Riot predicts a bright future thanks to Jestic and Henny Penny Riot Chicken is the brainchild of entrepreneur Khalid Al-Qaqa, and since his first restaurant opened in Battersea in May 2019, the promise of ‘Your Chicken Your Way’ is proving very popular with customers
halid took two years to research, develop and hone
results, stating that: “The Henny Penny pressure fryer gives
the Riot Chicken concept as he knew that succeeding
us the exact crispiness and colour we want. The cooking
in the competitive fried chicken QSR market would
process also seals in flavour and moisture without absorbing
require a clear proposition with a focus on freshness and
oil. The food is delicious!”
quality: “We wanted to be different, to in effect ‘riot’ against
Henny Penny’s Evolution Elite open fryers also play
conventional High Street fried chicken shops. We do not offer
a starring role at Riot Chicken - perfectly frying their
a mind-boggling number of meal options. We simply offer
‘extra tasty’ skin-on fries, chilli cheese bites, chicken bites
quality, fresh chicken that customers can choose to have
and battered halloumi thanks to the pre-set ‘i-control™’
fried or grilled, original or spicy. If they want five wings with
programmes. The automatic oil filtration of the Henny
two grilled and three fried, that’s what they’ll get.”
Penny Evolution Elite was a particularly important feature
Any new venture that aims to be different needs support
for Riot as Khalid explains: “Oil is a vital element of any
and expertise from those within the industry that know what
fried chicken concept. Without clean, fresh oil the food
is and isn’t possible. For Khalid, that advice came through
will be inferior and the reputation of your business could
a partnership with Jestic, who he got involved from day
be damaged. The Henny Penny open fryer features auto-
one. As Khalid explains: “Working with Jestic has not just
filtration, which means the oil is always clean and as a result
been a customer-supplier relationship, it has been a true
the food always looks golden and appetising. Quite simply,
partnership without which, we would never have opened our
Henny Penny fryers have given us the touch, the taste, the
doors. Working closely with Jestic’s Culinary Team in their
look and the quality we wanted.”
development kitchen proved invaluable in developing our
In addition to the fryers, Henny Penny holding cabinets are
menu, whilst the Henny Penny fryers we trialled stood out
proving their worth for peak service times. As Khalid explains:
from any other equipment we tested.
“Before busy periods in the day, we cook the chicken and
“Jestic helped us to set up the Henny Penny equipment
the Henny Penny holding cabinet keeps it perfectly tender
to achieve the quality we were looking for and devised
meaning that it doesn’t lose freshness, touch or taste. Our
programmes tailored to our menu. The best part is that the
commitment to our customers is that they will get the same
fryers are so user-friendly. Getting perfect results is now just
quality of chicken no matter when they visit us – this would
the push of a button away.”
be an impossible mission without the Henny Penny holding
Jestic’s Culinary Team also visited the Battersea restaurant
to train the Riot Chicken team on how to use and maintain
With ambitious plans for more Riot Chicken restaurants
the Henny Penny equipment, so all employees felt confident
in London, the UK and even overseas, Khalid was keen
about how to get the best results from each appliance.
to highlight Jestic’s support: “Jestic is a very important
A key piece of equipment at Riot Chicken is the Henny
stakeholder in the Riot Chicken story. Using Henny Penny
Penny PFE-500 pressure fryer which is used to cook a variety
equipment and Jestic was a no-brainer. You get the best
of items on the menu including chicken on the bone, wings
equipment and unrivalled service from the best distributor. I
and fillets, all available with Riot’s innovative double coating
would whole heartedly recommend Jestic for any new start-
of batter and breading. Khalid is clearly delighted with the
up or existing restaurant.”
Fastfood Professional • June and July 2022
June and July 2022 • Fastfood Professional