ESO 2º CNA Unit 3 Living beings CLIL WORKBOOK

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Unit 3: Living beings

UNIT 3: LIVING BEINGS CLIL WORKBOOK INDEX CLIL WORKBOOK ................................................................................................................................................................. 1

(I) Nutrition ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 (II) Photosynthesis and respiration ............................................................................................................................... 5 (III) Nervous system and hormones ............................................................................................................................ 10 (IV) Reproduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

Pรกgina 1


Unit 3: Living beings

(I) Nutrition NAME…

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz






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Unit 3: Living beings

1. DEFINE the following concepts: (1) Nutrition Is the process by which organisms obtain the substances they need to provide materials and fuel (2) Respiration Is the chemical release of energy from food and oxygen (3) Nutrients Are substances which are essential for healthy growth (4) Autotrophic nutrition Is the making of an organism´s own food form inorganic substances (5) Heterotrophic nutrition Is the feeding of organisms on organic substances made by other organisms (6) Carbohydrates Are a group of organic compounds with a general formula of Cx(H2O)y 2. CHOOSE the correct answer: (1) Autotrophic nutrition: a. Is the making of an organism´s own food form inorganic substances b. Is the feeding of organisms on organic substances made by other organisms c. Are a group of organic compounds with a general formula of Cx(H2O)y (2) Carbohydrates: a. Is the making of an organism´s own food form inorganic substances b. Is the feeding of organisms on organic substances made by other organisms c. Are a group of organic compounds with a general formula of Cx(H2O)y (3) Heterotrophic nutrition: a. Is the making of an organism´s own food form inorganic substances b. Is the feeding of organisms on organic substances made by other organisms c. Are a group of organic compounds with a general formula of Cx(H2O)y (4) Nutrients: a. Is the process by which organisms obtain the substances they need to provide materials and fuel b. Is the chemical release of energy from food and oxygen c. Are substances which are essential for healthy growth (5) Nutrition: a. Is the process by which organisms obtain the substances they need to provide materials and fuel b. Is the chemical release of energy from food and oxygen c. Are substances which are essential for healthy growth (6) Respiration: a. Is the process by which organisms obtain the substances they need to provide materials and fuel b. Is the chemical release of energy from food and oxygen c. Are substances which are essential for healthy growth 3. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

COMPLETE the missing word: Autotrophs such as plants do not rely on other living organisms for food All animals and fungi, and some bacteria, are heterotrophs Foods rich in carbohydrate include sugary foods as jam Fats are solids and oils are liquids at room temperature Adipose tissue occurs under the skin and around the muscles, heart and kidneys Food rich in protein include meat, fish or eggs.

4. TRUE or FALSE: (1) Adipose tissue occurs under the skin and around the muscles, heart and kidneys


(2) All animals and fungi, and some plants, are heterotrophs


(3) Autotrophs such as fungi do not rely on other living organisms for food


(4) Fats are solids and oils are liquids at room temperature


Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

(5) Food rich in protein include meat, fish or eggs.


(6) Foods rich in oil include sugary foods as jam


5. CORRECT the following sentences: (1) Foods rich in protein include sugary foods as jam Foods rich in carbohydrate include sugary foods as jam (2) Food rich in carbohydrate include meat, fish or eggs. Food rich in protein include meat, fish or eggs. (3) Fats are solids and oils are liquids at fridge temperature Fats are solids and oils are liquids at room temperature (4) Autotrophs such as animals do not rely on other living organisms for food Autotrophs such as plants do not rely on other living organisms for food (5) All animals and fungi, and some plants, are heterotrophs All animals and fungi, and some bacteria, are heterotrophs (6) Adipose organ occurs under the skin and around the muscles, heart and kidneys Adipose tissue occurs under the skin and around the muscles, heart and kidneys 6. INTERPRET the graph:

Complete the graph with these words: DIGESTION/HUMAN/FOOD/RIBOSOMES/SYNTHESIS/ENZYMES 7. RESOLVE the problem:

   

Which food has more energy? Which food has less energy? How much energy has 100g of bread? How much energy has 1 kg of fish fingers?

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

(II) Photosynthesis and respiration NAME…

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz






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Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

Unit 3: Living beings

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Unit 3: Living beings

1. DEFINE the following concepts: (1) Photosynthesis

Is the chemical process of separating hydrogen from water which then combines with carbon dioxide to synthesise glucose

(2) Chlorophyll

Is a green pigment in the chloroplasts of plant cells

(3) Respiration (4) Aerobic respiration (5) Anaerobic respiration (6) Gaseous exchange

Is the release of energy in a living organism which occurs when simple products are made from breaking down of food molecules Is respiration which uses oxygen and releases energy and produces carbon dioxide Is respiration which takes place in the absence of oxygen and in which food substances are only partially broken down Involves the passing of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of an organism

2. CHOOSE the correct answer: (1) Aerobic respiration: a. Is respiration which uses oxygen and releases energy and produces carbon dioxide b. Is respiration which takes place in the absence of oxygen and in which food substances are only partially broken down c. Involves the passing of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of an organism (2) Anaerobic respiration: a. Is respiration which uses oxygen and releases energy and produces carbon dioxide b. Is respiration which takes place in the absence of oxygen and in which food substances are only partially broken down c. Involves the passing of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of an organism (3) Chlorophyll: a. Is the chemical process of separating hydrogen from water which then combines with carbon dioxide to synthesise glucose b. Is a green pigment in the chloroplasts of plant cells c. Is the release of energy in a living organism which occurs when simple products are made from breaking down of food molecules (4) Gaseous exchange: a. Is respiration which uses oxygen and releases energy and produces carbon dioxide b. Is respiration which takes place in the absence of oxygen and in which food substances are only partially broken down c. Involves the passing of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of an organism (5) Photosynthesis: a. Is the chemical process of separating hydrogen from water which then combines with carbon dioxide to synthesise glucose b. Is a green pigment in the chloroplasts of plant cells c. Is the release of energy in a living organism which occurs when simple products are made from breaking down of food molecules (6) Respiration: a. Is the chemical process of separating hydrogen from water which then combines with carbon dioxide to synthesise glucose b. Is a green pigment in the chloroplasts of plant cells c. Is the release of energy in a living organism which occurs when simple products are made from breaking down of food molecules 3. COMPLETE the missing word: (1) Green leaves produce food for the plant and are the sites for the processes of transpiration and Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

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ESO 2ยบ CNA (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Unit 3: Living beings

photosynthesis The cuticle is a waterproof waxy coating secreted by the epidermis and protecting a leaf Stomata are responsible for letting gases in and out of the leaf during photosynthesis Respiration occurs in all living cells alt the time (cellular respiration) In humans, anaerobic respiration often occurs in the muscles during vigorous exercise A lung is an organ for gaseous exchange in vertebrates

4. TRUE or FALSE: (1) A lung is an organ for gaseous respiration in vertebrates


(2) Green leaves produce energy for the plant and are the sites for the processes of transpiration and photosynthesis


(3) In humans, anaerobic respiration often occurs in the muscles during vigorous exercise


(4) Respiration occurs in all living cells alt the time (organ respiration)


(5) Stomata are responsible for letting liquids in and out of the leaf during photosynthesis


(6) The cuticle is a waterproof waxy coating secreted by the epidermis and protecting a leaf


5. CORRECT the following sentences: (1) The cuticle is a waterproof waxy coating secreted by the stoma and protecting a leaf The cuticle is a waterproof waxy coating secreted by the epidermis and protecting a leaf

(2) Stomata are responsible for letting liquids in and out of the leaf during photosynthesis Stomata are responsible for letting gases in and out of the leaf during photosynthesis

(3) Respiration occurs in all living cells alt the time (organ respiration) Respiration occurs in all living cells alt the time (cellular respiration)

(4) In humans, aerobic respiration often occurs in the muscles during vigorous exercise In humans, anaerobic respiration often occurs in the muscles during vigorous exercise (5) Green leaves produce energy for the plant and are the sites for the processes of transpiration and photosynthesis Green leaves produce food for the plant and are the sites for the processes of transpiration and photosynthesis (6) A lung is an organ for gaseous respiration in vertebrates A lung is an organ for gaseous exchange in vertebrates

Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

6. INTERPRET the graph:

Complete the following words :


   

How many molecules of carbon dioxide are involved? How many atoms of oxygen are involved? Write the formula of glucose Which is the name of this process?

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

(III) Nervous system and hormones NAME…

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz






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Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

Unit 3: Living beings

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Unit 3: Living beings

1. DEFINE the following concepts: (1) Receptor

Is a sense organ which can detect information about the surroundings

(2) Effector

Is an organ which can produce a response to a particular situation

(3) Nerve impulse

Is an electrical signal which moves along a nerve fibre

(4) Plant hormones (5) Animal hormones (6) Endocrine glands

Are specific chemicals produce by the cells of plants which at very low concentration can affect growth and development Are special chemical “messengers” secreted in small quantities directly into the bloodstream Are glands in an animal that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream

2. CHOOSE the correct answer: (1) Animal hormones: a. Are specific chemicals produce by the cells of plants which at very low concentration can affect growth and development b. Are special chemical “messengers” secreted in small quantities directly into the bloodstream c. Are glands in an animal that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream (2) Effector: a. Is a sense organ which can detect information about the surroundings b. Is an organ which can produce a response to a particular situation c. Is an electrical signal which moves along a nerve fibre (3) Endocrine glands: a. Are specific chemicals produce by the cells of plants which at very low concentration can affect growth and development b. Are special chemical “messengers” secreted in small quantities directly into the bloodstream c. Are glands in an animal that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream (4) Nerve impulse: a. Is a sense organ which can detect information about the surroundings b. Is an organ which can produce a response to a particular situation c. Is an electrical signal which moves along a nerve fibre (5) Plant hormones: a. Are specific chemicals produce by the cells of plants which at very low concentration can affect growth and development b. Are special chemical “messengers” secreted in small quantities directly into the bloodstream c. Are glands in an animal that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream (6) Receptor: a. Is a sense organ which can detect information about the surroundings b. Is an organ which can produce a response to a particular situation c. Is an electrical signal which moves along a nerve fibre 3. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

COMPLETE the missing word: Information is transmitted from receptors by sensory neurones Information is transmitted to effectors by motor neurones The surface of a nerve fibre is positively charge Plant hormones have various uses for both gardeners and farmers Diabetes is a disorder caused by the lack of the hormone insulin Androgens are male sex hormones such as testosterone

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

4. TRUE or FALSE: (1) Androgens are male sex hormones such as testosterone


(2) Diabetes is a disorder caused by the lack of the hormone insulin


(3) Information is transmitted from receptors by motor neurones


(4) Information is transmitted to effectors by sensory neurones


(5) Plant hormones have various uses for both gardeners and farmers


(6) The surface of a nerve fibre is negatively charge


5. CORRECT the following sentences: (1) The surface of a nerve fibre is negatively charge The surface of a nerve fibre is positively charge (2) Plant organs have various uses for both gardeners and farmers Plant hormones have various uses for both gardeners and farmers (3) Information is transmitted to effectors by sensory neurones Information is transmitted to effectors by motor neurones (4) Information is transmitted from receptors by motor neurones Information is transmitted from receptors by sensory neurones (5) Diabetes is a disorder caused by the lack of the hormone adrenalin Diabetes is a disorder caused by the lack of the hormone insulin (6) Androgens are female sex hormones such as testosterone Androgens are male sex hormones such as testosterone 6. INTERPRET the graph:

Complete the following words: RECEPTOR/SENSORY/RESPONSE/EFFECTOR/MOTOR/STIMULUS 7. RESOLVE the problem:  Which signal has the surface of a nerve at rest?  Which signal has the surface of a region of depolarisation?  Which signal has the interior of a wave of depolarisation?  Which is the name of this process?

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

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Unit 3: Living beings

(IV) Reproduction NAME…

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz






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Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

Unit 3: Living beings

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Unit 3: Living beings

1. DEFINE the following concepts: (1) Asexual reproduction

Is reproduction that involves only one parent and produces offspring which are genetically identical to their parents

(2) Sexual reproduction

Is a type of reproduction which involves the fusion of specialised male and female sex cells

(3) Binary fission

Is a method of reproduction in which the genetic material and cytoplasm of a single-celled organism divides equally to form two new cells

(4) Gamete

Is a specialised sex cell formed by meiosis which contains only half the number of chromosomes

(5) Gonads

Are reproductive organs of an animal

(6) Fertilisation

Is the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes during sexual reproduction

2. CHOOSE the correct answer: (1) Asexual reproduction: a. Is reproduction that involves only one parent and produces offspring which are genetically identical to their parents b. Is a type of reproduction which involves the fusion of specialised male and female sex cells c. Is a method of reproduction in which the genetic material and cytoplasm of a single-celled organism divides equally to form two new cells (2) Binary fission: a. Is reproduction that involves only one parent and produces offspring which are genetically identical to their parents b. Is a type of reproduction which involves the fusion of specialised male and female sex cells c. Is a method of reproduction in which the genetic material and cytoplasm of a single-celled organism divides equally to form two new cells (3) Fertilisation: a. Is a specialised sex cell formed by meiosis which contains only half the number of chromosomes b. Are reproductive organs of an animal c. Is the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes during sexual reproduction (4) Gamete: a. Is a specialised sex cell formed by meiosis which contains only half the number of chromosomes b. Are reproductive organs of an animal c. Is the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes during sexual reproduction (5) Gonads: a. Is a specialised sex cell formed by meiosis which contains only half the number of chromosomes b. Are reproductive organs of an animal c. Is the fusion of the nuclei of the male and female gametes during sexual reproduction (6) Sexual reproduction: a. Is reproduction that involves only one parent and produces offspring which are genetically identical to their parents b. Is a type of reproduction which involves the fusion of specialised male and female sex cells c. Is a method of reproduction in which the genetic material and cytoplasm of a single-celled organism divides equally to form two new cells

Hugo Manuel Fernรกndez Ruiz

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ESO 2ยบ CNA 3. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Unit 3: Living beings

COMPLETE the missing word: Parthenogenesis is a method of asexual reproduction found in animals such as some insects An ovum is the female gamete of animals Gametes combine during fertilization to form the zygote which develops into the new offspring Fertilisation normally takes place in the oviduct of the female External fertilisation occurs outside the body of the female Internal fertilisation occurs in most terrestrial animals

4. TRUE or FALSE: (1) An ovum is the female zygote of animals


(2) External fertilisation occurs outside the body of the female


(3) Fertilisation normally takes place in the ovary of the female


(4) Gametes combine during fertilization to form the zygote which develops into the new offspring


(5) Internal fertilisation occurs in most aquatic animals


(6) Parthenogenesis is a method of sexual reproduction found in animals such as some insects


5. CORRECT the following sentences: (1) Parthenogenesis is a method of sexual reproduction found in animals such as some insects Parthenogenesis is a method of asexual reproduction found in animals such as some insects (2) Internal fertilisation occurs in most aquatic animals Internal fertilisation occurs in most terrestrial animals (3) Gametes combine during fertilization to form the sperm which develops into the new offspring Gametes combine during fertilization to form the zygote which develops into the new offspring (4) Fertilisation normally takes place in the ovary of the female Fertilisation normally takes place in the oviduct of the female (5) External fertilisation occurs inside the body of the female External fertilisation occurs outside the body of the female (6) An ovum is the female zygote of animals An ovum is the female gamete of animals 6. INTERPRET the graph:

Complete the following words:


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Unit 3: Living beings

7. RESOLVE the problem:  Which is the sperm length?

 Which is the ovum diameter?

 Which is the ovum length?

 Which cytoplasm is the biggest?

 Which nucleus is the smallest?

Hugo Manuel Fernández Ruiz

Página 18

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