Lecture 4

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History of Architecture 2 A R 2 3 2 Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport College of Engineering & Technology Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department

H i s t o r y o f A r c h i t e c t u r e II Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed Arch. Mai Ghazi – Arch. Fiona Naaoum

L e c t u r e 4

CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE(324 – 1500 A.D.) ‫المراحل الزمنية للعمارة المسيحية‬ Early Christian Architecture

Byzantine Architecture

Gothic Architecture

Romanesque Architecture

Early Christian Architecture 324 - 600

‫العمارة المسيحية المبكرة‬ ‫عمارة مسيحية غربية‬

Byzantine Architecture 324 - 900

‫ عمارة مسيحية شرقية‬- ‫العمارة البيزنطية‬ Romanesque Architecture 900 -1150

‫عمارة الرومانيسك‬ ‫عمارة مسيحية غربية‬ Gothic Architecture 1000 - 1500

‫ عمارة مسيحية غربية‬0 ‫العمارة القوطية‬







Christian Architecture Time line History of

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History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




A R C H I T E C T U R E History of

INFLUENCES Natural influences


Geological Climate

Manmade influences

Religion Social and Political Historical

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



INTRODUCTION Geographical Byzantium occupies the finest site in Europe, standing on two Geological

promontories at the junction of the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmora and It was called “New Rome”.

Climate Religion Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



INTRODUCTION Geographical Geological

It occupies an important commercial site, standing at the intersection of two great highways of commerce –the black see into the Mediterranean, and the land high-road from Asia into Europe.

Climate Religion Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




Geological Climate

Stone was the basic building material. Most of the stone and marble used in the new capital was brought from different quarries round the eastern Mediterranean.

Religion Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




Owing to Constantinople being hotter than Rome, and to its Geological being further east, the Romans on settling there altered their method of building to suit the novel conditions due to climate Climate and their contact with Oriental arts. Religion Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



INTRODUCTION Constantine first made Christianity the state religion. The political division that came to pass between east and west Geological was followed by a separation of churches also. The iconoclastic movement during the eight and ninth centuries Climate was in force and ended in the admission of painted figures in the decoration of churches, but all sculptured statues were Religion excluded.


Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




Geological Climate

During the reign of Justinian (A.D. 527 -565) Italy was recovered to the Eastern Empire, accounting for the style of some of the building. The Byzantine style was carried on until Constantinople fell into the hands of Turks in A.D. 1453, when it became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.


Social and Political Historical

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Although it is impossible to identify two similar Byzantine churches, it is still possible to identify

the basic characteristics of an ideal Byzantine church. The attributes of the ideal church included:  The use of a centralized church plan;

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Although it is impossible to identify two similar Byzantine churches, it is still possible to identify

the basic characteristics of an ideal Byzantine church. The attributes of the ideal church included:  The use of a centralized church plan;  The use of surrounding aisles;

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Although it is impossible to identify two similar Byzantine churches, it is still possible to identify

the basic characteristics of an ideal Byzantine church. The attributes of the ideal church included:  The use of a centralized church plan;  The use of surrounding aisles;  The use of pendantives and dome on


History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Although it is impossible to identify two similar Byzantine churches, it is still possible to identify

the basic characteristics of an ideal Byzantine church. The attributes of the ideal church included:  The use of a centralized church plan;  The use of surrounding aisles;  The use of pendantives and dome on

pendentives;  And the use of a complex program of interior structure, lighting and decoration to create fascinating interiors.

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Although it is impossible to identify two similar Byzantine churches, it is still possible to identify

the basic characteristics of an ideal Byzantine church. The attributes of the ideal church included:  The use of a centralized church plan;  The use of surrounding aisles;  The use of pendantives and dome on

pendentives;  And the use of a complex program of interior structure, lighting and decoration to create fascinating interiors.

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Domes and Domes on Pedentives The pendentive dome and the dome on pendentives provided the Byzantine architects with a unique way of adjusting the circular form of a dome roof to a square or polygonal plan.

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

History of

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Domes and Domes on Pedentives The kind of domes included:  Simple Dome  Compound Dome

 Dome on a Drum

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi




‫الطراز البيزنطي‬ Domes and Domes on Pedentives

The kind of domes included:  Simple Dome  Compound Dome

 Dome on a Drum

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Domes and Domes on Pedentives The kind of domes included:  Simple Dome  Compound Dome

 Dome on a Drum

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Plans of Churches a great central square space covered with a dome, supported by means of pendentives.

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Plans of Churches On each side extend short arms, forming a Greek cross, which with the narthex and side

galleries make the plan nearly square. The narthex was placed within the main walls.

Greek Cross History of

Latin Cross

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi

‫‪ARCHITECTURE‬‬ ‫الطراز البيزنطي‬


‫‪BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character‬‬ ‫‪Plans of Churches‬‬

‫النوع الثاني ‪ :‬صليب من الداخل ومن الخارج مربع –‬ ‫كنيسة أيا صوفيا‬

‫النوع الرابع ‪ :‬مثمن من الداخل ومن الخارج –‬ ‫كنيسة سان فيتال في إيطاليا‬

‫النوع السادس ‪ :‬على شكل البازليكا المغطاة بالقباب –‬ ‫كنيسة سان تيودور بالقسطنطينية‬

‫النوع األول ‪ :‬صليب من الداخل والخارج –‬ ‫كنيسة سان مارك بالبندقية‬

‫النوع الثالث ‪ :‬مثمن من الداخل ومن الخارج مربع –‬ ‫كنيسة سان سرجيوس بالقسطنطينية‬

‫النوع الخامس ‪ :‬مستدير من الداخل ومن‬ ‫الخارج –كنيسة سان جورج في اليونان‬

‫‪Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi‬‬

‫‪History of‬‬



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Plans of Churches The essential difference in plan between a Byzantine church and an Early Christian Basilican church are as follows: The leading idea in an Early Christian basilica is horizontal, by means of the of the long perspective of columns, which direct the eye towards the apsidal termination.

History of

The leading thought in a Byzantine church is vertical, by the grouping of domes round a principle central one, towards which the eye id drawn.

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



BYZANTINE STYLE – Architectural Character

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

Plans of Churches The essential difference in plan between a Byzantine church and an Early Christian Basilican church are as follows:

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline Brief

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D

This Byzantine building with a central dome plan was erected in the sixth century by Justinian.


History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline Brief Note

History of

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D

It has the shape of an octagon inscribed in an irregular quadrilateral. It is surmounted by a beautiful umbrella dome supported on eight polygonal pillars.

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D


In front of the building there is a Note portico (which replaced the atrium)

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D

Brief Note

Capital in the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D

Brief Note

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

SS. Sergius and Bacchus Description Location Timeline

Eastern Orthodox church "Little Hagia Sofia". Constantinople (Istanbul) 527– 536 A.D

Brief Note

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

S. Vitale Church Description

Western church


Ravenna, Italy


526– 547 A.D

Brief Note

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

S. Vitale Church Description

Western church


Ravenna, Italy

Timeline Brief

526– 547 A.D

The apsidal chancel opens from the inner octagon, by a square by cutting through the outer aisle.


History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

S. Vitale Church Description

Western church


Ravenna, Italy

Timeline Brief Note

History of

526– 547 A.D

The dome is composed of earthen pots and protected by a wooden roof, thus differing in construction from Roman examples.

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi



EB XY AZ M A NP TL IENSE – SCThYuLrEc h–e As r c h i t e c t u r a l C h a r a c t e r

‫الطراز البيزنطي‬

S. Vitale Church Description

Western church


Ravenna, Italy


526– 547 A.D

Brief Note

History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi

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History of

Architecture 2 - AR 232 – Ass. Prof. Nevine Gharib Elsayed- Arch. Mai Ghazi

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