SELMA NUNES 1.- How has the experience of being Vice President of the Chile-Brazil Chamber of Commerce been? 14 years ago I came to Chile at the hands of a foreign telecommunications company, in which I was in charge of the legal area of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. When I had been in Chile for a year, I joined the Chile-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, in which I was part of the board of directors from 2008 to 2014, to later participate as a partner in the Legal Committee, as well as the guild's Account Controller. In August 2019 I joined the Board of Directors and later assumed the Vice Presidency. The chamber is an entity with 46 years of existence that aims to strengthen relations with the Binational Market. Brazil and Chile are very important market partners, and with complementary economies, so being part of their actions and contributing to their development, uniting the potential of both countries, as well as deepening, expanding and strengthening the relationship between them, is really a privilege for which I am very grateful.
2.- What are the Chamber's challenges for this year? The commercial relationship between Chile and Brazil is long-standing, which makes it very solid. The importance of the latter market for Chile is clear; It is the main partner and recipient of direct national investment in the region, with more than US $ 35 billion in accumulated stock, as well as one of the largest destinations for its products. Thanks to its geographic and demographic size, Brazil is the largest producer in Latin America, being a protagonist in agricultural production. It is also a world exporter in almost all sectors, with enormous economic potential. Chile, meanwhile, is the gateway to Latin America for Brazilian companies; his ease of investing and his good track record are his trademark.
The Chamber is a good tool both for Brazilian companies interested in doing business in Chile and for Chilean investors and entrepreneurs who see opportunities in this market. We are an articulator between private needs and the dialogue between the public. Together with the presidency we have daily challenges, and we are in the process of reordering, innovating and further enhancing the objectives of our associated companies, through a first-rate service. Our objective is to promote, collaborate, contribute, disseminate, promote and continue to strengthen commercial relations between both countries, through the creation of value. Another relevant issue in the commercial history between the two countries is the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which confirms Brazil's signs of a commitment to trade liberalization, with the aim of expanding integration with the world economy. Approved in Chile, the approval of the Brazilian Senate is awaited. Once enacted, increased interest in trade and promotional actions will be of great importance to the business community of both nations. There are many promising prospects between Chile and Brazil for the next few years. Integration and active trade are strategic issues to achieve greater development and growth in the Region. 3.- Has it been easy to organize the meetings and your personal life? Definitely not. With my daughter's classes at home, without help, plus legal work, representing foreign companies, such as the chamber, Organización de Mujeres Empresarias de Chile (OMECH), Instituto (IBREI), between meetings, publications, etc., it has undoubtedly been a great challenge. And although it has been a change for all of us, women have had the worst of it by having to combine work, domestic and personal tasks (including psychological-emotional work), plus taking care of children. I think that fortunately I have been able to take it with a very positive attitude, rereading, adapting and being very patient. I have always believed that we were invited to rethink, resignify, reflect on our priorities. There are times when unlearning and relearning is necessary. Gratitude is very powerful, I carry it with me, and it has helped me grow in all these processes and aspects. I certainly believe that I am a better person after this adverse scenario.
SELMA NUNES 4- How has it been to participate in Women Leaders of America in OMECH? FCEM is an association steeped in history, created in 1945 in France and currently present in 120 countries. OMECH, which I chair, is its arm in Chile, and we are building our history connected to the world, taking advantage of the capital of experiences. We want to contribute to the business development of women, expanding their opportunities and supporting with our global network that already has five million women companies on five continents. In this way, we have an active and real network, very necessary when exploring new markets and building businesses across borders and disparities. The directors of OMECH have extensive experience in the business and international world and are very excited to support. It should be noted that it is not possible to associate directly with FCEM, since the representatives of each country must be contacted. OMECH is FCEM in Chile. Presiding over this organization means contributing to the development of other women, which fills me with pride and satisfaction. And the main thing is that we are full of challenges and with a great disposition to generate significant changes.
5.- Has it cost you to be a woman and be in the place you are today? I think being a woman is fantastic! Of course she would be born a woman again. We have an innate ability to accumulate different roles and I love that. I have had the example of my mother, a woman of tremendous strength and extremely resilient, from whom I learned a lot. It is not simple, since society still discriminates. And not only with regard to access to employment, but also disparities in relation to the quality of work persist.
In Latin America, the average level of education of women exceeds that of men, but they continue to earn less. There are still several challenges: little participation in high positions and boards, difficult postnatal re-entry, difficulty in reconciling a professional career with attention to family responsibilities, among others. However, no matter how difficult it is, awareness of change exists and the incorporation of women into the labor market improves every year. Companies must be willing to generate these changes and see them as a process. As Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Women belong to all places where decisions are made." 6.- What activities would you like to do with Chilean and Brazilian women? The objective of the women's organization that I preside, along with our directors, is very clear: To promote businesses and contribute to their financial independence, since we believe that economic autonomy is key to equality, inclusive growth and reduction of discrimination. Likewise, bring together small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from other markets, train them and show them that it is possible to internationalize their businesses. With Brazil we are bringing these interests closer together, so in the coming months, together with the United Nations Organization (UN) Women, we are going to tighten that bridge even more. There is a lot of room for the growth of the exported supply to Brazil, great potential with both markets, so that we can contribute to the economic empowerment of women, and with that generate a great engine for the increase of the domestic product.
7.- What do you dream of for your daughter in this new world for everyone? My daughter Sofia turns 8 this month and it is very exciting to be her mother. They are eight years of happiness, intense love and constant learning. She is a person who I have a lot of pride and admiration for, since she has a charming personality, passionate about animals, sports and drums. She is very cheerful and has a big heart. I hope that as she grows, she becomes aware of the disparities, she has the strength to contribute and realizes the importance of contributing to the generation of change, with empathy and a generous outlook towards people. I hope for a world with more human dignity, safer, more inclusive, more supportive and more sustainable for her. 8.- What changes do you think our nation should have in relation to the safety of our women? In the Region there are multiple manifestations of systematic violence against women of all ages. Women have the right to live free from violence, as it is a fundamental principle of international human rights law. Femicide is persistent, but also preventable, and although its legislation has advanced, there is a frequent situation of impunity. Criminal reforms must go hand in hand with better tools to punish femicides, since these women cannot live with this imminent threat, accompanied by a deficient access to justice; we live in the rule of law of a democratic society.
SELMA NUNES Violence and femicide is a great challenge on the development agenda, so we cannot allow girls and adolescents in our Region to grow up deeply marked by violence and discrimination. Structural actions must be taken in a coordinated manner, in order to preserve their fundamental rights and accelerate the autonomy of women in the economic and physical sphere, as well as in decision-making. It is imperative to work on prevention with institutional and financial resources, adopt measures designed with a gender perspective and implement initiatives, as well as educational policies for citizens and children so that, from the formative stage, they eliminate stereotyped patterns. 9.- What are the dreams you have as a woman? Having dreams is motivating, you have to have them, and be determined to fulfill them !! My dreams are based on continuing to live special moments and unforgettable experiences with great people. There is a poem by Mario Benedetti that inspires me a lot: Bring life to the dreams that feed the soul, never mistake them for vain realities. And although your mind feels need, human, to achieve goals and climb mountains, never break your dreams, because you kill the soul.
Give life to your dreams even if they call you crazy, don't let them die of boredom, little by little, do not break their wings, they are fantasy, and let them fly with you in company.
Bring your dreams to life and, with them flying, you will touch the stars and the wind, whispering, he will tell you secrets that he has kept for you and you will feel the body with caresses, bathed, of the soul that awakens to be by your side.
Give life to the dreams that you have hidden, you will discover that you can live these moments with open eyes and sleeping fears, With eyes closed, and dreams awake.
Remember that the brand is the name you have chosen for your business, product or service that differentiates you from other people who do the same.
The personal brand is really the one that DISTINGUISHES you from the rest and is the mark you leave on people; be it your audience, your customers, all those who had an experience with your product, service or contact.
Each one has its importance, although the personal brand implies constant work, genuine help and great dedication on your part. Many years ago when I started in my first undertaking, in the world of aesthetics, a company that is still in force for more than 17 years, the tendency of both mine and my colleagues was to assist our patient and that she did not see the product that we used, or that he does not know the brands and much less that he takes a home support product: because we mistakenly thought: "IF YOU DO IT AT YOUR HOME, YOU WILL NOT COME ANYMORE TO TALK TO ME". Showing what you did, the products you used, teaching how to do it at home, was not an option; Today, the new way of selling is to EDUCATE, it is to be GENEROUS, it is TO GIVE YOU. All those limiting beliefs of the past, must be demolished to be able to approach your public, and that your audience experiences the value of your offer BEFORE BUYING FROM YOU, BEFORE PAYING FOR IT and thus you will generate trust. However, first, you must work on self-confidence first; I'm telling you because that will reduce your fears, it will make you walk at a steady pace and you will conquer new spaces.
LORENA LERDA Those opportunities are going to happen: - Overnight ?: NO - Will they get to you while you're wasting your time ?: NO - Maybe when you are sleeping or sitting in an armchair ?: NO Those opportunities are going to come: - When you generate them - When you knock on that door you don't dare - When you do what nobody does - When you give yourself - When YOU MOVE
THE SECRET TO EVOLVE AS A BRAND is to be most of the time in a state of CONSCIOUSNESS, because you can be motivated, sometimes yes, sometimes not; you can know what to do and others have no idea; You can create bridges and other times question yourself why you did them and all this can intervene if we are aware of what happens to us at all times and introduce what we consider necessary to move forward. Without giving permission to stagnation. And I'm going to explain how, to clarify: For example, I am more daytime, I have much more energy in the morning, and my day has the catalog of commitments that corresponds to it. Arriving at 7:00 p.m. my fatigue begins to be noticed and that is why I am going to leave what I have to do, which is to help as many people as I can with my signature? Of course not.
If I am in a state of consciousness, I am going to take a short pause, I am going to do something different, I am going to experience something new, I am going to move my body, I am going to talk about something else; to recharge myself with energy and persevere in my commitment. You can do the same with motivation, or with any situation that means staying; remember that standing still is not an option. Ask yourself what I need to do to MAKE A NEW MOVE FORWARD. And I clarify FORWARD because balancing in the same place does not take you anywhere, on the contrary, it leaves you where you are. In summary, THE SECRET TO EVOLVING YOUR BRAND is to be in a state of CONSCIOUSNESS and based on that TAKE ACTION, make a MOVEMENT FORWARD, that will take you FORWARD ALWAYS FORWARD. Look at me I was afraid to provide a face cream; Years later and because of moving around so much and being a restless person, I stopped working in a dependency relationship, I kept my first venture, I own my own training and training company, I am the co-founder of a digital magazine and, as I always tell you, an ETERNAL STUDENT.
I hope it has served as inspiration, if so, leave me a comment at the bottom of this article, but WAIT, before finishing I want to say something in your ear:
Every day I wonder if women today have more freedom than women before, let's see everything that was 1800 and 1900, when they were able to get to vote. It was a tough fight, to be free and in 1800 women had no right to buy property, much less marry without the consent of the father. Of course there was always someone who did. How many women now can make our own decisions, talk about the issues we want, decide our life regardless of whether we have a husband or even divorce. We must thank all the women of the past, who risked their lives for us.
Carmen Figueroa
THINGS THAT COULD NOT BE DONE BEFORE CARMEN FIGUEROA EDITOR DRESS WITH FREEDOM The pants were for men, in 1924 men were the ones who wore the pants at home, therefore, women could not wear pants until a while later or dress as they pleased. In 1915, the Puerto Rican feminist Luisa Capetillo was arrested for wearing pants in public in Havana, which gives an idea of how strict the dress code became in some places. The changes in moral norms on the appearance of women in the Western world did not begin until the 30's of the last century in large cities such as New York or Paris, when there was a change in the representation of the female figure, on everything in the middle classes.
VOTE Voting is a right all over the world now and for all people. However, 100 years ago women could not vote and men "gave them permission to do so later."
The female vote was allowed for the first time for all women in New Zealand in 1893. Australia, Finland, Norway and Denmark approved it between 1902 and 1915. The United Kingdom did it in 1918, although only for women over 30 years old and that met (they or her husband) certain property requirements.
CARMEN FIGUEROA It took years for this right to reach Latin America. The first country where women could vote in the region was Uruguay, on July 3, 1927, in a local plebiscite in the community of Cerro Chato, in the center of the country.
But it was Ecuador, in 1929, the first Latin American country to establish the female vote in law, although only for literate women over 21 years of age.
MANAGE YOUR OWN ASSETS CARMEN FIGUEROA The possibility of inheriting, filing a lawsuit or participating in contracts were not always available to women. In the United States, for example, these rights were first granted to married women in 1848, with the passage of the Married Women's Property Act in New York. In Latin America, although women could already inherit and own property at the beginning of the 20th century, in most countries they could not manage their own assets if they were married. In fact, in some countries women acquired the right to vote earlier than the right to control their economic affairs. But despite the advances, married women were largely subordinate to their husbands for decades. In Colombia, for example, until 1974 the husband still had the power to unilaterally determine the place of residence of the marriage. The marital power or rights of the husband over the person and property of the woman, remained in some Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, until 1970.
Carmen Figueroa EXERCISE THE RIGHT TO FAMILY PLANNING Although the existence and use of contraceptive methods dates back to ancient times, their legal status has been changing. In the United States, for example, contraception was legal for most of the 19th century, but in 1873 Congress outlawed the circulation of contraceptives at the federal level. In the 1960s, 30 states still had laws restricting the sale and even advertising of contraceptives. In the US, the efforts of activists like Margaret Sanger ended up guaranteeing women's right to family planning. And the development of the pill, initially promoted by Sanger herself, notably expanded the availability of contraceptives in Western countries from 1960 on.
"With the rapid growth of the birth rate and its impact on resources, they caused a major policy change, creating a range of contraceptive possibilities for women from 1965 onwards"
CARMEN FIGUEROA Go ahead, knock on a thousand doors and I assure you that one of them will open for you.
Yes you can heal your Heart! Would you like to leave behind the darkness that grieves you? Every week on the Impulsa Emprende TV Digital Channel, Federica Zani, Holistic Integral and Transpersonal Therapist, in her program "Emotional Alchemist" gives us important advice that guides us to walk the path of life with more joy and always in favor of finding the right inner fullness. In a deep conversation with Marian Pineda, Life Coach and SME Advisor, host of the program "More than Coaching" on the same channel, between experiences and experiences they invite us to move forward and face adversity with a positive attitude. With phrases such as "Believe that the situation you are experiencing is temporary and sooner or later it will end" taking into perspective situations that many times we believe are impossible to overcome and that do not allow us to take that step we need to begin to heal.
BOOST ON TV "Be compassionate with yourself", have love for yourself and be flexible with yourself.
"Today I did the best I could." You can do an exercise for a week to see the most frequent emotions in your life. You want to know more? Enter the Impulsa Emprende TV YouTube channel "Emotional Alchemist" program every Wednesday, Argentina 1:00 p.m. Chile 2:00 p.m. Spain 8:00 p.m. "More than coaching" program every Wednesday Argentina 2:00 p.m. Chile 3:00 p.m.
Spain 9:00 p.m.
"Dreams are not abandoned, they are achieved" Marian Pineda "Forgiveness leads you to gratitude and gratitude leads you to heal and open your heart, we begin the transformation process" Federica Zani
BOOST ON TV Give yourself courage! How to recover personal value? How to relearn to value ourselves more, to give ourselves confidence? Every week through the Digital Channel Impulsa Emprende TV from Argentina, Laura Petraglía accompanies us,
Consultant and Business Coach, Academic, Lecturer, Writer and Creator of the self-coaching method "Good Practices", which has changed the classic approach to coaching together with Nancy Novoa. Consultant, founder of CBStrategic and DoIt from Chile. In his program "With the people I like" he gives us important practices developed in the ebook "Good practices for well-being" created by Laura that guides us to walk the path of life with more clarity and confidence in the growth of our be. In this chapter we talk about the eighth practice "Give yourself courage."
BOST ON TV Self-esteem wounds, lack of confidence, lack of faith are a key issue in our society. How to recover personal value?
Laura says in traditional terms "All beings have talents but many times we do not believe the story." Nancy adds that everything can be done as long as you believe in yourself and do it with that conviction. Society leads us to be similar to each other, the mental habits of comparing, judging and criticizing are those that bring suffering, therefore we must uproot them from our lives. "" We need a society in which we can love each other and relate properly " Laura Petraglia
"Human beings are very valuable, with our unique talents and qualities " Nancy novoa
If self-esteem were a plant, where does it have its roots? True self-esteem has roots in being, I am worth because I exist, because I am original, there is no one like me and I come with unique talents that I hope will help me express this way to others, one is not worth for what you have but for what you it is. Laura points out that the six fundamental elements in relation to self-esteem are represented in the acronym: VALUE. V: True, we need to be authentic, have the courage to develop the path of who you really are and realize what language we speak to ourselves internally, take care of that language and be kind to ourselves. A: Autonomy, it means that you set your own rules, do not depend on the opinion of others. L: Limits, it is important to establish healthy limits, healthy relationships, when it is not it is not.
O: Proud of your own path, I appreciate what I have accomplished in my own life. A: Receptive, valuing everything that life gives us, embracing ourselves with everything that the learning we have had means. Life presents us with challenging experiences, one has to embrace, learn and move forward. A: Love, love each other more, stop criticizing us all the time, forgive yourself leaving behind what was left behind, have fun with spaces of good humor, encouraging yourself. In addition Laura and Nancy recommend movies, books, songs, exercises and end their program with an inspiring phrase.
You want to know more? Enter the Impulsa Emprende TV YouTube channel Program "With the people I like" Every Friday 10:00 hours Argentina and 09:00 hours Chile.
INTERVIEW WITH IONE OYANGUREN Ana and Itzia carried out this project, as Ione told us, it is a project to support Guatemalan women, for their support in the tourist part of Lake Atitlán. It is a project in which they organize sustainable and local tourism experiences working with rural women. They are currently working in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, but we are looking for new communities of women in rural areas around the world. It was on a trip to Guatemala where he met some people who work in a newspaper and wanted to do a study on the situation of women there, so there they were looking for a translator because these people were English, so they needed a translator or translator That she spoke in Spanish and if she were a woman, much better because they had to talk hand in hand with rural women, so this person spent some time there conducting the study and doing interviews with those women, they gave her the freedom to ask any question she wanted , so she learned a lot from that community and learned from that study that women did not have job opportunities, they had many difficulties looking for work and if they could find it, the working conditions were not adequate because Guatemala is one of the countries with the largest wage gap . Seeing these data and doing the interviews, she experienced firsthand the situation in which the women were, and as a result of that this project "Women of the Moon" arose, the name was given by rural women there, the study was carried out in a town called Santa Cruz de la Laguna.
WOMEN OF THE MOON Who supports this project? We are working with a travel agency called Agro Travel to launch the experiences because what we want / do is to create responsible and local tourism experiences in the hands of rural women from Santa Cruz de la Laguna and they are the ones who design together with us. the experience that the tourist who decides to visit this place can enjoy. It is not dangerous, everything is organized so that the tourist is careful throughout their experience. Carmen Figueroa asked Ione if Guatemala is dangerous, because Carmen says: I lived 20 years in Mexico, 2 in the United States and Guatemala is a dangerous city, it is a dangerous country there is a lot of violence, well in Mexico too although nothing ever happened to me Even my daughter was born there, but I consider that it is a lawless country. Ione comments about travel as an Agency, we still want to spread it because you are helping women, you are helping a country that is tremendously violent, that suffers a lot from drugs, trafficking in women, organs, uff! Everything there can be, so to tell the story we have to say, how this is organized with the women, they have someone who will pick them up at the airport, take them and bring them.
Everything is within the experience, together with the travel agency they are working with, Ago TRavel, the entire experience is done, both the plane and the transportation from the airport to the place of accommodation, the same accommodation, food and everything, because there In Santa Cruz de Laguna there is already a trustworthy hostel for tourists and those responsible for the hostel support with agents that make the tourist experience as safe as possible. Ian, another member of the team comments: "I started this project recently, a few months ago, because from March to June we have been in South Korea with the university, we are 4th year students, we are studying Lynn". Lynn is leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, in Lynn what is done from the first year is to establish our first company, our first association and with that association we are creating different projects together with a company that we established in 2018.
WOMEN OF THE MOON They are Ane Dávila, founder of the project, Ania Arroyo, Uriana Guriondo and finally this Ione, they are 4 Spanish women. Its objective is that the company is sustainable, this once the experiences are launched, that it begins to work to generate salaries. They are a company with the objective of creating impact and at the same time generating income, having a paid job. Our target market is of course Latin American tourists for the language reason, but tourists who seek different, responsible and local experiences, it is of the utmost importance that they are Spanish speakers because in the end these women speak only Spanish, they do not know English. Thus communication can be fluid and the women responsible for the experience can feel comfortable.
LINK TO THE COMPLETE INFORMATION OF WOMEN OF THE MOON http://www.turismoresponsable.es/viajes/lago-atitlan-guatemalaexperiencia-local-disenada-por-mujeres-rurales_349.html
Ione Oyanguren
Address: Ibarra Zelaia 2, 20560, Oñati (Gipuzkoa) Tel: +34 688631634 E-mail: duiitteam@gmail.com
BIODIVERSITY THROUGH A WOMAN Yessenia Vega Orrego, an Agricultural Engineer by profession, comes to our Magazine as an icon within Biodiversity and the new era of the Countryside of Chile. She is the co-founder of Bioprotegens, a startup, with the support of the Universidad de Concepción in Chillán, Chile. Yessenia always liked the scientific part, also there were few careers in the city at that time. Yessenia is Co-founder of Bioprotegens, the University of Concepcion gave them the eave so that they could be working in her laboratories, and thus start her entrepreneurship. When she began to do her thesis, Yessenia already had
Assessment Project together with professor and Cofounder Ernesto Moya, also a University Researcher. In Chile there are still few agricultural women, she tells us Yessi, for some men it is difficult for a woman to be in the field of Biotechnology. In fact, Biotechnology in the agricultural areas of Chile is very little exploited, there is still much to learn, carry out and create, but the important thing, there is already a woman who is an expert on the subject: Yessenia Vega.
YESSENIA VEGA She has been a winner in Startup Chile, Accelerator, Credi Valida, Validation Project for Women, Corfo. Her short-term plan is to launch the product en masse. The product is a biostimulant that promotes crop growth by reducing the use of fertilizers and reducing losses caused by fungi. Several countries already want to buy it. The company wants to make new agricultural products that are not yet available in the region. Yessenia wants to convey the importance of achieving projects as an agricultural woman, and thus mark a milestone.
BENEFITS of having a routine by SKIN CARE The most common benefit of FACIAL CLEANING is the removal of dirt, impurities and other external contaminants such as free contaminants; This will help you have fresh and healthy looking skin.
Benefits of using EYE CONTOUR. The skin around the eyes is the most fragile and delicate, therefore it will be where the first signs of age appear, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness, dryness, etc. So a moisturizer helps prevent water loss from the skin and improves elasticity, this diminishes fine lines around the eyes, lightens dark circles and reduces bags that form underneath.
Benefits of using DAY AND NIGHT MOISTURIZING. The skin of the face, neck and décolleté are very sensitive to environmental changes, in addition these areas eliminate cells faster than others and therefore need hydration and moisturizing to repair themselves. The use of these products daily prevents dryness, protects us against premature aging and helps the skin look healthy, fresh and with a natural glow.
Benefits of using SUN PROTECTOR SIEMRE. No matter the time of year, sunscreen should be a basic product in our SKIN CARE routine, since the need to protect our skin from the strong rays of the sun is of vital importance, because this product works as a shield against UV rays, it also prevents premature aging, helps reduce the risks of SKIN CANCER, as well as the appearance of spots and sunburns.
A SKIN CARE ROUTINE is not only about looking good, it is about keeping our skin healthy, it is the only one that we will have throughout our lives so we must also take maximum care of it. Approach a professional to indicate the appropriate products for the needs of your skin.
LARA LERDA FREE SOUL AND LOVES MOTORCYCLES Like every entrepreneur, I started traveling through various paths, one of them led me to incorporate the sale of women's clothing. It was a desired and postponed project since my youth. I am one more saleswoman among many, my goal is for women to feel comfortable with her choice and not just get carried away by “fashion and its unreal stereotypes”. I am interested in that they love her body in such a way that it leads them to impose their own style, in line with her natural beauty that I believe is further enhanced with attitude.
LARA LERDA I go beyond common sense, I could not tell a client "it looks great" when it is not, for the simple fact of not losing a sale. I prefer to take a risk and advise my point of view taking hers into account and reach a point of agreement to specify it and see her happy. It has happened to me to enter a store and with 60 kg they tell me "there is nothing here for you" and that they send me to sectors of special sizes in which I received a "there are not because they are too big"
and I wondered where do I buy a pair of pants then? And the situation feels very ugly. Thinking about that too, I gave way to what is today "SOUL FREE"; sale mainly online, with a variety of designs and sizes, which are totally independent of age. If I don't have a certain size in inventory, I do my best to get it.
The competition is great in this area, which on the one hand is good because it leads to improvement, but I also put it aside a bit when I remember that my goal is to satisfy whoever calls me within their daily life needs. It is the endeavor that I enjoy the most, if not, I could not carry it out. My dream is to have my own store one day and dedicate myself fully to it. Seeing people come and go with beautiful smiles on their faces. They say "clothing is the least of it" but I wonder, is it a ground wire? Yes and for many, feeling good about oneself, liking ourselves when looking in the mirror also helps to start a new day leaving some gray of the previous one. It is filling a void at times, too, and what does it matter if you did it because the only time that counts is today. Yesterday is gone and the future is unpredictable. FREE SOUL! He was born one night in October between so many words that did not fill me. I thought for hours and hours, I wanted those that somehow identified me and suddenly they emerged. That's what it would be called, made up of two words that just by naming them say a lot. For each one it will be different, because we are. For me it is special because it is part of my essence. Who doesn't want to be a FREE SOUL? although we are subject to some existing threads and other imaginary ones. In a world where the woman fights against thousands of impositions trying to escape a little from them, as she can, as she can. ALMA LIBRE involves a woman, now 43 years old, who rethinks and questions. Why did I come to this life if not to live it? Talking with Carmen and among other topics, an improvised trip arose and she was stunned. Why did it include a motorcycle? "My black" as I call it, a Yamaha fz that would accompany me along with a backpack, and my own company for a couple of days to visit mountain places in my beloved Córdoba. My longest trip has been to Merlo, San Luis province, the mountains, among others, are also places that I have already passed but in the company of biker men. This time my choice was alone, enjoy and take risks. When they asked me, did you get lost?
Yes haha !! Who didn't it ever happen to? to find oneself it is also necessary to lose oneself. Life is a journey, we can go by bus with a stranger, by car with everything we can think of to bring, also by motorcycle with just what is necessary. For me that means breathing, letting myself be carried away by adrenaline, speed does not matter, I prefer to arrive safely with the wind that ruffles me and to a good port. Motorcycles are another point of view before a landscape. It is like having two candies for 5 days and seeing how you distribute them, because in this, at least I, I carry what is just and what is necessary. A team and a change of clothes. Do you know what you learn from this too? That carrying other things makes you end up tired It is better to lighten up! I was thinking of a motorcycle that I like, there are several and among them the suzuki inazuma, there is as much variety on the market as types of roads. It does not necessarily imply a motorcycle itself, or how long or short the trip is. The true biker is not identified by engine capacity or brands. Yes for companionship and solidarity with the other. If I have to give you advice, I do it from my short experience. Motorcycles mainly require respect, precautions and not fear. By asking, you get to many places. Let the lungs renew their air and your eyes cleanse to see better. There are millions of women in the world who love to do it and surely they also thought that it should only belong to men and yet they removed that erroneous thought and were also encouraged to share it.
Now be a FREE SOUL in your own way. Life depends mainly on the attitude with which you choose how to lead it.
LIQUID THREADS. SOLID THREADS It is a non-invasive treatment, without needles. Over time, the skin ages, the support structure weakens, fat is lost and the connective tissue becomes thinner. The liquid and solid threads both facial and body, serve to hydrate, tighten and fill, treat skin flaccidity, etc. The skin looks younger, smoother, without the need for surgery. Product composed of saffron, hyaluronic acid and Dimae. TERESITA SUSANA ROJAS COSMEATRA (ARGENTINA)
ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOLARSHIP Elisa del Valle Cordoba Ecommerce and digital marketing consultant Consultant certified by Mercadolibre Entrepreneurship is passion, it is energy From my current profession as an ecommerce and Digital Marketing Consultant, my mission is to organize and channel that passion, that entrepreneurial energy, and there I face this entrepreneurial spirit and eager to start fulfilling their dreams. We well know that the pandemic fueled the rise of ecommerce, in more common words: online sales, whether of products or services. A pleasant and pleasant voice from Cordoba is that of my current scholarship who decided to leave her comfort zone and dive into the world of entrepreneurship. A service for the elderly. It is no coincidence that for different reasons such as job loss, reinventing or simply deciding to try a different path, the need led many people to create an online store or to be encouraged to sell in marketplaces such as Mercadolibre or Tienda Naranja, for example. It is not difficult, you just have to prepare and take into account some key points: ● A brand, with an attractive logo and visual image ● A fanpage on Facebook ● An account on Instagram ● Choose the product or service to offer and if it is physical to have space to store it ● If you dare to do more, an ecommerce website would be ideal ● Means of payment and logistics to send your products, in the case of services a means to communicate with your customers And so get down to work, it is a journey to continuous learning where you will have to learn to know your ideal client, how the market behaves, how to control finances and the time you will spend on your business. Do you dare to start? There is still a scholarship available so we can start as soon as possible. Count on me!
Thak you