Artisan pasta at its very best – CuisinEquip brings largest pasta maker to market
enowned the world over, Bottene has been
The simple design of the appliance ensures effortless
leading the way in the development and
cleaning and maintenance thanks to an easy to remove
manufacture of professional pasta making
mixer and extrusion auger, while instinctive switches and
machines for more than 140 years. Now, in
control buttons allow the unit to be used by any member
a move that will allow even the largest site to produce
of staff. A mobile pasta tray trolley with space for up to 15
authentic, homemade pasta, CuisinEquip, has launched
pasta trays, can be supplied along with a range of other
the PM120 – a machine with an impressive capacity of up
accessories to compliment the machine if required.
to 50kg per hour.
As the exclusive distributor of Bottene equipment in
Ideal for production facilities and large kitchens with a
the UK & Ireland, CuisinEquip offers a complete range of
high turnover, the Bottene PM120 is robust, reliable and
professional pasta making equipment. Steve Elliott, Sales
simple to use. Made from the highest quality stainless steel, the unit features a double-tank for continuous production,
system built into the extrusion pipe regulates
Director at Valentine & CuisinEquip comments: “The Bottene PM120 offers an effective solution to those looking to produce authentic, homemade pasta on a large scale. Featuring many of the
temperature for improved pasta quality and
benefits of the smaller models, including
quality components and a simple, easy to
Constructed with an 8kg dough tank,
use design, the PM120 has an impressive
operators simply add their dry ingredients
output of up to 50kg of fresh pasta per
directly to the hopper and switch on the
machine before adding the remaining
Ideal for those sites with a high
ingredients to the machine. A 14kg
turnover, or for those looking to produce
extrusion tank achieves the optimum
fresh pasta for sale on site, the unit
consistency. A plastic or wooden tray
delivers a fantastic consistency using
and stand with integral fan cools the
virtually any recipe. What’s more, a
pasta after extrusion and helps to prevent
choice of more than 70 quality bronze
the product from sticking. Each machine
dies and the option for custom made dies if
comes as standard with 1 bronze die of
required, allow operators to produce pasta
the operator’s choice (the range includes
in almost any shape and size imaginable.”
70 different pasta shapes) and an automatic
As a brand, Bottene started way back in
cutter system for short pasta. For the ultimate artisanal pasta experience, bespoke dies can be created by request.
1875, when Italian, Francesco Bottene applied for a royal patent for a ‘new machine for making pasta at home.’ Known as Italy’s best kept secret for
Taking many of the familiar features found in the smaller
more than a century, Bottene pasta makers did not begin
units in the range, the Bottene PM120 allows an operator
to be exported until the 1970’s, when the company’s first
to produce a wide range of pasta using individual recipes,
exports quickly gained an international reputation. Today,
ingredients and shapes quickly, effortlessly and cost-
Bottene pasta makers can be found the world over, used
effectively. Suitable for use with any type of flour including
daily by top chefs to create wonderful, fresh, authentic
durum wheat, semolina, soft wheat or whole wheat and
Italian pasta.
recipes with or without eggs, the PM120 delivers versatility to a kitchen. 24
Fastfood Professional • June and July 2022
For more information on the Bottene PM120, please visit or call +44 (0) 118 957 1344. June and July 2022 • Fastfood Professional