Women’S Agenda Mujer

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Monika Tapia Entrepreneur, leader and certified international coach is a generator of international business through personal and business development. His experience of more than 12 years and constant preparation, give him the tools to help other people transform their lives, working from being, doing, having. Born in Tijuana, Mexico; She studied business administration and decides to undertake after going through a difficult situation in her family after losing everything. She started her career in a network marketing company, an industry for which she feels very grateful since she was her link to get ahead. Today she is considered one of the most influential women in the area of personal development and leadership, reaching the # 1 position internationally in Business for Home magazine as the highest paid Latina in the industry. Visionary woman and investor in different businesses, together with her husband are vice presidents of sales of an international foreign exchange company, she is CEO / Founder of the company "IMPACT WOMAN" (https://monikatapia.com) and the "IMPACT ACADEMY" (www.miacademiadeim-pacto.com), support platforms with tools designed to transform people and bring out their best version from the mind, emotions, finances and more. He is the manager of his 10-year-old daughter who has ventured into the children's fashion industry with the great international designer Gregorio Sánchez. (https://moniquitatapia.com/) She is the best-selling author on Amazon of the book "Entrepreneur, Cabrona, Wise and Happy ". She reflects her beginnings in entrepreneurship and the tools she used to achieve success. She has participated in different radio and television programs. He currently has a leadership and entrepreneurship program that is broadcast on social networks called "I deserve if or if", (https://youtube.com/playlist? List = PL15B1c8BxCaET3MWYln6GdJskZXXPHN_y), Where he has had guests of great experience such as Arturo Elias Ayub, Marcus Dantus, Gloria Calzada, Mirka Dellanos, Montserrat Oliver, Eduardo Capetillo, Alexis Ayala, among others.

MONIKA TAPIA CEO She has been recognized for her career in the most important magazines such as Vanidades, Caras, Bazar and recently FORBES.

She is a woman committed to society, benefactor and spokesperson for different foundations with whom she carries out social work, mainly with children and communities that live in scarcity and poverty. For this great altruistic work she received the Honoris Causa appointment. - What inspires you to keep going every day?

God, your family and fulfill a promise to help transform lives, inspire, motivate and raise your level of consciousness to achieve your dreams and goals. Not to lose faith and hope that even though things do not go the way you want, they continue to believe that "IT IS POSSIBLE" with passion, perseverance, focus, work and determination.



1- What would be your advice on business for women?

Reply: Any project that helps, contributes and improves is good. It is not a question of differentiating if they are for women or men, today women have a very important role in the world economy but training, belief, values, respect, communication, empathy, trust and loyalty are needed ... and I mean loyalty in your life purpose, what you want for yourself and to contribute to others. When you are passionate about what you do, it flows naturally.

For me it is very important to build an empire with values and always taking care of reputation and trust. 2.-How can a personal brand be known? Reply: You don't need to be a public figure to have a personal brand. You have to understand that personal branding is what people perceive or say about you when you are not there, what they see on you and the mark you leave on them: Who you are, your image, how you work, your personality, etc ... For this you have to be very clear about 3 things: 1. Know who you are and what you need to do to stand out (your passion) 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses 3. What do you want to achieve with that personal brand? Now, "Dressing" your personal brand is to support you with design tools, color palettes, fonts, etc., and you can do it yourself or with a specialist.

And to reinforce your brand you must be congruent with what you think, say and do. Having your why well defined will help you reinforce your personal brand. 3- What motivated you to get so high?

Reply:The stagnation she was in, she was already tired of crying so much and the scarcity she lived in, both mentally, emotionally and financially. Look, at some point in our lives we all live different types of situations (I call them learning) that sink us or drive us, the key is in how each person receives and processes them. I managed to get ahead thanks to the tools I used and I held on with all my strength, having the results of today. I will never talk to you or recommend something that I have not tried, executed and had results. 1. Identify my gifts and talents to create my best version 2. Identify my real and true purpose, but be willing to invest time, money and effort. 3. Breaking mental paradigms with which we were educated 4. Manage my finances with the correct percentages 5. Stick to a budget



4. What are women missing today?

Reply: I can't generalize because I know women of all kinds. In the midst of entrepreneurship, I would say that it is "trust and belief" in them and in the power they have to transform themselves. 1. Your beliefs limit you 2. Set big goals (in this life everything is cause and effect) 3. Have your purpose well defined (if passion fades it is because you stopped connecting with your purpose) 4. In the world of millionaires the most valuable thing is your name and credibility. Your name has to carry weight, reputation and integrity.

"Don't sacrifice a sacred legacy for cheap jewelry, value your business

5.- What would be your tips as a mom? Reply: A woman can be a mother, wife and businesswoman. We set the limits for ourselves. Learn to manage an organized schedule and prioritize, it will help you identify what you focus on and have time for yourself, your family and the activities of the day. I apply a technique called Pomodoro, I focus 25 minutes 100%, I rest my mind for 5 minutes and start over, I started this technique years ago and today I can have concentration, persistence and focus on various tasks without despairing or get into stress and frustration. On the other hand, I suggest you talk to your family and explain what you are going to do and why you are going to do it, tell them that it is temporary, that you are going to make an effort, generate agreements between the family, it is about quality time and connection. That is, the time you have allocated for work is for work and when it is family time, DO NOT answer work questions. Educating by example, children do not do what parents say, but what they see us doing. Always speak the truth to them, create an environment of love, respect, values and communication.


MONIKA TAPIA 6.- Do you want to let us know your marriage recipe?

Reply: Respect, Communication and Attention. When there is emotional disorder it is reflected in your life. My husband and I have excellent communication, we respect our jobs, we take time as a couple, we have details with each other, we spoil each other. My daughters already know that when it's mom and dad time they respect it and vice versa. I have order of priorities in my life because that way it is easier to manage my time. My philosophy of life:

1. GOD 2. FAMILY 3. BUSINESS 7- What are your goals for this year? Reply: In the business, impact the lives of 1 million people, that means full and happy families and that is what motivates me. Personally …………………………………………………………………………………………

8-What is your favorite phrase of yours? Reply: "Kneeling before God but standing before the world."

9-Why did you become a coach? Reply: Being a Coach is opening a world of possibilities to guide and help other people, but it is necessary to develop a mind, control emotions and raise awareness to take them to action (BE-DO-HAVE). I do not give answers to what they want to hear or try to impose my own opinions, I am a guide to transform lives using my experience, tools and results.


MONIKA TAPIA 10-What would be the important points for a leader?

Reply: Consistency with what you think, say and do. Leadership is knowing how to lead other people by example to achieve your results. For me it is very important to build an empire with values and always taking care of reputation and trust, because you can run away from people but not from what you sow.

1. VISION. Being able to turn great ideas into executable plans and steer the team in the right direction.

2. HUMILITY. You should act humbly when seeking feedback and focusing on other people's needs, goals, and dreams.

3. CONTROL OF YOUR EMOTIONS. Remember that your emotions affect your actions and your actions affect your results.

4. INTEGRITY. Your values, beliefs, ethics, and character will allow other people to identify with you.

5. COMMITMENT. Learn to appreciate the road more than the destination. Enjoy the process.

6. HELPING OTHERS. Act with generosity and gratitude in influencing positive change in other people's lives.

"Sow and duplicate INTEGRITY AND HONESTY in your family and business"


1.-Monika Tapia Ceo, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Entrepreneur. 2.-Editor Carmen Figueroa. Resilience. 3.-Co-founder Lorena Lerda. Create from within. 4.-Impulsa TV Emprende. Collaboration in conjunction with RAM. 5.- Gabriela Sánchez Financial Intelligence. 6.-Body Positive Movement. 7.- Velia Orozco, your path has a heart and a true face. 8.-Lorena Martínez Makeup Specialist. 9.-Rosa Estañ Homs, generating wealth and prosperity is possible. 10.-Kgla Amparo Balbontin, Post Operative Rehabilitation for Aesthetic Surgery. 11.- Lara Lerda, Alma Libre Store.


RESILIENCE Every day resilience is in our lives as women, from leaving the house to go to study, creating a new environment and leaving the city or country. Also to go from being a girl to being a young woman when you get your period, we have to have resilience to endure all these changes and move on with our lives. The fact of being single women, getting married and becoming mothers, is the strongest change in our existence, before you only saw for yourself and for no one but yourself. There is something inside your body that is growing every day and you no longer worry about yourself, you worry about the beautiful life that you lead in your womb. Changes are part of life, responsibilities too, however, or generally for the world, everything I have told you is so normal. However, they are difficult changes, being pregnant you cannot even fasten your shoes, you swell, you have insomnia, but here we are women with a great love for all these changes.

Of course, there are always different women and we can't say, is this wrong? no one has the right to speak about a woman's life because of our rights as humans. And then when a woman has the baby, the husband's parents are happy if she is a boy, or a girl, but there comes your resilience after having a childbirth, most of them say: "it's easy." I invite you to have a child inside your belly and take a watermelon through a small hole. Women are the most resilient group I have ever seen, they may have broken your heart into a thousand pieces; however they still come home and make their children feel as if the bomb that exploded was just a small rocket. Of course there is everything in the Lord's vineyard, just be strong, be resilient and move on.

Carmen Figueroa editor and co-founder of agenda woman magazine.



In a fast-paced world, where change is a constant, and today it is going faster than usual, we need to reinvent ourselves. Reinvention is a term widely used today, but few are aware of how this process is achieved. First of all, we must be clear that it is a transformation; secondly, that it is a process and thirdly that it must be achieved from within the human being. Women have great power to travel within our being, and I must tell you that from that point it is the only way that a successful future can be co-created. You can know all the techniques, you can have many mentors, but if you are not on the axis from the immensity that is within you, everything you build outside is going to falter. So I propose that you start this journey every day, that you celebrate each new meeting with you, that you practice deep breaths, that you feel your own vibrations and that you feel that what you want so much, you already have it. It is not magic, you have to take action…. In this way, you will see opportunities more easily, and you will act with serenity, commitment and authority.

"Women have the great power to travel to our interior. "


Boost Undertake TV Yes you can heal your Heart!

Would you like to leave behind the darkness that grieves you? Every week on the Impulsa Emprende Tv Digital Channel, Federica Zani, Holistic Integral and Transpersonal Therapist, in her program "Alchemist Emotional" gives us important tips that guide us to walk the path of life with more joy and always in favor of finding the right inner fullness. In a deep conversation with Marian Pineda, Life Coach and SME Advisor, host of the program "More than Coaching" on the same channel, between experiences and experiences they invite us to move forward and face adversity with a positive attitude. With phrases such as "Believe that the situation you are experiencing is temporary and sooner or later it will end" taking into perspective situations that many times we believe are impossible to overcome and that do not allow us to take that step we need to begin to heal.

"Dreams are not abandoned, they are achieved" Marian pineda "Forgiveness leads you to gratitude and gratitude leads you to heal and open your heart, we begin the transformation process"

Federica Zani ".


"Be compassionate with yourself", having love for yourself, and being flexible with you. "Today I did the best I could." You can do an exercise for a week to see the most frequent emotions in your life. You want to know more? Enter the Youtube channel Impulsa Emprende Tv, “Emotional Alchemist Program, every Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Argentina, 2:00 p.m. Chile, 8:00 p.m. Spain. "More than coaching" program every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Argentina, 3:00 p.m. Chile, 9:00 p.m. Spain.











“Never forget that if people improve their financial situation, they live more calm and happier, but above all, crime, corruption and violence will decrease ".


If you had to measure the percentage of your life that you have experienced financial problems, what percentage would it be? Has it happened to you that you receive a good amount of money and in a short time you go back to experiencing financial problems? When you manage to have some savings, are you disappointed by how little you earn in the Bank? The Covid 19 crisis will raise people in extreme poverty to 150 million by 2021. This means people who do not know if they will be able to eat 3 times a day. While the world is concerned about health, financial problems at home drive people to despair, violence, and even suicide.

For this reason, the UN 2030 agenda has established 17 objectives for sustainable development whose objective is to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle the climate problem, 7 of the 17 objectives of this agenda. focus on financial inclusion. It consists of giving everyone access to the financial products and services of the formal system such as mortgage loans, credit cards, insurance, demand accounts, investments, etc. This promotes the economic growth of households and countries. For this reason, governments have committed to carrying out financial inclusion programs.

gabriela sÁnchez financial education Technology plays a fundamental role since almost anyone has an available financial unit close to their community, including rural and indigenous areas. However, it is useless to have the latest generation of financial services and products, if people do not know how to use them. Fear, ignorance, irresponsibility, greed, scams, anger, etc. They lead people to take risks that collapse finances at home. Inequality is a great challenge for the world, but let's reflect a little; Before the pandemic, we already saw high levels of indebtedness in people. Realize, the crisis has given us the opportunity to see the prelude to our retirement, yes, how did the crisis take you? The vast majority, without savings, without insurance, without reserves for emergencies and above all it became clear that people's lifestyle does not correspond to their true income. Most live in financial disorder, that is, there is no control of entries and exits, there is no real record of financial situation, it seems that no one understands that it is an asset and they simply put money in things that lose value over time and consume money. It is common to see that you do not hesitate to buy a $ 2 coffee daily, but you are not willing to pay for insurance that provides certainty in the event of an accident, illness or disaster. This is where I will explain what Financial Intelligence is, I am sure that you will discover a different way of doing things. The FI contemplates the development of 3 indispensable coefficients. The emotional coefficient; 85% of our results come from our emotions, I will tell you: Olivia is a woman who is collapsed by debts and one good day from crying so much decides to make a radical change in her life and concentrate on paying and leaving as soon as possible. This situation, she drew up a great plan with an impeccable budget that would lead her to resolve at any time. One day when passing by a shoe store, she observes with great amazement that the shoes she wears are 40% off. Without thinking, she enters the store, she tries on her shoes and with great joy pays for them with her credit card. What happened to the plan? Why didn't she remember her financial ordeal? The answer is because she does not know how to react otherwise. Her behavior patterns are programs that run automatically, she has done it so many times that she runs the unconscious. It's like when you take the car and without realizing it you reached your destination, without paying attention to the accelerator, the brake, nothing, it seems as if a robot had driven.

Understanding how our brain works is essential to free ourselves from bad practices. The neocortex in charge of the plan (conscious mind, analysis, problem solving, mathematical thoughts), operates at 2000 bits of information per second, on the other hand, the limbic and reptilian brain operate together at a speed of 400,000 million bits per second . This explains why even though you have a plan, you will not execute it if you do not modify your belief system and habits. This is the beginning of a root change to develop defense mechanisms that protect you from yourself.

GABRIELA SÁNCHEZ The financial coefficient. - Do you know how much you have spent during 2021 on a specific basis? Do you know your income exactly? Learning to keep personal financial statements that go beyond a budget will allow you to identify vulnerable points in your finances. Having only one income, not owning assets that provide capital gains and cash flow inflows, putting money in things that lose value over time or consume money such as cars, electronics, or simply going into debt for fleeting whims like restaurants, shoes, trips or tastes that only compromise your certainty. Having personal financial statements and updating them month by month will lead you to pay debts in a timely manner, increase money inflows, control leaks and create reserves to invest among many more advantages that optimize money management. The investor coefficient: Multiplying the money through investments for many people seems like something unattainable, however, today investment opportunities are available to the small investor. Did you know that if 10 years ago instead of buying a $ 1,000 usd cell phone, you would have invested it in 1 Apple share of $ 16,250 usd without having put in a dollar more. Did you know that with $ 416. Can you have access to the 500 companies of the S&P 500? The most important market in the world.

Knowing the effect of compound interest on both loans and savings is essential for making decisions. Invest in real estate, currencies, metals, countries, sectors, regions, etc. today it is more at hand than ever. Give yourself the opportunity to know the risks and returns of each instrument, learn to choose a certified financial advisor that prevents you from falling into financial scams. Know your profile as an investor to help you visualize what is best for you. "The more you know how an instrument works, the more aware you are of the inherent risks." As you can see, if it is possible to have financial certainty, you just have to decide to renounce the old practices and let yourself be guided by a specialized and certified advisor and learn how to place your money in instruments regulated by the financial authorities that are more convenient for you. Never forget that if people improve their financial situation they will live calmer and happier, but above all, crime, corruption and violence will decrease. We can help those poor in extreme poverty, the solution is in our hands!

We deserve to live better, we deserve financial education.


Burn your guilt."

velia orozco del valle

Does your path have a true heart and face? It seems like a simple question, doesn't it? But the reality is that it is a question that obeys a much deeper answer; However, it happens that we do not have time to do it since we remain on a routine path where generally our attention is completely diluted and our body and mind work automatically.

Learning a bit from Carlos Castañeda's book “A path with a heart”, Don Juan Matus from whom he learned everything he wrote, asks him:

All roads are the same, but one has a heart and the other does not ... One makes the journey joyful; as long as you follow him, you are one with him. The other one will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you. The problem is that nobody asks the question, and when he finally realizes that he has taken a path without heart, the path is already about to kill him."

VELIA OROZCO DEL VALLER You don't feel that way sometimes, unable to fight the daily battle and ask yourself, Why am I doing what I do? Do I like what I do to keep dedicating myself to this always? Is this the life I want? This pandemic made many people reflect and as we had more time to introspection, we began to ask ourselves questions; sometimes there are no answers but a silence full of frustration because we do not know if the path we are taking is correct. This other formula that Don Juan exposes seemed to me resolute and fascinating: “There is a way only when the fascination is greater than the fear. Whoever follows a path with heart discovers that he is responsible for the mark that he leaves in this time. We not only walk with the body, but, above all, with the heart. The path is a profoundly great being and has the power to shape and teach us. Each path is a teacher. When I understand that "I am" thanks to the paths that I have taken, I begin to take charge of the decisions that lead me to walk them; sometimes with better results than others but with a constant: "The action." There are no changes in your life if there is no will for action, does it happen that the coach has this purpose with his coachees? Maybe, but for me it represented a huge opportunity to integrate this wisdom into the growth program that I develop for people; because I understood that heartless roads are those that obey ends that destroy us and that as Don Juan said; finally they weaken you to death, whatever path you take if it is guided by fear, power, ambition or ignorance will be the fruit of a path that will annihilate you.

So I ask, does your way have a true heart and face?


DO YOU KNOW WHEN TO CHANGE YOUR MAKEUP PRODUCTS? MAKEUP BASE Duration 12 months Tips: The liquid bases are more hygienic to use since you do not have to touch them inside the container, and also if you notice a change in its texture, smell and color it is better to change it.

EYELINER Duration 2 years Tips: Use a pencil sharpener exclusively for your eyeliners, always observe that it has white spots on the tip since its appearance in some cases is due to the temperature. If you're using liquid eyeliner and it starts to dry out or has clumps, it's time to change it up.

LIP Duration 2 years.

EYELASH MASK Duration 6 months It is important to know that once opened, oxygen affects its texture and begins to be contaminated by free radicals, such as pollution, dust, etc.

Tips: If you notice that your mask has a strong or different smell, it is better to change it and NEVER share your mask with other people for hygiene.

BLUSH Duration 12 months Tips: change it if you notice a different smell or if its color changes SHADOWS Duration 2 years.

Tips: replace your lipstick sooner if it has a strange smell, is drier than normal or changes its color, and above all, do not share it with anyone else Remember that our cosmetics are for personal use and we should not share them with anyone to avoid contagion of herpes or sores and always wash your hands before touching your face and your cosmetics

Tips: change them if their smell changes and the liquid shadows change them every 6 months

LORENA MARTÍNEZ MAKEUP SPECIALIST specialist consultant for MARY KAY cuernavaca -MÉXICO.

ROSA ESTAÑ HOMS GENERATING WEALTH AND PROSPERITY IS POSSIBLE Who wouldn't want to overcome their financial problems forever? How is the mentality that leads people to generate income, increase their wealth and be financially free? Financial coaching is a training that combines the change of limiting beliefs, the promotion of a good relationship with money, and essential knowledge about the management of finances and investments.

The processes are highly motivating and produce significant changes in people.


I am Rosa Estañ, Mentor & Financial, Professional and Business Coach.

My great passion is helping people build prosperity. Because money is important, as a means for all of us to achieve our dreams and goals, in addition to enjoying quality of life.

Pintura posmoderna Estela pinta al óleo y con acuarela



What are the objectives of a financial coaching process?

Financial Coaching has several goals on a personal and family level: · Promote personal and professional talents and competencies that lead them to obtain Pintura posmoderna Estela pinta al óleo y better income with their profession or their businesses. con acuarela · Cooperate so that they know the laws of money: how money is created, how it is conserved, how it increases through investments. · Transform the limiting beliefs that arise from education and a family and social environment, to reinforce the spirit of learning and continuous improvement, favoring the generation of wealth. Descubre cómo es la · Optimize people's economic resources, so that they obtain the best profitability and vida de la artista increase their assets. budista Estela · Cooperate so that people are very clear about the differences between “standard of Cerrillo, y cómo living” and “quality of life”. cultiva su arte. · Help people to also think globally, to create wealth in their families and closest environments, ethically and consciously towards a better world.

There are several levels in this Financial Coaching activity, depending on the level of consciousness of the people, their starting point and their process of personal and professional growth, also in the economic area.

What are the keys to developing mental and financial wealth? The key is in early education. It is urgent that the development of entrepreneurial and economic competence in schools be extended, so that our children are better prepared, have practical knowledge of how applied talent and attitude is what drives growth. But if this has not been the case, all people can expand their knowledge and financial education.


Postoperative Rehabilitation for Aesthetic Surgery Health is also linked to beauty and aesthetics, whether or not a surgical intervention has taken place. Aesthetic physiotherapy has a wide field of action, one of the most important is in the treatment of postoperative plastic, aesthetic and restorative surgery. As in all surgery, there is post-traumatic stress in which complications such as edema, pain, ecchymosis, seroma, fibrosis, existence of scars, changes in pigmentation and skin sensitization are to be expected. With physiotherapy techniques we will have two priority objectives: reduce the inflammatory period and control healing, accelerating the recovery process to achieve a satisfactory aesthetic result for the patient as soon as possible. The techniques will be oriented to analgesia 5 days after the intervention, using manual lymphatic drainage, TENS, ultrasound, kinesiotaping.


AMPARO BALBONTIN Manual techniques include manual lymphatic drainage and connective tissue massage. How techniques to use in a postoperative abdominoplasty and / or liposuction, with the aim of reorienting the collagen planes and eliminating swollen areas. In these surgeries, a minimum of 10 sessions of manual lymphatic drainage is always recommended, along with the use of a compression girdle or garment, a comprehensive scar treatment is also performed: Ultrasound, compression, Massage therapy, Taping, muscle strengthening, therapeutic exercise , application of kinesic lympho taping, physiotherapy for the management of post-surgical fibrosis or complications. But, it is very necessary and important to publicize pre-operative or pre-surgical physiotherapy. Pre-surgical physiotherapy allows the patient to arrive at the operation in better conditions of mobility, elasticity and circulation. At the neurological level, they allow training exercises under good levels of body awareness and proprioception, which will be decreased after the operation and therefore will make learning "normal movement" more difficult.

It is clear that after surgery there is a loss of function, but this will be less if the patient arrives in the operating room in optimal conditions.

Postoperative Rehabilitation for Aesthetic Surgery In addition, it allows the patient to meet the physiotherapist who will be with him / her during the rehabilitation process, try the girdles that they will use, clarify all doubts which will also allow them to go with more confidence to their operation, improve eating habits that will also help to the rehabilitation process, for example, quitting sugars or quitting smoking, among others.

BENEFITS OF KINESIOLOGY AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY. Helps control pain: this can be managed in various ways, among the most common are massage therapies, exercises and neuromuscular bandaging to minimize pain and reduce skin trauma. It allows to reduce edema: It is essential to carry out this process, to avoid future complications due to the accumulation of fluids. Improves and treats scars and the appearance of the skin: Keloid, hypertrophic, contracture and atrophic. According to this, the most convenient therapy is studied, to implement healing postoperatively. Helps to perform compression therapies: This is an essential aspect of kinesiology professionals, since they are in charge of preparing and teaching our patients the entire compression process with specialized girdles, to enhance the results and have a speedy recovery with the expected results. Provides flexibility and muscle recovery: when a patient undergoes any surgical procedure or intervention, they are working and intervening mostly muscle areas that may suffer trauma, so in the post-operative process they may feel pain, discomfort or discomfort, when perform basic and everyday tasks. With the therapeutic exercises that are performed in kinesiology therapies, the patient will learn routines that facilitate mobility and body posture to avoid pain and return to their daily routine more quickly. Helps in lymphatic drainage and prevents edema: Edema is an accumulation of fluid that occurs after plastic surgery, when it is not treated in time and correctly, it can cause significant inflammation. To prevent this situation from affecting the recovery process, the patient undergoes lymphatic drainage, which can be done manually or with the use of specialized equipment. The objective is to eliminate internal fluids that can result after surgery and considerably affect the skin and the expected results.



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