2022 NEPGA Annual Report

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2 Table of Contents 2 Annual Meeting Agenda 3 In Memoriam 4 President’s Report Mike Bradshaw, PGA 5 Vice President’s Report Chip Johnson, PGA 6 Secretary’s Report Joanne Flynn, PGA 7 Executive Director’s Report Michael Higgins 12 Foundation Report Rob Jarvis, PGA 16 Chapter Reports 20 PGA District 1 Director Report Larry Kelley, PGA 33 PGA Player Development Regional Manager Brian Bain, PGA 33 PGA Employment Report Dave Wilson, PGA 35 Education Report Steve Sheridan, PGA 36 Tournament Committee Report Jeff Martin, PGA 37 2022 Award Winners 40 Partner Thank You 42 NEPGA Tentative 2023 Schedule 43 2021 Meeting Minutes 45
I. Welcome & Call to Order
PGA • Opening remarks
Moment of Silence for deceased members
Reading of the Minutes II. President’s Report
State of the Section III. Vice President’s Report
PGA • Financial Report IV. Secretary Report
PGA • New Members • Quarter & Half Century Members • PDR Update V. Executive Director Report
Higgins VI. Foundation Report
PGA VII. District 1 Director Report
PGA 10- MINUTE BREAK Special Reports
VIII. Employment Consultant Report IX. PGA Jr. League Report X. Committee Reports • Special Awards Committee • Tournament Committee XI. New Business XII. Officer Panel XIII. Outgoing Directors & Swearing in of New Directors XIV. Open Forum XV. Adjourn 3 Annual Meeting – November 18, 2022 Streaming Live 9:00 AM
Mike Bradshaw,
Mike Bradshaw,
Chip Johnson,
Allan Belden,
Rob Jarvis,
Larry Kelley,
Dave Wilson, PGA Brian Bain, PGA Allan Belden, PGA Jeff Martin, PGA




Fellow New England PGA Professionals,

2022 has been an amazing year in the golfing industry and nowhere has that been more obvious than in the New England Section. I continue to be in awe of, and inspired by, the tremendous things that our section professionals do each and every day to make themselves, their clients, and our great game better.

And it makes me so proud to be part of our great Section. The officers and Executive Director Mike Higgins just returned from the PGA of America Annual Meeting in Phoenix a week or so ago and it’s blatantly obvious that the New England Section is considered a leader in the country.

And why wouldn’t we be? Further on in this report, and also at our Annual Meeting later this week, you will see some fantastic things that are happening within our section’s borders due to the work of our NEPGA professionals. A few highlights include:

• Birdies 2 Benefit: NEPGA professionals made a total of 508 birdies in 3 rounds back at Andover Country club back in August. This resulted in over $197,000 being raised for Special Olympics Massachusetts, Boston Children’s Hospital and our own NEPGA Reach.

• PGA Junior League: The NEPGA continues to lead in what many call the most impactful program in the history of the Association. Number One in the country in both number of coaches and revenue to coaches ($986,446!!) and #2 in total players---with what is really only a 6-month season!!

• NEPGA Championship: Our Section’s largest event was once again the country’s largest. 177 Section professionals competed in our Championship, which was won in riveting fashion with an eagle by Liam Friedman on the 3rd playoff hole at beautiful Eastward Ho! Liam will be joined in New Mexico by 13 other Section professionals in April as they attempt to become part of the Team of 20 PGA professionals that will compete in the 2023 PGA Championship at Oak Hill CC (NY) next May.

These are just a small snapshot of what’s happening each and every day in our Section. And, in 2022, we were fortunate to finally be able to open a home for our Section befitting the great professionals and top notch staff of the NEPGA. After decades of hard work by many men and women that came before us, the officers and I were joined in August by then PGA of America Vice President John Lindert at the grand opening of the homesite of the New England PGA. It was an emotional day and evening as our home what had been dreamed about, worked for and finally realized was opened and celebrated. If you have not taken a trip to the homesite yet, I urge you to do so. It’s quite an amazing place that will only get better in the future.

And speaking of the future, I’d be remiss not to thank the group that will be leading us into the future the section staff. The Section office in the summer months is really like a “docking station” as all of the staff is coming and going throughout the 65,000 square mile area of the New England Section doing what they do best aiding and supporting our Section professionals. On behalf of our entire membership, I thank them for their continued efforts and look forward to the future with them.

Just like our staff, our NEPGA professionals truly put their best foot forward each and every day in so many different ways. And for a kid from little, ole’ Rhode Island, it’s daunting to see how we, as PGA Professionals, have the power to impact so many lives by sharing our knowledge of a game.

And while the game is growing like a weed (in a good way!!), it is also taxing our professionals like never before. But if you think back, years ago we all had that “moment” when the game bit us, sunk its’ teeth into us,


and had us for life. So when the hours get long, or a customer gets particularly deep under your skin, if you can at all, try to focus on that “moment” and that joy the game of golf brings. It’s a game we all love, a game we all share and ultimately a game that draws us all together as part of this great association.

I am honored and humbled to serve you all as President of our great Section. Thank you for all that you do for the game we all love. Thank you for an amazing 2022 season. Thank you to all of our past leaders who had the foresight and vision to lead us to where our Section is now. And thank you in advance as we look forward to 2023!!


First and foremost, it has been my pleasure to serve as your Vice President for the past year. As the Vice President, my primary responsibility is to report on the finances of the Section.

At this time, we can report over 3.5 million in combine revenue between the Section and the Foundation. This is up from 2021 and can be attributed to tremendous member support, increased sponsorship and fundraising dollars, and the current golf economy being so active. The current combined expenses are approaching $3 million dollars. $495,943.00 came from fundraising and donations, and a significant portion of those dollars are restricted funds for programming such as PGA Hope, Scholarships, Women’s Golf Week, junior golf and more. Though it may appear that the Section/Foundation shows a significant profit for 2022, many of the restricted funds will be allocated for future programming. That being said, our Section leadership and staff have done amazing job generating revenue while monitoring expenses and keeping the PGA Member in mind with every financial decision.

It was a very exciting year as the Section moved into our brand new homesite. The entire Board of Directors was committed to not only building the homesite but doing it in the most fiscally responsible manner. We are fortunate to have some amazing partners that helped in the pursuit of this goal. We worked with Woodmiester and Dixon Construction who provided us with a first-class homesite while also maintaining the budgeted amounts we set forth.

Through the process we strived to be fiscally responsible by managing construction costs. Smart financial decisions by past leadership, as well as a strategic withdrawal of our building fund from our long-term investments prior to the market decline have enabled us to pay for the building entirely in cash. We did not accrue interest during the construction process, and the money saved on mortgage payments on an annual basis will allow us to redirect those dollars into member programming.

Chip Johnson, PGA Hatherly CC

The Section leadership understands the world economy and cost of living has risen exponentially. We know you are all experiencing this at your facilities and personally. It is very important to the Board of Directors to do everything possible to not have to raise dues or administration expenses to NEPGA members. This may be something we have to address in the future, but for 2023 nothing will change.

Along with the end of the PDR Cycle, 2022 was an extremely busy and fruitful season for NEPGA education. I’d like to remind each Section member about our NEPGA University.

This one-of-a-kind Section education platform now warehouses over 30 hours of educational webinars that not only provide an opportunity for PDR’s, but more importantly, the chance to expand your knowledge. The Education Committee met this fall and has put together a great virtual and in person education schedule for the winter months. For those who can’t be there in person, there is always the “U” to get you through. Use the upcoming offseason to better yourself and your brand.

To close, I would like to thank each one of you for what you do for this great game and this great organization. We all do what we do because we chose to - let’s all choose to do it even better.

Use the PGA of America and the New England PGA to make yourself better. Don’t ask “what does the PGA do for me,” instead ask, “what can the PGA do for me?” Take the time to find out and pursue it. Trust me, the journey will be worth the destination.

Respectfully Submitted, Chip Johnson, PGA Vice President, NEPGA


Joanne Flynn, PGA Windham CC

Dear New England PGA Members and Associates,

As my second year as your Secretary concludes, I would like to thank the entire membership for all your support. I am very excited to be a part of such a talented group of PGA Professionals that care so much about our association, and it has been a privilege and an honor to serve alongside them all. I assure you that all these individuals are very dedicated to what is best for the NEPGA. It has also been a pleasure to work alongside our Executive Director Mike Higgins and the entire staff of the NEPGA. We should all be very grateful that we have such a dedicated group of people that are so willing to serve us every day.

The New England section currently has 1,035 professionals, made up of 909 members and 126 associates, making us the 8th largest section in the country. There are 650 facilities in the New England section. 377 of those facilities are staffed by a PGA professional. That is over half at 58%.

Of the 126 associates in the New England section 23 are suspended. That means 18% of the Associates are currently suspended, and that number is down two from the spring.


The suspended associate rate for the New England section is a little bit below the national average. If you know of an associate who is struggling to become active, have them reach out to either myself or a member of the membership committee, as we are happy to help.

We are all very proud of our associates when they complete their PGA education and become Class A members. I would like to congratulate the 14 individuals that have complete the task over the course of the past year:

John C. Rutledge, PGA

Parsons Xtreme Golf

Jarred Reyes, PGA Nantucket Golf Club

John J. Mullen, PGA The Woodlands Club

Sean R. Irons, PGA Fall River CC

Kristen M. Macdonald, PGA Thomson CC

Daniel W. Van Heest, PGA Newton Commonwealth

Anthony S. Bacigalupo, PGA Eastward Ho!

Gregory T. Martin, PGA Boothbay Harbor CC

Robert Macpherson, PGA Vineyard Golf Club

Jacob T. Mrochinski, PGA Wianno GolfClub

Benjamin C. Stone, PGA Pembroke Pines CC

Madeline A. Belden, PGA Brae Burn CC

Matthew R. Davis, PGA The Country Club

We are also very proud of veteran PGA Professional who reach the milestone of being a PGA member for 25 years and 50 years.

First, I would like to congratulate the 10 individuals that have joined the PGA of America quarter century club:

William B. Curtin, PGA John R. King, PGA

Mark W.R. Hall, PGA Steven G. Mann, PGA

Richard R. Baptist, PGA Kevin J. Wood, PGA David F. Moynihan, PGA Kevin J. Frawley, PGA

John M. Shane, PGA Sean Edmonds, PGA

Next, I would like to congratulate the 3 individuals that have joined the PGA of America half century club:

James R. Sheerin, PGA

Michael G. Martino, PGA

Bryce D. Roberts, PGA

MSRs are now known as PDRs, the Professional Development Requirement Policy. This cycle deadline is set for June 15th, 2025. As PGA professionals we are required to earn 54 credits before the deadline. 30 of those credits must come from Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs and six must come from Meetings and/or National Survey Submission


PDRs for Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs may include attending career specific education, including serving as a speaker/instructor. Attending education on topics such as youth safety, diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health wellbeing 1 credit per each hour of attendance. Other examples are PGA HOPE Clinics (1 credit for hour or each hour of participation, up to six credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior League (6 credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/ season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Family Cup (six credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior Camps (2 credits per camp week, up to six credits per PDR cycle year), Drive Chip & Putt Host PGA Professional 4 PGA Required PDR credits.

PDRs for PGA Meeting Attendance and National Survey Completion may include attending National, Section or Chapter Meetings, including Board and Committee Meetings 1credit per each hour of attendance. (If a meeting is offered both in person and virtual, in person attendees will receive full credit, while virtual attendees will receive half (1/2) credit.), Completing National Surveys (such as: Compensation Survey, Annual Operations Survey, Member Offering Survey, Career Planning Survey, Revenue Scorecard) max 2 credits per National survey, per cycle year

Credits toward the total requirement may include serving the Section, Chapter, National PGA or Allied Association. serving as a golf coach or assistant golf coach of a high school/college golf team in a capacity not considered the Member’s primary employment. Participation in Section sanctioned golf tournaments or tournaments conducted by the PGA of America National Office. Attending a National, Section or Allied Association Merchandise Show. And much more!

As mentioned earlier, the PGA Merchandise Show will be held from January 24th to January 27th at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. Registration is open!

I hope each of you know that I am here to serve every member of our great section. We have a dedicated board of directors and a strong section staff in place committed to our members who will help you whenever you need it. Please know that if I can ever be of any assistance, feel free to reach out to me at my club, shoot me an email, or pull me aside at a section event. Have a great off season

Respectfully submitted, Joanne Flynn, PGA New England PGA Secretary


The New England PGA currently reflects a 96% male demographic with the remaining 5% comprised of females. There are over 990 males PGA Professionals in our Section, and 40 female Professionals. While these numbers are vastly different, New England is actually higher than the national average of Male:Female ratio. Programs like Women’s Golf Week and the Women’s Section Championship are two ways that the NEPGA is trying to drive more programs and access for female golfers

The New England PGA has a diverse range of Member Classifications, with the largest being the A 1 Head Golf Professional, of which there are 271. A 8 Assistant PGA Professionals are the second largest classification with 152 total, while Life Member rounds out the top three with 130. That final statistic represents a growing area of concern for our association, as our Professional ranks continue to age and become eligible for Life Member status. Associate PGA Professionals comprise our fourth largest group of Professionals with 118 Professionals within the B 1 and B 8 classifications.


In the graph below you can see that our NEPGA Membership ranks are certainly diverse in age, mirroring the great game of golf which allows young and old to share in the game. Ranging from 19 to 96, New England PGA Professionals feature a wealth of youth and experience that spans membership across eight decades! The median age for NEPGA Members is just below 50, another illustration of our membership trending towards senior age and retirement.

Our NEPGA Chapters continue to be the lifeblood of our Association and provide members access to the PGA at the grassroots level. Despite turnover in recent years with various Chapter Operations Managers, the Section continues to provide quality education, programming, and events to all NEPGA Members regardless of their location. As you can see illustrated in the chart, the Massachusetts Chapter boasts the largest quantity of PGA Professionals with almost 436 residing in that chapter. If you include the Cape Cod Chapter, well over 50% of our NEPGA Professionals are located in Massachusetts, the Cape & Islands. New Hampshire contains the third largest of the chapter totals with 136



Dear New England Section Membership,

2022 is my Quarter Century season with the New England Section, and I continue to be just as excited to work for the NEPGA as I was as a new employee back in 1997. I try to write and communicate with the membership quite often, but it is the ED Report for the NEPGA Annual Meeting that always allows me to reflect on the year and get excited to begin planning for the season ahead. There is no question in my mind that the reason for my longevity and continued enjoyment in my role is due to the amazing PGA Professionals and extremely talented staff that I am fortunate to work with.

By almost every measure possible the Section had one of our most exciting and successful seasons yet. The golf industry and the day to day operation of the 7th largest Section in the country can at times be fast paced and demanding, but the NEPGA Staff rose to the occasion, and I am so proud of their efforts. I have also been extremely impressed with the continued efforts of our PGA Professionals. The game of golf is extremely strong and the challenges that present themselves at facilities as a result have been met head on by the continued dedication to the game by PGA Professionals. And the true definition of the word dedication can be seen from the commitment of the volunteer leadership at the Chapter and Section level. I say it year after year, but the Board of Directors, Past Presidents, chapter leaders, and staff have fostered an environment where “team goals” far outweigh individual accomplishments.

The business of the New England PGA and the New England PGA Foundation requires proper planning and diligent execution, so a quality business plan developed by the Board of Directors and staff is paramount. The annual business planning process along with a Board Orientation that included chapter leaders helped produce a governance model that ensures committees, directors and officers maintain an active role of supervision and involvement, while staff implement the desired programs and services. The roadmap to the NEPGA’s future continues to be well lit and will always have PGA Professionals in mind for every decision.

For me, the most exciting thing to happen in 2022 was the completion of our homesite. In 1991 I stepped foot on the grounds at The Haven CC as a pro shop employee, and now 30 years later I return every day to work in our newly constructed office. I cannot thank prior Section leadership enough for their foresight, effort, and commitment to making a permanent homesite a priority, and the current leadership for getting it across the finish line. I encourage every NEPGA Professional to come visit your home, it truly is worthy of your brand.


Please join me in thanking the New England PGA team for their dedicated efforts in support of the Section and Chapters. It is my pleasure to work with the following talented individuals:

• Chris Clayton, Director of Tournament Operations

• Justin Del Bianco, Tournament Operations Manager Vermont

• Max Doctoroff, PGA, Director of Rules and Competition

• Don Doyon, Tournament Operations Manager Maine

• Ken Hamel, Tournament Operations Manager New Hampshire

• Casey Litwack, Tournament Director

• Lauren Neilan, Marketing and Communications Manager

• Lily Oksanen, Membership and Communications Manager

• Michael Packard, PGA, Director PGA Reach New England

• Brianna Sovring, Junior Golf & Player Development Manager

• Joan Stuart, Director of Accounting and Finance


We all missed the familiar face of NEPGA Director of Operation David McAdams this season, but I was very excited for Dave and his new opportunity. I worked closely with Dave for the past 11 years and it was truly a privilege to serve the New England Section by his side. Not replacing that position right away, the rest of the staff assumed many of Dave’s duties and performed above and beyond all expectations.

Member Services

The Section office and staff strive to serve Members and Associates as their clearinghouse of golf industry related information. There are significant opportunities for membership involvement in the Section’s many programs, including tournaments, foundation, junior golf, and education. This year we tried to return to our typical member service offerings post pandemic.

The goal of the Section’s administrative staff is to provide you with outstanding customer service, while assisting you with your professional needs. We are also committed to working with our partners to add benefits to our PGA Professionals on and off the golf course.


The Section has maintained its commitment to educational programs that emphasized professional development as this is pertinent to maintaining and growing our individual and collective influence in the golf industry. New England PGA University continues to provide quality education in the categories of: Instruction/Merchandising/Personal, Wellness/Golf Operations/Career Development.

The Section Annual Meeting and our Education Seminars have remained the focus of the education program at the Section level, but with the creation of the NEPGA Empower Hour, quality education is brought to our PGA Professionals on a weekly basis every Thursday staring in November and continues through March. These weekly seminars, along with over 30 virtual seminars are available 24/7 in the NEPGA U digital library.

All of us connected to the game of golf should be motivated to identify best practices, work cooperatively to grow the game, and seek to enhance our business skills for the benefit of our employers and customers, and NEPGA U is here to help.

Employment & Facility Relations

The Section continues to work cooperatively and effectively with the PGA of America Career Services Consultant David Wilson, PGA to provide advice and counsel to golf professionals, employers, and facilities in all employment related areas. In addition to Career Services on pga.org, the Section has an employment page on www.nepga.com which highlights employment bulletins to its Members and Associates. Head Professionals also utilize the employment tab to advertise for assistant professional openings at their facilities. We have also added links in our weekly Friday Forecaddie and monthly Section Newsletter to our Section employment page. This is an area of our operation that our members are extremely passionate about. Employment is a major focus of certainly our Facility Relations Committee, but also the committee chair, Larry Kelley, PGA. This collaboration works tirelessly on the behalf of the PGA member to help create employment, enhance employment, and even extend employment.


The New England PGA Board of Directors typically tries to meet 7 9 times annually to evaluate the issues before the Section. With the challenging schedules facing our PGA Professionals, all efforts have been made to make in person/virtual meetings available. Regular communication flew between the Board and staff related to the successful implementation of the NEPGA strategic business functions. The Chapter leaders also work closely with the Staff and Section leaders to improve communication and programing in the chapter. There is a


focus by the current Board of Directors to create a feeder system of future Chapter and Section leaders. I encourage any interested PGA Professional to get involved and give back through volunteering your time and serve.


The Section has set an objective to increase the visibility of the good work being done by our Section as well as our PGA Professionals. It is a major focus to keep our Section Professionals informed through all means of communication, and to keep the NEPGA in the forefront for all things golf throughout New England.

The success of the NEPGA website has contributed greatly to educating and informing the public of the positive position of golf professionals within their community. Our social networking efforts continue to expand and are always looking at creative ways to communicate and attract new followers. I encourage those of you who have not connected to the New England PGA on social media to follow us.

We will continue to produce the digital newsletter of the NEPGA The Full Swing, which will highlight both the NEPGA as well as the Foundation. The Friday Forecaddie is our weekly e-mail publication and is distributed to all Section Members and Associates. This vibrant communications tool provides up to the minute news, tournament announcements and industry information on a weekly basis.

The New England PGA App is a phenomenal resource that provides convenient information regarding tournaments, sales representatives as well as a detailed membership directory for our PGA Professionals and their facilities. If you have not downloaded our app, I strongly encourage you to do so for your Apple or Android device. The Section’s Online Membership Directory is available via www.nepga.com, and it includes contact information for all NEPGA Members and facilities. It also includes a Sales Representative Directory which includes contact information.

The Section was fortunate to hire a new Marketing & Communications Manager in late 2021 to help provide information and entertainment throughout the season, as well as a Membership and Communications Manager in early 2022 to improve member communications and offerings.

Marketing, Sponsors & Business Development

The New England PGA is clearly dependent upon its relationship with partners and fundraising programs to maintain its high-quality programs and services. PGA golf professionals have a unique ability to influence the success of these relationships, and I would like to offer my personal appreciation to those golf professionals who continue to aid staff with these programs.

We try to work with our partners to bring as much value as possible during these challenging times. While the New England PGA continues to maintain a high retention rate with partners at all levels, we are in need of additional contacts and marketing concepts to increase the opportunity to become more valuable to our customers. The Board of Directors and staff work diligently to remain aware of opportunities, responsive to the imminent timelines and most importantly, prudent with due diligence.The commitment to attach member benefits to each partnership is a goal with every partner program.


The New England PGA Foundation (PGA Reach New England) had our most successful year of impacting lives through golf ever! Programing and fundraising increased, and I encourage you to read the Foundation Report and see where you can be more involved.



The Board of Directors and staff contribute to a thorough analysis of the Section and Chapter budgets. Monthly financial reports are distributed to the Board of Directors with an evaluation of income and expenses relative to budgeted projections. The efforts made to pay for the new homesite have allowed the NEPGA to not incur any debt, not reduce member services or raise dues. This was an impressive accomplishment, and the Board of Directors and staff continue to do an excellent job of managing the business and financial operation of the Section.


The quality of the Section’s professional tournament program ranks among the elite at the section level. Highly skilled and motivated staff, along with the insightful and supportive leadership has fostered an environment that allows for increased sponsor revenue and a desire for our top facilities to host major events. I am very proud of the product our tournament department produces and it should be recognized not only regionally, but on a national level. The New England Section has boasted one of the largest Section Championship fields in the country for the last two decades.

Overall participation was in line with 2021, and with the increase rounds of golf at facilities I was excited to see how many PGA Professionals played in events this season. Solid junior programing and an extremely successful Amateur Series saw healthy membership and participation numbers. Thank you very much to our host PGA Professionals and facilities!

It truly is an honor for me to serve as your Executive Director. The past 12 seasons have been some of the most rewarding in my life. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for allowing me to be a part of this great Section. I hope for the New England PGA to continue to grow in an aggressive yet responsible manner, for the ultimate benefit of PGA golf professionals in this region as well as everyone connected to the game.

Please accept my best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2023. Be sure to reach out to the New England PGA if we can ever be of assistance.

Respectfully yours, Michael J. Higgins Executive Director



A year of Growth, A year of Influence by NEPGA Professionals

Elevation. Creation. Activation. Family.

Looking back upon the 2022 season for PGA REACH New England, we truly are proud of the many accomplishments made by our PGA Professionals, our Committee and the staff. In a few short years, we have managed to increase the quantity and more importantly, the quality of the various initiatives under each of our three Pillars of Impact: Diversity & Inclusion, Veterans and Youth Development. At no other time in the foundation’s history have we seen such interest, both from within and outside the golf industry, in the programs we deliver every day to the golfing community across New England. However, there is still much more we can do to help those who now depend on the great game of golf because of our efforts. With great enthusiasm, we present to the membership a recap of the 2022 season.

Respectfully submitted, Rob Jarvis, PGA ~ Foundation President

Diversity & Inclusion in 2022:

Our Foundation is committed to impacting lives, offering programs, and supporting initiatives for all. As interconnected but not identical concepts, Diversity and Inclusion balances both equal representation, while inviting all perspectives from unique groups. Our Diversity & Inclusion Pillar is proud to partner with organizations who believe in this greater good.

Inaugural, Women’s Networking Summit (145 female attendees)

2nd Annual, Women’s Golf Week (4 host facilities with over 150 participants)

Collaboration with MIT Sloan Business School D&I Department (32 participants)

2nd Annual, Drive Chip & Putt Skills Competition for Special Athletes (22 participants)

Inaugural, Camp REACH bringing the game of golf to summer camps for children with life threatening illnesses (40 participants)


Veterans in 2022:

Our Military Pillar seeks to improve the physical, mental and social rehabilitation of our military heroes and their families through the sport of golf. The lifetime sport of golf has proven to be an incredible healing tool offering activity and competition, while allowing military personnel to assimilate back into their community through the social interaction the game provides.

PGA HOPE New England (10 programs, including 1 dedicated Female Veteran program, approximately 285 unique Veterans participated)

OPERATION: PlayDay, traveling playing series for HOPE participants (6 events with 179 rounds comprised of 99 unique Veterans)

Inaugural, Northeast HOPE Invitational, contested between CT PGA, NE PGA & NENY PGA Sets Fore Vets, recording breaking (18) sets of clubs provided to Veterans beginning or continuing their golfing journey

The Champion’s Tribute, hosted by each Section Championship host facility (supported by 18 Veterans and 15 NEPGA Professionals)

Winter Warrior program, hosted indoors by the Manchester VA Hospital (40 Veterans and 6 NEPGA Professionals)

Youth Development in 2022:

Tomorrow’s leaders and players of the game. Introduction to the sport at an early age has proven to provide great opportunities in the areas of education, health and wellness and character building centered on the sport of golf.

Over $100,000 in Scholarships awarded, (87 awards, 53 unique students)

Junior TOUR (1,015 Members, 118 events)

Drive, Chip & Putt (8 local, 2 sub regional & 1 regional events, over 1,000 unique juniors)

PGA Jr League (over 3,500 juniors in New England with 206 13U and 90 17U programs)



The Cape Cod Chapter enjoyed another successful season in 2022. The Chapter held 14 events during its 2022 tournament season, all of which were well attended.

For the first time since 1991 at Ocean’s Edge, the Section Championship was held over the bridge on Cape Cod. Eastward Ho! Country Club and the Club at New Seabury did the Chapter proud as they hosted the Section’s premier event. It was a pleasure to welcome the Section into our Chapter at two of our best facilities.

The Chapter had two first time winners in its Major Championships. Frank Leja captured his first Chapter Championship which was played at his home course, the Club at New Seabury. Leja won by a five shot margin after taking a commanding lead with a 3 under 67 in round 1. He followed that up with a steady 2nd round to cement his place as the 2022 Chapter Champion.

The Match Play Championship took on a new format in 2022 as 20 members participated in a yearlong bracket style tournament. This new format proved to be an effective way to increase participation in the event, as well as provide a flexible tournament option during the busy summer months. When all was said and done, The Bay Club’s Ben Egan prevailed as the 2022 Match Play Champion defeating Cape Cod National GC’s Zack Sweet in the final Match.

After ending a six year winless drought last year in the Cape Cod Cup, the Chapter retained the cup in 2022 against a collection of Cape Cod’s best amateur golfers. Cape Cod National Golf Club were fantastic hosts in the 36th playing of this prestigious event.

The Chapter would like to thank the host sites of our Major Championships as well as all our tournaments for their generosity. In a year when your facilities were busier than ever, we cannot thank you enough for continuing to host us.

The Cape Cod Chapter would also like to thank its wonderful partners, without their help our tournaments could not be as successful as they are. Thank you to: Avidia Bank, Baxter’s Boathouse, Callaway, Cape Air, Johnnie O, Five Star Golf Cars, the PGA Tour, Titleist/FootJoy, and 15th Golf Club!

The Gary Philbrick Scholarship had another strong year as we gave away 8 scholarships totaling $16,000. We were thrilled to be able to give away these funds to such deserving students.

Our Chapter has 5 award winners in 2022. The winners were as follows:

2022 CC Award Winners Award Recipent Club

Gary Philbrick Golf Professional of the Year Glenn Kelly Woods Hole Golf Club

Assistant Golf Professional of the Year

Kevin Christofaro Oyster Harbors Club

Merchandiser of the Year Eric Steindel Wianno Club

Youth Player Development Award Mike Rothera Pine Hills Golf Club

Teacher of the Year

Dutch Wessner Player of the Year

Corey McAlarney Edgartown Golf Club

Greg Yeomans

The Bay Club at Mattapoisett


We hope that everyone has a happy, safe, and healthy off-season. Thank you for all you do to make the Cape Cod Chapter special.

Respectfully Submitted, Darren Falk, PGA President Cape Cod Chapter NEPGA


2022 was a year of transition for the Maine Chapter. Our Operations Manager Don Doyon retired in the fall of 2021 after years of great service to the Chapter. The Chapter conducted a search this past winter but was unable to find a full time replacement for 2022. Don graciously returned to the Chapter in a lesser role and continued to operate our tournaments with great professionalism while the logistics of our tournaments were run from the Section office. This off season it is the goal of our Chapter leadership to find full time Operations Manager to run the Chapter in 2023.

2022 proved to be another successful year for our Chapter as we ran 12 Pro Ams and 7 Championships tournaments for a total of 17 events across the state of Maine. We are so lucky to have such dedicated members and are thankful to all the facilities that open their doors to us in 2022.


The Maine Chapter totaled 1,155 total rounds played in 2022 which is slightly down when compared to the 2021 season. The Pro Junior Championship and Match Play Championship were both not played in 2022 due to lack of participation. It will be a focus of the Chapter next season to rejuvenate these events.

While total rounds were down, many of our major championships increased in participation. The State of Maine Championship, Senior Championship, and Pro Am Championship all grew in 2022. Our Pro Am participation was strong as well, with four events topping the 100-player mark.


The following champions took home crystal this season:


PRO SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP Augusta Country Club (Dave Soucy)

PRO LADY CHAMPIONSHIP Martindale CC (Chris Carrier)


John Hayes Overall Champion Patrick Kowker Pro John Hayes Low Amateur

CHAPTER CHAMPIONSHIP / SENIOR Nick Hocker Overall John Hickson Senior Dave Soucy Super Senior


Player of the Year

Martindale CC (Nick Glicos)

Throughout the 2022 season, one Maine Professional stood out above the rest, John Hickson, PGA. Out of the 11 Maine events he played in, John won four times as an individual pro, while finishing in the top 4 of every


event he participated in. Based on points accumulated, we congratulate John as our 2022 EZ-GO Player of the Year.

Members & Associates

Out of a total of 110, Maine has 89 Class A members, with 4 currently being class F. The Chapter has 21 Associates, 3 of which are suspended.


Our schedule wouldn’t be possible without the help from our various partners. Whether monetary or for product all sponsorships are greatly appreciated. We would like to extend a huge thank you to our 2022 Maine Chapter Partners: Avidia Bank, Callaway, Cobra/Puma, Golf Live, Five Star Golf Cars, Mizuno, New England Golf Cars, TaylorMade, and Tournament Solutions.

Scholarship Application Requirements

A Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher finishing high school or in college to be eligible to apply.

Applicants must be children, stepchildren or grandchildren of a Maine PGA professional in good standing. Children, stepchildren or grandchildren of Class “F” PGA members are not eligible.

The Maine PGA Scholarship is for the first four years of college only. Students MUST reapply each year.

2022 Scholarship Stats

$10 per player was added to the Prouts Neck and Portland Pro Ams generating an additional $2,400.

Four $1,500 scholarships awarded in 2022 for a total of $6,000.

o Ryan Ball

o Evan Glicos

o Alexander Hodgins

o Carley Morey


Financially the Chapter took in just over $76,000 in entry fees combined with the $5,650 in sponsor revenue, for a total of nearly $82,000.

Expense wise, we paid out a little under $24,000 in prize money to our professionals. With the increased course user fee of $30 per player and amateur prize money we contributed a total of approximately $41,000 to our host club’s bottom lines.


The Chapter recently honored our 2022 Award Winners at the Fall Meeting held 10/18 at Waterville CC. Those winners were:


2022 Maine Chapter Award Winners


Assistant Professional of the Year

Bill Strausbaugh Award

Recipient Club

Sean Bergeron Prouts Neck Country Club

Kirk Kimball Webhannet Golf Club

Golf Professional of the Year Dan Venezio Portland Country Club

Merchandiser of the Year Resort

Zach Zondlo Sugarloaf Golf Course

Merchandiser of the Year Private Chris Twombly Prouts Neck Country Club

Merchandiser of the Year Public Don Roberts Waterville Country Club

Patriot Award Don Roberts Waterville Country Club

PGA Player Development Award Tony Decker Purpoodoock Club

Teacher of the Year Peiter DeVos Kebo Valley Golf Club

Youth Development Award Brian Bickford Maine State Golf Association

Nominations for the 2023 Chapter Awards are now open!

Junior Golf

In 2018 the New England PGA took over administration of the MSGA’s Junior Tour. Even though the Junior Tour is part of the NEPGA Foundation, the Maine Chapter has administered all the events. These junior events are for kids from 8 years old up to 21. This year, we had a total of 10 events in a 6-week period, from the end of June to the middle of August.

There was a total of 460 rounds played for an average of 46 juniors per event, this is down compared to the averages of 69 players seen in 2020 & 2021 during the “Covid Bump”. Despite lower participation, we had a higher number of total members in 2022 compared to 2021 (81 vs. 76). It will be a goal of ours in the offseason to come up with a plan to covert these members into more rounds played.

Thank You to the host facilities of the junior tour for continuing to provide our junior golfer with fantastic playing opportunities.


Thank you to all our members, partners, and junior/amateur golfers for putting your trust in the Maine Chapter in 2022. I am excited about the direction of the Maine Chapter heading into 2023 and know that together we will reach new heights. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable winter.

Respectfully submitted, Peiter, DeVos, PGA

President, Maine Chapter NEPGA


2022 was a year of firsts for the Massachusetts Chapter. After years of preparation the Chapter was thrilled to establish the Massachusetts Chapter Scholarship which will be awarded to the children and stepchildren of Massachusetts Chapter members. The inaugural scholarship class is made up of six deserving recipients and a total of $6,000 was awarded. The inaugural class of Massachusetts Chapter Scholars are:


• Seamus Burke (College of the Holy Cross)

• Catherine Carter (Boston College)

• Christina Durocher (UMass Amherst)

• Grace Farland (University of Hartford)

• Andrea Hester (UMass Amherst)

• Sam Rogers (UMass Amherst)

To continue fundraising and ensure that this scholarship is endowed well into the future, the Chapter debuted a new Scholarship Pro Am this season. This new event was held for the first time this October at Tedesco Country Club. We would like to thank the club, Michael McGillicuddy, and Ryan Train for hosting this event! With the help of our members and partners we were able to raise $13,000 for our scholarship fund!

Also new to the Chapter schedule in 2022 was Mass Madness, a year long Match Play Bracket. This event created a fun and flexible playing opportunity for our busy Chapter Professionals during the summer months. Hillview GC’s Chris Carter defeated Wollaston’s Liam Friedman in the final match to become the first ever Mass Madness Champion. We look forward to continuing to grow this event in future years.

In addition to the Scholarship Pro Am and Mass Madness, the Chapter schedule included seven additional events. Thank you to all our host professionals below for making their facilities available to the Chapter!

• TPC Boston 6,6,6- Don Baldassarre

• Marshfield Spring Meeting Pro Pro James Antonelli & Alec Vozzella

• Foxborough CC Pro-Am- Steve Field

• Chapter Championship (Sterling National)- Matthew Bradbury

• Charter Oak CC Fall Meeting Pro-Pro- Peter Hulbert

• Scholarship Pro-Am (Tedesco CC)- Michael McGillicuddy & Ryan Train

• Thomson GC Indy Stableford- Chris Young

• Blue Hill Pro-Pro- Stephen Clancy

We could not have had such a successful tournament season without the help of our sponsors, we would like to say a big thank you to Avidia Bank, Dunkin’, Callaway, Five Star Golf Cars, Golf Live, Tournament Solutions, and the 15th Golf Club!

The Chapter recently held it’s Fall Meeting where we honored our 2022 Award Winners:


2022 MA Award Winners

Award Recipent Club

Golf Professional of the Year

Youth Player Development Award

Peter Hulbert Charter Oak Country Club

Jack Green Black Rock Country Club

Assistant Golf Professional of the Year Tommy Lucko Winchester Country Club

Teacher of the Year Erik Soresnen Newbury Golf Center Merchandiser of the Year Amanda Davis Essex County Club Player of the Year

Jeff Martin Wollaston Golf Club

At the meeting the Chapter elected a new Board of Directors which now consists of the following members:

• President- David Sibley (Gannon Municipal GC)

• Vice-President- Peter Hulbert (Charter Oak CC)

• Secretary- Maddy Belden (Salem CC)

• Honorary President- Shawn Durocher (Cyprian Keyes GC)

• District Director- Mark Aldrich (Whitinsville CC)

• District Director- Jeff Martin (Wollaston GC)

• District Director- Brendan Walsh (The Country Club)

I would like to thank Shawn Durocher for her leadership over the past two years as president as well as welcome Maddy to the Board of Directors. As a collective group we are dedicated to serving the best interest of our members and making the Massachusetts Chapter the best it can be.

Thank you all for your efforts to make 2022 the successful season that it was! I wish you all the best in the off season and look forward to making 2023 the best year yet for the Massachusetts Chapter.

Respectfully Submitted, David Sibley, PGA President, Massachusetts Chapter NEPGA


The NHC/NEPGA schedule was filled with events starting on April 18th at The Oaks in Somersworth. In total, there were 19 pro am events scheduled, a pro lady, pro senior, pro/pro, and the Chapter Championship. There were two events that were cancelled. Manchester CC had to cancel due to an outbreak of covid with staff and the Pro Lady due to weather. The Chapter averaged just over 27 teams per pro am. The largest was Concord CC with 36 teams. The Pro/Pro had 18 teams and the Chapter Championship had 47 participants, both had more participation than last season. NHC paid out $44,700.00 in amateur prizes, $14,994.00 in amateur skins, $52,380.00 in cart fees, and $62,565.00 in pro purses. In total the Chapter Events 10% fee equaled $18,866.50.

We would like to thank Avida Bank, PGA Tour, NE Golf Cars/Yamaha, Titleist, Callaway, Davis& Towle Insurance Group, Central Insurance Companies, Eastern Propane, and Taylor Made for stepping up with their partnerships.


The Davis & Towle/Central Insurance NHC Player of the Year based on tournament points was Sam of Stonebridge who accumulated 233.33 points over the season. Jay Pollini of Ridgewood had another good year as he placed 2nd in the point race with 230.90 points. Dan Wilkins of Laconia ended up in third place in the POY race with 188.50 points. It was an exciting race for this award and went right down to the wire. It went to the last event for the NHC POY of the year to be crowned. Congratulation all of them, they played well all season long.

The chapter conducted its Fall Meeting of members at Intervale CC on October 20, 2022, with over 40 professionals and guests in attendance. Presentations were made by Past President Allan Belden, NEPGA Executive Director Mike Higgins, Employment report from David Wilson, and Player Development Brian Bain.

The Chapter had its election and voted in a new President, Vice President, Secretary, and two at large members.

The NHC Board of Governance for 2023: President: Tim Riese, Pease GC Head Professional

Vice President: Phil Davis, Beaver Meadow GC Head Professional Secretary: Allison Mitzel, Laconia CC Head Professional

District Director: Joanne Flynn, Windham CC Head Professional At-Large Director 2 years: Matt Arvanitis, SNHU Golf Coach At-Large Director 1 year: Dan Kish, Atkinson CC Past President: Cory Mansfield, Derryfield CC Head Professional

NHC Year End Awards

Professional of the Year: Jason Malcom, Nashua CC Head Professional Asst. Professional of the Year: Eric Sandstrum, Keene CC Teacher of the Year: Jason Sedan, Lake Winnipesaukee GC Youth Development Leader: Phil Daves, Beaver Meadow GC Merchandiser of the Year: Kevin Roberts, Lake Winnipesaukee GC

NHC Player of the Year: Sam Cody, Stonebridge CC Congratulations to the following professionals for winning the chapter’s major championships: NHC/NEPGA Champion: Matt Arvanitis, SNHU, NHC/NEPGA Senior Champion: Bob McGraw, Eagle Mountain GC NHC/NEPGA Pro/Senior Championships: Bill Andrews, Portsmouth CC and team NHC/NEPGA Pro/Pro Champions: Phil Davies, Beaver Meadow CC and Matt Delois, About Golf The chapter sends its sincere “thank you” to NH PGA Professionals who hosted during the 2022 season, to all professionals and to all the amateurs who participated in the NHC/NEPGA events.

Respectfully Submitted, Tim Reise, PGA President, New Hampshire Chapter


The Rhode Island Chapter held 5 events in the 2022 season. A list of our host sites and tournament winners can be seen below. We cannot thank all our host professionals enough for welcoming us to their facility this season.

Quidnessett Pro-Am

Host Professional: Peter Chwaliszewski

Winners: Ae Cahill (Individual Pro), Braintree Municipal GC (Team)


Sakonnet Pro-Pro

Host Professional: Matt Alwin

Winners: Billy Maguire and Nick Jagoe Acoaxet Pro-Am

Host Professional: Brent Amaral

Winners: Dan Shepherd (Individual Pro), LeBaron Hills CC (Team) Rhode Island Chapter Championship (Wanumetonomy G & CC)

Host Professional: Bill Maguire Winner: Brian Owens

Match Play Championship Winners: Brendon Ray (Championship Bracket), Brian Owens (Consolation Bracket)

The Match Play Championship was a welcome addition, making a return to our tournament schedule in 2022. Bally’s Twin River Resort Casino took on title sponsorship of this event and have proved to be a great partner to the Rhode Island Chapter. 16 Rhode Island Chapter Professionals competed in the bracket style tournament which featured both a Championship Bracket and Consolation Bracket. Brendon Ray from Point Judith Country Club defeated Bill Maguire to claim the Championship Bracket while Brian Owens defeated Bob Tramonti to win the Consolation Bracket.

The Chapter was thrilled to continue growing its partnership in 2022 with $5,500 of sponsorship money going into our tournaments. A special thanks goes out to Avidia Bank, Bally’s Twin River Resort Casino, Callaway, Five Star Golf Cars, Tournament Solutions, 15th Golf Club, and the PGA Tour.

We would also like to congratulate our Chapter professionals for their success in Section tournament play this season. Ed Kirby and Sean Irons both punched their ticket to the 2023 National Championship with their play at Section Championship. Ed had an impressive 2nd place finish, while Sean grabbed the 12th and final qualifying spot in his first ever Section Championship. Congratulations to Ed and Sean on this great accomplishment.

The Chapter’s Fall Meeting was held on October 18th at Alpine Country Club. The Chapter was thrilled to honor our 2022 Award Winners in person, our winners were:

2022 RI Award Winners Award Recipient Club

Golf Professional of the Year

Assistant Professional of the Year

Les Kennedy Player of the Year

Merchandiser of the Year

Teacher of the Year

Youth Player Development

John Rainone

Nick Maresca

Ed Kirby

Bruce MacDonald

North Kingstown Golf Course

Kirkbrae Country Club

The Aquidneck Club

Lincoln Country Club

Todd Campbell Cranston Country Club

Shane Drury

Brian Owens

Button Hole Teaching Center

North Kingstown Golf Course


The demographics of the Rhode Island Chapter show that it is an aging Chapter, and the feedback from the membership has been that competitive golf is no longer one of their top priorities. With that in mind, myself and the rest of the Rhode Island Chapter board are focusing on shifting our thinking and creating a small number of playing opportunities that are appealing to all age groups. We are also looking for creative ways other than golf tournaments to keep our members engaged with the Rhode Island Chapter such as education, mentorship, and charity initiatives.

As the 2022 golf season ends, I hope you all have time to reflect on the great accomplishments you had at your facilities in 2022 and recharge for the 2023 season. I wish you all a safe and happy off-season and look forward to seeing you again in the spring.

Respectfully Submitted, Nick Maresca, PGA President-Rhode Island Chapter NEPGA


The Vermont chapter once again had a successful season in 2022. The Chapter hosted 15 events across the state of Vermont and saw some fantastic golf by its members. We also welcomed a new staff member in 2022, Justin Del Bianco who took on the role of Tournament Manager for the Chapter. In Justin’s newly created role, he oversaw all on-site operations of our Chapter’s tournaments. It was a pleasure to have Justin on board and the level of professionalism he brought to our tournaments was much appreciated.

The Vermont Chapter was thrilled to continue its relationships with our loyal tournament partners in 2022. Our Chapter had $20,000 in sponsor revenue this season and they are an instrumental part in our tournament programming. Our 2022 partners are: Avidia Bank, Callaway, Dealer.com, Farrell Distributing, Five Star Golf Cars, Multiview Corp, Northstar Fireworks, the PGA Tour, and W&B Golf Carts.

Many of our Chapter Professional enjoyed success on the golf course with six different players winning an individual title in 2022.

Pro-Am low individual professional winners are listed below:

Quechee Pro-Am- David Jankowski (-4, 68)

Burlington Pro-Am- David Jankowski (E, 71) Neshobe Pro-Am- Rob Del Bianco (+3, 75)

CC of Vermont Pro-Am- Pete Weatherby (-7, 65) Pro-Lady Championship- Toby Young (+1, 72) Pro-Junior Championship- Toby Young (-2, 68)

Manchester Pro-Am- Peter Weatherby (-3, 69)

Pro-Senior Championship- David Jankowski (-10, 62)

Dorset Pro-Am Pete Scrimgeour/Pete Weatherby (E, 70)

Our Chapter’s major championship, the Stroke Play Championship was hosted this season at Rutland Country Club. It was great to get Rutland CC back on our tournament schedule and we appreciate all their efforts in hosting a great championship. Golf Garage VT’s David Jankowski took home the title of 2022 Stroke Play Champion posting a two-day score of 2-under 138 to edge out Manchester CC’s Pete Weatherby by one shot.

Our Chapter’s second Major, the Match Play Championship was once again held at Ekwanok Country Club and featured the top 16 players in the Chapter. After three rounds of play, and a few upsets, the finals featured the Chapter’s two top ranked players David Bennett and David Jankowski. Both players won their matches in convincing fashion on their route to the finals, but ultimately David Bennett won the 2022 Match Play title winning by a score of 5&4 in the final match.


The 2022 Northstar Fireworks Vermont Chapter Player of the Year belongs to David Jankowski. In addition to his Stroke Play Championship title, he finished as low professional at three other events with his best round of the year coming at the Pro Senior when he fired a 10 under 62. Congratulations David on this great accomplishment.

This season saw the playing of the 2nd Annual Pfanner Cup which was hosted this year by CC of Vermont. Out Vermont PGA team once again faced off against a team of the Vermont Golf Association best amateurs to raise money to benefit the VTPGA and VGA’s Scholarship funds. In addition to the two days of competition, there was a reception dinner at which Baseball Hall of Fame member Jim Katt spoke to the group. Although the VTPGA team did not come out victorious, it was a fantastic event which helped raise money for a good cause while honoring the memory of Dave Pfannenstein.

Lastly, I would like to recognize our 2022 Award winners who were honored at our Fall Meeitng. The 2022 Vermont Chapter Award Winners are:

2022 VT Award Winners

Award Recipent Club

Golf Professional of the Year

John Cleanthes Haystack Golf Course

Assistant Golf Professional of the Year Dustin Ribolini The Quechee Club

Bill Strausbaugh Award Tom Mackey Ekwanok Country Club

Teacher of the Year Award David Jankowski The Golf Garage Merchandiser of the Year Peter Weatherby Manchester Country Club

Patriot Award Josh Olney Orleans Country Club

Youth Player Development Award Matthew Hibbert Newport Country Club

Thank you to all our members, partners, and amateur participants that made 2022 such a great season for the Vermont Chapter and we wish you all a great off-season.

Respectfully Submitted, Tom Mackey, PGA President-Vermont Chapter NEPGA


The Senior Association’s 2022 schedule consisted of 2 Pro Am’s in addition to the Association’s Championship which took place in conjunction with the Fall Meeting. We would like to extend a big thank you to our host sites and Professionals:

George Wright Golf Course- Scott Allen, PGA Northern Spy Golf Club- Tim Bishop, PGA Pleasant Valley Country Club- Paul Parajeckas, PGA

Below are our tournament winners from the 2021 season:

George Wright GC Pro-Am: 1 BB of 4 Gross- Kernwood CC (Frank Dully)

1 BB of 4 Net- Sakonnet GC (Joe Fraoli)


Individual Professional Gross Frank Dully

Individual Professional Net Stephen Poremba

Tatnuck CC Pro Am:

1 BB of 4 Gross Kirkbrae CC (Chris Bohac)

1 BB of 4 Net Needham GC (Harry Rose)

Individual Professional Gross Dan Gillis

Individual Professional Net Harry Rose

Senior Association Championship: Gross Champion: Rick Karbowski

Net Champion: Paul Parajeckas

Participation was as follows:

George Wright GC Pro-Am: 14 Teams (up 8 from 2021)

Northern Spy GC Pro-Am: 8 Teams

Senior Association Championship: 16 Players

While we only held a few events this season they were well attended compared to 2021. The George Wright Pro-Am grew by almost double the number of players from the year prior. Northern Spy saw a solid field in its first year on the schedule, and it likely would have been more had it not be for an ominous forecast. It was also nice to see some new faces at our events and I am hopeful that the next generation of players begin playing in the Seniors Association.

At the Section level, we once again held a fantastic Senior Championship at Woodstock Country Club as 64 NEPGA Professionals competed to advance to the National Senior Championship. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Woodstock CC and Matt Closter for being such welcoming hosts of this event over the better part of the last decade. In a shift for 2023, George Wright GC will be hosting the NEPGA Senior Championship.

For the second consecutive year Dale Abraham of Cape Arundel GC took home the Championship. We had seven professionals qualify for the National Championship, which they recently competed in at Twin Warriors & Santa Ana Golf Club in New Mexico. Those seven players were:

Dale Abraham (Cape Arundel GC)

Dan Gillis (Nabnassett Lake CC)

Greg Farland (Marlborough CC)

Ed Kirby (The Aquidneck Club)

Kirk Hanefeld (Salem CC)

John Hickson (Northport GC)

Dan Wilkins (Laconia CC)

Congratulations to them all on a great accomplishment!

We held a great Fall Meeting this year and had a very productive conversation about the future of our Association. Among the topics discussed was the creation of a tournament committee to help secure events going forward. Our goal as always is to best serve the membership and create exciting playing opportunities and I am confident the creation of this committee will accomplish these goals. I wish you all a great off-season and look forward to seeing you in the spring.

Respectfully submitted,


2022 has been an exciting year for the growth of the Assistants Association. Much of our board has turned over in the past year, mostly due to receiving Head Professional positions. It With many positions to fill this Spring our Association’s President at the time, Chuck Yaeger did a great job recruiting a team of young and enthusiastic Assistant Professionals to join the board.

Chuck’s term as president ended this year at the Fall Meeting and he will now move into the role of past president. We cannot thank him enough for his leadership throughout this season. He has been instrumental as we look to create a new vision going forward.

A new board was elected and consists of the following members:

Officers and Board of Directors

·President Cody Sweeney, PGA (csweeney@pga.com)

·Vice President Kyle Puzzo (kylepuzzo1224@gmail.com)

·Secretary Fergus Keane III (fkeaneiii@gmail.com)

·Past President Chuck Yaeger, PGA (cyaeger57@gmail.com)

·Director at Large Zane Brownrigg PGA, (zbrownrigg17@student.methodist.edu)

·Tournament Chair Michael Kapolis, PGA (michael.kapolis@gmail.com)

As a board it is our goal to make our association active again and a place for young PGA Professionals to play golf, network, and better themselves as PGA Professionals. After a great discussion at the Fall Meeting, here is an outline of our visions for the Association in 2023. If any fellow Assistant Professionals have any ideas to add onto or improve these programs, we as a board are eager to hear from you.

Tournament Outline 2023 Majors

• Hudson Cup

• Pro-Assistant Championship

• Assistants Championship

• Match Play Bracket Proposed Events

• Pro-Pro 9 Hole Events

• Pro-Am Events

• Pro-Pro Events

Mentorship Program

We are proposing a Mentorship Program where Head Professionals, Directors of Golf, Directors of Operations, and Directors of Instruction. Provide mentorship to aspiring assistants and associates. Our aim for this program is to develop connections between leadership in the section and the next generation in the industry. Ideally mentors and mentees would email once or twice monthly to discuss their past month of experience and voice any questions they have.

Outside Golf Events

With all of us Assistants working in golf and being around golf constantly we understand the need for a break from work and the industry. We recently thought of adding Outside Golf Events, such as educational seminars with Financial Planners, Leadership Mentors, etc.

• Financial Planning and Investments

• Interview Preparation Seminars

Leadership 101

• Management 101


On the golf course, the association once again held a yearlong Match Play Championship which consisted of 32 players. After 5 rounds of matches, the last man standing was Myopia Hunt Club’s Greg Kelly, who defeated Bass Rock’s Jake Kramer in the finals 3&1.

JJ Harris was the 2022 Hudson Cup Champion which was hosted by Marshfield Country Club. JJ defeated Rob Neaton (North Andover CC) in a 2-hole playoff making an impressive birdie to seal the Championship.

Finally, was the National Rental Car Assistant Championship which was hosted at Country Club on New Bedford on September 26th and 27th. 68 of our NEPGA Assistant Professionals competed for 6 qualifying spots in the 46th National Assistant PGA Professional Championship.

Shawn Warren of Falmouth Country Club won his 5th career Assistants Championship, beating fellow Falmouth CC pro Chandler Longfellow by 2 shots after he charged up the leaderboard during the 2nd round. Congratulations to Shawn for adding to his already esteemed resume.

The other qualifiers in addition to Warren and Longfellow were, Liam Friedman (Wollaston GC), Malcolm Oliver (Weston GC), Evan Rhodes (Oyster Harbors Club), and Peter Ruymann (Oyster Harbors Club). Congratulations to all the qualifiers on their great accomplishment and best of luck at the National Championship.

Big things are on the horizon for the Assistants Association, and together we will bring it to new heights. I am excited to embark on this journey with you all. Have a safe and productive winter and I look forward to seeing you in the spring.

Respectfully submitted, Cody Sweeney, PGA President/Assistants Association



It is with great enthusiasm that I start my term on the Board of Directors for the PGA of America. I have been shadowing Ian Marshall, PGA from the Connecticut Section for the last 12 months and have a good understanding of how things flow and work at the National level. We have a lot of work to do over the next three years of my term. Some of the items before the board in the upcoming year are deferred compensation for our members, player development programs, Reach Foundation, and our championships and Ryder Cup in Rome.

Most of you know that I have been heavily involved in the employment space locally. Helping Mike Higgins and Dave Wilson, PGA with all employment items at the Section level has always been an interest of mine dating back over 20 years. President John Lindert, PGA has recently asked me to serve as the Board Chair for the National Employment Committee. I am planning to make an impact at this next level working to help with employment in our association and helping all PGA Members with their jobs.

I want to thank the NEPGA for having the faith in me to represent our District for the next three years. I am sure we will face many difficult decisions as an Association during that time, but I am confident in our current Board and Officers and look forward to working hard to make the PGA of America better each day. In closing, please know that I am always available for anyone who has a suggestion, or a comment and I look forward to seeing you down the road.

Respectfully Submitted, Larry Kelley, PGA Five Star Golf Cars

Brian Bain, PGA

PGA Player Development Regional Manager NEPGA Player Engagement Report PGA Jr. League National Nov 2022 National 2021 NEPGA Nov 2022 Coaches 4,230 2,427 128 Programs 4,997 Not collected 296 Revenue Direct to coaches $14.83M $12.32M $986,446 Players Registered 71,003 50,441 3,933

The direct payments to PGA members in the NEPGA section is $986,446 as of November 2022.

NEPGA PGA Jr. League 2022 Registered Programs Breakdown 206 13U & 90 17U

NEPGA is #2 section for the total number of players 3,933! (Middle Atlantic 4,011)

NEPGA is #1 for revenue directly to coaches (986,446)

NEPGA is #5 for average coaching fee at $278 national average is $233.42

NEPGA is #1 for total number of coaches

Squirrel Run, David Moore, PGA 183 players

Wenham, Ryan McDonald, PGA 139 players

Woburn Country Club Peter Bracey, PGA 129 players Patriot Golf Course, Jim Tobin, PGA 99 players

Nehoiden Golf Club Terry Crimmins, PGA 94 players Goals: •

NEPGA is the #10 section

Converted leads on average is worth $550

Drew Anderson, PGA - 127 leads - 81 converted students -$50,000 in additional revenue Chris Rogers, PGA - 126 leads Billy Bondaruk, PGA 124 leads 120 converted students $40,000 in additional revenue Gary Cardoza, PGA - 116 leads Steve Sheridan, PGA 105 leads

Goal increase number of ADM Certified & profiles created

Respectfully Submitted, Brian Bain, PGA PGA Player Development Regional Manager

what coaches charge make sure you are valuing your time
scholarship opportunities
• Increase 17U
scheduling/participation PGA.coach National 2022 NEPGA 2022 ADM Certified 5,075 164 PGA Coach Profiles 2,379 42 Leads Generated 46,339 1,377
• Increase All Star Play Day


Now in November we are at full speed in the hiring season in the Northeast and trying to look at budgets and how a team can add a pivotal piece when the season gets started again in the spring. At this moment 36 Assistant Positions have been posted in the New England Section alone this fall and over 700 nationally. Does your job posting show a true representation of your facility? How will you and your facility position yourself to land your next staff member and retain them?

Job Postings are the first impression that an applicant has about your operation, they are your resume to potential applicants. Over the last few years, employees have become as selective as employers once were. As you look to add a member to your team for this coming season consider the other tools that you can use when recruiting and building your job posting:

• Compensation Information Outline the base pay and additional compensation and benefits offered at your facility. Be realistic and accurate.

• Housing - a third of facilities listed currently offer housing or housing assistance of some type outlined in their posting.

• Site Visits Invite the applicant to visit you at the facility. Let them get a feel for the facility beyond the Golf Shop. Walk them through the club and show them what they can be a part of.

• Network Who in your network may have someone that is ready for a new position?

• Marketing What have you done at your facility for previous employees to push them on to success? Tell your team’s success story and how someone new can be a part of it.

• Structure & Clarity Does your job posting provide an applicant insight to what their job description would be? Is this job description consistent with actual day to day duties?

• Meaning Will potential applicants feel like their work is important to them?

• Impact Tell the applicant how they can be an asset to the team. Make them feel like they can impact the team and golf experience.

Landing a staff member is the first part of the equation. Retaining top talent is increasingly important in all industries. Reread the last four bullets listed above. If you focus on those with your staff at your facility you will learn more about them and what makes them tick. Understanding your team and how they operate is the first step in being able to retain them and help them become your next success story. Be sure to invest in your number one asset in your operation, the people that provide the experience.

If you are looking for information on Job postings, please visit PGA.org for the most up to date information. Let me know if I can help you or your facility by setting you up for success this hiring season.

Respectfully Submitted, David Wilson, PGA PGA of America Career Consultant New England; Connecticut



Conjoined with the end of the PDR Cycle, 2022 was quite an extremely busy and fruitful season for NEPGA education.

All section education is branded as NEPGA University education (https://nepga.com/education/), which continues to open new avenues for sponsors and educational topics. Many Section Members utilize our growing platform to continue education as well as satisfy PDR requirements.

In addition, the Fall & Winter season is structured to be quite an eventful few months and will feature a heightened return to in person educational opportunities. The Education Committee has put together two specialized opportunities that will take place the first week of December at the new NEPGA Homesite. Todd Sammons, from the PGA of America, will be hosting two, day and a half PGA Specialized Programs. Sammons will be presenting on several topics, including Golf Operations as well as Executive Management. It will be a diverse few days that provide an incredible amount of knowledge and tools for Section Members.

The Fall & Winter of 22/23 will also feature another year of the increasingly popular ‘Empower Hour’ series. The weekly 1 hour online seminar will feature a wide variety of topics that Section Members can tune in to, enabling them to stay engaged throughout the slower months. A couple noteworthy Special Guests have already been scheduled, including Taylor Twellman (U.S. Soccer) on Leadership, Jonathan Gold/David Wilson on Negotiating a Raise + Retirement, and Chris Noble on Diversity & Inclusion. As the schedule continues to be built out, each topic will provide a unique insight into different areas of importance within the PGA Professional day to day duties.

In another attempt to include added in-person educational opportunities, the Tournament Committee will once again be holding the Teaching & Coaching Summit. Date & Site are currently TBD, but this annual offering provides Section Members direct face-to-face exposure with some of the premiere Teaching Professionals within the Section and added knowledge that they can bring back to their clubs and offer to their home membership.

Respectfully Submitted, Steve Sheridan, PGA Meadowbrook Golf Club



2022 proved to be another successful season for the NEPGA Tournament Program, with overall participation numbers increasing over the previous year. Thank you very much to all our Host PGA Professionals, facilities, and partners. I encourage you to take a few minutes to reach out to our hosts and partners after any event you participate in to show your appreciation for their support. It really does go a long way.

A participation breakdown is provided below, for those interested in drilling down a bit more. Our Section Championships continue to be amongst the largest in the country, and we’re proud to have secured a total of 27 spots for our professionals in the three National PGA Professional Championships. Of note, Shawn Warren took advantage of his opportunity at the PPC and qualified for the PGA Championship in the spring!

Congratulations to all our Section PPC winners, including Liam Friedman (Section Champion), Shawn Durocher (Women’s Section Champion), Dale Abraham (Senior Champion), and Shawn Warren (Assistant Champion) for their excellent play in our Major Events. The NEPGA boasts a great field of winners from our Player of the Year races as well. This season’s Rolex Wogan Player of the Year, spring boarded into victory by his play in the National PPC and PGA Championship, was Shawn Warren. Eddie Kirby defended his Senior Player of the Year title with steady play all throughout the season, and Rich Berberian was awarded the Orange Jacket when he won the Avidia Cup at Salem CC last month. Congratulations to all our outstanding award winners!

2022 Tournament Participation by the Numbers: a. NEPGA Section Tournaments

2669 total players, vs. 2554 last year (4.5% increase)


Section Championship: 176 players, vs. 180 last year (2% decrease)

Senior Championship: 62 players, vs. 71 last year (13% decrease)

Moving site to George Wright next year

Assistant Championship: 68 players, vs. 62 last year (10% increase)

Stroke Play Series

368 total players, vs. 355 last year (3.66% increase)

1417 total players, vs. 1408 last year (0.64% increase)

320 players vs. 360 last year (11% decrease)

Pro Assistant down 28% (44 rounds). Same venue, same time of year…

Pro Pro Match Play up 7% after return to LeBaron Hills

Pro Pro Stroke Play up 7%, same venue and time of year

Sr/Jr down 10% b. Chapters i. Overall: 5131 players, vs. 5420 last year (5% decrease)

Cape Cod: 616 players, vs. 642 last year (4% decrease)

Two events rained out this year

Maine: 1155 players, vs. 1308 last year (11.7% decrease)

Massachusetts: 344 players, vs. 307 last year (12% increase)

Pro-Pro’s 1.

v. New Hampshire: 2111 players, vs. 2078 last year (1.5% increase)

vi. Rhode Island: 137 players, vs. 106 last year (29% increase)

vii. Vermont: 768 players, vs. 979 last year (21% decrease)

1. Schedule featured 3 fewer events than last year. Participation per event was pretty level.

c. New England Series

i. 500 members vs. 450 last year (10% increase)

ii. 2522 rounds vs. 2154 last year (15% increase)

iii. $305,000 club revenue vs. $255,000 last year (17% increase)

iv. $39,000 Pro Shop revenue vs. $32,000 last year (18% increase)

2023 Tournament Outlook

The upcoming season has another exciting slate of Championships on the books, with our premier Championship being contested at Kirkbrae CC and Agawam Hunt on September 5 7. Following a long run in Vermont, the Senior Championship is moving to Boston this year, and will be contested at George Wright GC on July 24 25. Many thanks to Matt Closter and Woodstock CC for being such a gracious host to the tournament the past few years! Finally, we’ll be returning to Rhode Island for the Assistant Championship, at Alpine CC on September 25-26. A big thank you goes out to Mike Bradshaw, Lou Rivers, Scott Allen, and Nate Adelson for stepping up to host our Major Championships in 2023!

The NEPGA staff is working diligently to secure sites for many of our other tournaments, but we still need the help of our Section Professionals to finish up booking the 2023 schedule. While many of our perennial favorites will be returning to host events this year, we are in need of hosts for a couple Stroke Play events and Pro Am’s, so if you might have an open Monday or Tuesday at your course, please reach out to the Section to help fill out the calendar we need your help!

We’d like the membership to be aware of just a few changes that will take place in the coming year: first, the Korn Ferry Tour will no longer be stopping in Maine, so the Section will no longer be responsible for conducting their Monday Qualifier. With this gap appearing on the schedule, we have plans to begin holding a Section Parent Child tournament. We are currently in need of a host site for this event as well, so please speak up if you’re able to host!

Thank you so much for your continued support of the NEPGA Tournament Program, and we hope to see you out on the course in the coming year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the NEPGA Staff if you have any questions or need any help with anything at all.

Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Martin, PGA NEPGA Tournament Committee Chair



PGA Executive of the Year

John Goodchild,

PGA VT Golf Association

The “PGA Golf Executive of the Year Award” bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who has performed outstanding services for a multiple facility/ course management/ownership operation, Allied Association or golf industry executive management position. As one of the highest honors the PGA can bestow, candidates must possess outstanding qualities of leadership, vision, courage, strong moral character, and a substantial record of service to the Association and the game of golf. Individuals honored with the PGA Golf Executive of the Year award will be held as a model PGA Golf Professional.

Youth Player Development Award

Matt Lombard, PGA North Andover CC

The Youth Player Development Award is designed to pay recognition to a PGA golf professional who is a leader in junior golf, reflects the qualities and ideals of those who work with our nation’s youth, and provides opportunities and experiences for juniors to learn and play golf.

Merchandiser of the Year

Chris Twombly, PGA Prouts Neck

The Merchandiser of the Year Award is designed to recognize those PGA Professionals who have excelled as business persons/merchandisers in the promotion of golf.

Patriot Award

Bob Mantz, PGA Hopkinton CC

The Patriot Award is presented to a PGA Professional who personifies patriotism through the game of golf and demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to the men and women who have valiantly served and protected the United States of America.

Assistant Professional of the Year


Hunt, PGA

Wellesley CC

All Class A 8 members are eligible for the Assistant Golf Professional of the Year Award based on his/her efforts as an assistant professional and involvement in Assistants’ Association, Chapter, Section and PGA of America activities.

Player Development Award

Eric McInerney, PGA McGolf

The Player Development Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional for extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development. This award considers the PGA Professional’s growth of the game leadership commitment at the Section and National levels and the impact made at the facility.


Teacher & Coach of the Year Rico Riciputi, PGA Wentworth By the Sea

The Teacher & Coach of the Year Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional who is an outstanding teacher of golf among the ranks of PGA membership. This award is based on a professionals overall performance in teaching: unusual, innovative and special teaching programs initiated or implemented; articles published; as well as outstanding golfers the Professional has instructed.

PGA Professional Development Award

This award bestows special recognition on a PGA Professional for outstanding service and contributions to developing and improving educational opportunities for fellow PGA Professionals.

Deacon Palmer Award


The Deacon Palmer Award bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who personally displays outstanding integrity, character and leadership, in the effort to overcome a major obstacle in their life. This individual is an unsung hero/heroine at their facility and in their community, who serve to inspire, empower and assist others, both inside and outside of the game.

Hibbert, PGA Newport CC Bill Strausbaugh Award

The Bill Strausbaugh Award is designed to recognize PGA Professionals who by their day to-day efforts have distinguished themselves by mentoring their fellow PGA Professionals in improving their employment situations as well as through service to the community.

This award is presented to those PGA members who truly reflect the characteristics and qualities that Bill Strausbaugh possessed during his lifetime. Award candidates should demonstrate a record of service to their Section or Association; leadership ability; contribu tions to building the image of the game of golf, the PGA Professional and the Association; involvement and significant contributions towards improving the skills of fellow PGA Pro fessionals; involvement in civic activities within his/her community; involvement with local charitable causes; overall integrity and recognition as a person of outstanding character.

Professional of the Year Award


The Golf Professional of the Year Award is awarded for overall performance as a golf professional at his/her golf facility, level of service to his/ her Section and to the Association, leadership ability, image and the ability to inspire fellow professionals and promotion of the game of golf.




March 19 22, 2023

NEPGA Pinehurst ProAm

Thursday, March 31, 2022 NEPGA Spring Meeting

Monday, April 10, 2023


Pinehurst Resort 2, 4, 5, 8 & Cradle

Andover Country Club

Thorny Lea GC

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Stroke Play Series #1 Newport National Monday, April 24, 2023 NEPGA Pro Am Monday, May 01, 2023 NEPGA Pro Am Portsmouth CC

May 8 9, 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023

NEPGA ProPro Match Play

LeBaron Hills CC

NEPGA Hudson Cup Marshfield CC

Monday, May 15, 2023 Stroke Play Series #2 Monday, May 22, 2023 Acushnet Golf Pro Assistant Bay Club at Mattapoisett Tuesday, May 30, 2023 NEPGA Pro Am Championship

Sunday, June 04, 2023 Haverhill Pro Member

Haverhill CC Monday, June 05, 2023 Potential Stroke Play Date?

Monday, June 12, 2023 NEPGA Pro Am Whitinsville GC Monday, June 19.2023 Potential SPS Date

Monday, June 26, 2023

NEPGA Pro Officer

Oak Hill CC Monday, July 10, 2023 NEPGA Pro Pro Stroke Play The Haven Monday, July 17, 2023 Stroke Play #3 Marlborough CC

Thursday, July 20, 2023 NEPGA Pro Lady Kernwood CC

July 24 25, 2023

NEPGA Senior Championship George Wright

Monday, July 31, 2023 NEPGA Pro-Senior Thursday, August 10, 2023 Marshfield Pro Member Marshfield CC

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Head Pro/Teaching Pro Championships Monday, August 21, 2023 NEPGA Senior/Junior Championship

September 5 7, 2023

Section Championship

Monday, September 11, 2023 Stroke Play #5

Sept 25 26, 2023

Kirkbrae CC & Agawam Hunt

Assistants Championship Alpine CC

Monday, October 02, 2023 Avidia Cup Finals/Stroke Play Finals

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Whistling Straights Pro AM

October 10 13 NEPGA Cape Cod Fall Festival

Monday, October 16, 2023 NEPGA Pro Superintendent Monday, November 6, 2023 Las Vegas Pro Am Sites TBD Monday, November 13, 2023 Las Vegas Pro AM #2 Sites TBD


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