Quarterly Market Monitor Issue 25

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DEC QTR 2014

your state-wide property research guide suburb by suburb


STRONG YEAR FOR QUEENSLAND REAL ESTATE Southeast Queensland, Toowoomba and Cairns were the State’s star real estate performers in 2014, according to fresh data released today by the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ).

Meanwhile sales volumes for the state’s regional centres over the year were significantly down on the previous year, however over the last half of the year other market indicators have pointed towards stabilizing and in some cases improving sales market conditions.

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State-wide the volume of residential sales for 2014 hit a five-year high, with a total of $51 billion worth of residential property changing hands. While this is still well below the peak of $73 billion recorded at the last peak of the market in 2007, it is on par with that recorded at the height of the boom of the early 2000s. With actual sales numbers just over half that recorded in 2003, the volume of sales is reflective of how much property prices have grown over the past 10 years, despite the downturn in the market over the past five years. >p2

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