MESSAGE FROM NEPGA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The end of winter is in sight...isn’t it? One year ago at this time New England golfers were asking one another “how many rounds have you played so far this year?” This year we are asking “how much time have you spent on the slopes?” What a difference one year can make. March is the month when many PGA Professionals report back to their facilities, hopefully recharged and energized for the new golf season. We witnessed much enthusiasm at the 2013 Boston Golf Expo on March 1 – 3, when over 50 NEPGA Professionals assisted in giving hundreds of 10 minute tune ups to amateurs and free lessons to junior golfers. It was great to see our PGA Professionals each doing their part to grow the game! Last year was a very successful year for the New England PGA and we are planning to pick up right where we left off. Tournament participation was up 17% in 2012, the Junior Tour witnessed the largest membership increase in years, rounds were up, spirits were up and the overall feeling of the industry seemed to be improving. There are some very exciting programs and opportunities in the New England Section in 2013, so be on the look out over the next few weeks and I encourage you to get involved! During the “off season” the New England PGA Section Board of Directors and Staff have been working very hard to prepare for the upcoming season. We have experienced a very active employment season and there has been quite a bit of movement in the New England Section. The Facility Relations Committee has been actively meeting with facilities to assist with the hiring of a PGA Professional, working with PGA Members to improve compensation, prepare for job interviews and improve their situations. I cannot stress enough how valuable the Compensation Survey is, and how much ammo it provides the Committee during negotiations. This is for your benefit and the more PGA Professionals that complete the Compensation Survey the more data we will have, and the better prepared we will be. I urge you to please take a few minutes to complete the survey prior to the March 15 deadline. The Section Spring Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9th where we will once again invite our Section Sponsors to attend and join our PGA Professionals for Sponsor Appreciation Day. Please clear your schedule and attend the meeting, and if possible to join your fellow PGA Professionals and sponsors for the Sponsor Appreciation Day Pro-Am following the meeting. I know when many of us look outside our windows it does not appear that the golf season is right around the corner, but it will be here before we know it.
NEPGA Officers Jim Noris, PGA President Larry Kelley, PGA Vice President Susan Bond, PGA Sec-Treasurer Steve Demmer, PGA Honorary President
NEPGA Staff Michael J. Higgins Executive Director Dave McAdams Tournament Director Joan Stuart Accounting/Finance Director Ron Green, PGA Rules & Championships Senior Director Jacy Settles Junior Golf Operations Manager Chapter Tournament Managers Dave Christy, PGA (VT) Tony Decker, PGA (ME)
Enjoy the last few weeks of winter and I look forward to seeing you in the spring.
Mickey Herron, PGA (CC/RI)
Frank Swierz (NH)
Michael Higgins Executive Director New England PGA
Member News Ch. & Assoc. News See more pictures from the Expo on page 2...
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