Natural Texan Magazine - March/April 2017

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Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House + Cleanout Services




owned and operated by: Brian

& Becky Harkness

(936) 254-9810 Hauling

8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975

We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.


We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.


We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and

2 | J/A 2016 | conveyor belts we come to your location and remove the litter in a timely and safe manner.

Delivering freedom & independence to you and your caregivers! Publisher | Editor-in-Chief GABRIELLE WEST

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Editor/Staff Writer REBECCA MOTT Layout & Design BRITTNEY FORD Cover Photographer: STEPHANIE DAVIS


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For demos and more information

call 903.754.7599 | J/F 2017 | 3



6 26 14


6 Princess Ball 2017 8 Roping at Bailey Arena


14 Relief for Allergies

ON THE COVER 16 The Johnson Family Legacy NATURALLY HOME

22 How Healthy is Your Home?

4 | M/A 2017 |


24 Spring Must Haves


26 Spring Treats


29 Local Advertisers


Welcome to spring, East Texas!! I’ll have to admit, spring is not my most favorite season, but, watching as Texas changes in the gardens, flower beds and the warmth of spring temperatures amazes me at times. Every spring is a new breath life for the year to come. Spring reminds me of hope and teaches me to be thankful, realizing the blessings we have in our lives. This year, I am very excited that my family will be welcoming a new addition!

In this issue, you can find our cover story, featuring the Johnson. The Johnson family have been rooted right here in Shelby County for many generations, the PERFECT example of what Shelby County is all about. You will also find articles on spring time cleaning tips, natural ways to help with your allergy relief, AMAZING salads and much more to help bring in spring time to east Texas.

Happy Page Turning!




Princess Ball 2017

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Roping at Bailey Arena

8 | M/A 2017 | | M/A 2017 | 9

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e m o c l e W g n i Spr

I have begun to crave the colors and the warmer days that arrive with April! Despite the fact that we have seen spring many times before, it is always fresh and always a reminder of God’s faithfulness.

Congregating for Spring Raindrops gather in puddles Somewhere on city streets, Demanding the presence of Daffodils and umbrellas. Nosey blades of grass Poke their heads from between Broken basket ball court slabs, In hopes for a ray of sunshine.

In Matthew, we read how an angel appeared to the women at the tomb early that first Easter morning. The angel explained to them that Jesus was not there because he had been raised from the dead, just as he said! Matthew tells us that the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy. That’s what the resurrection does. It takes our fear, our worry, our hurt, our sadness...and it puts it all into perspective. The fact that Jesus is risen from the dead, that he was victorious over death and sin, is reason to celebrate. It’s that fact that gives us joy despite our circumstances and through whatever we may face. What happened on that first Easter day still brings us joy and it still changes lives today Happy Easter! Celebrate the change of the seasons and the blessings that are ours because of the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.



12 | M/A 2017 |

Meanwhile, deep in East Texas, Spring speaks with a different voice. Skies so undecided they cry, Knowing the parching to come, Breathe to us that warning. Colors spray the fields and woods, Prompting us to embrace life of a new year. Pollen-shaking pines wave With laughter at our contempt. You’d better rush to embrace it! Spring bursts forth like a fountain of fireworks, Leaving you agape and just as you begin to Fall in love, the stifling heat of summer suffocates you. You’d better rush to embrace it!




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| J/A 2016 | 13

NATURAL LIVING By Beth Borders Hagler, CNHP

Relief for Allergies Allergies can be caused by food or environmental substances. Food allergies need to be addressed by eliminating suspect foods for a few days. Also, enzymes can be very helpful for those who suffer food allergies. In addition, Candida yeast can cause allergic reactions so if a person is having serious issues, it would be beneficial to do a yeast free diet for at least one month to clear the Candida yeast out of his or her system. Seasonal allergies are what affect almost everyone at some time or other. Often times taking over the counter and prescriptions drugs for allergies and sinus make people feel jittery, lethargic, or irritable. That is a high price to pay for relief. There are natural supplements that can give relief without those annoying side effects. For example, Boswellia can give relief for not just allergy problems but asthma and COPD as well.

Clinical studies

have been done with Boswellia for asthma and 70% showed improvement. For allergies, the Boswellia inhibits the mast cells that trigger histamine. A popular herbal formula is called ALJ by Nature’s Sunshine and it comes in capsules and a liquid form too which is great for those who don’t want to or can’t swallow a capsule. It can help expel mucus.

14 | M/A 2017 |

It is hard to see children suffer from allergy problems because it can make them feel bad all day at school. It may sound strange but we have a certain magnesium supplement especially for kids that helps reduce allergies and asthma and it even helps them with focus! It is such a wonderful supplement and the cost of it is only $11.95. At Center Health & Harmony we have a variety of supplements that can alleviate allergy symptoms. We have herbs, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, inhalers, and of course, the Boswellia supplement. In addition, we have a very interesting supplement

Congratulations, Graduates

that is effective for allergies that are airborne. It coats the sinus cavity and provides a barrier to block the allergens. It is safe for

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Full Service ATM NOW OPEN in Chireno! | M/A 2017 | 15


The Johnson Family Legacy

16 | M/A 2017 |

How does a family legacy begin?

For the Johnson’s, it began with their father (and even grandfather). Back in the day, everyone had a family garden. Then, it was common to peddle left over vegetables at the end of the week. It always seemed that somebody was short on peas or corn; something you had could help them make ends meet. That was when people would put up vegetables for the winter. So, it began, the community came to know the Johnson’s would always plant a little extra and have more than enough for themselves.

FEATURE STORY | M/A 2017 | 17

Everyone remembers Royce and Louise Johnson. Together, they raised Ed (Ed is the vice president of Shelby Savings Bank.), Lynn (who works for Byrd Forestry) and Shelley (Shelley and Renee also have Tyson broiler houses). At some point, Shelley was the son who decided to carry on the produce business. When he met his wife, Renee, she knew that was what the future had in store for Shelley – and her if she was going to be with him. Annually, multiple family members have found summer employment with the produce. There have even been some neighbors and seasonal workers. The jobs have helped pay for college for brothers, nieces, and nephews. Now, their own children, Jenny and Olivia, are working between school summers.

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For three generations now, the family has learned the work ethic of Ms. Louise – work hard!

FEATURE STORY | M/A 2017 | 19

In the mid-80’s, Ms. Louise began the Farmer’s Market on Hwy 96. “Mom worked the stand and dad farmed. The first few years were not very profitable; there were long hours and not much business but consistency paid off. After a few years, the city asked mom to set up on the square. Being available every day for the same hours helped build a business. Being on the square exposed them to more customers.” Jenny and Olivia began working at age four. Both have grown up during the summers working and learning how to interact with the public, getting to know customers and their families and sharing their lives on a daily basis with customers. Living life among the public has taught the girls an appreciation and love for their community. At one point, the Johnson’s farmed up to one hundred fifty acres but now, between 40 and 50. Still, by using succession planting, the community can enjoy good locally grown fresh vegetables all summer long. The market opens the Friday before Mother’s Day annually. It runs through September. The Johnson’s have potatoes, peas, corn, watermelon, cantaloupes, squash, okra, peppers, turnips, greens, onions and probably more. They even offer locally canned vegetables, pickles, salsa and jellies. The most important commitment to the customers at the market is that everything sold must be raised in Shelby County. That means no going out of town and buying in bulk to resell.

“I love that everything is raised here in Shelby County. It builds reputation with our customers, assures us repeat customers, and gives the customers quality vegetables.” In his spare time, Shelley enjoys hunting, most especially squirrel. Annually, he hosts the Shelby Squirrel Camp.

20 | M/A 2017 |

FEATURE STORY | M/A 2017 | 21


How Healthy is Your Home?

Have you ever taken the time to think about common areas where bacteria like to reside within your home? Most people think that the restroom is the “germiest” place in their house, but that is not always true. Take this healthy home quiz and see if you know where bacteria is lurking. Then check-out the healthy hint which follows to find out how to prevent or eliminate common household germs in your home. Question: Cross-contamination with salmonella, E. Coli and other bacteria can occur when handling meat and when preparing fruits and vegetables? (True or False) Answer: True Healthy Hint: Studies have shown that salmonella, E. Coli and other bacteria can be passed through contact with raw meat and through fruits and vegetables, too. To ensure cross-contamination does not occur try the following: Use a no touch kitchen system, wash cutting board/knives between prepping foods, and wash hands between food handling. Question: You just put fresh sheets on the bed. How soon should you replace them with the new ones? A. After one month B. After one week C. If someone is sick D. If you have overnight guests Answer: Anything but A. Healthy Hint: Bed linens, including blankets and quilts should be washed once a week to reduce exposure to germs, grime, and allergens. Question: What poses the biggest risk for staph infection? A. Cutting board B. Toothbrush C. Pet toy Answer: C - pet toy Healthy Hint: A study by NSF International found that pet toys were a big source of staph, coliform, yeast, and mold. Hard toys should be washed with soapy water, soft toys can be laundered. Question: Which of these items has the most germs in the kitchen? A. Refrigerator water dispenser B. Flatware storage tray C. Pizza cutter Answer: A – refrigerator ice/water dispenser Healthy Hint: The dispenser can be loaded with yeast and mold. Once or twice per year pour 3 to 4 cups of vinegar into the water supply tube and let it run through to sanitize.

22 | M/A 2017 |

Question: How much dust can collect in your home’s HVAC ducts in a year? A. One cup B. One pound C. 10 pounds D. 40 pounds E. None, because of air flow when system is on Answer: D - 40 pounds Healthy Hint: This dust contains allergens, bacteria, fungi, mold and approximately 40,000 dust mites per ounce. A professional cleaning is recommended at least every 2 years. Question: Most air purifiers can purge which of these pollutants from your home? A. Secondhand smoke B. Pet dander C. Pollen D. Offensive odors E. All of the above Answer: D - offensive odors Healthy Hint: Gaseous pollutants like smoke are too small for most air purifiers to trap (purifiers get rid of smell, but do not provide lung protection). Pet dander and pollen are too heavy to be trapped. Question: How often should you clean your kitchen sponge? A. Once a week B. Once a day C. Once a month D. When it smells bad Answer: B - once a day Healthy Hint: Sponges can be a prime spot for germ growth. Microwave on high for 2 minutes to kill germs or better yet, use a disposable means such as a paper towel. Question: What is the best tool for cleaning ceiling fan blades? A. A dust rag or cloth B. A fan-blade cleaning tool C. Damp paper towel D. A pillowcase Answer: D - a pillowcase Healthy Hint: Fans are home to mites. Put a pillowcase around the blade and pull it off, wiping all the dust into it. Question: The best time to run the dishwasher is A. Overnight, so you’ll wake up to clean dishes B. First thing in the morning, so you’ll come home to clean dishes C. When you have time to empty it soon after it shuts off Answer: C - when cycle is complete Healthy Hint: Mold can form when moisture lingers in the dishwasher. Run the dishwasher when you have time to empty it when cycle is complete. Question: There’s a musty smell in the laundry room, but there are no dirty clothes. What’s the likely source? A. The hamper B. The washing machine C. The dryer lint trap Answer: B - the washing machine Healthy Hint: Mold and staph can grow in the washer. Leave the washer door open when it’s not in use, or run a cup of bleach in an empty machine on the hottest setting once a month. If you would like additional information on this article, please contact Shelby County Extension Agent Jheri-Lynn McSwain, Family and Consumer Sciences at or by phone at 936-598-7744. | M/A 2017 | 23


Spring Must-Haves!

Who doesn’t want to relax after a long hot day!

The Cottage Greenhouse

Milk Bath $32.00 Available at Center Floral in Center, TX.

24 | M/A 2017 |

Perfect for that spring house cleaning!

Creative Energy Candles $24.00 Available at Center Floral in Center, TX.

Editor’s Pick! The Cottage Greenhouse

Handcreme $24.00

Available at Center Floral in Center, TX. | M/A 2017 | 25


Panzanella Salad

• • • • • • •

spring mix lettuce tomatoes - I used plum, quartered. croutons mozzarella olive oil and white wine vinegar for drizzling salt, pepper, dried rosemary, garlic powder to taste half a lemon

Toss the lettuce and slices of tomatoes with a drizzling of olive oil, white wine vinegar, and juice from the lemon. Top with thin slices of mozzarella and croutons. And there you have it; a beautiful Panzanella Salad. 26 | M/A 2017 |

Strawberry Spinach Salad • • • •

baby spinach fresh strawberries, quartered pecans, broken Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing

Toss together. Top with Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing and enjoy.

Cantaloupe Gazpacho • 1 medium cantaloupe (peeled, seeded, chopped) • 1 small cucumber (peeled, chopped) • 2 tablespoons chopped red onion • 1/3 cup water • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil Purée all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Season to taste with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Chill and serve. | M/A 2017 | 27

Broccoli Salad

• 2 c broccoli crowns chopped small


• 1/2 c roasted peanuts

• 1/2 c mayo

• 1/2 c white raisins

• 1 pkt stevia

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy.

• 1 tsp Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar

* These measurements are approximate. You may choose to give or take a little, depending on your preference.

Smoothie into Spring • • • •

2 ripe pears, cored and peeled 2 apples, cored and peeled 2 kiwis, peeled 1 very large chunk of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced • 2 lemons, juiced • Water Put all ingredients into a blender and blend until very smooth. Enjoy. 28 | M/A 2017 |

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Happy Easter!




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