Call for Entries 12+1 European Newspaper Award

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Call for Entries 20 12 + 1 European 21 Newspaper Award



What you have to do: The European Newspaper Award was founded in 1998 by newspaper designer Norbert Küpper. The Media also calls the award “Oscar of the newspaper branch“. This year it is taking place for the 12th plus 1st time. It is conspicuous: airlines and hotels avoid the number between 12 and 14. So do we. European Newspaper of the Year The jury needs two different newspapers from each participant: n Daily papers: One copy of a Wednesday and one of a Saturday. n Weekly papers: Two different copies. Issued during the following time: October 1, 2010 – September 30, 2011. Awards of Excellence Awards of Excellence are given according to different categories such as front pages, inside pages, special pages, and supplements. n Make your choice among the categories of the competition and send us your best pages. Be sure that the papers were issued within the time indicated above. Deadline: October 8, 2011 Please, fill in the application form in this flyer and send it together with your papers in one consignment and well wrapped to the following address: Norbert Küpper Office for Newspaper Design Gutenbergstr. 4 D-40670 Meerbusch, Germany


Participation fee: 150 Euro The fee is charged per newspaper and independent of the number of sent-in pages. You can send as many pages as you want without being charged extra money. n The fee should be paid before the deadline into the following account: Bank: Postbank Nuernberg Street: Kesslerstr. 1 City: 90329 Nuernberg Account holder:  Norbert Kuepper Account number: 694 421 857 BLZ (branch code): 760 100 85 IBAN: DE 83 7601 0085 0694 4218 57 BIC: PBNKDEFF n Should you need an invoice, please send an e-mail with the exact address for the invoice to: n

Obligatory for your participation is: n In every case we need two complete newspapers, one Wednesday edition and one Saturday edition. If the newspaper is not published on Saturdays, please send a Friday‘s copy. n The participation form has to be included. n Please sort the pages in categories and mark each category clearly. n In this example a sheet of paper was folded in the middle and the pages were put inside. That way you help us to sort the pages according to each category. n Extra envelopes for each category are not necessary.



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Japan kämpft gegen Atomkatastrophe

Erdbeben Angst vor Super-GAU im Kraftwerk Fukushima. Widersprüchliche Angaben über Kernschmelze in zwei Reaktoren. Region mit 530 000 Menschen evakuiert. Opferzahlen steigen. Neuer Parteienstreit um AKW-Laufzeiten in Deutschland Augsburg In Japan kämpfen die Sicherheitsbehörden gegen eine Ausweitung der durch das Erdbeben und Tsunami ausgelösten Unfälle in mehreren Atomkraftwerken. In die stark beschädigten Anlagen des Kraftwerkskomplexes Fukushima pumpten Rettungsteams mit Bor versetztes Meerwasser, um die Brennelemente der außer Kontrolle geratenen Reaktoren abzukühlen. Das Ausmaß der Atomunfälle blieb nach zahlreichen widersprüchlichen Angaben von Regierung und Kraftwerksbetreibern weiter unklar. Die Nachrichten überschlugen sich das ganze Wochenende dramatisch. Im Land herrschte Angst vor einem nicht mehr beherrschbaren atomaren Super-GAU (größter anzunehmender Unfall). Die Regierung befürchtete am Sonntag, dass es im Atomkraftwerk Fukushima 1 in zwei Reaktoren zu einer hochgefährlichen Kernschmelze kam. Dort hatte am Samstag eine Explosion das Gebäude rund um den Block 1 zerstört. Nach Angaben der Betreibergesellschaft wurde der Schutzmantel des Reaktors aber nicht beschädigt. Am Sonntag wurde bekannt, dass auch in einem zweiten Reaktor der Anlage nach dem Ausfall des Kühlsystems eine Explosion drohte. In die-

Gipfel beschließt Reform des Euro Brüssel Ein Jahr nach der Eskalation der Euro-Krise hat sich die Währungsunion endgültig in eine Beistandsunion verwandelt: In einer Nachtsitzung zurrten die Staatsund Regierungschefs die Grundzüge der Euro-Rettung fest. Dazu gehört, dass die Gemeinschaft künftig direkt Schuldtitel ihrer maroden Mitglieder aufkauft. „Der wesentliche Teil der Arbeit ist geleistet“, klopfte Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) sich selbst und ihren Kollegen auf die Schulter. Sie ist mit dem Ergebnis zufrieden, denn sie hat viel erreicht: Der Wettbewerbspakt, mit dem sich die Euro-Staaten zu Strukturreformen verpflichten, wurde abgesegnet. Portugal und Griechenland sagten eine Verschärfung ihrer Sparkurse zu. Aber die Kanzlerin machte auch Zugeständnisse, die ihr in Berlin viel Ärger einbringen könnten. (dapd) »Wirtschaft

sem Meiler wird auch Plutonium eingesetzt. Wegen erhöhter Radioaktivität mussten 22 Menschen im Krankenhaus behandelt werden. Auch im AKW Tokai versagte eine Pumpe für das Kühlsystem den Dienst. Die Anlage befindet sich 120 Kilometer nordöstlich der Hauptstadt Tokio. Am Sonntag wurde zu-

dem für das AKW Onagawa der nukleare Notstand ausgerufen. Später teilten die Behörden aber mit, dass dort keine Radioaktivität ausgetreten sei. In den japanischen Katastrophenregionen mussten bisher etwa 530 000 Menschen ihre Wohnungen und Häuser verlassen. Rund 450 000 waren durch das Beben und den

Tsunami obdachlos geworden. Weitere 80 000 mussten ihre Unterkünfte verlassen, als die Sicherheitszone um die havarierten Reaktoren in Fukushima auf 20 Kilometer ausgedehnt wurde. Auch die Opferzahlen steigen drei Tage nach der Katastrophe immer weiter an: Allein in der Region

Das Atomkraftwerk Fukushima ● Störfälle In der Atomanlage in Fukushima, 200 Kilometer nordöstlich von Tokio, gab es wiederholt Pannen. Nach einem Erdbeben 2008 schwappte radioaktives Wasser aus einem Becken, in dem verbrauchte Brennstäbe lagerten. 2006 war radioaktiver Dampf ausgetreten, 2002 waren Risse in Wasserrohren entdeckt worden. Im Jahr 2000 musste ein Reaktor wegen eines Lochs in einem Brennstab abgeschaltet werden. ● Vertuschung Im September 2002 musste der Betreiber Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) einräumen, Berichte über Schäden jahrelang gefälscht zu haben. Mehrere Manager traten zurück. ● Geschichte Das Atomkraftwerk Fukushima Eins mit sechs Siedewasserreaktoren ist eines der größten der Welt und ging ab 1971 in Betrieb. (dpa)

Lesen Sie heute: »Leitartikel Winfried Züfle: Wenn das Restrisiko zur Realität wird »Die Dritte Seite Wie die Japaner auf die Katastrophe reagieren – aus Tokio berichtet unser Korrespondent Bernhard Bartsch »Das aktuelle Thema Drei Sonderseiten mit Informationen und Hintergründen aus dem In- und Ausland

Krise in Libyen verschärft sich

Gegenoffensive Gaddafi-Truppen rücken gegen Aufständische vor Kairo Das massive Vordringen der libyschen Armee gegen die Aufständischen setzt den Westen unter Zugzwang. Truppen des libyschen Staatschefs Muammar al-Gaddafi rückten am Sonntag auf die östliche Küstenstadt Brega vor. Der Ort sei „von den Terrorbanden gesäubert“, verkündete das staatliche libysche Fernsehen in Tripolis. Rebellenkommandeure erklärten der BBC, dass sie sich aus der Stadt zurückzogen, nachdem diese unter intensiven Beschuss durch die Artillerie der Gaddafi-Truppen geraten war. Die Aufständischen, die den Osten Libyens kontrollieren, hatten erst am Vortag den 100 Kilometer westlich von Brega gelegenen Ölhafen Ras Lanuf an die Regimetruppen verloren. Die Offensive der Gaddafi-Streitkräfte gegen die Stadt

Miyagi, wo das Kraftwerk Onagawa liegt, sind vermutlich Tausende Menschen durch das Erdbeben und den anschließenden Tsunami ums Leben gekommen. Ein örtlicher Polizeichef sagte, er habe „keinen Zweifel“, dass die Zahl der Toten bis auf über 10 000 allein in Miyagi steigen werde. Die Stärke des Erdbebens wurde derweil von 8,9 auf 9,0 korrigiert. Dies bedeutet, dass das Beben zehnmal stärker war als bisher angenommen. Die drohende atomare Katastrophe in Japan entfachte in Deutschland eine heftige Debatte über die jüngst beschlossene Verlängerung der Atomlaufzeiten. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel kündigte nach einer Krisensitzung der Koalition eine Überprüfung der Sicherheitsstandards für Reaktoren an. Die Opposition forderte einen schnelleren Ausstieg aus der Atomkraft. (AZ)

Misurata, die letzte AufständischenHochburg im Westen des Landes, kam indes ins Stocken, nachdem in der angreifenden Brigade eine Meuterei ausgebrochen war. Die Außenminister der Arabischen Liga riefen am Samstag in Kairo den Weltsicherheitsrat auf,

Libysche Ärzte in Bengasi demonstrieren für Flugverbotszone. Foto: afp

mit einer Flugverbotszone den libyschen Luftraum zu kontrollieren und die Bombardements der Gaddafi-treuen Luftwaffe auf Stellungen der Rebellen zu stoppen. Das Weiße Haus wertete die Forderung der Liga als „wichtigen Schritt“. Präsidentensprecher Jay Carney sagte, damit werde der internationale Druck auf Gaddafi erhöht. Die USA würden die Opposition weiter unterstützen und „alle Eventualitäten“ vorbereiten. Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle sagte am Sonntag: „Ich begrüße die klare Haltung der Arabischen Liga gegen die Verbrechen des Gaddafi-Regimes.“ Die Situation in Libyen sei besorgniserregend. „Diktator Gaddafi führt weiter einen Krieg gegen sein eigenes Volk.“ (dpa) »Politik

Hamburger SV entlässt Veh Augsburg Das 0:6-Debakel beim FC Bayern war Armin Vehs letztes Spiel als Trainer des Fußball-Bundesligisten Hamburger SV. Gestern trennte sich der Verein von dem 50-jährigen Augsburger. ● Pechstein in Sektlaune Claudia Pechstein ließ nach ihrem Comeback die Korken knallen. Bei der WM in Inzell holte sie über 5000 Meter Bronze. Die 39-Jährige ist damit die älteste WM-Medaillengewinnerin überhaupt. Jenny Wolf (Berlin) gewann ihren vierten Sprint-Titel in Serie. ● Wieder Turbine Potsdam Turbine Potsdam hat zum fünften Mal die deutsche Frauenfußball-Meisterschaft gewonnen. ● Staffel-Gold Dank der überragenden Magdalena Neuner haben die deutschen Biathletinnen zum WMAbschluss in Chanty-Mansijsk Staffel-Gold gewonnen. »Sport

I Bei uns im Internet Bildergalerien Bilder von Ereignissen in der Region bis zur Katastrophe in Japan finden Sie unter

Samstags-Lotto Lotto Zusatzzahl Spiel 77 Super 6

9 15 19 31 38 43 5 Superzahl 9 8 2 6 9 1 3 0 1 6 5 4 4 3

10. Veranstaltung (Ohne Gewähr) Weitere Glückszahlen auf Aus aller Welt

Heute in Ihrer Zeitung Untersuchung entlastet Kapitän der „Gorch Fock“ In der Affäre um das Schulschiff „Gorch Fock“ haben Marineoffiziere die „sofortige Wiedereinsetzung“ des Kommandanten Norbert Schatz gefordert. Hintergrund ist eine Untersuchung der Marine, die Schatz nach Medienberichten entlasten und Vorwürfe entkräften soll. »Politik

Heute Expertentipps zur Altersvorsorge Reicht die gesetzliche Rente? Oder: Wie kann man sich besser für das Alter absichern? Antworten zu allen Fragen rund um die richtige Altersvorsorge geben drei Experten heute von 16 bis 18 Uhr am Lesertelefon. Die Rufnummern finden Sie auf der Seite Politik.

Inhalt Aktuelles Thema 4–6 Kultur 18 Augsburg 37–44 Politik 10–11 Aus aller Welt 15–16 Rätsel/Sudoku 12 Bayern 7–8 Sport 23–30 Capito 19 Sport regional 31–34 Fernsehen aktuell 21 Wetter | Roman 22 Feuilleton regional 36 Wirtschaft 12–14

Kontakt Redaktion Tel. (08 21) 777- 0 Fax (08 21) 777-20 39 Anzeigen Tel. (08 21) 777- 25 00 Fax (08 21) 777-25 85 Abo-Service Tel. 0 18 03/77 23 23* *9 Ct./Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz; Mobilfunkpreis: max. 42 Ct./Min.



4 190139 701308

Beyond the competition: leap in time 1986 – 2011 We want to compare newspapers from 1986 with newspapers from 2011. For this reason we are looking for front pages on Tschenobyl and Fukushima. These issues are interesting: Tschernobyl: 29.04., 30.04., 1.05.1986. Fukushima: 12.03., 13.03., 14.03., 15.03.2011. The pages will be published here: Please send digital pictures or Pdfs to This campaign is not part of the competition.

20 Categories: n

1. Front Pages.


2. Sectional Front Pages.

3. News pages. We are looking for examples of topical news pages. Coming into question here are exceptional events, journalistically and creatively presented in an outstanding manner. Pages about Fukushima belong to this category.


4. Local Pages. We are looking for examples for very well designed local pages. We would like to dedicate additional attention to the local part and it‘s development.


n 5. Inside Pages with Ads. Especially good examples of combinations of ads and editorial contributions on inside pages are wanted. n 6. Photography. In that category the focus is on size, perspective, cut and variation of photographic formats within the layout.

7. Visual Storytelling. In this category it is all about reporting with visual resources. Pictures, infographics, supplement boxes and short texts create an innovative form of reporting.


n 8. Visualization. Here, outstanding photographic presentations of topics are sought for. n 9. Photo Reportage. The design of reportage pages is assessed. On those pages photos should be the dominant means of conveying information. n

10. Infographics.

n 11.


Supplements. The entire concept of supplements is judged. You can send in weekend supplements as well as supplements published on special occasions.

n 12.

Magazines. Magazines are printed on glossy paper, they are cut and bound. By this new category the competition will be opened toward magazine design.

n 13.

n 14. Special Pages. Single pages from supplements such as travel pages or pages concerning special occasions belong to this category.

Typography. In this category the entire typography of the newspaper is being assessed. Consequently it is not about single pages that were published about typography itself. It is rather the typography of the editorial part of your newspaper that the jury will set their focus on.

n 15.

Concepts / Innovation. Have you introduced innovative contents or concepts? If so, send it in together with some explanatory notes.

n 16.

n 17. Online. We are looking for the best news websites in this new category. The jury will be paying special attention to legibility, functionality and innovation. You can also participate with special topics. Please send a pdf file to e-mail: n 18. iPad and Apps for mobile devices. We are looking for the best newspaper iPad applications and most innovative news-apps for mobile devices. In this new category the jury will be paying special attention to legibility, functionality and innovation. This is how you apply in this category: describe your application‘s specials and make them accessible for the jury. We have iPads to our disposal. Please send a pdf file to nkuepper@newspaperaward org

Women’s Soccer World Cup. Please do not send us all pages that have been published regarding this topic, but the best pages and a maximum of three complete supplements to this topic. All pages that deal with the Women’s Soccer World Cup including front pages, special pages and so on belong to this category. n 19.

Children’s pages: Supplements, whole pages or parts of pages that were especially designed for children. Please describe the concept briefly.

n 20.

It is possible that the jury will create a new category during the judging process.

Please be aware of the following useful instructions: Basics: n It is up to you what categories you submit pages in. n

Do not send in more than 12 submissions per category.


The total charge for all submitted pages is 150 Euro per newspaper.


Send only the individual newspaper pages, and not the complete newspaper containing the pages.


You can stick any explanatory notes on the back of the page concerned.


It’s best for you to mark the category, in which the particular page concerned is to be submitted, with a sticker on the back of that page. If the page is not self- explanatory, please make an additional comment in English or German at the bottom of the page. Bergens Tidende does that in a exemplary manner. The sheet is stuck to the back side and can be flipped to the front.


We reserve the right to change the submissions category if we consider it a better match with greater chances.



The same page should not be submitted in different categories.

Sending back impossible. There are too many pages, so there is no chance to have the pages mailed back.


Your participation‘s formation: n Please don’t send the newspaper page in lavishly designed folders or plastic wrappers. All submissions are supposed to have the same chances, which is why the jury will only judge newspaper pages and no portfolios of any kind. n

Computer print-outs or drafts are not admissible.


The pages may not be stuck on carton.


Double pages: Is is not enough to rip them out of the newspaper. That method tears the paper which destroys every layout. Double pages should be stuck together. The best way is to use tape on the back side of the page. Paperclips are not sufficient enough.

Participation in the online sector or iPad: The best way is to send us a description of your website as pdf file. The advantage is that we can use direct internet links. The Portuguese newspaper “i” made plausible comments:

n Login with Facebook // If you have Facebook, you don’t have to register at iOnline. You just have to click on Login, then on Facebook Connect. Use your Facebook username and password to comment on the news at iOnline and be an iReporter. You can also login simply with your Facebook username and password at the bottom of an article in order to add a comment – and share it instantly with your friends on Facebook. Weather // Choose a city and personalize your weather. Leading news by section // The news at iOnline is divided into 5 big sections – Today (Hoje), World (Mundo), Money (Dinheiro), Sports (Desporto) and Good Life (Boa Vida); followed by a direct link to iTV (the video homepage), iRepórter (the homepage for user-generated content) and iBlogues (the homepage for blogs from i journalists and invited bloggers). Hover with the cursor over each section name, click on one of the four leading articles and go directly to the article of your choice (Picture A). Or just click on the section name and go to the respective Homepage. Logo // On days of special events the logo of i can change and rise to the occasion. As it happened on September 27 and on October 11, when Portugal held parliamentary and local elections. (Picture B) Leading news // The most important news and breaking news on iOnline today slides by at a 6-second pace, updated whenever the editorial team finds necessary. But you don’t have to sit and watch them go by. Hover with your cursor over the numbers to see each title, then click on the one you want to read.

iPad: Name the application. iPads are made available for the jury. n Please send the pdf with the explanations to n

Radar // As the name implies, all the news that matters from Portugal and from around the World, updated to-the-minute. Click on the word “Mais” below or on the banner RADAR at the right and know all the news published by i in the last 24 hours. iRepórter // The best news produced by iReporters – the users of iOnline

iTV // What’s happening on video – entertainment, politics, sports, science – and the daily iComment and analysis on the most important news. The best comment // Every day, the editorial team chooses and highlights the best user comment

Blog of the day // Every day, the editorial team chooses and highlights a blog that you shouldn’t miss.

In case you win an award: n If you win an award, the pdf files of the winner‘s pages will be needed. In this case double pages also have to be fited together correctly as one pdf file. The pdf files are needed to produce the yearbook and design the awards. Special news subject // All you have to know about the flu H1N1. The latest news is here, on the homepage, click on the banner above or on “Mais” below and you will go the special Flu section. Invited blogs // Blogs we love and that you should follow. Read them through i

Breaking News (Alerta) // Whenever something important happens, iOnline posts it immediately online, even before gathering more information. You can’t miss the red letters that appear right below the Leading News (Picture C).

Frequently asked questions:

Considering the huge amount of submissions it is impossible for us to confirm the receipt of your entry.

Can you acknowledge the receipt of our pages? At some point we loose track of all the submissions so it is impossible for us to send confirmations. We regain overview when the pages have been sorted according to the different categories.


We missed the deadline. Did we also miss this year‘s chance? No, you still have a chance to win. The jury holds their meeting traditionally at the end of October. Everything that makes it‘s way until then, will take part in the competition.


What are we supposed to submit in the category visualization? It‘s about presenting a topic visually in a very incisive way. An example:



Zaterdag 23 mei 2009






Festivals krijgen tik Creatief omgaan met minder gulle sponsors


Amanda Kluveld en de langzame verbeteringen

Van de boer Natuurproducten Jan Smit Stemmige dvd

“10% of the Dutch population between 16 and 69 take to the bottle to release themselves from their problems. Are you among them?“, is what the nationwide newspaper “AD“ from the Netherlands writes on this alarming, but well-known topic. The picture of a portrait seen double is a clever means of visualizing the effect of alcoholism on the brain.

We forgot to submit important pages. Can we send them in late? No problem. Please make a clear statement in which category you would like to have them placed.


Which pages should be submitted in the category photo reportage? A photo reportage tells a story mostly by it‘s pictures. It would be best if the pictures are placed in a logic order. An example taken from the newspaper Sydsvenskan:


When do we get notice who won? Around the 15th of November, always around midnight we publish the winners on If you cannot find a list, you might want to reload the website. In December all participants get informed per e-mail about their detailed results because we need the winner‘s pages for the yearbook and the certificates.


How do the main winners get informed? Main winners will be contacted in advance, so we can work together on a press release. That is why we need a contact person for the competition.


When and where does the European Newspaper Congress take place? During the congress we award the main prices and the Awards of Excellence. The congress takes place mostly in Vienna after Easter. The fix date will be set in spring. All competition participants receive an invitation and a reduced participation fee.


You still have questions? Please send us an e-mail: or give us a call: ++49 (0) 21 59 91 16 15.


Judgement and criteria:

All pages will be sorted in the different categories. Later they will be placed on tables for judging. n

The members of the jury bring in all their knowledge about journalism, design and photography into the evaluation.


In each category of the competition the best pages and ideas are looked for. What is innovative? What is new? What can one learn from this page? This are questions which are discussed by the jury.


The standard of the design of the sent in papers has to be clearly above the normal. Therefore, it is not enough to make a neatly designed newspaper, which quite a number of papers try to achieve.

A high standard in the use of visuals, including photographic cuts, the size of the photos and variation of formats is required. Uniform sizes and formats and lack of care with photographic cuts are sure to make a negative impression on the jury.


The layout of the pages should neither be too uniform nor too variable. If it is too uniform, it will be boring; if it is too variable, it might appear chaotic. The winners have found the golden mean: a systematic use of fixed elements of design for the entire newspaper.


What is innovative? What is new? What can one learn from this page? This are questions which are discussed by the jury.

The layout has to be of professional quality. Block make-up and an unmistakable connection between text and picture have to be guaranteed.



Typographic elements have to be strictly used on all pages.

The chief prizewinners are unconventional, distinctive and innovative in the widest sense in the use of their creative and conceptual means.


The present competition will put stronger emphasis on innovative concepts. This is considered in a special category.


The 11th competition‘s jury members discuss entries. From left to right: Haika Hinze, Die Zeit; Xymena Weiß-Gendera, Editorial-Design; Joachim Blum, Media Consultant; Martin Huisman, De Morgen, Belgium and Walter Jensen, Bergens Tidende, Norway. This year‘s jury will consist of nine members.

European Student Award: Student Award This year will see the competition for work from students at European universities for the second time. Students at European universities are called upon to submit their work with creative/journalistic background in this category. They will be able to submit work created between 2008 and 2010. Deadline: October 8, 2010, postmark. Experimental and innovative work is in demand. The goal is to provide young journalists and designers with a forum for their vision of the future of the media - and this in the environment of established media publishing houses. From this the organiser is anticipating inspirational dialogue and new impetus on either side. For the range of topics of your submissions, you can orientate yourself on the existing categories, or use your own heading. Please mark your submissions as student work and attach a brief description (maximum one DIN-A4 page). It should reveal the author, project title and subject. Also name the mentoring universities with the lecturers/professors. Please do not forget to observe the declaration to copyright and utilisation rights. Submit your work to the address below as originals, colour prints or screenshots (with URL for the original work) together with the participation form: Norbert K端pper Gutenbergstr. 4 40670 Meerbusch, Germany n

Please note: There is a reduced entry fee of 50 Euro for entries in this category.


The jury will decide spontaneously about the nature and number of prizes to be awarded.


The work submitted cannot be returned!


Please forward this invitation to students or universities that might be interested in this competition.


Please feel free to download this call for entries at

Participation Form European Student Award Contact person: Postal address (where you really receive letters):

E-mail: Phone: Other team members (where applicable):

Mentoring universities:

Mentoring lecturers:

Declaration to copyright and utilisation rights: n I herewith declare that I possess all and any rights of utilisation to the work submitted. n All the authors and creators are known to me and named as part of the submission. n With this submission, I shall assign, free-of-charge, the utilisation rights to the Office for Newspaper Design, Norbert Küpper, Meerbusch, Germany for utilisation in the context of the “European Newspaper Award”. Further utilisation shall be barred. n I affirm to keep, in legal disputes concerning sentences 1 and 2, the Office for Newspaper Design free of claims from third parties. German law shall be applicable. The place of performance shall be 40670 Meerbusch, Germany. Date, signature:

Yearbook Newspaper Design 12:

Newspaper Design 12 Zeitungsdesign 12 The Results of the Twel h European Newspaper Award Norbert Küpper

ISBN 978-3-00-034296-7

Buch ZD 12 CD-Cover 4.indd 1

08.04.11 22:29

Newspaper Design 12, ISBN 978-3-00-034296-7 About the book: The yearbook of the 12th European Newspaper Award consists of 22 Pdf files with a total of 780 pages. The yearbook has about 1000 pictures. The book is designed to give an overview of current trends in categories like newspaper front pages, sectional front pages, inside pages, photography, visualization, supplements, magazines and so on. The categories supplements and magazines have more than 200 pages. Main trend: Visualization is becoming even more important. This year‘s competition has counted more submissions in the visual categories, such as photography, infographics and illustration, than in the past years. In the German speech areas texts are becoming longer. More background information is offered, news in brief is becoming rarer. All in all, the European newspaper branch exhibits the diversity of creative ideas.


DVD at a price of 35 Euro


Shipping is included


The DVD contains the book in English and in German language.

Easiest way to order: Please look at there is a field „Bookorder“. It‘s also possible to send an e-mail. Don‘t forget the exact address for the invoice.


Participation form European Newspaper Award We need information about your newspaper. Please, append the following information to your consignment as such notes are important for the jury‘s assessment. On you can find this blank form to complete on your screen.

Newspaper title:


Name Editor-in-Chief:

E-Mail Editor-in-Chief:

Person so contact for this competition:




* Sometimes the jury has queries. This is why we need your contact data. Contact persons will be first informed, if they have won any awards.


Local paper q

National Paper q

Statistical Data

Regional Paper q Weekly Paper q

Circulation in 2009:

Circulation in 2011:

Number of writers**: Photographers**:


** This optional information is important, because it flows into the jury’s appraisal, if, for example, a small team produces superb pages, or a newspaper has a very good layout without having a layout department.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Organizer: 18 Norbert K端pper Office for Newspaper Design Gutenbergstr. 4 19 40670 Meerbusch, Germany Phone ++49 (0) 21 59 91 16 15 20 e-mail: website: 21


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