What is
really important in life?
uring these difficult times, we have seen every aspect of our lives affected – our health, physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as our livelihoods. Stress levels have increased dramatically in businesses, especially in hospitality, with the regulations of social distancing. This is impacting social interactions, which are a normal part of human nature. One of the main stressors in modern society is finances. It is the main lion that stalks a lot of people nowadays, creating a situation of chronic stress that humans have not been exposed to previously in history, only since the invention of money 5000 years ago. This chronic exposure is something relatively new, for which our bodies are not prepared. Our adrenal glands are the organs in charge of getting us out of danger, with fight or flight. This
is designed to last a relatively short period when as hunter-gatherers, we were chased by a saber-toothed tiger, and either had to kill it or be killed. The moment of stress then stopped. I see a lot of patients with economic distress creating anxiety and insomnia. This can trigger lots of different ailments from stomach ulcers to heart attacks, depressing the immune system and rekindling viral infections like shingles (Herpes Zoster Virus). Ideally, we should try to have a job that we enjoy and are passionate about. We should work to live and not live to work. People get into an unending spiral of spending, creating a necessity to increase their workload to earn more. I was caught up in that spiral like everyone else. It is the sickness I have been exposed to that made me rethink my life. I always talk to my
patients about finding a balance to live comfortably and experience life. Recently, I spent 10 days with my partner in the bush, connecting with nature, where we explored remote canyons, caves and waterholes. It makes you realise how few essentials you need, just food and shelter. Cooking directly on the coals of an open fire, swimming naked in desolate gorges, sunbathing on top of mountains – these make you feel so free and happy. At the end of the day, you make individual choices that set you up for life. There is no point in being the richest in the cemetery, as we leave this world as we came into it, with no possessions and only the life experiences that are in our thoughts.
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The Purpose of Relationship is to Nurture the Flowering of Soul Learn how to identify your patterns, how they interact with other’s patterns, and what your new choices are with a Relationship Makeover with Deb and Eoin.
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