Natural Texan Magazine - May/June 2017

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Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House + Cleanout Services




owned and operated by: Brian

& Becky Harkness

(936) 254-9810 Hauling

8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975

We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.


We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.


We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and

2 | J/A 2016 | conveyor belts we come to your location and remove the litter in a timely and safe manner.


d e

Publisher | Editor-in-Chief GABRIELLE WEST

Editor/Staff Writer REBECCA MOTT

Want to see your business here?

Layout & Design BRITTNEY FORD Cover Photographer: STEPHANIE DAVIS

Contributing Writers:




Want to see YOUR BUSINESS or YOUR STORY in The Natural Texan? Please call: 936-332-8144 or email:




8 28 24


8 Lucas Harbison


26 Summer Treats

ON THE COVER 14 Shelby County Seniors




19 Class of 2017

24 Summer Must Haves

4 | M/J 2017 |

28 Top 10 Places to Visit in Texas

30 Local Advertisers

FROM GABBY Oh the memories of counting down the days, the hours, then the minutes of when I would never have to see that high school again! Many times, though, I look back and think, “If I could only go back to those carefree days of laughter, fun, sports, Friday night lights and happiness for one day!” This time of year is a milestone for many. As they learn to venture out on their own, parents learn to deal with the emotions of their babies leaving home. Not only is it graduation time, but it’s also SUMMER TIME!! Summer time means family time, sun, and vacations! What more can you ask for? With a three-year old and a big pregnant belly, my family will be spending lots of time in water somewhere! Ahhhhh! I just can’t wait! We at The Natural Texan want to congratulate all of the graduates of Shelby County. Congratulations and best wishes to each of you on your new adventure called life, wherever it decides to take you! Always remember to take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go.



A state-of-the-art facility of 22,000 sq. ft. located in the heart of the Piney Woods of Deep East Texas. The facility offers ample space configured in a variety of options. The technology support of the building, including free WiFi, meets the need of the most demanding customer. There are six quality hotels within one mile of the facility, two of which are directly across the street. Opened May 1, 2010, the Civic Center received its name from former longterm Mayor, John D.Windham

Contact Tommy Hughes Director of the Civic Center for further information

146 Express Blvd. Center, TX 75935 PH: 936-598-4466 | FX: 936-598-9205 The civic center is City owned and operated. 6 | M/J 2017 |

There has been everything held in the building, from small birthday parties to large trade shows. Business and school training classes, concerts, and many anniversary and wedding receptions are hosted here each year. We are used by schools, businesses, and civic groups, as well as for family and private events. In addition to a large exhibit and conference hall, there are adjoining meeting rooms, and a more intimate board room.

Please search our website for more information: You may also use the Contact or Reservation Request window to get in touch with our office. We look forward to helping you have a very successful event! | M/J 2017 | 7


The Natural Texan recently sat down with Shelby County’s very own Private First Class Lucas Harbison, son of Heath and Julie Harbison. Lucas graduated from Shelbyville High School, Class of 2015 and enlisted into the Army immediately after graduation. | Why did you choose the Military after graduation? | First, I figured it would make my family proud of me. Then, I wanted a guaranteed job so I wouldn’t be stuck at home looking for work after graduation.

| What advice can you give someone who wishes to join the military straight from high school? | They need to be ready to say “good-bye” to their family. During basic training, no telephones are allowed. After that, the Advanced Individual Training or Occupational training assignment determines whether or not you will be able to use your cell phones. But, as long as you listen and do what you are told, you’ll do just fine.

| What service branch did you choose? | I chose the army because I thought it was the coolest branch and, I liked their uniforms the most. | What would you say has been most challenging for you so far? | Basic was the most challenging. AIT really wasn’t too hard for me because I’m a mechanic. AIT (Advanced Military Training) is where you learn what your job will be. Once you get out of basic, it gets a lot easier because you are use to the Army by then. | What misconceptions did you have about the service when you enlisted and how did you experience the truth about your misconception? | When I enlisted, I thought I would get to go to Iraq. I later learned that a very small number of those who enlist actually get to go. | What is something about your branch of service that the general public is unaware of? | Many people may not know that I have somewhat of a normal workday. And, sometimes, we actually get a lot of time off. A day usually is defined as 6:30am-7:30am for pt, 9:00am-11:30am work call, 11:30am-1:00pm lunch and 1:00pm-5:00pm is the rest of the work day. | What is the most difficult part of being on active duty? | The most difficult thing is probably being away from everyone I grew up around. I am stationed at Ft. Bliss, El Paso, so I’m about 12 hours or so away from home. Last year, while stationed in Germany, my Grandpa died. I couldn’t leave to come home. That was difficult. | During the more difficult days, where do you get strength? | I usually get strength from my wife. She has stuck with me through all of this experience and I couldn’t ask anything more of her.

8 | M/J 2017 |

I believe this is a beautiful time of year… so many students preparing to rest from a long, laborious school year. So many seniors are preparing to begin “adulthood” that has been so eagerly anticipated. Yes, indeed, the aftermath of proms, award ceremonies, scholarship acceptances and college approval letters can wear on students…..AND parents. Students really have little understanding of the emotional experience that takes place in the parents’ psyche and, that’s just the way it should be. Life is just that way. One generation is blooming while the other is producing fruit – a continual cycle of life. I have to pause and celebrate life, by the hands of the Creator once again. Throughout life, there are innumerable moments of beauty we often fail to recognize. The shifting from one page in life to the next is one that brings a smile to my heart. I would say (and especially to the Timpson seniors!) you can do it. Whatever you set your mind to doing, you can do just that. You can do not only today, but every day for the rest of your life. Wherever you take your journey, do it while considering Godly principles.




ere? h s s e busin o Want t






TEXA Please call: 936-332-8144 or email:

Mary P. Masterson

312 Tenaha St | Center, Texas 75935

P (936) 598-4359 | F (936) 598-4664 | C (936) 488-2940



LIFE | M/J 2017 | 9




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While we have literally had lots of rainfall this year and my flowers are starting to really flourish, I am reminded of something more by this simple saying...its the season of change and new growth. Seniors - the time has finally come to walk across the stage! For the past 13 or more years, you have prepared yourself for this big day - a day full of celebrations and memories. After the confetti has settled and the cap and gown are neatly folded atop your closet, the reality of what’s next sinks in. Maybe your next step is the traditional route of relaxing this summer and packing your bags for college in August, maybe you’re moving away as quickly as possible, or you’ve made the important decision to serve our great country. Whatever decision you have made for the next step that may seem uncertain, one thing is inevitable - change is coming! If I were to offer any bit of advice from my experience in that very same journey, it would be: •

Welcome the changes to come with an open mind. The places and spaces outside your hometown may not always be how you envisioned them to be and that’s ok. Enter situations and new environments with a clear mind free of expectations. With this thinking, I met some of the greatest friends and discovered new interests and talents that I did not know

Make the best of the things to come your way...even the bad things. You may not ace every test or land the first job you really want, but allow yourself to learn from those failures and you’ll come out ahead next time!

B 12 | M/J 2017 |


I had.

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as Anadarko Petroleum, Chesapeake Operating, Inc., EXCO Oil Corporation, Goodrich Petroleum and Noble Energy. K&L proudly maintains an excellent safety record and perpetuates the highest safety standards for our employees.

| J/A 2016 | 13



submissions from our Cover Photo Shelby County Seniors from left:

| During high school I played basketball my Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year. During my Junior year I competed in Calculator Applications for UIL. My Senior year I competed in Accounting along with Calculator Applications for UIL. After high school I plan to attend Panola College for two years before transferring to Stephen F. Austin State University. I plan to graduate with a degree in business. | Miss THS, Varsity Cheerleader, 4 years, Varsity Volleyball, 4 years, Volleyball District 20AA Defensive Player of the Year 2016, Varsity Softball, 4 years, Beta Club, FFA, FCA. She plans to be at College Station in the fall, her goal is to be a PTA. | I have been so blessed to be involved in the THS Beta Club, currently serving as the Vice President, the FFA, FCCLA, FCA, and the Youth Advisory council. I have played volleyball and softball all four years in high school being awarded multiple all district awards for both sports. I am enrolled in dual-credit classes graduating with Honors and 15 college credit hours. I have also completed the Certified Nurses Assistant course. After high school I plan on attending Texas State University to purse a Bachelors of Science in Nursing to then obtain a Masters Degree to become a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. | Timpson High School Salutatorian. Member of: FFA-Secretary/Treasurer, FCCLA-President, BETA National Honor Society, JCC-Teen Ambassador, FCA, & Youth Advisory Council-President. Participated in Varsity: Football, Basketball, Golf and Baseball. Class President and Mr. T.H.S. Member of Arcadia Church of Christ. Attending Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. Major: Construction Science and Management. Minor: Business.


| Adarsh Tailor is the son of Mahesh and Pintu Tailor of Joaquin, he plans to attend Panola College and later transfer to the University of Texas where he intends to major in the pre medicine and then earn his doctorate. After graduating he plans to purse a degree in family medicine or dentistry. He is currently a student at CCA and will be graduating as Salutatorian. Achievements,Honors, school activities: Honor Roll (9-12), volleyball(10-12) basketball(9-12) Debate (912) Junior Chamber of Commerce (12) school spirit award. 10+ community service volunteer hours. He will be graduating with 16 college credit hours.

FEATURE STORY | M/J 2017 | 15

CENTER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY cont. | My name is Brynna Birdwell, and I am the daughter of Del and Joanna Birdwell of Center, the granddaughter of Howard and Mary Lou Lout of Center and Bryant and Edna Birdwell of Nacogdoches. I am a Senior at Center Christian Academy, and plan to attend Panola College and Stephen F. Austin State University, majoring in Nursing. After graduating from SFASU, I plan to pursue a career in Perioperative Nursing. I am passionate about helping others, so that is why I have chosen to become a Nurse. At the age of 16, I started my own photography business, Three Birds Photography, which I plan to continue as well. Achievements and Honors: I am graduating as the Valedictorian of my class, with 21 college credit hours, and have been on the Honor Roll all 4 years of High School. Activities during High School include: Volleyball, 4-H, Music, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Shelby Co. Advocacy Center Volunteer, Debate, Yearbook, East Texas Poultry Festival Queen Candidate, Apostolic Youth Corp Mission Trip to Barcelona, Spain. My hobbies include photography, traveling, cooking, swimming, reading, and hanging out with friends and family. I am also an active member of Center First United Pentecostal Church and WIRED Student Ministries. I am on the Youth Praise Team where I am a singer and musician.


| Currently the Valedictorian of my class. During high school I have been apart of the marching band, basketball, cheer, tennis, robotics, and track teams. I am also apart of the Beta Club and The Junior Chamber of Commerce. While being a part of the marching band I have made an appearance at the state marching contest and have served as the bands Drum Major for three years. I plan on attending SFA this fall and I have earned a spot in their marching band. During my time on the Varsity Basketball team we made back to back regional final appearances. While in robotics I also earned the opportunity to compete at the state level. I have also served as the class president for three years. I plan to be a Pre-Dental major at SFA and later attend dental school to specialize in orthodontics. | The daughter of José and Guillermina. She will graduate with 21 dual credit hours from Panola College. Throughout high school, Leslie has been involved in many extracurricular activities. She has been a member of The Roarin’ Band from Tigerland for 6 years (State Marching, State Solo & Ensemble, Section Leader 2 years, Band Sweetheart 1 year, High School Cross Country 4 years (District Champions 2 years, Regional Qualifier 2 years), Lady Tiger Soccer Team 4 years (serving as Captain her senior year), High School Lady Tiger Track 4 years (2 years Area Qualifier, 1 year Regional Finalist)rs, Junior Chamber of Commerce 1 year, High School and Jr. High BETA 7 years (Vice President 1 year, Secretary 1 year). Also, her senior year, she was voted “Most Likely to Succeed”, “Mrs. THS”, “Friendliest”, and “Most Dependable”. She is also an active member of Iglesia Bautista “El Olam”. After High School, Leslie plans on attending Stephen F. Austin to major in Engineering. Soon after graduating with her Bachelor’s Degree, she plans on returning to Stephen F. Austin to continue her studies and earn her Master’s Degree. | While in high school I have been apart of the very successful football program. I have also been apart of the BETA club for 4 years, where I am currently serving as the Vice-President and the Junior Chamber of Commerce I also qualified for the FFA state wool judging contest 2 years in an row and 1 state appearance in Forestry . While being apart of the Tenaha football program I have made 2 appearances at the state semi-finals and 2 regional quarterfinal appearances. I plan to attend Blinn College this fall. I have served as class president 1 year, vice president 2 years, and secretary 1 year. I plan to major in Kinesiology at Blinn College and then transfer into Texas A&M the next fall and later attend physical therapy school to become a physical therapist.

16 | M/J 2017 |


from left:

| Attends Joaquin High School and will be a 2017 Graduate. There she plays basketball softball and runs cross country. She is in the Beta Club and many other various clubs and organizations. After graduation she will be attending Louisiana College and major in Kinesiology. She will also play softball for Louisiana College. She is seeking a career in Athletic Training. Hana has been a four year letterman and has received 1st team all district honors along with an All state selection and Offensive MVP in softball. She has received 1st team all district honors, an all-region honor and offensive MVP in basketball as well. | Baseball 3 x all district selection. Football 3 x all district selection, 2X MVP of team, District defensive MVP, 2X all county team, all state linebacker. I will be attending either University of Mary Hardin Baylor or Louisiana College on a 4 year scholarship to play football. I plan to get a degree in physical therapy or criminal justice.


| Sarah Wingo is the daughter of Keith and Michelle Wingo. Sarah is a graduate of Center High School. She was the Homecoming Duchess her Sophomore year, and also the Yearbook Sweetheart her Senior year. Sarah has been in Theater all 4 years of High School where she went to UIL, and was Nicole Barnhart in the Anne Frank and Me. Sarah is planning to attend the Pat Goins Beauty School in Ruston, La. this September. | I am in the top quartile of my class. I am a member of the National Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the UIL essay team. While on the UIL essay team I competed in the Barbara Jordan UIL essay competition. My essay is also published and it is titled “ A Forgotten Legacy”. I played Varsity football and ran Varsity Track & Field where I competed at the regional level in both. After graduation I plan to attend the University of Houston where I will double major in Political Science & Neuroscience. | My name is Kimberly Rodriguez and I am currently a senior at Center High School! I’ve been involved in many things throughout my HS career including the Roughrider band, Chaparrals, National Honor Society, JCC, BETA, FFA, and Class Officers. After I graduate, I plan on attending the University of Texas at Austin where I will either major in communications or business. Hook Em!

FEATURE STORY | M/J 2017 | 17

CENTER HIGH SCHOOL cont. | Bailey Snell is a senior at Center High School. Throughout her high school career she has been involved with JCC, Roughrider graphic design and illustration, CHS culinary department, volunteer work Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center and at her church, Center First United Pentecostal Church. She also founded a Project 7 bible club. Bailey states that P7 would probably be the one thing from her high school career that she is the most proud of, being given the opportunity to share the word of God with her classmates. After high school she plans on attending Panola College and getting her basics done and then transferring to the to the Art Institute of Dallas and getting a bachelors degree in Advertising Design.


from left:

| Bailey Rabalais is a senior at Shelbyville High School. She has been a member of Varsity Softball and Track & Field for 4 years, and Varsity Basketball for 3 years. Over the years, she has receive New Comer of the Year, Offensive Player of the year, Co-offensive Player of the Year, 1st Team All District, and All District MVP. She has also been a 4 time state qualifier for Discus in Track. Bailey is a member of National Honors Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Junior Chamber of Commerce. After high school she will be attending LeTourneau University to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering. She has also been asked to play softball for the lady jackets while she attends. | I’m a Shelbyville ISD Senior who has excelled in academics and sports. I have maintained an AB average. Math is my favorite subject and I aim high to complete a degree in petroleum engineering. (Philippians 4:13)I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My goal is to pursue sports on a college level and work hard enough to go professional. I am a determined person who will strive for greatness regardless of circumstance. As quarterback my Junior year our team advanced to Quarterfinals. As point guard in basketball I was honored as First Team All District advancing to Regional Semi Finals. In track I was Regional Champ then went on to state and was the 2017 State Bronze Medalist. I was honored as 2017 Male Athlete of the Year. I see myself being a role model for children and adolescents. I will give back through church organizations, fundraisers, and possibly my own scholarship(s). I will become a positive figure for others to see and realize that anybody can make it. Even a aspiring kid from a small town like Shelbyville. I would like to thank my mom and family for always being there

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Full line of Rifles and Handguns | Archery and Archery Services Ammo, Optics and Accessories | Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Cerakote Certified Applicator Visit of Call us: (936) 598-3509 | 1991 Tenaha Street | Center, Texas 75935 | M/J 2017 | 23


Lake Hair? Don’t Care! Vintage Junkie in Center, TX $22-$25 design of your choice

Bags! How can you go wrong? Perfect for over night or the beach! Hughes Florist in Center, TX $29.98-39.98 with monogram of your choice.

The Perfect Shades TOMS Shades The Balcony in Center, TX

24 | M/J 2017 |

Essentia Water Center Health & Harmony in Center, TX Don’t let pesky bugs spoil your fun! “Buzz Away” Center Health & Harmony in Center, TX

Summer Date Nights! Pink Party Dress $49 | Camel Heel $54 | E Fisher Earring $46 Cor Boutique in Center, TX

Cooler Bag with bottle opener I’m So Fancy Boutique in Center, TX $38 | M/J 2017 | 25


This is one of my newest favorites for right before bed. I love the smooth taste and the way it helps my body adjust from the day and transition for rest. This is a simple, plain recipe. Remember, it is easy to add black pepper, cinnamon and/or nutmeg.

Ingredients: 2c almond milk | 1 tsp Tumeric powder | 2 T honey | 1 T virgin coconut oil In a one quart saucepan, pour milk and bring to a simmer. Add oil and whisk gently. Whisk in the Tumeric, stirring until blended well. Add honey, more or less to taste. Heat to almost boiling. Remove from heat and enjoy.

Turmeric milk is a drink that boosts health and vitality. It is usually taken at night to promote sleep and treat ailments such as common colds, sore throat, indigestion, IBS, Crohn’s disease, menstrual cramps, headaches and arthritis. It also has been used to fight liver, breast, colon and prostate cancers. It purifies the blood, promotes digestive health and detoxifies the liver, among many other benefits. No wonder I gravitate toward this wonderful, creamy, smooth drink!

26 | M/J 2017 |

Ingredients: • 1 cup yogurt (plain or vanilla) • sweetener of your choice, to taste (I like pure maple syrup) • fresh berries of your choice • optional 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract Instructions: Stir together the yogurt, sweetener, and optional extract. You can choose to either press fruit against the molds or just stir it right into the yogurt. Fill Popsicle molds with yogurt mixture and freeze. If using Dixie cups, fill cups with mixture and place cups in the freezer for about ½ hour. Then insert a Popsicle stick or small spoon into the center of each cup and place back in freezer until frozen. | M/J 2017 | 27


By Whitney Alger, Owner Celebrations Events and Travel

“Texas! It’s like a whole other country!” Cliche’? Yes. True? Absolutely. In this vastly diverse state of ours, there are more things to do and places to see than even the most adventurous traveler would be able to experience in a lifetime. Consider some of our favorite popular destinations.

1 Big Bend National Park What to do/see: Hiking | River Trips | Horseback Riding | Biking Dining & Shopping | Bird Watching | Vehicle Tours Air Tours | Golfing | Spas Miles from Shelby County: 771 miles

2 San Antonio What to do/see: Alamo | Riverwalk (shopping, dining, & river tours) Hiking | Sea World | Six Flags | Witte Museum San Antonio Missions National Park Tower of the Americas | Natural Bridge Caverns San Antonio Museum of Art | San Antonio Zoo San Antonio Botanical Gardens Miles from Shelby County: 370 miles

3 Dallas/Forth Worth What to do/see: Tour (or see a game) AT&T Stadium and/or Globe Life Park | Professional Sports Games | Fort Worth Stockyards | Billy Bob’s | Fort Worth Zoo (one of the best zoos in Texas) | The Sixth Floor Museum & Dealey Plaza Dallas Museum of Art | Perot Museum of Nature & Science| George W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum | Dallas Arboretum & Botanical Garden Dallas World Aquarium Miles from Shelby County: 188

28 | M/J 2017 |

4 Port Aransas

5 Austin

What to do/see: Port Aransas Beach | Lighthouse Lakes Park | Roberts Point Park | Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center Mustang Island State Park | Fishing Charter & Boat Tours | Fisherman’s Wharf | Parasailing & Skydiving Miles from Shelby County: 383

6 Garner State Park

What to do/see: State Capitol | Lady Bird Lake Hike & Bike Trail | Mount Bonnell | Zilker Park Town lake | Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center | Texas State Cemetery River Rafting & Tubing | The Domain Shopping Mall | Austin Zoo Darrell K Royal Memorial Stadium at the University of Texas | Murals & Art Walls | Food Truck Park Miles from Shelby County: 262

7 Padre Island What to do/see: Beach & Swimming | ATV Riding Dolphin Tours | Fishing Expeditions Boardwalk Shopping & Dining Hiking | South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center | Snorkeling & Scuba Diving Miles from Shelby County: 542 miles

What to do/see: Boating | Camping | Tubing | Camping | Hiking Mini Golf | Swimming Miles from Shelby County: 458 miles

9 Houston

What to do/see: Professional Sports Games | Museum of Natural Science | Space Center | Children’s Museum of Houston | Downtown Aquarium | Houston Zoo Kemah Boardwalk | San Jacinto Monument Holocaust Museum | Wet ‘N’ Wild Splash Town Miles from Shelby County: 174 miles

8 Fredricksburg What to do/see: 1900’s Working Farmhouse Tour Visit LBJ’s Ranch | Pioneer Museum World War II Reenactments | Golf Hiking | Live Music | Spas | Wineries Miles from Shelby County: 343

10 New Braunfels

What to do/see: Natural Bridge Caverns | Gruene Hall | Various Lakes | Comal Springs | Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo | McKenna Children’s Museum | Cypress Bend Park Gruene Historical District Schlitterbahn Water Park Miles from Shelby County: 297 | M/J 2017 | 29


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