Oneness and Self Growth in Times of Uncertainty WORDS TATIANA SAVERY
e are limitless, deathless, and sovereign. All information flows from the ‘Collective Creator’ directly to us, and, it is therefore the responsibility of each of us to become self-enlightened and self-liberated by attuning ourselves to Spirit, the thread within, and detuning from the Hierarchy. Fighting amongst ourselves keeps our minds off the bigger picture. Unity is stronger than division. The very process of reading these written concepts equips the mind with a new form of intelligence best described as holistic and transformational; transformation of our evolving life forms so we can comprehend our intimate connection with all of life, and of our oneness. Transformation is the
fundamental system that over-arches all others in the multiverse and it is for this fundamental reason that life exists. Humankind is but an atom in the Body of the ‘Collective Creator’. Our consciousness is limited in its perception of the universe of wholeness by the overreliance on the five senses. These senses are powerful forces that focus each of us on a separate reality, much like a diver’s mask can focus the diver on the underwater world. Because we are fragmented and limited to five-senses we desire the Wholeness Perspective; a way to absorb life experience, process it, and move on to the next thing with grace and ease. In time we will develop two additional senses. We have recently begun to refer to a 6th sense, the sense of intuition. There is a potent 7th sense and it is the sense that is linked to concepts of time-travel, which is linked to space travel. This sense can be developed with remote viewing or lucid dreaming. However, before these two additional
senses can be fully activated there must be a global culture representing a unified Earth and human species. We will experience new paradigms of existence. A global culture, by definition, integrates the values of individualism with the value of oneness. It is the goal of life to evolve itself where it can be conscious of its diverse perceptions and expressions and integrate them into a cohesive, all-inclusive culture. All of life, even the so-called evil and negative aspects, are part of an incalculably complex but single-minded cosmological organism devoted to the transformation of evolving life forms so that they can comprehend their intimate connection with all of life. There are those on Earth who, when they are able to become timeless and view the continuum of their lifestream, will see the thread that has differentiated them. They will understand how the hardships and supposed indifference of the universe were actually the catalysts for their emergence as designers of the
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