Hauling, Grinding & Chicken House Cleanout Services
owned and operated by: Brian
& Becky Harkness
(936) 254-9810 Hauling
8041 State Hwy 87 N Timpson, TX 75975
We haul chicken litter, shaving, mulch, crushed concrete, rock, and ground asphalt.
We take trees, shrub debris and other small products for landscaping and other needs. We have several large grinders and can come to your location.
Cleaning 2 | J/A 2016 |
We specialize in chicken house cleanout and with the use of 18-wheelers, bobcats and conveyor belts we come to your location and remove the litter in a timely and safe manner.
1595 Tenaha Street, Center | 936-598-2907 | M/F 7-5, Sat 8-1
proud distributor of
Publisher | Editor-in-Chief GABRIELLE WEST
The Professional’s Paint
Layout & Design BRITTNEY FORD Editor/Staff Writer REBECCA MOTT
Schedule your retirement review today. It’s been said that we spend more time planning vacations than planning for retirement. Schedule your retirement review so you can understand: • How much you’ll need to retire • If you are on track for your retirement goals • Which IRA is right for your retirement needs – Roth or traditional • The importance of asset allocation and how it can help as you
An Hour of Your Time May Be Worth More Than You Think
Want to see YOUR BUSINESS in The Natural Texan? Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email:
work toward your long-term goals
Let’s set aside some time to make sure you are on track for the retirement you have envisioned. Vicky R Hudson, AAMS® Financial Advisor .
720 Hurst St Ste 1 Center, TX 75935 936-598-5011 Member SIPC
Want to see YOUR STORY in The Natural Texan? Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email: | S/O 2016 | 3
16 06 10 14
Windham Family Dental
Celebrating new businesses, growth and fellowship with friends! Mark your calendar for these upcoming events.
Stock up on these hygiene products minus the harmful carcinogens.
To raise a caring, respectful, and ethical child. That is goal of parenting. How to raise responsible children.
Local residents tell their stories of faith, commitment and inspiration.
Add these cancer kicking foods to your diet!
Learn from Beth Borders Hagler‘s research of how to conquer cancer naturally and how Sandi did just that!
Find just what you’re looking for at the Shelby County Local Market. You can advertise in the market too!. 4 | S/O 2016 |
365 times in His word, God says “Do not be afraid!”
If only this was easy to implement when we are faced with stress, financial problems, and catastrophic events in our lifetime! With the rise of cancer and other diseases, sometimes we just need to be encouraged to remain strong in our faith. No matter what form of treatment someone may choose, there is (in my opinion) one treatment that is more powerful than any man-made research out there. It is very disturbing to see small children being diagnosed with devastating diseases. This is any mother’s worst nightmare. I’m reminded of a story in the bible that may help mothers -- or anyone-- going through such a time. While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said, “Why bother the teacher anymore?” Overhearing what they said, Jesus spoke, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Going into the home of Jarius, he did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John, the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child’s father, mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (Which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately, the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this, they were completely astonished. He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat. Putting this issue together stirred many emotions for me; from sadness to happiness to just simple amazement. While reading the stories of all the AMAZING people represented in these pages, I hope you can find some inspiration to face whatever you may be experiencing at this time in your life. SO, for now, I will leave you with this:
“So, do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10 | S/O 2016 | 5
Chicken Express 323 Tenaha Street
Center, TX 75935
Chicken Express Ribbon Cutting - July 15, 2016
Sassy Red’s Bakery & Catering 1000 Tenaha Street
Center, TX 75935
Sassy Red’s Relocation Ribbon Cutting - August 11, 2016
A large crowd gathered to welcome new business, Chicken Express. Owned by Steve and Selena Windham, the restaurant opened April 18th.
Sassy Red’s Bakery & Catering has relocated and merged with Margaret’s Lamb & Lion Bookstore. They offer daily confections as well as special order items, Christian books, Bibles, music & gifts.
Children’s Dental Center
Southern Seasons Floral & Gifts
128 Nacogdoches Street Center, Texas
5075 TX Hwy 87 S
Shelbyville, TX 75935
Children’s Dental Center Ribbon Cutting- August 25, 2016
Southern Season’s Open House - August 5, 2016
Dr. Thomas Youngblood offers dental services for ages six months to 20
Jaeleigh Davis, artist of Hazel Pearl Designs was present to discuss her offerings of Painting Classes & Custom Re-purposed Furniture.
years of age and is open 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Thursday.
6 | S/O 2016 |
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. - Genesis 1:29
Edward Jones Lady Luncheon Edward Jones Ladies Luncheon with guest speaker: Chloe Brown Certified Natural Health Professional
It’s Poultry Festival Time!
I have experienced my own personal journey of seeking for healing. It’s amazing to me how many times in the Scripture we read of instances where individuals were healed with nature. One that comes to mind is the passage of Isaiah 38, where Hezekiah was sick and knew he was dying. His diagnosis was an infection that rendered boils on his body. He prayed that he may be healed. The prophet and physician, Isaiah, came to him and instructed that he administer plaster of figs and because of his obedience (not just prayer), he lived fifteen years longer. So, exactly what was with the figs? There are real medicinal purposes in those sweet, soft bulbs. Figs treat diabetes, insomnia, high blood pressure, tumors, infections, and can be used as a skin cleanser. They contain potassium, fiber, folic acid, sodium, zinc, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium and vitamins- A,B,C and K. And, just to think, when we think of figs today, about the only thing we can mention is fig preserves! What a shame!
September 28th - Downtown Center Square 11:00 AM - Fajita Lunch 4:30 PM - Do Dah Parade 5:00 PM - Chicken Cooking Contest and Rooster Revel
October 1st - Center High School Cafeteria
So it is with almost any illness/condition we suffer from; there is almost always a natural treatment - often cure, regardless of what we are told by conventional medicine. This is my testament, I hope always: If I am ill, God can heal. He does so by providing us the necessary elements in nature and by expecting us to DO something (other than ask him to pull out his magic wand, shake it and light up our world) to achieve that healing. With the resources we have available to us today, I challenge every reader to seek and find the things that nature has in store for you! I am on that journey myself; I hope to meet you there.
6:00 PM - East Texas Poultry Festival Pageant
October 6th, 7th & 8th - Downtown Center Square 40th East Texas Poultry Festival | S/O 2016 | 7
191 US Hwy 96 North
106 North El Camino Crossing
Center || 800.293.2907
San Augustine || 936.275.2925
Mary P. Masterson
Visit us for all your outdoor grill needs: Twok Grills Crawfish Cookers Dutch Ovens Stainless Steel Fryers Fish Cookers and much more! Pay Your Bills Online or Order gas at
8 | S/O 2016 |
312 Tenaha St | Center, Texas 75935
P (936) 598-4359 | F (936) 598-4664 | C (936) 488-2940
C’est si bon
Cajun Market Crawfish, Shrimp, Crab, Alligator, Boudin, Etouffee, Catfish, Enchiladas and more!
Restuarant & Market Hours: Thursday 11 am - 8 pm Friday 11 am - 10 pm Saturday 11 am - 10 pm
Catering Service & Special Event Venue by reservation 7 days a week 13300 State Hwy 7 - Joaquin, TX 936-269-4442 or 903-754-7599
Hughes Fl�ist & Gifts 321 Shelbyville Street Center, Texas 75935
C���������� O�� S��������! She�ey Locke & Becky Grant
I am happy to announce that the Ford Family closed out August with the arrival of the newest member, Case Lane Ford, born August 17th! As I began to prepare the pages of the Medical Issue, I could not help but think of all the kind medical professionals I met along this journey and how very thankful I am to have received such wonderful care. When I started making plans for labor, I quickly realized there’s very little we can actually control and plan: what doctor I will see during my pregnancy, hopefully one that will also be present to deliver our baby and which Pediatrican our child will see, the rest is really all God’s plan. Since it was a totally new experience, this process was filled with excitement, wonder and some amount of fear of the changes my body was making and the acceptance that a little life would soon be totally dependent of me. You hope that the doctors you have selected have that perfect balance of skill and compassion and you pray that everything will happen perfectly. For me, thankfully labor began and finished naturally as we had envisioned with no complications. For this, I must credit the staff and care of Dr. B. Glymph, Dr. C. Satir and Nacogdoches Medical Center’s Labor and Delivery Team – their knowledge and kindheartedness provided me calmness from start to finish that I believe contributed greatly to our success. We often fail to give folks in the medical field an extra round-of-applause for the jobs they do. Sure they chose the field and knew that often times the days and nights could be long, the patients unruly, and some situations heartbreaking. Despite the nuisances the job may bring, most accept these jobs with a desire to truly help folks and bring joy to someone’s life during times of medical need; to have a job that gives them purpose. My family and I were blessed with medical professionals that exceeded expectations and delivered exceptional care. From the Ford Family, a
great big THANK YOU to all in the medical field and may God bless you abundantly.
Are Your Beauty Products Toxic? Try these Carcinogen Free Products!
Welcome to Beautycounter. There are about 10,000 chemicals commonly found in personal care products —only 10% of those chemicals have safety data. The United States has not passed a federal law to regulate the ingredients used in personal care products since 1938. The European Union has spent the past two decades banning or restricting more than 1,300 ingredients—the U.S. has only banned 11 to date.
Even more troubling, chemicals linked to breast cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and other health issues are allowed in the products we use every day.
We deserve better. At Beautycounter, we’re doing something about it. Beautiful products, made safe. 10 | S/O 2016 |
Our ingredient selection process is the strictest in the industry. At Beautycounter, we’ve banned more than 1,500 ingredients, setting a new health and safety standard—all while ensuring our products perform, and that they’re as indulgent as any luxe shampoo, lipstick or oil in the market.
Our mission is to get safe products into the hands of everyone. To that end, we’ve created an Essentials Skin and Body Care line, a collection of Lip Sheers, Kidscounter products for little ones, and Countertime, which reduces the signs of aging. e l beauty lin r a natura it! searched fo ally found ows I have ___________ fin kn ve e ha m I s r, know em rders Hagle Anyone who to share th to Beth Bo now want e. Thanks er any oducts and sw pr for some tim an g in to e az lov ng these am d I would brielle I am enjoyi Beth Borders nts, Beth an Hagler nsulta act us! - Ga well. As co free to cont el Fe . em th with you as 936.590.1009 out ab ve ha u may questions yo est Gabrielle W 8144 936-332r gle Ha ers Beth Bord info@natur 09 10 ler ag hh 936-590et /b healthyblc@
Making Every Moment Matter When we think of the word hospice, the first thing that comes to mind is that a loved one has only a short while left with us; a service that will keep them comfortable during the last phase of their life. Affinity Hospice is all of that and so much more. Hospice care is considered to be the model for quality, compassionate care for people facing a life-limiting illness or injury. It involves a team-oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient’s needs and wishes. Support is provided to the patient’s loved ones as well. At the center of hospice and palliative care is the belief that each of us has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and that our families will receive the necessary support to allow us to do so. Hospice encompasses a wide range of diagnoses including but not limited to: cancer, renal disease, lung disease, heart disease, and Alzheimers. Hospice brings the medical equipment and supplies needed for the patient and also covers the medicines that are directly related to the primary admitting diagnosis. Hospice is paid 100% by Medicare and Medicaid and is also covered by most private insurances. Hospice is equipped to serve in the home, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and even in the hospital. There is good news for Shelby County residents. Affinity Hospice is located here in Center to serve the people of these beautiful piney woods. Our hospice team is made up of registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, hospice aides, social workers, and chaplains. The need to be surrounded by positive, caring people is evident and you will have that with our “hometown” team. With hometown hospice, you will be getting that personal touch from the community you live in, with individuals who are familiar to you, allowing you to feel that comfortable environment with a professional touch.
take their last breath. Being able to give families the peace of mind of knowing they are getting the best care is what this job is all about,” says Sara Sowell Lloyd, RN for 14 years. If you can think of someone that could benefit from some extra help, please give us a call. We will meet with you at your home or wherever is convenient for you and answer any and all questions you may have. It costs absolutely nothing and there will be no obligations. Our desire is for the people of Shelby County to be educated on what hospice care really is so that when the time comes, you will know how to get the help you need for yourself and your loved ones.
Our local Affinity Hospice Team: Sara Lloyd, RN Evelyn Roberts, LVN Tara Baylor, Hospice Aide Krista Warren, Social Worker Bro. Gordon Vaughn, Chaplain Dr. Keith Miller, Medical Director Casey Lout, Director of Public Relations
“Taking care of local people I’ve known my entire life definitely pulls on my heart. At the end of the day, I feel that I have made a difference. I am there for the families and the patients when they
1400 Tenaha Street, Suite C Center, TX 75935
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So many times, we hear, “If only we would have known, we would have called sooner.” Don’t wait, let us help you
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12 | S/O 2016 |
We proudly hold a licence issued by the Louisiana State Licence Board for Contractors for the Specialty of: Oilfield Pit Treatments Pumpdowns Land Reclamation
SERVICES: Location Construction Frac Pond Construction Pit Closure Annular Injection Landfarming Mulching/Grinding Roads Fence Construction
Fence Construction
Frac Pond Construction
Location Construction
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Proudly serving the Texas and Louisiana area oilfield industry for more than 15 years.
748 State Hwy 7 West Center, Texas 75935
936-591-8333 936-591-9567 Fax
Providing superb service in a professional manner that is timely and efficient. We specialize in the construction of drill site locations, roads and frac ponds as well as the performance of annular injections, pit reclamation
as Anadarko Petroleum, Chesapeake Operating, Inc., EXCO Oil Corporation, Goodrich Petroleum and Noble Energy. K&L proudly maintains an excellent
and landfarming. We provide our services for some of the top oil and gas companies in the industry such
safety record and perpetuates the highest safety standards for our employees. | J/A 2016 | 13
Standing Up and Speaking Out 5 Tips to Raising Responsible Children To raise a caring, respectful, and ethical child. That is goal of parenting. I am horrible at reading the news. Between 4 kids and a full time job, the last thing I want to do is spend time reading about all the bad stuff going on in the world. For the last few years I’ve just gotten the highlight reel from my husband over coffee and tea in the morning. But a few days ago, I got this email from Baylor about the rape scandal that led to the head football coach being fired. I also noticed that some of my Facebook friends voiced concern because the University’s President was out after failing to step up and intervene when a student reported a rape but somehow is now going to be on staff at the law school (I haven’t followed up on this, but hopefully the powers that be reconsidered this). I began reading all these reports about the Stanford sexual assault guy who was convicted this year and only sentenced to 6 months. I noticed how his father attempted to gloss over his son’s bad acts... And it made me think about things (as it should have, obviously). My heart goes out to the women and men that have been victims of assault. I can’t even begin to imagine how things are for those victims and their families. I can’t help but focus on the two guys who were riding their bicycles and noticed something didn’t seem right. They didn’t just “speak up” - they stopped the violence and held the perpetrator down until the police arrived. Even though this story was terrible, it could have been much worse for those two men. I feel that many times in cases like this, there are bystanders (football coaches, university presidents, fraternity brothers, etc.) who can step up and intervene before the bad guys either make it worse for their victim and/or move onto the next victim. All parents worry about whether or not they are raising kind, intelligent, empathetic children, and I certainly don’t have all (any?) of the answers, but I would imagine it would be difficult to raise good children if you aren’t setting the example for the children. One way to do that is to speak up and out against violence.
14 | S/O 2016 |
A review of various studies and research on parenting has helped me narrow down 5 bullet points of parenting wisdom:
1 2 3
Spend time with your children. Not just time in front of the television. I mean, honest-to-goodness time spent playing on the floor with them, sitting at the dinner table with them and discussing their day. Children learn how to talk and interact based on how their parents interact with them. Taking time to listen to your child teaches you (as the parent) about their personality as well. So, take time to learn who they are and how they to play and talk. Tell them how you feel. Your children are not mind readers. If they do something sweet and good, tell them. Praise them. Tell them you love them - don’t just show them. Give them the words to describe these emotions. Tell them you care and are proud of them. Likewise, tell them when they could do something differently. Help them learn to say how they feel so they do not have to act out their negative emotions. Discipline. It is important to set clear and reasonable boundaries. But, don’t just set the boundaries, enforce them. You should explain to the child why the boundary is there. When boundaries are crossed, parents should appropriately effectuate the consequence. It is in enforcing the consequence when the stakes are small that parents can teach a child the effects of forbidden actions. Don’t wait until the stakes are much more severe to enforce. While this seems almost self-explanatory as to the purpose of discipline, I will be the first to admit that it can be very easy to forgive poor behavior when it seems as though the effort of punishment will outweigh the triviality of the situation. The point is to learn that actions have consequences. When stakes are small, that is the perfect learning opportunity to teach children the consequences of their actions. Parents are not just cheerleaders for their children; they are mentors, as well. The absence of discipline, especially when there is an overabundance of praise, can lead to entitled children that do not understand consequences for their actions. Teach conflict resolution. Lawyers learn a great deal about conflict resolution and the different ways of helping others work through disputes. Children can learn this, too! If your child is upset because of something, teach your child that it is best to confront the issue by talking through it. Explain to them the decision making process and things that might influence other people to act in certain ways. It is possible that the school bully is going through something really difficult in their home life - and that the bully doesn’t have parents that care enough to give him/her the attention they need. Maybe it’s old school, but I don’t think anyone has ever regretted first attempting to kill someone with kindness. Teach empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand other people and their emotions. Teach your children how to put themselves into other people’s situations and to be aware of other people’s feelings and emotions. Help them understand what it might be like to be in the other person’s shoes. Help them understand how their decisions might impact someone else.
Laci S. Bowman is a Senior Attorney at Godwin PC, Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Mrs. Bowman practices in all areas of family law, including divorce, child custody, enforcement issues, modification issues, pre and post marital property agreements, protective orders, adoption, and gestational agreements. Mrs. Bowman graduated from Baylor Law School in 2008 with a J.D., and from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 with a BA in Communication Studies with Honors and with a BS in Government with Honors. Mrs. Bowman was trained in Collaborative Law in 2010. She is an active member of Collaborative Law Dallas, and past President and Co-Founder of Collaborative Law Professional of North Texas. She has been selected to the list of Texas Rising Stars by Thomson Reuters’ Texas Super Lawyers Magazine and Texas Monthly from 2013 to 2016. She is also a member of the Annette Stewart American Inn of Court and the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists. | S/O 2016 | 15
ON THE COVER April of this year spoke volumes about the career choice made by second-generation dentist, Dr. Clayton Windham. That is when he and his wife, Jackie purchased his father’s 35 year dental practice. Their objective?
Continue the service in the community with the commitment made by his father and mother, Dr. Danny Paul and Sally Windham, so many years ago.
In 1981, Ronald Reagan was starting his first term of presidency, interest rates were at an all-time high and Dr. Danny Paul Windham was hanging out his shingle as Doctor of Dental Surgery in the small town of Center, Texas. Dr. Danny Paul and Mrs. Sally chose Center as their home based on family ties to the area. Both sets of Dr. Danny Paul ‘s grandparents, the Permenters and the Windhams, are from the area. The same is true for Mrs. Sally’s grandparents; the Millers and the Holts. Dr. Danny Paul spent many summers as a young boy on his grandparents George and Susie Permenter’s farm on Folsom Chapel road, catching fish, picking watermelons and home grown tomatoes. As a young adult, he attended Panola Jr. College and lived with his grandmother, Lou Windham, in her house on Center Street. “Shelby County has always felt more like home than anywhere else to me.” says Dr. Danny Paul. From the time they opened their doors, Dr. Danny Paul and Mrs. Sally have built their practice on personal interaction from the front desk to the gentle caring hands in the operatory. This formula has proven successful, as it seems that the name Windham has become synonymous with good dental care in Shelby County and surrounding areas. Dr. Danny Paul and Mrs. Sally have two children, Anna Joy and Clayton Paul, who grew up watching their mother and father work at the office and serve in the community, giving back wherever possible. Dr. Danny Paul and Mrs. Sally both served on the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce and have been intimately involved with the poultry festival for many years. It’s clear that leading by example is, and always has been, their method. Their son Clayton says “I remember my dad coming home at 7:30pm after being gone before I woke up. He would say he had been ‘down in the mouth all day’, but I never saw dad mad or upset about working; only thankful and humbled by the people that trusted him with their care. I remember mom being gone all day Saturday or late into the evening on Wednesday working on insurance filing, scheduling and other important front office work. Dr. Danny and Mrs. Sally had high hopes for their kids but never forced the idea of dentistry as a profession. “Although Dad and Mom were very supportive and helpful in school, we were never encouraged to be dentists or pushed in that direction, but it was easy to see that a career as fulfilling as the one Dad and Mom led was one worth pursuing.” says Clayton. Apparently Dr. Danny and Mrs. Sally did a great job portraying life owning a dental practice and being an important part of a small community, as after 8 years of hard work, Dr. Anna Graduated from dental school in 2008 and Dr. Clayton graduated dental school in 2012. Dr. Clayton says he made the decision to be a dentist in his junior year of high school. “I knew I wanted to be able to help people and I knew I wanted to come home to Shelby County after school. I liked science, math and people, so dentistry was the obvious choice even without the fact that I grew up in a dental office. Watching Dad and Mom do amazing things for the community and their patients was helpful in deciding that, as well. I had considered being a vet for a little while, but after a day riding with Dr. Derek Grant to several different farms giving horses “elbow pregnancy tests” I decided I liked animals as pets rather than patients.” With the growth of the practice, Dr. Danny Paul, knew they needed a bigger space than what they had. In 2008, he began the remodel and additions to the office -- expanding patient care areas by more than double and adding all new equipment. Dr. Anna was very instrumental in orchestrating the redesign of the office, making sure the end result was one tailored for the needs of their future. It turned out just as they had hoped. It was only natural and came as no big surprise in April 2016 when Dr. Clayton and his wife, Jackie, purchased the practice from Dr. Danny Paul. | S/O 2016 | 17
“I cannot remember a time when my father did not have this office.” Clayton shared. “My sister and I took our first steps in this building. I spent hours after school here watching my father serve the community and help patients achieve their dental hygiene goals.” I am so happy we now are able to carry on the legacy of caring for our patients and the community. I grew up here; I love the people who live here and just couldn’t imagine going anywhere else to raise my family or any other community to be a part of. I still want to give the best care with caring hands and a welcoming atmosphere. Often we see two or three generations devoting their entire lives to working together but it’s amazing to be able to see several generations of a family working in harmony. I believe knowing the patient on a personal level makes for a more effective provider for the community. Being from here gives us advantage there. Dr. Danny Paul still is in the office on a part-time basis and Mrs. Sally, helps on a weekly basis filing insurance and helping with other office work. Dr. Clayton’s wife, Jackie, practices as a dental hygienist and office manager. His sister, Dr. Anna Windham Shirley, lives in Shreveport and drives to Center to work with her family. Dr. Clayton is active in his profession’s community. He is the recipient of the Texas Dental Association’s New Dentist Leadership Award for 2016, a member of East Texas 3rd district dental society, a member of the peer review committee and an alternate to the TDA House of Delegates. In 2015 he accepted the society’s Young Dentist of the Year award. He is also a member of the Pineywoods Dental Study Club which meets once a month in Nacogdoches, serves as a president of the Center Noon Lions Club and a board member of the First United Methodist Church of Center. He enjoys spending as much time as possible with their two children, Everly and Liam. If time permits, he appreciates flying, hunting, gardening and beekeeping. There is a fine art to balancing the professional comfortable environment in a business. However, it seems to come natural for this family. The moment you step into their care you too will understand. They are currently accepting new patients and file all major insurances, making them a convenient option for not only general dentistry services, but also restorative, implant and cosmetic needs.
(936) 591-9550
708 Southview Cir, Center, TX 75935 | S/O 2016 | 19
Shelley Locke
“When I get to heaven, I’m going to ask the Lord, ‘Why me? TWO times?’” stated Mrs. Shelley Locke. As a breast cancer survivor and now a leukemia patient, she sometimes questions her position. “Sometimes the Lord picks the strongest people to take on the mountains He wants us to climb,” she stated. Mrs. Shelley was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2006. This year marked the tenth year she had been cancer free. But, in May of this year, her strength was tested again when she was diagnosed with leukemia. The challenges that she has faced, with the two cancers, are quite different. When diagnosed with breast cancer, it was contained. Surgery removed the tumor, so no chemotherapy or radiation was necessary. Leukemia, however, has been a different story. Because of the nature of the disease, there is no containment. The specific type of leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), is very aggressive and the only “control” has been to take chemotherapy until a bone marrow transplant is possible. She has lost her hair. Her treatments are intense; therefore, she is admitted to the hospital for in-house treatments that last for several days. Currently, she has to be in the hospital for one week during treatments and home recovering for the remaining three weeks each month. This has been a test of her spiritual, emotional and physical strength. Her husband of twenty-four years, Jason, has been with her every step of the way. “He has been my rock.” Shelley stated. Her two children, Emma age 16 and Jacob age 20, have been there to support her and are old enough to not need the attention younger children would. Through all of this, Ms. Shelley continues to be positive. She stated “I am blessed, I know. It could have been my children that were diagnosed but it wasn’t. I know I will beat this and be past it one day soon.” A bone marrow match has been found. The transplant is scheduled for October. She and her family are excited about the opportunity, ready for the renewed life and hopeful for the outcome. Certain health conditions come with an overshadowing stigma, Leukemia being one of them. But, with faith and treatment, only the best can be hoped for. She and her family request your prayers.
Katy Gardner
Ms. Katy Gardner was born in Panola County as one of 16 children to Rev. Marvin Rayson and Sudie Ramsey Rayson. She has spent her life helping others. At 18, she had her first child and delivered it herself. That would be the first of countless babies she would see born in her lifetime. Ms. Katie and her husband, Tom, would go on to have five girls and two boys; all of them, she delivered herself. “The oldest woman I delivered a child for was 40yrs old and the youngest was 13. I’ve delivered from San Augustine, to Broaddus, from Carthage to Possum Trot. I’ve never lost a baby or a mother.” She has served as midwife for 63 years! One year alone, she delivered 103 babies! There is no way to calculate how many babies she has seen take their first breath. She used to keep a medical bag in her car equip with a stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, scissors, gloves and anything else she would need to deliver. She used to wear a beeper (Remember those days?). When the beeper went off, a baby was on the way! Ms. Katy knows the tricks to help mothers get contractions to come quicker. Her expertise can detect when a baby will arrive within minutes of accuracy. Oh, yes, and she does not administer medication. “Women can have a baby without medication. All they got to do is trust God. But, People nowadays can’t do it ‘cause they ain’t got no faith.” Ms. Gardner hasn’t served as midwife for several years, now.. The wisdom of the old timers is slowly passing with them. Is there anyone who will follow in their footsteps? Is there another who can see the need or hear the calling to follow faith, walk in love and desire to create such a legacy? I don’t know. However, I do know the cry for the service of a midwife is still prevalent.
Myrle Bridges
“I knew I was going to be a nurse; I just always wanted to be one. I graduated high school in Center and went on to Panola College in Carthage. At that time, there was no college campus in Center. After Carthage, I graduated from Angelina College in Lufkin. I began nursing in ’72. I worked at the Angelina Hospital, driving over a hundred miles daily to and from work. I did that for two years and then went to work at the nursing home there.
Sara Hughes, daughter of Brian & Becky Harkness, loves her career choice. At the age of 22, married to Dustin Hughes and on her way down the path of her career, she stated, “My first major choice in college was Ag. Then, I decided on nursing. It just seemed like a good choice to make. I’m so glad I chose nursing; I actually like it better now than what I had imagined I would.” Since her mother-in-law, Dedra Hughes, was a nurse, she did have an idea of what it takes to wear scrubs. She finished college at SFA and started her internship in October of last year and has worked ever since. She works full time at Nacogdoches Memorial Center as surgery nurse and part time at Nacogdoches Medical Center in the trauma center. “I didn’t want to go to work and sit in an office. I wanted to go to work in an exciting environment. In my job, you can expect anything at any given moment. Every day is different. It is highpaced and demanding.” When asked if she had received any words of wisdom from a more experienced nurse, she explained that nursing is a field that is changing rapidly on a daily basis. Most of the procedures used even ten years ago have changed drastically and are no longer used. Nurses are exposed to a limited amount of holistic medicine, as well, while. Sara shared they studied messages as well as benefits of essential oils. Advise she’s give to someone just getting into nursing? Give yourself time to learn. There’s no way you will know everything the first day of the job. It takes time to learn. The biggest accomplishment of her career? Graduating college! This past year has been filled with hands-on experience instead of text books and classrooms. The future is sure to be as exciting as the past months and Sara is ready for what is out there!
Ms. Bridges has served the public as a nurse for 44 years. She has been licensed as nurse in four states (TX, AZ, CA &CO), certified as a Nurse Director and certified as a Gerontologist. She has worked as Director of Nurses at Holiday Nursing Home, Green Acres and Pine Grove here in Center. She has worked as a home health nurse. She worked as nurse consultant for four years in Lewisville, Dallas, Arizona, Colorado and Texas. For several years, she was over the Nurse Aide training at Panola College. She has worked as a nurse at Trinity Nursing Home in San Augustine. For the past eleven years – and currently- she works at Twin Lakes Nursing Home in San Augustine. NTM: What differences, if any, can you describe in the profession today from when you first began to practice? Ms. Bridges: “In 1972, when you went to work, you wore a uniform. It was a white outfit, white hose and a white hat. They don’t do that anymore. You can wear jeans or scrubs. It’s just not the same. It’s like you have lost your respect in the profession. People don’t respect you as much and the passion just isn’t there. And now days, technology has taken president over the patient. We are spending time doing paperwork that we should be using to connect with the patient. It’s just not like it used to be. “ When asked what her greatest accomplishment has been, she replied that raising her four children was the greatest thing she had ever done. In ’91, she and her husband had been married 44 years. She lost him that year to cancer. In 2004, she lost two of her four children just three months apart. Losing her children was the hardest thing she had to experience. NTM: What advice would you give to a young nurse just starting out? Ms. Bridges: “You have to want to do the job. It’s not easy money; it’s hard work. When I’m working with training new nurses, I can tell within three days if they are going to be good at the job. To be a good nurse, you have to cultivate compassion and care. It both has to be there or you just don’t have it.” | S/O 2016 | 21
Some people with Chiari will never have symptoms while others will suffer from very severe symptoms. The most common Chiari symptom is headache in the back of the head. It is made worse by laughing, coughing, sneezing, or other activities that put strain on the head. Other symptoms include vision and balance problems, ear pain, swallowing difficulties, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, extreme fatigue, digestive problems and many others. There is no cure for it and the only treatment is surgery, though studies show that surgery is successful only 50% of the time and 20% of patients will require multiple surgeries.
Carmen Roland
For as long as I can remember, ever since I was a little girl, I have always had a headache. About the time I turned 19, I started searching for an answer to the “Why does my head hurt?” question. I saw doctor after doctor, from Texas to California. I was told they were tension headaches, various types of migraines, allergies, sinus problems, cluster headaches, all without one test ever being done. In 2010, at the age of 31, the headache finally reached the point that I could no longer ignore it. Not only was the pain excruciating, but my balance was off and I was having dizzy spells. I was also having vision troubles and my speech was slurring. A trip to Nacogdoches, to the ER at Memorial Hospital and an MRI finally provided me with the diagnosis that I’d been looking: Arnold Chiari Malformation 1. The doctor at the ER who diagnosed me didn’t even know how to pronounce Chiari and admitted to me that he didn’t know much about it, but that he had contacted a local neurosurgeon who would like to see me in his clinic the next day. The neurosurgeon explained to me that Chiari Malformation was a condition that I was born with. Basically, my brain did not fit right inside my skull, my cerebral tonsils were herniated through the bottom of my skull and impacted on my brain stem. So much of the brain trying to squeeze into that small area in my skull made it very difficult for cerebrospinal fluid to flow between my brain and spine. Two weeks later, I had my first brain surgery; placement of a VP shunt (which is a long tube that helps drain the excess fluids from the brain). Two weeks after that, I had what my surgeon called Chiari Decompression surgery, during which he removed a small section of my skull in the back to make more room for my brain. Six years and six failed Chiari-related surgeries later, one thing has become very clear to me; there is little to no awareness about Chiari Malformation not only in the general population, but also in the basic population of health care professionals. Chiari Malformation is not a rare condition. Recent studies indicate that roughly 1 in 1000 people suffer from Chiari Malformation, though some may never have symptoms and many will go undiagnosed. Women are three times more likely to have Chiari than men. There are about 300,000 people in the United States who are currently diagnosed with Chiari and only 5 doctors who are considered Chiari specialists.
Luckily, one of those five Chiari specialists has accepted me as a patient. I travel to Little Rock, Arkansas to see my neurosurgeon now. Recently, he ordered what we hope will be my last Chiari-related surgery. In November of this year, he will perform another decompression surgery, during which he will reposition my brain and then put in a mesh plate intended to support my brain in its new position. It is now very, very important to me to help spread Chiari awareness. Being informed could save someone’s life.
Courtney Greer
Rodan + Fields is Changing Skin and Impacting Lives If you haven’t heard of Rodan + Fields yet, you will in the near future as the premium skincare brand continues to redefine the anti-aging industry with new and innovative products and tools with clinically proven results. Rodan + Fields is rapidly becoming a household name thanks to world-renowned dermatologists and creators of Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan, Dr. Kathy Fields and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs like Courtney Greer of Shelbyville, Texas. R+F offers solutions for several different skincare concerns that the dermatologists see in their office in San Francisco, CA daily, ranging from sensitive skin, Resaca, eczema, psoriasis, acne, acne scarring, sun damage, pregnancy mask (Melasma), aging skin with loss of firmness, uneven skin tone and texture and lines and puffiness. With all of these different skincare concerns you would think the R+F catalog of products is unending; however, the doctors have created a concise suite of products to fit your needs with an easy to navigate website. There is also a personal Solutions Tool to give consumers a quick assessment of the products they might need, depending on their condition. Think the skincare is too expensive? Think again! While most of the products cost less than your average cup of coffee per day, the company offers an easy and flexible preferred customer program in which customers receive discounts and promotions not readily available to outside consumers. Preferred Customers get a 10% discount on all products AND
free Fedex shipping straight to their door. The program offers an easy to manage account where customers can change their orders and even delay shipments if needed. Fast and friendly customer service, a 60-day return policy, as well as 24 hour access to a staff of nurses ensures a positive experience for any customer. In The News Forbes recently wrote an article (The Rising Success of Rodan + Fields Thanks to Nontraditional Retail and Savvy Women) highlighting the business opportunity Rodan + Fields has to offer to new entrepreneurs. Developed in 2002, Rodan + Fields was sold in department stores, like Nordstroms; however, the Doctors quickly realized their brand could capture more customer attention, gaining more success via the direct sales path. The doctors coined this new model of distribution “community commerce”, referring to the “demographic trends of the decline in department store foot traffic, the rise of social media, the emergence of the entrepreneurial economy, and the growing interest in anti-aging products and prevention among twenty and thirty something year olds.”
2228 S.E, Loop 59 Carthage Tx 75633
“While our brand was successful in the department store channel, our vision for Rodan + Fields was much bigger. Recognizing that word of mouth – not the advertising or marketing programs of the stores – accounted for our growing customer base, we decided to create an alternative method of distribution. This method, we know, had to be one that gave the sales commission to the people who loved and recommended our products while preserving the consultative one-on-one experience found in department stores,” shares Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields.” Giving Back Not only is Rodan + Fields changing lives for their customers, and consultants alike; Rodan + Fields has created a campaign, Prescription for a Change (PFC), developed with their nonprofit partner, buildOn, to raise funds for schools and after-school programs for underprivileged youth in an effort to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education. You may have seen some posts on social media around the beginning of July about “Going Naked”. As part of this campaign, Rodan + Fields donates $5 through the PFC for each makeup free selfie posted on social media with the hashtag #RFGoNaked. This year the campaign raised $360,356 to fund a new buildOn program in a distressed community serving 150 students per week. Rodan + Fields is committed to giving back, and becoming a beacon of hope in communities at risk. Rodan + Fields continues to innovate and pave the golden pathway for the future of premium skincare in the U.S. and abroad. Looking ahead at global expansion, only means bigger and better things yet to come for this company and its tribe of entrepreneurs. As their annual Convention rapidly approaches in October, Courtney is looking forward to new product announcements, and business launches. She will be sure to keep you informed via social media! Call, Text or Email Courtney Greer for more information on the business opportunity, or the products: 936-332-8511 - Visit to see which products are right for you or to learn more about creating your own virtual franchise.
wilkins counseling center Dan Wilkins, PhD, LPC, LMFT Licensed Professional Counselor Individual & Marriage Life Coaching Treating: Anxiety, Depression & Relationships 325 tenaha street - center, tx office: 936.598.6413 fax: 936-598-4499 | S/O 2016 | 23
Tumeric Tea Ingredients • • • • • • •
1 peppermint tea bag 1 cup hot water 1.5 tsp chopped ginger 1/8 tsp turmeric 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp raw honey dash of black pepper
1. Steep tea in hot water. 2. In a separate cup, mix together all of the dry ingredients. Add the steeped tea to the cup and sweeten with honey! Feel free to substitute mint tea with your favorite tea instead. The black pepper in this turmeric tea helps the body absorb turmeric better. You can find turmeric at most grocery stores these days.
Vegan Antioxidant Rich Oats Ingredients • 1/2 cup oats (use gluten-free oats, if you’re on a gluten-free diet) • 1/2 cup almond milk • 1 tsp honey/agave/maple syrup • Cinnamon to taste
Toppings • Berries (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are very high in antioxidants.) • Nuts (almonds or pecans)
Directions Prepare oats as instructed on the package. Use the almond, honey and cinnamon to flavor. Top with nuts and berries. Enjoy! Some antioxidants can provide anticancer chemicals that halt cancer growth and force some cancer cells to self destruct. For this reason, I enjoy eating fresh berries!
The Antioxidant Power of PLUMS!
Plums and prunes have the increased ability to absorb iron in the body due to the high Vitamin C content in the fruit. Plums neutralize the effects of free radicals and protect against the development of health conditions like asthma, arthritis and cancer. Studies have connected plums to cancer prevention especially of breast, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract. The antioxidants power and their phytonutrients cease the development of breast cancer cells without killing health cells. Plums—eat them raw!! Raw fruit provides great fiber and first-hand nutrients your body needs to drink up!! |S/O 2016 | 25
Conquering Cancer Naturally By: Beth Borders Hagler
“I began researching cancer about 20 years ago. I became interested in cancer because as many of you know, Shelby County is known for the most cases of cancer in the state of Texas. I have known this for years.” Also, I was noticing how many people of all ages were diagnosed and I saw what happened to them. It was disturbing. In addition, both of my grandmothers died from cancer in their 60’s and I knew that with the statistics available that I or someone close to me would most likely receive this terrifying diagnosis. I wanted to #1: prevent it and #2: have a game plan if me or my family were affected. My uncle, Gene Borders, who was very forward thinking, gave me a book to read called “World Without Cancer” by G. Edward Griffin and it was so shocking and eye opening that I just wanted to know more. The most shocking part was about the politics of cancer. I can’t go into all of that here. It is such a huge subject. I do several things to prevent cancer and I know that I would never take conventional standard of care treatments. I know this without a doubt. I think a person has to be sure of this choice because once diagnosed (if you have never given it a thought), you would be so confused and devastated that you would have almost zero chance of standing up for yourself against the traditional medical community. I was very fortunate to meet and interview a wonderful, intelligent, and beautiful woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer DCIS, Stage II in March of 2014 at the age of 48 and she cured herself naturally. Let me introduce you to Sandi Ross of Terrell, Texas. Her story is amazing, inspiring, and practical. I will try to hit the high points although I have 11 pages of notes! Sandi wants everyone to know how miraculous our bodies are and that God has provided everything we need to heal ourselves. She hopes to help others with her story. After a mammogram, Sandi had a biopsy and was told it was cancer. She said she never had fear! She told her doctor that she was going to be fine. She had some more testing, consultations and was scheduled for a double mastectomy to most likely be followed by chemotherapy. She had a strong gut feeling not to go through with the surgery. She told her husband she knew they would be mocked and not supported by most. She immediately gave up sugar and began researching. Her and her husband discovered on their own, that this type of cancer, if left untreated in 50% of women, would take care of itself. This means there was a chance her immune system could get rid of it. Also, they discovered that left untreated the mortality rate was less than 2% in 10 years! They told this to the doctor and said they did not see the urgency and they canceled the surgery.
Sandi Ross and husband, Jim.
Sandi explained to her doctor that she wanted a year to research and try to treat herself with a natural protocol. Sandi, very wisely, instinctively knew that if she had the surgery but did not change her lifestyle, that she would be facing cancer again in 5-7 years so why not change the lifestyle and see if she could get rid of it own her own? The doctor was not supportive and told her it was not going to happen and she could not get rid of it on her own. Sandi says that the Holy Spirit told her not to have the surgery. She was relying on her faith in God to guide her decisions. Sandi went to work (at a dentist office) and told her co-workers that she was not having surgery and that she was going the natural route. They all tried to tell her “they are just boobs, get rid of them and the cancer.” They were trying to help her but Sandi knew that was not the path for her. Sandi knew she could not rely on Google and that God would lead her to a good source. That day at work, a patient called to cancel an appointment and actually went into an explanation of why she had to cancel. She had just gotten in from California where she had taken her dad to see a holistic cancer biochemist! Sandi got the information and flew to California to meet this man the very day that her surgery had been scheduled. Sandi learned about cancer and how it responds to supplements. The biochemist (Vincent) explained different protocols to Sandi but did not tell her what to do. He gave her resources and told her to research and decide on a protocol. Vincent told her “I hope you’re not worried because you will be fine.” She chose her protocol. First thing was to purchase an infrared sauna and to eat raw food and no meat. Of course, no sugar as she had already given it up. However she did have one green apple daily with the seeds in it. She drank water, green tea, Pau De Arco tea and apricot kernels (for the B17 in them), about 3 per hour. This depends on body weight. She also took iodine (and applied it topically to her breast), magnesium, selenium and other supplements. She went and had a blood test for cancer tumor markers. Sandi began feeling better immediately. She went on for 5 weeks, faithful to her protocol and then she began to feel lethargic, achy, had headaches and she felt worried it wasn’t working. She read her notes again and realized that at 5-6 weeks after starting a program of this nature, that this is when the body is getting rid of the final toxins and that it would take 3-4 days. She persevered and on the 5th day, she felt like a new person. She went to her son’s pole vaulting meet in Houston and did cartwheels on the field! (To his dismay). From that point forward, other things healed. Her varicose and spider veins went away, no more bloating or digestive issues, her skin looked better and she had more energy than she had in years! Also at this time, her left breast was the same size as the right breast and felt normal. After 3 months, Sandi did blood work again to check the cancer tumor markers to verify that her protocol was working. (She knew she had time to change protocols if she needed to.) The numbers were down drastically so she had proof it was working and she knew to continue. Today, Sandi is cancer free and healthier and happier than she has ever been. She wanted to mention some side effects of her cancer protocol: increased energy, no more headaches, clearer skin and mind, focused thinking, better sleep, no more digestive issues, increase in sex drive and she got to keep her boobs! A couple of her favorite books are “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” and “How to Treat Breast Cancer Naturally”. She is a fan of the Nutribullet and still blenderizes her vegetables, eats a lot of raw food, eats no meat, takes her supplements, and drinks her teas as well as using her sauna where she enjoys reading more on this fascinating subject. She said she recommends thermography over mammograms (I do too). She said she had watched an aunt die from so many treatments and medication (rheumatoid arthritis) that she decided then that if she ever faced a serious health issue; she would rather die naturally than to take harsh treatments. She and I are both fans of “The Truth About Cancer” DVD’s and YouTube videos. Look them up on facbook. The information is worth your time and they are worthy of our support. Another great source for her was www.chimachine4u. com/cancer-diet.html . Sandi reminds us that what we eat is of the utmost importance. “You are either fueling it or fighting it.” My hope is that we can be supportive of those who take the natural route. I believe we are all entitled to make our own decisions about our bodies and health. Sandi and I hope you are inspired by her journey and encouraged that sometimes the road less traveled is the best one. | S/O 2016 | 27
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R & D Distributing, LTD. 936-598-5361 936-598-3511 Fax: 936-598-3346 Robert Griffin 936-590-0537 P.O. Box 1507
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604 Loop 500, Center | S/O 2016 | 31
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Committed to Quality. Devoted to Care. Anchored by Nacogdoches Medical Center, NMC Health Network delivers advanced care at more than 10 locations across East Texas so residents of Nacogdoches and Shelby counties don’t have to travel far for quality health services.
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