TABLE OF CONTENTS Annual Meeting Agenda 3
Education Report Steve Sheridan, PGA
In Memoriam 4
President’s Report Mike Bradshaw, PGA 5
Tournament Report Jeff Martin, PGA 22
Executive Director’s Report Mike Higgins
Employment Report David Wilson, PGA
Vice President’s Report Chip Johnson, PGA
Chapter Reports
Secretary’s Report Joanne Flynn, PGA
New England Series Report Chris Clayton
Foundation Report Rob Jarvis, PGA
2023 Award Winners 36
14 Junior Report Brianna Moesch 18
Thank You Partners 43
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IN MEMORY OF Corey Phillips, PGA Herbert Madden, PGA Robert S. Mathews, PGA Arthur Decko, PGA Tim Angis, PGA Robert Menne, PGA Don Winkelmes, PGA
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Fellow NEPGA Professionals, As we prepare to welcome our golf professionals back to Kirkbrae for the Section’s Annual Meeting, and preparations for 2024 are well underway, it’s a great time to reflect back on the 2023 season. The New England Section continues to impress, with an array of impressive achievements to once again be proud of. First, our Foundation, PGA REACH New England, is a true rags-to-riches story. When I first joined the Board of Directors in 2015 as the Rhode Island Director, it was a HUGE deal to have each chapter award $1,000 to a charity in its’ respective area for the holidays. Eight years later and the Foundation will this year: Host over 100 Junior Tour events Support a dozen PGA HOPE programs for veterans throughout the Section Once again was a nationwide leader in PGA Junior League participation Raise just shy of $250,000 in contributions that lead to an operating budget of just under $1 million
Contributed $100,000 to local charities, Boston Children’s Hospital and Special Olympics Massachusetts, through the hard work and dedication of Section Professionals who participated and/or donated to the annual Birdies 2 Benefit Fundraiser Award over $125,000 in scholarships, with the overwhelming majority of them being to the family members of Section Professionals
And while the numbers are impressive in sheer volume, the impact that these programs have had on golfers throughout the Section is what is truly amazing. Your Foundation is a leader not only in the PGA, but in the New England community, and is something to be proud of. Secondly, we once again had an awesome tournament season, which is wrapping up this week on the other side of the country, in Las Vegas. When you take a look at the tournament schedule, it’s become routine to look at a 2-3 day stretch and there are three or four chapter events plus a section event taking place with over 250 different NEPGA Professionals participating. Kudos to those of you have been able to participate and I urge everyone to try and play in at least one event next season. It’s not just about the golf—it’s about the camaraderie you build with either (or both?!) your fellow professionals and your members/customers. The bonds built on the course will last much longer than how long you remember what you shot that day—take advantage of the array of playing opportunities available to you as a section member! Finally, it all comes down to our section members themselves. And what an outstanding group we have in the NEPGA. I’ve been fortunate to see it throughout my many years here in Rhode island, and nowhere was it more obvious than at last month’s Awards Dinner. The stories of our Section and Chapter Award winners and the ways in which they lead in the industry and community were flowing. What a great crowd of golf professionals we have.
At our Annual Meeting, we will welcome Brendan Walsh as our new Secretary while Chip Johnson will be elected President and Joanne Flynn will ascend to the position of Vice President. As we look forward to 2024 and beyond, I am positive that the NEPGA will be in great hands with their leadership. Wishing you and your family a safe and healthy Holiday Season!! Respectfully Submitted, Mike Bradshaw, PGA COO/Director of Golf, Kirkbrae Country Club President, New England PGA
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Dear New England Section Membership, I am pleased to present the Executive Director's Report, highlighting the remarkable accomplishments of the New England PGA in 2023. Over the past year, our dedicated team and committed membership have achieved significant milestones, furthering our mission to promote and grow the game of golf throughout New England. I continue to be amazed by the dedication of our PGA Professionals and the hard work of our passionate and talented staff. If you were to dissect every inch of the NEPGA, you would find that we had one of our most fulfilling and successful seasons yet. The day-to-day operation of the country’s 7th largest Section kept up with the fast-paced golf industry, and it was the efforts of the NEPGA staff that made me extremely proud. Each year I don’t think that I could be any more impressed by our PGA Professionals, but their continued efforts continue to blow me away. Golf’s popularity hasn’t wavered, which means the pressures from the industry on facilities and their employees can be felt. These pressures have been met head on by the continued dedication to the game by PGA Professionals through determination and a common goal… grow the game. At the Section and Chapter level, the dedication continues through volunteering on committees and many governance opportunities. There is no compensation, there is hardly any praise or recognition, but it is the love for their association and fellow members that makes the commitment level so strong. I could stand on a mountain top and shout every year that the Board of Directors, Past Presidents, chapter leaders, and staff have fostered an environment where “team goals” far outweigh individual accomplishments. I wish we could flip off a switch on December 31 each year, and flip on a new one to start the year, but the planning process begins well before the year end. The machine that the New England PGA and the New England PGA Foundation have become requires proper planning and diligent execution. A quality business plan developed by the Board of Directors and staff starts early in the fall but becomes fluid throughout the year as we are prepared for every opportunity. The annual business planning process along with a Board Orientation that included chapter leaders helped produce a governance model that ensures committees,
directors and officers maintain an active role of supervision and involvement, while staff implement the desired programs and services. The roadmap to the NEPGA’s future continues to be well lit and will always have PGA Professionals in mind for every decision. It is hard to believe that we have spent our first year in our new homesite. I have enjoyed providing tours to the many PGA Professionals, partners, guests and even family who all share in our excitement. The invitation continues to be open, and I welcome every NEPGA Professional to come visit your home, it truly is worthy of your brand. Administration Please join me in thanking the New England PGA team for their dedicated efforts in support of the Section and Chapters. It is my pleasure to work with the following talented individuals: Chris Clayton, Director of Tournament Operations Justin Del Bianco, Tournament Operations Manager – Vermont Max Doctoroff, PGA, Director of Rules and Competition Chad Eades, PGA Reach New England Program Manager Ken Hamel, PGA, Tournament Operations Manager – New Hampshire Casey Litwack, Tournament Director Lauren Neilan, Marketing and Communications Manager Lily Oksanen, Membership and Communications Manager Michael Packard, PGA, Director PGA Reach New England Brianna Sovring Moesch, Junior Golf & Player Development Manager David Soucy, PGA, Tournament Operations Manager - Maine Joan Stuart, Director of Accounting and Finance Education The Section has maintained its commitment to educational programs that emphasize professional development. This is pertinent to maintaining and growing our individual and collective influence in the golf industry. The Education Committee continues to focus on providing quality education in the categories of: Instruction/Merchandising/Personal Wellness/Golf Operations/Career Development. Through surveys and communication, we have listened to the suggested content, and attempted to bring those suggestions to our PGA Professionals. The Section Annual Meeting and our Education Seminars have remained the focus of the education program at the Section level, but the NEPGA Empower Hour continues to bring quality education right to PGA Professionals on a weekly basis. Each Thursday starting in November and continuing through March, these weekly seminars bring content to our section professionals. All of us connected to the game of golf should be motivated to identify best practices, work cooperatively to grow the game, and seek to enhance our business skills for the benefit of our employers and customers, and NEPGA U is here to help.
Member Services We are thrilled to report a slight increase in our membership, through an increase in the number of Associates and new members.This growth is a testament to the excellent work done by our membership committee and the value our organization provides to golf professionals and golfers in the New England region. The Section office and staff strive to serve Members and Associates as their clearinghouse of golf industry related information. There are significant opportunities for membership involvement in the Section’s many programs, including tournaments, foundation, junior golf, and education. The goal of the Section’s administrative staff is to provide you with outstanding customer service, while assisting you with your professional needs. We are also committed to working with our partners to add benefits to our PGA Professionals on and off the golf course. Employment & Facility Relations Employment continues to be a major focus of the New England Section. I and Employment Committee Chair, Larry Kelley, PGA work very closely with PGA of America Career Services Consultant David Wilson, PGA. Our goal and focus are to provide advice and counsel to golf professionals, employers, and facilities in all employment related areas. Everyone is hopefully familiar with the Career Services section on pga.org, but the Section continues to populate our employment page on www.nepga.com. We will continue to include employment updates in our weekly Friday Forecaddie, Section Newsletter and Section employment webpage to highlight employment bulletins to our Members and Associates. Head Professionals are welcome to utilize the employment tab to advertise for assistant professionals or other openings at their facilities. I can promise you that our collaboration to work tirelessly on behalf of PGA members to help create employment, enhance employment, even extend employment will continue long into 2024 and beyond. Communication When I started at the NEPGA 26 years ago we were piecing together a website for the first time, and I would communicate our results and stories through a fax machine that I carried in a black case along with me. Today the NEPGA has set a goal to increase the visibility of the good work being done by our Section and PGA Professionals and share it to the world! We never want to forget who is most important to us, so our major focus continues to be keeping our Section Professionals informed through all means of communication, and to keep the NEPGA in the forefront for all things golf throughout New England. The increased level of our product content has brought a significant number of new followers to the NEPGA. The NEPGA website has contributed greatly to educating and informing the public of the positive position of golf professionals within their community. I encourage those of you who have not connected to the New England PGA on social media to follow us.
We will continue to produce the digital newsletter of the NEPGA – The Full Swing, which will highlight both the NEPGA as well as the Foundation. The Friday Forecaddie is our weekly e-mail publication and is distributed to all Section Members and Associates. This vibrant communications tool provides up-to-the-minute news, tournament announcements and industry information on a weekly basis. I hope you are able read and enjoy my weekly article every Monday, which is my attempt to bring a bit of positivity to the beginning of each week. The New England PGA App is a phenomenal resource that provides convenient information regarding tournaments, sales representatives as well as a detailed membership directory for our PGA Professionals and their facilities. If you have not downloaded our app, I strongly encourage you to do so for your Apple or Android device. Governance The New England PGA Board of Directors meet regularly to evaluate the issues before the Section. Each meeting has the PGA Member in mind as decisions are made. There is regular communication between the Board and staff on a consistent basis. The Chapter leaders also work closely with the Staff and Section leaders to improve communication and programing in their chapters. The engagement of Chapter Leadership will hopefully create a feeder system of future Section leaders. I encourage any interested PGA Professional to get involved and give back through volunteering your time and service. Marketing, Sponsors & Business Development The New England PGA is clearly dependent upon its relationship with partners and fundraising programs to maintain its high-quality programs and services. I am always amazed by the number of partners who want to be associated with the NEPGA. Our PGA professionals have a unique ability to influence the success of these relationships, and I would like to offer my personal appreciation to those golf professionals who continue to aid staff with these programs. The Board of Directors and staff work diligently to remain aware of opportunities, responsive to the imminent timelines and most importantly, prudent with due diligence. The commitment to attach member benefits to each partnership is a goal with every partner program. We have been very fortunate to create new partnerships every year while maintaining a high retention rate with partners at all levels. Please reach out to thank a partner for their support and please reach out to me if you feel a person or company would be a potential new partner of the NEPGA. Foundation The New England PGA Foundation (PGA Reach New England) impacted a record number of lives in 2023. Volunteering, fundraising, and programing all saw a significant increase and I encourage you to read the Foundation Report to become inspired and see where you can become involved.
Finance Paying cash for our new building in 2022 raised a few financial concerns for 2023, but the Board of Directors and staff contributed to a thorough analysis of the Section and Chapter budgets. Monthly financial reports are distributed to the Board of Directors with an evaluation of income and expenses relative to budgeted projections. Member services continue to increase, and the concerns were all for not. The Board of Directors and staff continue to do an excellent job of managing the business and financial operation of the Section, and the New England PGA finds itself in a very healthy and secure financial position. Tournaments One day this summer we had 240 PGA Professionals, 130 junior golfers, and hundreds of amateurs participating in our events. The quality of the Section’s professional tournament program ranks among the elite at the section level. Our highly skilled and motivated staff, along with the insightful and supportive leadership, has fostered an environment that allows for increased sponsor revenue and a desire for our top facilities to host major events. Coming from a tournament background, I am always conscious of our product. It is a great way to showcase our association and I cannot be prouder of the product our tournament department produces. The New England Section once again boasted one of the largest Section Championship fields in the country this year, and the top three for the last twenty years! Overall participation was slightly up in 2023, and with the amount of rain and cancellations we experienced, I am amazed at the numbers. I am always excited to see how many PGA Professionals play in our events every season and having solid junior programing and an extremely successful Amateur Series, the NEPGA Tournament Department is on the map! Thank you very much to our host PGA Professionals and facilities! It truly is an honor for me to serve as your Executive Director. These past 13 seasons have been some of the most rewarding in my life. I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and dedication to the New England PGA. Together, we have achieved so much in 2023, and we should all look forward to an even more exciting and prosperous 2024. Look for the New England PGA to continue to grow in an aggressive yet responsible manner, for the ultimate benefit of PGA golf professionals in this region as well as everyone connected to the game. Please accept my best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2024. Be sure to reach out to the New England PGA if we can ever be of assistance. Respectfully Yours, Michael J. Higgins NEPGA Executive Director
VICE PRESIDENT REPORT Fellow NEPGA Professionals, It has been an absolute pleasure to serve as the Section’s Vice President these past two years, and to have been so intricately involved with many talented PGA Professionals who accompany me in the Board room. I am extremely excited for my transition into the Presidency, and I look forward to continuing to work together with Mike Higgins and our talented staff to keep the New England Section a leader amongst others. I am happy to report another successful season for our Section in 2023. As currently situated, I can report over $4.9 million in combined revenue between the Section and Foundation, as well as just over $3.5 million in combined expenses through September. There are significant expenses to be settled in relation to our later-season events, such as our large Las Vegas ProAm this Fall. Many of our revenues are restricted funds that are strictly devoted towards programming such as PGA Hope, Scholarships, Junior Golf and more. Though it may appear that 2023 will produce a significant profit, the restricted funds will be devoted solely towards future programming, and the unpaid expenses will get our financials more in line with what is expected. The Section should still turn a slight profit for the year, which is a significant accomplishment after paying cash for our building in 2022. Ultimately, our financial decisions are committed to what is in the best interests of you, our member. We are very fortunate to have the continued commitment of so many Section partners. The Section staff has done a tremendous job procuring additional new partners that help continue to drive funding back to our members via our many events and programs. I certainly encourage you to take time to reach out to our many devoted partners and thank them, as this certainly goes a long way in furthering these relationships. Over one full year has now come and gone in our new Section headquarters, and it truly is a wonderful building. If you have not had the opportunity to visit, I strongly encourage you to take the time to stop by. It is the home of our Section and our PGA Professionals, and we implore you to take advantage of it. By paying for the building entirely in cash, it has allowed our Section to allocate funds back to the members that otherwise would be going towards monthly payments. We continue to make the most fiscally responsible decisions possible and always keep member program and support in mind throughout the process. I would like to implore you as a New England Section Professional to attend our newly formed Mentoring Conference this Fall if you have the opportunity. No matter how far along you are in your career, or how long you have worked at your current facility, it is never too late to make yourself better. There are so many unique things that you can take away from spending a day with your fellow PGA Professionals who are continually trying to further develop themselves as PGA Professionals, and grow the game of golf.
In closing, I would like to thank you for your continued commitment to the game of golf, and what you do each and every day to make it the most enjoyable game in the world. Your efforts to continue to grow the game have lasting impacts that will be seen for generations to come. Please continue to utilize the PGA of America and the New England PGA to make you and your facility the best it can possibly be. Sincerely, Chip Johnson, PGA Head Golf Professional, Hatherly CC NEPGA Vice President
SECRETARY REPORT Fellow NEPGA Professionals, As my final year as your Secretary concludes, I would like to thank the entire membership for all your support. I am very excited to be a part of such a talented group of PGA Professionals that care so much about our association, and it has been a privilege and an honor to serve alongside them all. I assure you that all these individuals are very dedicated to what is best for the NEPGA. It has also been a pleasure to work alongside our Executive Director Michael Higgins and the entire staff of the NEPGA. We should all be very grateful that we have such a dedicated group of people that are so willing to serve us every day. The New England section currently has 1,106 professionals, made up of 915 members and 191 associates, making us the 7th largest section in the country. There are 649 facilities in the New England section. 375 of those facilities are staffed by a PGA professional. That is over half at 58%. Of the 191 associates in the New England section 13 are suspended. There were 25 suspended associates at the 2022 Spring Meeting but there were only 60 associates at that time. That meant that 41.7% were suspended. The suspended associate rate for the New England section is a little bit below the national average. If you know of an associate who is struggling to become active, have them reach out to either myself or a member of the membership committee, as we are happy to help. We are all very proud of our associates when they complete their PGA education and become Class A members. I would like to congratulate the 22 individuals that have complete the task over the course of the past year:
NEW MEMBERS Allison M.Schraer, PGA AndoniosG. Tsoukalas, PGA Anthony C. Loiselle, PGA Ashton W. Benn, PGA Carter N. Cheek, PGA Colby R.Todd, PGA Curtis D. Goldsberry, PGA
Elizabeth G. Roch, PGA Eric W. Soderman, PGA Fergus J. Keane III, PGA James T. Rapp, PGA Joseph M. Zielinski, PGA Kevin E. Bradley Jr., PGA Navyug Rungta, PGA
Nicholas A. Kenis, PGA Patrick C. Myers, PGA Peter F Ruymann, PGA Richard J. Gray, PGA Samantha H. Morrell, PGA TimothyP. Cullen, PGA Tyler J. Sprague, PGA
We are also very proud of veteran PGA Professionals who reach the milestone of being a PGA member for 25 years and 50 years. First, I would like to congratulate the 1 individuals that has joined the PGA of America half century club, Peter E. Hatfield, PGA.
I would also like to congratulate the 39 individuals that have joined the PGA of America quarter century club:
QUARTER CENTURY MEMBERS Andrew B. Kayser, PGA Barry G. Pearson Jr., PGA Brendan J. Reilly, PGA Brian K. Golden, PGA Curtis R. Niven, PGA David M. Perroni, PGA David M. Poplyk, PGA David P. Marcotte, PGA Douglas A. Ruttle, PGA Douglas Juhasz, PGA Eddie K. Whalley, PGA Frederick J. Auletta, PGA Gregory A. Beans, PGA
Gregory M. Sandell, PGA James R. Burke, PGA James Schouller Jr., PGA Jeffrey T. Niejadlik, PGA Joel C. Jenkins, PGA John J. Carey, PGA John R. Simmons, PGA Kevin S. Roberts, PGA Kirk H. Kimball, PGA Matthew A. Thibeault, PGA Michael S. McGillicuddy, PGA Michael T. Moore, PGA Michael T. Rogers, PGA
Paul T. Piveronas, PGA Richard A. Altham, PGA Richard E. Dwelley, PGA Robert H. Stonehouse, PGA Scott E. Hickey, PGA Sean P. Barrett, PGA Shawn A. Lapworth, PGA Shawn E. Durocher, PGA Terry P. Felty, PGA Thomas A. Moffatt, PGA Thomas S. Tobey, PGA Timothy C. Roggero, PGA William C. Buchanan IV, PGA
PDRs, the Professional Development Requirement Policy cycle deadline is set for June 15th, 2025. As PGA Professionals we are required to earn 54 credits before the deadline. 30 of those credits must come from Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs and six must come from Meetings and/or National Survey Submission. Education and/or Specified Player Engagement Programs may include attending career specific education, including serving as a speaker/instructor. Attending education on topics such as youth safety, diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health wellbeing can earn one credit per hour of attendance. Other examples are PGA HOPE Clinics (one credit for hour or each hour of participation, up to six credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior League (Six credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/ season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Family Cup ‐ (six credits per team/season, maximum of two PGA Members earning credit per team/season, up to twelve credits per PDR cycle year), PGA Junior Camps – (Two credits per camp week, up to six credits per PDR cycle year), Drive Chip & Putt ‐ Host PGA Professional ‐ Four PGA Required PDR credits. PDRs for PGA Meeting Attendance and National Survey Completion may include attending National, Section or Chapter Meetings, including Board and Committee Meetings – One credit per each hour of attendance. (If a meeting is offered both in‐person and virtual, in‐ person attendees will receive full credit, while virtual attendees will receive half (1/2) credit.). Completing National Surveys (such as: Compensation Survey, Annual Operations Survey, Member Offering Survey, Career Planning Survey, Revenue Scorecard) – max Two credits per National survey, per cycle year. Credits toward the total requirement may include serving the Section, Chapter, National PGA or Allied Association, serving as a golf coach or assistant golf coach of a high school/college golf team in a capacity not considered the Member’s primary employment.
Another option for PDR’s is participation in Section sanctioned golf tournaments or tournaments conducted by the PGA of America National Office as well as attending a National, Section or Allied Association Merchandise Show. The PGA Merchandise Show will be held from January 24th to January 27th at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. Registration is open! I hope each of you know that I am here to serve every member of our great section. We have a dedicated Board of Directors and a strong section staff in place committed to our members who will help you whenever you need it. Have a great off season. Respectfully Submitted, Joanne Flynn, PGA Director of Golf, Windham CC NEPGA Secretary
FOUNDATION REPORT Dear New England PGA Professionals, It is with great pride that we present the Annual Foundation Report for 2023, highlighting the success and achievements of our programs related to PGA REACH New England and our three Pillars of Influence, Diversity & Inclusion, Veterans and Youth Development. This year has been one of significant growth and impact, thanks to the dedication and support of our PGA Professionals, foundation partners, volunteers and dozens of host facilities that allow us to positively impact lives through the game of golf. Youth Development Programs Our Junior Golf programs continued to expand in 2023, with a record number of juniors participating in our tournaments, PGA Jr. League, Drive Chip & Putt as well as our scholarship program. We introduced innovative and inclusive initiatives that helped make golf accessible to kids of all backgrounds, promoting a lifelong love for the sport. A detailed report related to our New England PGA Junior TOUR, national initiatives like Drive, Chip & Putt and PGA Junior League can be found in the official Junior Golf Report below, submitted by our Junior Golf & Player Development Manager. Scholarships 15 unique Scholarship offerings available $115,000 awarded in 2023 (64) Unique students (49 Unique Institutions (94) Total Awards Diversity & Inclusion We continued to prioritize diversity and inclusion in all our programs. The creation of mentorship and volunteering opportunities for our PGA Professionals as well as partnerships with local organizations helped increase diversity across all D&I Pillar programs, helping to ensure that golf is an inclusive sport for everyone.
Women’s Networking Summit (2nd Annual) 125+ Female business professionals in attendance Camp REACH Bringing the game of golf to kid’s camps, specifically young boys and girls battling life threatening illnesses Camps located in Maine & New Hampshire (Camp Sunshine & Zebra Crossing) 2023 - Camp Sunshine: 130+ children, siblings and parents over two days Special Olympics-Massachusetts Skills Competition (3rd Annual) Drive Chip & Putt event with over 35 athletes participating Diversity and Networking Clinics with Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Writing the Code” – 2nd Annual event targeting undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students from diverse backgrounds 80+ students, volunteers, and guests
Golf with Pride (4) facilities across New England offering competition, instruction, camaraderie, and inclusion for the Pride Community 20-25 attendees per event 80+ celebrating inclusion with 9-hole social tournament Veteran & Active Military Support Our support of PGA HOPE flourished dramatically in 2023, providing golf as a rehabilitative tool for Active Military and Veterans across all corners of the Section. We proudly expanded our outreach to more VA facilities, enhancing the lives of those who have served our country. PGA HOPE will remain the primary entry point into the game for some of our nation’s heroes and affords us the opportunity to create new and enhanced programming to keep their golfing journey connected of our foundation.
PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) 13 programs, 280 Veterans participated & graduated in 2023 35+ NEPGA Professionals trained to provide recreational therapy and instruction OPERATION: PlayDay 7 different host sites in New England Section 279 Rounds of golf, 325 Veterans participated 3,444.5 combined years of service Northeast HOPE Invitational 2nd Annual collaboration between New England, Northeastern New York, and Connecticut PGA Sections 24 Veterans along side 12 PGA Professionals compete for HOPE Cup 2023 Champion- Team HOPE New England Sets Fore Vets 15 Sets of new or gently used clubs provided to Veterans to begin or continue their golfing journey Champion’s Tribute Single day clinic event hosted during each Section Major Championship 50+ Veterans participated in 3 clinics throughout the Summer Fundraising & Partner Support Through the dedication of our PGA Professionals, Host Facilities, and our community partners, we successfully raised funds to support our mission. The generosity of existing and new partners has allowed us to expand our programs and create more opportunities for our communities. Our partners in positively impacting lives through the game of golf: Avidia Bank Coastal Window’s & Exteriors Dick’s Sporting Goods (Golf Galaxy) ES Veterans Association Forward Financing Gorton & Company Side by Side Charitable Foundation Smuttynose Brewing Co. Tournament Solutions UKG
Signature Fundraisers Rounds for REACH (Spring online auction) (79 items from NEPGA Professionals), $49,624.76 raised REACH Classic (18-hole foundation fundraiser) (100+ participants) $44,091.35 raised Birdies 2 Benefit (34 participants) $209,409.50 raised NEPGA Professional Community & Engagement Our community outreach efforts scaled to new heights, with golf-related events that raised awareness and funds for important local causes. These initiatives demonstrated our commitment to making a positive impact beyond the golf course. Successful year for the NEPGA Grant program, with NEPGA Professionals requesting $12,555 in funding 375+ PDR hours for PGA HOPE $22,000+ in NEPGA Professional Honorariums 175+ PDR hours for other PGA REACH New England initiatives $3,900 in NEPGA Professional Honorariums In conclusion, 2023 has been a year of remarkable achievement and progress for the New England Section PGA, in partnership with PGA REACH New England. Our commitment to growing the game, supporting our community, and promoting diversity and inclusion has never been stronger. We extend our gratitude to our PGA Professionals, volunteers, and partners who made these successes possible. Together, we will continue to make a positive impact and expand the game of golf in New England. Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to a bright and successful future. Sincerely, Rob Jarvis, PGA Head Golf Professional, Bangor Municipal GC President, PGA REACH New England
PLAYER ENGAGEMENT REPORT Happy fall everyone, while I can not join you in person for your meeting I wanted to share some 2023 highlights. What a year it has been! PGA Jr. League once again set another record for registered players with 73,000 across the country. New England leads the country for the Section with the most players (4,170) and also most engaged coaches (139). The average coaching fee charged in the Section rose from $278/player to $297/player in New England which means more revenue coming back to you. There was $1,177,734 in PGA Jr. League Coaching revenue returned to those 139 engaged coaches in New England. Congrats to Tyler Piekarski, PGA Associate for leading Button Hole to the 13U New England PGA Jr. League Section Championship title and also to Stephen Gonsalves, PGA for leading Burlington VT to the 17U New England PGA Jr. League Section Championship title. The 2024 Coach/Facility registration opened on November 1st and the 2024 Player registration will be opening on January 9, 2024. PGA Coach continues to grow with nearly 6800 certified PGA Coaches across the country and 212 certified here in the Section. Drew Anderson, PGA is the leader in the clubhouse in New England having received 190 lesson leads from his Coach Profile. This is a great opportunity to organize lesson plans, grow your brand and your customer base, the best thing about PGA Coach is that it is FREE. Visit PGA Coach now to get started! In order to be successful and keep the momentum in golf going, the planning for 2024 needs to start today. Ask yourself: What new ways can you engage your customers in 2024? Is there a demographic that you would like to grow at your facility in 2024? If you need help working through these questions or anything else I’m here to help guide you. Thank you again for all that you do at your facilities, it is appreciated. Please take the winter months to recharge and get ready for an even better 2024. Respectfully Submitted, Brian Bain, PGA Player Engagement Consultant
JUNIOR REPORT 2023 proved to be another successful season for junior golf and the New England PGA Junior TOUR which has been continuously offering playing opportunities for juniors across New England for 27 years, since 1995. This season the current membership record for overall junior members was broken with tons of new interest. Overall participation numbers increased from 2022 and we saw new facilities added to the schedule. An entire breakdown of stats from this past season is provided below. Congratulations to our NEPGA, Maine, and Cape Cod Player of Year winners! NEPGA Players of the Year
Boys 16-18 Girls 14-18 Boys 14-15 Boys 12-13 Boys 11 & Under Girls 13 & Under Girls ELITE Tour Boys ELITE Tour
John Barry (Sharon, MA) Olivia Cutting (Shrewsbury, MA) Jacob Carlson (Chelmsford, MA) LB Manning (Haverhill, MA) Richard Taylor (Acton, MA) Charlotte Rollins (Boxford, MA) Maya Palanza Gaudin (Falmouth, MA) Alex Smyth (Rye, N.H.)
Maine Players of the Year
Boys 16-18 Girls 14-18 Boys 14-15 Boys 12-13 Boys 11 & Under Girls 13 & Under
Jacob Moody (Oakland, ME), Carley Iannetta (Falmouth, ME) SJ Welch (Newport, ME) Sam Sirois (Falmouth, ME) Cameron McCarren (Bath, ME) Kaydence Allarie (Winthrop, ME)
Cape Cod Players of the Year
Boys 16-18 Girls 14-18 Boys 14-15 Boys 12-13 Boys 11 & Under Girls 13 & Under
Casey Huse (Harwich, MA) Chirachaya Williams (West Yarmouth, MA) Thomas Lamb (Weston, MA) Dillion White (Rye, NY) Matthew White (Rye, NY) Ava Carr (Medway, MA)
Thank you to all of our Host PGA Professionals, facilities and partners for supporting growth of the game initiatives and providing playing opportunities for the next generation of players and future members. 2023 Junior Tournament Stats: NEPGA Junior TOUR (Inclusive of Maine & Cape Cod): a. 1128 active members, vs. 1015 last year (11.1% increase) i. NEPGA Jr Members: 1022 ii. Maine Jr Members: 69 iii. Cape Cod Jr Members: 54 b. 4969 total rounds, vs. 4760 last year (4.4% increase) c. 119 total events, vs. 115 last year (3.5% increase) Drive Chip and Putt This year Drive Chip and Putt saw an increase in players and sign-ups for all New England local qualifiers. Weather was the main challenge this season, with four events being affected by heavy rains and one needing a reschedule due to unplayable conditions (Biddeford-Saco CC in Saco, ME). New England hosted the Regional Qualifier at TPC Boston on Saturday, September 16th, 2023 which saw eight juniors from the Northeast earn a spot at the National DCP Finals at Augusta National in April 2024. Half of those advancing were from our New England Section! Those players were, (Boys 10-11; Callen Cronin, Haverhill, MA), (Girls 10-11; Aarya Tsarong, Newton, MA), (Boys 14-15; Jackson Jodoin, Bedford, NH) and (Girls 1415; Champa Visetsin, Sudbury, MA).
callen cronin haverhill, Ma
aarya tsarong Newton, Ma
jackson jodoin bedford, nh
champa visetsin sudbury, ma
Augusta National
971 Miles
2023 DCP Stats: Drive Chip and Putt (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont): a. 1079 players, vs. 1006 last year (6.76% increase) b. 11 total events, same as 2022 PGA Jr League Junior golf continues to grow year after year and no other program has shown continuous growth more than PGA Jr League. Another record year for programs across New England which saw many facilities that initially hosted a program, return and capitalize on the growing interest in different formats other than typical stroke play which PGA jr League offers. At the Section Championship hosted at Stow Acres Country Club, over forty four all star teams (13U and 17U) competed. The 13U runner ups Norwood and 17U runner ups Winchester. While our 13U champions were Button Hole and 17U champions went to Burlington! 2023 PGA Jr League Stats: PGA Jr League (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont) a. 3570 players, vs. 3388 last year (5.1% increase) b. 139 coaches, vs. 126 last year (9.36% increase) c. 262 total programs, vs. 261 last year Internship The New England PGA Internship program has been running for over 20 years and historically these interns assist in all aspects of the tournament operations while mainly focusing on the booming junior programs and other relation foundation initiatives during their 3 months with the section. This years class included: (Chase Gagnon, Jared Swanson, Caitlin White, Colin Ford, Drew Barton, Steven Maffiore, Colin Liebert, Jacob Paul, Owen Harding, Caroline King and Erica Fanning) Scholarships a. 14 offerings vs 7 in 2022 b. $125,000 awarded in 2023 vs $108,000 in 2022 Respectfully Submitted, Brianna Moesch NEPGA Junior Golf & Player Development Manager
EDUCATION REPORT While golf courses in New England and across the country remain jam-packed, New England PGA Education is one in the same featuring another robust season in 2023. This year featured the first Super Spring Meeting, highlighted by morning education offerings which produced record attendance. Professionals gathered to hear from keynote speakers discussing popular topics within the golf industry before breaking into group discussions to learn best practices from fellow Professionals. Additionally, a very successful Teaching & Coaching Summit was held featuring past NEPGA Teachers of the Year as well as partners who showed off cutting-edge technology and how our Professionals can utilize it. Not only were these Section Education platforms put in place, but offerings locally within many of our Chapters helped bring Education closer to home for many of our Section Professionals. Whether it was the David Orr Putting Seminar in Vermont, the Cape Cod Chapter Teaching & Coaching Summit, or the Teachers Teaching Teachers in Massachusetts, a variety of opportunities were for the taking for Section Professionals. This upcoming Fall & Winter season is set up to continue to further Education opportunities within the Section. In November, the New England PGA will host the NEPGA Mentoring Conference at The Country Club in Brookline. This exciting day will allow Section Professionals the opportunity to network with fellow PGA Professionals and become a mentor and/or mentee to further develop the careers of our PGA Professionals. The Winter months will also see the return of our increasingly popular Empower Hour series each Thursday morning. As the schedule continues to be developed, each of these will feature a topic that can provide insight into many areas of importance within the PGA Professional’s day-to-day responsibilities. As always, the New England PGA encourages you to utilize the one of a kind NEPGA University; the Section’s Education platform featuring over 30 hours of educational offerings for our Professionals. All Section Education is branded as NEPGA University, and many of our Professionals utilize our growing platform to continue education as well as earn PDR requirements. The New England PGA will continue to expand the offerings on this platform to stay in tune with the most important areas of need for our PGA Professionals. Sincerely, Steve Sheridan, PGA Head Golf Professional, Charter Oak CC NEPGA Education Committee Chairman
TOURNAMENT REPORT While it was one of the rainiest golf seasons in recent memory, 2023 turned out to have some great highlights, relatively few cancellations, and overall, a slight increase in tournament participation despite the weather. Some of the events that were impacted by the weather the most were our Senior Championship and Assistant Championship, which were each shortened by rain, but we still managed to pull some of the highest participation numbers in the country, which should amount to a typically high share of the PGA of America’s sponsorship money for next year. Our consistently strong showings at the Section Championships have also provided the Section with more playing opportunities on the national stage – our allotment for the national PGA Professional Championship has increased from 12 to 13 spots this year, while the Senior and Assistant Championships’ spot allotment has held steady at six spots each. Notable changes in the 2023 tournament schedule included the addition of our new ParentChild Scramble, which allowed NEPGA Professionals to enjoy a day of golf and food with their children and/or parents and this was a big hit for all who attended. The move from Vermont to Boston for the Senior Championship increased participation significantly, and we receive good feedback from the players. 2023 also featured the first edition of a “Premium Week” for the Las Vegas Pro-Am, which included upgraded hotel accommodations and higher-end golf courses and was well-received by those who played. The standard Vegas package was still available for those who wanted it. Congratulations to all of our Section PPC winners in 2023, including Rich Berberian (Section Champion), Seul-Ki Hawley (Women’s Section Champion), Jason Calhoun (Senior Champion), and Liam Friedman (Assistant Champion) for their excellent play in our Major Events. The NEPGA has a great field of winners from our Player of the Year races as well. Following a re-organization of the points allocation for the Rolex Wogan Player of the Year and the Senior Player of the Year, the Rolex Wogan Award was claimed by Rich Berberian, and the senior crown was won by Eddie Kirby. This year’s Avidia Bank Cup orange jacket was awarded to Andrew Stolze for his excellence in the Stroke Play Series all season. Congratulations to all our outstanding award winners! 2023 Tournament Participation by the Numbers: NEPGA Section Tournaments 2645 total players, vs. 2564 last year (3% increase) PPC’s Section Championship: 172 players, vs. 176 last year (2% decrease) Senior Championship: 87 players, vs. 62 last year (40% increase) moved tournament to Boston this year Assistant Championship: 85 players, vs. 68 last year (25% increase)
Stroke Play Series 407 total players, vs. 368 last year (10.6% increase) Pro-Am’s 1.1298 total players, vs. 1417 last year (8% decrease) Rained-out Portsmouth Pro-Am was the difference Pro-Pro’s 330 players vs. 320 last year (3% increase) Pro-Assistant up 28% (32 rounds). Same venue, same time of year… Pro-Pro Match Play about even with last year Pro-Pro Stroke Play down 10%, weather rescheduling Sr/Jr down 25%.Held Monday after Section Championship
2024 Tournament Outlook The upcoming season has another great lineup of Championship sites lined up, with our premier Championship being played at Tedesco CC and Ferncroft CC on September 3-5. We’re happy to return to George Wright GC for the Senior Championship on July 22-23, after great feedback from last year’s players.Finally, we’ll be returning to Rhode Island for the Assistant Championship, at Alpine CC on July 1-2.We’re hoping that moving the tournament to mid-summer might have a positive impact on participation. A big thank you goes out to Ryan Train, Mike McGillicuddy, Phil Leiss, Scott Allen, and Nate Adelson for opening their doors for our Major Championships in 2024! The NEPGA staff is working diligently to secure sites for many of our other tournaments, but we still need the help of our Section Professionals to finish up booking the 2024 schedule. While many of our perennial favorites will be returning to host events this year, we are in need of hosts for a couple Stroke Play events and Pro-Am’s, so if you might have an open Monday or Tuesday at your course, please reach out to the Section to help fill out the calendar – we need your help! We have a couple exciting new events in the upcoming season, and hope that our membership enjoys these new opportunities. We’ll be making our return to Europe in the fall, with a travel pro-am that features five outstanding courses in England. More locally but keeping with the island golf theme, the Section will be conducting an Island Pro-Am at Miacomet GC on Nantucket June 13. We hope you’ll be able to join us for these trips! Thank you so much for your continued support of the NEPGA Tournament Program, and we hope to see you out on the course in the coming year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or the NEPGA Staff if you have any questions or need any help with anything at all. Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Martin, PGA Head Golf Professional, Wollaston GC NEPGA Tournament Committee Chair
103rd Section Championship
Women’s Championship
Rich Berberian, PGA Vesper CC
Seul-Ki Hawley, PGA Winchester CC
Senior Championship
National Car Rental Assistants Championship
Jason Calhoun, PGA Brown University
Liam Friedman, PGA Wollaston GC
Pro-Pro Stroke Play Championship Nate Myers, PGA(Ipswich CC) & Greg Kelly, PGA (Myopia Hunt Club Andrew Stolze, PGA & Frank Leja, PGA (The Club at New Seabury)
Johnnie-O Pro-Pro Match Play Championship Shawn Warren, PGA (Point Sebago GC) & Matt Arvanitis (SNHU)
Acushnet Golf Pro-Assistant Championship Randy Grills, PGA & Timothy Corrigan, PGA (Duxbury Yacht Club)
EMPLOYMENT REPORT 2023 was another busy year for New England PGA Professionals across the section as well as across the country. Golf continues to ride the wave from the COVID boom that none of us saw coming. With more golf continuing to be played the demand for PGA Professionals and Golf Staff at an all-time high. Beyond that the way in which golf is viewed has shifted from that of a ‘boring’ game to ‘cool’ as what outlined by the National Golf Foundation at the PGA Annual meeting this week. The Career Services team has been busier than ever before with a team of 25 Career Consultants and 7 Recruiters across the United States we have shared the news with golfers about the opportunities within the golf industry that is now over a $90Billion industry. Through the efforts of our team, we have seen an increase of associates to an all-time high of more than 5300 registered Associates year to date, a 50% increase over the total number for 2020. We have also seen an increase at PGM Schools of 14% over the same period! Since I started in 2022 I have worked closely with section leadership and Mike Higgins to positively impact compensation by over $1.1 million. This number is made up of position increases when working with us on searches as well as compensation negotiations. We are not able to do that without you and we want to continue to grow that number! We would like all of you to update your compensation survey before the end of the Fall Meeting so that we can be even more prepared to make a greater impact on our PGA Professionals. I want to thank each one of you for your support over the last two years and for trusting me as your Career Consultant, it is a position that I do not take for granted and strive to get better each day. Respectfully Submitted, Dave Wilson, PGA PGA Career Consultant Connecticut & New England Sections
2023 was a year of great growth for the Cape Cod Chapter. We held 13 events throughout the season all of which had high participation. We are especially proud to have seen big jumps in our Pro-Junior and Pro-Lady compared to 2022. Full tournament participation numbers can be found below:
The Chapter had two first time winners in its Major Championships. Andrew Stolze captured his first Chapter Championship which was played at his home course, The Club at New Seabury. Stolze won by a one-shot margin over his fellow New Seabury Professional Jim Clay. The Chapter reintroduced a Senior Chapter Championship division which was won by Greg Yeomans of the Bay Club. Yeomans shot an impressive round of 2-under par win his first Senior Championship to go along with four Chapter Championship victories. It was quite the season for Stolze as he also captured a Major Championship at the Section level, winning the 2023 Avidia Cup Finals at Indian Ridge CC. The Match Play Championship, in its second year as a bracket style tournament, grew to 30 players two shy of filling an entire 32-player bracket. This event has been a big success especially with our Chapter’s younger professionals. In a new twist, the final four met at Cape Cod National Golf Club to contest the finals and semi-finals. CCN’s own Zack Sweet defeated Jim Clay in the finals win his first career Match Play Championship. Tom Tobey finished in third place, beating Dieter Wiedmayer in the consolation match. The 37th Annual Cape Cod Cup was held at Ocean Edge Golf Club and saw the Chapter retain the Cup in a 10 ½ to 10 ½ draw. This is the 3rd straight year that the Professional hold the Cup after a six year drought was ended in 2021.
With the 2023 season officially in the books, the Cape Cod Chapter is thrilled to announce that Ben Egan, PGA is the Dutcher Wessner Player of the Year for the second consecutive season. The Chapter would like to say a big thank you to Brad Sherman & 15th Golf Club for their continued support of this award. The Chapter would like to thank the host sites of our Major Championships as well as all our tournaments for their generosity. In a year when your facilities were busier than ever, we cannot thank you enough for continuing to host us. The Cape Cod Chapter would also like to thank its wonderful partners, without their help our tournaments could not be as successful as they are. Thank you to: Avidia Bank, Baxter’s Boathouse, Branded Bills, Callaway, Five Star Golf Cars, My Home Course, the PGA Tour, Titleist/FootJoy, Tournament Solutions, Turtleson, and 15th Golf Club! The Gary Philbrick Scholarship had another strong year as we gave away 7 scholarships totaling $14,000. We were thrilled to be able to give away these funds to such deserving students. Our 2023 Award winners were honored by the Chapter at our Fall Meeting on October 30th. The five winners were as follows:
Lastly, at the Fall Meeting the Chapter elected a new Board of Directors which is listed below. Thank you to Darren Falk for his great leadership over his two years of being President. Thank you as well to Jim Clay who stepped away from the board after two years in the Secretary position. President- Zack Sweet, PGA (Cape Cod National Golf Club) Vice-President- Nick Wiseman, PGA (Jane Frost Golf Performance Center) Secretary- Kevin Christofaro, PGA (Oyster Harbors Club) District Director- Ben Egan, PGA (The Bay Club) Honorary President- Darren Falk, PGA (Holly Ridge Golf Club) I hope that you all have a great winter as you get to spend time with your families over the next few months. The board will be working to put together some winter gatherings/education for our Chapter… stay tuned! Respectfully Submitted, Zack Sweet, PGA President – Cape Cod Chapter NEPGA
CHAPTER REPORTS Massachusetts It was another successful year for the Massachusetts Chapter in 2023. The Chapter had eight events on the schedule in 2023. In a year cursed by rain we were lucky to only have one event canceled, the Blue Hill CC Pro-Pro. Below are full participation numbers for the Chapter.
In our two Major Championships, we are excited to crown two first time winners. Shawn Scott (Longmeadow GC) finished as the last man standing in the 2023 Mass Chapter Madness defeating North Andover CC’s Rob Neaton in the final match. In the Chapter Championship, Chris Young of Thomson GC played the role of spoiler in route to winning the 2023 title. It appeared that the Championship would be headed to a three-way playoff for the second year in a row between James Burke, Shawn Durocher, and Kirk Hanefeld. However, Young who played in the final group of the day had other plans besting the trio by one shot. In addition to his Chapter Championship, Young is also the 2023 Massachusetts Chapter Player of the Year. Thank you to 15th Golf Club for their partnership with this award and congratulations to Chris on a great season. In the second year of the Massachusetts Chapter Scholarship, we were able to provide six scholarships to the sons and daughters of our Chapter Professionals with a total of $6000 awarded. We would like to thank Steve Field, PGA and Foxborough CC for hosting our 2nd Annual Scholarship Pro-Am which helped us raise funds for the scholarship. We could not have had such a successful tournament season without the help of our sponsors, we would like to say a big thank you to Avidia Bank, Branded Bills, Callaway, Five Star Golf Cars, Fox Pest Control, the PGA Tour, Tournament Solutions, and the 15th Golf Club! The Section began a new practice this year of honoring all Chapter Award winners at the Section Award banquet. We are very proud to honor our Chapter’s 2023 winners which are listed below:
Thank you all for your efforts to make 2023 the successful season that it was! I wish you all the best in the off-season! Respectfully Submitted, David Sibley, PGA President, Massachusetts Chapter NEPGA
Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Chapter held five events in the 2023 season. Below is a list of events along with the host professional and winners. I would like to thank all our host facilities for welcoming our Chapter this season. Sakonnet Pro-Pro Host Professional: Matt Alwin, PGA Winners: Liam Friedman & Jeff Martin Agawam Hunt Pro-Am Host Professional: Lou Rivers, PGA Winners: Rob Bradley (Individual Pro), Brockton CC (Team) Acoaxet Pro-Am Host Professional: Brent Amaral, PGA Winners: Jason Calhoun (Individual Pro), Brown University (Team) Rhode Island Chapter Championship (Fall River CC) Host Professional: Tim Leigh, PGA Winner: Bob Tramonti, PGA Match Play Championship Winners: Brendon Ray (Championship Bracket), Nate Adelson (Consolation Bracket) In a new initiative by the Section, our Chapter’s award winners were honored at the Section Awards banquet on October 21st. Our 2023 Rhode Island Chapter award recipients were:
The Chapter held its Fall Meeting on October 18th at Kirkbrae Country Club where a new Chapter board was elected. The new Rhode Island Chapter officers are: President- Nate Adelson, PGA (Alpine CC) Vice-President- Jason Howard (Kirkbrae CC) Secretary- Ed Clark, PGA (Wannmoisett CC) District Director- Lou Rivers, PGA (Agawam Hunt) Honorary President- Nick Maresca, PGA (Lincoln CC) As I take over as president, I want to thank Nick Maresca for all his work over the past two years. Over the off-season there are a few items I would encourage you to focus on as we look towards the 2024 season. First, the Section has launched a new mentoring program, and you are able to register as either a mentor or mentee. This is a great resource to either share your experiences as a more senior professional, or to register as a mentee to learn from a tenured professional and add to your network. Currently the Section has received an overwhelming number of responses of people looking to be a mentor, but very few to be a mentee. Please encourage your assistants to register if they have not already. On the topic of assistants, push them to get involved in Chapter and Section events. Playing is such an important aspect of being a PGA Professional and I think it is crucial to get our associates involved at an early stage of their career. Any associate who is at least in level 1 is able to play in our Chapter events. Casey with the help of the board will be working to expand our tournament offerings and we hope to see an increase in play from our Chapter’s associates. Lastly, the Chapter has created a new awards committee as we start the process of selecting our 2024 award winners. The committee will include: Barry Westall (Newport CC) Dave Moynihan (Titleist) Dave Marcotte (Point Judith CC)
Lou Rivers (Agawam Hunt) Matt Walsh (Warwick CC)
The committee and I will be working hard to come up with new best practices on how we select our Chapter’s award winners. Information on the nomination process will be sent out shortly. There are many deserving PGA Professionals in Rhode Island and we cannot recognize them unless they are first nominated by you. So please take some time to reflect and nominate those who are deserving of recognition for the hard work they are putting in every day at their facilities. I wish you all a safe and happy off-season and look forward to seeing you again in the spring. Respectfully Submitted, Nate Adelson, PGA President-Rhode Island Chapter NEPGA
There is much to celebrate in the Vermont Chapter in 2023 as we once again saw great participation in our events and have continued to grow our Chapter’s programs to benefit our state’s PGA Professionals and golf community. I would like to thank all our host professionals and courses for welcoming our Chapter during 2023. We are very lucky to play at such great facilities and the Vermont Chapter would not be what it is without your support. Complete tournament participation for the 2023 season can be found below. We are excited with the growth that we had in 2023 and look to continue that going forward.
The Vermont Chapter was thrilled to continue its relationships with our loyal tournament partners in 2023. Our Chapter had $35,000 in sponsor revenue this season and they are an instrumental part in our tournament programming. Our 2023 partners were: Avidia Bank, Branded Bills, Callaway, Dealer.com, Farrell Distributing, Five Star Golf Cars, Jim Mayo Brands, Larkin Hospitality, Northstar Fireworks, PING, Pomerleau Real Estate, TaylorMade, the PGA Tour, Tournament Solutions, the Vermont Golf Association and W&B Golf Carts. Through these partnerships we were able to start three elevated Pro-Ams which were named after their title partners. The Larkin Hospitality Pro-Am at Burlington CC, the Farrell Distributing Pro-Am at Rutland CC, and the Pomerleau Real Estate Pro-Am each provided our Chapter members with an opportunity to play for an elevated purse right here in Vermont. Our Chapter’s major championship, the Stroke Play Championship was hosted this season at Stowe Country Club. It was great to return to Stowe CC for this Championship and it was a exciting two days of golf filled with laughs are camaraderie. Golf Garage VT’s David Jankowski took home the title for the second year in a row, sinking a clutch putt on the 36th hole of competition to win by a single shot.
Our Chapter’s second Major, the Match Play Championship was once again held at Ekwanok Country Club and featured the top 16 players in the Chapter. After three rounds of play, and a few upsets, the finals featured David Bennett and Alex Watson. After a great run to the finals by Watson at his home club, Bennett ultimately prevailed in the finals to win his second straight title.
The 2023 Northstar Fireworks Vermont Chapter Player of the Year was also won by David Benntt. In addition to his Match Play Championship title, he finished as low professional at three other events and finished in the top three of every event he played. We would like to say a huge thank you Northstar for continuing to be the title sponsor of our Player of the Year race and congratulations to David on his accomplishment! Lastly, I would like to recognize our 2023 Award winners, each of these professionals listed below are very deserving winners and we proud to celebrate them this year.
Thank you again to all our members, partners, and amateur participants that made 2023 such a great season for the Vermont Chapter and we wish you all a great off-season. Respectfully Submitted, Dan Ruane, PGA President-Vermont Chapter NEPGA
New Hampshire
The NHC 2023 has been a challenge. The weather on Monday’s has not cooperated that well, as there have been five cancelled events this season. I can’t remember that ever happening in the past. One of those events, The Pro/Lady, did get rescheduled to August and the weather gods gave us a beautiful summer day to play. We started our season at The Oaks in Somersworth with a cool day with some afternoon showers. That set the tone for the season. Our second event at Cambell’s Scottish Highlands was cancel due to the extremely wet conditions from over 2 inches of rain on Sunday. We went for 6 weeks with nice weather and all the events were well attended. The biggest one being Concord CC that had 40 teams. The next 3 events were all cancelled due to wet weather, something that we hope doesn’t happen again. The rest of the season was mostly good weather with only one more rainout at Nashua CC in September. Our season finished on November 16th with a shotgun start at Laconia CC followed by a dinner at the end of play. Overall, it was a great season for the NHC. We averaged just under 29 teams per event. Our CC had 48 players and 21 teams for our pro/pro championship.
Our Chapter Championship again traveled to North Conway CC for the 43 straight year. We did again fight with some weather at this 2 day event. Monday was a nice day, but we did have a couple of showers. It rained all night Monday; however I was determined to get all 36 holes in to complete the event. With wet conditions and on and off rain the players managed to finish all 18 holes on that Tuesday to complete the event. Rico Riciputi and Joe Finemore finished the 36 holes tied at 1 under. As we headed to the 1st tee for the playoff the rain was a falling steady. Rico came out the winner of the 2023 NHC Championship. In the Senior Division, Vince Molesky bested the field to take his second senior title. The NHC Davis & Towle/Central Insurance Player of the Year saw another battle between Jay Pollini of Ridgewood who finished 2nd last year and Sam Cody of Stonebridge. This year Jay finished with 231.75 points and came out on top. Mitch Jefferson of Rochester had 181.33 points to come in second. Sam Cody of Stonebridge had 178.50 points and came in 3rd this year. 2023 NHC/NEPGA Award winners were also recognized for their contributions to the game of golf. They were: Professional of the Year, Cory Mansfield, Derryfield CC Teacher of the Year, Jason Malcolm, Nashua CC Junior Golf Leader, Chris Mowers, Nippo Lake GC Merchandiser of the year, Vince Runyon, Mt Washington GC Assistant Golf Professional, Ben Stone, Derryfield CC Bill Strausbaugh Award, Paul Tessier, Bald Peak Colony Player of the Year, Jay Pollini, Ridgewood CC Congratulations to all. Our events are not possible without the use of NH Golf Courses. We are very lucky in NH, we have many courses that continue to support out chapter and host events. Can’t wait to be back next spring. Respectfully Submitted, Ken Hamel, PGA NEPGA Tournament Operations Manager, N.H.
Maine Maine Chapter tournament participation in 2023 was up 13.9% over 2022 in comparable events. 2023 saw 1,046 total rounds played compared to 918 rounds in 2022. Participation in Chapter Major Championships were up in 2023 over 2022, including the Pro Am Championship, Pro Senior, and Chapter Championship.
Major Championship Winners Pro-Pro Stroke Play Championship Shawn Warren, PGA (Point Sebago GC) & Chad Penman, PGA (Boothbay Harbor CC) Pro-Senior Championship Christopher Carrier, PGA (Martindale CC) State of Maine Championship Shawn Warren, PGA (Point Sebago GC)
Chapter Championship Eric Higgins, PGA (Webhannet GC) Senior Championship Jeff Seavey, PGA (Goose River GC) Super Senior Championship David Grygiel, PGA (Tee ‘N Tee) Pro-Am Championship Chan Longfellow, PGA (Falmouth CC)
2023 Chapter Award Winners Player of the Year, Shawn Warren, Point Sebago GC Assistant Professional of the Year, Greg Martin, Boothbay Harbor CC Bill Strausbaugh Award, Chad Penman, Boothbay Harbor CC Golf Professional of the Year, Sean Barrett, Falmouth CC Merchandiser of the Year- Resort, Jerry Roman, Sunday River Golf Club Merchandiser of the Year-Private, Tony Decker, Purpoodock Merchandiser of the Year-Public, Peiter DeVos, Kebo Valley GC Patriot Award, Rob Jarvis, Bangor Municipal Player Development Award, Keenan Flanagan, Rockland Golf Club Teacher of the Year, Jeff Seavey, Goose River Golf Club Youth Development Award, John Mullen, The Woodlands Members and Associates 118 Chapter Members 87 Class A 3 Class F 31 Associates (21 in 2022) 3 Suspended Associates Sponsorships Our schedule wouldn’t be possible without the help of sponsors. Whether they provide monetary or products their support of the Maine Chapter is greatly appreciated. A huge thank you to Avidia Bank, Branded Bills, Five Star Golf Car, Callaway, Titleist, New England Golf Cars, and Tournament Solutions. Financials Financially the Chapter took in $72,500 in entry fees plus an additional $5,000 in sponsorships for a total of $77,520. Chapter Professionals played for over $23,000 in prize money with an amateur prize pool of $14,280.
Junior Tour Participation The 20223 Jr Tour was very successful with strong participation. Overall rounds increased by over 50 rounds in 2023 over 2022. Belgrade Lakes GC- 62 Players (+28) Riverside GC- 35 (New Event) Fox Ridge GC- 33 Players (-11) Waterville CC- 59 Players (+11) Fairlawn G & CC- 45 (New Event) Natanis GC- 63 Players (+5) Dutch Elm GC- 56 Players (+7) Biddeford-Saco- 49 Players (+11) Val Halla GC- 36 Players (No Change) Brunswick GC- 43 Players (-1) Scholarships Application requirements • A student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher after finishing high school or college to be eligible to apply. • Applicants must be children, stepchildren, or grandchildren of a Maine PGA professional in good standing. Children, stepchildren, or grandchildren of Class F PGA members are not eligible. • Scholarships are for the first four years of college only. Students MUST reapply each year. 2023 Scholarship Stats $10 per player was added to the Prouts Neck and Portland Pro Am entry fees, generating $2,320 in contributions to the Scholarship Fund. Each recipient below received $1,500 scholarships. Evan Glicos Sam Glicos Corey Alexander Carley Morey Thank you to every member, amateur, facility, and sponsor who participated in the 2023 Maine Chapter season. I look forward to 2024 with Chapter goals of increasing participation in Pro Ams, Championships, and the Junior Tour along with added sponsorship revenue. Respectfully Submitted Dave Soucy PGA Maine Chapter Operations Manager
NEW ENGLAND SERIES 2023 was another resounding success for the New England Series and saw record turnout on several levels. Overall membership and tournament participation both increased dramatically, and host facilities received record revenue driven through this program. This season saw 550 New England Series members accepted, and by the end of year, over 100 individuals on the membership waiting list. As a New England Series member, these individuals have the opportunity to participate in many of the over 30 events throughout the season. Luckily, despite the record amounts of rain seen in 2023, only two of the events were cancelled due to weather. For the 29 events scheduled and conducted in 2023, there was an average field size of 91 players. These numbers were up over 8% from 2022. With rounds at an all-time high, revenue driven to both host facilities and the golf shops at each were also higher than ever before. Host facilities received over $375k in course fees and over $42k in pro shop credit revenue. A special thank you to all our host facilities in 2023. With a healthy, active membership in place, plus a robust wait list hoping to join, the New England Series is positioned for years of success going forward. In the near future, we hope to offer travel opportunities to our members as well as increase tournament offerings. While events currently are based around the metro-Boston and metro-Providence area, the hope is to explore all corners of the Section to visit the many excellent golf courses our Section has to offer. If you and your facility would be interested in hosting one of these events, please let the NEPGA Tournament Staff know! Respectfully Submitted, Chris Clayton NEPGA Director of Tournament Operations
2023 AWARD WINNERS MERCHANDISER OF THE YEAR - PRIVATE Bryan Kienke, PGA Cohasset GC The Merchandiser of the Year Award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf. Kienke’s philosophy in the shop has always been staying up to date with the latest and newest golf and lifestyle apparel trends. Kienke picks out items in his shop with members in mind. He places a strong emphasis on creating relationships with the members and truly getting to know them. He has created these relationships in buying meetings, as he shops with specific members in mind. Those who nominated Kienke say, “Bryan has a great understanding of what the membership is looking for and has found a proven way of providing those items to them.” Within his 5 years in the shop, Kienke has more than doubled sales while maintaining profit margins. He has also brought in many high-end lines an vendors. Kienke’s efforts in the Cohasset Golf Club Shop make him a worthy recipient of the Merchandiser of the Year (Private) Award.
MERCHANDISER OF THE YEAR - RESORT Vince Runyon, PGA Mount Washington Resort Runyon has taken over the management of the Golf Operation at Mount Washington Resort and there has been a remarkable improvement in customer service and the product that is being delivered to the consumer. Runyon makes others feel welcome and respected in the shop. His manners have set the perfect example for his staff, who follow the same behaviors. Runyon’s key philosophies for running a successful golf shop are: inventory management, golf shop appearance, and the service and relationships they build with members and guests. Over the years he has increased the size and color variety carried in the shop. Runyon’s character qualities and golf shop philosophies make him a worthy recipient of the Merchandiser of the Year Resort award.
Merchandiser of the Year - Public Nick Tedeschi, PGA Granite Links Golf Club This award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf. Tedeschi has been handling the Merchandise at Granite Links since 2010. In this time he has helped launch and merchandise a new Satellite Golf Shop at the driving range to help reach a new audience of golfers. Nick cycles 2-3 new lines in and out every year, with his member's and customers' needs in mind. Nick's shop philosophy revolves around offering a wide assortment of products at a fair and competitive price to enhance the customer experience in hopes to create a long-lasting relationship with the customer.
2023 AWARD WINNERS Bill Strausbaugh Award Barry Westall, PGA Newport Country Club
During Barry Westall’s 19 years as the Head Golf Professional at the Newport Country Club in Rhode Island, over half of his assistants have moved on to earn Head Golf Professional positions of their own. Barry is exceptionally skilled in identifying an employee's personal and professional strengths and weaknesses. He allows them to showcase their strengths and at the same time, he works with them to help develop their deficient skills. Those who nominated Barry say his character is patient, compassionate, honest, and respectful; all of which have led him to be outstanding. Barry has much love for the game of golf and his experiences in the sport has greatly impacted him. He strives to find opportunities to spread the same love he has for the game to others. Westall is the recipient of the Bill Strausbaugh Award for his exceptional mentorship of fellow PGA Professionals and community service. His love for the game is evident in his efforts to impact young golfers and help current and past employees.
Professional Development Award Steve Sheridan, PGA Charter Oak Country Club
Over the years, Steve has actively served as the Educational Chairperson for the section. He has been involved in attending local and national PGA educational seminars and various vendors'' educational and training programs. Steve often encourages members to get involved and certified in PGA programs and vendor ones, such as U.S. Kids and Trackman. These valuable certifications can be used to help one market their expertise as a PGA Professional. Through Steve’s efforts and actions, he has become a worthy recipient of the PGA Professional Development Award which recognizes a PGA Professional for their outstanding service and contributions to developing and improving educational opportunities for fellow PGA Professionals.
Youth Player Development Award David Moore, PGA Squirrel Run Country Club This award is designed to pay recognition to a PGA golf professional who is a leader in junior golf. Moore is extremely passionate about growing the game of golf and is very involved with PGA Junior League and the NEPGA Junior Tour, hosting many events throughout the season. Moore continuously provides juniors multiple learning and playing opportunities and always makes sure each junior is treated with respect. These programs have introduced the game of golf to a wide variety of those who never would have had the opportunity to play golf and enjoy its many life experiences. In memory of Bob Wade, David set up the “Bob Wade Scholarship.” This scholarship pays for one junior golf membership for the next 20 years.
2023 AWARD WINNERS Patriot Award
Abby Spector, PGA Riverside Golf Course The Patriot Award is presented to a PGA Professional who personifies patriotism through the game of golf and demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to the men and women who have valiantly served and protected the United States of America. Before PGA HOPE existed, Spector conducted free clinics for veterans or active military on July 4th and Veteran's Day every year since becoming a PGA member. When the HOPE program was formed she could not wait to be involved. An overwhelming amount of those who nominated Spector for the award said she has an exceptionally big heart. She is consistently generous with her time in the area of support for the military, its personnel, and veterans. Spector has inspired her assistants and other professionals that work at her facility to become PGA HOPE certified. They participate in PGA HOPE, teach private lessons to PGA HOPE graduates at discounted rates, play golf with Veterans from PGA HOPE and some have even transported HOPE graduates to events and caddied for them.
GEORGE S. WEMYSS AWARD Matt McDonald Five Star Golf Cars
In 2009 Matt and his partners started Five Star Golf Cars. Matt’s “work harder” approach made it evident that no matter what brand he represented, people bought from Matt. Under Matt’s leadership, Five Star ramped up their support of the NEPGA partnering with all 6 NEPGA Chapters, the Pro-Officer, ProSuperintendent, and in 2022, the Las Vegas Pro-Am was re-named in their honor. Becoming one of the largest supporters of the NEPGA, Matt felt it was also important to support the Superintendents Association, the Club Managers Association, and just golf in general. It is very important to Matt to give back. He passionately supported the Make a Wish Foundation creating custom carts for kids. There are very few people who are not PGA Professionals that support the New England PGA as much as Matt McDonald.
The Teacher of the Year Award is used to honor those who show outstanding behavior in spreading and teaching the game of golf. At the start of the 2015 season, McTernan fully took over the teaching responsibilities at Brae Burn CC. He introduced a new junior program that placed a larger emphasis on learning through playing. He focuses on enhancing skills, improving technique, and teaching his students how to play different shots. The Brae Burn junior program has expanded from eighty-five kids to 180 kids over the past eight years. McTernan has also grown the game in women’s golf. The ladies' 9-hole program has grown from six participants in 2015 to over sixty participants in 2022. McTernan loves teaching and others love learning from him.
Dustin Ribolini, PGA Queechee Club
The Assistant Golf Professional of the Year award is given based on a nominee's efforts as an assistant professional and involvement in the assistants’ association, Chapter, Section, and PGA of America activities. Ribolini has been a member of the New England Section for 11 years. He served as an Associate Golf Professional at Hanover Country Club for eight years, Montcalm Golf Club for one year, and is currently in his second season as the Senior Assistant Professional at The Quechee Club in Vermont. He focuses on empowering the other assistants and employees to work as one unit to get the job done. Everyone has different skill sets, and together the entire staff can achieve the goal every facility strives for. Ribolini is recognized as the Assistant Golf Professional of the Year for his outstanding contributions to the golf community. Throughout his tenure at various clubs, Dustin has shown exceptional leadership and dedication. He spearheaded a program for local veterans and helped lead a highly successful Junior golf program. His inclusive and empowering approach has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers, making him a valuable asset to any facility.
The Player Development Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional for extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development. This award considers the PGA Professional’s growth of the game leadership commitment at the Section and National levels and the impact made at the facility. Kostick is actively involved as a PGA Class A Professional, an LPGA Life Member, and a member of the Proponent Group. She generously shares her knowledge and expertise with others through her attendance and participation in many seminars. Kostick built a program for beginner golfers called “Get Going with Golf” and a program to introduce mothers to the game of golf. She hosts PGA Jr. League and Junior Golf Camps for junior golfers of all levels. Kostick is also involved in PGA HOPE, where she has participated in two NEPGA HOPE initiatives. Kostick’s involvement and commitment to not only growing the game of golf, but also continue the existing love for the game in others makes her a deserving recipient of the Player Development Award.
The 2023 Golf Professional of the Year award goes to Jim Salinetti, PGA (Winchester CC). This award looks at the overall performance, as a golf professional, at his/her golf facility, level of service to his/her Section and the association, leadership ability, image, and the ability to inspire fellow professionals and promotion of the game of golf. Salinetti is the Head Golf Professional at Winchester Country Club, where he has taken great pride in leading golf operations. Those who nominated him say he approaches each day with an eager attitude, ready to overcome the challenges of a busy facility. He demonstrates his passion for tournament golf by organizing and executing member tournaments, showcasing his deep knowledge of the game, its rules, and its traditions. Salinetti is a highly respected leader, who sets a great example for his staff and club members. He prioritizes customer service throughout the facility and ensures that the entire staff shares his vision. As a well-established professional in the Boston area, he acts as a mentor to both new and experienced golf professionals and his staff, offering support and guidance when needed. Along with this, he is an inspiring figure for golf professionals thanks to his creativity and encouraging attitude. Salinetti consistently seeks self-improvement, motivating his assistants and colleagues to do the same. His commitment to educational events highlights his dedication to helping and inspiring fellow professionals and those not involved in the sport just yet. In addition to exceeding expectations in his performance, leadership, and serving as an inspiration, Salinetti’s service to the local Section and the association has been exceptional. He has been a part of the NEPGA Membership Committee, the NEPGA Communications Committee, and a Chairman of the NEPGA Junior Golf Committee. He has hosted and led PGA Junior League educational events, NEPGA Junior Tour Awards Banquets, College golf seminars, and Section Junior Golf Summits. Most recently, along with fellow Winchester golf professional, Seul-Ki Hawley, Salinetti helped host PGA HOPE golf clinics for female veterans. Whether he is teaching the game that he loves, helping a member make a tee time, improving the pace of play on a busy Saturday, or officiating the final match of the Club Championship, all of Salinetti’s actions are genuine and for the good of the game. Over the past 12 years he has greatly revived a junior golf program that has grown to over 250+ active participants. He has shown great commitment to fostering a love for the game in junior golfers. Salinetti has been awarded the prestigious Golf Professional of the Year award for his outstanding performance as the Head Golf Professional at Winchester Country Club. His unwavering dedication to the game is evident through his leadership, service to the local Section and association, and his ability to inspire fellow professionals and juniors. His genuine passion and commitment to golf makes him a deserving recipient of this prestigious award.