Neapolitan Family April 2020 digital issue

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April 2020


Summer Camp! Everything you need to choose the right camp

20 in 2020

20 Free Virtual Museum and National Park Tours

Learn about the pinwheels on page 12 NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


MOM’S MORNING OUT ENROLLING NOW FOR FALL Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Offering 1, 2 or 3 day options

Fall classes start week of August 18th Ages 2– 4 year olds (by August 1st)

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OLYMPION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 22-26th 8:45-12 noon

Children ages 4 (by June 1st) through Completed 5th grade

You are invited to run with Olympion, the exciting fun-filled VBS adventure! Following the heroic example of Joshua, the “athletes” will learn how to run our race of faith. They will enjoy engaging in Olympic themed crafts, snacks and recreation.

Registration Opens April 15th at 6926 Trail Blvd. Naples, FL 34108 239-597-3464


NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020




Activities for Your Child • Parent and child support groups

Children often mask their feelings of grief behind smiles or even unusual behaviors. We’ve been helping Collier’s children unmask and process grief since 1983, all without charge to families. We support children through divorce/separation, incarceration, deportation of a family member, death of a loved one or pet, loss of a friend, and other losses that affect your child.

• Grief support in Collier County schools • Individual and group meetings with licensed or certified counselors • Camp MendingHeartTM day and overnight camps that feature therapeutic art, therapeutic music, and healing activities


Helping Hands•Caring Hearts•Healing Support

• Teen movie nights • Book discussion groups

Aunt Janet’s House on the Avow Campus

Phone: (239) 261-4404 | Email: |

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020



in every issue . . . 07








on the cover…

Dakota Lovette Lindsey is 4 years old and attends Precious Cargo Academy. She loves playing outside, riding her bike or scooter. She is the youngest of seven kids, and spends many weekends on watching her brothers play football and helping her sisters cheer for the Golden Gate Youth Titans. A special thank you to Naples Botanical Garden for providing the setting for our cover shoot. Turn to page 12 to learn more about the pinwheel display. Cover photo by Peggy Farren of Avant Garde Photography 239-263-7001 •

12 Pinwheels for Prevention. Tips from the Child Advocacy Center on how to prevent child abuse and domestic violence while schools are closed during quarantine periods. by Karen T. Bartlett 14 20 in 2020. Need some help keeping your kids engaged during this long break from school? Check out our list of 20 free virtual tours from museums across the world. by Rachel Newman

21 Take Summer Camp Skills to School. Kids learn independence, problem solving, and teamwork at camp. Help them maintain these skills when they finally head back to school. 23 Summer Camp Directory. Whether you are looking for a half-day option or your preschooler or sleepaway camp for your school-age child, there is something for everyone in our 2020 camp guide. 37 Too Old for Camp? Learn how your tweens and teens can become counselors-in-training. by Leigh Ann Newman






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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

from the publisher… the parenting magazine devoted to collier county

P.O. Box 110656 Naples, FL 34108 2020





Co-Publisher Stacy Nicolau 239-370-5333 Co-Publisher Leigh Ann Newman 239-272-0529 Travel Editor Karen T. Bartlett 239-595-9026 Feature Writers Anna Snyder Katherine Baron Cover Photographer Peggy Farren Field Photographer Lisette Morales Editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit, reject, or comment editorially on all material contributed. We cannot be responsible for return of any unsolicited materials. Articles and advertisements in Neapolitan Family do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher nor does the publisher assume responsibility for statements made by our advertisers or editorial contributors. Acceptance of advertising by Neapolitan Family does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services, or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service that is fraudulent or misleading in nature. Neapolitan Family is available free of charge at more than 200 distribution points throughout Collier County as well as digitally at Neapolitan Family is ©2020 by Neapolitan Family Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited. NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

The first cancellations were startling. Vacations were canceled. Schools and colleges were canceled. Sports, theater, and concerts were all canceled. Family celebrations and weddings were postponed. Life as we knew it was canceled. As parents, we had to mitigate the disappointment of our children and separate them physically from their peers. We had to learn how to work from home while creating a distance learning plan that would now center on the household internet connection and a new daily schedule. We learned to adapt. We got creative in the kitchen and in our yards. Our kids found their bikes and basketballs and took the dogs for a lot of walks. Virtual reality became our reality. Neapolitan Family had to learn to adapt as well. As each day brought new changes, we decided to dump most of our April content and focus on the information we felt our readers would need the most: how to cope with social distancing and the loss of our daily routine, and how to find a great summer camp when our lives return to normal. We also figured out quickly that we could not deliver the April issue in the same way. So, we came up with a plan to mail our magazines to as many neighborhoods as possible, and optimize our content for everyone to enjoy as a digital download. We also beefed up our weekly eNewsletters to bring you a full schedule of virtual classes like dance, yoga, fitness, and science, as well as links to useful information. Head to for even more information, such as a real-time COVID-19 microsite that is updated daily by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and more virtual events on our online calendar. You can also sign up for our eNewsletter so you won’t miss any useful information. At press time, our camp directory is accurate, but dates and programming may change. Please check in with the camps in our directory and let them know you are interested in hearing from them. Stay Healthy!



New Release Movies On Demand

With most movie theaters closing their doors temporarily in the wake of COVID-19, some movie studios have made new films available on demand much earlier than usual. TROLLS WORLD TOUR Rated PG for some mild rude humor In an adventure that will take them well beyond what they’ve known before, Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) discover that they are but one of six different Troll tribes scattered over six different lands and devoted to six different kinds of music. EMMA Rated PG for brief partial nudity Jane Austen’s comedy is reimagined in this new adaptation of Emma. Emma (Anya Taylor-Joy) is a restless queen bee without rivals in her sleepy little town and must navigate through misguided matches and romantic missteps to find the love that has been there all along.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020



By Chad Oliver, Executive Director of Communications

Census Ensures Everyone Counts in Collier County

f we realized our community was missing out on millions of dollars in funding, wouldn’t we act? The U.S. Census is directly tied to how $675 billion in federal money is spent in communities across the country. Those dollars fund grants for education, transportation, healthcare, and other vitally important programs. By now, most of you should have received invitations to respond by mail, by phone, and – new this year – online. Here’s the reality: Collier County can do better! Consider in the year 2000 only 64% of Collier residents took part in the census. The return rate grew to 71% in the 2010 census; however, that’s still 29% of our population that was not counted. By comparison, our neighbors in Monroe County had a 95% participation rate in the 2010 census. Certainly both Monroe and Collier residents need only remember Hurricane Irma in 2017 to recognize the value of federal relief in helping families rebuild their lives. The census is used to help determine how much money should be allotted. Having an accurate count requires working together to communicate. Responses to the census are used only for record keeping, and information gathered on individual households cannot be passed on to any other groups, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Spreading truth and awareness requires a collective effort. So, who should be counted? Anyone who lives under one roof as of April 1 should be reported on one questionnaire. This includes any friends or family members who just moved into the household. Any children who live in a household, including foster children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and children of friends who are living under that roof temporarily, should be counted on the household’s questionnaire. Those who live in Naples or Collier County part of the year should complete the survey at their “usual residence.” The usual

Photo courtesy of U.S. Census Bureau

residence is defined as where someone lives most of the time. Children who split their time between homes should be counted on the questionnaire of the household in which they spend the most time. Don’t forget about newborn babies. Babies born before or on April 1 and who are still in the hospital should be included. Keep in mind, babies born after April 1 do not count for the 2020 census. College students who live away from home should be counted at the university residence or off-campus housing where they live, even if they are at the home of their parent or guardian April 1. This includes foreign students living and attending college in the United States. The U.S. Census is a once-every-decade tradition dating back to 1790 and is required by our U.S. Constitution. Beyond congressional representation, the money tied to an accurate count really does matter. Having an accurate count of everyone in our community requires a collective effort, and with your participation, everybody in Collier will count.

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


Boys & Girls Club of Collier County Names 2020 Youth of the Year


he Boys & Girls Club of Collier County recently celebrated the achievements of 14 local members, and selected one student as 2020 Youth of the Year. Immokalee High School senior Camaraelle “Cam” Milord, a Boys & Girl Club member in Immokalee for the past five years, was awarded a $4,000 college scholarship and will go on to compete at the state level for the opportunity to receive up to $50,000 in scholarships. Cam, who currently has a 5.1 grade point average, plans to attend North Central College in Naperville, Ill., and major in business in hopes of becoming an entrepreneur and give back to both the Haitian and Immokalee communities. The other finalists included Michelle Azord, Ashley Decius, and Lovensky Germain. The remaining 10 nominees included Adam Barrett, Sotayouna Joseph, Gabriella Angarita, Hengie Augustin, Kelvin Azord, Joodlhy Charelus, Oca Dupra, Michael Elant, David Francoeur, and Erven Francois. The finalists were selected based on how they illustrated their personal aspirations and have overcome obstacles to achieve success. For information, visit or call 239-325-1700.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020




By Karen T. Bartlett

Pinwheels for Prevention Preventing child abuse during COVID-19 quarantine


very April for the past five years, thousands of shimmering blue and silver pinwheels have burst into bloom in an artful beach “garden” at the foot of the Naples Pier. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and in recognition of the mission to end child abuse, pinwheel gardens spring up in cities and towns all over America. Pinwheels at the Pier, created by the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) of Collier County, is thought to be the largest pinwheel garden in the U.S., and the only one known to be planted on a tropical beach. This year, CAC planned to expand the pinwheel garden to Naples Botanical Garden. At press time, Naples Botanical Garden is temporarily closed due to the coronavirus. Upon its reopening, CAC plans to create a pinwheel garden within Naples Botanical Garden in observance of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Because Pinwheels at the Pier must take a break this year in the interest of health and safety, the CAC counseling staff would like to share a few stress-busting tips for parents who are home with their children for extended periods. In many ways similar to close confinement during hurricanes, the COVID-19 crisis piles job and financial fears on top of everything else, creating a breeding ground for stress, conflict, and, at worst, child abuse. Here are six ways to help defuse tense situations as we all get through this together. Make a schedule Kids (and maybe you, too?) do best with structure and routine. Maintain set times for waking, sleeping, and meals, just as if they were headed to school or you to work. And, although older kids are guaranteed to roll their eyes, post the schedule. Include game time, or popcorn-andmovie time. Add pictures and silly graphics to appeal to younger kids. Be sure to include “Wash Hands!” If you’re fortunate enough to be able to work remotely, take a lesson from the world’s top authors, musicians, and artists, who discipline themselves to paint, practice, or write at the same time and in the same spot every day. Let the kids



NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

know your “at work” hours in advance. If you and a partner are both working from home, stagger your times as much as possible. To deal with incoming business calls, come up with a creative nonverbal signal that means “shhh for a few minutes.” For example, put on a baseball cap, put the elf on the shelf, or let the kids make a sign to post on your door. Burn some energy; breathe fresh air Aren’t we lucky to live in Florida, especially right now, rather than the land of ice and snow to the north? Make “go outside” a regular schedule item. Ride bikes, walk, swim (in your own pool only), shoot some hoops in the driveway, dig in the garden; whatever works for your family. And then … take a nap Oh yes, you can. And it’s physically and emotionally necessary! When we’re rested, we can feel more relaxed and able to handle stress. Cut some slack Kids go through clumsy stages at different ages. If your kid is in the spilled milk stage, it might get worse during unsettling times. You may not be used to prolonged 24/7 time with your partner, so some of their quirky habits may turn from cute to annoying. Try to cut them some slack. Be aware that you’re probably a bit off your own game at the moment, too. Try to find the humor buried in these moments, and let them go. Still, the kids can be perfect angels, the partner 100% supportive, and all your favorite comfort foods may be on hand, but the unknowns of health issues and financial security on top of the normal stresses of parenting when you’re all home all day adds up to the perfect storm. Give yourself and the kids time to adjust to this new paradigm. Count to 10 Even the smallest children know when something is off-kilter in their personal world. They might be emotional, or act out in uncharacteristic ways. Take a deep breath. A few seconds of emotional time out on your part can make the difference between calm discipline and abuse. Studies have shown that the emotional effects of yelling at a child or constant parental fighting in the child’s presence can be as devastating as physical abuse and require years of counseling to repair. Talk, listen, acknowledge Be observant! Even the older ones may not express verbally their worries and fears at this time. “I wonder if …” can be a great conversation-starter if you have a hunch that something specific is bothering the child. For example, “I wonder if you’re feeling scared that grandpa will get sick?” or, when they hear of or see empty supermarket shelves, “I wonder if you’re worried that we’ll run out of food?” That lets children know that it is okay to talk about anything that’s bothering them, even the scary “worst case scenario” thoughts. Avoid dramatic words like “disaster” and “terrified,” and remember: your body language speaks louder than words. For more information visit If you know of or suspect abuse, call 800-962-2873. NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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20 in 2020

Explore the universe at home with your kids through 20 virtual tours of museums and national parks By Rachel Newman


ne of the bright spots during this difficult time is the wealth of online resources that have been made available by organizations across the globe. Have your kids take a break from Netflix, and explore everything from the Mona Lisa to the Alamo to outer space, all for free. To celebrate Neapolitan Family’s 20th anniversary, we have selected 20 museums (including our national parks, which we consider to be outdoor museums) that offer online virtual tours, as well as other resources to keep your family occupied and engaged. U.S. National Parks; national-parks-service/parks. The Hidden World of U.S. Parks is a series of five spectacular tours of the following national parks: Kenai Fjords in Alaska, Hawaiian Volcanoes, Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, Bryce Canyon in Utah, and our own Dry Tortugas. The Metropolitan Museum of Art; online-features/metkids/explore. One of the most interactive



virtual museums in our list, #metkids includes an colorful map with multiple entry points, immersive videos made by kids for kids, and a time machine where children can select a time period, location, and idea to explore different exhibits around the museum. The Vatican Museums; Take online tours of the Sistine Chapel, the New Wing, Raphael’s Rooms, and five other rooms filled with gorgeous art. Smithsonian Institution; The Smithsonian website includes a section dedicated to kids, and is filled with activities, games, and educational resources, including livestream animal cams from the National Zoo. You also can access virtual tours for the National Air and Space Museum and National Museum of American History. Anne Frank House; The hiding place of the Frank family during the Holocaust, the Secret Annex, can be toured online or on the new


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virtual reality app. The Franks’ original home also can be viewed on the website, along with videos describing the life of Anne Frank. The Library of Congress; The Library of Congress building remains open virtually with three online tours available. You can visit the Thomas Jefferson Building, the James Madison Memorial Building, and the John Adams Building. Louvre Museum; You must have Macromedia Flash to access these tours. The Louvre offers virtual tours of three exhibits: Egyptian Antiquities, Remains of the Louvre’s Moat, and Galerie d’Apollon. National Women’s History Museum; womenshistory. org/events/electronic-field-trips. This museum offers free virtual field trips. Learn about women in computer programming and Katherine Johnson via the website. You also can request by email ( two 45-minute segments on suffrage. Buckingham Palace; Explore the Throne Room, Grand Staircase, and White Drawing Room from the comfort of your living room. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); With NASA’s virtual tours, you can visit everything from the Glenn Hangar to the Icing Research Tunnel. The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); Discover the mys-


teries of the universe and the work of CERN, the world’s biggest physics laboratory. George Washington’s Mount Vernon; virtualtour. Tour the house and grounds of our first president’s estate, and access online learning tools. The Alamo; View panoramic images of the Alamo Shrine and grounds.


Continued on page 17


9 10 11



12 13

Photos, L-R: 1. The space shuttle Atlantis at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Photo by Bill Ingalls, courtesy of NASA. 2. Thor’s Hammer in Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. 3. The entrance to the Secret Annex at the Anne Frank House. Photo by Cris Toala Olivares, ©Anne Frank House. 4. A camel at Mount Vernon in Virginia. Photo courtesy of George Washington’s Mount Vernon. 5. Part of the Canine Warriors Exhibit at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Photo by Ken LaRock. 6. Porcupine Bay at Kenai Fjords National Park in Alaska.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

14 15 16 17 18

Rijksmuseum; Download this Amsterdam art museum’s app and create your own street-level tour, based on your interests. The National Museum of Computing; Even if your kids aren’t into technology, they will be intrigued by this museum in England. National Museum U.S. Air Force; nmusafvirtualtour. com. Learn about the history of flight and the Air Force in this immersive experience. Frida Kahlo Museum; Digitally tour the rooms and gardens of the Blue House. The website also provides educational and performance videos. The British Museum; Take a virtual tour of all of the exhibits at this fascinating museum and view some 4 million artifacts. Also available are online school programs, including workshops and gallery sessions, designed for children ages 3-16. The Mark Twain House & Museum; marktwainhouse. org/about/the-house/virtual-tour. This site goes above and beyond, offering standard, virtual reality, and guided tours. The Acropolis Museum; Virtually tour the Parthenon and Archaic Acropolis Galleries.

© Trustees of the British Museum

Continued from page 15

Above: The British Museum in London, England. Below: The Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece.

Photo by saiko3p -

19 20

RACHEL NEWMAN is a freshman at Barron Collier High School and currently is trying to forget about the COVID-19 quarantine.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Life Skills Fitness Special Needs Creativity Character

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


Special Advertising Section

SUMMER CAMP EARLY ONLINE REGISTRATION Online Registration Only Through April 15, 2020 Log Onto

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Click the “Browse & Register for Activities” Search

Sign in or create an account to complete registration & payment

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If you don’t have an account staff can assist you • setting up your Online Account or you can refer to “Online Registration How To’s” by clicking on the “Programs & Registration” Link Register & Pay Online 24/7

• • No Additional Fees


CAMP COLLIER DAY CAMP ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL Camp Dates: June 8- August 7 Monday - Friday • 9:00am - 5:00pm $85/week • Discount for full 9 weeks ($66/week paid in 4 payments of $150) 10 % Discount for Siblings ($60/week paid in 4 payments of $135) Before and After Camp 7:15am - 9:00am and 5:00pm -6:00pm $15/week


Arts • Computer • Educational Extreme Sports • Fishing • Robotics •Sailing Skiing • Sports • Theater • Video Design

Follow us 239-252-4000 20

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Special Advertising Section

Take Camp Skills to School


illions of parents choose camp for their child or teen because of the immense benefits of the experience. Not only does camp foster making new friends and learning 21st century life skills like independence, problem-solving, and teamwork, but it’s also fun! When the summer fades and children return to school, here are a few helpful hints to remind parents to pack a few extra items from camp in the school backpack: Confidence. All through the camp experience, kids have tried new activities and been successful; they feel empowered. Curiosity. Camp has given children and youth the chance to explore, study, and observe in an experiential learning environment. Character. Camp has challenged children and teens to develop character, through fostering respect for each other, a sense of community, and the ability to solve problems. How can parents help transfer these skills into the classroom? The American Camp Association offers the following tips: Remember to remind. When campers come home, they often keep the spirit of camp alive for a week or two, and then things trail off. Use positive reinforcement to remind campers that you appreciate the positive attitude and willingness to help that they developed at camp.

Become camp-like. Families can set the example by making adjustments at home to maintain some of the new skills campers have brought home from camp. Bob Ditter, a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, suggested: “Parents have to make a decision. Are they willing to change something in their practice at home in order to sustain some of the changes their kids have made, such as having a job wheel that you put up on the wall outlining chores?” Everyone gets a say. At camp, children help determine how their day is spent. Their advice is actively sought, and they feel like equal players. Emulating this environment at home allows them to continue to stand up for themselves and feel like a contributing member of the household. Avoid the negative compliment. Don’t inadvertently sabotage efforts by pointing out differences in behavior. Instead of saying, “you never did this before,” praise the behaviors in a genuine way. For example, “I noticed how patient you were with your little brother.” Reprinted by permission of the American Camp Association. ©2020 American Camp Association Inc.

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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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Special Advertising Section

DANCE must go on!

Temporarily moving to Online Classes For as long as it takes to fight the Novel Coronavirus, Backstage Dance Academy will move to Virtual Dance Classes, live and pre recorded.

Stay Home, Stay Safe. 13020 Livingston Road #8, Naples, FL 34105 NEW CLASSES | NEW INSTRUCTORS | MORE SPACE BALLET | JAZZ | LYRICAL | TAP | MODERN | LEAP & TURNS | TINY TOES

Email for available class times | 22

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Special Advertising Section

Camps marked with b offer either special needs camps or accommodation/inclusion options. Please contact the individual camp for details.

ACADEMIC CAMPS FULL S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD 2655 Northbrooke Dr., Naples 1901 Brantley Rd., Unit 12, Fort Myers 239-451-3142 x Our classic STEAM camps are available all summer with new topics mixed with some of our best lessons and activities. Our specialty camps include classics such as 3D Printing, Coding, and Minecraft. Our new camps include Roblox Studio Game Making, Fishing Lure Design, and Ukulele. Rest easy this summer knowing your kids are having fun and learning. Free early drop off and late pick up from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. READING RESCUE OF NAPLES 501 Goodlette-Frank Rd., #B-300, Naples 239-233-9400 x Summer is the perfect time for children to catch up on reading skills. Does your child struggle with reading? We can help. Summer program includes Individual Intensive Reading Intervention for challenged readers grades K-4. Also, SAT Prep for reading, writing, and essay sections. Trained and certified in Orton-Gillingham and Reading Recovery. 30 years experience.

ARTS CAMPS THE ART EXPRESS 755 8th Ave. S., Naples 239-434-0781 x We offer numerous art camps at the Norris Center and the Naples Preserve throughout the summer for ages 8-15 years, including camps that focus on painting, drawing, collage, upcycled art, and more. Registration begins on April 1 for Naples city residents and on April 15 for all others. ARTIS-NAPLES SUMMER CAMPS 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., Naples 239-254-2643 x Music Makers summer camps include: Youth Chorus Camp for ages 7-17, Chamber Music Camp for ages 12-19, Jazz Camp for ages 12-17, and Symphonia Camp for ages 10-17. ArtSmart Camps are offered for students entering grades 2-8 in the perfect setting and outlet for kids’ natural creativity and curiosity. BACKSTAGE DANCE ACADEMY 13020 Livingston Rd., #8, Naples 239-566-3535 x We offer weekly thematic five-day dance camps for children ages 3-8. Our structured, fun-filled camps include multiple styles of dance, arts & crafts, and other fun dance activities that will keep your dancer focused and provide happy memories. Crafts and a camp t-shirt are included. Each week will conclude with an in-studio demonstration, so plan to bring your cameras.

Children’s Montessori School SUMMER CAMP

Animal Discoveries Campers Ages 12 months to Pre-K/K 239-593-6668 NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Summer VPK


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Rookery Bay Research Reserve’s

Marine Science Camp Summer Institute for Marine Science - SIMS A perfect summer camp for 8th, 9th and 10th graders interested in Marine Sciences!

 Explore the bays, islands and beaches of Rookery Bay  Field trip excursions to other marine science and environmental centers

 Learn about research & monitoring of local wildlife  Hands-on science in Rookery Bay’s labs & classrooms Full-Day Drop off - 8:30 am Pick up - 4:00 pm

Choose from 3 weeks June 9 - 12 June 16 - 19 June 23 - 26

$150 per student Max of 12 students per week Scholarships available

Registration Opens April 22, 2020



FREE JUNE 8-12 9:00AM-12:15PM Children 4 Years Old by Sept. 1st Through Current 5th Grade

Register at: FBCN.ORG/VBS






NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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DANCE ARTS BY MARIA 5610 Yahl St., #10, Naples 239-513-6999 x Dance Arts by Maria offer several summer programs tailored for all ages and levels of dance. Summer dance camps are for ages 3-12 and incorporate dance, arts & crafts, and activities. Summer intensive programs are for the serious dancer and involve several styles of dance in an intensive atmosphere, and summer classes are offered for all ages and levels in all styles.

Summer Dance Camps, Classes, and Intensives 2020 Come Join the Fun!!!

GULFSHORE PLAYHOUSE 755 8th Ave. S., Naples 239-261-7529, ext. 217 x STAR Academy features a series of summer half-day and full-day theater camps for students ages 6-18. Ages 6-14 will venture to Cherry Tree Lane for Mary Poppins, Jr. or take part in one of our Broadway Bootcamp programs, where campers prepare a musical showcase featuring songs, scenes, and dances from Broadway hits. Students ages 13-18 are invited to audition for the Teen Conservatory production of The Addams Family. 239-513-6999

b KIDZACT YOUTH THEATRE OF THE NAPLES PLAYERS 701 5th Ave. S., Naples 239-434-7340, ext. 127 x We offer week-long musical theater camps for ages 4-18, programs for summer musical productions, and wellness and accessible classes all summer. Summer shows include The Little Mermaid and Moana Jr. for ages 9-14, and The Wedding Singer Teen for ages 13-18. At press time, auditions for The Little Mermaid and Moana Jr. are scheduled for May 2 at 12 p.m. and for The Wedding Singer Teen on May 16 at noon. Limited, need-based scholarships are available. NAPLES ART 585 Park St., Naples 239-262-6517 x Naples Art’s popular ARTScool for children ages 5-17 includes eight different weekly sessions in a variety of subjects, with two class times daily. ARTScool curriculum offers project-based learning that incorporates math, science, language, history, technology, and design into creative courses. June 8-July 31. NAPLES BALLET 1005 Fifth Ave. N., Naples 239-732-1000 x Our Fairy Ballerina Camp is for ages 5-9 and combines ballet and art with the magical world of fairies. Daily activities include classes in ballet, dance, and art, plus fairy-themed crafts and games. June 15-19. b NAPLES PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 1048 Castello Dr., Naples 239-597-6722 x NPAC offers a variety of summer programs from June through August for ages 5-18. We have half-day and full-day camp options. We offer group dance classes and private vocal or instrumental lessons. NPAC plans to hold auditions for our summer show in late April and hold rehearsals in June with shows at the end of June. Students who want to train in any of the performing arts can build their skills at NPAC throughout the summer. NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Th e

G a rd e n School of Naples

Mon tessor i E a r l y E duc a t ion

An environmentally-conscious academic preschool program for children aged 2-6.

Accepting applications for enrollment now! • (239) 424-9084 • 6051 bayshore drive, naples


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Arts for the whole family—from Community Day to Summer Camps—from the visual arts to the performing arts. Immerse yourself in excellence this spring and summer!

Make-and-Take Workshops April 10 and July 14

2pm: Art fun for the whole family (workshop is free with admission to The Baker Museum)

Free Community Day Saturday, May 23

10am-4pm: See The Baker Museum exhibitions, attend the Magic Carpet percussion concert, hear the Naples Philharmonic Youth Symphonia perform and enjoy all the family-friendly activities on the Cultural Campus. 4pm: Naples Philharmonic Youth Chorus sings on Hayes Hall stage

Summer Music Camps

Music Makers Youth Symphonia Camp Monday-Friday, June 8-12 Apply today at Music Makers Youth Chamber Camp Monday-Friday, June 15-19 Apply today at Music Makers Youth Chorus Camp Monday-Friday, June 22-26 Apply today at Music Makers Youth Jazz Camp Monday-Friday, July 20-24 Apply today at Music Makers questions? Email Logan Faulkner at

ArtSmart Summer Camp

ArtSmart Explorers Monday-Friday, June 8-12 (for students entering grades 2-5) Email Alyssa Hunter at for an application.

For more info

rmation on al


l of these acti

vities, visit




5833 Pelican Bay Blvd., Naples, FL 239-254-2643

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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GENERAL/MULTI-SPECIALTY CAMPS BEYOND SUMMER BIBLE CAMP Peace Early Learning Center 9850 Immokalee Rd., Naples 239-354-9140 x We provide a Christian environment where children in kindergarten through 8th grade will grow through positive and valuable experiences while creating friendships that will last a lifetime. We offer exciting weekly themes, field trips, hands-on experiences, and much more. Our camp is run by certified early childhood educators. June 8 - Aug. 4, M-F, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Limited space available. Enroll now. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF COLLIER COUNTY 7500 Davis Blvd., Naples 1155 Roberts Ave. W., Immokalee 239-325-1700 x Are you ready for the best summer ever?! Join us for a fun, safe, and affordable camp for ages 6-18. Weekly themes. Scholarships available. Breakfast and lunch provided. Two locations: East Naples and Immokalee. Limited busing provided. June 15-Aug. 7, M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. CAMP EINSTEIN & CAMP SHALOM 4630 Pine Ridge Rd., Naples 239-455-3227 x Camp Einstein is an exceptional academic camp for ages 5-8, led by adult preschool teachers, where children learn through hands-on games, creative writing and illustrating, and thought-provoking activities. Camp Shalom is an outstanding seven-week summer program for children ages 2-5. Campers participate in water play, dancing, arts & crafts, STEM activities, cooking, performing arts, foreign language, science, and music. June 8-July 24, M-F, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

A lifelong joy of learning, An education for life. INFANT TODDLER CHILDREN’S HOUSE VPK ELEMENTARY

Call to schedule a private tour


More information can be found on our website 2655 Northbrooke Drive Naples, Florida 34119 License #C20CO0132

Daily hours from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

CHILDREN’S MONTESSORI SCHOOL 2535 Northbrooke Plaza Dr., Naples 239-593-6668 x We offer summer camps for ages 1-6. Camp is offered for four weeks in both June and July from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (half days available). Weekly themes. We also offer a summer VPK program from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for children who will be attending kindergarten in August 2020 and who have not yet attended VPK. CAMP MENDINGHEART 239-261-4404 x Camp MendingHeart is a fun, creative, and therapeutic program designed to allow children to express feelings, build coping skills and reinforce positive memories of their loved ones at day and overnight grief camps. b CITY OF NAPLES Various locations in Naples 239-213-3020 x The City of Naples offers a variety of specialty summer camps for pre-K to teens. Specialty camps will be held at many locations within the City of Naples, including Lowdermilk Park, The Naples Preserve, Fleischmann Park, River Park, Anthony Park, The Norris Center, the Arthur L. Allan Tennis Center in Cambier Park, and more. City of Naples offers a summer camp option for children with special needs at River Park, and it currently has an extensive wait list. NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


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at the





June 8 to July 24



Call or visit the Club OR

TO Visit us online at REGISTER & click “Become A Member”


nichols campus 7500 davis blvd, naples (239) 325-1700


bolch campus 1155 roberts ave w, immokalee (239) 675-7003

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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b COLLIER COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION 10 locations in Collier County 239-252-4000 x

Forming Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Experience any of the following camps for elementary and middle-school aged children: day, educational, arts and theater, robotics, video game design, sports, extreme sports, skiing, sailing, and fishing. Camps are held at 10 locations in Collier County, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F. Before- and after-care are available for a fee to extend the day from 7:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. Discounts for siblings. We offer inclusion opportunities as well as camps designed for children with special needs. CONSERVANCY OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA 1495 Smith Preserve Way, Naples 239-262-0304 x We offer science-filled summer day camps for children entering grades 1-10. For younger kids who have completed kindergarten, Seahorse Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. All other camps are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with before- and after-care available. Students entering grades 8-10 can join the Junior Naturalist program, which offers hands-on activities and ecosystem exploration, and allows participants to complete 10 hours of community service. Counselor-in-training opportunities are available for older students, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for one to three weeks. June 8- July 31. CREATIVE WORLD SCHOOL OF NAPLES 2260 Olympia Park Blvd., Naples 239-734-5100 x Who’s excited for summer camp? At Creative World School Naples, join us for CampTastic, the amazing summer day camp for school age children up to the age of 12. Our brand new school will feature five amazing camp themes to take our imaginations and summer learning to out-of-thisworld levels. Have an island adventure with our special Luau Day. Defy gravity with our Space Camp Day. Become a mad scientist and mix up some incredible fun during Wacky Labs Day. Our camp guarantees new discoveries and laughs with friends all summer long. For more information and to register, call us or visit our website.

Uncommon Education = Extraordinary Results Providing the Best in Private Catholic Education for Grades PreK through 8th

Royal Palm Academy

239.594.9888 | 16100 Livingston Road | Naples | Florida 34110

Don’t miss our Summer Camp!

Accredited by: Florida Catholic Conference (formally affiliated with the Diocese of Venice, FL), Florida Council of Independent Schools, and National Association of Private Catholic Independent Schools. Royal Palm Academy admits students regardless of race, color, national, or ethnic origin. Royal Palm Academy is a non-profit corporation.

Children ages 3-14 can experience summer fun at Royal Palm Academy. June 1-July 24, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Half-day option available.

Naples Performing Arts Center

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NAPLES 3000 Orange Blossom Dr., Naples 239-597-6057 x Pine Cove: Camp in the City is a day camp for students rising to grades 1-6. Awesome fun and activities, great staff, and relevant Bible study. July 6-10, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. THE GARDEN SCHOOL OF NAPLES 6051 Bayshore Dr., Naples 239-424-9084 x The Garden School summer camp runs from 8 a.m. to noon, M-F, for ages 2-6. Weekly themes explore how we are all connected to each other and to the earth. GIRLS ON THE RUN St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Naples Bonita Springs Charter School, Bonita Springs 239-450-5501 x For girls in grades 3-5 who want to make friends, play games, be creative, and have a blast. June 15-19 at St. John the Evangelist in Naples and July 13-17 at Bonita Springs Charter School. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., $100 per week. Space is limited. NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


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Week-long musical theatre camps for ages 4-18 Programs for summer musical productions Wellness and accessible classes all summer Limited, need-based scholarships available


AUDITIONS for Summer Shows AGES 9-14

SATURDAY, MAY 2 Noon Walk-Ins Welcome

AGES 13-18

SATURDAY, MAY 16 Noon Walk-Ins Welcome

239.434.7340, Ext. 127 30

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020 Photo courtesy of Walt Disney World Resort

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b GOLISANO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF NAPLES 15080 Livingston Rd., Naples 239-514-0084 x Get ready to travel back in time to the prehistoric age, dive into the deep blue sea, blast off to space, become an actor or artist, use STEAM to help our fairy tale friends, and more. Camps are a week long and full day. Kindergarten camps are half day. C’mon provides accommodations on a case-by-case basis for children with special needs. b THE GREATER NAPLES YMCA 5450 YMCA Rd., Naples 239-963-3775 x Children have the opportunity to explore nature, find new talents, try new activities, gain independence, and make lasting memories. Campers from grades K-5 will enjoy weekly themes, sports, activities, and field trips. The YMCA provides accommodations on a case-by-case basis for children with special needs. MONTESSORI ACADEMY OF NAPLES 2655 Northbrooke Dr., Naples 239-597-2255 x

City of Naples


The most wonderful time of the year is approaching. You got it


is coming.

Register Today!

Children do not have to be a Montessori Academy student to enroll in our summer programs for ages 3-5 and 6-10. Children will have a summer of mystery solving, skill building, and fun. Each program offers ageappropriate activities that reinforce the idea of developing specific skills and knowledge. All programs are set in a prepared Montessori environment and incorporate outside time each day, weather permitting.

WELLFIT ADVENTURE CAMP WHO Middle & High School Girls CAMP DATES July 13-16 & July 20-23


CAMP SESSIONS (Select One) Morning Session 8:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. Afternoon Session 12:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. lunch included

EXPEDITION LOCATION Cloudland Canyon State Park, North Georgia

CAMP LOCATION WellFit Girls Leadership & Wellness Center 6240 Shirley Street #204 Naples, FL 34109

CAMP & EXPEDITION COST $250 Scholarships & Payment Plans Available REGISTRATION DEADLINE Monday, June 1st or Until Camp is Full (30 spots available)

Campers are expected to be at all sessions in order to participate in expedition.

FOR MORE CAMP INFORMATION CALL Brooke Spencer, Program Director | 239-333-9502 |

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

And much more!

Call us for more information or check us out on our website!

(239) 213-3020


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NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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NAPLES ZOO AT CARIBBEAN GARDENS 1590 Goodlette Rd., Naples 239-262-5409 x


• Certified Reading Specialist FOR STRUGGLING READERS

Camp WILD is a week-long daily camp for ages 5-12 where campers will enjoy games, activities, behind-the-scenes tours, animal encounters, arts & crafts, and much more. Counselor-in-training (CIT) opportunities are available for students ages 16 and older. CITs help guide campers ages 5-12 through the zoo, and assist with games, crafts, and activities. Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended care is available for a fee. PRECIOUS CARGO ACADEMY 5200 Crayton Rd., Naples 239-261-7442 x

• 30 Years Experience • Methods: Orton Gillingham & Reading Recovery • Children with Dyslexia, ADD and other challenges

New student discounts: 50% off personal, professional, online student assessment & 20% off first 10 personal, individual, online reading lessons.


Open to grades K-5. Creative and dynamic curriculum integrated within fun, engaging themes. Literature units, math and science review, skillbased weekly work, reading, writing, and STEAM program. Weekly field trips to destinations such as Sun-N-Fun Lagoon, The Imaginarium, Calusa Nature Center, and more. Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Weekly, daily, and drop-in rates and sibling discounts available. Snacks included. •

ROOKERY BAY RESEARCH RESERVE MARINE SCIENCE CAMP 300 Tower Rd., Naples 239-530-5989 x Students rising to grades 8-10 with an interest in marine sciences will explore coastal ecology through field trips in and around the 110,000 acres of the Rookery Bay Research Reserve. Each week will include an in-depth look at the mission and efforts of Rookery Bay with visits to surrounding areas of the western Everglades, exposure to research and monitoring of local wildlife, and offsite field excursions to other marine science and environmental centers. Choose from the following dates: June 9-12, June 16-19, or June 23-26. $150 per student. Scholarships are available.

The Wizard of Oz - 2019

ROYAL PALM ACADEMY 16100 Livingston Rd., Naples 239-594-9888 x Children ages 3-14 can experience summer fun at Royal Palm Academy (RPA). Our weekly themes include Aloha Summer, Carnival, RPA Olympics, Lego, Disney, Christmas in July, and RPA’s Got Talent. June 1 to July 24, M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Half-day option available.

The Moorings Presbyterian Preschool A vibrant learning community with a highly qualified staff

Now accepting applications for enrollment, ages 2-5!

Come Grow With Us!

VPK Provider No Wrap-Around Fees Creative Arts Letter People Handwriting without Tears

791 Harbour Drive, Naples, FL 34103 NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Hands-On Learning Small Class Size Chapel Discovery & Exploration S.T.E.A.M.

(239) 649-1811


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SOUTH BREEZE DAY CAMP 7100 Davis Blvd., Naples 239-213-8001 x Campers ages 3-13 enjoy fun-filled days with a variety of activities including sports, science/robotics, creative and performing arts, nature, spirit and special event days, and more. Located on the campus of Seacrest Country Day School, June 15 to Aug. 7. Enrollment is limited – register now.

OVERNIGHT CAMPS CAMP HIGHLANDER Mills River, North Carolina 828-891-7721 x Experience a magical summer at Camp Highlander, a summer camp for girls and boys located on Old Forge Mountain in Mills River, North Carolina. Year after year, girls and boys from all over the country come to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and Camp Highlander – a special place where children learn important life lessons about courage, honesty, integrity, and faith while having the time of their lives. Come discover why Camp Highlander is a place like no other.

SPORTS CAMPS i9 SPORTS 239-308-9849 x This summer, i9 Sports offers leagues in both Lee and Collier County for boys and girls ages 3-14 in flag football, t-ball/coach pitch, soccer, and basketball. The i9 Sports program teaches young athletes the fundamentals of the game, healthy competition, and good sportsmanship.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS COVENANT CHURCH OF NAPLES 6926 Trail Blvd., Naples 239-597-3464 x Free Vacation Bible School for children ages 4 through those who have completed 5th grade. This year’s theme is Olympion, and children will enjoy engaging in Olympic-themed crafts, snacks, and recreation. Following the heroic example of Joshua, the “athletes” will learn how to run our race of faith. June 22-26, 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Registration opens April 15. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NAPLES 3000 Orange Blossom Dr., Naples 239-597-6057 x Free Vacation Bible School for children ages 4 (by 9/1/2020) through current 5th graders. This year’s theme is Concrete & Cranes. June 8-12 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. MOORINGS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 791 Harbour Dr., Naples 239-261-1487 x Vacation Bible School for students from 4 years old (by 9/1/20 and have attended preschool) through 5th grade. The theme for 2020 is Concrete & Cranes. June 22-26. $40, includes a daily snack and lunch. Registration closes June 1.


NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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“I’v e

“I’ve never had FUN neverlikehad FUN this before!”

like this before!”

If you are a 3rd – 5th grade girl who wants to make friends, play games, be creative and have a blast - Camp GOTR is for you! At Camp GOTR you will participate in exciting activities and have tons of fun with other amazing girls.

If you are a 3rd – 5th grade girl who wants to make friends, play Registration games, be creative and 16, have opens: March 2020 a blast - Camp GOTR is for you! At Camp Dates: Collier County: JuneGOTR 15-19, Lee County: July 13-17 you will participate in exciting activities and Locations: Collier County: St. John the Evangelist Naples have tons of fun with amazing girls. Charter School Lee other County: Bonita Springs Times: 8am-12pm Program Fee: $100 JOIN GOTR CAMP TODAY BY VISITING GOTR? mp Ca s ’ at Wh GOTRSWFL.ORG/CAMP-GOTR or Call 239-450-5501 NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020 35 Camp GOTR by Girls on the Run provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for Visit girls of all abilities to develop self-confidence and learn life skills they can use now and as they grow. Girls will enjoy building friendships in a fun and

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Remember the fun of summer when you were a kid? Exploring the outdoors, spending time with friends, playing games and splashing in the pool? At the Naples YMCA Summer Day Camp, we create an exciting, safe environment for kids to have an unforgettable summer of fun!

Y SUMMER CAMP FOR AGES *5 - 13 Y KIDS: $100/WK | GUESTS: $125/WK DATES: JUNE 8 - AUGUST 7 TIME: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Drop-off: 7:00 am - 9:00 am | Pick-up: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Summer Camp Details + Options + Registration can be found online at

Visit 36

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

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SUMMER CAMP By Leigh Ann Newman

Too Old for Camp? Be a CIT!


eciding how your middle schooler will spend their summers can be difficult. Many day camps are only for children 12 and younger. If the idea of having your tween and teen spend the summer sitting at home in front a screen makes you dread the end of the school year, check into counselor-in-training (CIT) programs. Not only will your kid be occupied and have fun, the hours spent as a CIT may qualify as volunteer hours, which can fulfill scholarship requirements. Because of closures due to COVID-19, registration requirements and camp dates may change over the coming weeks. Camp Able. This day and overnight camp for children with special needs at Marco Island Charter Middle School is scheduled for July 14-18. Students ages 15-21 may apply as volunteer counselors. Visit for more information. Camp Highlander. The five-week training program for ages 16-17 is designed to transition campers into their role as staff. The program consists of a two-week education period, followed by three weeks of on-the-job training as an assistant counselor in a cabin, under the leadership and guidance of two older and more experienced counselors. Check Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples. “Volunteens” must be age 15 and older and can assist in a variety of areas during the summer and year round. All Volunteens must attend mandatory training sessions. For more information visit Collier County Parks and Recreation. The AIR Junior Leader Internship program for ages 13-17 facilitates the development of the skills and knowledge necessary to become a future leader in the community. Check Conservancy of SWFL. The Conservancy offers two programs for older kids. Its Junior Naturalist camp is for students who have completed grades 7-9, while CITs must be at least 16 years old, and will assist the counselors with campers. Spaces are limited for the CIT program, which is one to three weeks long, M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit for additional information. Diabetes Day Camp. High school volunteers are needed for this camp at the Greater Marco Family YMCA. Transportation to and from Naples is provided. Email or call 239-821-5051. Greater Naples YMCA. For ages 14-17. CITs will earn volunteer hours that can be counted toward their high school graduation requirements. Check for details. Naples Therapeutic Riding Center Summer Camp. Teens ages 14-18 can apply to volunteer for at least one week from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in June or July (as well as during the rest of the year). Volunteers must attend an orientation. Applications are available at Naples Zoo. CITs help guide campers ages 5-12 through the zoo, and assist with games, crafts, and activities. CIT and other volunteer opportunities are available for students age 16 and older. Visit for additional information.

NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020


Beyond Summer Bible Camp

June 8 - August 4 Kindergarten - Eighth Grade


Preferred Parenting Instruction of Naples & Boston

239-579-6449 1st

Annual Family Connections Event

Mark your calendar! This event has something for everyone, from games and prizes to important information for anyone interested in child care. Admission is a new children’s book, which will be donated to Collier Child Care Resources.


Ashley Ball

The Club at Sterling Oaks, 822 Sterling Oaks Blvd., Naples To register, call 239-860-0522 or visit

Piano Lessons

is happy to introduce a complete

Children’s Birthday


239-287-1633 •

The Most Awesome Family Guidebook on the Planet! The all-new Second Edition is the perfect guide for visitors, local families, classrooms, homeschool groups and libraries. Twice as many colorful photos and illustrations...more super-fun attractions and experiences... more freaky factoids and inside tips. Plus, all the websites and phone numbers you need. It’s absolutely, positively not just for kids! Available in the best bookstores, gift shops, and on


Masters Degree CPR, First Aid Certified Clean driving and FBI record Day/Evening/Overnight 239-631-3041

Ms. Lorel 38

We will furnish:

18 Holes of Golf Plates, forks, napkins & candles Tables & Chairs Drinks: Coke, Sprite, etc. Only $10.00 per person Bi (the Birthday Child is Free and gets 1 year of free golf) These figures are based upon a minimum of 10 people. We will require 10 days notice. Thank you! 2205 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112

(239) 793-4999

The Art Express a division of Beth Crosley Art

unique art instruction for all ages

SUMMER CAMPS - Summer Art Camps

You Can Draw! - Spring Break Camps - PreK Art Classes Let’s Paint! PreK Music Classes Upcycled- Art! - Youth Art Classes Collage & Mixed Media Adult Art Classes Explore the- Arts - Special Events Art Around the World Art Like the Masters NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Now offering Summer Camp!

Register today! Camp WILD is a week-long day camp where campers (ages 5-12) will enjoy games, activities, behind-thescenes tours, animal encounters, arts & crafts, meet new friends and more!

Visit for dates and more information! I


NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

I 1590 Goodlette Rd. Naples, FL


Your Membership Makes a Difference PUT SOUTHWEST FLORIDA IN YOUR HANDS Become a Conservancy of Southwest Florida member and support our work to preserve the water, land, and wildlife for future generations to enjoy. We’re constantly working to achieve our mission by finding a sensible balance between the demands of a growing population and the preservation of our natural resources. Our 21-acre Nature Center serves as the gateway to that mission. Filled with hands-on educational and fun activities, it’s perfect for all ages .

Become a Conservancy member today and enjoy FREE admission to the Nature Center all year.

1495 Smith Preserve Way Naples, Florida 34102 239.262.0304


NEAPOLITANfamily • April 2020

Join the 7,000+ supporting families today

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