Boosting efficiencies, and creating an unobtrusive check-out experience
It’s Lolly Launches Another Major App Enhancement - Scan and Go taying competitive in hospitality and retail means
of all sizes across the UK; from large corporate caterers
juggling lots of demands including keeping on
and stadia, to pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and festivals,
top of rising prices, reducing costs and managing
their mission is to take state of the art technology
inventory. In a market where inflation is rising, adopting
and make it accessible, simple and highly agile for the
technologies that provide the tools to gain competitive
hospitality space.
edge is one way to manage costs, satisfy customers and boost profits. Scan and Go, the latest in-app option from Lolly, delivers
Lolly’s end-to-end, cloud-based EPoS solutions for hospitality and retail make the point of sale simple, efficient and dependable, every time. Lolly covers the
integrated technology solutions, enabling hospitality
complete digital journey from payments, EPoS and self-
owners to control costs and give their customers the brand
serve kiosks, to loyalty and pre-order applications, all of
experience they’ll want to repeat. It does this by saving
which are integrated in real time to a powerful back of
customers valuable time in needless queuing – by scanning
house management system. With their flexible, bespoke
and going, this enables the hospitality provider to improve
offering, businesses simply upgrade as they grow,
customer service, with a fast checkout.
removing the need for costly installs as business needs
Scan and Go puts the power of Point of Sale (POS)
become more
into the hands of their customers. Using the Lolly app
complex. Lolly
customers can simply scan, pay and go in one simple
takes care of
solution, removing the need for a traditional POS or self-
the technology,
giving clients
Peter Moore, CEO, It’s Lolly, comments: “Shoppers are
the time and
often in a hurry particularly when it comes to grabbing
the tools to
lunch or dinner on the go. Speed and efficient service
run their
keeps turnover high and builds brand loyalty. The
unattended shopping environment will become an everincreasing option in the corporate environment and on the high street. Recruitment is a challenge in many industries and hospitality owners want to ensure their staff are utilised in areas where they can add value by assisting customers rather than just processing their check-out experience. During the pandemic customers have become more confident with cashless payments. At Lolly, we are responding to the need for a completely contactless solution by pushing the boundaries of technology to deliver the tools for tomorrow, today. Scan and Go is perfect for sites that have a grab and go area – removing the need for a traditional POS unit so that customers can literally, grab, scan and go.” About Its Lolly – the digital journey It’s Lolly delivers innovative PoS, payment and technology solutions for the hospitality industry. Serving businesses 53
Fastfood Professional • June and July 2022
June and July 2022 • Fastfood Professional