What's On Issue 10 2012

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What’s Up The Government Cites Greece to Delay IMF Peizazhna Alley Remains. For the Time Being

There isn’t a person in Kyiv who doesn’t love Peizazhna Alley. Even those who have never seen it in real life are fascinated by it. Yes, it really is a place a little bit out of this world, loved by all of the city’s residents, with the exception, it would seem, of our politicians. For them, the site could much better be used as a 7-storey residential building with a roof pool for all employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After giving permission to demolish the park, many children and outdoor enthusiasts have come to know and love, almost 2,000 people came out to defend it last week. Oleksandr Bryhynets, head of the permanent commission for culture and tourism at the Kyiv City Council, was heard saying, “The Kyiv authorities are unable to protect Kyivites’ interests. [Rather] the authorities make part of the general system of power and protect the interests of the higher echelons of power.” Even Oleksandr Popov, head of Kyiv City State Administration came out in the hopes that he might be able to calm down protestors, saying another meeting with the courts would take place on 7 April, at which point further action would be discussed. But this is just the beginning. The construction and its legitimacy on Andriivskiy Uzviz, as well as the new venues springing up around the Lavra and Sophia Kyivska are also cause for concern. Nothing is sacred anymore, not even those things that legitimately are.

We all knew the Greek bailout would prompt other countries to look to reduce their debt in such a way, and if we’d thought about it, we’d also probably have known that the Ukrainian government would be the first to jump on board this particular train. And sure enough, they were, as last week First Deputy Minister of the Economy Vadym Kopylov cited the deal with Greece when saying Ukraine will seek a 10-year delay in repaying the money it borrowed from the IMF under the $16.4 billion rescue plan of 2008. The government also wants to restart the bailout package, which was suspended when Yanukovych refused to raise the cost of domestic gas ahead of the parliamentary elections due to take place in October this year. Instead, he’s trying to buy the gas at a cheaper rate, either from Russia, or now even Europe. He also apparently plans to increase social spending by $2 billion ahead of the elections, which is going to make balancing the books even harder. One expert is quoted by Bloomberg as saying, “Ukraine isn’t a solvency issue like Greece – it’s a totally different story. This is pure unwillingness to burn political capital and continue converging domestic gas prices to something more realistic.” And that would be correct. But don’t expect the Ukrainian government to understand it. When asked to comment, the IMF said that they had not been approached with a request to delay repayment, and that there were no facilities to do so. Hmmm….

S&P Lowers Outlook for Ukraine

Following swiftly on the heels of the government’s announcement that it’s going to try and delay repayments of its debt to the IMF, Standard & Poors lowered its outlook on Ukraine’s credit rating to negative from stable, citing ‘significant’ funding risks. It confirms the nation’s foreign currency debt assessment as B+, which places it ahead of only Belarus and Bosnia-Herzegovina in Eastern Europe. According to Bloomberg, S&P analysts said the outlook reflects “increased risk regarding Ukraine’s significant fiscal and external refinancing needs” and “the government’s unwillingness to make further structural improvements to public finances”. This will, of course, have a negative impact on inward investment into the country, which is already pretty bad. And we wonder at Ukraine sitting next to Belarus in this area: is that the direction this country is headed?

Almost All Weapons-Grade Uranium Removed from Ukraine

That’s a headline that caught our eye, and we immediately realised we could have some fun with it! The background: in April 2010 Ukraine signed an agreement with the US to get rid of a stockpile of 90 kilos of highly enriched uranium by 2012. And President Yanukovych says it’s nearly all gone. But how, exactly, do you dispose of highly enriched uranium, we wonder. Dig a big hole and bury it? Sell it on the black market? It’s certainly worth a bob or two to a rogue state or a terrorist organisation. But our illustrious government is above making money by putting the world at risk, isn’t it? Of course it is!

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Eternally Indicted

The case of John Demjanjuk has caused a lot of concern in both Ukraine and Europe over the years. No one need agonise anymore, however, as the Ukrainian-born 91-year old convicted war criminal passed peacefully in his German nursing home on 17 March. Known as Ivan the Terrible at the Treblinka and Sobibor extermination camps during World War II, Jewish prisoners were terrified of him. In 1986, he was deported to Israel from his home in the US, where he was put on trial and sentenced to death in 1988 for all of his war crimes. The Israeli Supreme Court overturned the verdict five years later, however, due to a finding of reasonable doubt based on mistaken identity. While he might have escaped the death penalty, he couldn’t escape the courts, where in 2001 he was charged again, this time as an accessory to the murder of 27,900 people at Sobibor. Sentenced to five years in prison on 12 May 2011, by a Munich court, he was later released pending an appeal. That day never came, and until the end of his days, he stuck by the assertion that “Germany tries to blame foreigners of Nazi crimes to avert attention from those crimes that were committed by Germans”.

20.03.2012 17:34:57


This Week in History

The Ukrainian Internet Garden

The What’s On offices are always buzzing, literally. Computers, telephones, printers, faxes – there is never a moment when there is not some kind of information transfer going on. On any given day, the Internet is racing at the speed of a garden snail being chased by a lame racoon. As he’s about to be eaten, it’s a fairly reasonable pace for the snail, but not as fast as the racoon, who’s not only lame but hungry too. It’s not the greatest of speeds, to be honest. Which is why it came as a major surprise to learn that Net Index had ranked Ukraine number one in the world for overall broadband Internet service. With an average download speed of 14.55 Mbps, an average upload speed of 9.86, and an average cost of $1.08USD per Mbps, Ukraine has secured its place on top, with only Russia and the UK trailing close behind. Other top ten broadband countries include Canada, Norway and Italy. The difference being their average cost per Mbps was five, six and seven times more expensive ($5.77, $6.20 and $7.05 respectively). The early bird may get the worm in other countries, but he also pays a fair price, and really the little snail doesn’t do such a bad job after all.

The Death Penalty Revisited

The events surrounding 18-year old Oksana Makar earlier this month have provoked a public uproar. As well theyshould. Gang-raped, strangled, set on fire and left for dead in the southern city of Mykolaiv, two of the three suspects, aged 22 – 24, have since been released. The Communist Party of Ukraine, among others, are calling not just for action, but severe action, and a proposal to introduce the death penalty for "high" crimes has been prepared. Quick to respond, Mykhailo Teplyuk, head of the parliament’s Legal Department, said the adoption of the law would be recognised in court as a violation of the Constitution. Regardless, the draft law has since been submitted for consideration to a parliamentary committee, as has a draft law on introducing life imprisonment for premeditated murder. Fifty-five percent of this girl’s skin is gone, her kidneys are completely burned and one of her arms and both of her feet have been amputated. Whether the death penalty gets passed or not, the young men, two of whom were released on the grounds that their fathers were former government officials, must pay for this disgusting display of inhumane behavior.

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Party of Regions Welcomes New Season

Spring is a time of year that always brings about transformation, and, if you pay attention to the advice of life coaches, is a great time for personal growth and change as well. We’re thinking there must have been a workshop over the weekend on how to make the best of those changes, because there are an awful lot of them taking place! The biggest of them has to include the liquidation of Serhiy Tihipko’s party, Sylna Ukraina. But the transformation doesn’t stop there, folks, because not only has Tihipko jumped the fence and joined the Party of Regions, he has been busy trying to get all of his 332 party members to join as well! If that weren’t enough, the Vice Chairman of the Party of Regions, Volodymyr Demydenko, says, “The process of uniting parties is not over. There will be two more joining us.” Well, these guys really seem to know what they are doing (now there’s a phrase we never thought we’d say) – the more power they can shore up, which in this case means more people, the better their chances of winning the next election. It’s funny to think back to the 2010 elections when Mr Tihipko, having spent close to $11 million on his campaign, considered himself a real and true competitor of Yanukovych. How quickly one forgets, however, when there’s an open position of power. As the country’s newest Vice Prime Minister, Serhiy Tihipko and all of his 332 political sheep have certainly done a number of Ukrainian politics. Let’s see what happens come the fall, when it’s time for butchering.

28 March 1917

The first session of the Ukrainian Central Rada comes to order under Mykhailo Hrushevskiy. After being elected, Hrushevskiy gradually guided the Rada from Ukrainian national autonomy within a democratic Russia through to completely independent statehood.

23 March 1918

Ukrainian becomes the official language of all paperwork in the country. A day later it becomes the official language of the State.

28 March 1933

Yuriy Shukhevych, leader of the Ukrainian National Assembly, is born. During his life time, he is taken in as a political prisoner three times because of the activities of his father, Roman Shukhevych. In 2006, he is awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Bilinguals Win Out

The nationalists have been baking cakes and doing cartwheels at the growth of patriotism in the country as of late. But, they may have started the celebration process a little early. Our dear President has recently stated that in addition to Ukrainian, the national language of the country of Ukraine, Russian will soon find its place beside it as the second national language. “Everybody is interested in establishing Russian as a second State language. Plenty of European countries have two or even three languages and they live peacefully with that,” Yanukovych was quoted as saying to Russia’s Itar Tass News Agency. Obviously, the inspiring speech was devoted at the Russian-speaking residents of the country, as opposed to those who choose to speak Ukrainian on a daily basis. But then, in addition to a president who seesaws back and forth as to what and who he supports, as well as a rather significant number of the country (28%) who support the idea of a double national language, it was inevitable. Nonetheless, we don’t have to like it.

25 March 1976

Volodymyr Klytchko is born. In addition to being the WBA (Super), IBF, WBO, IBO & Ring Magazine Heavyweight Champion, he is the longest reigning Heavyweight Champion in history for the IBF, WBO & IBO heavyweight titles.

24 March 2010

Mayor of Kyiv, Leonid Chernovetsky, gives Irena Kilchitska the boot. As one of his most loyal assistants, her dismissal surprises quite a few Ukrainians. They needn’t have worried – Kilchitska immediately finds herself as the TV hostess on Shuster Live.

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This Week Theatre & Classical Music

23-29 March 2012

No Lip Service Necessary

Vladimir Spivakov and the Virtuosos of Moscow Orchestra (Russia, classical), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

28 March at 19.00

Russian chamber orchestra, Virtuosos of Moscow, consistently compete – and win – in international festivals in and around Europe, which means the term virtuoso isn’t just a fancy name, it’s the truth. As the group’s founder, conductor, manager and a soloist himself, Vladimir Spivakov is the man who keeps it moving smoothly. With years of practice and plenty of tours behind them, allow yourself a pleasant evening out that promises impeccable music, both in score and scope. Tickets are 130 – 3000hrv. For more information call 279-1582.


Friday An Evening of Vocal and Symphonic Music Featuring Pozhok (soprano), Maslakov (baritone) Works by Mozart, Beethoven, Boito, Massenet, Donizetti, Verdi, Wagner Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 T he Hymn of Democratic Youth Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Don Quixote. 1938 Historical play Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Legend of Love Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 Line Funny story in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 The Fourth Sister Black comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 C hoir Arabesques Featuring symphonic orchestra and opera soloists Time: 19.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-4280

Mykola Shulyak in Concert (tenor) Operatic arias Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081


Saturday Dangerous Liaisons Suspenseful intrigue Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 Iryna Kalynovska in Concert (organ) Works by Bach, Buxtehude, Bohm, Pachelbel Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 Strange Mrs Savage Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Dream of a Funny Person Play Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Carmen Opera in French in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 Quartet for Two Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392

Ihor Zavadsky in Concert (accordion) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081


Sunday P iotr Szychowski (Poland, piano) Works by Chopin, Bach-Busoni, Paderewski, Szymanowski Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 T he Hymn of Democratic Youth Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Backyard Games Drama Time: 16.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Gala Concert Ballet excerpts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 26 Rooms Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955


Monday The Importance of Being Earnest Frivolous comedy for serious people in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 ongs of Faith S and Heaven Kyiv Symphony Chamber Chorus in concert Time: 19.00 Central Baptist Church (Schekavitska 2/8) 235-9675


Tuesday Iolanta Opera in 2 acts Time: 19.000 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169

Portrait of a Composer Featuring Roy (flute), Bilych (violin), Sydorenko (organ), Gosachinsky (cello), Bazhenova (piano), Chop (alto) Works by Mozart Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 F lickerings of a Phantom Stage Anniversary evening Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Empty Trash Crazy comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 wo on a Swing & In T Pivo Veritas Two ballets by KMB Time: 19.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-4280



Evenings in Athens Comedy Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392

An Evening of Piano Music Featuring Inna Poroshyna (piano) Works by Dvorak, Weber, Shubert, Chopin, Piazzolla, Morricone Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697

he Lyatoshynsky T Symphonies Featuring Tkachenko (violin) Works by Lyatoshynsky, Berg, Silvestrov Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697

Yohanna. The Hyst’s Wife Play by KHAT Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081

Natalka Poltavka Ukrainian musical drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

The Lyatoshynsky Ensemble Works by Beethoven, Handel Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186

Romeo & Juliet Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 The Bat Operetta in 3 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Mein Kampf/Socks in the Coffee-maker Farce in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 T his, That and Others Tragic farce n 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 K yiv Soloists Featuring Grinchenko (violin), Yaropud (violin), Zavhorodniy (alto), Pohoretskiy (cello) Works by Haydn, Beethoven, Shubert Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081


Thursday Pe rgolesi Stabat Mater Featuring Matyushenko (soprano), Tabulina (mezzo- soprano), Mychalyk (organ), Post Scriptum Quartet Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697

T he European Masters of Organ Featuring Atis Stepinsh Works by List, Bach, Stepinsh Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 Zorba the Greek Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Love Potion Opera in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 We lcome to Ukraine! Musical Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Little Devil Tragic farce in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 My Dear Pamela Criminal comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 D iary of a Madman Mon play Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081

From Israel, With Love

With Love to Ukraine by the Panov Theatre Ballet and the Ginolia Ensemble of Modern Dance (Israel), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

27 March at 19.00

Two incredible choreographic premieres are headed straight to Kyiv from Israel! Valeriy Panov, ambassador of the Israeli ballet world, has gathered a venerable troupe of dancers not only from the Holy Land, but also Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia and Bulgaria to inspire with a classical portrayal of ballet at its best. Meanwhile, the Ginolia Ensemble of Modern Dance, led by the hot-blooded Hilik Gino, will inspire and amaze with its more modern and avant-garde works. Both are not to be missed. Tickets are 120 – 1200hrv. For more information call 247-2316. : What's On Recommended

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23-29 March 2012 Are You Techno with KIKO, Spartaque and Egor Boss Time: 22.00 Admission: before 0.00 L-30hrv, G-50hrv, after L-50hrv, G-70hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 Ice Volcano Time: 21.00 Admission: before 23.00-free, after L-50hrv, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 Sex Contact Night with DJs and more Time: 23.00 Admission: L-25hrv, G-50hrv Egoist (Horlovskaya 124/140) 223-36-33

In Yan Bring Karma to Kyiv In Yan (Russia, pop), Byblos, (Artema 20)

23 March at 22.00

The seventh series of Star Factory in Russia, under the watchful eye of the Meladze brothers, is generally considered the best in the show’s history. Finalists in that series, In Yan, have since gone on to big things. Their videos, in turns quite breathtaking and controversial, have now racked up over 10 million hits on YouTube, and they are fixtures on radio stations across the CIS and beyond. Now, Kyiv, here they come! Admission is 150hrv for the ladies, 200hrv for gentlemen. For more information, call 288-1888.


Friday FU TURITM with Joss, Artur, Weizman and more Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-free till 00.00, after 100hrv Mantra (V Vasylkivska 5) 336-2848 Gon’s Kitchen – Burritozzz – Mexican Party with Joss, iQ, Topspin, Dmit Kitz and more Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.30 L-20hrv, G-25hrv, after L-40hrv, G-50hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070

Best Disco Hits Time: 20.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Gallery Club (Peremohy Pr 47/2) 453-3727 Wicked Bass with Doc Daneeka (UK), Noizar, Valta, Stas and more Time: 23.00 Admission: before 00.00 50hrv, after 70hrv Xlib (Frunze 12) 417-3233 Granite Culture Time: 21.00 Admission: before 23.00, L-free, after L-50hrv, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

Light Friday with DJ Under Beat Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 G-free, after G-40hrv, L-free Aldo (Milyutenko 7) 536-6565

Essence of Love Time: 23.00 Admission: L-25hrv, G-50hrv Egoist (Horlovskaya 124/140) 223-36-33

DJ Rich-Art Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

Disco Friday Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-30hrv, G-50hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209

Latin American Live Music and Disco Time: 22.00 Admission: L-100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Hits Only Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662

he Planet of Smart Apes T with Marlo, Smart Apes, Fandy, D’jok, DiabLik and more Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-30hrv, G-40hrv, after L-50hrv, G-60hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 Disco Party Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-call for details Aura (Vyshhorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 Warm Up with Fiesta Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Fiesta (Horkoho 115d) 462-1477


Saturday Latin American Live Music Time: 20.00 Admission: L-100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 2881290 Love and Ladies Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 Best Disco Hits Time: 20.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Gallery Club (Peremohy Pr 47/2) 453-3727 Tasty with Las Wild, Fireworks and DJ Estetixx Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Aldo (Milyutenko 7) 536-6565 J ay Fokin Birthday Party Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009

Drumming Up a Good Night

Drum & Basslines 4 w/ Doc Scott and Sparxy (UK, drum’n’bass, dupstep, breakbeat), Cinema Club (Entusiastiv 1)

24 March at 23.00

With 20 years' experience in drum’n’bass, Britain’s Doc Scott is a well-known name in the biz. This evening, you can count on the full spectrum from old school, jungle, jump up, liquid, techstep, neurofunk to autonomic. In addition to the headliners this evening, Breakneck (UK), Vinyl Richie (UK), Fade, Physical Illusion, Hemp Shark and more will be accompanying. Admission is 100hrv. For more information call 555-5854.

Prime Techno Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-30hrv, G-40hrv, after L-50hrv, G-60hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 Disco Party Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Fiesta (Horkoho 115d) 462-1477


Sunday RnB Boom with DJ Lady and DJ Cash Flow Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.30 L-10hrv, G-15hrv, after L-20hrv, G-30hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 Salsadromo and Discotheque Time: 21.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

More than a Little Ambiguous

Step2Bass w/ Kryptic Minds (UK, dubstep), Status Party Bar (Pobedy 3)

23 March at 23.00

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s right the Dubstep Family are celebrating their 1st birthday! Wanting to share the joy, they have opened up the stage and invited Kryptic Minds to Kyiv! As an experimental/minimalist duo, these two from the South Eastside of London are into creating sounds atypical of that which you hear in the clubs these days. Worth more than just a quick listen, take in the celebrations tonight. Admission is 60hrv. For more information call 496-1590. Salsadromo Time: 21.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Audiomania Time: 19.00 Admission: L-free, G-30hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662

Fun Evening Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662



Disco 80s/90s Time: 20.00 Admission: 25hrv Gallery Club (Peremohy Pr 47/2) 453-3727

Pi? Pi! Pi....BSP Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv (only after 00.00) Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

Mojito Night Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

Dance Marathon Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshhorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

Radio Days Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshhorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

Erotic Show and Amateur Striptease Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-50hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Phototerapia Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-10hrv, G-15hrv, after L-15hrv, G-30hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070


Monday Zodiac Night Time: 21.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 Pivomania – DJ Size Time: 21.00 Admission: free Aura (Vyshhorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

Disco-Latino Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290


Wednesday Women’s Feast with MC Club Nichka and More Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-50hrv, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024


Thursday Day of Sweet Emotions Time: 18.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Gallery Club (Peremohy Pr 47/2) 453-3727 Crazy 30 Time: 21.00 Admission: 30hrv Aura (Vyshhorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023 Disco 90s Time: 20.00 Admission: L-free, G-30hrv Sakhar Party Bar (Dekabrystov 12/37) 563-9662 Disco-Latino Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 Social Networks with visiting team Magma Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free, G-free before 23.00, after 100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

: What's On Recommended

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This Week Live Music

23-29 March 2012

A Smile of Sincerity

Jamala (Crimea, pop, jazz), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

29 March at 19.30

The last time we published anything about Jamala she was about to head off on tour. Together with her jazz band, they stormed the country with her most recent album For Every Heart, featuring one of her best songs yet, Smile. A year later, she’s back in Kyiv wrapping up that tour with a concert at October Palace. If you missed her the first time round, get your tickets today. Aside from her powerful voice and her four-octave range, one of her best attributes is her ability to indeed make people smile. Tickets are 50 – 1000hrv. For more information call 279-1582.


Friday Z veri (Russia, pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 200-850hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 538-0100 F leur (pop-rock) Time: 19.30 Admission: 150-320hrv Artists’ House (Artema 1-5) 272-05-47 Red Rocks (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Chill Out, Beefeaters (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Beefeaters, Chill Out (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551

Mojo Jo Jo (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 Vasya Club, Animals’ Session (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Saturday Guf (Russia, rap) Time: 19.00 Admission: 220-600hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 538-0100 The Retuses, MJ Project (indie rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 AC/DC Cover Band, Hot Guys, Tres Deseos (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: 40hrv Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106

Riffs (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

Angels and Airways Cover Party (cover bands) Time: 19.00 Admission: 35hrv Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366

Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

Sami Svoi (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Max Vatutin Trio, Red Rocks (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Sunday P oets of the Fall (Finland, rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 350hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 538-0100 N oize MC (rap, hip-hop, rock) Time: 18.00 Admission: 180-250hrv Bingo Club (Peremohy Pr 112) 424-2555

Lucky Band, Hot Guys (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551

Soyuz 44 (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Mad Heads XL, Red Rocks (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Mad Heads XL, UkrainSka, Carnival Heat (rockabilly, cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Crazy Train (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Alisa Band (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

Cash, More Khuana (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Animals’ Session (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Renaissance, Angie Nears (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717


Monday KTs (pop-rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Night Block (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Charlie’s Angels (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Yukhym Dym (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Tres Deseos (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Beefeaters (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106

Carnival Heat (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Mama Mia (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551

Tropicana (Latino dance party) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

The Magma (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Illaria, YouCrane (cover bands) Time: 20.00 Admission: 40hrv Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366

Rocking Wolves (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

More Khuana (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

More Khuana (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900




I ryna Alegrova (pop) Time: 19.00 Admission: 200-2000hrv Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 247-2444

Pirata Band (blues rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Funk U (funk, pop-rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137


Drymba da Dzyha (folk rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Kandur (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Carte Blanche (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 Animals’ Session (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Ruky v Bryuky (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Jockers (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 Some Like it Hot (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 Eastern Express (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Dyadya Vasya (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Thursday I ryna Alegrova (pop) Time: 19.00 Admission: 200-2000hrv Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 247-2444

Mother and Son

Vitas (Russia, pop), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

25 March at 19.00

This Russian singer got his start back in 2000 with his song Opera №2. Not your average aria, this little ditty grabbed the attention of the CIS because of the incredibly high notes Vitas is able to reach. He is especially liked in China, where fans built a monument to him in 2009. They say that his voice is so good it can even cure disease! Coming to Kyiv over the weekend, this next concert of his is called Mother and Son. As a compilation of his best hits over 14 albums, it’s magical in its own way. Admission is 120 – 1200hrv. For more information call 247−2444. : What's On Recommended

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This Week


23-29 March 2012

Drawings of Designs

Exhibition of fashion illustrations by David Downton, Mironova Gallery (Olhynska 6)

23 March – 4 April

As a first-timer to Kyiv, one of Eastern Europe’s fastest growing centres for fashion and design, illustrator David Downton brings with him works from over a decade. His pieces have been an integral part of various well-respected fashion magazines, and yet, fashion, he says, is not his number one love. Charmed nonetheless by the industry, his illustrations can be found in a journal of his own making, Pourquoi Pas?. His portraits, on the other hand, can be found on the walls of the Mironova Gallery. Come and see another side of the women who have sat for him – Erin O’Connor, Paloma Picasso, Catherine Deneuve, Linda Evangelista, Carmen Dell’Orefice, Iman and Dita Von Teese. For more information call 277-8888. Seasons Exhibition of paintings by Yana and Slava Barabash Until 17 April Pit Art (Kostelna 6) 278-2631

Creativity and Longevity Exhibition of paintings by Lev Bohomolets Until 8 April Kairos Art Hall (Instytutska 22/7) 067-504-5908

Blind Exhibition of paintings by Illya Prunenko Until 7 April YA Gallery (Khoryva 49b) 492-9203

Under the X-ray Exhibition of photographs by Nick Veasey 28 March – 13 May Brucie Collections (Artema 55b) 205-4264

Estonian Culture in Ukraine Exhibition of items from the Estonian National Museum collection Until 24 April National Folk Decorative Art Museum (Lavrska 9) 254-3253

Hindustan Exhibition of paintings by Andriy Bludov Until 3 April Triptych-Art Gallery (Desyatynna 13) 279-0949

Double Bare Nature Exhibition of paintings by Oleksandr Babak Until 4 April Museum of Russian Art (Tereshenkivska 9) 287-7324

Station Exhibition of paintings by Andriy Bludov Until 10 April Bottega Gallery (Mykhalivska 22b) 279-8383


Musical Tips

Adverse Advice (musical play), KPI (Peremohy 37)

25 March at 19.00

This play for children aged seven and older is called a folk-rap-pop-fantasy. Not only is that a combination we’re willing to bet you’ve never heard of before, add in Gypsy and electronic music and you cover almost the whole musical spectrum! Based on the imagination of Grigoriy Oster, an Odesa-born author famous for his marvellous children’s books, this is an evening of fun and enjoyment for the whole family. Tickets are 100 – 550hrv. For more information call 4549-203.

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Puppet Theatre Hrushevskoho 1A (metro Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 278-5808

Circus Peremohy 2 (metro Vokzalna) 486-3927 www.circus.com.ua

Municipal Puppet Theatre Mytropolska 1 513-1500

Zoo Peremohy Pr. 32 241-7769 www.zoo.kiev.ua

Marionette Theatre Sahaidochnoho 29/3 (metro Poshtova Ploshcha) 417-3058 http://marionet.com.ua

Dyvosvit 4D cinema, children’s labyrinth, attractions Marshala Malinovskoho 24/10 502-0088 www.dyvosvit.ua



Fairytales for Kind Hearts Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 11.00 Masha and the Bear Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 13.00 The Golden Chicken Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 15.00 Little Red Riding Hood Puppet-play in Russian for children 4+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a) 278-0566

The Speckled Hen and the Golden Sun Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 11.00 Puss in Boots Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 13.00 Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 15.00 The Golden Key Puppet-play in Russian for children 3+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a) 278-0566

Musical Classics Musical alphabet for kids and adults Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116

Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Ballet in 2 acts Time: 12.00 & 15.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116

Adventures of Tom Sawyer A boys’ tale in 2 acts for children 7+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219

The Prince & the Princess Fairytale in 2 acts for children 5+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219


Butterfly Ultramarine Cinema, children’s playground, bowling, arcade Uritskoho 1A (metro Vokzalna) 206-0350 www.kino-butterfly.com.ua Kobzov Circus 239-2181 Prospekt Pobedy 82 www.circus-kobzov.com.ua Mystical-Aquarium Centre Koshytsa 8A (metro Poznyaky) 502-1796 www.aquariumfish.com.ua

Nemo Dolphinarium Akademika Glushkova 9 520-5550 www.nemokiev.com Kyiv Planetarium Chervonoarmiyska 57/3 287-7508 www.planet.org.ua/about.html Aquapark Terminal Aquapark, shopping and entertainment centre Kyivska 316 in the town of Brovary 200-1450 www.aquapark-terminal.com.ua

The Little Mermaid Play Time: 12.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392/8568


Yasnogorodskya Ostrich Farm Podlesnaya 32, Yasnohorodska (30km outside of Kyiv) 782-3240 www.ostrich.com.ua Hopak in Kyiv Hopak Training Centres 332-7747 or 067-933-3244 Visit http://hopak.kiev.ua/ua/ Nabeg Horseback Riding Centre Vishgorodska 85 067-712-3384 http://www.loshadi.kiev.ua/


Adventures of Tom Sawyer A boys’ tale in 2 acts for children 7+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219


Tuesday The Steadfast Tin Soldier Musical fairytale in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116 Pippi-Longstocking Musical in 2 acts for children7+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219


Thursday Chief Redskin Tragic comedy in 2 acts for children 7+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17) 253-6219 Adventures of Ninja Turtles Play Time: 12.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

Wednesday Pat rick and the Wolf & Carnival of Animals 2 Ballets Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 425-3116

Kyiv Horse Race Track Akademika Glushkova 10 266-2223 State Museum of Toys Klovskiy 8 253-5400 Interesniy Kiev Tours in and around Kyiv in English! 491-1176 or 068-121-4458 Visit www.interesniy.kiev.ua/new/ tour/english

Pyrohovo Open Air Museum Folk architecture and life Marshrutka #3/156 from metro Lybydska 526-5542 Mamaeva Sloboda Outdoor Cossack Museum Mykhayla Dontsya 2, Otradniy region 361-9848 www.mamajeva-sloboda.ua

Nivky Park Children’s playground, rifle ranges, walking paths, cafes Prospect Pobedy 82 Kurenevskiy Park Playgrounds, attractions, cafes Frunze 134 National Botanical Garden Open year round Timiryazevskaya 1

20.03.2012 17:36:39

1313 Graham Phillips and Vadym Mishkoriz


Human Rights

t’s 20 years of Ukrainian Independence and yet, the subject of human rights has never been more relevant. Enter Docudays UA, the 9th International Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights, taking place right here in Kyiv. We caught up with their PR Director (and writer) Daria Averchenko and Film Director Roman Bondarchuk for a chat. With 70 films in the overall festival and 44 in various competitions, there is a range of categories, including Docu/Right – a human rights competition, Docu/Life – an artistic and creative competition, and Docu/Short – a free competition on any theme. Whether human rights is something you take an active stance on or not, both Daria and Roman are happy for people to attend for pure entertainment. “All of the films are subtitled in English. It’s a fantastic opportunity for people to come along, watch some great films and have the chance to meet some of the directors and creatives involved in the process, especially as this is the only place in Ukraine you can see these kinds of creative documentaries.” Included in the various competitions are films from the 15 Young by Young project – 15 short films from directors of countries of the post-Soviet states. It’s a great project that got both Daria and Roman involved, and yet was not without its complications. Azerbaijan’s entry became embroiled by government restrictions, and the entry from Turkmenistan can’t even be made in that country. “Ukraine is certainly not one of the bottom CIS countries in terms of human rights,” claims Daria, “but, there is still a lot to do.” As for the Ukrainian entry in 15 YbY, Roman says, “The Ukrainian film is about a 10-year old girl who wants to become a one-man orchestra. She plays instruments in a jazz orchestra with other kids. The other kids leave and the master decides to teach her how to play all of the instruments. If you want to be successful in Ukraine, you have to play all instruments. It’s about contemporary life in our country.” The festival is sponsored by international foundations supporting human rights. Although, the Ukrainian government support the festival in a way as well. “The breaches of human rights and transgressions of our government stimulate interest in the subject. They make people aware of its importance and significance to them here in Ukraine. Every year, more people come to us and ask how they can be involved in playing their part in taking human rights forward,” Roman tells us. Daria takes up the theme, saying, “Some businesses don’t want to be involved with human rights, but it affects all of us, whether we like it or not.” As for the festival, there’s plenty to like, not all serious either. “The opening film is about a Danish guy who buys a fake diplomatic passport and opens a ‘diplomatic office’ in an African country. Officially, he wants to build a match factory. Really, though, he’s looking for diamonds.” So, head along to Docudays – it’s full of diamonds!

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in Colour

International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Schedule 23 – 29 March www.docudays.org.ua Cinema House (Saksahanskoho 6) 287-5225 23 March Opening Ceremony/Opening Film 19:00 The Ambassador (Denmark, 2011) Directed by Mads Brügger 24 March Docu/Right Competition 12:00 En Rade (France, 2011) Directed by Roy Lekus 13:30 Sinner’s Disease (The Netherlands, 2011) Directed by Jan Jaap Kuiper 15:00 You’ve Been Trumped (UK, 2011) Directed by Anthony Baxter 17:00 Pit No. 8 (Estonia, Ukraine, 2010) Directed by Marianna Kaat Dictatorship and Authoritarianism Screening 19:00 Ukraine: When the Countdown Began (Ukraine, 2011) Directed by Sergiy Bukovsky Docu/Short Competition 14:00 Chronicle of Oldrich S (Czech Republic, 2011) Directed by Rudolf Smid Guanape Sur (Italy, 2010) Directed by János Richter 15:00 The Circus Tour (Estonia, 2011) Directed by Jaak Kilmi, Andres Maimik Special Event 16:00 Film Almanac, Young by Young (Ukraine, 2011) Directors from Kyrgyzstan, L ­ atvia, ­Tajikistan, ­Lithuania, G ­ eorgia, ­Russia, ­Estonia

26 March Docu/Right Competition 12:00 Evolution of Violence (Austria, 2011) Directed by Fritz Ofner 13:30 The Ulysses (Spain, 2011) Directed by Agatha Maciaszek, Alberto Garcia Ortiz 15:15 Doctors (Poland, 2011) Directed by Tomasz Wolski 17:00 Special Flight (Switzerland, 2011) Directed by Fernand Melgar Dictatorship and Authoritarianism Screening 19:00 Khodorkovsky (Germany, 2010) Directed by Cyril Tuschi Docu/Short Competition 14:00 Lesha (Russia, 2011) Directed by Elena Demidova 14:45 Sickfuckpeople (Ukraine, A ­ ustria, 2010) Directed by Yuri Rechinskiy 15:45 I Will Forget This Day (Russia, 2010) Directed by Alina Rudnitskaya 16:30 The City (Spain, 2011) Directed by GonzaloBallester Docu/Life Competition 17:00 Himself He Cooks (Belgium, 2011) Directed by Valérie Berteau, Philippe Witjes 18:30 Ramin (Latvia, G ­ eorgia, 2011) Directed by Audrius Stonys 19:45 Planet Kirsan (Poland, 2010) Directed by Magdalena Pieta 21:00 The Castle (Italy, 2011) Directed by Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Porenti

Ukrainian Spectrum 16:00 Erik (Ukraine, 2011) Directed by Serhiy Stepanskiy Leonid’s Story (Germany, Ukraine, 2011) Directed by Rainer Ludwigs Hold your head up! (Ukraine, 2011) Directed by Ivan Zotikov Closing Film Special Screening 20:30 My Perestroika (USA­, UK, 2010) Directed by Robin Hessman 29 March 17:00 DocudaysUA /Award-winning films of the 9th Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Kinopanorama (S Rustaveli 19) 287-3041 24 March Special Event 16:00 If a Tree Falls (USA, UK, 2011) Directed by Marshall Curry 21:00 Workingman’s Death (Austria, Germany, 2005) Directed by Michael Glawogger 25 March Special Event 16:00 Racing Dreams (USA, UK, 2011) Directed by Marshall Curry Antiutopias. Modern British Cinema 18:30 Just Do It! (UK, 2011) Directed by Emily James Special Event 21:00 (no entrance under 21) Whore’s Glory (Austria, Germany, 2011) Directed by Michael Glawogger

27 March 26 March Special Event Docu/Life Competition Krakówiff Presents 12:00 Window Pane Nostalgia 16:30 Decresendo (Poland, 2011) 18:00 How are you doing, (Russia, 2011) Directed by Marta Minorowicz Rudolf Ming? (Latvia, 2010) Story Without Term Tonia and her Children (Poland, 2011) Directed by Roberts Rubins of Limitation (Canada, 2010) Directed by Marcel Lozinski 19:30 When China Met Africa Directed by Valeriy Balayan (France, 2011) Antiutopias. Modern British Directed by Marc Francis, Nick Francis Docu/Right Competition Cinema 21:00 Argentinian Lesson 14:00 Ecumenopolis: City With18:30 The Age of Stupid (UK, 2009) (Poland, 2011) out Limits (Turkey, 2011) Directed by Franny Armstrong Directed by Wojciech Staron Directed by Imre Azem 15:45 All for the Good of the Retrospective Show 25 March World and Nosovice 21:00 End of the Way (Russia, 1991) Docu/Right Competition (Czech Republic, 2010) Just Life (Russia, 2002) 13:00 The Black Power MixDirected by Vit Klusak Holidays (Russia, 2005) tape 1967­-1975 (Sweden, 2011) 17:30A People Uncounted Directed by Marina Razbezhkina Directed by Goran Hugo Olsson (Canada, 2011) Directed by Aaron Yeger 15:00 Body and Soul 27 March 19:30 Another Stage (Spain, 2010) (Mozambique, 2010) Fidmarseille Presents Directed by Norma Nebot Directed by Matthieu Bron 16:30 Video-mappings: 21:00 Tomorrow (Russia, 2012) 16:30 Life in Stills (Israel, 2011) Aida, Palestine (France­, Directed by Andrey Gryazev Directed by Tamar Tal Palestinian territories, 2009) Directed by Till Roeskins Docu/Short Competition Dictatorship and Authoritarianism Searching for Hassan 14:00 Shall We Talk? (Spain, 2010) Screening (France, 2009) Directed by Javier Macipe 19:30 Diary, Letters and RevoDirected by Edouard Beau 14:45 Train of Flies (Spain, 2010) lutions (France, B ­ razil, 2010) Directed by Fernardo Lopez, Directed by Flavia Castro Antiutopias. Modern British Nieves Prieto Cinema 15:15 Mirage (Serbia, 2011) Docu/Short Competition 18:30 The End of the Life (UK, 2009) Directed by Srdan Keca 14:00 12+1 (Iran, 2011) Directed by Rupert Murray 16:15 We’ll be Happy One Day Directed by Khatereh Khodaei (Poland, 2011) 14:45 Grandmothers (UK, 2011) Retrospective Show Directed by Pawel Wysoczanski Directed by Afarin Eghbal 21:00 Another Country 17:15 Paradise Hotel (Bulgaria, 2010) 15:15 Outro (Russia, 2010) (Russia, 2005) Directed by Sophia Tzavella Directed by Yulia Panasenko Directed by Marina Razbezhkina 18:30 Gagarinland (Russia, 2011) Directed by Vladimir Kozlov Docu/Life Competition 28 March 20:15 People I Could 16:30 La Machina (Poland, 2011) Krakowiff Presents Have Been and Maybe Am Directed by Thierry Paladino 16:30 Paparazzi (Poland, 2011) (Netherlands, 2010) 18:00 Gangster Project Directed by Piotr Bernaś Directed by Boris Gerrets (Germany, South Africa, 2011) 21:30 Katka (Czech Republic, 2010) Last Day of Summer (Poland, 2010) Directed by Teboho Edkins Directed by Piotr Stasik Directed by Helena Trestikova 19:15 Golden Autumn (Germany, 2010) Retrospective Show 28 March Directed by Jan Tenhaven 18:30 Special Event 21:00 Abendland (Austria, 2011) 15:00 Quiet Place (Ukraine, 2012) Harvest Time (Russia, 2003) Directed by Nikolaus Geyrhalter Directed by Olesya Bortnyak Directed by Marina Razbezhkina

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Coming Soon

Cream of the Crop


Day of the Gypsy, Bolshevik Centre of Culture (Peremohy 38)

8 April at 18.00

The 8th of April is the international Day of the Gypsy. Saturated with mystique and an undeniable energy, theirs is a most unique culture. Folklore states that millions of candles are lit and brilliant flowered wreaths are placed upon rivers all over the world to unite the Romani people wherever they happen to be. Such celebration will be a little different for those in Kyiv. Should you be so inclined, however, you are invited to celebrate with a massive musical and passionate performance. Tickets are 60 – 80hrv. For more information call 456-0416.

We Can Barely Believe It

ID Bass Event 1 w/ Bare Noize (UK, dubstep, electronic), Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8)

30 March at 23.00

A Moment of Grace Placido Domingo (Spain, opera), Sofiyska Ploscha

There is a new series of rather unique projects on the go at the moment that aims to work with only the best in bass music. This first event is being held at the inimitable Sullivan Room, where the fantabulous Londoners, Bare Noize, will bare all. As a “3-piece dubstep crew producing some seriously sick stuff”, you can’t help but have a good time. Admission is 70hrv in advance, 110hrv at the door. For more information call 066-485-5555.

29 June at 19.00

Unbelievable, but true. One of the world’s most prominent tenors, Placido Domingo, will be here in Kyiv, sending vibrations all throughout the city and beyond. Having opened the Metropolitan Opera season 18 times, he has 136 opera roles under his belt, more than any other tenor, ever! Taking to conducting opera and concert performances as of late, he’s going back to his roots this summer. It’s a historical moment in the musical history of this country, and one that should not be missed. Tickets are 2000 – 15000hrv. For more information call 237-4343.

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Free Yourself

Emancipation – Maxi Dead’s Birthday, Gallery (Peremogy Pr 47)

9 April at 22.00

Maxi Dead is a “breath of fresh air in the electronic world of trance”. He’s worked with international labels Echelon Records (Finland), Capital Music (Poland), Spaced Out Recordings (UK), Fuzion Four Records (US) and more, and celebrating his 21st birthday this Monday evening, he’s inviting the whole of Kyiv. Check him out on the turntable around midnight, and then stay on for special guest DJ Underbeat. Admission: L-40hrv, G-60hrv. For more information call 063-071-8012

Brussels Project w/ Svyatoslav Vakarchuk (pop-rock), Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 17)

27 April at 20.00

Okean Elzy’s Slava Vakarchuk has been busy working on a second solo project. Calling it Brussels, he unveiled it online, giving the entire country the opportunity to experience it for the first time absolutely free! Recorded in August of last year, famous Ukrainian musicians Serhiy Babkin, Dmytro Shurov, Maks Malyshev and Petro Chernyavskiy made the trip to the city of the album’s name. Now making their way through Ukraine and across the CIS, this is your opportunity to check out the new tunes live! Tickets are 200 – 1800hrv. For more information call 222-8040.

Vampires in Love

Dracula. Eternal Love, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

20 & 29 April at 19.30

Everyone is alive as long as he loves, and the mystical Dracula is no different, all over his beloved like a rash. The most famous vampire in the chronicles of spooky stuff, he’ll be appearing on the Kyiv stage with the Kaskader Theatre telling us his exceptional story. There will be magic, mystery, stunts, erotic dancing and more, revealing the reverse side of a well-known character you too may just fall in love with. Tickets are 80 – 250hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

Pictures of a Pilgrim

Exhibition of paintings by Stanislav Chamlay, Foundation of Art Development (Frolivska 1/6)

2 – 16 April

For years, Stanislav Chamlay has remained a very popular artist among Ukrainian and Russian collectors. Exhibiting his works in various galleries throughout the world since 1982, every trip has left a trace of sentiment on his soul, which he has finally fixed on canvas. Not unlike the notes of a pilgrim, his pictures tell the stories of all his adventures. For more information call 238-6521.

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Hero vs Villain Kung Fu Panda Against Megamind, Kyiv Musical Academy Conservatory (Khreschatyk 11)

1 April at 13.00 & 15.00

When two cartoon characters meet, something magical always happens, which is exactly what is set to transpire this Sunday after-

noon. Coming to the Kyiv stage all the way from Hollywood, the witty Panda and the shrewd Megamind are going to show you a fun afternoon of music and mayhem. Come, sing and dance with these famous characters in person – so much better than catching them on TV. Tickets are 100 – 250hrv. For more information call 279-1242.

Kyiv Sculpture Project

Exhibition of sculptures by various artists, National Botanic Garden (Timiryazevska 1)

2 June – 2 July

Kyiv is exceptional in the spring and summer, and something that makes it all the more so is our beautiful botanical garden. Making space for 20 odd sculptures this year, Ukrainian and foreign artists will be putting all of their creative energies into great figures and monuments for your viewing pleasure. Standing eight metres tall and weighing more than six tonnes, the highlight will undoubtedly be The House of Knowledge by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa. For more information call 235-4471.

We’re With You Too Spring in Russian Tunes

Aleksey Bogorad (Russia, classical), National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)

4 April at 19.00

Great clarinettist Aleksey Bogorad and Crimean saxophonist Mykhailo Zaikin will lead this superb spring evening of Russian symphonic music. Blown away by their individual talent, just wait until you hear them playing together the tunes of Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Glazunov. Busy playing in Spain and working on his international music scholarship in the US, Bogorad has never lost the special connection he has with his homeland. For tickets or more information call 278-1697.

Red Hot Chili Peppers (US, funk, rock), Olympic Stadium (V Vasylkivska 55a)

25 July at 19.00

More than just legends of rock, the gods of funk are headed to Kyiv for the first time ever this summer! Bringing their new album called I’m With You, it took some time to release their 10th and most recent album. It has been, however, well worth the wait. Headlining various festivals and playing their own sold-out tours for over 20 years now, the guys have won 7 Grammys and continue to pump out some top tunes. The time has come for Ukraine to enjoy the antics of Anthony, Flea, Chad and Josh – and that we will in what will no doubt be one of the biggest concerts of the year. Tickets are 600 – 800hrv. For more information call 080-050-5750.

Take the Plunge, For a Second Time Sensation, International Expo Centre (Brovarsky Pr 15)

5 May at 20.00

A Shadow of the Monkeys

The Kooks (UK, indie rock), Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1)

30 September at 20.00

For those who might not know, The Kooks are a band from Brighton, who, according to MTV, were the best in Britain in 2006. Releasing three albums since their formation over 11 years ago, their most recent is called Junk of the Heart and is reminiscent of bands LCD Soundsystem, Air, and Phoenix. They won’t be here until long after the spring and summer. But this kooky bunch are worth the wait. Tickets are 650hrv. For more information call 288-5074.

10.indb 17

Mark it in Red

Red (US, rock, nu-metal), Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8)

What can one call Sensation? A party? An understatement. A happening? Again, the word doesn’t quite capture the scale of this undertaking. Sensation is an event – an event like no other. Boasting a top-rated raft of DJ talent, truly extraordinary sets and lighting, and what is guaranteed to be a terrific overall atmosphere, any Kyiv dance-mad clubber would be out of his/her mind to miss this blockbuster for their second annual appearance. More details will be made available in the coming weeks. Stay tuned. Tickets 699 – 1399hrv. For more information visit www.sensation.com

30 April at 19.00

One year ago, American band Red released their third album, Until We Have Faces. Taking the show on the road, they have come a long way from the garage band of 2006, and have since shared stages with great groups Flyleaf, Sevendust, Otep, Saliva and Papa Roach. Known for mixing hip-hop with hard rock and great guitar riffs, they have kept their lyrics pure and simple, making quite an impression on audiences all over the world. Tickets are 220 – 500hrv. For more information call 066-813-2012.

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10.indb 19

20.03.2012 17:39:08

Yuliya Hudoshnyk


On the Sofa with...

An Avid Collector Surrounded in Aesthetics

Brucie Collections’ Vadym Yatsenko is known for a lot of things, his love of collecting being one of them. Reacting to the insinuation that his hobby includes little more than the inanimate, saying, “Who told you I only collect things?”, emotions, journeys, businesses and allies also seem to be among this love of accumulating. Gearing up for a new installation, Under the X-ray by Nick Veasey, we talk to the gallery owner and find out which of these items are the most important.


oes it ever happen to you that while you are waiting for one thing, you get a whole stream of something else? You walk into a bookshop, for instance, looking for one specific novel. But in the end you walk out with a whole stack of books. People might be novels in a certain way as well. When I planned this interview with the owner of Brucie Collections, Vadym Yatsenko, I was pretty sure we would be sticking to one topic during our conversation – the gallery. And yet, there we were, sitting in his office/museum, chatting casually about travelling, religion, history, art, psychology. He’s a man who can talk nineteen to the dozen about all areas of life.

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“I am interested in art and would love to build a business out of this hobby. But you can’t embrace the un-embraceable. So I have to be mindful about the selection of my toys.” That’s what most all of this man’s businesses are, toys, and make no mistake, the playroom is pretty big. Ukraine’s first network advertising and modelling agency, Linea 12, his IT-company, travel agency, and of course Brucie Collections – they’re like little baubles for him to play with. “I am a happy man, but I always need to recharge my batteries. Pulling out different boxes from my memory and switching my attention is the best way to run my business effectively.” Each day of the week is devoted to one of his businesses. But he says the day he spends at Linea 12 gives him the most pleasure. This room is jampacked with pictures bought at auction all over the world, and there are tonnes of books about photography and art lying around. This library/ museum describes Vadym Yatsenko better than words ever could. “I like to surround myself with beauty. It makes me feel good. Friends often tell me that they are distraught over this or that. I stay mentally healthy by being surrounded by aesthetics.” Brucie Collection is the embodiment of that beauty. Opening four years ago, it has already had the works of world masters Albert Watson, Howard Schatz, Sebastiano Salgado, Leni Riefenstahl, Helmut Newton and Anton Lange grace its walls. It seems like quite an accomplishment for such a new gallery. Yatsenko counters, however, that it’s the novelty and unique perception of each of these artists, which appears in their work, that makes the cut. “When I buy something, there is no sensible explanation as to why. Impulse and intuition dictate. I’m in constant search of technical perfection. But if looking at the picture makes me feel something on a deeper level, I grab it immediately.”

The Heart

This passion for photography isn’t typical for Ukrainians. They aren’t interested in buying fine photography, which makes Brucie Collections more of a museum than a commercial gallery. It’s a shame, really, and something Yatsenko doesn’t understand. “I’ve always wondered why people overlook the real masterpieces, wasting fortunes on some piece of crap art. The worst of it is that in our country, you see this crap art hanging on bare walls without any touch of beauty associated at all.” Yatsenko’s intention for Brucie has always been to include a little freshness into our timeworn perception of photography. As he talks about his ‘toy’ gallery, he is continually pointing out favourite works or turning over catalogues given to him by world famous photographers. “Whereas Ukrainian photographers have a few photos and think it is enough to become a star, these people never tire. We’re only interested in those who continue to astonish us.” Collecting material things, however, is not enough. For at the core of his hobby, is his enthusiasm for communication and travel. Whether talking to tribesmen in Australia or monks in Tibet, his need for answers is incessant. And yet, at the age of fifty, he is perhaps wiser than he has ever been, understanding that the people he has around him are in fact his most valuable possessions. Comparing life to a sieve, he says you need allies to help get you through the tough bits, so as not to be ripped apart by the emotional flow. Celebrating the fact that his life filter is protected by his loyal chums, his last birthday invitation included a request for photos of themselves in place of gifts. There. The heart of the most important items of this avid collector.

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Kyiv Life Oksana Vasyutinskaya, Marc Widmer and Peter Petreski in good spirits

Vladislav Remen, Denys Necheporenko of CBRE and Ihor Tykhonov of CreditWest enjoying the evening

Networking with St Pat

Anastasia Minich of USAID MHRU and Dmytro Struk with Larry the leprechaun

Dmytro Chuykov of DenzaWorkspace, Vladyslav Mieshkov and Kateryna Ovdienko of Kinnarps

LUCKY PUB Announcing that all those who celebrate St Patrick’s Day on 15 March with the ACC and BUCC would have good luck in business, both Chambers managed to get a very good crowd of more than 200 people out! Going greener and greener with every sip of Guinness, guests had a great time! And, look forward to the actualisation of those earlier good luck promises!

Ambassador of Pakistan HE Ahmad Navaz Salim Mela enjoying the performance

Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Uzbekistan HE Yusupov Batyr Pulatovich and Ambassador of Turkey HE Mehmet Samsar Azerbaijani folk artist, Adalyat Garashev, enchants the audience

Another New Year in the Calendar

NATIONAL MUSIC ACADEMY To celebrate the International Day of Nowruz or, Persian New Year, popular among Asian countries, the Embassies of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan held a festive concert on 17 March. According to the Iranian calendar, Nowruz marks the first day of spring, and can be translated as “New Day”. Guests were utterly delighted with the ethnic dancing, music and singing that took place all throughout the night!

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Ambassador of Turkmenistan HE Nurberdy Amanmuradov welcoming one and all

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Head of Molodist Festival, Andriy Khalpakhchi (centre) amid a few guests

New Irish Cinema in Kyiv

A few spirits to ensure a festive Irish mood Jameson’s Anna Velykoivanenko greeting everyone

KYIV CINEMA Shortly before St Patrick’s Day, Molodist kicked off its second annual IrishFest – a festival of new Irish cinema. The week long run of Irish-produced flicks opened on 15 March with The Runway, an award-winning motion picture directed by Ian Power. With five more equally great cinematic selections, the whole week was one that will have the city talking for some time.

St Pat’s lucky Shamrocks

Seeing green!

Happy St Patrick’s Day

The Kiss Me I’m Irish trick working to a tee

10.indb 25

O’BRIEN’S & O’CONNOR’S It was 17 March, and all those looking for a little luck were out among the various Irish venues drinking green beer and having a grand ‘ole time. The invasion started out early in O’Connor’s and then moved to O’Brien’s where there was little more than a bit of sweaty standing room. It didn’t seem to bother those who made the extra effort and were all dressed in green.

The Runway’s Director of Photography PJ Dillon together with Jameson’s Shoot’n’Play Jury Head, Paddy O’Connor

You can never be too Irish

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20.03.2012 17:43:54

Take Me Out


Kyiv Telephone code is +380 44

RESTAURANTS Al Faro V Vasylkivska 49a 503-5091 Hours: 10.00 – 23.30 Italian cuisine Ani V Vasylkivska 72 590-2565 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Caucasian cuisine Antwerpen Pushkinska 38 234-1300 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 European cuisine Arena Entertainment Baseina 2a 492-0000 Hours: 9.00 until the last guest European cuisine Arizona BBQ Naberezhno Khreshchatytska 25 425-2438 Hours: 08.00 – 24.00 American cuisine Bacchus Class Chapaeva 2/16 234-6506 Hours: 09.00 – until the last guest Wine Bar Bar on 8 (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 11:00 – 02:00 Cocktail Bar/Fusion Barsuk Kutuzova 3a 050-386-3629 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 European/local cuisine Bazaar Brasserie Bessarabska Pl 2 238-2111 Hours: 10.00 – 23.00 European cuisine Beef Meat & Wine Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Fusion Belle Vue Saksahanskoho 7 289-8780 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sat 11.00 – 02.00 Belgian/European cuisine Belvedere Dniprovskiy Uzviz 288-5070 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest European/Japanese cuisine b-hush InterContinental Kyiv V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: Sun-Wed18.00 – 02.00, Thurs-Sat18.00 – 04.00 Cocktail Bar/Fusion Boutique (Riviera on Podol) Sahaydachnoho St 15 581-2898 Hours: 24 hours European/Ukrainian cuisine

10.indb 30

Brasserie (Cosmopolite Hotel) Hetmana Vadima 6 205-3520 Hours: 10.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Brunello Bar (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 19.00 – 04.00 Wine Bar Buddha Bar Khreshchatyk 14 270-7676 Hours: Sun-Wed 13.00 – 02.00, Thurs-Sat 13.00 – 04.00 Asian/Fusion Byblos Artema 20 288-1888 Hours: 12.00 – until the last client Fusion Café de Paris Andriivskiy Uzviz 34b 221-2218 Hours: 24 hours French cuisine Carpaccio Café Sofievska 14 278-1612 Hours: various European cuisine Celentano www.pizza-celentano.com for locations Hours: various Pizza/Italian cuisine Cimes Sahaidachnoho 10/5 428-7579 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Kosher cuisine Cipollino Hrushevskoho 1a 279-9191 Hours: 11.00 – 23.30 Children/Italian cuisine Ciro’s Pomodoro Shota Rustaveli 12 221-4545 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Italian cuisine Citronelle Khmelnytskoho 23 067-218-2900 Hours: 08.30 – 23.00 Café-style Comme il Faut V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 French cuisine Concord Pushkinska 42/4 234-7788 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Fusion Cosmopolite Hetmana Vadima 6 www.cosmopolite-kiev.com 205-3520 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Private brewery Crep De Chine Hoholivska 25 537-7070 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Da Vinci Fish Club Volodymyrska 12 490-3434 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Mediterranean cuisine

Deja Vue B Khmelnytskoho 30 235-9802 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 International cuisine Device Café Pobedy Pr 136 277-1555 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest French/Ukrainian cuisine Fellini Horodetskoho St 5 279-5462 Open: 24 hours French/Italian cuisine Fiesta Horkoho 115d 353-7685 Hours: 11.00 until the last guest Latino cuisine Fiji Bar (via Corsair) Sahaidachnoho 14-v 425-5578 Hours: 24 hours Cocktail Bar Fortetsya Gongadze 21 463-5130 Hours: 24 hours European/Ukrainian cuisine Foodtourist V Vasylkivska 5 095-780-6070 Hours: 08.00 – until the last client Gastro-bar Golden Gate Irish Pub Zolotovorotskaya 15 235-5188 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Pub/restaurant Goodman Steakhouse Zhulianska 75 596-0000 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 American steakhouse Grill Asia (Hyatt Regency) Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 Hours: 6:00 - 24:00 European/Asian cuisine Han Gang (Slavutich Hotel) Entuziastiv 1 294-1414 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Korean cuisine Himalaya Khreshchatyk 23 270-5437 Hours: 11.30 – 23.30 Indian cuisine Hinkali Shota Rustaveli 4 234-0692 Hours: 24 hours Caucasian cuisine Hunter Saksahanskoho 147/5 236-3735 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 International cuisine Icon Bar Basseina 5a 234-6996 Hours: Wed 18.00 – 01.00, Thurs-Sat 18.00 – 06.00 European cuisine

Ikra Honchara 67 067-300-8871 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Japanese/ Mediterranean cuisine

Lale Sofiivska 14 278-7566 Hours: 12.00 until the last guest Turkish cuisine

Il Molino Moskovskaya 17 280-7722 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Pizza/Italian cuisine

La Paella Donetska 10 223-7242 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Spanish cuisine

Il Patio Ihorivska 13/5 501-7464 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine

Le Cosmopolite Volodymyrska 47 278-7278 Hours: Sun-Thurs 10.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sun 10.00 – 02.00 Belgian/European cuisine

Karavan Klovskiy Uzviz 10 280-9577 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Uzbek cuisine Kazbek L Ukrainka Blvd 30a 285-4805 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Caucasian cuisine Krendel Pavlovska 17 585-9897 Hours: Mon-Fri 09.00 – 22.00. Sat-Sun 10.00 – 22.00 Russian cuisine Kupetcheskiy Dvor 24km down Stolychne highway 067-246-6246 Hours: 11.00 until the last guest Russian cuisine Kuvshyn Fedorova 10 592-6363 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Caucasian cuisine La Bodeguita del Medio Yaroslaviv Val 20/21 272-6500 Hours: Mon-Wed 12.00 – 00.00, Thurs-Sat 13.00 – 00.00, Sun 16.00 – 03.00 Cuban cuisine

Limoncello Moskovska 22  254-2024 Hours: 24 hours Fusion Lipsky Osobnyak Lypska 15 254-0090 Hours: 11.30 – 01.00 Ukrainian cuisine Lucky Pub V Vasylkivska 13 499-1313 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Pub/restaurant Lun Van Khmelnytskoho 26 279-8191 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 Chinese cuisine Lyudi Casual Food V Vasylkivska 5 067-322-7575 Hours: Sun-Wed 12.00 – 03.00, Thurs-Sat 12.00 – 06.00 Italian/European cuisine Mai Tai V Vasylkivska 66 583-5553 Hours: 12.00 – 06.00 European/Asian cuisine

La Cantina Yaroslaviv Val 20 234-7074 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Italian cuisine

Mambo Druzhby Narodiv 5 522-8224 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Latin cuisine

L’Accente Lesi Ukrainka 5 200-5002 Open: 10.00 – 24.00 Mediterranean cuisine

Mantra V Vasylkivska 5 221-4448 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Asian/Fusion

Marmaris Hlybotchytska 40 586-4233 Hours: 10.00 – 02.00 Turkish cuisine

Nirvana Lounge L Ukrainky 28b 285-5215 Hours: 12.00 – 02.00 Indian cuisine

Marocana L Ukrainka 24 254-4999 Hours: 09.00 – 02.00 Fusion

Nobu Shota Rustaveli St 12 246-7734 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Japanese cuisine

Marrakesh Sahaidachnoho 24 494-0494 Hours: Sun-Thurs 12.00 – 01.00, Fri-Sat 12.00 – 14.00 Moroccan/French/ Japanese cuisine Mayachok Lutneva 58a 585-3941 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 European cuisine Meat & Fish Pylypa Orlyka 6 253-8097 Hours: 08.00 – 23.00 French cuisine Mille Miglia (Radisson Blu Hotel) Yaroslaviv Val 22 492-2255 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine Mimino Spaska 10a 417-3545 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 Georgian cuisine Monaco V Zhytomyrska 20a 590-0151 Hours: 12.00 – 06.00 Mediterranean cuisine Murakami www.murakami.ua for locations 230-8888 Hours: Sun-Thurs 09.00 – 23.00, Fri-Sat 09.00 – 02.00 Japanese cuisine/Sushi Myka Khreshchatyk 46a 227-8943 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 International cuisine New York Bagel Café Shota Rustaveli 15 235-9437 Hours: Mon-Fri 09.00 – 21.00, Sat-Sun 10.00 – 23.00 Café-style

Non-Stop Peremohy Pr 6 236-0501 Hours: 24 hours International cuisine Olivera V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 Hours: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine O’Brien’s Irish Pub Mykhailivska 17a 279-1584 Hours: 08.00 – 02.00 Pub/restaurant O’Connor’s Horiva 15/8 425-7788 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 Pub/restaurant Ok Bar V Vasylkivska 94 225-0220 Hours: Sun-Thurs 08.00 – 00.00, Fri-Sat 08.00 – 02.00 European/Asian cuisine Oliva www.oliva.com.ua for locations 234-5592 Hours: various Italian cuisine Oopen (Ibis Hotel) Shevchenko Blvd 25 591-2222 Hours: 06.30 – 23.00 International cuisine O’Panas Tereschenkivskaya 10 585-05-23 Hours: 10.00 until the last guest Ukrainian cuisine Osteria Pantagruel Lysenka 1 278-8142 Hours: Mon-Fri 08.00 – 23.00, Sat-Sun 11.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine

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Pelmennytsa V Vasylkivska 56 287-1073 Hours: 24 hours Russian cuisine Pena Yaroslaviv Val St 30/18 234-1701 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Japanese/ Mediterranean cuisine Pizzeria Napulè Mechnykova 9 495-9263 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 Pizza/Italian cuisine Porta Pia T Shevchenka 36a 235-7205 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11.00 – 24.00, Fri-Sat 11.00 – 01.00 Italian cuisine

Repriza www.repriza.com for various locations 502-2346 Hours: various Café-style

Shokolad Shota Rustaveli 39-41 289-0194 Hours: 09.00 until the last guest European cuisine

Safe V Vasylkivska 23a 536-0157 Hours: 11.00 – 0 6.00 European/Japanese cuisine

Shynok L Ukrainki 28v 285-5777 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 Ukrainian cuisine

Shaffron Vorovskoho 3 969-1010 Hours: Sun-Wed 12.00 – 00.00, Thurs-Sat 12.00 – 05.00 Asian cuisine Sam’s Steak House Zhulianska 37 287-2000 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 American steakhouse

Skatert Samobranka Bohatyrska St 26 592-0020 Hours: 24 hours European cuisine Sky-art Café Baseina 1/3-2 561-7841 Hours: Tues-Sun 12.00 – until the last guest Vegetarian cuisine

Porto V Vasylkivska 72 206-8387 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 Mediterranean cuisine

San Tori Sahaidachnoho 41 462-4994 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Thai/Japanese cuisine

Soho Artema 82 484-0351 Hours: 11.00 – 00.00 American steakhouse and seafood

Praga Akademika Hlushkova 1 526-9990 Hours: 12.00 – 00.00 European/Japanese

Serebro Mechnikova 3 096-303-0000 Hours: 24 hours Ukrainian/European/ Asian cuisine

Stare Zaporizhzhia Sahaydachnoho 27 425-5161 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 European/Ukrainian cuisine

Razgulyaeva Stolichnoe Schosse 70 259-1700 Hours: 11.00 – until the last guest Entertainment complex

Shangrila Yaroslavska 5/2 417-8119 Hours: 11.00 – 02.00 Uzbek/Japanese cuisine

Stefanos Fine Food Factory Volodymyrska 4 279-1121 Hours: 11.00 – 24.00 Italian cuisine

10.indb 31

Sushiya www.sushiya.ua for locations 225-5555 Hours: various Japanese/Thai cuisine Tampopo Saksahanskoho 55 289-2999 Hours: Mon-Fri 10.00 – 24.00, Sat-Sun 11.00 – 24.00 Japanese cuisine Tarantino Sahaidachnoho 35 463-7390 Hours: Sun-Wed 12.00 – 24.00, Thurs-Sat 12.00 – 06.00 Italian/European/ Japanese cuisine Teatro (Opera Hotel) B Khmelnytskoho 53 581-7070 Hours: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine Tequila House Spasskaya 8a 417-0358 Hours: 12.00 – 23.00 Mexican cuisine Terrace B Vozdvyzhenska St 60a 531-9933 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 European cuisine

Terracotta Pushkinska 5-7/29 537-4535 Hours: 07.00 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine

Under Wonder V Vasylkivska 21 234-2181 Hours: 24 hours Italian/French cuisine

TGI Friday’s Besarabska Pl 5a 235-4264 Hours: 12.00 – 24.00 American cuisine

Va Bene Khmelnytskoho 19-21 377-7565 Hours: Mon-Fri 08.30 – until the last guest, Sat-Sun 10.00 – until last guest Italian cuisine

Tike Sahaidachnoho 31 417-4062 Hours: 11.00 – 23.00 Turkish cuisine Touch Cafe Shota Rustaveli 16 206-4920 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest European/Thai/ Japanese cuisine Trattoria Gustosa I Mazepa 5 288-8828 Hours: Mon-Fri 08.00 – 23.00, Sat-Sun 10.00 – 23.00 Italian cuisine Tsarske Selo I Mazepa 42/1 280-3066 Hours: 11.00 – 01.00 Ukrainian cuisine Tubiteyka Tarasivska St 29/50 287-0242 Hours: 8.00 – 23.00 Asian cuisine

Varenichnaya #1 Esplanadna 28 287-1539 Hours: 24 hours Ukrainian cuisine

Wagon V Vasylkivska 52 287-0490 Hour: 12.00 until the last guest Creative cuisine Yakitoriya www.yakitoria.com.ua for locations 237-5577 Hours: various Japanese/Thai cuisine 7 Fridays City Café Khmelnytskoho 29 278-1187 Hours: 12.00 – until the last guest Café-style

Vernissage Andriivskiy Uzviz 30 425-2403 Hours: 11:00 – 23:00 Artema 10 272-2003 Hours: Mon-Fri 08.00 – 22.00, Sat-Sun 11.00 – 22.00 French cuisine Viola’s Bierstube Shevchenko Blvd 1a 235-3751 Hours: 11.00 – 06.00 Pub/restaurant Volkonsky Bakery www.wolkonsky.com for locations 244-1360 Hours: various Café-style

For information on how to list your restaurant here, please call 459-0553.

20.03.2012 17:44:18

Essential Kyiv


Boryspil International Airport Kyiv-Boryspil highway (23km) 281-7122 www.airport-borispol. kiev.ua Kyiv-Zhulyany International Airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309 www.airport.kiev.ua Central Bus Station Moskovska 3 525-5774 Central Train Station Vokzalna 1 465-2111


Book Shops

Air France-KLM Ivana Franka 34/33 490-2490, 496-3575 www.airfrance.ua www.klm.ua

Albion books Ukraina Shopping Mall, (Peremohy Pl 3, 3rd floor) Globus Shopping Complex (Instytutska 2, 3rd line, 2nd floor) 221-0044 www.albion-books.com

Austrian Airlines V Vasylkivska 9/2 8-800-300-0492 www.austrian.com Delta Air Lines SIA ContinAt (General Sales Agent) V Vasylkivska 9/2, #17 287-3595 www.delta.com Lufthansa Khmelnytskoho 52 490-3800 www.lufthansa.com Ukraine International Airlines Lysenka 4 581-5050 www.flyUIA.com

Apartment rentals

Avis Yamska 72 502-2010 Budget Ivana Lepse 4 490-1088

Charities Kyiv Lions Club 050-334-5410 www.kyivlionsclub.org International Women’s Club of Kyiv 234-3180 www.iwck.org

Consulting Euro Consult Group 067-565-7923 www.euro-consultgroup.com.ua


British Council Skovorody 4/12 490-5600

American Medical Centres Berdychivska 1 490-7600

Centre of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua

AIDS Testing (anonymous) 278-7385

French Cultural Centre Honchara 48 482-0672


Goethe Institute Volovska 12/4 496-9785 Italian Culture Institute Yaroslaviv Val 32b 270-6223 Polish Institute Khmelnytskoho 29/2 490-9900 Ukraine-Japan Centre Peremohy Pr 37 406-8166

Chillout Hostel Kyiv Horkoho 22b/35 093-332-4306 D’Lux Kyiv Hostel Observatorna 10 097-832-8888 Dream Hostel V Vasylkivska 47 066-244-1447



Cosmopolite Hetmana 6 205-3520

Express Taxi 239-1515

Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-12-34 www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com Ibis Shevchenko Blvd 25 591-2222 InterContinental V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 www.intercontinentalkiev.com Opera B Khmelnytskoho 53 581-70-70 www.opera-hotel.com Premier Palace T Shevchenko Blvd 5-7/29 537-45-00 www.premier-palace.com

Limousine Taxi 502-0808 Radio Taxi 246-1036

Emergency Fire 101 Police 102 First Aid/ Ambulance 103 Natural Gas Emergency 104 Water/Electric/ Sewage Emergency 1557 Elevator Emergency 1586

Radisson BLU Yaroslaviv Val 22 492-2200 www.radissonblu.com/ hotel-kiev Riviera on Podil Sahaidachnoho 15 581-2828

For information on how to list your company here, please call 459-0553.

What’s Wrong Tweets

Kyiv Ukraine Apartments M Zhytomyrska 15 229-3079



What’s What

Kyiv Telephone code is +380 44


10.indb 32

20.03.2012 17:44:21


Graham Phillips

tionship unfolded rather drastically, ending up in an emotional scene outside McDonalds on Khreshchatyk. I felt a bit bad about it all, but couldn’t really dwell on it, as JD and I were meeting Artem for Kyiv Clubbers minutes after. So we did, and headed to our club for the evening, a central club in Kyiv. We’d been due to do it the night before, but had rescheduled for the Saturday. I’d called their PR manager and, she’d confirmed all was okay. But, after waiting in a long queue, we were told we were still on the list for the night before, not that night. I called the PR manager several times, phone off. Near disaster. What happens if we can’t get in? No Kyiv Clubbers? Gulp! I got hold of the floor manager, and finally made it past the front doors. We did Kyiv Clubbers, which went very well and then had some cocktails to celebrate. A lot of cocktails. I got home very late and was woken by the buzzer at just after 12 – it was my Russian teacher who took one look at the state of me and refused to teach me. I was worried, thinking about Ira, so tried to call her to see if she was ok, accidentally calling the PR manager from the club who answered and didn’t sound happy to hear from me. Then, I did get through to Ira, who sounded even less happy to hear from me. The morning after can be so tough sometimes!

Tweets of the Week this week is simply fabulous, dahllling! Yes, you guessed it, all our tweeters were tweeting about was Ukrainian Fashion Week. Air kisses to you all! Collete, Ralf A.L.L ‫@‏‬rcollete I just received an invitation to attend the fashion week in Kiev would be interesting, know a little more fashionable Ukrainian. BRIDGE SHOWROOM ‫@ ‏‬bridgeshowroom And finally - some great close-ups here from BOBKOVA FW show which just finished in Kyiv! http://fb.me/x0ef9KUh Rocco Leo Gaglioti ‫@ ‏‬rlgrocks @MarcusSmithKTLA I wish but I am flying to Ukraine for fashion week on Friday Jannifer Smith ‫@‏‬Fashionzy Tomorrow i fly to Ukraine to follow fashion week :) Paris was loooooooovely!!! Ira Krasotkina ‫@ ‏‬IraKrasotkina Ukraine fashion week soon...

Dear Graham, I am overwhelmed with weird messages on my Facebook account, from men from all over the world. They’re all from guys coming to EURO 2012 this summer. This bombardment is driving me crazy! Some of them tell me sweet stories about looking for a friend to show them around while they’re in Kyiv, but then a storm of other requests comes in. For example, they wonder whether they can stay at my place throughout the championship. Plenty of my girlfriends are receiving such messages as well. Do guys really think Ukraine is one big free escort service/ hostel? Oksana, 17-years old Hi Oksana, I will only give you a reply to this letter if you promise to write to me, telling me that in four months’ time, when it’s all over, you won’t be writing to me moaning about getting no attention! Yours unsympathetically, Graham If you have a question about life, work or relationships in Kyiv please write to graham@whatson-kiev.com

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Ukrainian Fashion Week

What’s Hot


his is my first ‘night out’ column, a proud tradition here at What’s On, and if I can do half as well as our editor Lana in last year’s Issue 43, I’ll be happy. It began in Lucky Pub. I’m in there pretty regularly as I find it a highly appealing combination of pub atmosphere, good prices and friendly staff. Anyway, on this occasion one of the girls was showing JD and I to a table. I asked her, in Russian, if we could have a table in another part of the pub. She replied, “We can speak English.” Now my Russian is far from where I’d like it to be, but I can certainly ask for a table. No matter, maybe the (nice) girl wanted to show her English skills. In my personal life, it’s my choice as to which language I speak. Anyway, after telling her this, in Russian, we got our table by the band. Lucky Pub has a house band every week, a good house band, but this night in particular, they were aflame, inspired! There was a guy up dancing, flailing his arms, undressing himself, going for it. Then, Ira arrived. Things were a little awkward. As many times as we’ve broken up, something had happened a few days before that spoke louder than words. We’d been having some intimate time between a man and a woman, when, I’d kind of lost interest. Ira had taken this very badly. And, to the backdrop of a going-for-it band, our rela-

A full week of shows, glam, fabulousness, frocks and yet more glam. If it weren’t such an annoying phrase, I’d definitely say ‘what’s not to like?’

In Yan

Oh my god. They are totally coming to Kyiv!!!!! I’m a fan.

Taras Shevchenko

He’s replaced Russian Tsar Nikolai I on a pedestal here in Kyiv. He’s a man on the up – watch out chick on a stick out there on Maidan – Taras is coming for you!

Criticising the Ukrainian Language

I received a harsh letter on that subject last week and have been sent, by our editor, for some cultural re-education.

In Yan

What’s Not

What’s Wrong Tweets

What’s What

That Said

My editor Lana is not such a fan of In Yan (see video Pofig). So to balance things up, I’ve put them here too. I still think they’re brilliant though!

Jailing the Opposition

This time, Yuriy Lutsenko, supposedly for embezzlement. If it weren’t such an annoying phrase, I’d say ‘enough already, Ukrainian government!’

20.03.2012 18:06:42

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