Natural Texan Magazine - Nov/Dec 2018

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December 2018 | | 2

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December 2018 |



table of

CONTENTS features


game warden


l e t t e r f r o m the editor



perfectionism: mama stop believing the lie.


beauty sleep


13-16 p l a c e s & f a c e s


texas wild hog


cattle driving

December 2018 | | 4

a letter from the


ife in the Pineywoods doesn’t get to enjoy very much white snow in the winter here, but that is perfectly okay with me. I like winter but only about the first two weeks, and then I am over it. With winter there are special things that do mean a lot to me, but the

cold isn’t one! I love family time, decorations, bonfires, and s’mores, so I can manage winter for a little while in Texas. In this issue you will read about Mike Hanson who is a well-known East Texas Game Warden, and you will be able to live his story throughout these pages. Ms. Terri and I loved sitting down to hear everything he had to say. In her article, Kristen Pinkston tells us that motherhood is sometimes challenging during the holiday season. Kristen shares all the right words for us in her article for any mom who needs an extra boost. (It was definitely something I needed to hear). Sleep is something we all need and may not get enough of. Dr. Jheri Lynn McSwain gives us tips on how to master that. Last, but not least, a big big problem in our area is HOGS! Brian Dean has the information you need to help stop the hogs that are tearing up these beautiful pastures in East Texas. I cant wait for you to dig into these pages. Grab your coffee or tea, and a blanket sit in a recliner and enjoy! I CAN SEE YOU NOW. MERRY CHRISTMAS and see you NEXT YEAR


December 2018 |



Texas Game Warden “It’s More t han Just a Job”


hen a group of young school children, in Shelby County, were once asked if they knew what a Texas Game Warden’s job was, one young man very enthusiastically raised his hand.

“I do. I do! You are the guy who checks the games out to see if they are okay to

sell,” the student answered proudly.

According to Captain Mike Hanson, a Game Warden for the State of Texas, when

visiting classrooms in rural Shelby County, “many of these kids generally have a good idea of what the job of a game warden entails because many of them have grown up fishing and hunting from a very early age. But, sometimes, there are kids who don’t have a clue about what a game warden’s job entails……this also applies to many adults, especially as our society becomes more and more urbanized.”

Captain Mike had known as a young boy of around eight that he wanted to be a game

warden. He spent as much time as possible with his grandparents while growing up, as December 2018 | | 6

he still does to this day. His grandfather became a primary founder and the first president of the 8,000 acre Bull Creek Hunting Club in Cherokee County in an area along the Neches River. Although it was owned by a timber company, it was previously known as “open land” without any real public access restrictions. That was to change around the mid-1970’s with access first restricted and a hunting club formed, gates were installed which limited entry, and problems arose from those who had been using the property for years. Nighttime hunting for deer was rampant in this area year round back then. The local game wardens frequented Mike’s grandparents’ home as they addressed issues in the area and his grandfather often rode with them at night. As they told adventurous tales of their jobs in the presence of a young boy who couldn’t hear enough of their stories, this helped mold and confirm the path that Mike Hanson would take in 1992 when he entered into the 43rd Texas Game Warden Academy in Austin, Texas.

Mike Hanson grew up in East Texas and

South West Louisiana. He and his family are from Rusk, but he recently discovered that he is related to the Hanson’s who

with nearly twenty years of field service

settled in Shelby County around 1840.


John C. Hanson was his great-great-great

grandfather and was born near Joaquin,

for a company in Sulphur, Louisiana

as were all but one of his children. When

that handled rental, lawn and light

Mike came to Shelby County, he fell in

construction equipment rental and repairs.

love with the area. Mike was the youngest

It wasn’t long before he was handling all

game warden in Texas when he first

of the rentals as well as doing all repairs

arrived in Shelby County and also holds

on customer and company equipment.

the record for being the field warden who

After graduating, he returned to his

remained in Shelby County the longest,

family’s gun and pawn shop business in

While still in high school, he worked

December 2018 |



Rusk, where he had previously worked often during the summers. It was there he learned what he considered the most valuable skills for his future employment, which was how to deal with and treat people. He was taught through the variety of people who came through the doors of the business how to treat each person with respect, and how he would have wanted to be treated as well.

After completing his required training

from the 43rd Texas Game Warden Academy, Mike was given the opportunity to choose three locations on a “dream sheet” of where he would like to work, based on open duty stations. Shelby County was his first choice and he found out two days prior to graduation his wish was granted. It didn’t take long to discover that the job as a Texas Game Warden would be “more than just a job.”

According to the Texas Parks and

Wildlife website, “Texas Game Wardens have exemplified dedication, passion and commitment to protecting the natural resources of Texas for over 100 years.”

“As fully commissioned State Peace

Officers, Texas Game Wardens not only enforce fishing, hunting and water safety laws; they also apprehend dangerous criminals and provide valuable public safety to the people of Texas.”

Captain Mike has spent over twenty-

six years working as a Texas Game Warden. He said there have been numerous instances during these years that have reminded him how lucky he was, especially after an event was over.

“As my career progressed and I learned

from a few mistakes, fear certainly existed December 2018 | | 8

at times and it created caution, which

hunter had recently been released from

keeps you alive.” Things like “a near

prison and knew he was in the nearby

miss by an intoxicated boater without

woods with a loaded weapon, a weapon

lights on his boat at night, near misses by

that he knew someone just released from

several intoxicated vehicle operators in

prison should not have. Knowing that he

the middle of the night, countless contacts

was sitting in a precarious position, he

with armed, sometimes belligerent

“made a deal” with the stepfather to bring

individuals in the middle of nowhere, in

his stepson to town when he returned.

the middle of the night” were just a few of

Hanson left, to await their meeting in

the things he has had to deal with. There

town later..... Time was allowed for the

is constant contact with unsafe hunters

hunter to rush back into camp when Mike

who are not cautious of where there

departed. Mike and the Constable, instead

muzzles are pointed, and instances like

of meeting them in town, returned to

when he had to wrestle, in a small boat,

the camp. The man, who had a lengthy

with an intoxicated individual who tried

history of bad decisions, was taken into

to jump into the Sabine River with a bag

custody without incident and a scary

of meth to avoid arrest. More often than

situation was brought to a close.

not, he found himself working alone and

often at night, knowing that if he needed

job include investigating hunting

assistance he would be difficult to find

accidents, boating accidents, recovery

because of the distance and the remote

of drowning victims and responding to

locations he worked in.

natural disasters, all of which can be

In one instance that could have ended

heartbreaking. Sometimes the job takes

badly, Captain Mike found himself, along

them out on the coldest, wettest nights,

with the local constable, on a piece of

searching for illegal hunters or a missing

property owned by a rather uncooperative

boater. It’s all part of the job.

family that didn’t want them there in

the first place. Responding to a call

people and the positive contacts that

regarding illegal road hunting, he was met

game wardens have with the majority of

with a father and his son who would not

the public they encounter,” Captain Mike

admit anything regarding the hunting.

said. As a game warden, he has always

Eventually the father said it was his

tried to take people and their situations

stepson who had done the killing. The

seriously, and try to help, no matter how

actual hunter who had already shot three

small or trivial it may seem, because to the

illegal deer that day was back in the woods

individual, it is very important to them.

with his firearm, likely now waiting for

With the changing of the seasons, the

the game warden to leave. The constable

job changes. In the fall, game wardens

had to leave, and Captain Mike said he

generally deal with hunting issues and

would wait for the hunter to return. In the

violations. Spring is more fishing related

meantime, he discovered the absent illegal

and summer time involves water safety

Other aspects of a game warden’s

“The thing I like the most is helping

December 2018 |



September - October 2018 | | 10

patrols on lakes and rivers. Water safety is a huge part of the job, especially with the rising number of boats and watercrafts out on the water. Boating While Intoxicated enforcement is a huge focus during the summer.

Since promoting to Captain, Mike’s

duties do not allow him as much time in the field and much of his work is done on a computer, cell phone or driving down the highway. A typical day would begin with checking the cell phone that lies nearby every night, to make sure nothing was missed in the night. For Captain Mike, much of his day is spent answering calls and making sure the fourteen Game Wardens and two Administrative Assistants he is responsible for are able to do their jobs safely and to the best of their ability. The continuing calls provide a variety of opportunities to work with the public, maintaining their safety in hunting, fishing, and boating. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing at the end of the day they have been able to help someone.

A game warden does not work a regular

nine-to-five job. They go to work when they know they need to during peak times of activity and when they receive a call, which could come at any time, day or night. The hours can be tough, not just for the warden, but for their family.

“This is not a job. It’s a way of life.

It’s not just a way of life for the warden, but a way of life for their family as well because they have to deal with it the same as the warden does.”

Mike Hanson’s family knows this all

too well. Tammy, his wife of twenty four

years, has been by Mike’s side throughout his career. She is the Director at the Center Emergency Department, which is a satellite facility of Nacogdoches Medical

December 2018 |



Center, located in Center, Texas. Their

person with importance and in the same

daughter, Macey Jo, is a senior at Timpson

manner he would desire to be treated in

High School, and their son, Jake is a freshman

the same situation. Even though he may

in Center. They have had to make alternate

have to put someone in jail or issue them a

plans when there was something going on

citation, if encountered later, and in rural

with the family and Mike would receive a

Texas you will see them again, Mike will

phone call which would take him back out to

visit with them and treat them with the

work…..many times. It’s all part of the job,

respect he would anticipate in the same

he said, “When you are young in your career,


you can’t wait for the phone to ring.” Game

He emphasizes these principles with less

Wardens have close working relationships

tenured game wardens, and as they go out

throughout their communities and always

to work in the public, he reminds them

encourage the public to report violations, any

that their job is helping people, enforcing

time, day or night.

the law and building public relationships

through trust and respect.

Between patrolling their assigned area,

assisting other agencies, answering calls

From his early days of game warden

for information, responding to reports of

contact around his grandparent’s home

violations, continued training, speaking to

to later working in the family’s gun and

civic groups and going to schools to help

pawn business, Captain Mike Hanson has

educate young people in outdoor safety, Texas

learned a valuable lesson about people.

Game Wardens are kept busy. Captain Mike

“You treat people the way you want to be

says game wardens go to local schools several

treated, and you respect them.” Because

times a year, bringing an understanding to

of his attitude, Captain Mike has earned

students growing up in East Texas of gun

the respect as a Texas Game Warden from

safety, water safety, and hunting regulations

not just those who work with him, but

to help them learn to be responsible as they

from most of those who encounter him in

begin to grow up in their rural areas where

their everyday lives.

all these outdoor activities are a part of their daily living.

Captain Mike Hanson has been dedicated

not only to his family and job, but to the people of Shelby County, Texas. His experience has taught him the best way to deal with people is to treat them with respect, honor and fairness. He may be sitting down to a meal somewhere, but always takes the time to speak with someone who has come up to him to visit about their hunting and fishing experiences, get an answer to a question, report a violation or just visit. He treats each December 2018 | | 12

PLACES & FACES hunting photos

* email your submitted photos to By doing this, you grant the Natural Texan Magazine ownership and the rights to license and republish the photographs in any the issues. Submissions will be first- come-first- served basis.

PLACES & FACES submitted photos - hunting photos

PLACES & FACES submitted photos - hunting photos

Perfectionism: Mama stop believing the lie.


otherhood. It’s something you can’t fully prepare for until you’re suddenly the captain of your own ship. A huge job, with little to no training on how to navigate treacherous waters. Balancing a household, keeping friendships alive, healthy meals on the table, a career, a plethora of schedules lined out for the week ahead, and twenty-five thousand other things I won’t sit here and name. Mama, when is the last time you’ve taken a step back and looked at all that you do? I’m amazed at how much women are truly capable of. We are relentless creatures, wired differently for the task at hand. We never stop. I’m real good at stretching myself pretty thin and realizing I’m trying to pour from an empty cup. I get so caught up in what needs to be done, that I’ve found myself missing out on fun, little moments, and ultimately… memories.

Every Saturday the house has to be clean. Or at least in my silly little mind it does. After the boys eat breakfast I set them up with an activity and get to work. I make ninety-seven circles around the house picking up, straightening home decor thats been shifted through the week, aligning couch pillows just right, spot cleaning stains that no one can really see but me, organizing the boy’s train sets, and tackling any other imperfections I see in the house. I’m on it. Once the house is in order, I spend the rest of the day occupying the kids time and cleaning up after each activity so it doesn’t wreck what I’ve worked hard at all day, and for what? Why?

I encourage you mama, if you find yourself struggling with feeling the pressures of perfectionism like I do, lets begin to make a conscious effort to step over the mess, and surround your self with women who recognize life for all that it really is. Let’s begin to embrace the hard seasons of parenthood, like your strong willed second child. To try daily to leave feelings of perfectionism and insecurities at the feet of Jesus and remember that tomorrow is a new day for a fresh start. Kristen Pinkston

Why are we all striving for the perfect house, the perfect car, the perfect family portrait, and the perfect body? Why do I have such a heavy weight on my shoulders that things have to be perfect? Am I talking to anyone else here or just me? Today, I got both boys down for a nap at the exact same time. In a moment of victory I ran to the kitchen and made an afternoon cup of coffee and just sat in silence alone at the kitchen bar. The only noise in the house was the hum of the refrigerator. I began to think about just how much pressure is put on women today. I sat there feeling disgusted that I’ve somehow bought into the lie that things have to be this way. Why? Is it because thats what we see on social media or on the pages of Good Housekeeping? Aren’t we all really good at hiding this mess of a life we lead on social media? Why can’t we join together and call it what it is. Flat out HARD. There is nothing easy about parenthood, it really isn’t. Why are we so driven to mask the majority of what we’re really dealing with? I mean I have one kid who has listened from day one and one who now wears a leash in public for crying out loud. I had a good thirty minutes to myself and realized I’m going to try hard to worry less, stress less, be ever present with my kids instead of just occupying their time with an activity that I know will keep them quiet. I got up from the kitchen bar walked through a house full of things that weren’t in their place and slipped into bed with Greyson. My weight shifted the bed and it brought him out of a deep sleep. He instantly wrapped his chubby little arms around my neck. Just as if he knew I needed a hug and drifted off back to sleep. I laid there for the next half hour promising to myself I would change.

December 2018 |



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The Beauty of Sleep


cientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer, in addition • It enhances your memory and makes you more creative. • It makes you look more attractive. • It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. • It protects you from cancer and dementia. • It wards off colds and the flu. • It lowers your risk of heart attacks, stroke, and diabetes. • You’ll even feel happier and less anxious. Supporting evidence for all of these results has been published in more than 17,000 scientific reports. What is this treatment and how do I get it? SLEEP Do you think you got enough sleep this past week? Can you recall the last time you woke up without an alarm clock feeling refreshed, not needing caffeine? If the answer to either of these questions is “no,” you are not alone. Two-thirds of adults throughout all developed nations fail to obtain the recommended eight hours of nightly sleep according to the World Health Organization and the National Sleep Foundation. Routinely sleeping less than six or seven hours a night demolishes your immune system, more than doubling your risk of cancer. Insufficient sleep is a lifestyle factor determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer’s disease. Inadequate sleep disrupts blood sugar levels so profoundly that you would be classified as pre-diabetic. Short sleeping increases the likelihood of your coronary arteries becoming blocked and brittle, setting you on a path toward cardiovascular disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure. Sleep disruption further contributes to all major psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Perhaps you have also noticed a desire to eat more when you’re tired? This is no coincidence. Too little sleep swells concentrations of a hormone that makes you feel hungry while suppressing a companion hormone that otherwise December 2018 | | 20

signals food satisfaction. Despite being full, you still want to eat more. It’s a proven recipe for weight gain in sleep-deficient adults and children alike. Human beings are the only species that will deliberately deprive themselves of sleep without legitimate gain. The World Health Organization has now declared sleep loss epidemic throughout industrialized nations. In countries where sleep time has declined most dramatically over the past century, such as the US, the UK, Japan and South Korea, are also those suffering the greatest increase in rates of physical diseases and mental disorders.

Why do we sleep?

Sleep enriches a diversity of functions, including our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions and choices. Sleep resets our brain circuits, allowing us to navigate next-day challenges with cool-headed composure. Sleep also allows us to dream which inspires creativity. It restocks our immune system, preventing infection, and warding off all manner of sickness. Sleep further regulates our appetite, helping control body weight through healthy food selection rather than rash impulsivity. Adequate sleep is tied to the fitness of our cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure while keeping our hearts in good condition.

Tips for Healthy Sleep

According to the National Institute of Health (2012), there are twelve tips for healthy sleep. 1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day (even on the weekends). 2. Exercise is great, but not too late in the day. Try to exercise at least thirty minutes on most days but not later than two to three hours before your bedtime. 3. Avoid caffeine and nicotine as these are stimulants. Caffeine can take up to eight hours to wear off fully. Smokers often wake up too early in the morning due to nicotine withdrawal. 4. Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed. Having a nightcap before sleep may help you relax, but it robs you of deep sleep.

6. If possible, avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your health care provider or pharmacist to see whether any drugs you’re taking might be contributing to sleeplessness. 7. Don’t take naps after 3 pm. Late afternoon naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. 8. Relax before bed. Don’t overschedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding. A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual. 9. Take a hot bath before bed. The drop in body temperature after getting out of the bath may help you feel sleepy and can help you relax. 10. Dark bedroom, cool bedroom, gadget-free bedroom. Get rid of anything in your bedroom that might distract you from sleep, such as noises, bright lights, an uncomfortable bed, or warm temperatures. 11. Have the right sunlight exposure. Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Try to get outside in the natural sunlight for at least thirty minutes each day. 12. Don’t lie in bed awake. If you find yourself still awake after more than twenty minutes, get up and do some relaxing activity until you feel sleepy. It is time to reclaim your right to a full night of sleep without embarrassment or the stigma of laziness. In doing so, you can be reunited with wellness and vitality throughout all parts of your body. ### Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating Jheri-Lynn McSwain, Ph.D. County Extension Agent – Family and Community Health Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 936-598-7744 •

5. Avoid large meals and beverages late at night. A large meal can cause indigestion, which interferes with sleep. December 2018 |



Lewis Ross Cattle Driving


urrounded by a herd of cattle, my feet in the position to bale off the four wheeler at any given moment was just the last scenario that took place at the cattle drive at Kennedy Ranch. After my heart had skipped a few beats many times throughout that day, I’d have to say that was an incredible experience that I can’t wait to relive again next year!

Since I was a little girl and after being chased by a jersey bull, a cattle drive has not been on my bucket list of things to do, but after been given the opportunity to tag along on one of the biggest drives in Shelby County It’s hard not to just say okay, put your big girl pants on and let’s do this! Well, right off the bat I started the morning out just right. I pulled in to park my car, and as my husband would say in a sarcastic voice “you always find the best places to park don’t you?” After this particular morning I have now begun to watch my parking. The grass was damp but not crazy wet, so I pulled slightly in the ditch really fast because I could see the horses coming and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to capture a great picture. Little did I know my scene was the first capturing moment of the morning. Mr. Louis says “let’s get Spook to pull her out, she’s got tow hooks” As I stand back and capture the moment that you will only see in Shelby County Texas, I watched the horse pull my car out of the ditch like it was no issue! December 2018 |



After I made that scene for myself, we finally got to move on with our morning. As we came over the hill top, Danny Paul, who was my four-wheeler chauffeur for the evening, told me, “Just hang on and I’ll take y’all where ever you want to go.” In East Texas, using dogs to work cattle may be something everyone wouldn’t understand, especially how it saves the horses and the men tons of steps. Believe it or not, the cattle respect those dogs! At the sound of a whistle , Mr. Louis could call the dogs off or on the cattle. It was amazing to watch. They would work and then he would call them off to let them rest and let the cattle settle down . Then they would begin to track them back to be worked in the pen. Once they drove the cattle to the working shoots, they get their horns trimmed and are vaccinated. If they are also able to bring the calves in, it’s time for their vaccines as well. Trying to capture pictures with Mrs. Bobbie was like seeing my life flash before me. We were walking in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Hey y’all better move before you get run over, they are about to let the cows out in that gate.” It was time for lunch after we finished the first round. Mr. Louis’s wife ,Mrs. Kay, always brings lunch to all the guy that are there working. We are talking home cooked food and dessert. I Think maybe we need a little more time around working loving couples like this. If we had a little more of Mrs. Kay’s sweet tea and pies, and a few story chats with Mr. Louis, our generation would be a lot wiser and better off than we are. Having an opportunity to ride along a cattle drive among such hard-working people, who love their job as well, is a life-changing and exciting adventure. This is one experience I will look forward to every year!

December 2018 | | 24

This is one experience I will look forward to every year!

December 2018 |



TEXAS WILD HOG known problem and a solution


nless you’ve been living under a rock the last ten years, you are well aware that Texas has a serious wild pig problem. Farmers have been looking for new ways to manage the population, because crop and pasture damage created by this invasive species continues to climb. Recent studies by Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension have found that wild pigs cause an estimated $52 million dollars in damage each year. The old fashion ways of baiting and waiting, box traps, and running dogs haven’t been able to keep up with the exploding population numbers. Studies have shown that in order to keep pig population constant a landowner would need to kill 75% of the population each year, just to maintain. The normal ways hunting of wild pigs are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Eradication methods are now being employed by a large number of hunters and farmers including the use of helicopters, night vision optics, drones, and remotely activated traps.

December 2018 | | 26

Companies like Heli-hunter and others use a helicopter to flush pigs out into the open fields where hunters are strapped into the rear doors of the helicopter equipped with high capacity shotguns are used to exterminate the pigs. Night Vision and Thermal Optics like those available through Night Sight Optics at allow hunters and landowners the ability to spot the pigs from a great distance and use the cover of night to get close enough for the kill. Technology has even reached the trapping industry as companies such as HogEye have created large round traps with motion activated cameras. These traps allow the user to view the activity in the trap from their phone and trip the trigger when the largest number of pigs have entered the trap door. Will we, as hunters and landowners, be able to control the wild pig population? I’m not sure, but using the old methods along with the new technology we certainly have a better chance at getting it done. One thing I do know, is that it certainly is fun trying.

December 2018 |



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902 TENAHA STREET, CENTER, TEXAS 936-427-5073 or 936-590-6822

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ADVANCED CANCER CARE. HERE FOR YOU. Would you travel any distance for cancer treatment? Thankfully, you have options close to home. Nacogdoches Medical Center has cancer specialists who consider your type of cancer, stage and lifestyle to recommend treatment plans and options. With advanced technology and personalized and compassionate patient support services – we are here for you every step of the way.

December 2018 |

Talk with a patient navigator, call (833)-300-2372 | 32

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