MER_Commitment to results

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ยก YOUR DEVELOPMENT MATTERS TO US! You can use the self-development guides to focus on the competency that you would like to work on this year. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your potential! There are countless actions you can carry out to strengthen your competencies. In the following pages you will find guidance and materials that will be useful for your development plan. This tool will allow you to focus on your actions to develop the competency you have selected. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE Many of the activities we carry out in our daily basis can be an opportunity to develop competencies. You will find options for reading, films and extracurricular activities in this guide that will help you develop behaviors linked to the competency you decide to work on. The activities or reading materials mentioned here, do not need to be the same as those you do or plan to do, but rather useful suggestions. You can either choose some of them or opt for similar activities that you prefer. We also suggest that you bear in mind that developing a competency implies changing behaviors and this takes time, so intent and perseverance are key elements in ensuring successful selfdevelopment. We encourage you to explore this guide and track the activities you choose in your self-development plan. ยกYour success is up to you!






Reading materials


Rol model



ACTIVITIES Many activities we develop in our daily basis can be opportunities to develop commitment to results. Our daily activities are an opportunity to develop our competencies. The following are 14 ideas you can adapt to your own preferences and interests:




Practices such as barter involve not only a capacity for negotiation, but also the ability to get what you need with the resources you have Barter is a system of reciprocal exchange where both parties need to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial. It is essential to strategically orient actions to achieve the objectives and obtain what is needed. It is also necessary to have a solid line of argument to generate a suitable environment for carrying out the corresponding transaction. The person in charge of this activity must be able to improve the services provided on the property, avoid unnecessary costs and ensure the good care of the building in general. This person will keep all the owners informed about the consortium meetings, encouraging them to participate, but most importantly he/she will be responsible of communicating to the building administration any changes or improvements needed in the property taking into consideration the funds available. This person will act as a mediator between the administration and the owners, fostering an amicable relationship between both parties. The mission of a consortium president is to efficiently administrate the property, adding value to it and optimizing the resources available.

The initiative of self-managing a project (whether research, a business, a community intervention, etc.) is rewarding. In addition to allowing the development of processes and achievement of objectives through concrete, planned actions, it also requires many skills and behaviors required to manage a sustainable project. There should be not only a clear idea of what it is wanted to bring about, but also a correct analysis of the resources that are going to be needed to accomplish this, comparing them to the resources actually available so that they can be appropriately administered in order to make the best use of them.







Being involved in community work with all the responsibilities associated with it, requires a strong social awareness and the capacity to orient efforts and actions towards positively transforming the community. As in all work or projects involving community activities (even if they are non-profit), it is necessary to appropriately administer both the goods and resources available and those that might be obtained in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when cultivating a vegetable garden: climate, soil, space, timing and resources. One of the main objectives of this activity is using the land strategically by cultivating a crop that strengthens the soil’s resources rather than exhausting it (e.g. cultivating vegetables that oxygenate the earth). This makes it possible to get the most out of the crops and generate savings in the personal and/or family economy as a result of consuming fruits and vegetables from your own harvest. The success of this task greatly depends on the capacity to make the right decisions regarding what and when to cultivate in order to generate growth and greater productivity in the vegetable garden.

It is vitally important to achieve and maintain an excellent physical condition to practice boxing. Hard training is fundamental to reaching a good level of competitiveness in this sport. Long and intense training sessions are necessary to be prepared for the big challenges involved in this activity. A dynamic and energetic attitude is the only way to keep up such an intense routine without losing your calm and self-Control. There are different reasons for actively participating in your children’s school board, one of which is to organize events (fairs, tournaments, recitals, etc.) that generate profits for the school. The money collected can be used to make repairs and modifications and maintain the school facilities, as well as providing the pupils with additional services. The work is not only aimed at generating money for the school; it is also important for the school board to design procedures that allow the available resources to be saved and properly administered in order to get the most out of them and allow the school to be valued and recognized in the community. A productive and efficient school board will help increase the institution’s prestige.





Regardless of whether chance plays a greater or lesser role in the playrelated situation of a strategy game, participants are required to apply their own capacity to think up and implement tactics and moves that will allow them to attain determined objectives. While remaining alert to the opportunities and threats presented by both the game and your opponents, if you want to win you need to be able to come up with the best possible strategic responses in accordance with the rules and the resources you have. Planning your moves and strategies in time will help achieve the objective. Achieving a good performance and suitable physical resistance is an objective that can only be obtained through effort and practice. Dedicating time and quality effort to aerobic activities, training adequately and intensively, allows you to gradually acquire better physical conditioning. Maintaining your spirit, dynamism and energy despite the long working sessions and keeping calm and self-controlled are key elements for gymnasts to improve their performance level and overcome their own limitations or physical and mental obstacles.




One reason for marathon runners not reaching the finishing line, is being beaten by a lack of self-confidence or by physical and/or mental exhaustion. If in addition to adequate physical preparation they also have the necessary personality traits such as energy and effort, success will surely be much more within their reach. It is essential never to lose control of the situation. Keeping strong and calm, despite any adversities that must be overcome along the way, is key to achieving victory. When faced by a storm or any other adverse situation that threatens the boat, if those on board are not calm enough to respond with spirit and strength it will be difficult for them to overcome it. Beyond the necessary acquired knowledge and experience that both the captain and all the crew members must have, the attitude they adopt when faced by a problem or emergency will be a determining factor in whether or not they are able to control the situation. "Resisting storms" implies having both the knowledge and necessary personality traits to “reach a safe port.�




Not everyone has the necessary ability to properly manage a group of children. To successfully perform this role, it is essential to be able to maintain a good mood with a positive attitude, even when faced by any problems that might arise. Being both patient and dynamic in order to manage the group, adapting to different situations and people and being able to quickly and effectively solve small problems all help when it comes to satisfactorily performing this task.

A sportsperson’s physical resistance, achieved through hard and systematic preparation and training is complemented and sustained by a dynamic, energetic and positive attitude capable of responding to the diversity of circumstances and people that may present themselves. Having gone through prolonged physical work sessions, another challenge is maintaining the level of activity and competitiveness beyond situations involving physical resistance. In the case of a swimming competition, for example, the swimmer has to be able to demonstrate his or her capacities even under the gaze of a demanding jury or in a challenging situation against a highly competitive opponent, and he or she has to do so without losing his or her calmness and self-control.

Learning and practicing a dance demands time and dedication, regardless of its genre and origin.


Systematically rehearsing is an essential requirement for achieving precision and quality in the dance. Intensity and timing in the practice sessions are essential to achieving coordination in terms of the style and synchronization of the movements, especially if it is a group dance. It is also important for the dancers to have an energetic and positive attitude, even following a long day of practices and rehearsals. When dancing in public, the performers must transmit dynamism and maintain their quality in order to achieve a good level of group and individual performance without affecting their serenity and self-control




READING MATERIALS Certain reading materials can provide an excellent opportunity to reflect on the competency of commitment to results and your own behavior. The following are 4 suggestions:


GENERATING PROFIT Author: Lair Ribeiro


What are the most important business objectives of an organization? What does a company’s profitability consist of? How can a business calculate its break-even point? How can costs be used for decision making in a company’s management? How can we fix prices that are retributive and at the same time competitive? These and other questions have been answered by the authors in a language that is clear, engaging and easy-to-understand, particularly for those readers unfamiliar with accounting technology.

Dr. Ribeiro’s business vision is based on three basic pillars: personal excellence (without which it is not possible to talk about true development, leadership, negotiation and motivation); innovation within the company (which comes from an understanding of the value of teamwork and the influence of an organizational culture in creating a context that fosters the company’s growth); and the capacity to anticipate the market (which allows us to invent the future using new paradigms and teaches us the importance of marketing in the company’s success). This book contains simple and practical methods, that will help you know yourself better and get to know the people working with you, and as a result it can help you increase both your personal performance and that of your company, advance in your profession and obtain greater profits from your work



An essential book for businesspeople, company managers, advisors, professionals and students willing to research and understand the intrinsic nature of businesses and their profitability. Dr. Héctor A. Faga and Dr. Mariano E. Ramos Mejia address the use of costs for decision making; the evaluation of projects; “activitybased costing” (ABC); and the “economic value added” (EVA). This is done with both a high technical level and a simplicity that makes the book accessible to all types of readers, even those unfamiliar with accounting terminology. In short, it is an essential reference work in the field of business decisions

We live at a dizzying, hectic and frenetic rhythm. We face shattering workloads and try to cover as much as possible. We are in a state of tension, but we also slowly burn ourselves out. The administration of time is no longer a viable solution.

THE POWER OF FULL ENGAGEMENT Authors: Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

As demonstrated in this revolutionary book, administering energy rather than time is the key to maintaining a high performance and balancing this with health, happiness and life.





JEAN DE FLORETTE Without exaggerating, the film’s main character (Jean de Florette) is a paradigm of productivity and growth, working tirelessly from sunrise to sundown every day of his life. He constantly challenges himself (even testing his own physical limitations), setting his own high-performance targets and becoming a true role model with respect to effort, commitment, perseverance and willpower. His main goal, finding water (which is a very scarce resource), leads him to totally focus his actions—through interminable workdays that he himself establishes—on achieving his targets and providing his family with greater comfort and wellbeing.

A GOOD YEAR Max (Russell Crowe) is an investment and finance expert in London who is addicted to work and whose objective is to increase his fortune. He receives a letter (the kind made of paper and ink) telling him that his dead uncle has left him a property in the French countryside. With no other intention than to sell the farm where he spent his childhood summers, Max sets off to resolve the matter himself. Constantly connected by mobile phone to his secretary, who keeps him informed of everything at work, Max suffers a series of accidents that force him to stay there and will lead him to gradually fall in love with the place. Beyond the love story in the movie, we can see how Max is focused on the absolute profitability of the company where he works and is also very good at what he does. Committed to his company and to attaining his targets, he even starts to exaggerate and reveals a negative edge to his competitiveness. However, the film provides a good basis for analyzing this competency.



BILLY ELLIOT Proud of the pirouettes he does in the boxing ring at the local club, Billy finds himself attracted to Mrs. Wilkinson’s ballet classes. His love for dancing helps him overcome the poverty, ignorance and prejudices around him. His teacher, Mrs. Wilkinson, offers to continue giving him free private lessons in the hope he will be able to take the entrance exam at the prestigious Royal Ballet School in London. The main character demonstrates incredible self-will, energy, spirit and perseverance as he battles to become a ballet dancer despite all the obstacles he faces. These include the fact that his family is on strike, without work or income, that his father wants to stop him doing this activity and that he himself is torn between pushing on with dancing or staying home and caring for his family. Billy has a great capacity, and, despite all the difficulties, he decides to carry on and achieve his goal, although this involves great mental and physical effort and many hours of practice. ERIN BROCKOVICH If something characterizes the and irresistible personality of this film’s larger-than-life main character (Erin Brockovich), it is her undeniable dynamism. The energy this woman can generate and maintain around her reaches levels that are both uncommon and admirable. Her great capacity for hard work is one of the most outstanding features of personality. Even when facing new, stressful, changing and disruptive situations, Erin’s activity and productivity levels are never negatively affected. On the contrary, her performance adjusts itself to the high demands determined by the circumstances and the different people she is dealing with. Our hero faces prolonged and difficult working days, risky activities and a diversity of other conflicts (both personal and work-related) with an energetic spirit that ultimately enables her to push ahead, achieve her objectives and exceed both her own and other people’s expectations.



THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK Three leading figures help us reflect on the competency of commitment to results: Prince Philippe, D’Artagnan and the King. The positive way in which the prince faces (and overcomes) the difficult situation he must endure over a number of years (having to wear an iron mask fitted over his face) reveals his enormous capacity to remain calm in the face of adversity and focus on his objectives. He also shows us how to bear with real strength the vicissitudes he must face throughout the film. D’Artagnan is another exemplary character in relation to this competency. His calmness, courage and high level of reflection in relation to each of his actions and decisions make him a highly balanced, serene, level-headed and prudent man. The King is the absolute opposite to the other two characters, characterized as he is by a distinct absence of responsibility, prudence and spirit.

THIRTEEN DAYS In October 1962, there is an intense exchange among the different actors in the US top leadership concerning the USA’s delicate situation in relation to Cuba. The army, air force and executive branch move into action to formulate a joint strategy in response to the circumstances. In different scenes, the three main characters demonstrate that they have the personality traits to facilitate the appropriate resolution of both external and internal conflicts. These abilities include the capacity to understand and interpret interests and power relations; the ability to grasp the reasons behind determined behaviors in the different power groups and identify the key people involved in the problem; and being able to predict how new events or situations will affect the different groups and people.



ROL MODEL A role model is someone who has stood out throughout his or her career in a certain aspect and to whom we can look as a model and a source of inspiration for our own activities. The following contains information about the exemplary career of a true role model in the area of commitment to results.

Craig Barrett (1939 – today) Craig Barrett was born into a humble family in San Francisco, California, in 1939, when Silicon Valley was no more than a vast desert to the south of that city. He was always attracted to the desert, although he never imagined just how sand would come to influence his life. Through the efforts of his family, he entered the prestigious Stanford University and graduated from there in 1964 with a Master’s in Science. Of course, at that point, research was more important than business and the “dot.coms” did not yet exist, so he continued studying to obtain a PhD in Materials Science. At that point, the man who would one day become Intel’s CEO could not have imagined what fate had in store for him: managing a business that made money exquisitely transforming the coarsest of materials— sand and silicone—into computer microchips. With his doctorate under his arm, Barrett obtained a post-doctoral scholarship to work for two years at the National Physical Laboratory in England. Back in the United States, he focused on academic teaching, obtaining the post of Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Stanford University. And as such posts require frequent publications in scientific journals, Barrett was author or collaborator for more than 40 technical papers and textbooks on microstructures and their influences on the properties of matter. In 1974, his academic life came to an end when he received an offer to join the yet unknown company Intel as its technology development manager. In barely a decade he had climbed up to the rank of vice-president of the corporation, which had also grown at an incredible rate. By 1990 he was the company’s executive vice-president and joined the board of directors in 1992. He still had a couple more steps to reach the top, and he patiently took them when he was named the company’s chief operating officer in 1993, its president in 1997 and—finally—its chief executive officer in 1998. From that position he was able to fully deploy all the skills he had developed



throughout his life, such as traveling tirelessly around the world preaching the gospel of technology according to Intel and mixing pedagogical techniques with sales skills. The power Barrett acquired is based on Intel being valued at around USD 120 billion on the stock exchange, being the world’s main microprocessor-producing firm. Its chips are in 90% of the world’s computers, which implies an annual turnover of around USD 25 billion. Perhaps because he always goes back to his roots, the US government named him as an adviser to the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, where he was able to incorporate into the teaching the skills he had built up as a result of managing one of the leading companies of these times.






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