2021 NEPGA Annual Report

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT ALLAN BELDEN, PGA BELDEN GOLF I want you to know how much I appreciate the opportunity I have had to serve all of you. The ability to be involved in Section governance and accomplish so much in the last six years has been very rewarding. I never would have thought that I would be known as the “Pandemic President.” While the pandemic created many unique challenges, we weathered the storm together and I am grateful that we are now on the other side of all that COVID has presented to us. You should all take great pride in your hard work and dedication that you showed during very trying times. Your members, your customers, your owners and club leadership quickly realized the value of having a PGA Professional to help guide them through a very difficult time. And here we are now on the other side of all of this with golf being the healthiest it has been in many years. I am truly humbled by what all of you did to represent the PGA. When I stood before you six years ago during my campaign for Secretary, my objective was to do my best to try and make meaningful contributions to the membership. In 2015 there were four major items that we as a Section needed to accomplish. Those objectives were centered around: Education -- The Foundation -- Employment -- Building a New Homesite I am very pleased to say that WE have accomplished the vast majority of what we set out to do. Under the leadership of our dedicated staff and Mike Bradshaw, the NEPGA now has NEPGA U. This education model has been a best practice for all sections across the country and proven that sections can offer relevant education to its members and make education accessible and affordable. The ability to better yourself while fulfilling MSR requirements has never been easier. The formation of an NEPGA Foundation was something that we had discussed for several years going all the way back to the early 2000’s. We are now into our 4th year and the foundation is now known as PGA REACH New England. Under the guidance of REACH President Rob Jarvis and our REACH Director Michael Packard we are coming off our most successful year ever when it comes to programming and fundraising. Employment is and will continue to be an ever evolving challenge. We are fortunate to have Mike Higgins as our Executive Director who is unbelievably dedicated to our members and helping with employment issues. Our Employment Committee Chair Larry Kelley and our Employment Consultant Jim Remy have done tremendous work in recent months to assist our members with employment. I do believe that employment and our professionals in their roles at their respective facilities is our number one challenge going forward. We are well aware of the difficulties in finding help. We need to find ways to attract young people into our industry and make the golf profession attractive. I also believe that finding work life balance for our professionNEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

als is going to be important in keeping our current members in the business. I believe we need to do better by our members. That will not lie solely in compensation but must also create a desirable quality of life in order to attract quality people into our industry. And lastly, six years ago I stood before you and said “We must find a new space to house the NEPGA Section office. The current office space is not acceptable for our brand.” Well our new homesite is actually about to become a reality. Shovels have already gone in the ground with the hopes of having the staff all moved in before the spring season gets started. We are very fortunate to have such great partners in Regan Remillard of the Haven CC, Sean Reynolds of Woodmeister, Cliff Thompson of Avidia Bank and Dick Dixon of Dixon Builders, Inc. who were all instrumental in making all of this possible. As with any project of this magnitude there are going to be delays. There were challenges with the town and we ultimately had to push the pause button on our homesite because of the pandemic. Despite these challenges, a long-term lease of only $1 per year, along with an agreement that if we ever leave the owner has to purchase the building back from us, is a risk-free opportunity for the NEPGA. The building will include a reception area, 2 executive offices, 6 additional offices, a break room, a Board room, the NEPGA Hall of Fame, tons of storage and a golf simulator. This is going to be a building that you will be proud of, and once it is complete, NEPGA Professionals are going to have an open invitation to come by and pay us a visit. By now I hope you have all heard about the programming and the fundraising efforts that have been created through our Foundation. We are going to be utilizing the homesite as an opportunity to raise additional dollars for our PGA REACH New England programs. We have naming rights at levels for high net worth individuals or businesses to support, but we wanted to create an opportunity for NEPGA Members as well. As we put the finishing touches on the Section home next spring we want to include as many NEPGA Professionals as possible. We have a cornerstone opportunity where NEPGA Professionals can include their name on the Cornerstone plaque that will proudly list those that donated. This cornerstone plaque is only for NEPGA Professionals and Staff. No one else. For a $500 donation that is tax deductible and can be spread over 1, 2 or 3 years your name will be engraved and displayed on the building along with your fellow Cornerstone NEPGA Professionals. I hope you all join me in being a cornerstone donor. I am forever grateful for all the past Presidents and Board Members for their hard work and keeping the vision of the homesite alive and allowing us to reach this monumental occasion. This has been an ongoing effort for years and certainly not the result of any one board’s work. But I can promise you that without the dedication of our Executive Director and his unwavering commitment to get this project done and the generosity and support of Regan Remillard, it does not happen. In closing, I would like to assure everyone that the NEPGA is in very good hands going forward. Mike Bradshaw, Chip Johnson and Joanne Flynn are all very dedicated individuals who will no doubt do great things in the coming years. I leave you all with a sense of satisfaction and appreciation for the opportunity. It has been a pleasure to serve all of you. Thank you. Allan Belden, PGA 38th President New England PGA


VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT MIKE BRADSHAW, PGA KIRKBRAE COUNTRY CLUB First and foremost, it has been my pleasure to serve as your Vice-President for the past two years. As Vice-President, my primary responsibilty is to report on the finances of the Section. As most of you already know, PGA of America and all Sections switched over to the Workday platform for financial reporting. This switch includes processing all of our purses, as well as all invoices to facilites and vendors, and was not as smooth as we had hoped. Along with the recent resignation of our staff-assigned accountant at PGA headquarters, this has proven to be an unbelievable challenge. We thank you very much for your patience. Unfortunately, this has resulted in less than timely reporting of the Section finances. I would like to express a huge thank you to the NEPGA staff for taking on this enourmous task. The training and transition occurred right in the middle of the season and they all did an amazing job trying to give the impression of business as usual, while internally they were dealing with a lot. A special thank you to Joan for her efforts as I know how much this has increased her work load. The most recent month that we can fairly report on is the end of this past August, at which point the Section shows a profit year-to-date of $113,747 while the foundation shows a year-to-date profit of $321,859. These numbers are a bit skewed towards the Foundation as the expenses occurred by the Section on behalf of the Foundation have not been accounted for. We also had a significant fundraising year, and the distributions have not been reflected. The educated guess as of the end of August would be, after these specific expenses, that the Section profit would be approximately $240,000 and the Foudnation profit approximately $200,000. The Section will see the profit decline over the next 4 months of the season as many of the fixed expenses continue but tournament revenues decrease over the fall and winter months. Safe to say though, that when the dust clears from 2021 the Section and Foundation will both be farily profitable for the fiscal year. We can report accurately on the status of the Section investment account. As of the end of September, the Section and Foundation combined investment account totaled a touch over $2.578 million. This is an increase of approximately $90,000, or 3.5%, since January 1 of 2021. It is an exciting time here in the Section with the groundbreaking on the new homesite. I want to let everyone know that the entire Board of Directors is committed to not only building the homesite but doing it in the most fiscally responsible manner. Due to the foresight of previous boards and offciers, the Section has amassed a sizeable building fund. The funds from this account, along with funds from the savings accounts of the Section, will constitute the sizeable down payment towards the cost of the building. The Section currently pays approximately $42,000 per year in rent and storage fees. Our goal is to keep the mortgage payments to approximately that same figure in order to not cash-strap the day-to-day operation of the Section. We will also put an excelerated payoff plan in place so that the Section can enjoy many years of no mortgage payments in the future. Current leadership is using the foresight of our past leaders to plan for future leaders and staff to be in a better place. NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

We are fortunate to have some amazing partners helping in the pursuit of this goal. Avidia Bank has provided us with very competitive financing terms while Woodmiester and Dixon Construction are dedicated to providing us with a first-class homesite while also maintaining the budgeted amounts we’ve set forth. On a completely different note, I’d like to remind each and every one of our Section members about our NEPGA University. This one-of-a-kind Section education platform now warehouses over 30 hours of educatoinal webinars that not only provide an opportunity for MSR’s, but more importantly, the chance to expand your knowledge. The Education Committee met last month and one of our goals is to restart our in-person offerings. But for those who can’t be there in person, there is always the “U” to get you through. After a crazy two years, use the upcoming offseason to better yourself and your brand. It’s obviously been a challenge the past two seasons—I mean, whoever thought a global pandemic would be the kick-start to the golf business that it has become? But one of the keys coming out of the pandemic is going to be how you maintain that excitement in the game at your facility. Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Now my wife would never compare me to Einstein, but what he says should resonate with each and every one of us. In order to get a different result, we need to do something different. That is the primary concept of NEPGA University. Take the ideas from your fellow Professionals and industry leaders and put them to work at your club. Plagiarize them, copy them, doctor them up—whatever you have to—and put them to work for you at your facility. Use them to your benefit and show off what you bring to the table. Please make sure you do so - otherwise you’ll be doing the same thing and looking for a different result…and we know what Einstein said about that. To close, I would like to thank each and every one of you for what you do for this great game and this great organization. As we went from state to state this fall at the chapter meetings, I remarked that while there are some tired bodies and minds after an unbelieveable two years, I can see that the fire and passion still burn in the eyes of our Section Professionals. We all do what we do because we chose to - let’s all choose to do it even better. Use the PGA and the New England PGA to make yourself better. Don’t ask “what does the PGA do for me?”…instead ask “what can the PGA do for me?” - and take the time to find out and pursue it. Trust me, the journey will be worth the destination. Thank you for the amazing honor of allowing me to serve. Mike Bradshaw, PGA Vice-President New England PGA


SECRETARY REPORT CHIP JOHNSON, PGA HATHERLY COUNTRY CLUB The New England Section currently has 1061 Professionals, made up of 930 Members and 131 Associates, making us the 7th largest Section in the country. There are 650 facilities in the New England Section. 372 of those facilities are staffed by a PGA Professional. That is a little over half at 57.2%. Of the 131 Associates in the New England Section 22 are suspended. That means 16% of the Associates are currently suspended, and that number is actually down from earlier this year when it was at 29. We are all facing challenges in our roles, however if you know of an Associate who is struggling to become active, have them reach out to either myself or a member of the membership committee, as we are happy to help. On the flip side, we are all very proud of our Associates when they complete their levels and finally do become members of the association. Here in the New England Section, we have had 23 individuals complete the task New Members since our spring meeting. It is great to see these fine young men and women who are just beginning Madeline A. Belden, PGA Brae Burn Country Club their careers as newly elected members, but there Matthew R. Davis, PGA The Country Club are seasoned veterans that I believe we should also Griffin L. Andrews, PGA Boothbay Harbor Country Club acknowledge. The Board of Directors and I would Malcolm P. Oliver, PGA Weston Golf Club like to recognize the 30 PGA Professionals who Kevin M. Gallagher, PGA Hyannisport Club recently joined the 2021 Quarter-Century club, and Jack W. Green, PGA Black Rock Country Club if you thought 25 years was a long time, we have six Jacob S. Poitras, PGA The Country Club individuals who have doubled that and achieved Reece B. Delaire, PGA Williston Golf Club Half-Century Member status! Congratulations to Cole M. Anderson, PGA Wentworth By-The-Sea everyone on these significant achievements! Christian J. Bourque, PGA Turner Hill Golf Club Anton W. Glass, PGA Newport Country Club The MSR requirements for the most current cycle Jake S. Kramer, PGA Bass Rocks Golf Club ends on June 15, 2022, which was extended by one Danni S. Rocco, PGA Sankaty Head Golf Club calendar year due to covid-19. PGA Professionals Nathan C. Myers, PGA Ipswich Country Club are still required to earn 54 MSR credits and 36 of Eric M. Higgins, PGA Webhannet Golf Club those credits must come from PGA meetings and Zachary J. McKinley, PGA Shelter Harbor Golf Club education. Tyler Mraz, PGA The Country Club James M. Ebzery, PGA The Aquidneck Club Meetings can be Section, National and Chapter Mackenzie P. Ryan, PGA Woodstock Country Club meetings. It does not have to be your own ChapJohnathan G. Allen, PGA NEPGA Member ter or Section meeting for that matter, and you are Erik R. Christafferson, PGA Cape Cod National Golf Club welcome to cross Chapter and Section boarders Zachary A. Girouard, PGA Old Sandwich Golf Club to attend another meeting. Each year there are 22 Michael J. Kapolis, PGA Belmont Country Club MSR meeting opportunities in the New England Section. That is 66 during a normal MSR cycle, and NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

Half-Century Members James Fish, PGA Joe Pezzullo, PGA Dave J. Pollini, PGA Herbert T. Madden, PGA Arnie Eardley, PGA Butch Mellon, PGA

88 with the deadline extended by a year. There are many PGA Professionals with a ways to go. Currently there are 345 NEPGA Professionals who have completed their MSR requirements, which is about 51.5%. Education must be PGA approved criteria, and there are a significant number of educational opportunities that are available online now as well with the creation of NEPGA university which currently features a full cycle worth of required MSR credits for PGA Professionals to obtain. Thanks to the Education Committee and Vice-President Mike Bradshaw crunching some numbers, the University is now $49 for life. You are doing yourself a disservice if you are not utilizing NEPGA University to educate yourself.

This month we will be continuing the NEPGA University “Empower Hour” education series, which will take place every Thursday at 10:00am to continue providing quality education to our members with various topics across our five education pillars. I encourage and urge you to not wait until the spring to try and accumulate your MSR credits. As a reminder you can always log into your profile on PGA.org and see where you currently stand. If you need help, please reach out to either me or a member of the section Quarter Century Members staff. We are here to help and are happy to do so. As we continue to trend back towards normalcy, I am happy to report that Reed Exhibitions and the PGA of America will once again be hosting the PGA Merchandise Show in-person. It will be held from January 25-28 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. The show is currently at 80% exhibitor capacity and is once again expected to be a valuable opportunity to network and conduct business for our industry. Be on the lookout for additional messaging from the PGA as well as the Section regarding registration and other important information pertaining to the week’s events. There are member benefits through PGA Perk-Spot with discounts on products like Cadillac, Delta, Kitchen Aid, National Car Rental and TopGolf. There is Golf Retirement Plus and an extensive Scholarship program for your children. There are member assistance funds available through the benevolent & relief fund, the member assistance program and the disaster relief fund. There is also a life insurance policy and liability coverage included in our dues payments.

Joseph J. Pustizzi, PGA Leo J. Martin Memorial John M. Tosone, PGA Weekapaug Golf Club Patrick J. Fannon, PGA The Captains Golf Course David S. Baluik, PGA Glocester Country Club Eric M. Colchamiro, PGA Quidnessett Country Club Lawrence C. Kelley, PGA Five Star Golf Cars William D. Ferren Jr., PGA Country Club of Billerica Kevin C. Jean, PGA CC of New Bedford Roger A. King, PGA Sugarbush Golf Club Jeff E. Flesner, PGA Titleist Richard W Karbowski, PGA Auburn Driving Range Richard Browne, PGA Natanis Golf Course Richard W. Coleman, PGA Life Member Stephen D. Gonsalves, PGA The Kwini Club Dennis P. Hoye, PGA Bass River Golf Course Wayne T. Natti, PGA Life Member John T. Wollen, PGA Souhegan Woods Golf Club Mark C. Arnold, PGA Life Member Harold E. Balboni, PGA Springbrook Golf Club Robert C. Carpenter, PGA Nashawtuc Country Club Brian P. Doyle, PGA Mount Hood Golf Course Daniel B. Halverson, PGA Stow Acres Country Club Cory J. Mansfield, PGA Derryfield Country Club Paul J. Politano, PGA Ralph Myhre Golf Course Robert E. Quirk, PGA Bayberry Hills Golf Course Rodney F. VanGuilder, PGA Rod’s Golf Improvement Ctr. Mark C. Arnold, PGA Life Member Harold E. Balboni, PGA Springbrook Golf Club Richard A. Durocher, PGA Cyprian Keyes Golf Club John A. Lano, PGA John Lano Golf Sales

We offer extensive career services, which are not just for the unemployed. There is a lifelong learning strategy to provide lifelong learning around specific career interests to elevate the perception, value, propositions and recruitment of PGA Professionals. There are also tools such as the business tool kit, PGA Jr. League and PGA.coach. There is so much more to being a PGA member today than there was when I entered the business. There are opportunities out there, you just need to look. NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

In closing, I truly hope that every one of you knows that I am here to serve you, the NEPGA member. You can rest assured that the Officers and Board of Directors and our tremendous Section Staff have the best interest of the Section Professional in mind with every decision that is made. Every tournament, every seminar, every newsletter, every email, they are all to benefit the PGA Professionals of our fantastic Section. Chip Johnson, PGA Secretary New England PGA

WHY U.? In 2016 the New England PGA created a first of it’s kind digital learning platform to provide quality education to NEPGA Members in every corner of the Section. The education would fall under the five pillars established by the NEPGA Education Committee - Instruction, Merchandising, Personal Wellness, Golf Operations and Career Development. As of December 31, 2021, 35% of NEPGA Members still were in need of MSR’s - Dont Wait!




Current Classes Available on NEPGA U. Digital Learning Platform.

One-Time Fee for Lifetime Access to NEPGA U. Digital Learning Platform



Required MSR’s Available on NEPGA U. Digitial Learning Platform - A full cycle worth of required MSR’s!

Active Users on the NEPGA U. Digital Learning Platform, or less than 10% of NEPGA Members.


SECTION MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS The New England PGA currently reflects a 95% male demographic, with the remaining 5% comprised of females. There are over 1000 male PGA Professionals in our Section, and 46 female Professionals. While these numbers are vastly different, New England is actually higher than the national average of Male:Female ratio. Programs like Women’s Golf Week and the Women’s Section Championship are two ways that the NEPGA is trying to drive more programs and access for female golfers. The New England PGA has a diverse range of Member Classifications, with the largest being the A-1 Head Golf Professional, of which there are 280. A-8 Assistant PGA Professionals are the second largest classification with 171 total, while Life Member rounds out the top three with 120. That final statistic represents a growing area of concern for our association, as our Professional ranks continue to age and become eligible for Life Member status. Associate PGA Professionals comprise our fourth largest group of Professionals with 119 Professionals within the B-1 and B-8 classifications.


In the graph above you can see that our NEPGA Membership ranks are certainly diverse in age, mirroring the great game of golf which allows young and old to share in the game. Ranging from 20 to 95, New England PGA Professionals feature a wealth of youth and experience that spans membership across eight decades! The median age for NEPGA Members is just below 50, another illustration of our membership trending towards senior age and retirement

Our NEPGA Chapters continue to be the lifeblood of our Association and provide members access to the PGA at the grassroots level. Despite turnover in recent years with various Chapter Operations Managers, the Section continues to provide quality education, programming and events to all NEPGA Members regardless of their location. As you can see illustrated in the chart, the Massachusetts Chapter boasts the largest quantity of PGA Professionals with almost 50% residing in that chapter. If you include the Cape Cod Chapter, well over 50% of our NEPGA Professionals are located in Massachusetts, the Cape & Islands. New Hampshire contains the third largest of the chapter totals and boasts the strongest tournament participation among all chapters with close to 30 events, most of which are sold out with waiting lists.



Dear New England Section Membership, My Executive Director Report for the NEPGA Annual Meeting always signifies to me that we are close to wrapping up another season in New England. 2021 marked my 11th year serving as your Executive Director and my 24th as a full-time employee with the New England PGA. It is hard for me to believe that I will be joining the Quarter-century club as an employee next season. I have been fortunate to work side by side with many talented PGA Professionals and staff, and I have formed many lifelong friendships that I will forever treasure. The second year of the pandemic certainly created additional challenges for the Section and our PGA Professionals. A lot was asked of many of you by your facilities, and we asked a lot of the NEPGA Staff. I am very proud of the efforts by the NEPGA team, and I continue to be amazed by their dedication and the product that is rolled out for our PGA Professionals. We also have a leadership team that is comprised of an engaged Board of Directors, Past Presidents, chapter leaders, and a staff that have fostered an environment where “team goals” far outweigh individual accomplishments. This group of leaders continues to perform at a high level and the accomplishments during a global pandemic makes it even more impressive. The business of the New England PGA is very much reliant upon a quality business plan developed by the Board of Directors and staff. The annual business planning process coupled with the governance model used by the Section ensures that Committees, Directors and Officers maintain an active role of supervision and involvement, while staff implements the desired programs and services. This past December your Section and Chapter leaders met in person for our annual business planning session and help to map out our bright future. It was exciting to conduct this meeting in-person for the first time in a few years, and we continue to engage our leaders and committees to maximize PGA Professional involvement. It is more important than ever for our leaders and staff to communicate and plan to better deal with present day challenges. Member Services The Section office strives to serve Members and Associates as their clearinghouse of golf industry related information. The promotion of tangible benefits from The PGA of America as well as the Section is a top priority. Opportunities for membership involvement in the Section’s many programs, including tournaments, foundation, junior golf and education, remains the top benefit offered annually. The goal of the Section’s administrative staff was to provide you with outstanding customer service, while assisting you with your professional needs. We are also committed to working with our partners to add benefits to our PGA Professionals on and off the golf course. Education The Section Annual Meeting and our Education Seminars have remained the focus of the education program at the Section level, but with NEPGA U. online university, we continued to bring quality programing to our PGA Professionals 24/7. A significant effort to increase the educational opportunities for our PGA Professionals can be seen with a video content library of over 30 virtual seminars which equal a full cycle’s worth of required MSR’s. The Section has maintained its commitment to educational programs that emphasized professional development as this is pertinent to maintaining and growing our individual and collective influence in the golf industry. All NEPGA U content will fall under five categories: Instruction/Merchandising/Personal Wellness/Golf Operations/Career Development. All of NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

us connected to the game of golf should be motivated to identify best practices, work cooperatively to grow the game and seek to enhance our business skills for the benefit of our employers and customers. The creation of the NEPGA Empower Hour offered complimentary, quality education every Thursday throughout the winter, and these were very well attended. Employment & Facility Relations The Section continued to work cooperatively and effectively with the PGA of America Career Services Consultant Jim Remy, PGA to provide advice and counsel to golf professionals, employers and facilities in all employment related areas. In addition to Career Services on pga.org, the Section has an employment page on www.nepga.com which highlights employment bulletins to its Members and Associates. Head Professionals also utilize the employment tab to advertise for assistant professional openings at their facilities. We have also added links in our weekly Friday Forecaddie and monthly Section Newsletter to our Section employment page. This is an area of our operation that our members are extremely passionate about. Employment is a major focus of certainly our Facility Relations Committee, but also the committee chair, Larry Kelley, PGA. This collaboration works tirelessly on the behalf of the PGA member to help create employment, enhance employment, even extend employment. I have never seen an employment season that was as busy as 2021. Facility changes, PGA Professional burnout and a shortage of staff have caused turnover unlike any other year in my history. Never has a focus on work life balance, professional development and a willingness to evolve been more important. Governance In a typical year the New England PGA Board of Directors meets 7 – 9 times to evaluate the issues before the Section. 2021 saw a slight return to normalcy with the return of in-person meetings starting in April and continuing through the end of the year. Regular communication flew between the Board and staff related to the successful implementation of the NEPGA strategic business functions. The Chapter leaders also work closely with the Staff and Section leaders to improve communication and programing in the chapter. There is a focus by the current Board of Directors to create a feeder system of future Chapter and Section leaders. I encourage any interested PGA Professional to get involved and give back through volunteering your time and serve. Communication The goal for the Section web site is to provide a “clean” look which allows for a more user friendly and enhanced experience for all visitors. The website was consistently updated weekly if not daily, and an effort was made to include more chapter events and highlight our PGA members. The New England PGA App is a phenomenal resource that provides convenient information regarding tournaments, sales representatives as well as a detailed membership directory for our PGA Professionals and their facilities. If you have not downloaded our app I strongly encourage you to do so for your Apple or Android device. The Full Swing is our monthly digital newsletter. This is distributed to all our Section Members and Associates, sponsors and industry leaders monthly. This publication highlights upcoming events for the current month as well as recaps from the previous month. It also highlights Foundation programing, updates from the PGA of America and PGA Professional spotlights. Each of the six New England Section Chapters provide information and highlights from their Chapters activities as well. The Friday Forecaddie is our weekly e-mail publication and is distributed to all Section Members and Associates. This vibrant communications tool provides up to the minute news, tournament announcements and industry information on a weekly basis. The Foundation 411 was introduced in 2021 as a promotional publication for PGA Reach New England. This became a wonderful opportunity to highlight the tremendous charitable work being conducted by our PGA Professionals and the lives being impacted. I created a weekly column this year that I call Mikes Motivation Mondays. This is my opportunity to provide inspiration NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

and motivation to NEPGA Professionals, Partners and Staff. Hopefully these articles encourage motivation to begin your week. The Section has set an objective to increase the visibility of the good work being done by our Section as well as our PGA Professionals. The success of the NEPGA web site has contributed greatly to educating and informing the public of the positive position of golf professionals within their community. Our social networking efforts continue to expand, and we have surpassed our peers to grow to the 2nd largest Social Media audience of any other Section with over 13,500 followers. I encourage those of you who have not connected to the New England PGA on social media to follow us. The Section did have some turnover in our Marketing & Communications department in 2021, however our communication vehicles did not miss a beat thanks to staff stepping up and filling the role on an interim basis. We are excited to have Lauren Neilan join our team in November and she has quickly acclimated herself and is already making an impact on our communications. Look for our communication vehicles to continue to expand over the next 12 months. Marketing, Partners & Business Development The New England PGA is clearly dependent upon its relationship with partners and fundraising programs to maintain its high-quality programs and services. PGA Professionals have a unique ability to influence the success of these relationships, and I would like to offer my personal appreciation to those golf professionals who continue to aid staff with these programs. While companies in and around golf are booming, we once again tried to bring as much value as possible to our partner representatives and companies. While the New England PGA continues to maintain a high retention rate with partners at all levels, we are in need of additional contacts and marketing concepts to increase the opportunity to become more valuable to our customers. The Board of Directors and staff work diligently to remain aware of opportunities, responsive to the imminent timelines and most importantly, prudent with due diligence. The commitment to attach member benefits to each partnership is a goal with every partner program. PGA REACH New England 2021 was a banner year for PGA REACH New England. The New England PGA Foundation, through PGA REACH, worked to promote the game and improve the lives of children, military veterans and their families, as well as diverse populations through golf each year. Although the NEPGA fosters competition, the New England PGA Charitable Foundation is designed to encourage fellowship, good sportsmanship, continued skill development, honesty, integrity and etiquette. 2021 saw tremendous success for various Foundation programs such as our Foundation Foursomes which raised over $40,000 for our PGA REACH programs, as well as the newly created Birdies 2 Benefit fundraiser which saw 24 PGA Professionals raise $250,000 collectively which benefited Special Olympics – Massachusetts, Boston Children’s Hospital and PGA REACH. Collaboratively, over $400,000 was raised, which means we are 40% towards our Capital Campaign goal of one million dollars. Our Youth programs were strong once again with our Jr. Tour seeing a re-brand in the spring, and Drive, Chip & Putt and PGA Jr. League making a return after their 2020 hiatus. Our PGA HOPE Programs continued to flourish around the Section with 10 sites providing complimentary instruction and access to our Veterans, and the addition of Operation: Play Day and the rebrand of Sets for Vets continued to expand our outreach to those who have served. Our Diversity & Inclusion pillar also took significant leaps forward with the creation of the first ever Women’s Golf Week which saw four sites host free programming for female golfers, and we hosted the first Special Olympics Drive, Chip & Putt contest in September at Renaissance. We are proud of the impact that PGA REACH New England and many of our Professionals made in 2021 and look forward to building on those in 2022. Finance The Board of Directors and staff contribute to a thorough analysis of the Section and Chapter budgets. Financial reports are distributed to all Board Members with an evaluation of income and expenses relative to budgeted projections. This year the PGA of America introduced Workday which caused significant delays in the reporting of finances to the Section, as well as payments to our PGA Professionals. Coupled with staff turnover at the PGA of America, this made for some difficult periNEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

ods to provide the level of service we expect to our PGA Professionals. The staff continues to work diligently with the PGA of America to ensure the most accurate reporting and efficient processes when it comes to finances. In 2021 the Board of Directors rolled up their sleeves to monitor expenses, maintain thoughtful spending and maximize revenue. The Section membership is provided with a summary of the financial reports online in time for the annual business meeting. Similar reports are available to each member, upon request, throughout the year. The Board of Directors and staff have done an excellent job of managing the business and financial operation of the Section despite various challenges out of their control. Tournaments The quality of the Section’s professional tournament program ranks among the elite at the sectional level. Highly skilled and motivated staff, along with the insightful and supportive leadership has fostered an environment that allows for increased sponsor revenue and a desire for our top facilities to host major events. I am very proud of the product our tournament department produces and it should be recognized not only regionally, but on a national level. The New England Section has boasted one of the largest Section Championship fields in the country for over the last decade. Overall participation was slightly down in 2021, as PGA Professionals continue to feel the squeeze at their clubs which is limiting their time to get out and play. Additionally, facilities are not able to block off as much time for outside events, so our inventory has been limited. That said, our events saw solid turnouts with strong fields at the Stroke Play Series events as well as ProAm’s. Our Las Vegas and Pinehurst travel ProAm’s sold out in record time, and there is already a buzz for the 2022 editions. Solid junior programing and an extremely successful Amateur Series saw record membership and participation numbers, great signs that golf is strong. Administration I hope you will join me in thanking the New England PGA team for their dedicated efforts in support of the Section and Chapters. It is my pleasure to work with the following talented individuals: • Chris Clayton, Assistant Tournament Director • Max Doctoroff, PGA, Tournament Director • Don Doyon, Tournament Operations Manager - Maine • Ken Hamel, PGA, Tournament Operations Manager – New Hampshire • Lauren Neilan, Marketing and Communications Manager • David McAdams, Director of Operations • Michael Packard, PGA, Director PGA Reach New England • Brianna Sovring, Junior Golf & Player Development Manager • Joan Stuart, Director of Accounting and Finance Homesite The New England PGA was excited to reach an agreement with The Haven to build our new homesite in 2021. Construction began in December, and we are hoping to move into our new office this Spring. NEPGA Professionals will always have an open invitation to stop by and say hello. We are proud to have an homesite that is equivalent to our valued brand. It truly is an honor for me to serve as your Executive Director. The past 11 years have been some of the most rewarding in my life. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for allowing me to be a part of this great Section. Look for the New England PGA to continue to grow in an aggressive yet responsible manner, for the ultimate benefit of PGA Professionals in this region as well as everyone connected to the game. Please accept my best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2022. Be sure to reach out to the New England PGA if we can ever be of assistance. Respectfully yours, Michael J. Higgins Executive Director NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021


BANGOR MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Without question, 2021 has been an amazing year for PGA REACH New England. Last year’s pandemic clearly afforded our industry the opportunity to welcome and re-engage with new golfers, while also needing to expand upon existing programs to manage the demand of our core base. Delivering on the mission of Impacting Lives Through the Game of Golf was evident through our three pillars of focus this year, Diversity & Inclusion, Military Veterans and Youth Development. On behalf of the staff and the hundreds of stakeholders vested in our Foundation, it is with great pleasure we provide this year in review to the New England Section PGA membership. DIVERSITY and INCLUSION There were two major areas of focus for this pillar, the inaugural launch of Women’s Golf Week (WGW) and the partnership with Special Olympics-Massachusetts. Over 100 facilities from across New England jumped headfirst into this one-of-kind initiative during the first week of June. Coupled with a returned partnership from The Lincoln Motor Company who welcomed the opportunity to support female only programming, our host WGW facilities offered camps, clinics, merchandise discounts, raffles and more through a basic registration system that promoted opportunities to create awareness and camaraderie for beginning to core female golfers alike. This year also saw the inaugural launch of a Drive, Chip & Putt Skills Competition during September, where over 45 athletes, volunteers and family members welcomed the opportunity to participate in a nationally known and respected golfing format. Finally, October brought about the return of the NEPGA Special Olympics Outing at Braintree Municipal Golf Course, which for years was conducted with great support by the athlete community but was paused in 2020 due to COVID. MILITARY and VETERANS The programs and initiatives dedicated to this pillar of the Foundation continue to deliver the most engagement to the golfing community. Our flagship offering, PGA HOPE New England, welcomed over 450 unique Veterans across eight programs located across five Chapters of the Section. PGA HOPE New England participants and graduates also welcomed the inaugural season of OPERATION: PlayDay, three individual events taking place across New England, which brought together golfers along with their non-golfing brothers or sisters from all branches of the armed forces that wanted to learn or play in a relaxed atmosphere, where the focus is camaraderie. Thank you to our host facilities; Mt. Pleasant Golf Club, Waterville Country Club and Kirkbrae Country Club. There were two programs that experienced a rebranding during the 2020-21 offseason and welcomed great engagement and success, our Sets Fore Vets and A Champion’s Tribute offerings. Through the generosity of NEPGA Professionals donating gently used and new golf equipment, 11 Veterans received full sets of clubs with bag to assist their golf journeys, may the pars and birdies be plentiful for our Sets Fore Vets family! This year also saw the return of A Champion’s Tribute, a unique clinic and putting competition designed to align our military heroes and NEPGA Professionals to network, socialize and be around the game following day one of each Section Major (Seniors, Section and Assistant Championship). Volunteering their time were 19 NEPGA Professionals and 25 Veterans who experienced the game at Worcester Country Club and Abenaqui Country Club. Finally, a warm welcome and nod of appreciation to Ms. Jennifer Lewis, US Marine Corps Sergeant (2000-2016). Jennifer is a three-year participant of the PGA HOPE Atkinson program and was nominated by the Foundation to serve as our official NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

PGA HOPE Ambassador, representing fellow HOPE New England participants, graduates and coaches. Jennifer and her fellow 2021 Ambassador Class recently returned from the Second Annual National Golf & Wellness Week at Congressional Country Club. She and her fellow ambassadors will serve an instrumental role promoting, growing and recruiting fellow Veterans to join PGA HOPE New England for years to come. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Just over a quarter century has passed since the New England Section PGA piloted the Junior TOUR series and the 26th year proved to be another wonderful opportunity for families interested in golf. Over 915 juniors joined the TOUR this year, participating in over 125 standalone events and supporting a 25% increase in rounds played over 2020. This year’s Junior TOUR was successfully managed by first year team member, Brianna Sovring. Brianna arrived in New England after three years of supporting PGA Professionals in the Central New York Section PGA. This season she led a stellar class of interns, comprised of nine young men and women and looks forward to bringing Junior Golf & Player Development to the next level in 2022. New England continues to set the bar regarding national programming. Once again, New England led the way by supporting the Drive, Chip & Putt and PGA Junior League initiatives. NEPGA Professionals continued to set the national pace for PGA Junior League with 3,691 Players with 153 Captains. With 1,179 unique DC&P registrants, at (9) local and (2) sub-regional qualifiers, New England once again was at the top of the list for participation and proudly acknowledges three local female qualifiers headed to Augusta National Golf Club in 2022! Quite the year for junior golf competitions here in New England. The brightest spotlight under the Youth Development Pillar was reserved for Scholarships, as our robust program of (15) scholarships awarded just over $81,000 to young men and women who are pursuing higher education this academic year. The education of our New England youth remains a focal point and we are committed to increasing the number and amount awarded annually. FUNDRAISING It is a privilege and honor to be able to provide life impacting programs and initiatives to the golf community across New England. We are quite fortunate to have many NEPGA Professionals acting as champions of good for each pillar but without proper funding, many of these would not be possible. Our Foundation is truly proud of the generosity and grass-root efforts made by professionals and amateurs alike during 2021 and clearly many want to see PGA REACH New England succeed. Behind three core fundraising programs, Rounds 4 REACH, Birdies 2 Benefit and the REACH For More Classic and cherished partnerships with Avidia Bank, Tournament Solutions, and Battle Grounds Coffee Company, we will certainly elevate our 2022 programs and impact more lives through the game of golf. If you have interest in supporting any of our causes or know of a program that would align well with our pillars, the staff and I are only a phone call away and welcome the opportunity to collaborate. Here’s to a great 2022 season! Respectfully Submitted, Rob Jarvis, PGA Bangor Municipal Golf Course President – PGA REACH New England NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021


Total Amount Raised by PGA REACH New England in 2021


Total Amount provided in Scholarships in 2021


Total Scholarships Awarded in 2021


Junior Tour Members in 2021 NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021




PGA OF AMERICA Certainly, the past year of 2021 had many challenges but also many successes. Staffing challenges have continued and in some cases accelerated during this past season. As of December 31st. we have record number Assistants positions posted on jobs.pga.org and a considerable challenge for our management professionals to find enough help for the upcoming season. As reported earlier I recommend that we all look for alternative ways of staffing by evaluating the position needs and casting a wider net for the search. As my position winds down and I look towards retirement in the next few months I want to remind all of our members on the importance of two requests I have been making through out the Section and Chapter Meeting season. Please take time to complete your individual Job Preferences Profile and your individual Compensation profile. These surveys are so important to our Section and more importantly to our individual member seeking job and compensation information. Remember, you will not receive direct information on job openings if you have not completed the Job Preference profile. Additionally, your confidential compensation information will assist our Section leaders and career services with information for any requests we may receive. Lastly it has been an incredibly busy season on the employment front during the past year with over 40 management position changes or changes in progress in just the past twelve months. I would like to thank you all for your support and look forward to my retirement. It has been just one of my great experiences in serving our association over the nearly 42 years of involvement with our association at the hapter, section and national level. I am not done yet but simply looking for my next challenge. Thank you all!

Respectfully Submitted, Fiscal Year Section Information Section Compensation Surveys Completed Jim Remy, PGA Section Active Members Completed Percent Career Services Consultant NEPGA 874 287 32.84 % PGA of America Section Job Seeker Preference Completed

Section Active Members Completed Percent VISIT NEPGA NEPGA 874 677 77.45 % EMPLOYMENT TAB Career Services Consultant Member & Sections Interactions HERE Category Month YTD (1/1-12/31) Section Support 21 481 Job Search 21 275 Talent Search 38 534 Relationship Dev. 12 419 Career Planning 8 131 Month Total 100 1840


CAPE COD CHAPTER REPORT The 2021 golf season saw a return to normalcy for the Cape Cod Chapter. After a pandemic shortened season in 2020 which saw only eight tournaments, the Chapter returned to its full schedule of 13 events. All the events were well attended, and we saw some fantastic play from our Cape Cod Professionals. It was truly wonderful to be able to gather with friends once again in person. Greg Yeomans won his 4th career Chapter Championship which was contested once again at the Country Club of New Seabury. Greg completed the impressive feat of winning either the Chapter Championship or the Match Play Championship in three consecutive decades. The other major of the season, the Match Play Championship was contested at LeBaron Hills Country Club on October 28th and 29th after being rescheduled due to weather, congratulations to Tom Tobey, PGA of Sandwich Hollows for his victory. The Cape Cod Cup is back in the hands of the Cape Cod PGA. That is a statement that is all too long in the making as this is the first victory for the Chapter since 2013. The team of 14 Chapter pros led by Captain Ben Egan, won by a score of 11-10 in the 35th playing of the Cape Cod Cup securing the victory in the final match of the day. The Chapter would like to thank the host sites of our Major Championships as well as all our tournaments for their generosity. In a year when your facilities were busier than ever, we can not thank you enough for continuing to host us. The Gary Philbrick Scholarship had another strong year as we gave away 5 scholarships totaling $10,000. We were thrilled to be able to give away these funds to such deserving students. Our Chapter has five award winners this year as voting was done in the Fall of 2020. The winners were as follows: Gary Philbrick Golf Professional of the Year- Merry Holway, Olde Barnstable Fairgrounds Teacher of the Year- Darren Falk, Holly Ridge Club Dutch Wessner Player of the Year- Kyle Dobbs, The Bay Club Assistant Professional of the Year- Mike Abate, Vineyard Golf Club Youth Player Development Award- Bob Giusti, The Back Nine Club Merchandiser of the Year Award- Mike Roy, Plymouth Country Club We are excited to announce that the Chapter has elected a new board of directors at the annual Fall Meeting. The Chapter’s new board members are: President- Darren Falk, Holly Ridge Club Vice-President- Zack Sweet, Cape Cod National Secretary- Jim Clay, New Seabury District Director- Ben Egan, The Bay Club Thank you to all the new board members for their dedication to the Chapter and I look forward to serving with you all and taking the Chapter to new heights. I would like to thank Matt Baran who will be stepping down as Tournament Chair after many years of service, we all greatly appreciate all you have done for the Chapter! We hope that everyone has a happy, safe, and healthy off-season. 2021 was another great year for golf. Let’s continue with the momentum we have gained and find ways to continue making our facilities and chapter better moving forward for the 2022 season. Respectfully Submitted, Ben Egan, PGA President – Cape Cod Chapter NEPGA


MAINE CHAPTER REPORT The Maine Chapter spring schedule started off with four Pro-Ams in a row, unlike the 2020 schedule that was seriously affected by the Covid pandemic. In 2020 we canceled all our May and early June events, a total of four Pro-Am’s. This season, we started with successful Pro-Ams at Falmouth, Prouts Neck, Brunswick and The Woodlands Club. The event at Prouts Neck, raised over $1,200 for the Maine Scholarship fund. The championship season got underway with Maine’s Pro-Am Championship at Martindale CC on Monday, June 14, followed a week later by our Pro-Pro Stroke Play Championship, at Webhannet GC. 10 Pro-Ams, 10 days of Championships (eight events), and 10 Junior tournaments later, the season was already over. Participation The average participation for our Pro-Am’s was 22.6 teams. Most were close to 30, but a couple that conflicted with other events brought the average down. Of the 446 individual professional tournament entries, 420 came from a total of 62 different Maine Pros, and 26 entries came from 13 Pros from other New England chapters. Player of the Year Out of 20 Maine events, one Maine Professional stood out, Eric Higgins, PGA. Out of the 14 Maine events he played in, Eric had 11 top 5’s, four wins and three runner-up finishes as an individual pro. Based on points accumulated, we congratulate Eric as our 2021 Player of the Year. Members & Associates Out of a total of 110, Maine has 68 Class A members, all in good standing. 18 life members, 24 Associates, 6 of which are suspended. We have two female Class A professionals and one female Associate. Sponsorships Our schedule wouldn’t be possible without the help from our various partners. Whether monetary or for product all sponsorships are greatly appreciated. There was a slight increase in sponsor money this year. We received a total of $6,300 as compared to $4,900 in 2020, but still considerably lower than the over $11,000 in 2019. Governance At this year’s Fall Meeting, the Chapter held elections for almost all board positions. Below are the newly elected officers and directors. Peiter DeVos Dan Venezio Rob Jarvis Don Roberts Zach Zondlo Stuart Cady Jay Durfee Eric Higgins Chris Twombly

President Vice President Secretary District Director Director Director Director Director Honorary President

Kebo Valley GC Portland CC Bangor Municipal GC Waterville CC Sugarloaf GC Stitch Golf Brunswick GC Webhannet GC Prouts Neck CC

Term Ends 2023 - 2 Year Term Ends 2023 - 2 Year Term Ends 2023 - 2 Year Term Ends 2024 - 3 Year Term Ends 2023 - 3 Year Term Ends 2022 - 3 Year Term Ends 2024 - 3 Year Term Ends 2024 - 3 Year Term Ends 2023 - 2 Year

Financials Financially the Chapter took in a little over $82,000 in entry fees combined with the $6,300 sponsor revenue, for a total of nearly $89,000, which is around $2,000 more than last year. Pretty good, considering we cancelled three Pro-Am’s due to weather etc. Expense wise, we paid out a little under $28,000 in prize money to our professionals and including course user fees and amateur prize money we contributed a total of approximately $38,000 to our host club’s bottom lines. NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

2021 Awards

Professional of the Year: Peiter DeVos - Kebo Valley Golf Club Bill Strausbaugh Award: Rob Jarvis - Bangor Municipal Golf Course Dan Venezio- Portland Country Club Teacher of the Year: Casey Cox- The Woodlands Club Deacon Palmer Award: Ron Bibeau - Club Car Enterprises Assistant of the Year: Eric Higgins- Webhannet Golf Club Player Development: Casey Cox - The Woodlands Club Youth Development: Brian Bickford - Maine State Golf Association PGA Development: Dan Venezio - Portland Country Club Merchandiser - Private: Jan Murken - The Woodlands Club Merchandiser - Public: Don Roberts - Waterville Country Club Merchandiser - Resort: Zach Zondlo- Sugarloaf Golf Club

Junior Golf In 2018 the New England PGA took over administration of the MSGA’s Junior Tour. Even though the Junior Tour is part of the NEPGA Foundation, the Maine Chapter has administered all the events. These junior events are for kids from 8 years old up to 21. This year, we had a total of 10 events in a six-week period, from the end of June to the middle of August. There was a total of 687 rounds played for an average of 68.7 juniors per event. In 2020, due to what many called the “Covid Bump”, we averaged 69.9 players per event. We’re very pleased that we we’re able to maintain those kinds of numbers this season and hopefully the program will continue to flourish. “Thank You” to the host facilities that helped make the tour such a success. Respectfully Submitted, Chris Twombly, PGA President, Maine Chapter NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021

MASSACHUSETTS CHAPTER REPORT There were eight tournaments scheduled for the 2021 season. The spring season saw the Chapter host two Pro-Pro’s; the TPC Boston 6,6,6 and the Marshfield CC Pro-Pro. The 6,6,6, which was the first event of the season held in New England, saw a fantastic turnout as 64 Professionals teed it up. Wollaston’s Jeff Martin and Bass Rock’s Todd Scarafoni took home the overall title with a 4-under 68. A week later, Marshfield saw another solid field of 38 players. The lone event of the summer was the Foxborough Pro-Am which was held on June 9th. Milton Hoosic’s Todd Cook took home the team title in addition to low professional honors. On September 23rd Marshfield Country Club hosted the Chapter for the second time in 2021, this time for the Chapter Championship. The 51 Massachusetts Professionals was the largest field for this event since 2013. It was a closely contested tournament with Jeff Martin taking home the title firing a 3-under 67. Brockton CC’s Robert Bradley finished one shot behind at 2-under 68. The final Chapter Pro-Am of the season was held at Meadow Brook Golf Club on October 14th and received rave reviews from all that attended. The Chapter finished the season with the Individual Stableford at Thomson CC on 11/1 and the Blue Hill Pro-Pro which will be held on 11/8. We could not have had such a successful season without the help of our partners, so we would like to say a big thank you to Avidia Bank, Tournament Solutions, Callaway, Five Star Golf Cars, Fox Pest Control and 15th Golf Club! Congratulations to the following 2021 MA Chapter Award Winners! Golf Professional of the Year: Steve Sheridan, PGA (Meadow Brook GC) Teacher of the Year: Jo-Anna Krupa, PGA (Belmont CC) Merchandiser of the Year: Jeff Martin, PGA (Wollaston CC) Assistant Golf Professional of the Year: Ed Doherty, PGA (Black Rock CC) Youth Player Development Award: Seul-Ki Hawley, PGA (Harmon Golf) In exciting news, the Chapter has officially announced that we will be launching a scholarship program for the 2022 season. We are in the process of putting together a scholarship committee and fine tuning our application process. More information will be available on this in the winter prior to the spring application process. We look forward to helping the children of our fellow professionals achieve their academic dreams. As we look back on a successful 2021 season, our main objective is to continue to service the needs of the membership. We will continue to do our best to provide you all with the best playing and educational opportunities possible. Thank you all for all you did to make 2021 a success and I look forward to seeing you all in 2022. Respectfully Submitted, Shawn Durocher, PGA President, Massachusetts Chapter


NEW HAMPSHIRE CHAPTER REPORT The NHC/NEPGA schedule was filled with events starting on April 19th at The Oaks in Somersworth. In total, there were 17 pro am events, a pro lady, pro senior, pro/pro and the Chapter Championship. There were two events that were cancelled due to weather, not bad for the rainy summer we had. 2078 rounds were played during the season and the pro am events averaged over 25 teams. The Pro Pro had 16 teams and the Chapter Championship had 42 participants. NHC paid out $44,300.00 in amateur prizes, $15,055.00 in amateur skins, $44,575.00 in cart fees, and $59,300.00 in pro purses. In total the Chapter Events 10% fee equaled $17,661.00. After a tough partner year in 2020, the NHC rebounded nicely. We were able to add over $10,000.00 to our 2021 purses.. We would like to thank Avida Bank, PGA Tour, NE Golf Cars/Yamaha, Fox Pest Control, Titleist, Callaway, Davis& Towle Insurance Group, Central Insurance Companies, and Taylor Made for stepping up with their partnerships. The Davis & Towle/Central Insurance NHC Player of the Year based on tournament points was Dan Kish of Atkinson who accumulated 243.10 points over the season. He was the top finisher for NHC Professionals in the NEPGA Championship where he finished tied for 8th. Dan Wilkins of Laconia, Dan Kish’s future father-in-law, was in second place in the POY race with 226.20 points. Jay Pollini of Ridgewood had another good year as he placed 3rd in the point race with 189.99 points. It was an exciting race for this award as all of them played well all season long. The chapter conducted its Fall Meeting of members at Intervale CC on October 21, 2021 with over 40 professionals and guests in attendance. Presentations were made by incoming NEPGA President Mike Bradshaw, NEPGA Executive Director Mike Higgins, Employment report from Jim Remy and Player Development Brian Bain. Matt Arvanitis was re-elected to the BOD to a 1 year term. Below is the 2022 BOD. The NHC Board of Governance for 2022: President: Cory Mansfield, Derryfield CC Head Professional Vice President: Tim Riese, Pease GC Head Professional Secretary: Phil Davis, Beaver Meadow GC Head Professional District Director: Joanne Flynn, Windham CC Head Professional At-Large Director 2 years: Allison Mitzel, Laconia CC Head Professional At-Large Director 1 year: Matt Arvanitis, SNHU Golf Coach Past President: Scott Devito, Pease GC Director of Golf NHC Year End Awards Professional of the Year: Asst. Professional of the Year: Teacher of the Year: Youth Development Leader: Merchandiser of the Year: NHC Player of the Year:

Gordon Sweenes, Wentworth by the Sea CC Head Professional Lucas Langelier, Cochecho CC Assistant Professional Rico Riciputi, Wentworth by the Sea CC Ian Willikins, Derryfield CC Sean Chipman, Atkinson CC Dan Kish, Atkinson CC

Congratulations to the following professionals for winning the chapter’s major championships: Matt Arvanitis, SNHU, NHC Champion Bill Andrews, Portsmouth CC, NHC Senior Champion Bill Andrews, Portsmouth CC and team-ProSenior Championship Jason Malcolm, Nashua CC and team-ProLady Championship Matt Arvanitis, SNHU & Cory Mansfield, Derryfield CC-Pro Pro Championship The chapter sends its sincere “thank you” to NH PGA Professionals who hosted during the 2021 season. Respectfully Submitted, Cory Mansfield, PGA President, New Hampshire Chapter


RHODE ISLAND CHAPTER REPORT The Rhode Island Chapter held five events in the 2021 season, it was a welcome site to have the Chapter back on the golf course after holding only a single event in 2020. We cannot thank all of our host professionals enough for hosting us this season. The Chapter saw great partner support during the 2021 season with $5,000 going into our tournaments. A special thanks goes out to Avidia Bank, Tournament Solutions, Five Star Golf Cars, 15th Golf Club, Fox Pest Control, Callaway, and the PGA Tour. We would also like to congratulate our Chapter Professionals for their success in Section tournament play this season. Brendon Ray secured a spot in the 2022 PGA of America National Championship with his play in this year’s Section Championship. Ed Kirby and Brian Owens both competed at 2021 Senior National Championship which was held October 21-24 at the Wanamaker & Ryder courses in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The Chapter’s Fall Meeting was held on October 18th at Potowomut Golf Club. The Chapter was thrilled to honor our 2021 Award Winners in person: Les Kennedy Player of the Year: Bill Maguire (Wanumetonomy G&CC) Youth Player Development Award: Nick Maresca (Kirkbrae CC) Teach of the Year Award: Shane Drury (Button Hole Teaching Center) Merchandiser of the Year: Al Vallante (Harbor Lights G&CC) Assistant Professional of the Year: Daniel Guidarelli (Shelter Harbor GC) Golf Professional of the Year: Seth Force (Potowomut GC) The next order of business was to elect a new Chapter Board of Directors who began their terms at the Chapter meeting. The new electees are: President- Nick Maresca Vice-President- Michael Gelinas Secretary- Nathan Adelson Honorary President- Shane Drury Looking forward to 2022, myself and the Chapter board will be looking for new ideas to help rejuvenate our tournament schedule and increase participation in our events. We have fantastic facilities and professionals in our Chapter, and I know if we all work together we can take the Rhode Island Chapter to new heights. I wish you all a great off-season and look forward to seeing you next year. Respectfully Submitted, Shane Drury, PGA President-Rhode Island Chapter NEPGA


VERMONT CHAPTER REPORT The Vermont chapter had an extremely successful 2021 season in many facets, including participation, partnerships and scholarships. This season also saw the start of a wonderful partnership with the Vermont Golf Association who was on-site running the operations of our tournaments. We would like to extend a big thank you to John Goodchild and his staff and we look forward to continuing this relationship between our associations. This season saw the Inaugural playing of the Pfanner Cup at Ekwanok CC which was created in memory of our dear friend Dave Pfannstein who sadly passed away in April 2020. Dave was an influential member of the Vermont PGA and served as the Executive Director of the Vermont Golf Association. He is greatly missed by us all. The first playing of the Pfanner Cup saw the Vermont PGA team face-off against a team of the Vermont Golf Association’s best amateurs to raise money to benefit the VTPGA and VGA’s Scholarship funds. In addition to golf, there was a celebration of life ceremony. Although the VTPGA team did not come out victorious, it was a fantastic event that we look forward to continuing many years into the future. There were many memorable moments on the golf course this season for the Vermont Chapter. Among the highlights were: • Pete Scrimgeour winning 2 of his first 5 professional starts • David Bennett setting the course record at Neshobe with a round of 10-under 62 • Host Pro Steve Hosack making a hole-in-one at the Burlington Pro-Am • David Bennett winning his record setting 6th Stroke Play Championship • David Jankowski winning the NEPGA Stoke Play Series event at President’s Golf Course The Vermont Chapter fall meeting was held at Country Club of Vermont on Monday, September 20th. The meeting was highlighted by the election of a new board of Directors. The current Vermont chapter board is listed below. Tom Mackey, PGA, Ekwanok CC, President Dan Ruane, PGA, Stowe CC, Vice President David Jankowski, PGA, Burlington CC, Secretary Sean Toof, PGA, Vermont National CC, One Year Director David Bennett, PGA, CC of Vermont, Honorary President & District Director The VTPGA Scholarship fund is strong with $109,000 currently in the investment account and $5,000 in its’ working account. There was a $4000 contribution this year to the fund by dealer.com. There were just 7 recipients of scholarships this year with the total amount given out being $7,000. The number of recipients is likely to rise in the near future as there are going to be many more eligible applicants very soon. Finally, the Vermont Chapter would like to congratulate David Bennett for once again qualifying for the PGA of America National Championship in 2022. We would also like to congratulate Peter Weatherby for qualifying as 1st alternate. Great job David and Peter! The Vermont chapter would also like to thank of all its partners this season. In a very trying year the chapter still had great support (over $19,500) and was a main reason for all of the success we had with our events. A special thanks goes out to dealer.com, Northstar Fireworks, W&B Golf Cars, Five Star Golf Cars & Utility Vehicles, Callaway Golf, adidas golf, Farrell Distributing, Avidia Bank, and the PGA Tour. Respectfully Submitted, David Bennett, PGA President -Vermont Chapter NEPGA NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021


The “PGA Golf Executive of the Year Award” bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who has performed outstanding services for a multiple facility/ course management/ownership operation, Allied Association or golf industry executive management position. As one of the highest honors the PGA can bestow, candidates must possess outstanding qualities of leadership, vision, courage, strong moral character, and a substantial record of service to the Association and the game of golf. Individuals honored with the PGA Golf Executive of the Year award will be held as a model PGA Golf Professional.


JIM CLAY, PGA NEW SEABURY RESORT The Merchandiser of the Year Award is designed to recognize those PGA Professionals who have excelled as business persons/merchandisers in the promotion of golf.

YOUTH PLAYER DEVELOPMENT AWARD SEUL-KI HAWLEY, PGA WINCHESTER COUNTRY CLUB The Youth Player Development Award is designed to pay recognition to a PGA golf professional who is a leader in junior golf, reflects the qualities and ideals of those who work with our nation’s youth, and provides opportunities and experiences for juniors to learn and play golf.



PETER DOHERTY, PGA ATKINSON RESORT & COUNTRY CLUB The Patriot Award is presented to a PGA Professional who personifies patriotism through the game of golf and demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to the men and women who have valiantly served and protected the United States of America.


All Class A-8 members are eligible for the Assistant Golf Professional of the Year Award based on his/her efforts as an assistant professional and involvement in Assistants’ Association, Chapter, Section and PGA of America activities.


ERIC BARLOW, PGA WINCHESTER COUNTRY CLUB The Player Development Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional for extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development. This award considers the PGA Professional’s growth of the game leadership commitment at the Section and National levels and the impact made at the facility.



ADAM KOLLOFF, PGA PURE DRIVE GOLF The Teacher & Coach of the Year Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional who is an outstanding teacher of golf among the ranks of PGA membership. This award is based on a professionals overall performance in teaching: unusual, innovative and special teaching programs initiated or implemented; articles published; as well as outstanding golfers the Professional has instructed.

PGA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARD MICHAEL SULLIVAN, PGA OYSTER HARBORS CLUB This award bestows special recognition on a PGA Professional for outstanding service and contributions to developing and improving educational opportunities for fellow PGA Professionals.


The George S. Wemyss Award is presented each year to an individual who has consistently been a friend to the NEPGA and/or its members over the years, and made a significant contribution to the game of golf. The individual should consistently demonstrate a high moral character, and has performed a distinctive service to the NEPGA to meet its goals or enhance its image. The George S. Wemyss Award was originally called the “Man of the Year Award” and was first presented in 1977 to Cuz Mingolla. In 1978 Dick Tarlow was the recipient followed by Gael Coakley in 1978 and Joe Lazaro in 1980. The “Man of the Year Award” became the “Golden Golf Award” when the Committee decided to give this prestigious award to Pat Bradley in 1981 and realized that a name change was in order. In 1982 Manny Francis was the recipient followed in 1983 by George S. Wemyss. This award was not given in 1984, 1987, 1988, and 1989. Geoge W. Page was the recipient in 1985 and George S. Wemyss, again in 1986.



PETER NORTON, PGA POCASSET GOLF CLUB The Deacon Palmer Award bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who personally displays outstanding integrity, character and leadership, in the effort to overcome a major obstacle in their life. This individual is an unsung hero/heroine at their facility and in their community, who serve to inspire, empower and assist others, both inside and outside of the game.


The Bill Strausbaugh Award is designed to recognize PGA Professionals who by their dayto-day efforts have distinguished themselves by mentoring their fellow PGA Professionals in improving their employment situations as well as through service to the community. This award is presented to those PGA members who truly reflect the characteristics and qualities that Bill Strausbaugh possessed during his lifetime. Award candidates should demonstrate a record of service to their Section or Association; leadership ability; contributions to building the image of the game of golf, the PGA Professional and the Association; involvement and significant contributions towards improving the skills of fellow PGA Professionals; involvement in civic activities within his/her community; involvement with local charitable causes; overall integrity and recognition as a person of outstanding character.


JOSH OLNEY, PGA ORLEANS COUNTRY CLUB The Golf Professional of the Year Award is awarded for overall performance as a golf professional at his/her golf facility, level of service to his/ her Section and to the Association, leadership ability, image and the ability to inspire fellow professionals and promotion of the game of golf.



Tom Cavicchi, PGA, the Director of Golf at Harmon Golf in Rockland, MA has been a PGA Professional since 1979 and has established himself as one of the best and most respected teachers in New England as well as the national stage. After graduating from Rollins College where he was a second-team Division II All-American in 1969, Cavicchi turned his sights towards becoming a Professional and quickly began building a resume in three areas of the country with major golf pedigree. After starting at Hingham’s South Shore Country Club in 1973, he moved on to work at Blue Hill Country Club from 1975-1977 before leaving Massachusetts to spend four years in New York, the first three at Oak Hill Country Club in Rochester, NY from 1978-1981 before moving over to Brae Burn Country Club in Purchase, NY for the 1982 season. From there he would move on to the state of Texas and spend the 1983 & 1984 seasons at River Oaks Country Club in Houston, and the 1985 season at The Falls Golf & Country Club. This would prove to be his last year before returning to Massachusetts for good, and in 1986 he joined the team at Oyster Harbors Club and would spend the next eight seasons there before becoming the Head Golf Professional at Wollaston Golf Club in 1994 where he would spend the next six seasons, while earning a NEPGA Teacher of the Year Award in 1995. His next move would prove to alter the golf instruction landscape in New England, as Cavicchi was instrumental in creating Harmon Golf in Rockland, MA which was established in 2001. Over the next 20 years while stewarding the Harmon Club to prominence, Cavicchi would become one of the most sought-after teachers in New England. Harmon Golf soon became a place for the area’s top players to practice and receive instruction from some of the best teaching professionals in New England, all of whom were recruited and vetted by Cavicchi. Tom’s ability to educate his peers yielded recognition in the form of consecutive New England PGA Professional Development Awards (previously known as the Horton Smith Award) in 2006 and 2007. Cavicchi’s career has centered around bettering himself and his fellow Professionals when it comes to teaching the game of golf, one of the many skills that differentiate PGA Professionals as experts in the game. Between his busy teaching schedule at Harmon Golf & Fitness in Rockland, MA, Cavicchi has been a member or chairman of the NEPGA Education Committee since 2011 and organized and hosted numerous teaching & coaching educational events since 2008. Through it all, Tom’s dedication to his profession and his peers has been unwavering. NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021


Ron Philo, Jr., PGA, is largely considered one of the best playing PGA Professionals in the PGA of America’s 105-year history. Philo grew up in a “PGA Household”, as his grandfather operated a driving range while giving instruction as his second career, and raised two sons who became PGA Professionals, including Ron’s father Ron Philo, Sr., PGA. Ron went on to follow his father and uncle’s footsteps by playing at Florida State University where he was a two-time letter winner in 1985 & 1986. After receiving his MBA from Florida State in 1989, Philo become a PGA Member in 1990 while pursuing playing full-time on developmental tours around the world before joining his father as a full-time teaching professional in the early 90’s. Beginning in 1998, Philo spent nearly 20 seasons in the New England Section, with all but one season in the Vermont Chapter. During his time in New England he quickly established himself as one of the dominant playing Professionals, capturing prestigious championships and representing New England on the highest stages. Philo captured the 2004 & 2008 New England PGA Championships as well as the New England PGA Wogan Player of the Year Award consecutively from 2003 to 2005. Philo also captured the 2005 New England Open, besting one of the strongest Professional fields in the region. As a follow up to his successful 2005 season, Philo turned in an encore performance by capturing the 2006 Rhode Island Open in addition to his monumental PGA Professional Championship victory, a playoff triumph at Turning Stone Resort in upstate New York. His victory followed three consecutive top-5 finishes in that event, and officially cemented his legacy among the top playing PGA Professionals in the country. At the time of his induction, his illustrious career includes a New England Open title, the 2003 and 2006 Rhode Island Open’s, five Section Championships and six Player of the Year Awards across three Sections (New England, North Florida & Metropolitan), two PGA Cup appearances (2005 & 2007), and 10 major championship appearances.



Scottish born Willie & Georgina Campbell are long considered to be some of the first golf professionals in the history of the game. Each born in Musselburgh, Scotland in the 1860’s, each honed their skills on the famed Musselburgh Links which hosted six Open Championships in the 1800’s. In 1894, the Campbell’s set off to Boston where Willie was the first golf professional at The Country Club and became largely responsible for the foundation of the course as it stands today. Campbell also spent time as the golf professional at Essex County Club, Myopia Hunt Club, and finished his career as golf professional at Boston’s Franklin Park, then known as Boston Golf Club at Franklin Park. An accomplished player for his era, he had eight top-10’s in the Open Championship as well as a solo sixth finish at the first US Open Championship held at Newport CC. Georgina Campbell also grew up at Musselburgh Links and is thought to be the first ever female golf professional. She followed Wille wherever his career took him, many times managing the golf shop and giving lessons often to young girls and women beginners, while he was competing locally or nationally. After Willie’s death in 1900, Georgina was named the golf professional at Franklin Park, marking the first such instance of record in the United States. Georgina was a respected player in her own right and is known to be one of the first advocates for female golfers becoming more involved in the game. In addition to their status as a highly sought-after golf professional duo, Willie & Georgina were advocates for the growth of municipal golf, brought forth by their time spent at Franklin Park, as well as leaders in club and ball design and repair. Additionally, Willie Campbell is in-part responsible for designing other New England courses such as Wannamoisett CC, Tatnuck CC, Beaver Meadow CC and Oakley CC.


Harold “Jug” McSpaden was born in Kansas in 1908 and turned professional in 1926 after spending his youth as a caddie, inspired to start the game by witnessing Harry Vardon play a match in Kansas City in 1918. He became an elected PGA Professional in 1926 at the age of 18 and set off on a successful playing career which saw him participate in the first Masters Tournament in 1934 and win 17 times on the PGA TOUR. In the late 1930s and early 1940’s, McSpaden was the Head Golf Professional at Winchester Country Club and competed throughout New England, capturing three New England PGA Championships (1938, 1939, 1941) and four Massachusetts Open titles (1936, 1937, 1938, 1941). He finished in the top-10 ten times in Major Championships and is arguably most well-known for placing second 13 times in 1945 as well as finishing in the top-10 31 times, both PGA TOUR records that still stand to this day.


Tom McNamara, PGA can be credited in large part for the creation of the PGA Championship and enjoyed a successful golf professional career in the northeast. McNamara was born in Brookline, Massachusetts and spent time as the Head Golf Professional at Wollaston Golf Club, now known as President’s Golf Course in Quincy, MA. McNamara was an accomplished player, and during the 1909 United States Open, was the first player to break 70 in a competitive tournament. He held a lead on the back-nine of that Championship, however due to head exhaustion he faltered down the stretch and ultimately finished second, his first of three runner-up finishes in that Championship (1912, 1915). In 1910 he served as the Head Golf Professional at Fall River Country Club in Fall River, MA before moving onto Siwanoy Country Club in Bronxville, NY. It was there he met Rodman Wanamaker and soon became the manager of the golf department in Wanamaker’s New York City store. McNamara proposed the idea of a national championship for Professionals to Wanamaker, which ultimately became the PGA Championship which was first held at Siwanoy in 1916. NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021













TENTATIVE 2022 SECTION SCHEDULE DATE EVENT VENUE March 20-23, 2022 NEPGA Pinehurst ProAm Pinehurst Resort Thursday, March 31, 2022 NEPGA Spring Meeting Andover Country Club Monday, April 11, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am Thorny Lea Golf Club Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Stroke Play Series #1 Newport National Monday, April 25, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am TBD Monday, May 02, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am Portsmouth CC May 9-10, 2022 NEPGA ProPro Match Play LeBaron Hills CC Thursday, May 12, 2022 NEPGA Hudson Cup Marshfield CC Monday, May 16, 2022 Stroke Play Series #2 Tedesco CC Monday, May 23, 2022 Acushnet Golf Pro-Assistant The Bay Club Tuesday, May 31, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am Championship Blue Hill & Wollaston SSunday, June 5, 2022 Haverhill Pro-Member Haverhill CC Monday, June 6, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am Whitinsville GC Monday, June 13, 2022 NEPGA Senior/Junior Championship Foxborough CC Monday June 20, 2022 KornFerry Monday Qualifier Ledges GC June 23-26, 2022 KornFerry Tour event Falmouth CC Monday, June 27, 2022 NEPGA Pro+1Am Kirkbrae CC Tuesday, July 05, 2022 Stroke Play Series #3 Fall River CC Monday, July 11, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Pro Stroke Play The Haven CC Monday, July 18, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Senior TBD Thursday, July 21, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Lady Kernwood CC Week of July 25 NEPGA Senior Championship Woodstock Resort Monday, August 01, 2022 Stroke Play Series #4 Cohasset GC Monday, August 08, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Officer Franklin CC Tuesday, August 16, 2022 Head Pro/Teaching Pro Championships Cape Club of Sharon Tuesday, August 23, 2022 Stroke Play Series #5 Indian Ridge CC September 6-8, 2022 Section Championship Eastward Ho & TBD Week of Sept. 12th Doubles Golf Finals (2 days) TBD Monday, September 12, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Am TBD Sept 19-20, 2022 Assistants Championship TBD Sunday, October 02, 2022 IGOE Pro-Member Wellesley CC Monday, October 03, 2022 Avidia Cup Finals/Stroke Play Finals Salem CC Wednesday, October 05, 2022 PGA REACH for More Classic TBD Tuesday, October 11, 2022 NEPGA Cape Cod Fall Festival ProAm #1 TBD Wednesday, October 12, 2022 NEPGA Cape Cod Fall Festival #2 TBD Thursday, October 13, 2022 NEPGA Cape Cod Fall Festival ProAm #3 Pocasset GC TBD Friday, October 14, 2022 NEPGA Cape Cod Fall Festival ProAm #4 Atkinson Resort Monday, October 17, 2022 NEPGA Pro-Superintendent Cascata, Rio Secco, Reflection Bay November 6-9, 2022 Las Vegas Pro-Am TBD NEPGA ANNUAL REPORT 2021









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