DSV makes the customer experience strategic

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”Let’s begin the meeting by reading what 5 customers wrote about us today”


DSV gave all its managers in Germany, England, Sweden and Denmark access to at least 200 up-tothe-minute customer evaluations every day, right on their smartphones. The effect has been dramatic.

With 220 different legal entities, 23,000

experience, via advanced data mining based

members of staff and 250,000 custom-

on patented neural network technology.

ers, DSV is one of the five largest transport


- 250,000 customers

companies in the world. And in a company

In day-to-day working situations, this

of such a size, you’d probably expect there

reporting provides alerts related to the

to be a bit of a gap between customers and

individual respondent. Less than a second

senior executives.

after a DSV customer has submitted his or her feedback, an individual alert is sent directly

worldwide -2 20 different legal entities -2 3,000 members of staff

That’s a situation DSV simply refused to

to the inbox of the person responsible for

accept, and in 2014 the company set up

DSV’s relations with that particular customer,

the Customer Success Programme to do

so that the person concerned can undertake

something about this. This programme is

service-recovery measures, should the

designed to make the customer experience

customer be dissatisfied. If the DSV staff

the core focus of all deliveries, and thus to

member responsible does not establish

boost customer satisfaction as well as

contact with the respondent within the agreed

er Success Programme

reduce customer churn.

48-hour time limit, the alert is automatically

– greater customer

sent up to the next level in the organisation.

satisfaction and greater

KRING was selected as partner on the project,

-O ne of the five largest transport companies in the world -A nnual turnover of approx. €6 billion -B enefits from Custom-

customer loyalty

resulting in a co-creation process that in

In addition, DSV’s global CRM system

only 90 days developed and implemented a

automatically receives ongoing updates


solution based on the Net Promoter System®

about this customer feedback, to make sure

-O pportunities to

supported by a cloud-based IT platform.

everyone in the organisation has a 100% up-to-date understanding of how individual

evaluate what DSV has delivered -R apid reaction to any

This has ensured a consistent, cost-effective

decision-makers, influencers and users in

and scalable solution that makes it possible

each customer organisation perceive DSV.

to gather customer feedback and report on it

Strong IT support has been a significant

– all in real time. At a general strategic level,

driver in creating such rapid, high-impact

takes its customers

this reporting gives both senior executives

and on-going changes in corporate culture


and middle management the input they

and behaviour for the more than 12,000 DSV

need to make the necessary systemic

staff and executives who actually deal with the

improvements with regard to the customer

company’s customers on a day-to-day basis.

points of criticism -V isible proof that DSV

Greater loyalty, higher turnover

passed upwards in the organisation – all the

Customers’ personal opinions matter to DSV.

way up to the boardroom, if necessary. An

Customers register this fact, and results have

issue is always followed up on.

appeared quickly. - Customer loyalty has increased since Q1 2015 - Turnover with loyal DSV customers has grown by almost twice the average

The whole organisation now has a ”shared language” In addition to the measurable – and expected – improvements, the project has proven to have a positive effect on in-house working relations. Even though DSV operates in 75

For a company with an annual turnover of

different countries, the staff now have a

approx. €6 billion, there are big sums

shared point of reference when it comes to

at stake.

discussing the customer experience. Everyone responsible for contact with


customers is now able to talk freely and with insight about current ”customer experience”

”Big companies are often somewhat rigid and a bit faceless, but DSV showed us right from the start that they were on our side, and were prepared to develop the working relationship between our companies. DSV also understood that we meant it seriously when we required a CSR policy as part of logistics the solutions.”

cases. ”I have this ‘red’ customer whose deliveries arrived late on three consecutive days. So I have to cancel our meeting, because I have visit him to deal with this.” The Customer Success Programme has created a shared sense of dynamism, sharing of ideas and team spirit.

- Jimmy Olofsson, Senior Logistics Manager, Elgiganten

The secret lies in open answers and accurate instructions Lots of companies carry out customer satisfaction surveys. But not all do so in as well-considered a way as DSV. One of the secrets lies in the fact that customers are not just asked to mark off a series of boxes in a questionnaire. Instead there’s room for longer answers about anything they might be less than satisfied with. The instructions to the DSV front-line staff just as specific as the answer opportunities

From pilot project to a tool that helps drive group strategy

are open. The staff are fully aware of the

One year after the pilot project was launched

their exact scope for action, and there are

in 2014, the Customer Success Programme

concrete instructions about the different

has now been implemented in 19 countries

options open to them for addressing any

that together represent more than 90% of

customer problems.

DSV’s total turnover. This broad-spectrum

responsible for the customer’s account are

roll-out is continuing as a central feature of DSV always take action straight away on the

the DSV group’s strategic focus on customers

customer’s feedback not just in month or a

and experiences.

week’s time. Within 24 hours the account owner will follow up on the customer’s

As they say at DSV: ”Customer satisfaction is

problem. If this doesn’t happen, an alarm is

everyone’s responsibility”


“We ought to be able to withstand hearing the truth from our customers about whether or not we’re living up to our promises. Are we picking and delivering goods on time? Do we provide notice about any possible delays? And – In particular – do we learn from our mistakes, and make sure to do it better next time?”


“Working with KRING and their ‘Think big, start small and scale fast’ approach, our first pilot was rolled out in four countries in only 90 days.” – Rene Falch Olesen, Chief Commercial Officer and responsible for the Customer Success Programme, DSV

An email invites customers to take part. It only takes 1–2 minutes

The person responsible for each customer receives alerts in real time. This means they can quickly engage in “service recovery” measures with regard to the most dissatisfied customers

VALUE LOOP DSV has embedded the customer experience at high levels within the company. This provides a good basis for innovative, systemic value creation. KRING™ has developed a tool to ensure that new products and solutions address customer needs as accurately and as fast as possible.


Customer insight and opportunities/pains

Rapidly implemented New ideas and services

Measure effects of customer heartbeat

Agile, responsive IT architecture

Customer-centric innovation

Market-validated New digitally distributed ideas


”KRING Customer Experience Transformation (CXT) is a paradigm for building customercentric organisational capabilities including better processes, systems, tools and skills. It employs an agile implementation method to rapidly create more unique customer experiences and customer-driven innovation. CXT focuses on specific short-term results rather than a long, extended process in which Role-based interactive dashboard displays changes in customer loyalty in real time

there’s a risk of losing momentum. CXT is designed to ensure delivery of solutions and results, as part of a series of 90-day sprints.” – J esper Krogh Jørgensen, Practice Lead – Customer Experience Transformation, KRING


BUILDING BUSINESS IN A WORLD OF DISRUPTION KRING helps forward-thinking decision-makers and their organisations design, build and co-create new business capabilities that ensure competitive advantage in a world of disruption and uncertainty. We apply an entrepreneurial New Practice mindset that creates game-changer opportunities via business-focused, technology-driven innovative thinking combined with practical, rapidly deployable tools designed to provide fast, agile responses to changing market conditions and customer preferences.

KRING ™ Ragnagade 7 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel

+45 7026 0755

Email info@kring.com www.kring.com


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