TIPS AND TRENDS FOR A BEAUTIFUL BATHROOM IN 2021 Cape Town-based interior design creative and behavioural specialist Kim Williams believes that all great bathrooms are instrumental in our ability to selfsoothe and that well-planned and thoughtful design can enhance our experience of a space and contribute positively to our mental wellbeing. 40
athrooms are a
a wonderful connection to nature,
quintessential example of
soften materials like marble or tile
a space that, with intuitive
and add a gentle aspect of colour.
and considered design, have the potential to be functional, beautiful
and significant in reducing our
Soft textures underfoot protect
anxiety. By designing a soothing
feet from surprisingly cold tiles
environment, we can create an
and add a touch of luxury. Every
oasis for us to retreat to, relax in and
bathroom needs a bathmat but,
revitalise our souls after a long day.
depending on the size of the
Kim Williams’ Top 5 Tips for a Beautiful Soothing Bathroom Space:
bathroom, don’t be afraid to use more than one or explore different shapes, like a round carpet in the middle of a bathroom.
Storage is essential in keeping an
Many people under-style their
uncluttered space for the myriad of
bathrooms, leaving them with a
practical items like lotions, beauty
stark or incomplete feel. Simple
products, soaps and shampoos
elements like small decorative
you may have. Begin by identifying
shelves for face cloths, diffusers
everything that the shower needs
and plants can make the world
to store, and then implement the
of difference. Decanting oils and
ideal sized in-shower storage and
salts into pretty bottles can make
avoid annoying bottles falling
a unique feature, add a spa-like
all over the place. Having a linen
element, and can be arranged
cupboard to store dry items like
around a bath area to be both
toilet paper and towels, as well as
functional and aesthetically
the normal vanity storage, is always
a bonus if one can find a nook for it.
A combination of tiles in a
Plants work well in bathroom
bathroom creates a wonderful
spaces and the naturally occurring
pattern, even if they are all in one
ambient humidity from the steam of
colour, and using different shapes
a shower is perfect for a wide array
can create subtle interest. It is also
of tropical and sub-tropical plants,
a great way to create a feature area
including orchids, peace lilies,
or wall with a smaller budget – one
ferns and even air plants. They add
can combine cost-effective and