EXPULSION PROCEDURES State Regulations define expulsion as “. . . the exclusion of a pupil from school.” When a student commits a violation, which may result in a recommendation for expulsion, the following procedure shall be followed: STEP I A.
The student shall be suspended up to five (5) school days. Prior to suspension, the student must be informed orally, or in writing, of the allegations against the students, the conduct that forms the basis of the allegations, and policy or rule violated. The students must be given an explanation of the evidence supporting the allegations and an opportunity to present the student’s side of the story. If, however, the student’s presence in the school environment poses a threat to the health, welfare and safety of the school, the student may be removed immediately with the initial due process procedures followed as soon as practicable.
The principal (references to the principal include the principal’s designee) shall make every reasonable effort to investigate all aspects of the discipline problem, including a conference to inform the student of the charges and an opportunity to tell the student’s side of the story. When obtaining written statements from witnesses, reasonable efforts shall be made to notify the parent (references to parent includes a student’s legal guardian or relative caregiver) of each witness.
The principal shall complete the investigation within three (3) school days after the day of the incident under investigation.
If the principal determines that the student committed the offense and that the nature of the offense warrants a recommendation for expulsion, the principal shall hold a building level conference with the parent and the student via phone or in person. The principal shall inform them of the recommendation for expulsion; that the student will be serving a short-term suspension pending the outcome of the expulsion hearing; and the expulsion procedures. The principal shall have a person present at the conference to take notes, or shall record the conference.
All documentation related to the expulsion recommendation shall be delivered to the Superintendent (references to Superintendent include the Superintendent’s