Answering the growing trend of meat and dairy analogues with yeast protein
Eating less meat or no meat at all is very popular among consumers. Veganism is behind this fast-growing lifestyle trend and leads many consumers to choose a plant-based, animal-free diet at least some of the time. Consequently, consumers want to stop or limit their meat and dairy intake, but not at any cost.
o meet the demand for food
seemingly contradictory demands
with no animal proteins, a
have led to forecasts showing that
growing number of products,
the size of the plant-based protein
from meat and dairy analogues to
market will hit $35.54 billion by
alternative protein snacks, breakfast
2024, rising between 2020-2024 at a
cereals, and even high-protein
CAGR of 14%, says the Research and
ready meals are being launched.
Markets report.
This results in an average growth of 68% every year for alternative
beverage and food products with a
Consumers cite various motivations
‘plant-based’ claim, according to an
for avoiding animal products,
industry report from market research
including human health and weight
giant Research and Markets.
concerns, the ethics of animal consumption, environmental issues,
the economic imperative to save
money, and even the simple desire
While diets based on plants
for new and exciting flavours.
continue to increase in popularity,
“While consumers are actively
many consumers are still searching
trying to eat more plant-based
for familiar, healthy foods and
foods (and reduce their meat
drinks. Consumer interest in meat
consumption), they are not willing
analogues is motivated both by
to compromise on taste and
a rising awareness about the
texture. […]. And it should be as
health benefits of protein and the
transparent and sustainable as
disadvantages of meat. These
possible.” – Nizo Food Research
16 Just Vegan ISSUE 1
“Springer Proteissimo 101 is the first complete, clean-flavoured vegan protein obtained from yeast fermentation. It contains all the essential amino acids. It enables food manufacturers to add a good-quality protein in vegan foods without off-notes.”