What's On Kyiv Issue 37 2013

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What’s Up

Charged for Driving in the Centre of Kyiv! Maybe Soon! In the run-up to the big fat Association Agreement being (hopefully) signed next month, Kyiv has been trudging along, working at making the city that much more efficient in terms of transport. According to reports by our esteemed traffic police, a “congestion tariff” could be meted out to all drivers in the centre of the capital in the near future. The idea is to rid Kyiv of the dreaded traffic snarls that bring the city to a stop on an almost daily basis, with a suggested perimeter surrounding the centre, which would elicit a tariff to cross. Currently, the perimeter is set to include such streets as Chernovola – Glybochytska – Verkhniy and Nyzhniy Vals – Naberezhnoe Kreshchatytska – Naberezhnoe Shosse – Druzhby Narodiv – Lybidska Pl – Gorky – Bozhenko – Korolenkovskaya – Zhulyanska – Peremohy Pl. The authorities are currently considering several options as to how to control entry. Head of police Valeriy Koryak said, “Perhaps it will be a system of coupons and barriers, as they have in Europe. However nothing can happen without approval, and hopefully not soon as winter is coming.” As always, the metropolitan militia are logical if nothing else. An easier way to reduce congestion, however, would be to stop shutting down the streets every time an “imporant” person wants to travel. Those worried about not being able to get around in the centre without their cars need not: there are already plans in place for parking lots around the suggested tariffed perimeter, not far from local metro stops and other public transport options. Wow – the transition is taking place...

A Bit of Banditry

Wikipedia Comes to Odesa

A clip surfaced on Facebook last week (yes we were surfing the web when we were supposed to be working – it happens) that sent shockwaves through all those who saw it in our office. By chance, it caught on tape three men in black carrying a variety of guns, a couple of which looked to be AK-47s, and firing twice at a silver Seat Ibiza. According to various sources, the target was a courier for EkoMarket who had 500,000hrv on his person. The trio in black, who emerged from a black Porsche Panamara with no licence plates, pointed their guns at the driver and smashed the rear driver’s side window as the driver of the hatchback made frantic attempts to get away, which he did. All the action took place on Hlybochytska on Thursday 3 October at 11.26 in the morning – a lovely time for a bit of banditry. Apparently, the case is now being investigated, but only after a lethargic start by police who, it was said, would not open a case because they had heard nothing about it. Typical. Check out this link for the visual: http://youtu.be/9aCVLSzKQRw

There are some fabulous innovations taking place in Odesa these days in the way of QR codes. Equipping various landmarks in the southern Ukrainian city with the new technology, anyone with a smart phone can just scan the code and a wealth of information will appear care of Wikipedia. It’s an incredible project, which has already seen 15 landmarks in the city, such as the Russian Theatre, the Bristol Hotel and the Sheikh’s Palace, fitted out with the codes. What’s great is that project organisers are open to suggestions as to which buildings deserve a QR code: if you want your favourite landmark added all you have to do is create a page about it on Wikipedia, or send organisers a link to an existing page on the electronic encyclopaedia. The project is part of plans to celebrate Odesa’s 220th birthday in 2014 in style, and thanks to organisers Wikipedia and NGO Odesa 2.0 they have already made a good head start. As Ukraine’s first wiki-city, should the project embrace all the city’s landmarks, Odesa will become the world’s first city with over one million residents to successfully implement such a project!

Half of Kyiv Could Be Left Without Heat Apparently, half of the residents of Ukraine’s capital could be left without heating for the forecasted first frosts of autumn, according to a report issued by the press service of Kyivenergo. Apparently, Kyivtransgaz has cut gas pressure to combined heat and power generation plants five and six in the city, and because of this, the plants cannot heat enough water to warm the radiators in the homes in the parts of the city they service. Why? According to the report, Kyivtransgaz cut the pressure to the power stations owned by Kyivenergo because Kyivenergo owes 2.1 billion hryvnia to Naftogaz Ukraine. Kyivenergo said it does not have the money to pay the debt due to money’s it has not received from the budget and from consumers. As of 3 October, Kyivenergo was only supplying heat to 17.6% of residential buildings in the city, and it is unsure when it will be able to turn on the heat for the rest of the city. So if you’ve already got hot water pumping through your radiators, you’re very lucky. If not, you might be advised to invest in a heater or two, ’cause it’s only gonna get colder, and it may be a bit of a wait before your centralised heating comes on.

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Pressure Mounts Before Summit The European Union had gone strangely quiet over the jailing and requested release of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in recent months. However, various leaders are getting back on the human rights bandwagon with a recent visit by Ireland’s former European Parliament president Pat Cox and ex-Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski. The two were in town on Friday 4 October to specifically ask President Yanukovych, or as we like to call him, the big lug, to pardon Tymoshenko once and for all. It’s very likely to have come up at the party in Krakow earlier this week on Monday 7 October too, when our prized palooka met there with counterparts from Germany, Italy and Poland. For her part Tymoshenko, the guiling gas princess – who isn’t necessarily as innocent as she’d like everyone to believe, but has certainly been jailed in a completely undemocratic ploy for the current president to maintain power – has said she would accept the offer to bugger off to Germany if only to “ease the situation ahead of the Eastern Partnership summit, for the sake of a successful Vilnius and a successful Ukraine, for the sake of a historic and crucial agreement with the EU”. Mighty magnanimous of her. While nothing has been decided yet, the EU has warned Ukraine that it will not sign the landmark deal next month unless Tymoshenko is released from her sevenyear conviction for abuse of power. There are serious queries over “heavy tax legislation, torturous bureaucracy” and “rampant corruption among officials” too, according to Reuters, on which some sort of agreement needs to be made before the anything gets signed in Vilnius. So, the question remains, will the country’s presidential pinhead pay heed to the wishes of the west or will he feign powerlessness and leave Tymoshenko to rot in jail, imposing more or less the same fate for the country? Tune in next week folks, for more antics between the powers that be.

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Ukr aine Today

by Kateryna Kyselyova

Scandal, Stage Left The theatrical world is renowned for its, well, theatrics but when the drama offstage starts to rival that onstage there’s a problem. Last summer Kyiv’s theatre scene was rocked by scandals involving the biggest names in classical and modern ballet in Ukraine – Denys Matvienko, ex-soloist of the National Opera, and Radu Poklitaru, choreographer and director of Kyiv Modern Ballet. What’s On revisits the drama now the weather and emotions have cooled and the new theatre season has opened.


enys Matvienko and Radu Poklitaru are among the biggest names in modern Ukrainian ballet and in the heat of summer it seemed as if Ukraine was losing them both. The former caught in limbo by conservative management, which he claims was a deliberate attempt to stifle his creativity, the latter in a financial drain that forced him to deliver an ultimatum to the government. So just what happened in Kyiv’s ballet scene and where do things lie now?

unofficial appointment The first scandal erupted with Matvienko who, after earning fame in Russia and the rest of the ballet world, made a homecoming to the National Opera of Ukraine to head the ballet company and bring to Kyiv legendary modern ballets like Radio&Juliet, Complexions and many others. He was an instant hit with audiences and the opera theatre was packed every time Matvienko took to the stage. However, in April the dancer found out his appointment to the post of director of the National Opera’s Ballet Company had never been signed by management. He did not believe it was an oversight. “There has always been opposition to talent and profoundness,” Matvienko commented about the situation. Later, in July he “officially” resigned from his unofficial position with the theatre and his resignation letter was signed in dramatic fashion by the head of the opera, Petro Chupryna, outside on the square in front of the Opera House.

dual drama At about the same time, a press conference took place, where Radu Poklitaru, acclaimed choreographer and director of Kyiv Modern Ballet (KMB), stated he had dismissed his

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whole dance company, as he could no longer afford to top-up their official salaries. KMB was founded in 2006 and was originally sponsored by businessman Volodymyr Filippov. After the 2008 financial crisis the patron could no longer lend financial support and in 2009 KMB officially became part of the Kyiv Municipal Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre for Children and Youth. Being a state-funded institution meant the salaries of the dancers were modest: “It’s around 3,000hrv,” Poklitaru says. “As you can imagine it’s impossible to live in Kyiv with this money. Many of my dancers are from other Ukrainian cities, so they have to rent apartments and share with two or three people – it’s uncomfortable and humiliating, so I understand why many of them have left in search of better financial conditions.” From April to June, Poklitaru lost nine of his 21 dancers, and backed into a corner, he issued an ultimatum: close the theatre or attempt to get some serious support from the state. “It’s ridiculous Ukraine cannot afford the 40 people of KMB – a ballet that repre-

ukraine’s loss

Matvienko is vocal in his criticism of the National Opera of Ukraine’s management: “I cannot recall a single occasion that a talented individual going into the National Opera has not been kicked out! I hoped it wouldn’t happen to me...that I’d be an exception, but later realised my work – including six new ballets and bringing in world-famous dancers – was obviously viewed unfavourably by management.” He admits it was an emotionally taxing experience. “My biggest regret through this whole story is I had given hope to dancers – they’ve experienced a new level of work and management. Now they are left with nothing – things in the theatre are going back to what they used to be. On the other hand, I don’t regret trying – it’s been an experience for me!” This “extremely unpleasant story” as Matvienko calls it, coincided with what is probably the most important event in any person’s life – the birth of a child. “When my daughter Liza smiles,” he says, “all bad feelings melt away! After all, this story has a happy ending: my wife Nastya is a prima at the Mariinskiy Theatre in St Petersburg so we had to decide whether she would end her dancing career and stay with me in Ukraine, live between two cities, which is tough taking into account our child, or leave. So, now we are “My biggest regret back in St Petersburg and both back to work.” through this whole He does not have story is I had given a full-time job and does not want one, preferring hope to dancers” to be an “invited solo– Denys Matvienko ist” at such prestigious theatres as the Bolshoi Theatre, New National Theatre, Teatro alla Scala, Grand Opera, and the American Ballet sents Ukraine from Portugal to Thailand and gets standing ovations and international acTheatre. His loss to Ukraine is Russia’s gain, knowledgement,” Poklitaru said at the time. though he says it’s not for ever – Matvienko

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promises to perform in Kyiv as often as possible in his busy tour schedule.

ukraine’s gain For Poklitaru the battle for his theatre was also a difficult one: for more than two months the Minister of Culture Leonid Novokhatko could not find time to meet with him. When

what the minister finally promised to support: a centre of modern choreography named, again, Kyiv Modern Ballet. Its aim is, like the original, to promote modern dance culture in Ukraine, but its scope has been widened. The centre will hold master classes, schools, festivals, exchanges, and, of course, create new and original productions. The next major

“Indifference is worse than straight-forward evil because we encounter it much more often” – Radu Poklitaru

Check out performances this week featuring Denys Matvienko and choreography by Radu Poklitaru and his Kyiv Modern Ballet

A Spectacular Evening of Ballet Dialogue featuring Denys Matvienko (UA) and Nina Ananiashvili (GE) Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 14 October at 19.00

Ukraine’s greatest star of the ballet Denys Matvienko along with Georgia’s Nina Ananiashvili are coming together for an evening of artistic dialogue. Ballets such as Radio and Juliet, Quatro and other equally intelligent modern pieces will be presented this evening, as well as a few classical favourites. Anastasiya Matvienko, the Mariinskiy Theatre’s prima, and wife of Matvienko will also be performing, after a short maternity break. Welcome them all back to the stage this autumn. Tickets are 80 –1,200hrv 247-2316

The New Swan Lake The Contemporary Swan Lake (modern-ballet in two acts) featuring the Kyiv Modern Ballet Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2) 15 October at 19.00

the meeting finally happened in the middle of summer, Poklitaru threw down the gauntlet outlining point blank the need for the arts sector to be adequately funded. “Ukraine is now experiencing great interest in dancing. Take any gym, any school sports hall and you’ll see people of all ages – from kids to grannies, dancing Latino, modern, capoeira even! At the same time, Ukraine so far has not got even a centre of modern choreography!” The latter was among options Poklitaru considered for his theatre and is exactly

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performance in Ukraine overseen by Poklitaru is planned for March of next year – it promises to be a large-scale production of the folk opera When Fern Blossoms staged in Palace Ukraine and featuring not only KMB dancers, but the Veryovka Ukrainian Folk Choir, and members of the symphony orchestra. Despite his victory, Poklitaru says it was the indifference that initially disappointed him: “Indifference is worse than straightforward evil because we encounter it much more often.” W

One of the Ukrainian capital’s most wellknown and loved contemporary collectives has taken a choreographic classic and made it their own, thanks to the genius of dance master Radu Poklitaru. Swan Lake is reborn in this new, contemporary version, which sees Odette magically turned human. As a philosophical reflection in movement, the question as to living someone else’s fate is central. The answer, which sees our no longer feathered heroine as someone she is not, proves a cruel verdict. Tickets: 80 –200hrv 425-4280

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This Week

11–17 October 2013

Theatre and Classical Music WOR: What’s On Recommended

11 Friday Between Heaven and Earth A Hollywood dream in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 Musical Contrasts of the 20th Century Mykola Lysenko Quartet, Kateryna Bazhanova (piano), Volodymyr Koshuba (organ) Works by Stravinsky, Shostakovich, Piazzolla Time: 19.00 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77)  528-3186 Don Quixote. 1938 Drama in 1 act Time: 19.00 Valentine’s Day Drama in 1 act Time: 20.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5)  234-4223 Four Reasons to Get Married Comedy about love in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955 WOR Eggnog from Two Eggs Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Incredible Love story Play by G G Márquez in 1 act Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392 WOR Diary of a Young Doctor A mournful letter Time: 19.00 Theatre in Podil (Andriivskiy Uzviz 20b)  425-0525

Musical Greetings from Japan

WOR Kiss Me, Kate Musical in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-2630

An evening of classical music featuring Shungo Mariyama (JP), Aia Kimura (JP), Tomoko Fudzhito (JP), Naoki Maeda (JP), Yukiko Okuno (JP) National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 11 October at 19.00

12 Saturday Kyiv Chamber Orchestra 50th Anniversary Featuring Anton Sharoev (RU, violin), Olga Chubareva (UA, soprano), Vadim Borisov (UA, violin), Roman Smolar (UA, bass) Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 Women. Fragment Scandal in one act Time: 12.00 Little Angel or Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents Performance in 1 act Time: 18.00 WOR Freeloader Play in 1 act Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5)  234-4223 Aida Opera in Italian in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 Nazar Stodolya Lyrical ballad in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 The Sorochynskiy Fair Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-6257

Three Sisters Play in 2 acts Time: 15.00 Mein Kampf/Socks in the Coffee-maker Farce in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-19555 The Dove Tragi-comedy in 2 acts (from the play Colombo) Time: 19.00 Villain Psychological drama Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392 An Evening at the Organ Hall Featuring Andriy Ilkiv (trumpet), Valeria Balakhovskaya (organ) Works by Albinoni, Bach, Bellini, Bocce, Bonnet, Webber Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697

13 Sunday Swan Lake Ballet in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 WOR Incredible India An evening of traditional Indian dance Time: 17.00 House of Artists (Artema 5/1)  212-0547

Shall we dance? Gala-concert of Argentinean Tango featuring Fausto Carpino (IT) and Stefanie Fesneau (FR), Diego Pedernera and Silvina Vals (AR), Solo Tango Orquestra (RU), Olga Pankratova (RU) House of Officers (Hrushevskoho 30/1) 17 October at 19.00

All the fiery passion of tango will heat up Kyiv this October in a gala concert dedicated to the IV International Festival of Argentinean Tango. Love for this dance has no boundaries, so performers from Argentina, Italy, France, Russia and Ukraine will share the stage in a grand show of their dedication. The programme is also rich in surprises – expect instrumental and vocal tango waltzes, tango’s more relaxed cousin the Milonga, which incorporates the same basic elements but permits a greater relaxation of legs and body, the original Argentinian tango, tango nuevo, popular Russian tango and many other original performances. Tickets: 120 –550hrv 253-8072

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The Old Lady Awaits Play in 1 act Time: 19.00 Thistle Flower Play in two acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 Little Prince Fantastic story after Antoine de Saint-Exupery Time: 19.00 Plastic Drama Theatre (Shovkovychna 7a)  253-9383 The Tower of Pisa Farce in 2 acts Time: 12.00 The Last Love Melodrama in 2 acts Time: 18.00 The Cherry Orchard Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Edith Piaf: Life in Pink Play in 1 act Time: 20.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5)  234-4223

Classical music in Japan is widely admired: musicians are extremely dedicated to their craft ensuring their skills are kept polished and their technique perfected. Adding a little contemporary to the mix, this next group out of Asia is presenting a new vision of the classics. Come out tonight and enjoy Aia Kimura and Tomoko Fudzhito on the piano, Yukiko Okuno flitting about on the flute and Naoki Maeda on the sultry saxophone, with their conductor Shungo Mariyama bringing it all together. Tickets: 45– 90hrv 278-1697 WOR Two Ladies To the North Illusions with music in 1 act Time: 15.00 Cyrano de Bergerac The life of... Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955 Mysterious Variations Play in 1 act Time: 19.00 Right to Love Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392/8568

14 Monday WOR An Evening of Violin Music Featuring Ernst Kovavych (AT, violin), Matilde Ursiangu (AT, violin) Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 Madness of Love Musical in 1 act Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5)  234-4223 WOR Dialogue Ballet excerpts featuring Denys Matvienko (UA), Nina Ananiashvili (GE) Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 Lying the Pure Truth Play in two acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955 Organ Fantasy Featuring Hanna Bubnova (organ) Works by Bach, Tournemire, Peters, Honcharenko Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697

15 Tuesday An Evening at the Organ Hall Featuring Ivan Kucher (cello), Tetyana Voitekh (piano), Irina Kharchenko (organ) Works by Schumann, Wagner, Bruch, Debussy, Lulenk, Piazzolla, Shostakovych Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 La Traviata Opera in Italian in 4 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 The Teacher and His Pupils Concert in commemoration of Ihor Riabov Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 Overture to a Date Stage performance by I Franko Time: 19.00 Urus Shaitan Tales of the Cossack Otaman and Turkish Sultan in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 Indian Summer Lyrical comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Games in the Backyard Drama in 1 act Time: 20.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5)  234-4223 WOR The Contemporary Swan Lake Ballet in 2 acts featuring the Kyiv Modern Ballet Time: 19.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)  425-4280 WOR Love of Humans "Local gossip" in two acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392 Opiskin, Foma! Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955

Dinner with the Italians Operetta in 1 act Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-6257

My Ending is My Beginning Play in 2 acts from Maria Stuart Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392

16 Wednesday

Music of the 20th Century Featuring Vadym Borysov (UA) Time: 19.00 House of Architects (Hrynchenko 7)  234-7008

Macbeth Opera in Italian in 4 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 An Evening at the Organ Hall Featuring Myroslava Solovyanenko (soprano), Serhiy Kotko (bass), Larysa Reytova (piano), Valeria Balakhovska (piano) Works by Caccini, Caldera, Albinoni, Marcello, Pergolesi, Dvorák, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 An Evening of Symphony Music Kateryna Shott (UA, violin) Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 Wedding of Figaro Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921

17 Thursday Vienna Waltz Ballet in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169 Brass Band Soloists Play Alina Hordiy (UA, flute), Serhiy Smirnov (UA, oboe) Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)  278-1697 Moment of Love Investigative experiment Time: 19.00 Kin IV Tragicomedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 Perfect Match Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955

Lolita Drama in 2 acts Time: 19.00 A Little Wine/70rpm Comedy in 6 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25)  517-1955

Torchalov Scenes from Life After Death in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392/856

The Bat Operetta in 3 acts in Russian Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-6257

WOR Merry Widow Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-6257

Mozart – Music’s First Rocker Mozart – L’Opera Rock Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 16 October at 19.00

Back by popular demand – Mozart is coming to Kyiv this autumn! The composers of this French rock musical claim Mozart was the first European rock star ever, and they’ve cooked up some fantastic rock interpretations from the Austrian mastermind’s oeuvre. It’s a show being touted as one of the “best French musicals in recent history” – expect a starry line-up with bright costumes, 3D technology and a rockin’ resurrection of the man himself! Tickets: 200 –1,750hrv 247-2316

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WOR: What’s On Recommended

To the Stars...on a Balloon! Balloon Space Adventures – interactive show for children ages 3–10 House of Artists (Artema 1/5) 12 October at 11.00, 13.00

Do your little ones tend to break whatever they get their hands on? They should like the show this weekend then, as they’ll be allowed to break the laws of gravity with balloons of all shapes and sizes! Mimes and clowns will be on hand too, leading the adventure throughout space with more than 5,000 balloons. Take part in contests, interactive games, or dare to dart off in the direction of the stars and explore unknown lands on a balloon rocket – it’s all happening at the House of Artists. Tickets: 60 –120hrv, children under 3-years free 272-0547

11 Friday The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Play in 2 acts for children 7+ Time: 12.00 Over the Abyss Fantasy in 2 acts for teens 14+ Time: 19.00 The Overcoat Tragic comedy in 1 act Time: 19.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17)  253-6219 Caravan of Wonders Circus performance Time: 19.00 National Circus of Ukraine (Ploscha Peremohy 2)  486-3856 WOR Captain Bill & Treasures of the Sea Witch Interactive games, competitions for kids Time: 16.00 Actor Theatre (V Zhytomyrska 40)  362-5050

12 Saturday Caravan of Wonders Circus performance Time: 13.00, 17.00 National Circus of Ukraine (Ploscha Peremohy 2)  486-3856 Sleeping Beauty Ballet in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)  425-3116

Kind Horton Musical play in 2 acts for children 5+ Time: 12.00 Forest Song Drama-extravaganza in 3 acts Time: 19.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17)  253-6219

Upside Down Fairy-tale in 1 act for children 5+ Time: 11.00 The Prince and Princess Fairytale in 2 acts children 5+ Time: 12.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17)  253-6219

Cipollino Ballet in 3 acts Time: 12.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)  279-1169

Three Little Pigs Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 11.00 Little Red Riding Hood Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 13.00 Cinderella Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 15.00 Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Puppet-play for children 4+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a)  278-0566

Cinderella Musical fairytale in 2 acts Time: 12.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3)  279-5921 About a Brave Pig Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 11.00 Mariyka and the Bear Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 13.00 New adventures of Pif Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 15.00 Puss in Boots Puppet-play for children 3+ Time: 17.00 Kyiv Puppet Theatre (Hrushevskoho 1a)  278-0566

13 Sunday

Walking-Talking Walking tour for children 10-12 (registration required) Time: 14.00 PinchukArtCentre (Baseina 1/3-2)  590-0858

16 Wednesday WOR Barmaley & Aybolit Ballet in 2 acts Time: 13.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)  425-3116

17 Thursday Pollyanna Drama in 2 acts for children 10+ Time: 14.00 Lypska Youth Theatre (Lypska 15/17)  253-6219

The Seven Wishes of Zerbino Musical fairytale in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17)  278-7392/8568

Treasure Island Musical in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3)  287-2630

National Circus of Ukraine Peremohy 2  436-3927

Family Entertainment Centre Dyvosvit M Malinovskoho 24/10  502-0088


Marionette Theatre Lavrska 1  223-7825 www.marionet.com.ua

Dream Land Aqua Park Obolonskiy 21b  485-2111/12 www.aqua.dreamtown.ua


Kyiv Zoo Peremohy 32  277-4769 Kyiv Planetarium V Vasylkivska 57/3  287-7508 www.planet.org.ua

Nemo Dolphinarium Academic Hlushkov 9  520-5555


Mamaeva Sloboda Museum M Dontsya 2  361-9848 www.mamajeva-sloboda.ua

Kyiv Municipal Puppet Theatre Myropilska 1  513-1500 www.puppet-theater.kiev.ua

Ostrich Farm Yasnohorodka, Podlesna 32 (30km from Kyiv)  050-353-8821


Aqua Park in Terminal Brovary, Kyivska 316  200-2980/81

Experimentanium Museum Verkhniy Val 2a  417-4033




37.indb 9

The cold weather whipping at your cheeks is no reason to remain indoors. Instead, bundle up and head out – the autumn sun is doing its best to poke out from behind clouds bringing the colours of the season to life. It is just this feeling artists of this next exhibition at ArtPrychal have tried to capture in Open Your Soul. Inspired by different techniques and experiences, Kryvoshypyna and Mazurenko remain united in their creative outcome. Come along and open your soul to art at this fabulous gallery on the Dnipro starting this Sunday. 095-787-5110 Between Avant-garde and Tradition Exhibition of paintings by Vasyl Krychevsky (UA) 4 October – 11 November National Art Museum of Ukraine (Hrushevskoho 6)  278-1357 Direct Projection Exhibition of five Ukrainian artists 10 October – 30 November J Greter Gallery (V Hetmana 6)  200-0760 Inessential Properties Exhibition of papier-mâché, beadwork and painting by Rostyslav Koterlin (UA) 25 September – 14 October Ya Gallery (Khoryva 49b)  492- 9203

The Lost World Show of Dinosaurs 10 September – 13 October at 10.00–20.00 Tickets: 70–300hrv Pavilion No9 – Kyiv Expocentre (Akademika Hlushkova 1)  596-9101

Family Venues Kyiv Academic Puppet Theatre Hrushevskoho 1a (Park Khreshchatyk)  278-5808

Exhibition of paintings by Maria Kryvoshypyna (UA) and Yulia Mazurenko (UA) ArtPrychal Gallery (Naberezhno-Khreschatytska 2, dock 2) From 13 October

Forest Song Literary-musical composition by L Ukrainka Time: 13.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)  425-3116

Caravan of Wonders Circus performance Time: 13.00, 17.00 National Circus of Ukraine (Ploscha Peremohy 2)  486-3856 WOR Clever Girl Comic opera in 2 acts for children and adults Time: 12.00 Kyiv Theatre of Opera & Ballet for Children & Youth (Mezhyhirska 2)  425-3116

Open your Soul

A Silent Protest of the 70s Exhibition of Ukrainian artists of the 70s 20 September – 20 October National Art Museum of Ukraine (Hrushevskoho 6)  278-1357

Photography by Michael Kenna (UK) Exhibition of selected photos 10 October – 12 December Brucie Collections (Artema 55-b)  205-4264 Ship of Dreams Exhibition of Titanic – The Artefacts 6 October – 16 March Olympic Stadium (V Vasylkivska 55)  080-050-5750

Interesting Kyiv Tours  364-5111 www.interesniy.kiev.ua

Pyrohovo Open Air Museum Trolleybus 11 from Lybidska Metro  526-5765 www.pirogovo.org.ua

National Botanic Garden Timiryazevska 1 www.nbg.kiev.ua

State Museum of Toys Klovskiy Uzviz 8  253-5400

Chrysanthemum Ball: Art Modern Exhibition of flower art objects 28 September – 20 October Tickets: 25hrv Spivoche Pole (I Mazepy 31)  272-2666

Life of Ideas Exhibition of design and architectural works by Serhiy Makhno (UA) 27 September – 12 October Scherbenko Art Centre (Mykhailivska 22v)  063-433-2624

08.10 20:01:20


This Week

11–17 October 2013

Live Music WOR: What’s On Recommended

11 Friday Filipp Kirkorov (RU, pop) Time: 19.00 Admission: 150–1,450hrv Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)  246-7406 John Lennon Birthday Party (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137 Tres Deseos, Carnival Heat (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b)  390-6106 Carnival Heat, Tres Deseos (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a)  459-0551 Ot Vinta, Rock Four (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717

Mango Mango (pop) Time: 20.00 Admission: 180–800hrv Caribbean Club (S Petlyury 4)  067-224-4111

Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 20hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717

Orest Lyutiy (pop) Time: 21.00 Admission: call for details Bochka (Verkhniy Val 22)  200-0360

Tres Deseos (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340

Chicka Band (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: call for details Porter (Konstantynivska 2a)  425-0281 Jockers (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: call for details Porter Pub (Khreshchatyk 15)  384-1727 Eduard Prystupa & NeDilya (ethno pop) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137

Motor’rolla, Mama Mia (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340

Carte Blanche, Hot Guys (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b)  390-6106

In Jeer, Angie Nears (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977

Hot Guys, Carte Blanche (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a)  459-0551

Dyadya Vasya, More Khuana (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Petrovich (Yaroslavska 5/2)  425-7907

Motor’rolla, Crazy Train (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717

12 Saturday Filipp Kirkorov (RU, pop) Time: 19.00 Admission: 150–1,450hrv Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)  246-7406

Mad Heads, UkrainSka, Red Rocks (pop-rock, cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340

Zoom in on British Music The Telescopes (UK, indie) Underground Music Hall (Moskovskiy 13b) 15 October at 19.00

Brits have always been known to produce music with the necessary edge to make it in the biz, and The Telescopes – formed in 1987, are no exception. Inspired by The Jesus and Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine and Spacemen 3, this sextet created their own distinct sound, often characterised as noise rock, space pop and psychedelic. Focusing their attention on singles and EPs as opposed to albums, their releases are in the dozens. Tickets: 100hrv 360 - 9594

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Cold as Eskimo Pie Eskimo Callboy (DE, metal core) Metropol Concert Hall (Prorizna 8) 13 October at 19.00

Since 2010, German metalcore band Eskimo Callboy has been getting serious with their music, a mix of metalcore and post-hardcore with a bit of techno thrown in for good measure. Releasing their first self-titled EP that same year, the group have gone on to play many a festival on the European continent, Asia, and for the first time this spring the US. With lyrics that deal with getting drunk, parties and sex, these guys are all about letting the good times roll. Tickets: 200hrv 222-0022 Addis Abeba (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 70–90hrv Divan (Besarabska 2)  235-7366 WOR Castaway Angels (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: 70hrv Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977 Dyadya Vasya (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Petrovich (Yaroslavska 5/2)  425-7907

13 Sunday Soyuz 44 (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137

Crazy House (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717 Ice Ventura (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340 Divan Jazz Band (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2)  235-7366 Yukhym Dym (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977

Beefeaters (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717

Sergey Klubnichkin (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Petrovich (Yaroslavska 5/2)  425-7907

WOR Uriah Heep, Whistling Dixie (rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340

15 Tuesday

Cherry Merry (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2)  235-7366 Ace Ventura (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977

14 Monday ArtSkinFest (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137

Les Gendarmes (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2)  235-7366 Blues Booge (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977

16 Wednesday Rondo (RU, rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 250–1,800hrv Caribbean Club (S Petlyury 4)  067-224-4111

More Khuana (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977 Sergey Klubnichkin (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Petrovich (Yaroslavska 5/2)  425-7907

17 Thursday WOR P.O.D, Drowning Pool (US, rock) Time: 19.00 Admission: 350–800hrv Bingo Club (Pr Peremohy 112)  424-2555 Boobamara (Balkan) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137 Dream Session (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: call for details Porter (Konstantynivska 2a)  425-0281

WOR Finntroll (FI, rock) Time: 19.00 Admission: 285hrv Bingo Club (Pr Peremohy 112)  424-2555

WOR We Are, Epolets (rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: 50hrv Bochka (Verkhniy Val 22)  200-0360

Long Distance Calling (GE, post rock) Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137

Crazy Train (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717

Mavrin (rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Bochka (Verkhniy Val 22)  200-0360 Whistling Dixie (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4)  278-1717 The Magma (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340

Animals’ Session (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25)  537-1340 Mama Mia (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (A Hlushkova 11)  067-239-8977 Klepsa (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call for details Petrovich (Yaroslavska 5/2)  425-7907

Yuriy Shatunov (RU, pop) Time: 19.00 Admission: 200–800hrv Officers’ House (Hrushevskoho 30/1)  253-8072 Show Boat (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)  279-4137 Yukhym Dym (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: call for details Porter (Konstantynivska 2a)  425-0281 Delight (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: call for details Porter Pub (Khreshchatyk 15)  384-1727

Number 11 De Phazz (DE, jazz, lounge) October Palace (Instytutska 1) 12 October at 19.00

De Phazz has been musically blessed to be able to produce albums on an annual basis. Presenting their 10th studio album Audio Elastique in the capital last year, this year they’ve got album number 11 Naïve on the roster. Playing as a quartet since 1994, they are an old friend to Kyiv – come and listen to their new tunes tonight. Tickets: 200 –1,000hrv 279-1582

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Night Life


WOR: What’s On Recommended

Dis-Kach: Via PPS, DJs Spieler, Juan Jexus Time: 23.00 Admission: before 23.30 L–25hrv, G–30, after L–50hrv, G–60hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4)  257-4070

Experimenting with Traditions

12 Saturday

Obertonic Festival featuring Sage (RU, traditional, experimental) Mystetska Platforma (Hrushevskoho 4b) 11 October at 19.00

Russian band Sage is experimenting with ethno and folk music influenced by motifs taken from various cultures. Ancient vibrations of Australian aboriginal music are mixed with traditional Russian compositions resulting in a somewhat contradictory yet ambient effect. With unique musical instruments like the didgeridoo and the igil at the core of some of their pieces, it’s sure to be an eclectic evening of obertonic grooves. Tickets: 60hrv 067-770-7099

11 Friday Murdarah Vibez 5: DJs HoT, Redco, Zhukah Time: 23.00 Admission: before 00.00 60hrv, after 70hrv Cinema Club (N Hrinchenka 18)  063-782-6157 Open Space: DJs Alex M.O.R.P.H, Anna Lee, Iversoon & Alex Da Time: 23.30 Admission: before 23.00 L–30hrv, G–40hrv, after L–60hrv, G–80hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a)  232-6780

The Worm Show: DJs Hotelnikova, Popov Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Sky Bar (V Vasylkivska 5)  223-8888 WOR Teenage Mutants (DE), DJs A Fleming, Artur Time: 22.00 Admission: L–free, G–200hrv Decadence House (Baseina 2a)  466-2013 Fantasy Party: DJs ID Crash, Iskander Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L–30hrv, G–50hrv, after L–50hrv, G–70hrv Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a)  232-7296

Robustfest 2013: The Brimstone Days (SE, retro, hard, stoner) Time: 15.00 Admission: 150–200hrv Angar (Dehtyarivksa 5)  093-256-9223 We Love Techno: DJs Marika Rossa, Klinika, A-hvich Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.30 L–30hrv, G–40hrv, after L–60hrv, G–80hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a)  232-6780 DJs Andriy Dzhedzhula, Star, Samosud Time: 23.00 Admission: before 23.30 L–25hrv, G–30hrv, after L–50hrv, G–60hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4)  257-4070

WOR Hed Kandi: John Johnson (UK) Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Indigo Project (Kudryashova 3)  596-0011 WOR DJs Adana Twins (DE), Goshva, Runov Time: 22.00 Admission: L–free, G–200hrv Decadence House (Baseina 2a)  466-2013 Night of Freedom Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Shooters (Moskovska 22)  254-2024

13 Sunday Electro Lovers: DJs Natasha Rostova, Ira, Miss Monique Time: 23.00 Admission: L–20hrv, G–30hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4)  257-4070

14 Monday

Ladies Night Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Coyote Ugly (Mechnykova 9a)  280-0678

Students Night Time: 22.00 Admission: call for details Coyote Ugly (Mechnykova 9a)  280-0678

17 Thursday

Cow-Girls Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22)  254-2024

Whiskey Party Time: 21.00 Admission: L–free, G–100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

Show Girls Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L–free, after L–50hrv, G–100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22)  254-2024

All Rock’n’Roll: DJ Velskiy & Friends Time: 23.00 Admission: L–free, G–100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

15 Tuesday Black Tuesday with DJs Vel and Friends Time: 21.00 Admission: 50hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

A Long Session Assured Dar Sessions featuring DJ John Digweed (RU, progressive house) Mantra (V Vasylkivska 5) 11 October at 23.00

Back to the USSR: DJ SmartBoy & Friends Time: 23.00 Admission: L–free, G–100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

Sexy Soldiers Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22)  254-2024

DJs Valery Star, Rockstar, Popov Time: 23.00 Admission: call for details Sky Bar (V Vasylkivska 5)  223-8888

Sing It: DJs Dima German, Samanto, Pink Cream Time: 22.00 Admission: free Vodka Bar (Globus, II line, Maidan Nezalezhnosti)  371-1102

16 Wednesday

Viza to Ibiza: DJs Ice & Vlad MFK, Dan Time: 23.00 Admission: before 00.00 L–30hrv, G–60hrv, after L–50hrv, G–80hrv Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a)  232-7296

Ladies Night: DJs Iskander, ID Crash Time: 23.00 Admission: L–free, before 00.00 G–20hrv, after 40hrv Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a)  232-7296

Ladies Night Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L–free, after L–50hrv, G–100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22)  254-2024

Kyiv: We Love You Party Time: 22.00 Admission: L–free, G–150hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

RAW: DJs Tokyo, Rainy Day Time: 02.00 Admission: call for details Boom Boom Room (Shevchenko 33)  588-8989

DJs Stalker and Vel Time: 21.00 Admission: L–free, G–100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3)  234-7494

The bashes thrown by the Russian label Dar are always a major event on the social calendar of the city they take place in. A regular on the Dar roadshow is producer and DJ Denis A, who has travelled with his Dar Sessions to Kazantip, Ibiza’s legendary Love Parade Party in Privilege club and to the resorts hottest nightspot Amnesia. Finally the Dar juggernaut is Kyiv-bound. For his debut in Mantra, he’s invited his Russian compatriots, DJs John Digweed and Dao Dar to play their sets. Come, see, and hear what clubbers elsewhere have already experienced. Tickets: 200hrv 050-336-2848

Sports & Sundries

The World in a Nutshell Global Village Dream Town (Obolonskiy 1b) 14 October at 19.00

The International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences are coming together this fall to share ideas and develop relationships across nations. The congress will run over one week, with various events open to the public. One such event includes the Global Village – a festival of cultures where representatives of more than 50 countries will demonstrate the uniqueness of their countries in customs, symbols, costumes and cuisines. Admission: free with registration www.euroco2013.org/global-village Cartoons for Kids of All Sizes Linoleum International Festival of Contemporary Animation and Media Arts The world’s best in animation 3–20 October Kyiv City Art Gallery Lavra (Lavrska 1)  044-290-0290

37.indb 11

Festival of New German Films Featuring Der Vermessung de Welt, Lore, Oh Boy, Hannah Arendt 9–15 October at various times Admission: 50hrv Kyiv Cinema (V Vasylkivska 19)  234-3380

Shall we run?

Spread the Joy

Weekend Run Golosiivskiy Park/Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 5/6, 12/13, 19/20, 25/26 October at 12.00/19.00

Joyfest – International Festival of Amateur Theatre and Folk Art House of Children’s Art (Golosiivskiy 22) 11–13 October

Every Saturday until the end of October, the fit and healthy of Kyiv will be meeting at various points around Kyiv to stretch their muscles in a little jog about town. Meeting places vary. For those in the Golosiivskiy area – find runners at Golosiivskiy and Rila streets, near the Barracuda café on Saturdays at 12.00. For those residing around the Polytech area, meet up with like-minded individuals at corpus 1 on Sundays at 19.00. Participation is free. 097-370-7713

This is an “international public campaign for quality leisure time, self-development and self-perfection through creativity” so reads the description of Joyfest on the event’s website. Featuring amateur theatrical performances from international troupes, photo and art exhibitions, along with workshops by renowned stars, this is the first festival of its kind in Ukraine, and is sure to be a success with your attendance! Admission: free www.joyfest.info

Stand Up Show (comedy show) 11 October at 20.00 Admission: 50–70hrv Divan (Besarabska 2)  235-7366

A Retrospective Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness Documentary film about the UkrainianJewish writer directed by Joseph Dorman 11 October at 19.00 Admission: free Kyiv Cinema (V Vasylkivska 19)  234-7381

Asian Food & Cultural Festival 2013 12 October at 12.00 Admission: free M17 (Horkoho 102-104)  596-2030

Pepsi Night Kino Featured films: Harry Potter series 12 October at 22.00 Tickets: 50–100hrv Kinopanorama (Shota Rustaveli 19)  222-0022

08.10 20:01:26


Kyiv Culture

by Lana Nicole

Cut A


romoting fashion in its purest form, Daria Shapovalova set the stage in 2010 with the Kyiv Fashion Days project, showcasing local talent while bringing in big names in the design biz. On its seventh season, the event, now backed by the luxurious Mercedes Benz brand, opens next week, and continues along its cutting edge path of ball gowns and Bolero jackets. Packing a variety of programmes and presentations into this four-day event, grab yourself an invitation (if you can) and start making a list of all the lust-haves for next season.

the events Fashion Scout Kyiv is an international programme of presentations, including a showroom of the best designers around Eastern Europe. Mercedes Benz Kyiv Fashion Days’s Daria Shapovalova says, “Fashion Scout Kyiv is a project that has been held successfully in London and Paris, and Kyiv will continue the tradition. Our joint goal with our British partners is to make Kyiv the central meeting place of all young and talented designers from Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet countries.” The founder of Fashion Scout Martin Roberts says, “Kyiv is the first step for designers who are willing and ready to enter the international market.” Roberts, along with other international guests of the fashion industry, will be holding a series of special mentoring sessions for all participating designers as well public lectures for all guests of MBKFD. As a trade show for designers of jewellery and accessories, Levels is another great event held under MBKFD. There is a rapidly growing number of designers creating unique jewellery and accessories in Ukraine, many of whom will be on hand to showcase their work. Kyiv Fashion Institute is a “rich and unique” project providing lectures and master classes by leading local and international experts. Held for the second time, watch for some big names! And, as an added bonus, Mercedes Benz will be presenting their new concept car at the opening, the all-new 2015 Mercedes Benz GLA-Class. W

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The spring and autumn seasons are dotted (sometimes of the polka variety, depending on the trend at the time) with fashion events across the world. Here in Kyiv, the catwalk is being put to good use just as it would be in London, Paris and Tokyo and it’s thanks to one of the city’s most recent additions to the design sphere – Mercedes Benz Kyiv Fashion Days.

It’s Me is a brand for independent individuals who do not accept the system of the general masses. For these people, the design, not the brand, is the most important. – Dina Lynnyk, Ukrainian designer

My designs convey the beauty and joy that I value in my own life. I want to bring softness and elegance to an urban feminine wardrobe and to help a woman express her individuality through her unique clothing. The final goal is to build a strong and recognisable brand. – Irina Krasilnikova, Ukrainian designer I am a graphic designer, but my roots go deep into art. In creating this new collection, I want to connect the line between art and fashion. I will be presenting energetic creations, which are sensual and full of contradictions, clean lines and modern silhouettes. – Rybalko, Ukrainian designer Just as in life, I don’t want to feel any boundaries in fashion. Trying my hand at Fashion Scout Kyiv challenges me, and I am not sure my work will be understood by everyone, but I do not want to become part of the mainstream either. I am ready and very excited to introduce my fairytale world. – Petra Ptackova, Czech designer

Mercedes Benz Kyiv Fashion Days 17–20 October Olimpiyskiy Stadium (V Vasylkivska 55) www.mbkievfashiondays.com

Thursday 17 October 19.00 Grand Opening MBKFD 19.00 Mercedes Benz GLA presentation 21.00 Party

Friday 18 October 17.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Kateryna Kvit, Nikolay Legenda, A–Z 18.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Natasha Zinko 19.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Omelya Atelier 20.00 Presentation: Comme Des F*ck Down 21.00 Special Closed Event

Saturday 19 October 14.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Taras Volyn, Lara Quint 15.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Annet Amegan, Pungits, Ksenia Mamedova 16.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Tumqo, Alisa Kuzembaeva, Rybalko 16.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Julianna 17.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Lera Leshchova 17.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Jealousy 18.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Yasya Minochkina 18.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Confashion 19.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Paskal 19.30 Olo Fashion: UGG Australia Presentation 20.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Felder Felder 20.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Tigran Avetisyan 21.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Sasha Kanevski 23.00 Party

Sunday October 20 14.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Ostel, Aika Alemi, Krasilnokova 15.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: Yvette, Sheldon, Bogdan Kass 16.00 Fashion Scout Kyiv Group Shows: RCR Khomenko, It’s Me by Dina Lynnyk, Petra Ptachkova 17.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Design It Winner 17.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Passe Detoil 18.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Ivanova 18.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Ksenia Schnaider 19.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Lia Syn 19.30 Fashion Scout Kyiv Presentations: Kravetz 20.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Anton Belinsky 21.00 MBKFD Individual Catwalk Shows: Anna October 23.00 Party

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08.10 20:01:40


Coming Soon

by Kateryna Kyselyova

Three Faces of

Basta Russian rap star Basta, aka Vasiliy Vakulenko, is returning to Kyiv with his fourth album Basta 4, released earlier this year. A rapper with a 16year career, a back catalogue of eight albums, and several different guises, his lyrics are confrontational and direct, as Basta addresses what he sees in the world around him and he does so without fear of judgement. He tells What’s On a little more about his music and his life philosophy in the run up to his show.


f you are a fan of Russian rap you’ll have definitely heard of Basta, or his other incarnations Nogano and N1nt3nd0. All three are the creation of Vasiliy Vakulenko, but each of them has a different face. The lyrical Basta, the brutal Nogano and the cybernetic N1nt3nd0 are used to send his message out to the Russian-speaking world. On this occasion we speak to the first of his personas – Basta. Basta 4 has been three years in the making. What took you so long?

Alongside working on the album we were also involved in creating N1nt3nd0 – hip-hop in South American style. N1nt3nd0 is about gangsters and tracks of the 90s like Cherniy Pistolet (Black Gun), Mama ama Kriminal (Mama ama Criminal), Pulya Navylet (Bullet Right Through) and so on. Tell us about the track list on Basta 4 – is there an overarching theme or message?

It’s sad in the beginning and bright at the end. The track Eto Vse (This is Everything) – is definitely the light at the end of the tunnel. Listening to your tracks, rap seems to be your passion, devotion, and lifestyle. Why would you say rap is so close to your heart?

Rap is a comfortable and open form of narration for me – it’s how I like to communicate. Do you remember when you first experienced this genre? What attracted you to it?

When I was a child I listened only to metal: Biohazard, Black

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Sabbath and so on. When rap came on the scene and became more mainstream, it was something completely new for me and so it went further. Onyx, Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, House of Pain, Wu-Tang Clan – they were my favourites. It’s easy – rap is riot, protest. Rap replaced punk and rock. Speaking about how you got your start, your grandmother was your

first musical mentor. Were music lessons a disaster for you at that time?

Yes and yes. My granny was Alla Razdaybeda, who was from Kyiv by the way.

Tell us about your journey into music – what happened along the way?

I was walking, falling, getting up and walking further. This is the way of every man. What do you think about your popularity, does it come with some responsibility?

Of course, responsibility is important. I’m from Rostov-onDon, so I know what it means to be responsible. (Smiles)

Usually it’s the young who listen to rap, but as they get older move onto other genres. Is the rap framework getting narrow for you, have you thought of branching out into other forms of music?

Well, you’re not completely right about the youth. Rap is the most developing genre. Analysis of the hip-hop industry shows rap is listened to by people 13 to 60 years old. Can you imagine that range in any other genre? Some of your tracks have a political subtext – is it a creative protest against what’s happening in Russia? Did you get any calls after the song Solntsa ne Vidno (No Sun is Seen) was released?

This is not a protest. This is just what’s happening around me. I didn’t get any threats, at least not yet. Your songs draw a picture of your personality as being uncompromising, straightforward, brutally honest – surely somewhere deep inside you are romantic and perhaps even somewhat sentimental?

You are 100% right! I’m pleased you understand me and my work. W

basta (RU, rap) 18 October at 19.00 Tickets: 250 –1,200hrv Stereo Plaza (Kikvidze 1)  222-8040

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Iron Voices

Halloween Pre-Party

Blaze Bayley and Paul DiAnno of Iron Maiden (UK, rock) Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 23 November at 19.00

Private Halloween Party (UA, all inclusive) Chateau Mystique (Lenina 39, Bortnychi) 26 October at 22.00

In 2012, the legendary Blaze Bayley and Paul DiAnno of Iron Maiden set off on their first voyage for Kyiv. Though released early on due to “self-destructive behaviours” including his cocaine habit, DiAnno will always be recognised as the first vocalist to play with the band. Bayley on the other hand took over as lead singer in the mid 90s, only to leave five years later to further his solo career. Back this year to prove they’re still hard and heavy, the duo will be playing hits from the four collective albums on which they collaborated with the flagship band at different points along its musical path. Tickets: 300hrv 537-1340

Are you an all-inclusive kind of party animal? If so, DJ Dima Kayun’s Private Party is where you want to be this Halloween. Make sure you come in costume – you don’t want to stand out on the two dancefloors they’ll have set up. There will be drinks and snack aplenty, a fab fire show, PJs to help get you in the dancing mood along with a horde of local DJs: Mario Yard, Vortex, Vetal Art, Madison, NoBrain, Kemper, Cr!Pha Cmpn, MassON$, Malitsky, Mukvik, John Bright, Richwell, 3xp0, Sergey Mankovsky and TNT & Technic. Ready for a night of creepy crawly fun? Get you ticket now. Tickets: 250 –300hrv 093-088-2378

Joshua Redman has been a fish in the jazz pool since childhood, choosing to follow in his father’s footsteps as a professional tenor saxophonist. Twenty years on, he’s still writing and playing music, with his most recent works found on his latest album Walking Shadows released earlier this year. Playing this evening with popular American pianist Joey Calderazzo and his trio, prepare for a nice, steamy jazz soup – it’s just the thing for this cool autumn evening. Tickets: 200 – 800hrv 279-1582

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Brazil Bossa Nova Quartet (BR, UA/US, jazz) Kyiv Conservatory (Horodetskoho 1-3/11) 20 October at 19.00

A year has come and gone since Brazil’s Bossa Nova Quartet were last here in Kyiv, and back for another evening of off-the-cuff compositions and musical mayhem, join us in welcoming Rio de Janeiro’s Maucha Adnet to the Ukrainian capital. Her deep, throaty vocals will be accompanied this evening by piano master Helio Alves (BR), the energetic rhythms of Duduka Da Fonseno on drums (BR) and funky string improvisations of our own Arkady Ovrutski on bass. It’s an event not to be missed! Tickets: 100 –300hrv 279-1242

An Interesting Musical Collection

Jazz to Taste Jazz in Kyiv: Joshua Redman Quartet, Joey Calderazzo Trio (US, jazz) October Palace (Instytutska 1) 26 October at 19.00

Brazilian Jazz Anew

Darkness falls across the land... Zombie Parade Odesa 26 October at 16.00

“The Zombie Parade occurred not without incident,” reads the local news of last year, “a car without brakes drove into the living dead!” This year, best to make sure you’re out of your vehicle and out with the mass of zombies who will be taking over the streets in Odesa! Not sure how to make the transition? Organisers are promising to make-up participants for a mere 100hrv. Participation: free

An Evening of Chamber Music featuring Bruno Fontaine (FR, piano) and Sonia Wieder-Atherton (FR, cello) National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 31 October at 19.00

It might be a night of trick or treat for some, but lovers of classical music will be lining up at the National Philharmonic for an evening of chamber music with two world renowned musicians from France. Pianist Bruno Fontaine and cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton come to Kyiv to present the best in traditional Jewish music as well as a couple of pieces by Russian composer Dmitriy Shostakovich. It’s sure to be a worthwhile evening, if a little on the tamer side of a traditionally rowdy celebration. Tickets: 45 –90hrv 278-1697

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Coming Soon

Taking Back the City Give Kyiv – Tenth International Military and Historical Festival Sitnyaky and Desyansiy regions of Kyiv, along Honore de Balzac Pr 3 November at 13.00

Commemorating 70 years, get ready for a reconstruction of the battle that took place in these parts over the city of Kyiv during WWII. Organised by the Kyiv club Red Star and the Dovzhenko National Film studio, armoured vehicles, heavy artillery, cavalries of more than 100 military clubs across the continent and more will be on hand to take you through all of the events. Though tragic in its historic context of total destruction of life and liberty, this afternoon is sure to be a spectacle for those wanting to take a step back in time. Admission: free www.rkka.kiev.ua

Rise Again Skillet (US, Christian rock) Stereo Plaza (Chervonozoryaniy 119) 10 December at 20.00

Upon this, their second visit to Ukraine, American alternative rockers Skillet will be presenting hits from their eighth and newest album. Rise debuted on the US Billboard Top 200 at an impressive fourth place earlier this year, giving the foursome the impetus they needed to take the show on the road. Receiving two Grammy award nominations for album five and six, this is an event you might want to think about attending, lest you be smited. Tickets: 300 –350hrv 222-0022

Exploding with Energy Vainakh National Chechen Dance Ensemble Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 24 October at 19.00

The word Vainakh translates as “our people”, and as an ensemble, incorporates the values, customs and traditions of the Chechen people. Accompanied by thrilling rhythms, the men brave and daring and the women graceful and polished will take you on a tour both together and separately through the Caucasus Mountains and lower-lying plains. Songs and choreographed performance combine in theatrical play showcasing 70 years of dance, music and history on stage. Tickets: 150 –1,000hrv 247-2316

Unkle’s Father James Lavelle (UK, dance) Metropol Concert Hall (Prorizna 8) 23 November at 23.00

In the late 90s, DJ/producer James Lavelle got together with DJ Shadow, and together, under the name Unkle, the two recorded album Psyence Fiction. It didn’t take long for the record to become a favourite among electronic music fans, with seven more due out following Unkle’s debut release. Claiming he “became a DJ because I couldn’t breakdance and I was no good at graffiti”, the Londonbased resident DJ of Fabric will be here in town tonight – check him out. Tickets: TBA 067-231-7037

An Electronic Kiss Ouch and Oomph! Oomph! (DE, rock) Bingo Club (Peremohy Pr 112) 24 October at 20.00

In 1989, three friends Dero Goi, Andreas Crap and Robert Flux came up with Oomph! – a German rock band incorporating all manner of metal, industrial, alternative rock, electronica and gothic musical genres. Releasing their first self-titled album just a few short years after forming, the band has continued to pump out albums every couple of years since. Dropping the electronic for a more “guitar-driven metal sound”, their European tour this year is in support of their 11th release Des Wahnsinns Fette Beute (Fat Booty of Madness). Tickets: 340hrv 424-2555

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Hey Hop! Virsky National Ukrainian Dance Ensemble Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103) 30 October at 19.00

There is nothing like the Virsky Ensemble of Ukrainian Dance when it comes to promoting the best in Ukrainian culture. Combining folk dance with classically-trained dancers and music particular to every region in the country, there is no better way to feel the true spirit of Ukraine. Celebrating 76 years on stages around the world, dances from the master – Pavlo Virsky as well as its current artistic director Myroslav Vantukh are on the programme this evening – get your tickets today! Tickets: 50 –450hrv 247-2316

Kiss FM 11th Anniversary featuring Seth Troxler (US, house, techno), Maceo Plex (ES, deep house, nu disco) Arena Entertainment (Baseina 2a) 25 October at 22.00

Believe it not – radio station Kiss FM is celebrating its 11th birthday this year, with some international talent set to play among six dancefloors. The Main Stage will be taken over by American and Spanish (respectively) house DJs Seth Troxler and Maceo Plex, as well as Ukrainians Nastia and Artem Neba. DJs Cepasa, Roman K and Elemental on the other hand will occupy the Terrazza lounge while British Steve Lawler and Dutch Noir will be pumping out tunes from the Lab’s Live box along with locals DJs Goshva and Artur. With more top DJs and more stages from which to choose, get your tickets now, it’s going to be a great party. Tickets: 300 –350hrv 492-0000

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Essential Kyiv

Kyiv telephone code is +380 44 Airport/Bus/ Train Stations boryspil international airport Kyiv-Boryspil highway (23km) 281-7122 www.airport-borispol.kiev.ua kyiv-zhulyany international airport Povitroflotsky 92 242-2309 www.airport.kiev.ua central bus station Moskovska 3 525-5774 central train station Vokzalna 1 465-2111


Book Shops

Cultural Centres

air france-klm Ivana Franka 34/33 490-2490, 496-3575 www.airfrance.ua www.klm.ua austrian airlines V Vasylkivska 9/2 8-800-300-0492 www.austrian.com delta airlines AVIAREPS AG V Vasylkivska 9/2, office 4 (entrance 1) 287-3595, 287-3560 www.delta.com lufthansa Khmelnytskoho 52 490-3800 www.lufthansa.com ukraine international airlines Lysenka 4 581-5050 www.flyUIA.com

albion books Ukraina Shopping Mall, (Peremohy Pl 3, 3rd floor) Globus Shopping Complex (Instytutska 2, 3rd line, 2nd floor) 221-0044 www.albion-books.com

british council Skovorody 4/12 490-5600 centre of spanish language and culture Obolonska 7 239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua french institute Honchara 48 482-0672 goethe institute Volovska 12/4 496-9785 italian culture institute Yaroslaviv Val 32b 270-6223 polish institute Khmelnytskoho 29/2 490-9900 ukraine-japan centre Peremohy Pr 37 406-8166

Car Rentals avis Yamska 72 502-2010 budget Ivana Lepse 4 490-1088

Charities kyiv lions club 050-334-5410 www.kyivlionsclub.org international women’s club of kyiv 234-3180 www.iwck.org

Apartment Rentals


kyiv ukraine apartments M Zhytomyrska 15 229-3079

euro consult group 067-565-7923 www.euro-consult-group. com.ua

Hospitals/ Clinics american medical centres Berdychivska 1 490-7600 aids testing (anonymous) 278-7385

Hostels chillout hostel kyiv Horkoho 22b/35 093-332-4306 d’lux kyiv hostel Observatorna 10 097-832-8888 dream hostel V Vasylkivska 47 066-244-1447

Hotels alfavito Predslavynska 35d 220-4577 www.alfavito.com.ua cosmopolite Hetmana 6 205-3520 fairmont grand hotel kyiv NaberezhnoKhreshchatytska 1 322-8888 www.fairmont.com/kyiv

hyatt regency kyiv Alla Tarasova 5 581-1234 www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com ibis Shevchenko Blvd 25 591-2222 intercontinental V Zhytomyrska 2a 219-1919 www.intercontinentalkiev.com opera B Khmelnytskoho 53 581-7070 www.opera-hotel.com premier palace T Shevchenko Blvd 5-7/29 537-4500 www.premier-palace.com radisson blu Yaroslaviv Val 22 492-2200 www.radissonblu.com/ hotel-kiev radisson blu podil Bratska 17-19 393-1373 www.radissonblu.com/ hotel-kiev-podil riviera on podil Sahaidachnoho 15 581-2828

Satellite TV satdottv Television, Sat TV, multi-room solutions 067-401-0873 www.satdottv.info

Taxis express taxi 239-1515 limousine taxi 502-0808 radio taxi 246-1036

Emergency fire 101 police 102 first aid/ ambulance 103 natural gas emergency 104 water/electric/ sewage emergency 1557 elevator emergency 1586

For information on how to list your company here, please call 459-0553

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