 | J/A 2017 |

26 Low Carb on the Easy

30 Local Advertisers

Stay Calm on the Investment “Roller Coaster” Unless you live near an amusement park that does a lot of advertising, you probably didn’t know that Aug.16 is National Roller Coaster Day. Actual roller coasters provide people with thrills. But as an investor, how can you stay calm on the “ roller coaster” of the financial markets? Here are some suggestions: • Know what’s in front of you. If you’ve ever ridden a roller coaster in the dark, you may find it scarier than if you boarded it in daylight- after all, it can be unsettling not to know where you’re going. The same can be said about investing. If you have no idea what’s in front of you, you might find the journey unnerving- and if that happens, you could make panicky decisions, which are usually bad ones. So prepare for the inevitable market volatility- it’s a normal part of the investment landscape. • Buckle Up. When you’re on a roller coaster, you need to buckle your seat belt or use a restraint. You want to have the excitement of the ride, but you certainly don’t want to take unnecessary risk. And you can enjoy some of the excitement of investing without incurring more risk than you are comfortable with, too. One way to lower your risk level is to diversify across a range of investments – stocks,bonds,government securities, and so on. That way, if a market downturn primarily affects just one type of investment,you’ll have some protection. However, although diversification can reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio, it can’t protect against all losses or guarantee a profit. • Choose a strategy for the journey. Different people have different ways of handling a roller coaster ride. Some like to throw their hands up, enjoying the feeling of abandon, while others hold on tightly to the bar in front of them. When you invest, you also need a strategy that works for you, and the best one may be the simplest: Buy quality investments and hold them for the long term. How long is “long term”? It could be 10,20,30 years or more. Famed investor Warren Buffet says his favorite holding period is “forever” If you’ve chosen a mix quality investments appropriate for you risk tolerance, you may be able to hold them until either your goals change or the investments themselves undergo some transformation. • Stay for the whole” ride.” When you hop on a roller coaster. You’ve got no choice- you’re staying until the ride is over. As an investor, though, you can exit the investment world whenever you like. But if you take a “time out” from investing every

Straight talk

time the market drops, you risk still being out of

from someone who knows you

the market when it rallies -and the early stages of a rally are often when the biggest gains occur. Furthermore, if you keep investing during a

Sound financial advice means only making recommendations that line up with your goals and risk tolerance.

“down” market, you’ll be following one of the basic rules of investing: “Buy low.” You can’t take out all the twist and turns of the

Thoughtful guidance: It’s how we make sense of investing.

investment road, but by following the above suggestions, you can help make the ride less stressful- and possibly more rewarding.

Vicky R Hudson, AAMS® Financial Advisor

This article was submitted by Vicky Hudson



Edward Jones Financial

Member SIPC

832 Hurst St Ste 1 Center, TX 75935 936-598-5011 | J/A 2017 | 5


Staying A quality multi-vitamin is an important foundation for your child’s health. Add to that a quality probiotic and he or she might make it through the whole school year without getting sick. Other useful supplements that are beneficial are greens for kids and inner ear support. These are in the form of yummy chewables or powdered drink mixes that most kids enjoy. It is also worth considering to have your child take an immune support supplement with zinc and vitamin D.

As a new school year is beginning, parents need to be aware that there are a variety of natural supplements to help kids pay attention. A simple one that is very inexpensive is a special form of magnesium that will help them focus if you give it to them in the morning and will help them rest better at night. Also, this form of magnesium can help with allergies and asthma. Calm kids helps them focus as well as DHA and L-theanine and pedi-active. There are several combinations available and most are inexpensive and worth trying to give your child the best chance. Don’t forget that certain essential oils can help them with their attention span too. We have a focus attention supplement that is a powder and it is especially good for the older kids and teens. We even have a cream that is great. Remember to remind them how important it is to wash their hands with soap and water. The antibacterial hand sanitizers are not good for anyone to use. They cause more harm in the long run. Have you heard the saying “you can’t outrun a bad diet”? Well, what you feed your kids is super important. They need fruits and vegetables to feel their best. Also, just know that how they start their day, affects them for the rest of the day. If they eat junk food for breakfast, they are set up to feel bad all day. Sugar in the morning is a bad idea. Juice is loaded with sugar and best avoided. Oatmeal with natural stevia or honey is good and throw in some berries and they will be surprised how good it is. Try and give them some protein for breakfast.

As parents, it is our job to do the best we can for our children in every aspect of their lives including their health. 6 | J/A 2017 |

Healthy When SCHOOL Starts By Beth Borders Brown Certified Natural Health Professional Center Health & Harmony

Scrambled eggs with a little cheese are a favorite with most kids. Watch the amount of chips and ranch dressing they consume because they are filled with MSG which is an excitotoxin for the brain as well as it makes them crave to eat again. Reading labels is tricky because they hide it under other names these days. Homemade ranch or ranch made from an organic mix is an easy and delicious replacement. Remember, fresh, real food that is not processed is best for your kids and whole family. | J/A 2017 | 7

We all know when summer rolls around what that means – high temperatures, lots of humidity and elevated heat index. If we plan on being outside and subject to the temperatures, we should be prepared to avoid suffering a heat stroke. The best defense against a heat stroke is prevention. A heat stroke happens when your body temperature is drastically elevated (104°F+), often accompanied with dehydration. Vigorous physical activity in extreme temperatures is the quickest way to fall victim. This potentially fatal medical emergency should be treated immediately. Areas of your body including your brain, heart, kidneys and muscles stand a chance of being affected.



8 | J/A 2017 |


TAKE FREQUENT BREAKS. If possible go inside where it is cooler occasionally. FIND THE SHADE.


DRINK MORE WATER. Drink more water than you think is necessary. Preventing dehydration is key. Cokes/ Coffee/Monster drinks or anything but water is not what you need.


If you or someone in your company is showing signs of overheating, remember acting quickly is important. You should: • Sit down and get turn a fan on you. Remove your clothing if possible. • Always remember to call a medical professional. • Drinking room temperature water is important. Ice water may feel good but it can put your body in shock if your temperature is super elevated. Room temperature water will help reverse dehydration. Once your body temperature has been brought down, ice water is okay. • Run cool tap water on your wrists/forearms. Also, splash your face with cool water. Jumping into a cool (not cold) shower is great, too. This will help bring body temperatures down. • A cool rag on your face/neck can help. The elderly, infants and children are always most at greater risk. Never leave them alone in a vehicle without the air conditioner going. Check on the elderly to make sure their AC units are working or they have working fans during the summer. Anyone who has suffered heat stroke should extra precaution when exposing themselves to the heat. Once they have over heated, tolerance for the heat is compromised and they are at greater risk of heat stroke in the future. | J/A 2017 | 9

It is close to the dog days of summer. We have vacationed, tanned, enjoyed time with family and gone so much that now, we are exhausted and just want to enjoy a little peace before the back-to-school rush begins. Summer is one of my four favorite seasons. I love the heat, the thunderstorms and all that goes with it. No, I don’t spend much time in the water, except my daily showers. No, I don’t enjoy the beach, there are no shade trees there. But, I do enjoy long walks in the woods; chasing the frogs and watching the dogs do the same. This time of year, we often forget the gift of giving. That usually comes with cooler temperatures and the “Ho! Ho! Ho!” But, let us not be short on reaching out to others even in the hot days of summer. Someone you know surely is short on meals. Many have gardens, yielding extra food. Surely instead of allowing it to go bad, we can find someone who would appreciate it. Maybe an older couple needs help with meds or grocery shopping. Getting in the heat is too much for them and a kind gesture could mean so much. In every season, there are multiple ways to show kindness to one another, to strangers and acquaintances alike. Allow time for forgiveness and healing; more family holidays are just around the calendar’s bend. I hope you all embrace today with gratefulness; its gift to you depends on your perception.






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312 Tenaha St | Center, Texas 75935

P (936) 598-4359 | F (936) 598-4664 | C (936) 488-2940

HOME 10 | J/A 2017 |





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It’s officially summer and boy is it HOT!! While you and your family are enjoying some fun in the sun, don’t forget to always carry along your sun protection and follow the heat stroke advisories in this issue. Gabby’s feature of the Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative Lineman really hit home for me, as my husband and myself spend our Monday - Friday, 8-5 days as employees of the Co-op. When storms roll in, we often spend much more time beyond the weekday hours out in the field or at the office. For us, it’s not just a job, its a commitment and pleasure to serve our communities. Let us also not forget the men and women of our local highway departments, law enforcement and fire departments that also come to our aid during times of need such as summer storms. I encourage you to shake these folks hand the next time you see them out working in dangerous conditions to ensure our surroundings are safe.

Endless Possibilities Catering & Event Planning

Rose A. Specter - Coordinator


As our children get ready to return to school this August, more traffic will return to the roads and our days will become busier. Let’s be sure to watch for children crossing the road and make safe driving a priority as the school buses make their routes. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and back to school season!

B 12 | J/A 2017 |


We proudly hold a licence issued by the Louisiana State Licence Board for Contractors for the Specialty of: Oilfield Pit Treatments Pumpdowns Land Reclamation

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Providing superb service in a professional manner that is timely and efficient. We specialize in the construction of drill site locations, roads and frac ponds as well as the performance of annular injections, pit reclamation and landfarming. We provide our services for some of the top oil and gas companies in the industry such

as Anadarko Petroleum, Chesapeake Operating, Inc., EXCO Oil Corporation, Goodrich Petroleum and Noble Energy. K&L proudly maintains an excellent safety record and perpetuates the highest safety standards for our employees.

| J/A 2016 | 13

ON THE COVER - FEATURE STORY Rain, sleet, snow or shine – none of that means a thing to the co-op guys. Can you imagine going to work in whatever weather mother-nature decides to throw at you on each day? the life of a Co-op lineman, your job demands you to be prepared for whatever the day throws your way.

FEATURE STORY | J/A2017 | 15

Life Line on the

We had the privilege to interview two Shelby County linemen that were willing to share some information about the days on the job for them.

Job Title: Lineman Years on the job: 10 years. February will make 11. What is a day on the job like for you? It varies from day to day; we run meters sometimes, we do disconnects and reconnects to properties, set up security lights or work power outages. What does it take to become a Lineman? It takes 5 years on the job training to become an official Lineman. What do you enjoy most about your job? Everything about it. You never know what you are going to be doing from day to day. How is this job on a family life? I have a wife and three children. Sometimes this job, doing what I do everyday, can be hard on a family. 16 | J/A 2017 |

The next time you have a power outage, remember there are real people attending to your needs. The next storm that hits the area, think about those out in the dark, in the unsafe conditions working to restore power to the population. Maybe saying a prayer for their safety would be helpful. Remember that there are wives, parents and children at home, waiting for the safe return of those they love. A nice “Thank you for your service!” is an encouraging word for those men. Let’s show them that we do appreciate their dedication to their jobs and communities.

Job Title: Lineman Years on the job: 19 years What is a day on the job like for you? You never know the job can change from day to day. Storms may come in so we could be replacing lines, set up security poles, take down lines. You just never know. What does it take to become a Lineman? You can get into an apprentice program which will be working there about five years or you may attend a 10 week school to become a lineman to speed up the process. What do you enjoy most about your job? Knowing that I am helping people in need. How is this job on a family life? It can be stressful on a family life, you might miss out on events, and during storm outages you might go without seeing your family a few days.”

FEATURE STORY | J/A 2017 | 17

On May 11, 1935, President Roosevelt signed into law a bill allowing for local groups to form non-profit electric cooperatives for the purpose of bringing electricity to the rural farms of East Texas. At that time, people residing in cities had been enjoying the benefits of electricity for many years; however, since it was not profitable for the private power companies to serve the widely scattered rural population, the farmers and ranchers did not share the luxury of electric service. The law caused a boom of new electric cooperatives across the nation, one of which was Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative. The Cooperative received its charter on January 14, 1938, and a seven member board of directors was established. The cooperative was to be called Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. with its headquarters located in San Augustine, Texas. After the laws and the by-laws were established and all necessary legal work was completed, the Cooperative set forth to secure its first loan of $128,000 from the Rural Electrification Administration. In July 1938, the first distribution pole was set in Shelby County near the First United Methodist Church. From that point, lines were stretched in nearly all directions in Shelby County and continued on into San Augustine and Sabine Counties. Both work and progress grew and at the end of the first year, Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative had some 140 miles of distribution lines serving 822 members. On December 16, 1938, the lines were energized with the electricity which was purchased by DETEC from two private utility companies, Texas Power and Light Company and Southwestern Electric Power Company through the Texas-Louisiana Cooperative. This was the beginning of the first rural electrification cooperative in the Deep East Texas area. Since the first pole was set in 1938, DETEC has grown both in membership and in the transaction of business. When established, only three counties were served by the Co-op. Today, the Co-op serves eight counties including San Augustine, Nacogdoches, Shelby, Newton, Panola, Jasper, Sabine, and Rusk. A larger board of directors has been established as well as a larger employment force. In 1938, there were only 25 people employed by the Co-op. Today there are over one hundred people employed. DETEC today has approximately 7,000 miles of distribution lines with some 40,000 meters connected. Since 1938 DETEC has paid more than eight million dollars in capital credits back to its consumers.

18 | J/A 2017 | | J/A 2017 | 19


Summer Storm Safety Severe storms can cause many electrical safety hazards in and around our homes. To protect yourself and your family from storm-related electrical dangers, here are some answers to common storm-safety questions. How can I keep my family safe inside while it’s storming? • Stay away from windows and doors. • Unplug electronic equipment before the storm arrives. During the storm, avoid contact with electrical equipment, cords and plumbing (including sinks, bathtubs and faucets). • Limit the use of corded telephones to emergencies only. You can use cordless or cellphones safely. • You should bring your pets inside to protect them. Doghouses are not lightning-safe, and chained animals can easily become victims of lightning strikes.

What should I do if I am caught outside during a thunderstorm or lightning storm? • Don’t stand close to other people. Spread out. • Lightning strikes the tallest available object, so if you are in an exposed area, crouch low, tuck your head and cover your ears. Do not lie down. • Stay away from trees and metal. Don’t hold on to metal items like bats, golf clubs, fishing rods, tennis rackets or tools. Avoid metal sheds, clotheslines, poles and fences. • Stay away from water, including pools, lakes, puddles and anything damp—like grass or even wet towels.

What should I do if I encounter a lightning storm while driving? Slow down and use extra caution. If possible, pull off the road into a safe area. Do not leave your vehicle and do not use electronic devices inside the car.

20 | J/A 2017 |

What do I do if I encounter a downed power line? • Move at least 10 feet away from the line and anything touching it. • Do not attempt to move a downed power line or anything in contact with the line. Even nonconductive materials like wood or cloth, if slightly wet, can conduct electricity and electrocute you. • If you see someone who is in direct or indirect contact with a downed line, do not touch the person—you could become the next victim. Call 911 instead.

What if my car contacts a downed line? Do not drive over downed power lines. But if you are in a car that has come into contact with a downed line, stay in your car. Tell others to stay away. If you must leave your car because it’s on fire, jump out with both feet together and avoid contact with the car and the ground at the same time. Shuffle away with small steps, keeping your feet together and on the ground at all times.

What should I look out for when my home is flooded? Use extreme care when stepping into flooded areas indoors. Submerged outlets or electrical cords can energize water, posing a lethal situation. Do not use electrical appliances that have gotten wet until a qualified service repair person can examine them. Electrical equipment exposed to water can be extremely dangerous if re-energized without proper reconditioning or replacement.

Does a flood affect my home’s electrical system? Electrical system elements such as circuit breakers, fuses, ground-fault circuit interrupters, receptacles, plugs and switches can malfunction when water and silt get inside. If they have been submerged, have a licensed, qualified professional replace them. Can flooded outside areas be dangerous, too? Yes. Downed power lines or submerged outlets from adjacent homes could energize the water. Use extreme caution when entering any flooded area. To ensure safety at all times, when in doubt always call 911.

Hurricane season usually lasts from June to November. An average hurricane season produces about 12 storms big enough to be named, of which six typically become hurricanes. | J/A 2017 | 21


Autumn is just around the corner, and now is the time to plan your fun family trip! We’ve picked out some of our favorite fall destinations in Texas that offer everything from pumpkin carving to scarecrow stuffing and everything in between. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing weekend in nature or a lively family adventure, we’ve got ideas for you! Celebrations Events & Travel would love to help you plan your dream trip, so please contact us via phone at (888) 394-0017 or email us at By Whitney Alger, Owner Celebrations Events and Travel

22 | J/A 2017 |

Barton Hills Farm Bastrop, Texas

This cozy little farm has tons of entertainment to offer to people of all ages! Kids can get lost (and found) in the corn maze or roam through the pumpkin patch. The farm also offers carnival activities such as tube slides, rubber duck races, beanbag toss, tug-o-war, and giant Jenga! Perhaps one of the most popular attractions are the friendly animal residents! Barton Hills is home to a number of calves, sheep, pigs, and goats who all love attention from the farm visitors! For the more low-key visitors, there is live music to enjoy, plus a picnic area to eat some delicious food from the concession stand or food truck. | J/A 2017 | 23

State Fair of Texas Dallas, Texas

Are you a true Texan if you haven’t been to the State Fair? One of the oldest and most fun traditions of Texas is the annual State Fair. There are hundreds of things to do here! Some of the most fun experiences include pig races, the pee wee stampede, pumpkin painting, touring the livestock barns, the parades, and fireworks show. Another thing that makes the fair so unique is the food! Vendors present original (and often strange) creations such as burgers, corndogs, hotdogs, funnel cakes, bacon cream corn, Dr. Pepper chip ice cream, Doritos mozzarella sticks, and fried jello! And of course, you can’t visit the State Fair without taking a photo with the famous Big Tex. 24 | J/A 2017 |

Lost Maples State Natural Area

Vanderpool, Texas

If you’re looking to experience the leaves changing and the breathtaking transition from late summer to fall, look no further than Lost Maples State Natural Area! There is perhaps no other place in Texas more beautiful in autumn. Visitors can experience nature at its purest. Activities include hiking over 10 miles of trails, camping in numerous campsites with water and electricity, fishing in the river and creek, and bird watching. You might even spot a Golden-Cheeked Warbler or a Black-Capped Vireo, both of which are endangered species that live in the area. Kids can also become a Junior Ranger and compete to earn badges! | J/A 2017 | 25


Low-Carb on the Easy

We all know how hard it is to stay healthy throughout the year Try these tasty and easy-to-prepare recipes for a low-carb diet.

Grilled Steak Rolls • 1 pound grass-fed skirt steak • 1/2 a medium onion • 1 green bell pepper • 1 yellow bell pepper • 1 zucchini • 1 teaspoon garlic • 3 tablespoons coconut aminos • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar • coconut oil (or oil of your choice) • salt & pepper to taste (other seasonings optional)


Slice meat in half, creating a thinner piece of meat. Using a mallet, pound each steak until thin and about the size of your hand. Combine garlic, aminos and vinegar in a bowl. Allow the meat to marinate for a while in the refrigerator. Slice bell peppers, zucchini and onion into strips. In a skillet, heated to medium, add coconut oil. Sauté veggies until just tender. Once skirt steaks are ready, evenly distribute veggie mixture in the center of each skirt steak. Fold each side towards the center and secure with a toothpick. Season steak as desired. Heat grill or pan over high heat. Allow surface to become very hot. Place skirt steaks on pan or grilling surface. Cook, turning to assure to desired doneness. Serve with confidence!

26 | J/A 2017 |

Greek Cucumber Salad • 2 cucumbers, peeled and chopped into ¼ moons • 4-6 Roma tomatoes, chopped • ½ of a red onion, sliced • ¼ cup olive oil • 1½ Tablespoons lemon juice • 2 teaspoons dried oregano • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese • Salt and Pepper (to taste) • Black olives, pitted and sliced (to taste)

Directions: Combine cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. Set aside. In another bowl, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, and dried oregano. Pour over the vegetables and mix well. Season salad with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the feta and olives over the top, according to your personal preference. Refrigerate until ready to eat. Enjoy! | J/A 2017 | 27


Bacon Wrapped Asparagus Sticks • • • •

Lean, organic bacon. Applegate is a great brand to use. Fresh asparagus. Do not use canned. Parmesan cheese, if desired. Garlic powder, if desired

Directions: Preheat oven to 400°. Cut the bacon slices lengthwise, making the strips narrow. Pinstripe them around the asparagus. Don’t overlap the edges; doing this will not allow airflow needed to crisp correctly. Using a wire rack placed on top of a cookie sheet, place asparagus loosely on rack. The rack will allow bacon fat to drain. Bake for 10 minutes on each side, flipping for assured crispiness. Watching closely and cook longer if you want it a little crispier. After they have cooked close to desired crispiness, finish under the broiler just long enough to get an extra crisp on the bacon. This is tricky because the broiler can burn food very fast so you have to keep a close watch on it. Finally, sprinkle garlic powder and Parmesan it, seasoning it to taste. Great as a side dish or to stick in your backpack for a snack while hiking!

28 | J/A 2017 |

Start back to school with a Student Checking Account Minimum deposit to open: $25 No minimum balance No monthly service charge Debit card privileges are available FREE Web Banking and Bill Pay Statements available electronically Unlimited transactions Age Restrictions See new account representative for full disclosures that may apply | J/A 2017 | 29


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TEXA | J/A 2017 | 31

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