Natural Texan Magazine - June/Aug 2018

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June - August 2018 |




Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House + Cleanout Services




owned and operated by: Brian

& Becky Harkness

(936) 254-9810 Hauling

8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975

We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.


We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.


We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and the litter in a timely and safe J u n e - A u g u s t 2 0conveyor 1 8 | belts n awe t ucome r a ltot your e x alocation n . n eand t |remove 2 manner.

SPECIAL THANKS to our advertisers

4C Electric Boles Feed Borders Poultry Center Health & Harmony Covingtons Lumber Dazzle Me Pink & Blue Doches Credit Union Edward Jones-Vicky Hudson Endless Possibilities


LAYOUT & DESIGN Lisa Bricarell


Desiree Nitzschke


Farmers State Bank

Terri Lacher

Focused Care


Harkness Litter Heritage Land Bank K&L Contractors Masterson’s Insurance McAdams Propane Nacogdoches Medical R&D Shoop Financial Texas Glacier Ice & Water Town & Country TR’s Steaks & More Triple J

W e c o u l d n’ t d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u , Thank You!

Stephanie Snell


Charity Arwine of As You Wish Photography Megan Jackson of Megan Jackson Photography Kayla Parker of Kayla Parker Photograhy Tori Baker of Storibook Photography


Want to see your business or your story in The Natural Texan?

Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email: June - August 2018 |



table of

CONTENTS features






Wiggins Farm

l e t t e r f r o m the editor




those katie ideas

p l a c e s & f a c e s


working towards your own financial independence da

June - August 2018 | | 4

a letter from the


pringtime is a season Of hope and joy and cheer. There’s beauty all around us

To see and touch and hear. So, no matter how downhearted And discouraged we may be, New hope is born when we behold Leaves on a budding tree, Or when we see a timid flower Push through the frozen sod And open wide in glad surprise Its petaled eyes to God, For this is just God saying, “Lift up your eyes to Me, And the bleakness of your spirit, Like the budding Springtime tree, Will lose its wintry darkness And your heavy heart will sing” For God never sends the Winter Without the joy of Spring. ~ Helen Steiner Rice xo,

June - August 2018 |



WIGGINS FARM how watermelons are our life


ome people dream of success while others wake up and work hard for it.” – unknown The sun rising in the East and setting in the West, when you are a farmer you

are the first to the field before daylight and the last to leave at night. To the Wiggins family farming is not just a way of living but a way of life. If you have eaten a Texas grown watermelon in the last forty-five years, chances are you have had a Wiggins Farms Watermelon. The Wiggins Family is currently a five generation farming family that has grown watermelons throughout the great state of Texas.

The first generation started with Lewis Livingston and his son Aubra Livingston.

Aubra’s daughter Jeannine Livingston Wiggins, married James Wiggins. James quickly found a love for watermelon farming. After retiring from his tour of duty in the

June - August 2018 | | 6

military, James built houses, worked in the timber industry, and began farming watermelons around the state of Texas.

James Wiggins carried out family

traditions, by passing his love of farming on to his three sons; Paul, Jody, and Darren, until James retired in 2013. Today James’ grandsons are also carrying on the family farming legacy into a new generation of industry and new technology by; harvesting, packing, and shipping in the watermelon and produce industries.

Visiting with Darren and Kerri Wiggins

I quickly discovered their secret in success in business adventures. When Darren or either of his sons Jesse or Jared, visit a job site first thing they do is search the field for things that need attention. “If you want to be mediocre, or be like everyone else, step over the coke bottles, forget that weeds are out there and growing in the field; but if you want to be the best, you constantly look for the problems and try to fix them.

Hard work and long hours are no

strangers to the Wiggins boys. The Wiggins Boys began working in watermelon fields during their youth and now have continued the work load. The boys have traveled all over the state harvesting and doing contract work. Farming adventures have taken them to South Texas to the Rio Grande Valley, marking the beginning of Wiggins Farms. Originally, the Wiggins family bought tractors and farming equipment and headed to the valley to lease some farmland. They would then go out to the fields, survey and figure out how much work it would take to make a profitable June - August 2018 |



crop, and lease that particular field or fields. You then gather help to assist in planting, farming, and harvesting of that crop.

Raising produce, especially watermelon

crops requires hard work, and up to 18 hour days, making use of any and all help they can get. Hard work is sometimes not enough no matter the effort. A good crop can be ruined by either a major drought or too much rain, causing a substantial drop in income. Watermelon crops require special planting. Wiggins Farms first, grow their plants from seed in a greenhouse for about a month before moving their plants to the field to insure a sturdy crop. The sandy fields have to be prepared sometime in December and January with windbreaks between the rows of plants. In preparation of a new crop, the fields are furrowed with rows of wheat which is allowed to grow so high before they allow them to die out, providing a shield against the strong, dry Valley winds that would blow the watermelon plants around if they were not there.

In addition to watermelons, Wiggins

Farms also grows; onions, corn, and sorghum, rotating their crops out every so many years.

Although, Kerri Wiggins is not working

in the salon anymore, she remains owner of Elite Hair Design, a popular hair salon that has been operating in Center for a number of years. Retiring from hair has allowed Kerri to be able to travel and assist her husband, Darren in the valley, something she couldn’t do working full time and raising both of their sons. With Both boys out of school, the work load is June - August 2018 | | 8

June - August 2018 |



Jan-Feb 2018 | | 10

being shared as their sons become more familiar with the family business. Their oldest son Jesse, will soon be graduating from Stephen F. Austin University with a degree in Agri-Business. He also serves as Vice President of the Texas Watermelon association board, member of National Watermelon Association Generation Y Group, President of National Watermelon Promotion Board, and on the executive committee of the National Watermelon Association. His technology skills, especially the social media skills have been a great marketing asset to Wiggins Farms as well as his knowledge of the farming and marketing operations. Youngest son Jared, plays a key role in overseeing fields through the growing season, working alongside others, and is a huge asset to the business. Jared was recently named Future Farm Leader 2018 by the National Watermelon Association. He is married to Ashlyn Harvey Wiggins who is a marketing graduate from Stephen F. Austin University and is currently pursuing a realtor license. Ashlyn has been assisting Jesse in the Wiggins Farms office in accounting and marketing. In October 2017, Jared and Ashlyn welcomed the newest edition to the Wiggins family, a baby girl, named Zayne Klaire Wiggins. Zayne Klaire is definitely the pride and joy of the family and is the Wiggins Farms watermelon princess. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger.

Sometimes life brings you friends that

turn into family and that is just what has happened when Mark Kotzur, Jana Williams and Donnie Walker joined the Wiggins Farms Family a number of years June - August 2018 |



ago. They are all very valuable assets to

a new business venture that the Wiggins

Wiggins Farms and work long tedious

family will be launching.

hours in what they do.

A willingness to do their best,

producing the finest product they can offer, and dedication to the long, hard working hours is what has made Wiggins Farms a success. According to each family member, it is their faith in God that has really brought them where they are today. Darren, Kerri, and the rest of the Wiggins Family have made their priority of placing God first in their lives.

“It is through prayer that we make

it,� Kerri smiled and said. Darren reached across the table and squeezed her hand. And, it is that faith which has been passed down from five generations that makes the Wiggins Farms a successful business today. In the fall, please be watching for

June - August 2018 | | 12

PLACES & FACES 2018 princess ball, health fair and butterfly release


submitted photos - teachers banquet & first responders lunch

Thank you!


submitted photos - ribbon cuttings & chamber banquet

Growing our community one ribbon cutting at a time.



e’re getting close to the Fourth or July, our national Independence Day. This celebration may get you thinking of the many freedoms you enjoy. But have you thought of what you might need to do to attain financial freedom? Your first step is to define what finan­cial independence signifies to you . For many people, it means being able to retire when they want to, and to enjoy a comfortable retirement lifestyle. So, if this is your vision as well, consider taking these steps: Pay yourself first. If you wait until you have some extra money “lying around” before you invest for retirement, you may never get around to doing it. Instead, pay yourself first. This actually is not that hard to do. especially if you have a 40l(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, because your contributions arc taken directly from your paycheck, before you even have the chance to spend the money. You can set up a similar arrangement with an IRA by having automatic contributions taken directly from your checking or savings account. Invest appropriately. Your investment decisions should be guided by your time horizon. risk tolerance and re­tirement goals. If you deviate from these guideposts - for instance, by taking on either too much or too little risk-you may end up making decisions that aren ‘t right for you and that may set you back as you pursue your financial independence. Avoid financial “potholes.” The road to financial liberty will always be marked with potholes you should avoid. One such pothole is debt - the higher your debt burden. the Jess you can invest for your retirement. It’s

not always easy to lower your debt load, but do the best you can to live within your means. A second pothole comes in the form of large, unexpected short-term costs. such as a major home or auto repair or a medical bill not fully covered by insurance. To avoid dipping into your long-tem1 investments to pay for these shortterm costs, try to build an emergency fund containing six months’ to a year’s worth of living expenses, with the money kept in a liquid. low-risk account. Give yourself some wiggle room. If you decide that to achieve financial independence, you must retire at 62 or you must buy a vacation home by the bench, you may feel disappointed if you fall short of these goals. But if you’re prepared lo accept some flexibility in your plans - perhaps you can work until 65 or just rent a vacation home for the summer - you may be able to earn a different. but still acceptable. financial freedom. And by working a couple of extra years or paying less for your vacation home expenses, you may also improve your overall financial picture. Putting these and other moves to work can help you keep moving toward your important goals. When you eventually reach your own “financial Independence Day.” it may not warrant a fireworks display -but it should certainly add some sparkle to your life. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Vicky R. Hudson, AAMS Financial Advisor 832 Hurst St. Suite 1 Center, TX 75935 936.598.5011

March-April 2018 |



March-April 2018 |



COMPOSTING what’s in season to compost


he holiday season is upon us, and with the holidays comes family gatherings. A majority of my family get-togethers include type of big dinner during this time of year. Most of the time not all of the food is consumed over the next few days and that food ends up in the scraps. Not only during the holidays does this happen, but also all through the year all across America people are tossing out leftovers. We, as Americans, throw away more than 33 million tons per year into the landfill. All this food waste breaks down in the landfill and becomes methane, which is 21 times more potent than CO2 (Environmental Protection Agency) The majority of this food can be turned into what gardeners call “black gold” or compost. The following information deals with composting benefits, what can be composted, as well as different methods of composting. Compost is a process that happens every day in nature. There are several benefits of composting; the first one to be mentioned is soil conditioner. It is the way for nature to turn dead organic matter into nutrient-rich humus, which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. Additionally, it recycles kitchen and yard waste by diverting 30% of household waste away from the garbage can, and finally, it’s good for the environment by feeding your garden and lawn in an organic way, as well as keeping a lot of waste out of our already stressed landfills.

If you decide that composting is for you, then you are in luck because there are several different DIY compost methods. There are just a few simple rules to get the microbes in the compost to start doing there magic. The first step is to layer your compost if possible, by alternating layers of green material and then brown over and over. Once you have a pile of material, it’s time to turn it over by using either a pitch fork or shovel. The pile needs to stay moist, so spraying water on to it periodically helps as well. That’s about it for the basics of composting. You can make all kinds of different compost bins as well by using pallets, Rubbermaid tubs, and chicken wire and so on. A quick search on the internet can provide you with many different types of compost piles or bins. Shane Simpson, Environmental Specialist and Owner of Indian Creek Plant Co.  Follow him on Instagram or Facebook  @ indiancreekplantco They can also contact him at 936-777-3103 or

There are several common things that end up in everyday trash that can be composted, such as the following: Fruit Vegetables Eggshells Leaves Sawdust Grass clippings Garden plants

Weeds Pine needles Dryer lint Wood ash Coffee grounds Newspaper Cardboard

June - August 2018 | | 18

June - August 2018 |





saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.


~ Michelangelo

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Painting by David Masterson





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Endless Possibilities Catering & Event Planning

Rose A. Specter - Coordinator


March-April 2018 | | 22

Half Page Program(5.5”x4.25”)

Dreaming Up the Ideal Retirement Is Your Job. Helping You Get There Is Ours. To learn more about why Edward Jones makes sense for you, call or visit a financial advisor today.

Vicky R Hudson, AAMS® Financial Advisor

Member SIPC



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June - August 2018 |




candle and lotion recipe



i! I’m Katie Land. I love to resale shop, decorate, party plan & DIY. I have a small party planning business and hope to one day have a traveling store! I am married to a bearded hunk and a pet mom to 3 rescue kitties (Lola, Winnifred & Natasha) and the cutest weenie dog in the world (Lucy). I love parties, getting together with my family, traveling, seeing mountains & I am one the world’s biggest Christmas enthusiast! #thosekatieideas

June - August 2018 |

, e v o l

e i t Ka | 26

These lotion bars are one of my favorite natural DIY’s. These bars store well in a cool spot. I like to stack them in a jar until I am ready to use or wrap them up in cute paper & give as gifts. One Christmas I made everyone on my list several bars each. These are really very moisturizing & easy to hold. They are perfect for anyone who has issues with fake scents(me) this smell delicious without causing any allergic reactions since they are made from Essential Oils

I LOVE candles. However, as I have gotten older I realize I am unable to withstand the smell of most scented candles. This has caused me to look into natural resources and discover the many toxins that candles burn onto the air that I apparently am allergic to. I wanted to be able to enjoy a nice candle glow without the regret (headache) that comes from burning candles. This is a recipe I have found that is easy, & a makes a wonderful gift! Enjoy!

Easy Beeswax Candle Teacup: • Resale Tea Cup • 2 Cups Beeswax Pellets • Candle Wicks • 10 Drops Essential Oils (I used Young Living Peppermint & Lime) • Glass mason Jar (preferably one you can toss when finished)

Natural Lotion Bars:

• Lotion Bars • Beeswax Pellets • Coco butter Pellets • 10 Drops Essential Oils (I used Young Living Lavender, Lemon, & Lime) • Silicone Ice Tray • Dried Lavender (Optional)

How to Make:

Combine Beeswax pellets in glass jar. Place glass jar into a pot of boiling water & for 10 minutes (or until mixture is melted), stirring occasionally. Pick up mason jar (very hot) out of water and pour into silicone mold, making sure to fully cover mold shape. Let dry 45 minutes and then ta-dah! Lotion bars!

How to Make:

Combine Beeswax pellets in glass jar. Place glass jar into a pot of boiling water & for 10 minutes (or until mixture is melted), stirring occasionally. Stick candle wick upwards in tea cup (I like to stick a beeswax pallet on the bottom of the candle wick to keep it standing upwards). When mixture is melted, pick up mason jar (very hot) out of water and pour mixture into tea cup making sure to keep wick standing in upright position. Let candle harden (usually only takes 10-15 minutes). June - August 2018 |



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March/April 2017

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March-April 2018 | | 30


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