Marshfield Country Club| Site of NEAA Spring Meeting and Season Kickoff | Thursday May 4, 2017
President’s Message
nother golf season is fast approaching! Now that the Super Bowl
celebrations have ended, our focus turns towards the links for the start of the 2017 season! The Assistants’ Board has been hard at work during the off season and has put together a fantastic tournament schedule, made and approved provisions to our Rules and Regulations and started a new NEAA Junior Scholarship to promote the game for the younger generation around New England The NEAA Annual Spring Meeting & Golf Event has been pushed back this year to the first week of May to accommodate many of our fellow Assistants’ who will be traveling back from their winter clubs. We are very excited to announce that on Thursday, May 4th at the Marshfield Country Club we will kick off the
2017 season schedule. Varied from years past, the day will start with golf at 8:30 AM. The format for the event is Individual Stableford coupled with a Blind Draw Two-Man Team Stableford done that day. After golf, the Spring Meeting will begin at approximately 1:00 PM to discuss the upcoming season. Following the meeting we invite all players to stay for a great chance to meet one another at the 2017 Individual Match Play Draw Party. We will choose the 32 seeds at this time to set up our always exciting yearlong Match Play Championship! We hope to see everyone May 4th for a day filled with golf, camaraderie and friendship.
Dues must be paid prior to the morning of the first event he/she plays to be eligible to collect earnings. Our full 2017 schedule, along with other items for your reading pleasure, are listed in this Newsletter. Please contact any NEAA Board Member or a staff member of the NEPGA if you have anything questions. Best of luck during the 2017 season and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events! Ryan Kesten, PGA NEAA President
As a few side notes, the Board voted this winter to once again keep the NEAA Membership Dues to $30 for the 2017 season. NEAA Membership
New NEAA Website
NEAA Assistant Spring Meeting& Kickoff Thursday, May 4th, 2017
Please encourage your Head Professional or Assistant Professional to join you!
Register Online!
NEAA BOARD PRESIDENT Ryan Kesten, PGA Concord Country Club rkesten@gmail.com 978.459.3070 VICE-PRESIDENT Brendon Ray, PGA Carnegie Abbey Club bray@carnegieabbeyclub.com 508.333.1863 SECRETARY Tyler Gosselin, PGA The Country Club tgosselin@tcclub.org 802.238.5687 PAST PRESIDENT Eric Zadorian, PGA Weston Golf Club ericz@westongolfclub.com 617.549.0026 TOURNAMENT CHAIR Ben Egan, PGA The Bay Club began@pga.com 508.207.9200 OFFICER AT LARGE JoAnna Krupa, PGA Charles River Country Club jkrupa1010@gmail.com 560.306.0965
The NEPGA Assistants’ Association has its own dedicated website, a great resource for all that is happening in the NEAA, and it is new and improved thanks to our friends at Event-Man Tournament Software and LJK Graphics. The new website is easier to navigate, has a more modern look and is optimized for mobile viewing so you can access it no matter where you are. From tournament schedule, inforClick Here to Visit the New mation and registration to the Apprentice Corner www.nepgaassistants.com with personal best practice articles written by fellow Professionals, it has great tools to navigate your time as an Assistant Professional or Apprentice.