Deadline: october 4, 2016 All categories are accessible for student assignments.
Call for Entries: 18th European Newspaper Award 1
The Jury
EuropEan nEwspapEr award T h E 1 7 Th C o m p E T I T I o N
The members on the board of jurors came from eight countries this year: Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Finland, Austria, and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.
The jury of the 17th European Newspaper Award: Walter Jensen, Bergens Tidende, Norway Detlev Scheerbarth, Märkische Allgemeine, Germany Søren Nyeland, Politiken, Denmark Prof. Joachim Blum, Media-Consultant, D Alie Veenhiuzen, Art-Director, Leeuwarder Courant, NL Matthias Schäfer, Art-Director, Nordbayerischer Kurier, D Martin Huisman, Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad, B Valentina Villegas, Art-Director, H Kathimerini, GR Theo Dersjant, Fontys School of Journalism, Netherlands Annette Milz, editor-in-chief of Medium Magazin, Germany Dirk Steininger, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Germany Björn Heselius, Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland Georg Taitl, Der Österreichische Journalist, Salzburg, Austria (not on this picture) Members of the jury are excluded from assessing their own newspaper.
196 newspapers from 27 countries participated.
European Newspaper Award T h e 1 8 t h C o m p etiti o n
The 18th European Newspaper Award 196 newspapers from 26 countries participated in the 17th European Newspaper Award. The numbers show: The competition is well established, and the results are generally recognised as benchmarks for the concept and design of newspapers in the branch. For the principal prize winners, showing the title “European Newspaper of the Year” in the newspaper masthead for a year is a great distinction. The objectives of the competition: Laying bare trends: The results of the competition offer each editor the opportunity to rank their own product and, if necessary, optimize it. External effect: Newspapers, naturally, will report about their awards and, thus, gain prestige. The awards emphasize their effort for quality and this might attract more readers. Forge of ideas: Publications in journalists‘ magazines, in the yearbooks and on the website support creativity and search for new ideas.
What newspapers join in? Looking at the Call for Entries, you will come upon well-known names: Financial Times, Helsingin Sanomat, Bergens Tidende, Svenska Dagbladet, Politiken, Libération, El Correo, ABC, La Stampa, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit … But a host of local, regional and weekly newspapers also take part, for these newspapers generate enormous creative input in the newspaper branch. This is why the competition provides an overview of current trends each year. Improvements in individual categories This year, too, adjustments to the categories are necessary. The category concept/innovation is broken down into print and on-line, because a growing number of newspapers is participating. It is precisely in the on-line field that many innovative ideas were generated last year: Keyword “Snow-Fall”. They are now getting their own category. The registration fee The competition is completely independent; it is not paid for by any company. Some costs are incurred to enable the competition to get off the ground: There are the rental charges for the conference rooms for the jury meetings, expenses are incurred for the website, for publications about the events, and for disseminating press information. Compared to other contests, the participation fee at the European Newspaper Award is very low. This brochure provides an overview But a few of the winner pages can be shown in this brochure. All the winner pages are reproduced in the Almanac that is published as a DVD. I wish all participants a great deal of success at the 18th European Newspaper Award!
Norbert Küpper, organiser Phone +49 21 59 91 16 15
The competition at a glance EuropEan nEwspapEr award T h E AWA R D S A N D T h E C AT E G o R I E S
The European Newspaper Award was founded in 1998 by newspaper designer Norbert Küpper. The media also calls the award “oscar of the newspaper branch“. This year it is taking place for the eigteenth time. principal prize: European Newspaper of the Year The European Newspaper Award is a European competition for newspapers and on-line media. The principal prizes have always been broken down into four categories: Local Newspaper, Regional Newspaper, Nationwide Newspaper and Weekly Newspaper. To decide about the main awards, the jury needs two different issues published during the following time: Daily Newspaper: March 5 to 12, 2016 or September 10 to 17, 2016. One of the two newspapers has to be a published on a Saturday. If your newspaper is not published on Saturday, please send an issue from a Friday. Weekly Newspaper: Two different copies, issued during the following time: October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016. Awards of excellence Awards of excellence are given according to 19 categories. The entries have to be published between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2016.
The Awards of excellence will be awarded in 19 categories: 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.
Cover and cover story Local newspaper Regional newspaper Nationwide newspaper Weekly newspaper
2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.
Sectional front pages Local newspaper Regional newspaper Nationwide newspaper Weekly newspaper
3. 3.0. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.
News pages News pages in general Olympic Games Rio Football Championchip France Refugees Greece Terror Natural disasters Elections
17. On-line and crossmedia 17.0. Web design for screen and smartphone 17.1. Data journalism
4. Photography 4.0. Photography in general, Photographic series 4.1. Cut 4.2. Sequence 4.3. Atmosphere 4.4. Perspective 4.5. Picture page
10. Illustration
18. iPad- and smartphone apps 18.0. iPad and tablet-apps 18.1. iPhone and android apps
Photo report
Special pages
14. Typography
Visual story telling
Alternative story telling
15. Concept / Innovation print 15.0 New series, new concepts 15.1. Special editions, jubilee editions
11. Supplements 11.0. Weekend supplements 11.1. Supplements for special occasions
9. 9.0. 9.1. 9.2.
Infographics Infographics print Small infographics print Infographics on-line, animated infographics 9.3. Infographics for mobile phone
16. Concept / Innovation on-line 16.0. “Snow-Fall” projects multimedia storytelling 16.1. Movies, cartoons
Social media
Student projects Student projects are welcome in all categories. Local pages Local pages are welcome in all categories.
This is how you participate: Full details of the Call for Entries: On this website you can download the complete Call for Entries.
Deadline: october 4, 2016 Your entries, print or on-line, should arrive in our office on this day. participation fee: 220,00 € The fee is charged per newspaper and independent of the number of send in pages. You can send up to 8 entries per category without being charged extra money. Half of the regular fees is payable for student assignments.
Ask for an invoice under this email address:
Please sort the pages in categories and mark each category clearly. In this example a sheet of paper was folded in the middle and the pages were put inside. That is just perfect.
For us to be able to write the invoice, we need the precise address of your company. When in doubt, simply ask your Accounting Department for the right address. For participants from within the European Union: We need the Value Added Tax ID of your company (VAT Registration Number), because this number must be stated on the invoice. Wikipedia gives an explanation about this number:
After you have requested an invoice, you usually get within 24 hours of an invoice via email. Please do not transfer any fee before receiving an invoice from us and include the invoice number when you make the payment.
The participation form has to be included. You can find it on the last page of this brochure.
After you have received the invoice, please transfer the amount within 14 days.
On you can find this blank form to complete it on your screen.
2. In every case we need two complete newspapers, one of them a Saturday edition. If the newspaper is not published on Saturdays, please send a Friday‘s copy.
You can use the same form to make detailed information to your entry.
5. print categories: Please send your print-entries in one consignment and well wrapped to the following address: European Newspaper Award c/o Norbert Küpper Gutenbergstr. 4 40670 Meerbusch · Germany on-line categories: Please send your on-line-entries as Pdf files to Submissions should arrive on time on October 4, 2016. Don‘t send on-line submissions as printouts! They will not be judged!
De Morgen EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C AT E G o R Y N AT I o N W I D E N E W S pA p E R
Front page Weekend front pages with several small pictures referring to daily supplements and the “DM magazine” indicate a variety of contents.
Four front pages with individual design Each of these front pages is concerned with a single topic (clockwise): The crash of flight 9525, the refugee crisis, Charlie Hebdo, and the demise of the politician Steve Stevaert in April 2015.
Jury statement
About the newspaper
In 2006 and 2008 “De Morgen” was already the winner of the chief award. Lately, this newspaper‘s contents and layout were again redesigned. Often, the front page is devoted to a single topic. On weekends, however, small pictures indicate a wide variety of contents. On inside pages, articles cover double pages. Alternative storytelling is used. Other highlights are “Cult” and “Zeno” – culture and lifetyle supplements in tabloid format, issued serveral times per week.
“De Morgen” is published in Brussels in the Berlin format with a circulation of 50,000 copies. They employ 30 journalists, 17 freelance photographers, five layouters and one infographics designer.
Visualising a fusion The headline reads “Delhaize and Anhold are tangoing” – referring to a fusion of the two supermarket chains. Delhaize is a Belgian, Anhold a Dutch company. A fusion would lead to a majority share of the Dutch. The visualization combines the two companies‘ logos. The bottom of the page provides with facts on both firms, such as market value, turnover, group profits, number of employees, branches and countries where they operate.
Alternative story form This article on the page “Focus” is concerned with the extremely expensive medicine by the name of ‚Soliris‘, which is negotiated with the Ministry of Health for the umpteenth time. On the left the Minister Maggie De Block is depicted, on the right the bottle of medicine. On the top, a timeline informs about the procedures between 2012 and 2015.
photographic cut as eye-catcher This page shows an extreme photographic cut to catch the reader‘s eye. The approriate topic is on blood tests informing about a patient‘s life expectancy and health risks.
Weekend supplement “DM-Magazin” is a typical magazine on glossy paper. The copy shown here is devoted to the topic happiness. The cover leads to a double page visualising happiness by a simple smiley, followed by a stretch of pictures with happy people between 1 and 100 years of age. The final part settles the score with general myths on happiness. “F*ck happiness”, is the appropriate answer in the headline.
Ara EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C AT E G o R Y R E G I o N A L N E W S pA p E R
Aiming at independence Catalonia‘s striving for independence is a recurrent theme in “Ara”. This front page is a symbolic rendering of the path taken between 2012 and 2015 of the renewed attempts at separating Catalonia from Spain.
Catalonia – Spain This double page deals with Catalonia‘s five-year approach to gain independence from Spain. The timeline starts on the top left on June 6, 2010 and ends on the bottom right on September 1 1, 2015. It explains what happened during those five years on the Spanish and the Catalanian side. The colour blue is used for Catalonia, red for Spain.
Supplement “Ajudem els refugiats” – ”We‘re helping refugees” is this copy‘s headline of September 2015. Eight pages are devoted to the topic of refugees. This double page shows how the editors have made use of infographics and statistics along with the lead picture and the article. A map indicates which European countries have taken what amount of refugees.
Jury statement
About the newspaper
The front pages are always dominated by a large picture. Like any national newspaper it is divided into the sections ‚International‘, ‚Business‘, ‚Opinions‘, ‚Culture‘, ‚Sports‘, ‚Media‘, and ‚People‘. Another characteristic feature are supplements on themes like education, books, environment. As for the contents, the editors adapt themselves towards weeklies: Analyses and background reports with lengthy texts and infographics play an important role.
“Ara” – meaning “Now” – was founded in 2010 and is published in Barcelona in the Catalanian language, with a circulation of ca 20,000 copies. It is issued as a tabloid format. They employ 50 journalists, five permanent and four freelance photographers plus six layouters.
Flight 9525 The disaster of flight 9525 from Barcelona to Düsseldorf happened in the morning. The editorial staff used those hours to issue 20 pages on this topic. The front page only consists of a black bow with few lines underneath.
The first double page shows the rescue team with their helicopter. A service-box on the right provides ten facts of the disaster, such as the number of passengers and their countries of origin.
The second double page contains several infographics with the flight route and the place of accident. The temperature curve in the middle of the page informs about the speed and the hight of the plane. From the yellow circles the readers can obtain additional information about that disastrous flight.
On the third double page an airplane of the flight company hit by the crash is depicted. Below, facts on the machine and the pilot are presented. All in all: The editors have made use of all available channels of information to inform their readers about the flight disaster: photos, infographics, texts and alternative story forms.
multimedia storytelling “What‘s going on in Catalonia?” refers to a multimedia story on Catalonia‘s striving for independence. The structure of the story is well designed since each chapter begins with a poster. The focus is on politicians in cut-out pictures and presented in small paragraphs. The final chapter is on the “Collison with Spain‘s government”. This page is in four languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
Kvinnheringen EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C AT E G o R Y L o C A L N E W S pA p E R
Local topics in a magazine layout “Kvinnheringen” often decide about their own topics. In the example above, cover and cover story are devoted to knitting. A read woollen thread winds its way along a number of pages. The story starts inside on a double page, followed by more pages with loosely arranged pictures and articles. Instead of a newspaper layout they use a classical magazine layout which might serve as a model for other local newspapers.
Jury statement
About the newspaper
“Kvinnheringen” impress with a clear magazine layout, large pictures and generous white space, which contributes to a plain and clean appearance. They fully rely on the power of the pictures and the visual clarity of the layout. One of their strong points are lengthy articles. Some copies are devoted to a single topic such as mother‘s day. Other topics are continued over five or six double pages. All in all one can say: a much convincing presentation of local themes.
This newspaper from the west of Norway is published three times a week with a circulation of 4,100 copies in a tabloid format. They employ five journalists, one layouter, but no photopgrapher.
Atmospherically dense photographs Such a spectacular report on the topic model trains is a rare sight: When opening the double page it seems as if a regional train at dusk is approaching the onlooker. But only natural light was used to create this special effect. In the same way, the photo on the following double page uses light effects to produce this atmospheric density.
Tweets from politicians On the occasion of forthcoming elections “Kvinnheringen” wonder if and how politicians and their parties use social media. At the bottom of the page a number of politicians are portrayed together with the logos of their respective parties. The small infographics show how many tweets, ranging from 1 to 19,073, have been sent. On the right one can count the ‚likes‘ that individual parties have achieved. The centre of the page presents the photo of a politician who sent as many as 10,858 tweets and is accordingly called in the headline” Twitter-dronninga” – twitter queen.
Weekend supplement For their weekend supplement they use a better paper quality than for the daily newspaper. Trimmed and stapled the quality becomes even visual. The example here shows a photo reportage on a fisherman. The link between cover and cover story is achieved by the consistent photograpic style.
how to develop newspaper design ”Wonderful examples, but we can‘t put them into practice.” A typical remark often uttered during seminars. Still, more and more newspapers try to optimise their product and use visual elements for better effects. Here are some guidelines: photography: Some newspapers still use either very small photos or their choice lack a hierarchy of photographic sizes. Formats: Upright formats, which are much more dynamic, are seldom used. Alternative story forms: 10-item lists or question-answer boxes help readers to structure complex topics. Visual story telling: A photo might be surrounded by small paragraphs to tell a whole story. A sequence of photos following the logic of a plot is able to replace a lengthy text. Visualization: A clever combination of headline and photo might arouse the readers‘ interest for a special topic. Training: In-house seminars are an effective way to introduce new journalistic styles to editorial staffs.
Expresso EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C AT E G o R Y W E E K LY N E W S pA p E R
Cover The front page indicates diversity. The cover photo dominates the page. The column on the left contains news items referring to the last 24 hours, the bottom space is saved for quotes and references to topics on inside pages. There is no single complete article on this page, since it is used as a display for what is to be read inside the copy.
Alternative story form “Instructions for a referendum”, reads the headline on top of this double page on the topic Greece. The article is divided into ten items, indicated by small numbers and headings. To break up the textblocks small infographics have been inserted. So one can see that even with weekly papers there is a trend towards alternative story forms. They support the readers‘ understanding of intricate matters and the authors to render the topics in question in a clear and complete way. It is, of course, up to readers, if they want to just scan single items or study the whole article.
Jury statement
About the newspaper
“Expresso” shows a variable layout by means of infographics, illustrations and broken-up text units. A striking feature are their politics and business sections. Quite a number of topics are dealt with on double pages and are presented in a visually powerful way. A special role is given their magazine “E”, which is reserved for background information. Sections that can be found here are called ‚tendencies‘, ‚culture‘, ‚lifestyle‘ and ‚fashion‘. Every Saturday, “Expresso” provides their readers with a large package of attractive topics with telling visuals.
“Expresso” is issued in the Berlin format with a circulation of 95,000 copies. The team consists of 74 journalists, 16 photographers and 18 layouters responsible for the newspaper, the magazine “E”, the website and the digital issues in a responsive webdesign.
Visualization of diesel exhaust This double page is concerned with the “End of diesel fuel”, as can be read in the headline. It is not so much the brand Volkswagen, but the diesel technology in general. A huge black cloud of smoke is a visible indication of the problem that is caused by this type of motor. A vertical column using the whole length of the page contains statistics on this topic.
Trend towards visualization The printed newspaper is given more and more space for visual presentation. The advantage with smartphones is the speed at which news messages like photos, films, text or any combination of those elements are available. Complex matters, however, can visually more effectively be dealt with on a newspaper page. “Expresso” takes advantage of the chances a newspaper has to offer. Double pages are common with “Expresso”. Very often visuals take up half or even two thirds of the available space. Articles are broken up by service boxes, small infographics and quotes.
3-D infographics The headline on this double page dealing with real estate says that on Avenida da Liberdade 286 million Euro were turned over in the past five years. Of the 105 buildings on this street 60% are offices. The blue colour points out those offices that were built in the previous five years. The red-coloured buildings are either not in use are being built at present.
The supplement as highlight The glossy magazine “E” is a permant supplement of “Expresso”. It looks like any typical magazine: Topics are introduced on a double page with a large photo, a headline and an opening
paragraph. The topic is continued on further pages in a balanced text-picture proportion. The magazine serves as a medium for top-class advertisement and provides well-chosen contents for the readers.
Concept · innovation on-line EuropEan nEwspapEr award JUDGES‘ SpECIAL RECoGNITIoN, p is the leading news website in Portugal. Typefaces and colors are identical on all platforms – print, online, mobile and tablet.
The jury was impressed by two stories: 1. A perfect combination of photographs, texts and historical films shows an article on the 50th Anniversary of the speech „I Have a Dream“ by Martin Luther King.
2. A story about forest fires in Portugal is an outstanding example of data journalism. It can be seen where it has burned and where in recent years particularly severe fires have been.
Judges‘ special recognition: helsingin Sanomat, FIN
Cover and cover story EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 1
NRC Next, NL This newspaper‘s target group is rather young which explains their often unusual visualization. The cover story from October 2013 is about the relationship between the Netherlands and Russia which is about to fail, according to the editors‘ estimation. The headline on the front page reads, “Save what is left to save”. Two articles on inside pages inform the readers what the Dutch need to know about Russia and the Russians about the Netherlands. The visualization is made of red, blue and white stripes which are probably meant to hint at the two nations‘ flags.
Tip Cover and Cover story open up new possibilities for the presentation of contents. Any topic can be chosen since the actual story can appear anywhere in the paper, not necessarily on pages 2 or 3. A cover story may touch a current political issue and its impact on the region. It may also be a sports event of national or worldwide importance. Also the victory of a local team after many defeats might make a wonderful cover story. Another topic of interest for Europeans is the increasing number of burglaries. And, last but not least, a surprise topic is always welcome, a story, for instance, that is based on the editors‘ own research. Welt am Sonntag Kompakt, D “The dream of immortality” is the headline on the front page. The visual shows a human body in a huge ice cube. The colour blue from the front page is continued on the pages where the story is told, including ice cones hanging from the top edge of the page. The text is unbroken by captions, but completed by two service boxes.
Refugee crisis EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 3 .4 . N E W S pA G E S · R E F U G E E S
Neue osnabrücker Zeitung, D The opening paragraph to this double page says, “Germany has a tradition as a country of emigrants and immigrants. Germans left their country to make their homes elsewhere, others came in the hope of finding a new and better future.” The alternative story form is made of a timeline and numerous small pictures marking events from more than 200 years. The small textblocks explain the different reasons for emigration and immigration waves. The stories told here are given an individual face at the end of each article.
main-Echo, D “Refugees have a face”, is the headline to the photo sequence, chosen by “MainEcho‘s” photographer Stefan Gregor. He says, “I‘m rather interested in the people themselves than in the numbers counted day after day ... I‘m proud of our country which has helped to find shelter for them in the previous weeks.”
Extra, Brazil* This newspaper uses half of the front page to cover the left part of the photo. Normally it is used for advertisement, but here it belongs to the story . “Did civilisation die on the beach?”, reads the headline.The use of this photo was a controversial issue, some put it in their papers as the epitome of the tragedy, others did not. This Brazilian paper steered a middle course. *This year, Brazilian newspapers participated in the European Newspaper A ward. Two years ago, Brazil was the non-European host country. This is how the competition became known in Brazil.
Kurier, A August 2015: In an abandoned truck somewhere in Austria, 71 corpses were found, obviously victims of smugglers in human beings. Instead of a photo, “Kurier” uses an illustration to visualise this disaster. The headline on the double page reads, “0.2 square metres: one newspaper double page per refugee.”. The infographic element on the bottom right depicts how 59 men, 8 women and 4 children must have stood on the 14 square metres of the load area – and perished.
multimedia story telling “Destination Finland” is the headline to a multimedia story about the escape of a family from Syria to Finland, issued by “Hufvudstadsbladet”. The navigation is simple. Page after page can be scrolled down, dots on the left indicate which part of the story the reader has arrived on. The story itself is a combination of texts, infographics, photos and films.
Trend: alternative story forms Alternative story forms become more and more important with newspapers. The news item in itself is usually quickly transmitted via electronic channels, but often enough in the briefest possible way. The printed medium, however, is able to analyse the news and emphasise its importance Alternative story forms serve as a pratical device in this respect, since they can convey the message to the reader by making use of timelines or charts in addition to texts. morgenbladet, N This appeal to governments was published in 13 European countries and appeared on the front page of Morgenbladet: “European newspapers call for stopping the crisis and preventing refugees from risking their lives.” The text was issued on September 1 1, 2015 and contains 1 1 proposals on 15 pages for putting an end to the refugee crisis.
Crisis in Greece EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 3 .4 . N E W S pA G E S · G R E E C E
ABC, ES “Greece remains without guarantees”, is the meaning of this headline. Another rescue operation in the summer of 2015 led to this front page which shows a blue and white rope in the process of being torn. The story is expanded on eight pages.
De Tijd, B This national business paper illustrates the topic by depicting the Greek flag as a high wave against which a blue sailing boat is fighting its destination. A quote from a stock market expert in the middle of the page tries to calm down emotions running high: “There is really no reason for panic stations. A Grexit would be dramatic for Greece, first of all, not for the stock exchange.”
Stuttgarter Zeitung, D The antique columns of a Greek temple serve as a frame to their article on the situation in Greece. The left margin contains the table of contents of this issue.
Ta Nea, GR This Greek newspaper compares the negotiations to a game of chess where the chess pieces play the roles of the participating countries. Germany is the rook, France the queen. On inside pages the idea is continued in the pictures with the real actors placed on squares. The story comprises eight pages.
Visualization EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 6
Nordwestschweiz, Ch This double page is devoted to the topic of pet industry, especially food for cats and dogs, which is pouring down on the two pets on the page serving as an eye-catcher for the reader.
Deutsche Verkehrs Zeitung, D “Dangerous cargo needs firm securing”, according to the headline. This is depicted by chains tightened around the article. The white margins to the left and right of the text support the effect of the illustration.
hallingdólen, N In rural Hallingdal a bus has been put into operation for the transport of patients to hospitals. Accordingly, it has become known as ‚health express‘. It saved 1,024 transportations by ambulance in one year. The backdrop of the double page is covered with tiny vehicles sporting a red cross. The article starts with the silhouette of a blue bus topped by the large black figure 1024.
Kurier, A “Slick business”, reads this headline and is perfectly staged by crude oil running over a photo. The article is on a region in the south of Italy being strongly affected by intensive oil production.
WoZ Die Wochenzeitung, Ch Europe is symbolised by yellow stars on a blue backgound. One of the stars is red, though. It refers to the headline “Europe and its left wing”, which has been placed close to this red star.
Visual story telling EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 7
NRC handelsblad, NL The title reads, “Electronic status symbol”. The topic of this double page is electric vehicles. The battery cable forms the outlines of the USA. The red dots mark cities with a high percentage of electric vehicles. The leading city is San Francisco with 19.5 %, followed by Los Angeles with 15.4 %. Visualization and information form a complex unit. Berliner morgenpost, D Berlin Castle was destroyed during WWII. It is being reconstructed, but for the reconstruction of the façade there is a consciderable lack of funds. A foundation has now decided to raise money from individual citizens via the Internet for single parts of the façade. The picture shows a historical photograph completed by infographics naming the price for each missing detail.
Tip This category sees a number of submissions for the competition with interesting topics, but not professional enough in their visualization. This is how it should be done: Visual story telling in its use of typography and other elements of design should match the allover layout of the paper. Less is more. It takes only few elements such as simple pictures, maps or a cut-out portrait to make a convincing page. This recipe also applies to the amount of text printed on such a page. White spaces contribute to a more relaxed appeal.
Welt am Sonntag, D The German Federal Office for Motor Traffic is in possession of exact sales figures of all types of vehicles. The distribution of certain vehicles is the focus of the eight-page article. The former division into East and West Germany, even after 25 years of unification, is still reflected in the distribution of convertibles, since the former GDR produced practically no such cars. This leads one to assume that in East Germany citizens are more interested in the function than in the joy of riding a car.
Bergens Tidende, N The 4-page article is a critical reflection on boxing. The opening paragraph contains alarming news: “One in five boxers will eventually be inflicted with dementia.” The visualization with half of a boxer‘s head consisting of technical terms from
the boxing sport is as perfectly chosen as the second illustration demonstrating how punches on a boxer‘s head hurts his brains. The article contains some small infographics showing the contrast between a healthy brain and one being affected by Alzheimer‘s.
Galway City Tribune, IR A map of the world is surrounded by four tables on the four local soccer clubs in the distribution area of this newspaper. The players‘ names are connected with the different places and countries in the world by coloured lines. Below each table a brief analysis of the club‘s situation is added. Here, one can see most clearly how visual storytelling works at its best: a mere rendering in text would never have been as effective to explain the players‘ migration throughout the globe. The visual presentation is simple and clear and, obviously, more convincing.
heraldo de Aragon, ES “A winter race”, is the headline. The double page informs the reader what runners should wear to protect them from the cold. The structure of the pages is quite clear: the focus is on a runner, round and oblong detail shots indicate important details of the athlete‘s outfit, which are expanded on in small text blocks. Small infographics on the bottom of the pages explain how fabrics are able to absorb dampness from the body and which layers a perfect running shoe should consist of.
Alternative story telling EuropEan nEwspapEr award C AT E G o R Y 8
Letzebuerger Journal, LUX “Disgraceful heritage”, reads the headline. Below it says, “This simple graphic presentation shows the total classification of the Tour de France between 1999 and 2010 [....] The red colour indicates the drivers who were disqualified for doping, who admitted doping or are currently suspected of doping.” Of the 120 bikes on the page, 63 are coloured red.
Cordóba, ES This double pages shows the career of the Spanish bullfighter Manuel Benítez. The timeline starts in the upper left corner with the date of his birth, May 4, 1936, and ends in the right bottom corner with his being honoured as “Caliph of Bullfighting”, a rare title, now being awarded for the fifth time in Cordóba. This is a really striking example of alternative storytelling since the same story could have been rendered in a rather conventional article. This journalistic genre, as can be clearly seen, is open to many creative varieties.
Sunnuntaisuomalainen, FIN The eggs in the box refer to the political parties‘ new generation in Finland. The story is complete with an introduction and a textblock to each of the six eggs. The visualization comes as a surprise like the egg sprouting grass.
ostfriesen-Zeitung, D The topic of this page is the change of account numbers for a European-wide bank account system. The illustration explains the complex structure of IBAN as converted into figures. The lead-in informs, “Banks have been warning companies and societies to readily prepare for the adjustment, otherwise they might be unable to make payments.“
Bookstore EuropEan nEwspapEr award BooKS IN ThE TopIC oF EDIToRIAL DESIGN
Newspaper Design 16 ISBN 978-3-00-049071-2 About the yearbooks: The DVD contains the book in English language. Each yearbook has over 1000 pictures.
Newspaper Design 17 ISBN 978-3-00-052473-8
Easiest way to order: DVD at a price of 35 Euro. Shipping within Europe is included.
Newspaper Design and Reading Research This book aims at showing the extended potentials the printed newspaper has today to stand their ground with readers, and set themselves apart from other media. This book is based on research into reader behaviour. To this end, an eye-tracking camera is employed that documents behaviour when a newspaper is read. The results enable us to deduce what the reader-friendly newspaper should look like. The redesigning projects shown in this book are orientated on the research results documented at the end of this book.
ISBN 978-3-00-048575-6 200 pages, size 23.0 x 32.5 cm thread sewing, hardcover 49,50 Euro, 40 £ UK Easiest way to order:
Imprint Publisher: International Editorial-Design & Research Forum · Norbert Küpper · Gutenbergstr. 4 · 40670 Meerbusch · Germany e-mail: · Phone +49 21 59 91 16 15