MEDICAL ISSUE September - October 2018 |
Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House + Cleanout Services
owned and operated by: Brian
& Becky Harkness
(936) 254-9810 Hauling
8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975
We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.
We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.
We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and come to ryour S e p t e m b e r - O c t o b e conveyor r 2 0 1 belts 8 | we n atu a l tlocation e x a nand . nremove e t | the 2 litter in a timely and safe manner.
SPECIAL THANKS to our advertisers Boles Feed Borders Poultry Center Chiropractic Center Health & Harmony Covingtons Lumber Dazzle Me Pink & Blue
Doches Credit Union Edward Jones-Vicky Hudson Endless Possibilities Family Dental Center Farmers State Bank Focused Care Golden Eye Clinic Harkness Litter Heritage Land Bank
LAYOUT & DESIGN Lisa Bricarell
Desiree Nitzschke
Hope Community Medicine
Stephanie Snell
K&L Contractors
Masterson’s Insurance McAdams Propane Nacogdoches Medical Pine Grove Nursing Home R&D Shoop Financial Texas Glacier Ice & Water Town & Country TR’s Steaks & More Triple J
Katie Land, Brittney Griffith, Emily Teske, Nacogdoches Medical Center, & Brian Dean Want to see your business or your story in The Natural Texan?
Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email:
W e c o u l d n’ t d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u , Thank You! September - October 2018 |
table of
CONTENTS features
my story
l e t t e r f r o m the editor
p l a c e s & f a c e s
boo’s battle fund
those katie ideas
nmc wound care center recognized with national award for outstanding clinical outcomes
make up with brittney
october is financial planning month
September - October 2018 | | 4
a letter from the
oodies, crisp air, bonfires, cuddling, sweaters and boots I LOVE FALL! As our last summer days wrap up, I couldn’t be happier. Fall brings much more in East Texas. Beautiful leaves, Hunting begins, Cold and Flu season comes upon us. Most of all
Its just enjoyment of the night skies and bonfires! On top of fall being my favorite, I also enjoy putting together the Medical issue. Where would we be without our medical Professionals? As you turn the pages read about Stephanie Doggett and her journey as being a Labor and Delivery Nurse. Stephanie has impacted women all over this county (including myself twice) with her greatness of nursing. Want to know about a dog named Precious? Well you have picked the right magazine! Flip on in the pages and you will see just how great she is. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I did. Happy Falling East Texas “ A Fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye”
September - October 2018 |
MY STORY the story of Stephanie Doggett
tefanie Doggett is living her dream. She was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, and lived in Logansport until she began elementary school. Stefanie said at that time her parents “crossed over the state line and made us Texans!”
Her early school years were spent attending Joaquin Schools, and she has “bled blue
ever since.” She met her husband, Mick at a friend’s home. At that time each of them had plans for their college. Stefanie did a year of classes at Panola College, and Mick had a scholarship at UT Arlington, to run track. Although she had already planned to attend classes at LSU, she changed her mind at the last minute and headed to Arlington as well to be closer to Mick. As much as she enjoyed the shopping opportunities in Dallas, she missed her pastures, cows, and dirt roads that was so much a part of her growing up. Stefanie and Mick were married in 2003. In 2006, they had the” prettiest baby boy that I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen lots of babies”.According to Stefanie, “Tanor Case was September - October 2018 | | 6
pure perfection and mostly still is!” A couple of years later, they had another son, Morgan Ross, who “rocked our world in 2008, and has every day since. He was my sweet, angel baby and is the biggest momma’s boy (and by biggest, I’m talking almost 10 lbs big) His rolls went on for days and they were the best kissing spots, ever.” Not too much later, they had Finlee Astyn, who “snuck in like Houdini.” As a labor and delivery nurse for years Stefanie never realized that she was pregnant. She thought she had the flu for weeks. Thankfully, she was working with wonderful nurses who realized what was going on long before she did! She had a bad case of denial going on but “Stefanie said Finlee was the best blessing ever. “God is so good and gives us the desires of our hearts even when we don’t realize we need them!” Prior to her current job of as labor and delivery nurse at Nacogdoches Medical Center, Stefanie worked out-patient surgeries, including plastic surgery patients. But, for the past twelve years, she feels she has the most rewarding job ever. Labor and delivery nurses bond with the their patients, unlike other nurse/ patient relationships, sharing a couple’s biggest day as they bring a child into the world. Some of the patients are seen as early as twenty weeks, and by the delivery time, they know all of the family members, including grandparents, their pastors, and the theme of the babies’
“We hold hands with patients; we
nurseries. They also learn of the delivery
sometimes cry with patients; we pray
patients’ biggest fears about the day and
over them, and we pick their husbands
what angles they want the pictures taken.
up off the floors when they pass out. We
September - October 2018 |
are ultimately their loudest, proudest
each other and Newks. What did we do
before Newks came to Nac! These nurses
Stefanie knew that she wanted to
have my heart and I love them and thank
be a nurse by the time she was in high
God for them! My family and friends are
school. Obstetrics had always intrigued
the ultimate best!”
her. She even joked with a couple of
With long shifts and her husband, Mick,
teachers who were both pregnant that she
traveling for work so much, Stefanie’s
might be delivering their babies.
family and friends help with the kids
The hardest thing for Stefanie about
nursing is not being with her children and
“I wouldn’t be able to do this job if
missing out while she tends to the delivery
it weren’t for their help. You know that
of others. The labor and delivery nurses
saying, it takes a village... I literally have
work twelve-hour shifts. Stefanie leaves
the best village. I’ve thought about other
for work at six when her children are still
jobs, and one day I may do something
sleeping, and returns home at 8:30 pm
different. But I know without a doubt
when they are starting to wind down.
I’m where I’m suppose to be right now!
“That’s rough on a mom’s heart,”
I’ve had opportunities come up where
Stefanie said. But, as a labor and delivery
I thought about leaving but God never
nurse she said the easiest part is loving
let’s those thought get too far before He
on “those sweet babies and new moms
reminds me I’m in labor and delivery
when they need me.” Typically, they
because that’s where He wants me.”
have good days because everyone comes
As a mother of three kids, Stefanie says
in happy, bringing in “the church bus”
they are always going in three different
which includes herds of family and friends
directions. Her strong faith in God is
coming in. Their laughter can be heard all
shared with her church family at Word
the way back to the nurses’ station. By
of Faith Church in Joaquin., who are
the time the babies are delivered, the
her extended “village.” Her son, Tanor
labor and delivery nurses know the entire
has played travel baseball for years, and
family. But, when they have a bad day,
currently he’s only doing football , but will
which are few and far between, it’s usually
start basketball in a couple months. But
the worst. The nurses do lots of loving,
Stefanie says his love is hunting.
hugging, crying and praying, as they try to
“He’d move to Kansas if I would!”
be everything those parents need. Those
Morgan plays travel baseball with
are the days the labor and delivery nurses
the Banditos out of Houston nearly year
cry on their way home, praying that the
around. He plays basketball too.
families feel God’s comfort and peace.
“He’s a mean little running back in
“I love being a LnD nurse. But I couldn’t
football also but isn’t getting to play right
do it if it weren’t for the wonderful girls
now because of a little injury.”
I work with. We have some kick booty
Then they have Mable, (that’s what
nurses and we keep each other going! Well
they call Fin. Her son Morgan started
September - October 2018 | | 8
“I want to run around with them everywhere just like my parents do with mine! But goodness that’s going to be a long time from now!”
calling her that while Stefanie was pregnant with her.) “She’s on a cheer team with the Louisiana Rebels. She loves taking ballet and she thinks she’s going to be a softball player but she’s yet to prove herself in that area.’’ As a labor and delivery nurse, Stefanie loves her job, even though it takes much of her time. But her real love will come when she can be a “Nene” to all her own grandbabies. “I want to run around with them everywhere just like my parents do with mine! But goodness that’s going to be a long time from now!”
September - October 2018 |
BOO’S BATTLE FUND helping a true fighter
ebruary 16, 2015 was a test of faith for Brandi Millis from Joaquin, Texas. As a mother of two young children, her doctor’s visit brought words that no one wants to hear. She had cancer. Brandi had been feeling a lot of pain in her breast. She had a large knot that had been swollen and very painful. Trying to treat what was originally thought to be mastitis, Brandi had seen several physicians who had prescribed various rounds of antibiotics. With no improvement in her condition after several months of treatments, she made an appointment with Mr. Mike Belgard at Hope Community Medicine in Center, Texas. Because of a lack of health insurance, Brandi wanted to be treated with more antibiotics, but Mr. Mike was not so sure that she had mastitis, and wanted to run some tests. She returned after a couple of days of additional antibiotics and no improvement, and he sent her for further testing. When her results were returned to the office, Brandi was given the news. She was in Stage 4 cancer. As a mother of little ones, she did not want to leave her children to have treatments somewhere else. She also was concerned about the amount of time she would need to be away from her job at a local nursing home. According to Brandi’s mother, Celeste Lewis, she said her daughter decided to take her treatments close to home. “Looking back now, I wish we would have just gone off for treatment,” Celeste said. Over a course of sixty-five rounds of chemo, fifty-four rounds of radiation, and twenty-eight long months of fighting, Brandi gained her angel wings on June 27, 2017. One of the last things Brandi told her mother, Celeste, was “I am ready, Mama; whatever the Lord decides, I am at peace.” These words from her young daughter gave her comfort, something that many people never get a chance to hear from their loved ones. Brandi is survived by her two boys, Hunter and Henley, her mother, Celeste, and her father, Harold, “Bubba” Lewis, a sister, Amanda Lewis Kirby, September - October 2018 |
and a brother, Justin Lewis, all of Joaquin. In Brandi’s honor, the family has established fund raisers throughout the year to go to a fund called “Boo’s Battle Fund.” The money raised is set aside to help local people in Shelby County with the same problems Brandi faced with the rising cost of medical expenses. The Lewis family knows they can’t help everyone, but there are families who will suffer things like they did, and they would like to help as much as they can. Although many fundraisers don’t always stay to help local families, “Boo’s Battle Fund” can be counted on to be dispersed to those needing assistance here in Shelby County. | 10
September - October 2018 |
September - October 2018 | | 12
PLACES & FACES baby and pet photos
* email your submitted photos to By doing this, you grant the Natural Texan Magazine ownership and the rights to license and republish the photographs in any the issues. Submissions will be first- come-first- served basis.
PLACES & FACES submitted photos - oh baby!
When he finally was placed into my arms, I looked into his precious eyes and felt an overwhelming, unconditional love. I never felt so complete and empowered in my life. Gisele Bündchen
Baby Names from left to right: Adeline Rose Andrews • Catherine Shea Miller • Evalee Grace Andrews • Kroix Campbell Lynlee & Lyla Estes • Nora Blaire Pinkston
PLACES & FACES submitted photos - our local pets
Pet Names from left to right: Bella • Bella • Benelli Estes • Bocephus • Daisy Mae • Bronco • Bru • Dolly • Duke Elvis Presley • Gus • Hanky
PLACES & FACES submitted photos - our local pets
An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. Martin Buber
Pet Names from left to right: Harley • Miller & Doodlebug • Schrute • Silky • Stassi • Woodrow • Yellow
acogdoches, Texas, June 4, 2018 – NMC Health Network physicians, leaders and clinicians are gathering this week to celebrate the Center of Distinction Award, which has been awarded to NMC Wound Care Center by Healogics, Inc., the nation’s largest provider of advanced wound care services. NMC Wound Care Center achieved outstanding clinical outcomes for twelve consecutive months, including patient satisfaction of 93 percent, a wound healing rate of 97 percent within 30 median days to heal, and other quality outcomes. There were 506 centers eligible for the Center of Distinction award, only 172 achieved the honor. “We pride ourselves on quickly getting our patients back on their feet, and living life to the fullest,” said Brandon Jones, Director of NMC Wound Care Center. “The sooner the patient comes to us for treatment, the faster we can start to make an improvement in their lives.” “Receiving the National Award for Clinical Excellence places NMC Wound Care Center amongst the top wound care facilities nationwide,” stated Philip Koovakada, CEO of NMC Health Network. “We are lucky to have a skilled Wound-Care physician in Dr. Kathleen Querry and incredible staff who are compassionate and knowledgeable about wound treatment right here in Nacogdoches.” NMC Wound Care Center is a member of the Healogics network of nearly 800 Centers, with access to benchmarking data and proven experience treating approximately 2.5 million chronic wounds. The Center offers highly specialized wound care to patients suffering from diabetic ulcers, pressure ulcers, infections and other chronic wounds which have not healed in a reasonable amount of time. Some of the leading-edge treatments offered at NMC Wound Care Center include negative pressure wound therapy, debridement, application of cellular-based tissue or skin substitutes to the wound, offloading or total contact casts and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
“This award is a great honor and a testament to our dedication to provide high quality care to the community we serve,” said Jones. “We are proud of our accomplishments and are committed to remain on the cutting edge of advanced wound care treatment in order to meet the needs of the residents of Deep East Texas.” Community members are invited to attend an Open House in celebration of the Center of Distinction Honor at NMC Wound Care Center on Friday, June 8th from 1 to 3 pm.
OCTOBER IS FINANCIAL PLANNING MONTH: c h e c k a n d m a k e s u r e y o u h a v e n’ t m a d e a n y o f these financial mistakes throughout the years!
s people move through different stages of life, there are new financial opportunities — and potential pitfalls — around every corner. Have you made any of these mistakes?
Your 20s
1. Living beyond your means. It’s tempting to splurge on gadgets, entertainment, and travel, but if you can’t pay for most of your wants up front, then you need to rein in your lifestyle, especially if you have student loans to repay. 2. Not paying yourself first. Save a portion of every paycheck first and then spend what’s left over, not the other way around. And why not start saving for retirement, too? Earmark a portion of your annual pay now for retirement and your 67-year-old self will thank you. 3. Being financially illiterate. Learn as much as you can about saving, budgeting, and investing now and you could benefit from it for the rest of your life.
to start saving for retirement. Start now, and you still have 30 years or more to save. Wait much longer, and it can be very hard to catch up. 3. Not protecting yourself with life and disability insurance. Life is unpredictable. Consider what would happen if one day you were unable to work and earn a paycheck. Life and disability insurance can help protect you and your family. Though the cost and availability of life insurance will depend on several factors including your health and age. Generally the younger you are when you buy life insurance, the lower your premiums will be.
Your 40s
1. Trying to keep up with the Joneses. Appearances can be deceptive. The nice lifestyle your friends, neighbors, or colleagues enjoy might look nice on the outside, but behind the scenes there may be a lot of debt supporting that lifestyle. Don’t spend money you don’t have trying to keep up with others.
Your 30s
1. Being house poor. Whether you’re buying your first home or trading up, think twice about buying a house you can’t afford, even if the bank says you can. Build in some wiggle room for a possible dip in household income that could result from leaving the workforce to raise a family or a job change or layoff.
2. Funding college over retirement. In your 40s, saving for your children’s college costs at the expense of your own retirement may be a mistake. If you have limited funds, consider setting aside a portion for college while earmarking the majority for retirement. Then sit down with your teenager and have a frank discussion about college options that won’t break the bank — for either of you.
2. Not saving for retirement. Maybe your 20s passed you by in a bit of a blur and retirement wasn’t even on your radar. But now that you’re in your 30s, it’s essential
3. Not having a will or an advance medical directive. No one likes to think about death or catastrophic injury, but these documents can help your loved ones
September - October 2018 |
immensely if something unexpected should happen to you.
Your 50s and 60s
1. Raiding your home equity or retirement funds. It goes without saying that doing so will prolong your debt and/or reduce your nest egg. 2. Not quantifying your expected retirement income. As you near retirement, you should know how much money you (and your spouse, if applicable) can expect from three sources: • Your retirement accounts such as 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, and IRAs • Pension income from your employer, if any • Social Security (at age 62, at your full retirement age, and at age 70) 3. Co-signing loans for adult children. Co-signing means you’re 100% on the hook if your child can’t pay, a less-than-ideal situation as you’re getting ready to retire. 4. Living an unhealthy lifestyle. Take steps now to improve your diet and fitness level. Not only will you feel better today, but you may reduce your health-care costs in the future.. J. Chance Shoop Financial Advisor Emily Shoop Teske Financial Advisor 220 Tenaha Street Center, TX 75935 936-598-5300
Serving Shelby County since 1994 September - October 2018 |
PRECIOUS p i ne g r o v e s s w eet e s t “em p l o y ee”
nimal lover? Then this is the article for you! I visited with one of Pine Grove’s finest “Ms. Precious.” I can see your face now. Reading this sentence and looking at the pictures below, you are most likely wondering what I am talking about. After Spending some time visiting with Mrs. Kellie, Jean Baty, and Julie Harbison at the nursing home and then doing some research, I am convinced that maybe, just maybe, there are supporting reasons behind therapy dogs. Mrs. Kellie is a Licensed hair stylist that has been doing hair for 34 years and has dedicated her time to go to Pine Grove and assist the elderly patients in the nursing home with their hair and nails. “Precious “came into the picture when she was given to Mrs. Kellie from a teacher she had in high school. P Precious and Kellie have been inseparable since. Precious, the dog, spends her Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons with Mrs. Kellie at the nursing home loving on the ladies and men there, letting them hold her, while they sing to her and pet her. She is treated like a baby, and the residents think the world of this little Boston terrier.
September - October 2018 | | 20
After watching the interaction between Precious and the patients, I completely understand why they say that dogs are great therapy.
September - October 2018 |
After watching the interaction between Precious and the patients, I completely understand why they say that dogs are great therapy. Researching some of the benefits of having a pet for elderly patients, I found it makes perfect sense. According to Google, elderly people who often live alone or in group facilities can benefit by having pets around. The pets can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity, and help them learn. The number of therapy pets welcomed into care facilities have increased over the past few years, with more care homes introducing pet therapy than ever before. If you are ever in Pine Grove on a Tuesday & Wednesday, stop by the beauty shop and meet Precious. If you miss her there, you may find her walking down the halls visiting her patients. Precious is great medicine!
September - October 2018 | | 22
Precious was bought for a man that had Alzheimer’s, that’s why she is so special with older people.
March-April 2018 |
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September - October 2018 |
outdoor retreat
Take it outside! I love fall, as clique as it sounds its by far my favorite time of year. I love to have gatherings with family & friends. As, much as I have loved outdoor tables and space for gatherings. I have just never had the room. Until this year! With a large yard I’m finally ready to take it outside this fall! • Magnolia Leaves • Red pears • Some clippings from a juniper tree behind my house • Beeswax candles ( other candles give me a headache so I buy these at the farmers market, they smell great & I like the golden color) • Cozy pillows • Blankets & cute container to set them in • Outdoor rug (in my case- tired indoor turned outdoor rug)
June - August 2018 | | 26
Things I always have on hand.
• Wood stumps- My husband cut these cedar ones for our wedding and we just decided to keep them all. I have used them for so many parties and events. • Magnolia Garland- It’s hard to see, but I bought a great magnolia garland and usually keep it laid across my dining table. In this case though, I cut some fresh magnolia leaves and just filled it in, the bottom gave it more volume. • Horns- I love deer horns… (I did not kill any of these deer myself). I keep them in my house all year, but am especially fond of them for decorating in fall & winter seasons. • Fruit- Okay, I did buy these gorgeous red pears for this table. They are a great price, and if a guests getsa hankering... there ya go they can eat the centerpiece (haha)! I like decorating with lenons, oranges, apples and of course pumpkins ( I was shocked they are in the fruit family)as well.
, y o j en
e i t a K
make up tips
My name is Brittney Griffith and I’m a lover of all things makeup. I work at Cor Boutique but I also do makeup on the side. I started with prom makeup in 2017 because a friend wanted me to paint her face and then my makeup business just grew from there by word of mouth. Nothing makes me feel better than making someone else feel more confident and beautiful.
Make up tip for the month If you don’t have time for eyeshadow but also don’t want to just leave your eyes blank simply take a large blending brush and the bronzer you used and brush it in the crease and under your eye. Then add mascara and lashes and you instantly look put together and like you spent more time on your makeup than you actually did!
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September - October 2018 | | 30
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September - October 2018 | © 2016 NMC Health Network . All rights reserved.
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