Natural Texan Magazine - November/December 2016

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Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House Cleanout Services





owned and operated by: Brian

& Becky Harkness

(936) 254-9810 Hauling

8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975

We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.


We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.


2 | J/A 2016 | We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and conveyor belts we come to your location and remove the litter in a timely and safe manner.

1595 Tenaha Street, Center | 936-598-2907 | M/F 7-5, Sat 8-1

proud distributor of The Professional’s Paint


TEXA Publisher | Editor-in-Chief GABRIELLE WEST


Contributors Cover Photographer: STEPHANIE DAVIS

D. Dixon Golden, OD Carmen Mackey, OD

702 Louisiana St. Center, TX 75935 Tel: 936.598.8501 Toll Free: 1.800.243.1981 D. Dixon Golden, OD Voted “Best Optometrist in Shelby County”

Melanie M. Vardeman, OD Randall B. Cox, OD D. Dixon Golden, OD Carmen Mackey, OD

4729 N.E. Stallings Dr. Nacogdoches, TX 75965 Tel: 936.564.2634 Toll Free: 1.888.599.2634

Cover Photo Location: THE HOME OF RICHARD & ELIZABETH PINKSTON Cover Photo Decor: CENTER FLORAL (garland & wreath) HUGHES FLORIST (floral arrangemet) Contributing Writer: HANNAH WALKER

Want to see YOUR BUSINESS or YOUR STORY in The Natural Texan? Therapeutic Optometrists

Optometric Glaucoma Specialist

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Treatment Eye Exams Glasses Contact Lenses

Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email: | N/D 2016 | 3


16 06 14 20


Adopting a New Meaning for Christmas


Were you spotted at these recent events? Poultry Festival. Shelbyville Hill Fest. Simply Pink.


Try these tips to involve your kids in Christmas decorating and leave the “Commercial” Christmas: in the store!


Give the sauna or hot tub a try this Holiday Season to release some stress and relax.








Check out these fab Fall and Winter styles!

All about Cast Iron Cookware

The 2nd Annual Buddy Metcalf Memorial


Find just what you’re looking for at the Shelby County Local Market. You can advertise in the market, too!

4 | N/D 2016 |




Fires, S’mores, blankets, friends and family; it’s that time of year. Holiday cheer is filling the air, opening the door to days of shopping and traveling for family visits during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some anticipate this time of year, reliving joyful memories and anxiously making more, while others dread it. Our precious angel, Codi Grace, experienced the first Christmas that she can remember last year. She picked out her own tree, helped me decorate it and opened her own gifts. This year, she has already begun getting excited about Christmas! We are blessed to be able to get her gifts and blessed that we have family to share the holidays with.

This year, who knows what new fun memories we will create? Our tradition, though, is for her to pick out her own tree every year and be able to decorate it her way. What sweet memories to look back on from year to year, remembering the years before and how we decorated each tree! This season doesn’t dictate pleasant memories for all families. I hope this season, you reach out to a family who is not as fortunate as you, regardless of your economic status. Choose a stocking off of a tree, buy a meal for someone who is in need, donate a gift to a cause or invite a person/family who is alone to your home to enjoy a meal together with your family. The compassion this season exemplifies should be in our hearts year-round, however, this is the time when embracing others makes a difference. May you realize the blessings you have been given year-long, embrace someone who is not as fortunate and face the year ahead with joy and renewed peace. | N/D 2016 | 5


Poultry Festival

Shelbyville Hill Fest

6 | N/D 2016 |

More from Shelbyville Hill Fest

Simply Pink | N/D 2016 | 7




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106 North El Camino Crossing

Center || 800.293.2907

San Augustine || 936.275.2925


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0% INTEREST LOAN Available beginning Jan. 9. Limited time offer.


If you claim the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit, the IRS must hold your entire refund until Feb. 15 due to the PATH Act, a new law to help combat tax fraud. Visit for details.


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If your taxes were prepared by someone other than H&R Block in the past three years, let us conduct a FREE Second Look® Review2 to make sure you got every credit and deduction you deserve.

*This is an optional tax refund-related loan from MetaBank®, not your tax refund. Loans offered in amounts of $500, $750, or $1,250. +Approval and loan amount based on estimated refund, ID verification, eligibility criteria, and underwriting. If approved, funds will be loaded on a prepaid card and the loan amount will be deducted from your refund reducing the amount paid directly to you. Tax returns may be e-filed without applying for this loan. Fees for other optional products or product features may apply. Limited time offer, at participating locations. Not offered in PR. HRB Maine License Number FRA2. See for details.


1 Return must be filed January 3 - February 28, 2017 at participating offices to qualify. Type of federal return filed is based on your personal tax situation and IRS rules. Form 1040EZ is generally used by single/married taxpayers with taxable income under $100,000, no dependents, no itemized deductions, and certain types of income (including wages, salaries, tips, some scholarships/grants, and unemployment compensation). Additional fees apply for Earned Income Credit and certain other additional forms, for state and local returns, and if you select other products and services. Visit to find the nearest participating office or to make an appointment.

8 | S/O 2016 |

2 At participating offices. Results vary. All tax situations are different. Fees apply if you have us file a corrected or amended return. The IRS allows taxpayers to amend returns from the previous three tax years to claim additional refunds to which they are entitled. Applies to individual tax returns only. OBTP#B13696 ©2016 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

Endle� P�sibili�es

Catering & Event �la�ing 936-591-0500

Thanksgiving and Christmas time have always been my most favorite time of the year. Each year I look forward to gathering with family to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Rather than rushing off to the first big sale, I opt to do a little online shopping and avoid the crowd. Take a look at this year’s Black Friday Sales, I think you will be surprised that most are also available online for the same discount – many sales even start early online! Pass on the chaos and enjoy that time with your family instead. After Thanksgiving, I cannot wait to pull all my Christmas decor from the attic. Growing up, decorating the tree was a tradition and a time my brother and I always cherished. Each year we would get a new ornament in our personal collection. Today, as adults with our own families, we will still enjoy looking at each ornament on our parent’s tree and reminiscing of when each was received. This tradition is one that I now also enjoy with my family at our home. It’s that time of the year when we become busier than usual – planning the perfect holiday meal, researching sales, last minute shopping for every gift on the list and rushing from house to house to fit it all in. Let us not forget this holiday season to pause and reflect on all the “free” gifts we’ve been given – our health, family, friends and the most precious gift: Eternal Life from Christ our Savior.

From my family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!




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Christmas decor now in stock! 10 | N/D 2016 |

Oh, the holidays. Yes, it’s that time again. I must be getting old. Maybe tired. Maybe just . . .whatever it is, I don’t quiet have the hurry in my step I once had around this time of year. I just keep thinking, “It took me from Febuary until now to loose 15 lbs. I could gain that much and more in one dinner!” That’s not even considering all the little parties slyly tainted with calorie-laden drinks and satanic sweets. The only exercise we experience is the mad rush from one department store display to the next, feverishly trying to calculate in our heads whether or not we can juggle another $75 over-budget for the month. I see individuals who can’t afford real mashed potatoes and turkey counting their pennies for teacher gifts, announcing to the kids they only have to buy for eleven more teachers. I see the kids trying to balance gifts for friends, their kids and parents before they pay their monthly bills . Oh, my! It doesn’t stop until the clock stops us!! I see all this going on and I’m just watching. I’m not getting in a hurry for one day of the year. I’m already here and I’ll be here when that joker is gone for another 364 days! I don’t want my kids bringing me gifts. I don’t have to have caloric dishes that are going to add layers on my thighs. I don’t have to hear Santa or be reminded of the “reason for the season”. I just want to look. I want to see my family because this time next year, someone will be missing. I want to see my kids because there have been lots of days through the year I haven’t seen them when I wanted to. I want to see my husband with his arms around us all; no matter how long we have together, it will never be enough time. I want to hear laughter, games, pointless conversations and complaints. I want to cook with my girls something we won’t even eat much of but are glad for the time together in the kitchen. I just want to look. I don’t have to have presents to enjoy my holiday. I have to have the sweet voice of my parents, my kids, my friends and family enjoying the gift of life we have for as long as we do. Love every day just as much as the next; that is the real gift that doesn’t deteriorate!



Foster Care and Adoption Child-Placing Agency

800-543-7122 325 Tenaha Street - Center, TX 75935 414 S. Broadway Ave - Tyler , TX 75702 127 N. San Jacinto - Cleveland, TX 77327

Improving the Lives of Children

through Basic & Therapeutic Services | N/D 2016 | 11

Wishing you and your family a

Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!

NEW Deposit ATM Coming Soon To Chireno! 12 | N/D 2016 |

We proudly hold a licence issued by the Louisiana State Licence Board for Contractors for the Specialty of: Oilfield Pit Treatments Pumpdowns Land Reclamation

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and landfarming. We provide our services for some of the top oil and gas companies in the industry such

safety record and perpetuates the highest safety standards for our employees. | J/A 2016 | 13


Leave the “COMMERCIAL” Christmas in the store! Some individuals look forward to Christmas all year. They love buying gifts for children, parents, siblings, grand-children, nieces, nephews, friends and friends-of-friends. For others, Christmas is not such a fun time. Some may not be able to afford gifts. They may not have “family” to buy for or, there may be other situations that dampen and extinguish the spark of excitement the holiday season traditionally represents. It is easy for those of us who are blessed to take for granted owning a nice car, having a great paying job, living in a nice house, etc., failing to realize some may never get the opportunity to experience Christmas excitement. Over time, the holidays have become commercialized. We have moved away from the idea of “making” fond memories with those we love. Instead of gathering to cook Christmas dinner, we either go out to eat or bring a dish for pot-luck. We spend exhausting hours rushing through malls, online and to the most unusual shop to choose that perfect gift. We frazzle ourselves until the love of being together to relax and make memories has been extinguished. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take the “commercial” out of Christmas? If you have a family with small children, taking a step away from the commercialism and not being so serious can have lasting consequences; memories that will inevitably bring a smile for years to come! 14 | N/D 2016 |

Here are some ways to have a non-commercial tree: • Let the child/children pick a tree that they like (no matter what kind). This could be a tree in the store or from the woods. Possibilities are endless. • Let the child/children choose the decorations. (You can make ornaments together. You may choose use nuts, popcorn, leaves, pine cones and paint, glitter, etc. Being relaxed and creative is key.) • Let the child/children place the decorations in whatever direction or placement they choose, without the parent changing it. A relaxed atmosphere brings out creativity. • Reward the child/children with telling them how great of a job they have done. • You may choose to allow the child choose her/his own tree to decorate their way. You help the child decorate. In return, the child will help you decorate your tree and do it your way. • Listen to the child/children’s favorite music while decorating or maybe have fun seasonal treats to enjoy. I like to have “tea time” and strategize a plan for action.

Sometimes, not pressuring yourself to be perfect is a good thing . . . and, in a child’s eyes, the perfect memory is the funnest one. Holidays are to be special moments, spent enjoying our loving family and being thankful for the blessings in our lives. If you have family, you are blessed. Embrace your blessings this year! | N/D 2016 | 15



16 | N/D 2016 |

Think of Christmas. What do you immediately think of? Is it family? Of course! Holiday time means family time; it always has. That is, of course, unless you don’t have family.

Statistics say in Texas last year, more than 30,000 children from the ages of 0 to 17 were in foster care. The average time for a child to be in foster care is between 18 to 32 months. 51% of those children will be reunited with their biological parents at some point. 29% of foster care children are in the system while in the home of relative other than their parents. Reasons for children being in foster care can range from losing a parent to abuse to unsafe environment/living conditions. Even in the best of circumstances, children without stability have very little to look forward to during the holidays. While most families enjoy the holidays without a second thought of family, thousands of children annually cannot. They experience pain, silence and humiliation. | N/D 2016 | 17

Enter Amanda and Chris Belrose. Amanda’s mother wasn’t formally adopted, but was fortunate enough to have a family who took her in from the time she was 8 months old until she married. That experience was always real in Amanda’s life; giving another chance of life to someone less fortunate. She met and married Chris Belrose, both received their LVN and began working at the Medical Needs Foster Home in Nacogdoches. The needs of the children and Amanda’s tenderness toward the subject inspired the couple to open their hearts -and home- to foster parenting. Four and a half years ago, after all of their five surviving biological children were grown, Chris and Amanda began fostering with three boys. The state soon asked them to take more children. Their foster family grew from three to eight, with the option of 9. Three of the children are now adopted. A set of biological sisters are in process of adoption and another child’s adoption is all but complete. Their ages range from 3 to 12. Six of the eight children are Medical Needs patients! Full-time employment shifted from the job at Medical Needs Foster Home in Nacogdoches to their own home, attending the needs of eight adorable children. They have a team of individuals who assist, though. On board is a PCA at their home during the week and an alternate care giver, who is present 10 hours a day. There are a total of 5 day nurses and 3 night nurses daily, with a team of 13 total which rotate. “Medical needs children are often overlooked.” Amanda stated. “But, they need a home, too. They need to feel loved, have a good life and feel like they can have a “more normal” live. That’s what we are trying to do. We are trying to open our home to allow a few children who otherwise would not have the chance to experience life with a family.” So, this holiday season when you are in the embrace of those who you love, remember there are others who are not as blessed as you. Think about how you may be able to change the life of just one child. Who knows, the life you touch may bless you more than you could ever bless them. 18 | N/D 2016 |

2228 S.E, Loop 59 Carthage Tx 75633


Merry Christmas! Ask us about our Christmas Club Accounts!

205 Hurst St | Center, Texas

936-598-8995 | N/D 2016 | 19


Relax This Season

Health Benefits of a Sauna or Hot Tub Life around the holidays can be down-right exhausting! From parties to family gatherings to just my four and no more, we run until we don’t know if we are coming or going. Research suggests that a whopping 80% of disease is caused from stress. This holiday season, you should think about distressing with the help of saunas and hot tubs. There are multiple health benefits to both, and most everyone knows how to access one or the other. There are different types of saunas, but I would suggest using an infrared sauna. The heat from an infrared sauna can penetrate up to 1-1/2 inches below your skin to detoxify and revitalize your cells. Sweat flushes toxic metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and mercury from our bodies. They also improve circulation and relaxation. The infrared heat is often used in holistic medical centers to treat cancer. It’s best to use a sauna after a vigorous work out or after playing sports. The body temperature and heart rate is already elevated. To get maximum benefits from a sauna, use a body brush and brush the surface of your skin on your arms, legs, stomach and other parts of your body before entering. This stimulates the circulation and causes cells to respond, opening for clarifying. Temperatures in a sauna will range from 110° F to 140°F. Be prepared when entering; have a towel to sit on and some water to drink. Make sure your makeup has been cleaned off your face so your facial pores can breathe, as well. The longer you stay in the sauna, the more toxins will be able to escape from your pores.

20 | N/D 2016 |

At such time that you are ready to leave the sauna, remember that closing your pores are just as important as cleaning them, otherwise they will be left open for repeat contamination. Pores can be closed by taking a very cold shower. It will usher a rush, so be prepared but there is no doubt you will want to frequent the sauna as often as you can! Hot tubs can be just as beneficial. Warm water therapy is used to increase respiration and circulation, ease tension, help aching joints and ease muscle stiffness. Conditions from arthritis, sleep loss, fibromyalgia and back pain are just a few that can be offset by getting into a hot tub. Also, exercising in a hot tub a couple times a week can increase flexibility. Since your body is naturally buoyant in water, there is almost no tension on your joints while engaging in water exercising. Add some mineral salts or essential oils to the tub and you get an added bonus. Many individuals use the hot tub and sauna in conjunction by first spending time in the hot tub, getting out and then going into a sauna for a time. Regardless of how you choose to utilize either or both, the benefits are undeniable. | N/D 2016 | 21


r e t in w d n a l l a f r u o y Hit refresh on . s d n e r t w e n e s e h t h wardrobe wit

There are many classic fall trends that we’re sure to see back this season, from plaid, leather and jean jackets to floppy hats and booties. Other trends, popular from decades past, are resurfacing with welcomed variety. The fabric of the season is velvet. Velvet has been reintroduced several times throughout the decades, from renaissance period couture to the 60’s crushed velvet. It’s back this season, and in full force! Colored velvet should be a go-to this holiday season. Whether it’s a velvet skirt paired with your favorite sweater for a holiday party, or a velvet buttonup over a spring dress for a revamp, the possibilities are endless. Don’t worry about ditching this trend after the season’s end; you can ride the velvet train all the way into spring!

Velvet is having a major moment. I’m feeling a little 70’s vibe from this new trend; all I want to wear is a suede fringe top with bell-bottoms and animal print shoes! We’ve always seen suede shoes. We were even introduced to suede leggings in the fall of 2015; but, this year a suede bomb has gone off and we have it from head to toe! Suede dresses and skirts (worn only when you’re feeling like you want to be center stage). The sultry-and-sweet suede button-down that’s a perfect pair with those leather leggings tucked away in your closet! This trend won’t fizzle out after winter; get ready to see suede find its way into wardrobes for the next several seasons. Hopefully, it’ll stick around.

22 | N/D 2016 |

Submersed in Suede

The misconception that floral is only for spring is a thing of the past. Designers are changing the game and women are going crazy for a romantic fall feel of darker floral blooms. They’re darling in a little dress with bell sleeves and riding boots or heels. If you’re unsure of this new trend, edge in with a bag or floral bootie. When the time is right, opt for that floral embroidered bomber jacket or sheath dress you’ve been fawning over.

Fall Floral

Choker Takeover From chunky velvet to skinny leather or beaded, it doesn’t matter what you prefer just as long as you are jumping onto the choker bandwagon. Chokers add that little extra pizzazz to everything from party dresses to button-downs. We’re not talking 90’s stretch chokers; there’s whole new world of chokers taking over. My personal favorite is the rope. I love a good long leather choker that can be wrapped several times; multiple looks can be created from just one necklace. Other popular styles are lace-ups, thick straps, gold chain, cuff, pearl and denim, just to name a few. It is easy to instantly turn any top into a mock turtleneck with a thick choker or bring back your routes with Texas ties. However you decide to wear them, we’re just glad you’re joining us.

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Walker | N/D 2016 | 23

OFF THE APRON Possibly the most durable and versatile cookware is cast iron. There are no Teflon toxins and no light-weight food burns. Any cast iron skillet can be turned into a non-stick surface and is heavy enough to handle heat. The cast iron pieces in my kitchen are some of my most cherished pieces of cookware. They are the first items I look for in a garage or estate sale and the only ones I refuse to depart from!

24 | N/D 2016 |

Seasoning is easy and quick:

Wash in warm soapy water.

Make sure the cookware is completely dry. Coat the entire piece with a thin layer of oil; inside and out.

Layer the oven floor with aluminum foil. Heat the oven to 375°. Place cookware upside down on the oven rack.

Bake for one hour. Allow to cool before using.

Tips for upkeep/using:

Hand wash. It’s better to wash immediately after using. Rub with a light coat of vegetable oil after every wash. Never leave in the sink/on the stove with food or water sitting in it.

Be very careful about using abrasive tools to cook with/clean. Using abrasives can disrupt the season that gives it the “non-sick” effect.

Store in a dry place. A damp storage can cause rusting.

Cooking is easy. If using a skillet, place over heat and allow the pan to heat until warm to touch. At that point, the skillet is about slick as glass to cook anything from steak to eggs.

Dutch ovens are wonderful for soups, stews, roasts, cobblers, open fires and more. |N/D 2016 | 25


The Buddy Metcalf Memorial 2nd Annual Team Roping Thank you all for supporting our Buddy Metcalf Memorial Foundation by coming out to our 2nd Annual Team Roping. If you did not have the honor of knowing Buddy, let me explain why this memorial is important to us. Buddy got involved with the youth when his and Rita’s son, Kelab, was in 3rd grade and started drill. He was there, spending much of his time working with the youth of Shelby County, until Kaleb graduated high school. He then became a County Extension agent in Newton County and worked with the Newton County 4-H program. He offered his arena for 4-H team pinning and roping practices. He was often found hauling as many youth as he could to roping school. He was always at the back of the alley, checking girds before the kids rode into the arena at drill competitions. They were accustomed to his encouraging words as they rode into the arena. The youth respected and loved him and he loved spending time with them, as well. Buddy also owned and ran Metcalf Feed here in Center. He was a caring, selfless individual that will continue to be missed. The memorial was started two years ago in his honor to keep his memory alive in the hearts of Shelby County’s youth. Money raised by the foundation goes into a scholarship fund. A scholarship is awarded each year to a deserving individual who has either been a member of 4-H or been in Ag class for two years. We appreciate you all coming out and helping us make this foundation such a success.

26 | N/D 2016 |

#8 Roping Winners #1 Saddle Winners Brandi Riggs &Adam Selman #2 John Gordan & Trey Moore #3 Bryce Clopton & John Gordan #4 Kevin Rash & Chester Dawson #5 Kevin Rash & Colt Leach #6 Trace Clark & JB Raymond

# 11 Roping Winners #1 Darrell Cripps & Cash Davis #2 Jason Griffin & Jared Gipson #3 Bryce Clopton & Blake Wheeler #4 Cody Hamilton & Marty Murphy #5 Dillon Ward & Zach Moore #6 Blake O Barnes & Cash Davis

This year, stuff their piggy banks instead of their stockings To learn about all the holiday gift options available, call or visit a financial advisor today.

Vicky R Hudson, AAMSÂŽ Financial Advisor

Member SIPC



720 Hurst St Ste 1 Center, TX 75935 936-598-5011 | N/D 2016 | 27

Each year, Nacogdoches Medical Center staff and physicians come together to make Christmas a little merrier for local children in need. Last year, 75 children received gifts collected and donated by NMC staff and physicians though our Angel Tree Program. Local agencies who have partnered with NMC include CASA, Head Start, and Crossover Counseling. We are grateful to work with such generous people and thank each of them for what they do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

28 | N/D 2016 |

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas!


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Jodi Fountain Owner/Broker

Come see our Christmas selections!

Hughes Fl�ist & Gifts

321 Shelbyville Street - Center, TX 75935 936-598-9949 | N/D 2016 | 29


Amy Permenter

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936.488.2803 9424 Hwy 96 N Center, TX 75935

Carrie Anthony


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30 | N/D 2016 |

R & D Distributing, LTD. 936-598-5361 936-598-3511 Fax: 936-598-3346 Robert Griffin 936-590-0537 P.O. Box 1507

David Griffin 936-590-0539 Center, Texas 75935


Want to see your business here?

Triple J FEED 936-598-4087

604 Loop 500, Center








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