10 Good Reasons

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good reasons...

to choose the First National Nerang Asset Management Team


Trained Professionals

If it passes the screening process, we CONTACT To make it easier for tenants to pay, we offer YOU, our client. Even if we make recommendations numerous payment options including B-PAY and either way, YOU always have THE FINAL SAY. direct debit.

The more experience, knowledge and skills our Even with a fully signed lease, the tenant You have flexibility with your preferred people have, the better the outcome for our clients NEVER GETS ACCESS to the property until payment frequency and prompt lodgement the four week bond and two weeks rent in that you can rely upon. Our people know all the latest laws and legislation advance is paid with cleared funds. through regular training with the Real Estate Institute Maximum Rent of Queensland and SEQA, the Specialist Corporate Ongoing Care for Academy through First National, Australia’s largest Returns Real Estate Network with over 500 offices nationally. Your Asset Prior to each lease renewal or new lease period, we We are NOT JUST RENT COLLECTORS; Routine Inspections are carried out 6 weeks into reassess the market rental value, in consultation with we are a total asset management service. the tenancy to ensure that any initial problems are you first. Updated property market value appraisals identified and rectified early. are also conducted on request at no charge.




The Marketing Edge

Thereafter inspections are carried out every 4 We make sure you are always receiving the months, with a written report sent to you including maximum return on your investment. photos of any repair or maintenance items needing We employ full time marketing specialists, giving you attention and comments on the condition and International Business affordable access to leading-edge technology and tenants care for the property. An absolutely FREE Practices genuinely creative, effective advertising and marketing. additional service These include: • 8 leading internet websites • Weekly email bulletin to over 4000 database clients and customers • Weekly classified advertising to a 60,000 readership • Weekly referrals between 500 First National offices Australia wide • Landmark high traffic CBD office location

You have peace of mind knowing your property is NOT FORGOTTEN by us after it’s rented. We keep a good eye on the way tenants care for your asset.


Rent Arrears Management


Flexible Payment Options


As an Accredited Quality Assured - Best Practice Company, all service provisions, systems, procedures and processes of the business operation are annually assessed by independent consultants to determine compliance with ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standards. You know that your investment is in good hands, managed to a structured plan and cared for under a strictly controlled process.


High volume enquiries mean MINIMUM Arrears are followed up DAILY not weekly. Once VACANCY periods and better quality tenants. they reach 4 days in arrears, the tenants are advised Service Guaranteed by SMS and daily calls until paid. By the 7th day, contact continues but a notice to Remedy Breach - in Writing! Showing Your Property and notices to leave are promptly issued at the You have the right to expect and get the highest required legislated periods without fear or favor. standard of care and attention for your investment Your Asset is never out of our care. We conduct both To make a Landlord Protection Insurance claim, it property AND a positive stress free experience open home and private viewings by appointment. KEYS needs to be clearly evident that these notices were that’s what great service is all about! are NEVER HANDED OUT to anyone other than promptly issued when they fell due. certified, insured and approved company trades people. Every effort is made to ensure there is the You have 100% unconditional Finding the RIGHT TENANT for you ASAP is least disruption to your rental income stream. “hire and fire” control throughout the always our FIRST PRIORITY.

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The Right Tenants

ALL applications are strictly in writing, requiring 100 point checks plus photo ID, proof of income, employment, past tenancy and personal references and more. They are thoroughly checked and screened through the National Tenancy Database (TICA)

entire management period... NOW THAT’S A GUARANTEE!

All rent received is disbursed to your elected account electronically after the first business day of each month or fortnightly (mid month) if you prefer. All accounting, maintenance, owner and tenant history is managed by the latest and state of the art property management software. NERNER_0010

nfn. com.au Nerang

(07) 5596 0055

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