v89i10 master

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See inside for performing arts, Adam Underground premiere and fall sports

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pages 10-12

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Newtonite ◆ Friday, Oct. 1, 2010 • Volume 89, Issue 10

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Newton North High School, 457 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. 02460

School may win green award Building fulfills qualifications Hilary Brumberg This school is projected to earn a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, according to teacher Steve Chinosi. He said that there are a number of environmental categories, such as Rainwater Harvesting and Solar photovoltaic, in which LEED judges each school. Each category is worth a designated number of points. If this building fits the qualifications of a particular category, it accumulates those points. This school is estimated to earn 45 points, which would barely put it into the Gold certification range, according to Chinosi. Erik Ruoff, LEED consultant and project manager of The Green Engineer, compiled a partial list of the green LEED features this school fulfills. These include: ◆ School is located near public transportation. ◆ Site of the old building will be reused. ◆ Roof is an Energy Star Rated Cool Roof. ◆ Rainwater is harvested, resulting in a calculated one million gallons of water savings each year. ◆ Highly efficient plumbing fixtures, such as motion detection sinks and toilets. ◆ Energy efficiency features, including insulation and efficient lighting. This will reduce the overall energy cost by over 21 percent. ◆ 168 solar panels on the roof over the gym. ◆ Light pollution reduction. ◆ Utilizing low-Volatile Organic Compounds materials in the paints, carpets, adhesives and sealants. ◆ Proper ventilation that provides fresh air and exceeds indoor air quality requirements. ◆ Good day lighting to both save energy and provide a better learning environment. ◆ A curriculum based on the high performance features of the building. According to Chinosi, this school is creating a “School as Teaching Tool” curriculum. “We’re fortunate that we can turn this incredible building into a teaching tool,” he said. “Before, schools were just schools. Now, the possibilities to connect our students to the cutting edge engineering in this building are really endless. You can’t beat that.” Chinosi said he appreciates LEED because it forces people to ask questions about materials. by

“Before LEED, we didn’t ask ‘Where’d you get the cinder blocks from?’ ‘Where’d you get the windows from?’ ‘Where is all the construction waste going?’ Well, we know now that 75 percent of the construction waste will be recycled because of LEED. That, to me, is phenomenal that we actually know where some of that went. “LEED certification demands asking questions that could benefit a project financially and environmentally.” Anyone who would like to learn about the green aspects of this school can go on the Newton Green Buildings Tour, according to Green Decade Energy Committee co-chair Steve Barry. The tour, which is tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., will showcase the parts of the school that could help it earn the LEED Gold certification. Barry said that Chinosi will assign each of his student-greengineers to a green section of the school to research or study. Barry likes the Green Building Tour because it “brings people together to work together to make things happen,” he said. According to Green Decade vice president Ed Cunningham, “Newton North is topical and famously green, and it turns out to be a great educational tool in the wide range of features which can make a home or other building green—efficient use of a range of resources from energy to water to building materials to municipal resources. “Many pieces can contribute to making a building green, and NNHS is a testament to that.” Cunningham said he believes that commitment to using limited resources wisely should be a mainstream, universally held value. “I hope that the tour will give people ideas which they implement in their own lives, which will result in more efficient resource use. I feel that the more the principles and practices of green building are spread throughout the community, the better off we’ll all be.” The Green Decade Building Tour will also include the 1912 Arts and Crafts house and a newly constructed luxury condominium. For more information and to register, go to www.greendecade.org/events. It will meet at the Newton Community Service Center and carpool to the sites. Students can also learn more about LEED and this school’s green initiatives through the Greengineering club in 148.

Teddy Wenneker

Jump for it: Sophomore Nick Roberts and senior Dylan Wolff, a captain, compete for the disc at Ultimate Frisbee practice. Ultimate Frisbee was one of the clubs and organizations that had a table at Club Day in the cafeteria yesterday. See pages 5-8 for more infomation about clubs.

in brief

Parents to see building, meet with teachers

Meredith Abrams Back to School Night will give parents a taste of their child’s classes for an evening, said vice principal Deborah Holman. At the event, Thursday, Oct. 7 at 7 p.m., parents will follow their child’s schedule and attend each of his or her classes for 10 minutes each block. Holman said the event will give parents a better idea of what their student’s academic life is like. “Parents will meet the people who teach their kids,” she said. “I think it’s always good for parents to meet the person behind all that homework assigned, the projects, the challenges and the new ideas students are getting from classes,” she said. “Parents will be able to see the new classrooms and hear an overview of the curriculum and expectations for each class.” She said that other than geography, the event hasn’t been modified for the new building. “It will run similar to how it ran in the old building,” Holman said. “The major change is the setting and orienting parents to the building. We will provide maps and hopefully have student guides.” by

Four students prepare for math competition

Malini Gandhi Four math students from this school are preparing to compete in the second annual Math Prize for Girls contest, according to math teacher Elisse Ghitelman, the math team coach. Junior Caroline Ellison, sophomore Christina Chen, freshman Ying Gao and Bigelow eighth grader Julia Feinstein, who Newtonian takes math at this school, will Elisse travel to New Ghitelman York City November 14 for the contest. Hundreds of other girls from across the country will meet at New York University as they compete for $44,000 in prize money, according to the Math Prize for Girls website. Students will have 150 minutes to solve 20 problems, according to the website. Ghitelman stresses that these problems are “not calculus, but regular math at a more challenging level.” by

Both Chen and Ellison participated in the contest last year, placing13th and 25th, respectively, a result Ghitelman said was “pretty impressive, considering the number of people.” At this year’s event, seminars regarding the promotion of girls in mathematics and a lecture given by Yale professor of physics Priya Natarajan will be held as well, continuing the contest’s original goal of encouraging young women to become future mathematical and scientific leaders. According to Ghitelman, it is “definitely helpful to encourage girls” to pursue math. “A lot of fields have become more open to females in the past decade or so, but math is still a mostly all-male network,” said Ghitelman. “It is not a level playing field. It is easy for girls to get discouraged if they are not encouraged.” The purpose of the Math Prize for Girls is to provide this encouragement and enthusiasm, and Feinstein said she finds the whole event “extremely exciting.” “I know I’ll probably be one of the younger people there, but I am looking forward to going to New York and being able to do challenging math I haven’t done before,” Feinstein said.


2 ◆ Newtonite, Newton North

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Cuts in caf limit options Budget deficits seem to trickle down. The country is suffering from a $13.5 trillion national debt. Likewise, Massachusetts and the City of Newton must confront budget deficits this year.

editorial There are few options for closing budget deficits: bring up the taboo of raising taxes or cut government spending. In this tough economic climate, raising taxes is unpalatable with voters, so spending cuts it will be. According to the City of Newton draft appropriation schedule for Fiscal Year 2011, 57 percent of Newton’s budget contributes to public schools. And so, the municipal budget cuts have inevitably hit the classroom. For example, class sizes have had to increase and electives have had to been cut over the past few years to accomodate for budget cuts. Now cuts have moved from the classroom to the cafeteria. The cafeteria staff was downsized from 13 employees to six, which Newton North lunch program director Maria Mastroianni points out is a cut of over 50 percent. As a result, the new building at 457 Walnut St. opened with just three types of meals for lunch. Although lunch options have increased from the first week of school, they are still

a far cry from the variety offered in the past. According to Mastroianni, the staff now makes three sandwiches, two salads and one hot meal. But all of these meals are made in advance. A tour of the kitchen facilities reveals the extent of the understaffing caused by recent lay-offs. The salad/soup bar and the sandwich bar sit unused. Mastroianni points to an empty cold station that could become a vegetarian bar. “Unfortunately, we have to keep the vegetarian bar closed because we don’t have the people to work it,” she said. Unlike the current choices, the closed stations would offer made-to-order choices like

Newtonite The Newtonite, founded in 1922, is the newspaper of Newton North High School, 457 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. 02460. Editors in chief — Marena Cole, Eli Davidow Managing editor — Teddy Wenneker News editor — Hilary Brumberg Sports editors — Jay Feinstein, Jacob Schwartz Arts editors — Kate Lewis, Perrin Stein Features editors — Jacob Brunell, Fatema Zaidi On campus editor — Meredith Abrams News analysis editor — Steven Michael Talk of the Tiger editor — Georgina Teasdale Photography editors — Ivan McGovern, Gaby Perez-Dietz Production managers — Gabe Dreyer, Ben Hills Advertising managers — Emily Gulotta, Tiphaine Kugener Business manager — Dan Salvucci Circulation managers — Alison Berkowitz, Caleb Gannon

Gabe Dreyer

In the cafeteria: Cuts to cafeteria funding have led to a decrease in food options.

Adviser — Kate Shaughnessy Production adviser — Tom Donnellan News staff — Malini Gandhi, Rebecca Harris, Kayla Shore Features staff — Emmett Greenberg Sports staff — Evan Clements, Nicole Curhan, Jeremy Gurvits Arts staff — Becky Kalish, Gloria Li News analysis staff — Kellynette Gomez Art staff — Anna Kaertner, Maddie MacWilliams, Monica Reuman, D’Jaidah Wynn Photography staff­ — Karen Brier, Anna Gargas, Eric Halin, Jaryd Justice-Moote, Edan Laniado, Matt Victor Circulation staff — Spencer Alton, Stoddard Meigs, Omar Pinkhasov, Michela Salvucci, Stephanie Vitone Production staff­ — Ross Swerling, Peter Taber-Simonian

The Newtonite staff does all the reporting, production work and photography to produce 16 issues a year for a circulation of 2,000. To place an ad in the Newtonite or contact us by phone, please call 617-559-6400, ext. 454443. Yearly subscriptions cost $20. Readers can also reach us at thenewtonite@gmail.com. To find the Newtonite online go to www.thenewtonite.com.

customized wraps and salads and daily specials. These stations require greater manpower to produce these customized meals. Moreover, the salad and vegetarian bars presented healthy choices and options for students with different dietary needs. In fact, the staff has increased the amount of pizza served to give them more time in the kitchen to prepare other entrées, according to Mastroianni. Mastroianni said a full

staff of 13 would be needed to keep the entire facility in operation. In an attempt to close the citywide school lunch program deficit of $1 million dollars, Newton plans to subcontract the lunch program to Whitsons New England, Inc. While a $1 million budget shortfall is indeed considerable, school lunch should be thought of in the same vein as the schools they serve—as a public service. It is unclear how a company motivated by profit will

change for better or worse the current cadre of lunch offerings. Whereas the school cafeteria staff discusses prospective menus with students for input and feedback, the new regime may not continue this practice. Just as cuts in the classroom have a negative impact on students, cuts in lunch options hurt too. “We have a great facility, but not enough people to run it,” Mastroianni said.

Club Day opens opportunities A good way to find your niche here Steven Michael Every year, Club Day displays the diversity of the Newton North student body and students’ variety of interests. The event, which was planned to take place yesterday in the cafeteria, provided a venue for over 30 student clubs and organizations. It provided an opportunity for clubs to bring greater attention to their activities and to entice new members to join. Equally, Club Day gave all students a chance to explore their interests through many exciting extracurriculars. Options ranged from the Hiking Club to Model United Nations to the Friday Afternoon Culture Society. Although it’s a cliché, there really was something for everyone in the wide array of groups present. There are clubs dedicated to the performing arts, foreign language and culture, intramural sports, community service, outdoor activities, communications and academic pursuits. Or, students could branch out and try something they had never experienced before. Someone involved in sports could join the Improv Club, or by

column vice versa. Clubs expose you to other students with whom you might not ordinarily cross paths. They span grade levels and curriculum levels. They span cafeteria tables and social cliques. Additionally, clubs expose students to experiences beyond traditional classroom learning. Club members must organize activities and oftentimes raise considerable sums of money. Advocacy campaigns are planned. Competitions are prepared for and won. Students hone a particular skill whether it be public speaking, writing or hand-eye coordination. This mastery of a particular skill or set of skills translates into elevated self-confidence and enthusiasm. Clubs also foster a sense of community among their members. Newton North is big. With almost 2,000 students, it’s easy at times to feel lost among the commotion in the hallways, the lunch line in the cafeteria and the stresses of schoolwork. Through clubs, Newton North

becomes a smaller, less overwhelming place. There is always a group of likeminded students you can spend time with and lean back on. Upperclassmen guide you on which classes to take, what pitfalls to avoid. Clubs create a tightly knit group of students united by a common purpose. Get involved. Join a club—or two or three. Although Club Day has come and passed, it’s not too late to join one of the multitudes of student organizations. Clubs truly are a quintessential part of the high school experience.

Letters Readers are invited to submit guest articles and letters to the editor. Letters should be put in the Newtonite box in Beals House or emailed to thenewtonite@gmail.com. The Newtonite reserves the right to edit all letters, which must have the writer’s name, class and homeroom. The Newtonite serves as a forum for student opinion.


Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Schools to send representatives to visit here Wednesday, Oct. 13

American University Barnard College Bay Path College Bay State College Becker College Bennington College Bentley University Binghamton University Bowdoin College Bryant University Castleton State College Clark University Colby-Sawyer College Colgate University College of St. Joseph, Vermont Columbia University Connecticut College Davidson College Dean College Denison University Eastern Nazarene College Emmanuel College Endicott College Fitchburg State College Florida Institute of Technology Framingham State College George Washington University Gettysburg College Hamilton College Hartwick College Harvard College Haverford College High Point University Hofstra University Husson University Iona College Ithaca College Johnson & Wales University Kalamazoo College LeMoyne College Lehigh University Manhattanville College Mass. College of Liberal Arts Mass. Maritime Academy Merrimack College Mount Ida College Muhlenberg College Newbury College Northeastern University Nova Southeastern University Ohio University Plymouth State University Providence College Queens University of Charlotte Regis College Rice University Rivier College Rochester Institute of Technology Roger Williams University Roxbury Community College Sacred Heart University Salem State University Salve Regina University Southern New Hampshire University Springfield College St. Anselm College St. John’s University, NY Saint Joseph College, CT St. Michael’s College, VT Stanford University Stony Brook University Temple University Trinity College Tulane University Unity College in Maine University at Albany University of Bridgeport University of Hartford University of Mass. Amherst University of Mass. Dartmouth University of Mass. Lowell University of New Hampshire University of Notre Dame University of Rochester University of Southern Maine University of Tampa University of Wisconsin, Madison Vassar College Vermont Technical College Washington University, St. Louis Western New England College

Wheelock College Whitman College Wibraham & Monson Academy Wittenberg University Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester State College

Tuesday, Oct. 19

Assumption College Bard College Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Boston University Brandeis University Bridgewater State College Case Western Reserve University Champlain College Clarkson University Colby College College of the Holy Cross Colorado College Curry College Daniel Webster College Dartmouth College Dickinson College Eckerd College Emerson College Empire Beauty School Fisher College Fordham University Franklin & Marshall College Gibbs College Hampshire College Harvey Mudd College John Cabot University, Rome Johns Hopkins University Johnson State College Lafayette College Lasell College Lawrence College Lesley University Loyola University New Orleans Marietta College Marlboro College Mass. Bay Community College Mass. College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Mount Holyoke College Nazareth College of Rochester Nichols College Northwestern University Norwich University Pace University Pine Manor College Quinnipiac University Radford University Reed College Roanoke College Rutgers University Salve Regina University School of the Museum of Fine Arts Skidmore College Smith College St. Joseph’s College, ME St. Lawrence University St. Mary’s College of Maryland Stonehill College Suffolk University Thomas College Tufts University U.S. Army Recruiting U.S. Army National Guard U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Union College University College Cork, Ireland University of Colorado at Boulder University of Delaware University of Illinois University of Maine, Orono University of Mass. Boston University of Miami University of Rhode Island University of Richmond University of Southern California University of Vermont Vanderbilt University Villanova University Washington and Jefferson College Wellesley College Wentworth Inst. of Technology editors note: This list is accurate as of Tuesday, Sept. 28.

Newton North, Newtonite ◆ 3

Representatives to visit from schools, colleges

Perrin Stein College representatives will come to this school to speak with parents and students at two School and College Nights, according to Irmhild Liang, a career and college counselor. The events will be held Wednesday, Oct. 13 and Tuesday, Oct. 19 from 7 to 8:30 in the cafeteria. “This event is a college fair. Students will have a chance to speak with representatives from a variety of colleges, the military, technical schools, and schools offering post-graduate programs,” said Liang. Each college representative will have a table set up in the cafeteria, which will allow them to easily display pamphlets and other materials about the college they are representing, according to Liang. Although School and College Nights will be held in this school, students and parents from other Newton schools are welcome, according to Liang. “It’s a great opportunity for people from North, South and private schools to learn more about colleges before they apply.” A list of the schools and colleges that will have representatives present at School and College Nights can be found to the left. by

in brief in Lasker Auditorium. Adam Underground was filmed at Newton North last April, with many students working on the set as apprentices and actors. This experience provided students with a unique opportunity to see first-hand how a movie is made, said senior Zuzia Weyman, who was a director’s apprentice. This evening’s program includes a “sneak preview” screening of the movie, along with a making-of documentary that was created by Weyman and senior Spencer Alton while on the set last spring. Weyman said that “people

should come to the event because they can see the final product of what their fellow students had been working on. “They can also see how difficult and time-consuming producing a film really is, which is showcased in the documentary,” she said. Weyman said that her experience with Adam Underground was “amazing,” as she worked on many areas of the film, including art direction and cinematography. Anyone interested in attending the the event should visit the Adam Underground website, www.wewilldoyourhomework. com, to request an invitation. Admission is $15.

Adam Underground to premiere tonight

Kate Lewis Tonight, Adam Underground, a short film directed by Rachel Cole and Nick Weiss-Richmond, both ’03, will premiere at 8 p.m. by

Teddy Wenneker

On the set: Nick Weiss-Richmond ’03, a director, junior Bernard McSally and senior Spencer Alton discuss a scene on the set during production last year.

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4 ◆ Newtonite, Newton North

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

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Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Newton North, Newtonite ◆ 5

Club Special

A guide to clubs at North Creative Writing Club


What: Students work on creative writing techniques through writing exercises and peer critiques. When: Wednesdays after school in 269. Goal: “We hope to create a welcoming environment where anyone will feel comfortable sharing their work, and others can offer helpful critiques,” said junior Abby Holtzman, the president. Officers: Holtzman, and seniors Jared Kalow and Lucilla Pan are officers. Adviser: English teacher Neil Giordano. —Julia Moss

his special is a guide to clubs and organizations at Newton North. Yesterday, various clubs and organizations showcased at Club Day in the cafeteria. Here you can read more about the various clubs and organizations offered at this school.

Animal Rights Club

What: Students to learn more about how to stop animal abuse. When: Mondays X-blocks in 410. Goal: “The goal of our club is to raise awareness of how animals are treated and try to help make the world a better place by stopping animal abuse,” said freshman Alma Greenberg, an officer. Officers: Greenberg and freshman Lucy Green. Adviser: To be determined. ­—Emmett Greenberg

Dance Club: The Twisted Rumor

What: Students learn ballroom, Latin and belly dancing. When: Monday X-blocks in the dance studio. Goal: “To make and perform a dance,” said sophomore Milena Petkova, an officer. Officers: Petkova and junior Ralitza Dountcheva. Adviser: English language learners teacher Deborah Jose. —Meredith Abrams

Art Club

What: Students learn about art techniques and make different types of art. When: Thursday X-blocks in 129. Goal: “I want Art Club to be a place where students can relax and do art without having to worry about whether they are good or not,” said junior Shoshana Stanger, an officer. Officers: Stanger and junior Kristen Ho. Adviser: Art teacher Shannon Slattery. —Perrin Stein

Asian Culture Club

What: Students of Asian descent, as well as students who are interested in Asian and Asian American cultures gather. The club has informal meetings as well as formal functions, such as Asian Culture Day and Asian Culture Night. When: Monday X-blocks in 353. Goal: “Our goal for the club this year is to increase participation and become more active within the community,” said junior Young Guang, an officer. Officers: Guang, juniors Rebecca Jereza and Bonnie Chen, and sophomore Naweed Azadzoi. Advisers: English teachers Charlene Beh and Michele Leong. —Julia Oran

Badminton Club

What: Students practice and compete at badminton. When: X-blocks in the SOA. Goal: “To teach kids how to improve at badminton and show them how much fun it is,” said senior Kelly Huang, an officer. Officers: Huang, senior Christopher Yee and junior Melody Tang. Adviser: Math teacher Derek Hogan. —Eli Davidow

Biking Club

What: Students go on bike rides around the area and longer bike trips as well. When: Monday X-blocks in 424. Goal: “We hope to do mountain biking trips and help novice bikers feel more comfortable biking,” said junior Emma Rosenfield Officers: Rosenfield and sophomore Ari Appel. A d v i s e r : S c i e n c e t e a c h e r Pe t e r Hamel. —Jacob Brunell

Black Leadership Advisory Council

What: Students discuss issues people of color face in the community and the world. When: To be determined. Goal: “This year, our goal is to become more involved in the community,” said senior Jose Morgan, the officer. Adviser: English teacher Kim Parker. —Samantha Libraty

Class of 2011

What: President and officers of the

Debate Team Gabe Dreyer

In Greengineering: Seniors Liz Thomas and Lucy Mazur-Warren make reuseable bags. Class of 2011. When: Thursdays X-blocks or third lunch in 403. Goal: “To make sure we represent the first graduating class of the new building very well and to leave high school unified and stronger than we’ve ever been,” said Molly Doris-Pierce, the class president. Officers: Doris-Pierce and vice presidents Kevin Barisano, Emily Cetlin, Tiffany Chen and Amy Ren. Adviser: Counselor Matthew Ford. —Megan Gentile

Class of 2012

What: President and officers of the Class of 2012. When: Monday mornings in 313. Goal: “One of the goals is to look at the events for our grade and look at school events on the calendar and make sure that everyone is included because that has created problems in the past,” said Jon Paul Roby, the president. “Another goal is to represent this class well and do anything we can to make this year less stressful,” said Roby. Officers: Roby and vice presidents Stephanie Brown, Bernard McSally, Diana Sapashnik, Brooke Stearns and Hansen Yang. Adviser: Special education department members Nicole Franchi and Grace Nicolazzo. —Fatema Zaidi

Class of 2013

What: President and officers of the Class of 2013. When: Tuesdays at 7:15 a.m. in 367. Goal: “Our goal is to make our high school experience as exciting, fun and enjoyable as it can be for all of us. Livin’ the dream ’til 2013,” said Caroline Nunberg, a vice president. Officers: Carl Whitham is president and Nunberg, Ivan McGovern and Justin Piselli are vice presidents. Advisers: English teacher Mary Palisoul and history teacher Emily Hartz. —Amanda Hills

Class of 2014

What: President and officers of the Class of 2014. When: Homerooms in Riley house. Goal: To raise money for “something we can all look forward to at the end

of the year,” said physical education teacher Courtney Albert, the adviser. Officers: To be determined at the Wednesday, Oct. 13 elections. Requirements: Students must be elected by their classmates. There will be a class president and four vice presidents, one each from Day, Bigelow, Brown and an independent school. Adviser: Physical education teacher Courtney Albert. —Infiniti Thomas

Career Center Aides

What: Students visit homerooms to make announcements about deadlines, and other information related to the college and career search. When: Monthly Monday X-block meetings, from January of junior year to November of senior year. Goal: “The goal of the Career Center Program is to spread the word about deadlines, opportunities and all things related to college by word of mouth instead of by a bulletin board,” said senior Dana Gooley, a career center aide. Requirements: Students must interview with career center counselor Irmhild Liang. Adviser: Career center counselor Irmhild Liang. —Georgina Teasdale

Cooking Club

What: Students cook and enjoy food. When: Thursday X-blocks in the international café. Goal: “To build friendships while enjoying food together,” said special education teacher Lisa Goldthwaite, the adviser. Officers: To be determined. Adviser: Special education teacher Lisa Goldthwaite. —Samantha Libraty

Comic and Manga Club

What: Students gather to watch and discuss anime. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays in a location to be determined. Goal: “To show as much new anime as possible and to discover new shows,” said junior Rin Rogers, an officer. Officers: Rogers and juniors Maya Caspi and Enrique Villena. Adviser: English teacher Wendy Richardson. —Fatema Zaidi

What: Students develop arguments and debate important issues. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 78:30 p.m. in a location to be determined. Goal: “We placed fourth in the state last year. It’d be great if we could tie or do better this year,” said sophomore Jordan Ecker, an officer. Officers: Ecker and junior Abby Holtzman. Adviser: To be determined. —Hilary Brumberg

DotA Club

What: Students play Defense of the Ancients and other computer games. When: Every day after school in 217. Goal: “To give people a place to go after school to play games,” said senior Adam Fisher, the officer. Adviser: Administrative technology specialist Phil Golando. —Philip Rubin

Environmental Club

What: Students recycle, clean up rivers, distribute food and raise environmental awareness. When: Monday X-Blocks in a location to be determined. Goal: “Increase awareness of environmental issues,” said science teacher Ann Dannenberg, the adviser. Officers: To be determined. Adviser: Science teacher Ann Dannenberg —Timmy Blouin

Film Club

What: Students watch and discuss films. When: Fridays after school in the film lecture hall. Goal: “Fun, first of all,” said senior Ned Weitzman. “We also try to discuss and understand issues in films.” Officers: Weitzman and senior Zuzia Weyman. Adviser: To be determined. —Marena Cole


What: This school’s all-female a cappella group. When: Sunday evenings at members’ homes. Goal: “Our goals for this year are to learn new songs, play a lot of gigs and have fun, of course,” said senior Linda Bard, an officer. Officers: Bard and seniors Emily Cetlin, Eleana Gudema and Rosie McInnes. Adviser: Fine and performing arts department head Todd Young. —Marena Cole

6 ◆ Newtonite, Newton North

Friday, O

Club Special

A guide to clubs at North French Club

What: Students learn about French culture and reach out to the community. When: Once or twice a month in 264. Goal: “The club aims to enhance appreciation for French clulture,” said senior Jocie Sobieraj, an officer. Officers: Sobieraj and senior Helen Gao. Adviser: French teacher Alieu Jobe. —Jesse Metzger

French Film Club

What: Students watch French movies. When: To be determined in 267. Goal: “We want to spread appreciation for French films from the ’60s and share an aspect of French culture,” said junior Maddy Parmenter, an officer. Officers: Parmenter and junior Rachel Adelsheim. Adviser: French teacher Suzanne Putzeys. —Eli Davidow

Friday Afternoon Culture Society

What: Students gather to watch episodes of the TV show The Office. When: Fridays during third lunch in the international café. Goal: “Our goal is to give students a place to unwind and relax,” said senior Kate Lewis, an officer. Officers: Lewis and senior Ezra Lichtman. Adviser: Librarian and English teacher Kevin McGrath. —Irene Betts-O’Rourke

bian, bisexual, transgender) issues, create programs around the school to provide support for GLBT students. When: Monday X-blocks in 471. Goal: “To raise awareness and provide education about GLBT issues and provide a social space where students can come and discuss GLBT issues,” said math teacher Janice Lichtman, the adviser. Officers: Juniors Madeleine Aquilina and Yaelle Sarid-Segal and sophomore Sophie Kaplan. Advisers: Math teachers Nicole Conway and Janice Lichtman. —Ryan Condon

Greengineering Club

What: Students work to make grease into biodiesel fuel and make reusable bags out of recycled plastic bags. When: Every X-block in 148. Goal: “To make people more aware of the environmental issues at hand, and how to prevent theses issues from happening or getting worse,” said senior Andrea Marzilli, the officer. Advisers: Science teacher Matt Anderson and English and career and technical education teacher Stephen Chinosi. —Jesse Metzger

Guidance Aides

What: Students assist freshmen in having a smooth transition to high school. When: They are assigned freshmen homerooms to help out twice a week and have monthly meetings with the adviser in a location to be determined. Goal: “To spend time with freshmen. We try to give them someone to look up to. We want them to feel comfortable,” said senior Gina Nathwani, a guidance aide.

Gay-Straight Alliance

What: Students discuss GLBT (gay, les-

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Requirements: Sophomores and juniors can apply by picking up an application in March. Advisers: Counselors Kyra Bateman and Christine Potter. —Amanda Hills

Hiking Club

What: Students hike in local areas and the White Mountains. When: To be determined. Goal: “To get kids outside, enjoying nature and gaining hiking skills,” said senior Teddy Wenneker, an officer. Officers: Wenneker and senior Eli Davidow. Adviser: Science teacher Ann Dannenberg. —Talia LaVache

House Managing

What: Students help run the house by setting up ticket sales and intermission, and by showing people to their seats. When: A week before a show in different locations, based on what the callboard says. Goals: “You help make the audience get into the show more smoothly, while getting a free ticket and a crew hour,” said senior Anita Sodder, an officer. Officers: Sodder and juniors Danielle Campbell and Katharine Norris. Adviser: Theatre Ink director Adam Brown. —Fatema Zaidi

Improv Club

What: Students meet to learn and perform comedic improvisation. When: Every X-block in the little theatre. Goal: “Practice through a variety of audience-based games like Freeze, Styles and Death Pendulum,” said junior Graham Techler, an officer. “Club members will also have the chance to perform in Improv Jams I and II.” Officers: Techler, junior Nicole Bunis and sophomore Sam Raby. Advisers: Theatre Ink director Adam Brown and Mike Manship. —Megan Gentile

International Forum

What: Students unite different cultures through music, language and food. When: Thursday X-blocks in 409. Goal: “We really want to take a field trip somewhere around Boston,” said sophomore Milena Petkova, an officer. “We’d also like to have an international dinner where everyone can bring food from around the world.” Officers: Petkova and junior Kameliya Makaveeva. Adviser: English language learners teacher Deborah Jose. —Kate Lewis

ers Deaf people,” said Erika Guarino, a teacher of the Deaf. When: Thursday X-blocks in 366. Goals: “We host activities to promote socialization amongst the students outside of school and community service activities. These activities help promote adult development and leadership,” said Guarino. Officers: To be determined. Requirements: Knowledge of American Sign Language. Adviser: Teacher of the Deaf Erika Guarino. —Fatema Zaidi

Magic: The Gathering Club

What: A place for playing the Magic: The Gathering trading card game. When: To be determined in 409. Goal: “To have a time for people to meet up and play the card game,” said freshman Ryan Condan. Officers: Condan and freshman Stefan Steenstrup. Adviser: English language learners teacher Kristen Durocher. —Jay Feinstein

Marathon Team

What: Students train to run a marathon in the spring. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and Saturdays from October to May Goal: “The goal of the Marathon Team is to get as many students as we can to complete a marathon in the spring,” said special education teacher Drew Pierce. Requirements: Open to sophomores, juniors or seniors who do not play a spring sport. Adviser: Special education teacher Drew Pierce. —Jared Freedman

Math Team

What: Students compete in the Greater Boston math league. When: Every Wednesday after school in 465. Goal: “The goal is to do well at the competitions—when we don’t have a competition, we practice,” said math teacher Elisse Gitelman, the adviser. Officer: Senior Dong-Gil Shin is the captain. Adviser: Math teacher Elisse Ghitelman. —Ryan Condon

Mentors in Violence Prevention

What: Students promote gender respect

Italian Club

of city lights. So, to us, it’s not about the size of the

property, the number of bedrooms, or even the price,

What: Students participate in Italian cultural events and Italian activities. Goal: “To help students learn more about Italian culture,” said senior Maria Brandi, the president. When: X-blocks in 256. Officers: Brandi, and senior Natasha Antonellis is vice president and junior Nadia Antonellis is treasurer. Adviser: Italian teacher Maria Procopio. —Timmy Blouin

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Jewish Student Union

Because the worth of a home is defined in its details. MARGIE KERN and MARGARET SZERLIP 617.686.0981 617.921.6860 margie.kern@sothebysrealty.com margaret.szerlip@sothebysrealty.com 391 Langley Road, Newton Centre

go TIGERS! tigers! GO

What: Students learn about Jewish culture. When: Monday X-blocks in 325. Goal: “We want to gain more appreciation of the Jewish culture because we feel that a lot of Jews are negligent of their roots,” said senior Simona Gilman, an officer. Officers: Gilman and senior Jake Maman. Adviser: Science teacher Tatyana Osipenko and Elisha Rubin. —Talia LaVache

Junior National Association of the Deaf

What: “It is an organization that empow-

DotA club: Seniors Remi Torracinta, Ada

Oct. 1, 2010

Newton North, Newtonite ◆7

and raise awareness about harassment through lessons and assemblies. When: To be determined. Goal: “MVP is an organization that fights gender violence through raising awareness and educating others and ourselves about it,” said senior Jared Kalow, an officer. Officers: Kalow and senior Sasha Land. Advisers: Science teacher Albert Calderone and counselor Michele Kennedy. —Kristian Lundberg

Mock Trial

What: Students practice their debating skills and compete in staged trials against other schools. When: Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. in 254. Goal: “Depending on members’ roles, mock trial can be about improving oratory, legal understanding, debating, and even improvisational acting,” said junior Michael Dinsmore, the officer. Adviser: Latin teacher David Hawkins. —Kristian Lundberg

Microcredit Club

What: Students give small loans to businesses in developing countries. When: Monday X-blocks in 326. Goals: “This year we hope to have Microcredit Day and to raise a lot of money to help us give loans,” said senior Gaby Perez-Dietz, the president. Officers: Perez-Dietz, and senior Hannah Herrlich is vice president. Adviser: History and social sciences teacher Ty Vignone. —Marena Cole


What: Students work to educate others about the child sex trade. When: Thursdays X-block in 471. Goal: “To prevent our generation from becoming future victims or abusers of the sex trade by motivating youth,” said senior Jocie Sobieraj, an officer. Officers: Sobieraj and junior Shahar Don. Adviser: Math teacher Janice Lichtman. —Jared Perlo

Model United Nations

What: Students meet in a debate setting, with each student representing a country. Members of the club follow UN protocol to debate international issues and to pass UN resolutions. Students also compete against other schools to debate in a similar fashion. When: Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. in a location to be determined. Goal: “We have two main goals: to give students a place to learn about and discuss international issues and events, and to win at conferences,” said senior Rebecca Harris, an officer. Officers: Harris and seniors Simona Gilman and Jared Kalow, and junior Gabe Dreyer. Adviser: History teacher Gregory Drake. —Alex Feit


What: Students work on and publish this school’s yearbook. When: Mondays third lunch, and editors

Gabe Dreyer

In Microcredit Club: Seniors Lilly Xian, Hannah Herrlich and Gaby Perez-Dietz research Guatemalan clothing online. meet two periods a week in 275. Goal: “To produce a collection of memories that the Class of 2011 will be able to keep with them and enjoy for the rest of their lives, as well as capture the essence of the new building,” said senior Teddy Wenneker, a photographer. Officers: The Newtonian is currently in the staffing process. Adviser: Television production aide Amanda Mazzola. —Henry DeGroot


What: Students produce this school’s newspaper. When: After school in 273. Goal: “The Newtonite is a way to represent student opinion and report news around the school and community,” said senior Marena Cole, an editor in chief. Requirements: Students must take Journalism 1 to work on the writing staff, but anyone can help with advertising sales, art, photography and circulaton. Officers: Cole and senior Eli Davidow are editors in chief. Adviser: English teacher Kate Shaugh-

am Fisher and Dong-Gil Shin play Defense of the Ancients.


Nicaragua Club

—Gabe Dreyer

What: Students raise money to help students in Nicaragua pay for school supplies and fees. When: Monday X-blocks in 266. Goal: “To help kids become more aware of and give aid to the people of Nicaragua,” said senior Jaryd Justice-Moote, an officer. Officers: Justice-Moote and seniors Isabel Dover and Ben Tack. Adviser: French teacher Fiona Blyth. —Teddy Wenneker

Northern Lights

What: This school’s co-ed a cappella group. When: Sunday nights from 7 to 9 at members’ homes. Goal: “Our goal is to produce great music in an extremely casual and enjoyable environment,” said senior Johanna Gittleman, an officer. Officers: Gittleman and senior Kelly McIntyre. Adviser: Counselor Matthew Ford. —Marena Cole

Orange Shield

What: Students are provided with volunteering and community service opportunities. When: Monday X-blocks in 453. Goal: “We want to get more kids to help out and do community service,” said senior Tiffany Leung, an officer. Officers: Leung and senior Maria Brandi. Adviser: Science teacher Mike Hazeltine. —Eli Davidow

PAWS Mediation

What: PAWS provides a way for students to resolve disagreements. When: Orientation days will take place in the library in December, and the club will meet in 375. Goal: “The goal of PAWS is to train students so that they may serve as peer mediators for other students in an effort to help maintain a comfortable, supportive and tolerant community at Newton North,” said counselor Kyra Bateman, an adviser. Officers: Juniors Hunter Hedenberg and Emma Rosenfield. Advisers: Counselors Kyra Bateman and Belma Johnson. —Irene Betts-O’Rourke

Peer Mentoring Eric Halin

What: Students are paired with new students to show them around the school.

When: Thursday, Oct. 21 in a location to be determined. Goal: “To help transfer students fit in the school and get them into activities that they are interested in,” said senior Evan Zhang, a peer mentor. Requirements: Students must apply before Tuesday, Oct. 12. Adviser: Counselor Amanda Tsetsi.

Peer Tutoring

—Fatema Zaidi

What: Upperclassmen tutor younger students’ in the subjects of their choice. When: Two or more blocks per week based on the students’ availablility. Goal: “To provide help to underclassmen in the academic subjects in which they need it,” said science teacher Melissa Rice, an adviser. Requirements: Students have to apply and have two blocks per week free. Applications are available in 461. Advisers: Rice and math teacher Karly Burke. —Jacob Brunell

Philosophy Club

What: Students gather to discuss books, issues, topics and problems that any of the members are facing. When: Thursday X-blocks in a location to be determined. Goal: “To provide intellectual satisfaction,” said senior Anna Gargas, the president. Adviser: English teacher Mike Fieleke. —Infiniti Thomas

Poetry Club

What: Students write and recite poetry. When: Thursdays X-block in 354. Goal: “Poetry club gives people a place to express themselves,” said senior Maddie MacWilliams, an officer. Officers: MacWilliams and senior Becky Reed. Adviser: English teacher Adam Carpenter. —Jared Freedman

Political Forum Club

What: Students raise political issues, hold discussions and debates and listen to guest speakers on occasion. When: To be determined. Goal: “Our main goal is to get students more involved with student government in the school,” said senior Peter Wu, the officer. Adviser: History and social sciences teacher Jim Morrsion. —Julia Moss


8 ◆ Newtonite, Newton North

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Club Special

A guide to clubs at North Middle or Cabot Elementary school. When: Weekly to be determined. The entire club will most likely meet in 257 a few times a year. Goal: “To give elementary and high school students the chance to bond, have fun and learn from each other academically and socially,” said senior Jess Kramer, the officer. Adviser: Counselor Darby Verre —Julia Oran

Quiddich Team

What: Students practice and play against other high schools in Quidditch. When: Mondays and Wednesdays after school at Dickinson Stadium. Goal: “My goal is to develop a team that is close-knit and can compete with other Quidditch teams in the state,” said senior Spencer Alton, an officer. Officers: Alton and senior Dana Gooley. Adviser: English teacher Nick Grant. —Gloria Li

Ultimate Frisbee

Sailing Team

What: Students learn how to sail, and they compete against other high schools in the greater Boston area. When: Between April and June, about three days a week at Community Rowing Boston. Goal: “We want to beat other sailing teams, learn how to sail better and have fun together,” said senior Ross Swerling, an officer. Officers: Swerling and junior Veronica Ingham. Adviser: Scheduler and math teacher Richard Ballou. —Perrin Stein

Science Team

What: Students who love science and enjoy competing and demonstrating their knowledge of science and engineering. When: Tuesdays and Fridays after school in 427. Goal: “Our goal this year is to place in the top three in every competition we participate in, and most of all to have fun,” said senior Helen Gao, the president. Officers: Gao, and junior Young Guang is vice president. The team also has individual captains for each competition. Adviser: Science teacher Barbara Gibson. —Henry DeGroot

Ski and Snowboard Club

What: Students plan recreational trips to ski or snowboard. When: Day and overnight trips to resorts such as Sunday River, Killington and Stowe throughout the winter. Goal: “We’re going to try to provide as many trips as we can so that as many students as possible can enjoy a great ski and snowboard environment here at North,” said senior Daniel Tabib, the officer. Requirements: Day trips cost about $70 and weekend trips cost about $250. Adviser: Special education teacher Stephen Hess. —Ned Martenis

Spanish Club

What: Students practice their Spanish and learn about Spanish-speaking countries. When: Thursday X-blocks in the international café. Goal: “We want to have everyone enjoy the language, learn about culture and just have a good time,” said senior Monica Reuman, an officer. Officers: Reuman and senior Sindi Nune. Advisers: Spanish teacher Jose Sancho and world language department head Nancy Marrinucci. —Perrin Stein


What: Students commentate Newton North athletic events and learn sportscasting first-hand. When: Meetings are in 260 at the beginning of each sports season. Goals: “The goal is to provide real-life experience to students interested in sports broadcasting,” said English teacher Neil Giordano, the adviser. Adviser: English teacher Neil Giordano. —Jacob Brunell

Stage Crew

What: Students work backstage for

Teddy Wenneker

Nicaragua Club: Seniors Ben Tack and Isabel Dover plan for the upcoming school year. Theatre Ink productions. When: Every day after school in 185. Goal: “We design the sets, lights and sound for every show at Theatre Ink,” said senior Zach Grannan, a student technical director. Officers: Grannan and senior Kevin Zabrecky. Adviser: Technical director Mike Barrington-Haber. —Ned Martenis

Students Against Destructive Decisions

What: An organization which focuses on stopping negative peer pressure. When: Thursday X-blocks in a location to be determined. Goal: “To provide students with the best prevention tools to deal with issues of underage drinking and drug use, among others,” said sophomore Kyle Hartman, the president. Officers: Hartman, and sophomore Crystal Daniels is vice president. Adviser: Special education teacher Nicole Franchi. —Jay Feinstein

Team P.A.C.T.

What: Students fundraise together and donate to different cancer funds. When: X-blocks once or twice every two weeks in the science office. Goal: “We’re hoping to make as much money as we can, so we can donate as much as we can,” said senior Tiffany Chen, an officer. Officers: Chen and senior Nathane Lamas. Adviser: Science teacher Brian Gagné. —Anna Clements

Theatre Ink

What: This school’s drama department, which puts on 11 and 13 shows each year, more than half of which are student directed. When: Every day after school in the little theatre and Lasker Auditorium. Goal: “To tell stories and bring the community into the school to tell them something important,” said senior Derek Butterton. Officers: Student directors this year are Butterton and seniors Skylar Fox, Aviva Galpert, Mercer Gary, David Gore and Edan Laniado. Adviser: Theatre Ink chair Adam Brown. —Alex Feit


What: This school’s literary magazine.

When: Sunday night at members’ homes. Goal: “This year, we’d like to recruit more underclassmen and spread to a wider audience,” said junior Isabel Meigs, a music editor. Officers: Seniors Kara Cochran and Ilana Cohen are editors in chief. Meigs and senior Teddy Wenneker, juniors Maddie Aquilina and Lior Percher are editors. Adviser: English teacher Neil Giordano. —Marena Cole

Tiger Friends

What: Students work on integrating kids in the Connections Program into the school and making friends with people outside of their comfort zone. When: Monday X-blocks in 313. Goal: “We want everyone to meet people they have never met before and have experiences they have never had before,” said junior Haley Rosenberg, an officer. Officers: Rosenberg and junior Jamie Ravech. Adviser: Connections co-director Jodi Whidden. —Fatema Zaidi

Tiger Magazine

What: Students produce a television news magazine that airs on NewTV. When: Advanced Television Production class, which meets C-block. Goal: “We want to put out the highest quality television for the masses,” said senior Spencer Alton. Requirements: Participants must be enrolled in Advanced Television Production and have previously taken Television Production. Adviser: English teacher Neil Giordano. —Jared Perlo

Tutors in Action

What: Students are assigned to work with individual students at either Bigelow

What: Students learn about the sport, play pickup games, and get to play on either an A-team or a B-team, where they will play against other teams of their skill level. When: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays after school in the bleachers outside of Dickinson Stadium. Goal: “The goal of our A-team is to be competitive and place highly in the state and other tournaments, but having fun is still always a priority,” said senior Dylan Wolff, the captain. “B-team’s goals are closer to that of fall Ultimate—to have fun and to improve.” Adviser: Science teacher Matt Anderson. —Anna Clements

Virtual Agency Corporation

What: Students with an interest in becoming talent agents learn about and discuss some of the most successful sports and entertainment agents in the business. When: Monday X-blocks in the flm lecture hall. Goal: “We would like for everyone in the club to understand the paths, hardships and turmoil that is undergone in becoming a sports or entertainment agent,” said senior Ben Tack, an officer. Officers: Tack and seniors Michael Bennington and Kiril Filipov. Adviser: Business teacher Rob Kane. —Jacob Brunell

Yako Connection

What: Students help a small school in Yako, Burkina Faso by raising money to buy items like calculators and to set up a water system for the village. When: Monday X-blocks in 266. Goal: “We hope to have a Burkina Faso Day like last year to show people how we’re helping the village out a lot and teach them what Yako is,” said senior Nensi Cukalla, an officer. Officers: Cukalla and senior Ana Mijailovic. Adviser: French teacher Fiona Blyth. —Samantha Libraty

Young Life

What: A worldwide group that is focused on showcasing God’s love to students in their own environments. When: Monday X-block in the cafeteria. Goal: “Our goal, essentially, is to share the love of God by just hanging out or serving. We might go to the movies or go bowling, or we could volunteer at a shelter,” said senior Josh Brooks, the officer. Adviser: Design and visual communications teacher Sue Brooks. —Kate Lewis


Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

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Performing Arts Calendar 2010-2011 Theatre Events November

“The Skin of Our Teeth,” by Thornton Wilder, will be performed Thursday, Nov. 4 through Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Lasker Auditorium. The play centers around Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus, who are the biblical Adam and Eve, said senior Aviva Galpert, a director with senior Edan Laniado. “The show is filled with hilarity and absurdity, but it is important not to lose sight of its pointed, insightful social commentary about progress, social Darwinism and what we as Americans and humans value,” Galpert said.


Sarah Ruhl’s “Eurydice,” an adaptation of the Greek myth “Orpheus,” will take the stage Thursday, Dec. 9 through Saturday, Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre under the direction of seniors Derek Butterton and Mercer Gary. “It asks questions like: is it better to remember painful things or to forget them and feel nothing?” Butterton said. “These questions are pretty heavy, but the play is surprisingly funny.” Improv Jam I, an opportunity for the Improv Club to present what it has been working on, will be performed Wednesday, Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre.


“Freshman Cabaret,” directed by sophomores Eliza Burr, Jack Reibstein, Greta Schindler and Rowan Sockwell, will go on stage in Lasker Auditorium Thursday, Jan. 6 and Friday, Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m. The show, which casts every freshman that auditions, “includes a variety of sketches, songs and dances that showcase the talent of the freshman class,” said Schindler. Now in its second year, the “Cabaret Troupe,” directed by senior Kelly McIntyre and junior Jon Paul Roby, will perform Thursday, Jan. 20 and Friday, Jan. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in Lasker Auditorium.


A play, title to be determined, will be performed Thurs-

Music Events November

The Jubilee Singers, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will perform in Fall Concert I at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 in Lasker Auditorium. Then Thursday, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m., Fall Concert II will feature Concert Choir, Family Singers and Orchestra. Auditions for the Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Senior District Festival will take place Saturday, Nov. 20 at Milton High School.


Catie Curtis will perform a benefit concert for the Global Education Leadership Fund (GELF) in Lasker Auditorium Thursday, Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. GELF is an organization that raises money to give scholarships to Newton students, allowing them to participate in exchange programs around the world. “Last year, Catie Curtis did the singer/songwriter symposium, and this year, we’re really excited to have her back to help raise money for GELF,” said Todd Young, fine and performing arts department head.


The MMEA Senior District Festival is Friday, Jan. 7 and Saturday, Jan. 8 at the Boston Latin School. The MMEA Junior District Festival will hold auditions Saturday, Jan. 22 at Concord-Carlisle High School. Auditions for the MMEA All-State Festival will be at Shrewsbury High School Saturday, Jan. 29. That evening, the Jubilee Singers will present their winter concert in Lasker Auditorium at 7 p.m.


Winter Concert I, featuring Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Tiger Bebop, will take place Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. in Lasker Auditorium, with Winter Concert II taking place the following evening at the same time. The second concert will be in memory of former music teacher Ray Smith, and will feature Concert Choir, Family Singers, Orchestra and Wind Ensemble.

day, Feb. 3 through Saturday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre.


“Curtains” will go on stage Thursday, March 17 through Saturday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 20 at 2 p.m. in Lasker Auditorium. The all-school musical will be directed and choreographed by Kirsten McKinney, with musical direction by Rachael Ziering ’04.


Directed by juniors Nicole Bunis and Graham Techler, “Spontaneous Generation,” the improv show, will be performed Wednesday, April 6 through Saturday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre. “It’s a fun improv show with a lot of audience participation,” Bunis said. “It’s really awesome and very funny. At the end, we improvise a 30-minute musical about an audience member’s life.” Later that month, the second Improv Jam of the year will be performed Wednesday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre.


The 28th annual North-South Shakespeare collaboration will take the stage at Newton South, Thursday, May 12 through Saturday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. “Sunday in the Park with George,” directed by seniors Skylar Fox and David Gore, will be performed in Lasker Auditorium Thursday, May 26 through Saturday, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 29 at 2 p.m. “‘Sunday’ explores essential questions of connection, progress and the power of creation,” Fox said. “It’s inspired by one of the most iconic paintings of all time—Georges Seurat’s ‘Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.’”


The fourth annual Playwrights’ Festival will be performed in repertory with Nitrous Oxide, the sketch comedy troupe, Wednesday, June 1 through Saturday, June 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the little theatre.


The MMEA Junior District Festival will be Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5 at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. The MMEA All-State Festival is Thursday, March 24 through Saturday, March 26 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston. “Some students who receive a seat in the District Festival are then asked to audition for All-States,” Young said. “Being chosen to be in an All-States ensemble is quite an honor because it recognizes some of the top musicians in the state.”


Concert Choir, the Jubilee Singers, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will perform in Spring Concert I Wednesday, April 13 at 7 p.m. in Lasker Auditorium. Honors String Ensemble, Family Singers and Orchestra will play Spring Concert II the following evening at 7 p.m. The concert will also feature the Concerto Competition winners. Jazz Night, featuring Jazz Ensemble and Tiger Bebop, will take place on Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m.


The entire music department will come out for Pops Night Thursday, May 19 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria, after a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. “This event is a culmination of music at Newton North,” according to Young. “Each ensemble performs a couple of pieces, scholarships and awards are given and there’s a potluck dinner beforehand. It’s a great way to wrap-up the year.”


Saturday, June 4 at 7 p.m., the Jubilee Singers will perform in Lasker Auditorium. —Kate Lewis and Perrin Stein

Anna Kaertner


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Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Girls’ soccer improves possession, midfield play Jay Feinstein As the season for girls’ soccer, 3-2-1 Wednesday, continues, coach James Hamblin said that the team has some major strengths and weaknesses. “We move the ball well, we have great possession and we have good midfield play,” he said. “But we need to be more consistent with scoring.” Overall, Hamblin said he sees improvements. “We’re doing much better than last year.” The Tigers plan to visit a tough Norwood team Monday. “They have an extremely good player who plays at the national level,” Hamblin said. “We need to be defensive to neutralize her.” Wednesday, the Tigers will visit a strong Natick team. “They started their season well, and they have really good players,” Hamblin said. “This game is goby

ing to be really intense for our younger players.” Friday, the Tigers will face Braintree for the second time, but this time it will be at home. “I hope we can step up and get an edge on them,” Hamblin said. Tuesday, Oct. 12, the Tigers will host Dedham. “I don’t know much about them, but I do know that they have a good keeper,” Hamblin said. “We have a chance against them.” The Tigers will visit Weymouth Thursday, Oct. 14. “I expect to get a good game,” Hamblin said. “Last time it was close.” The Tigers visited Framingham Tuesday, losing 2-0. According to senior Evelyn Hurwitz, a captain with senior Ellen Goldberg, “The rain played a major factor and we just didn’t do our best.” Friday, Sept. 24, the Tigers visited Brookline, a major rival according to Hamblin, and tied

0-0. “It was a very hard, physical game,” he said. Hosting Milton Wednesday, Sept. 22, the Tigers defeated the Wildcats, 3-0. It was North’s first home victory out of all varsity sports at the new Dickinson Stadium, according to Hamblin. “I’m happy about how we did. We did well,” he said. Monday, Sept. 20, the Tigers won 2-0 at Braintree in a tough game, according to Hamblin. “We took a lot of chances for the better,” he said. In a home game Thursday, Sept. 16, the Tigers lost 1-0 in a close game against Weymouth. “We were both evenly competitive, and we had good possession on both sides,” Hamblin said. “They got a goal 15 minutes before the game ended and took the win.” The Tigers were to host Needham yesterday.

Jaryd Justice-Moote

Ball control: Junior Sarah Perlo dribbles the ball.

Girls’ cross country works on longer distances

Teddy Wenneker

At a warm practice: Sophomore Charlotte Moore, freshman Meara Hemler, senior Devika Banerjee and junior Melissa Weikart run around Dickinson Stadium.

By Perrin Stein Although girls’ cross country, 4-1, started the season inexperienced, they are strengthening as a team, according to senior Margo Gillis, a captain with senior Devika Banerjee and junior Melissa Weikart. As a whole, the Tigers need to work on “running longer distances with a group of younger girls who have never really done this before,” Gillis said. “We just need to learn how to be better runners in general and that comes through practice.” To improve, the Tigers run in packs during practice because this strategy helps scoring at meets. “Only the top seven people get scored, so if those seven all run

together, it gives us a high score,” she said. This year, the Tigers’ top seven are very strong, which gives them an advantage, according to Gillis. The top seven are the captains and sophomores Megan Bellerose, Julia Schinteralli, Julia Schlossman and Kaley Spitaels, Gillis said. Throughout the rest of the season, girls’ cross country would like “to continue to improve and become closer as a team, while just having fun along the way,” Gillis said. The Tigers will compete in a meet against Norwood and Braintree at Norwood, Wednesday. “We should beat Norwood with ease, but Braintree has a very good team and will be a

real challenge,” said coach Peter Martin. Tuesday, Oct. 12 the Tigers will visit Wellesley. “Wellesley is a great team. They and Weymouth are the class of the league this year, so they will be tough to beat,” Martin said. At Natick, Tuesday, Sept. 28, the Tigers defeated both Natick and Milton, Gillis said. “The rain made it challenging, but we pulled through,” she said. Weymouth beat the Tigers 1944 at home Wednesday, Sept. 22. “Weymouth had a great team, and from the race, we learned that we are relatively inexperienced,” Martin said. “We have a way to go before we will be able to compete against the league’s best.”

Young football team gains early leads, has depth Jacob Schwartz Football, 0-3, has gained the lead early in games but lets teams get back into contention later, according to senior Ben Clark, a captain with seniors Isaiah Penn and Kevin Barisano. “We’ve got to learn to finish the job,” Clark said. “After three years, it’s time for things to go our way.” Otherwise, strengths for the team, according to Clark, include the team’s youth and depth. Clark said the team’s wide receivers, senior Terrell Doyle and junior Michael Thorpe, have been playing exceptionally well. The Tigers play Braintree tomorrow at Dickinson Stadium at 1 p.m. According to coach Peter Capodilupo, Braintree almost beat Natick, a powerhouse in the league, which was impressive. “They have a good quarterback and a great running back that we have to match on our side.” Milton will host the Tigers Friday. According to Capodilupo, Milton is one of the league’s by

“most prolific throwing teams. Passing is the core of their offense. It will be a test for our perimeter.” Wellesley defeated the Tigers 32-2 in the first away game of the season Friday, Sept. 24. The team lost its second game of the season here against Needham Sunday, Sept. 19. The Tigers claimed an early lead, according to Clark, but Needham fought back to tie it up. The Tigers lost 42-36 in triple overtime. Clark, a safety and running back, ran for 115 years, scoring three touchdowns. Capodilupo said the team has consistently put in enough effort to “lose just barely to good teams like Needham, but we’re not there yet. Our performance still isn’t good. “We have to look at ourselves in the mirror, see how we can improve and then act upon that. We have to own our actions.” Capodilupo said, “If pain is a producer of growth, then we are definitely growing.”

Ivan McGovern

Scramble: Senior Isaiah Penn dodges a Needham defender on a run on Sunday Sept. 19.


Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Newton North, Newtonite ◆ 11

Golf hopes to end strong Jacob Schwartz Golf, 6-2 Wednesday, has been seeding during practice to decide who will play in matches, according to coach Bob MacDougall. “I have 12 great golfers and unfortunately, they can’t all play at a match. “There is definitely a level of competition, but it’s good competition. “No one is calling penalties on each other, they’re just trying to do well and improve their game,” he said. MacDougall said he urges his golfers to visit courses outside of practice and work on parts of their game. Senior Mike Zegarelli, a captain with seniors Eric Regensburg and T.J. Ryan, said, “We used to have a team that wasn’t used to playing in matches, but they’ve definitely stepped it up. “Everybody cares a lot about what they’re doing. There is a lot of commitment,” Zegarelli said. The Tigers host an undefeated Wellesley team at the Brae Burn Country Club Monday. MacDougall said, “They are probably one of the best teams in the league, and they’re 7-0. I’ve heard a lot about them, but we will have the benefit of being at home. “The strategy for this game is simple: don’t worry about them. If we get caught watching Wellesley, we’ll get distracted and won’t know what to do. “If anyone can beat them, we can,” MacDougall said. An issue for the team, MacDougall said, has been that “when one player plays badly, we all tend to play badly. We have trouble rebounding after a bad hole.” At home Tuesday, the Tigers will face Natick—a well-coached squad, according to MacDougall. “I’m not sure how deep they are,” he said. “We’re going to rely on our team depth in order to win.” R e g e n s b u r g , Ry a n a n d Zegarelli will participate in the Bay State Championship Wednesday, Zegarelli said. MacDougall said the team will be fine-tuning its skills in order to do well at the match. In the last regular season match, the Tigers will travel to Needham Tuesday, Oct. 12. “This meet historically has determined the regular season champions,” he said. Earlier in the season, the Tigers defeated the Warriors at Brookline, and in what MacDougall described as a “carbon copy of the first time around,” Brookline defeated the Tigers 6345 at the Tigers’ course Monday, Sept. 27. “They really took to it and played a great match,” MacDougall said. The Tigers defeated Milton 58.5-49.5 on the road Thursday, Sept. 23. “It was a big match, and it was also a big accomplishment to beat them,” MacDougall said. Playing on a challenging course, according to MacDougall, the Tigers defeated Dedham on the road, 74-34 Thursday, Sept. 16. Yesterday, the Tigers were to have played at Framingham. by

At Dickinson Stadium: Senior Gianluca Viscomi leaps for the ball against Brookline Friday, Sept. 24.

Teddy Wenneker

Boys’ soccer improves with experience

Tigers work on anticipation, learn to take chances Jacob Schwartz With more games under its belt, boys’ soccer, 1-2-3 Wednesday, has improved at “anticipating each other as a group, and what sort of runs people take off the ball,” coach Roy Dow said. “We’re also getting better at taking our chances in a good way.” The Tigers will face Malden at home Monday. “They’re not the strongest team we will play, but we definitely can’t overlook them, because we’re also not a strong team yet,” Dow said. “We just have to prove that we are.” Facing Natick Wednesday will be one of the tougher games of the season, according to senior Jeremy Gurvits, a captain with senior Gabe Paul. For the second time in a month, the Tigers face the Braintree by

Wamps Friday, Oct. 8, this time on the road. Dow said, “They are a real blue-collar, very hard working team.” Dedham hosts the Tigers Tuesday, Oct. 12. “They’re an okay team,” Gurvits said. “We beat them last year, but we definitely can’t overlook them,” he said. “I am expecting a good game.” After a 2-2 tie early in the season at Weymouth Tuesday, Sept. 14, the teams will play once again, at home Thursday, Oct. 14. According to Dow, Weymouth is a physical group. “I also think we’ve figured out a lot of things since then,” he said. At Framingham, the Tigers tied 1-1 Tuesday. Sophomore Matt Callahan scored the gametying goal, on the rebound of

senior Gianluca Viscomi’s shot on goal, which hit the post. “The goal felt great,” said Callahan. “This was a very important game and we really needed a goal in order to boost the team’s Newtonian confidence.” Matt Brookline Callahan defeated the Tigers 2-1 at Dickinson Stadium Friday, Sept. 24. The Warriors scored the first goal of the game towards the end of the first half. Then the Tigers tied it up in stoppage time with a cross on a breakaway, which led to a goal in the upper-left corner of the net, scored by senior Dan Fanelli. However, opportunities like this were rare for the team, as the

Tigers found themselves defending Brookline much more than they were trying to score. Brookline scored again with 26 minutes left in the game to go ahead 2-1. The Tigers were unable to fight back. Brookline coach Jeff Katz said, “We played poorly at the start. We didn’t figure out what North’s strengths were, but later we figured them out,” Katz said. “Both teams got physical towards to the end of the game, and that definitely turned up the heat a lot,” he said. The Tigers defeated Milton 3-0 Wednesday, Sept. 22, on the road. Hosting Braintree Monday, Sept. 20, the Tigers didn’t allow any goals, but couldn’t put one in the net themselves, tying 0-0. The Tigers were to have visited Needham yesterday.

Boys’ cross country to host dual meet Runners work hard together, gain team unity Jay Feinstein Boys’ cross country, 3-1, is a lot closer as a team than it was earlier in the season, according to senior Dan Ranti, a captain with senior Ezra Lichtman. “We have a lot of team unity,” he said. Coach Jim Blackburn noted that he have seen improvement in some runners. “A lot of them have gotten better,” he said. “We have a lot of people on the team, and as a whole, we’ve gotten stronger and have progressed in our abilities.” by

These improvements are just one more step towards being the best in the league, according to Blackburn. “It’s our goal,” he said. Wednesday, the Tigers look forward to hosting an easy meet with Braintree and Norwood, according to Blackburn. “They won’t be a problem. I don’t expect to lose,” he said. At Wellesley, Tuesday, Oct. 12, the Tigers expect another win, according to Blackburn. “We’ll definitely do alright against

them,” he said. Although the Tigers expect to defeat Wellesley, they still can’t win without trying, according to Blackburn. “We need to work hard because Wellesley isn’t a bad team,” he said. “They do okay.” In a duel meet Tuesday, the Tigers swept both Natick and Milton at Natick 19-37 and 21-35, respectively, according to Ranti. “We got first, second and third, which is an automatic win,” he said. “All of our runners did really well.”

According to Ranti, junior David Buzby and sophomores David Demarest and Johnny Long did especially well. “They’re really strong runners and they showed great progress and ability,” he said. “They worked really hard.” Wednesday, Sept. 22, the Tigers lost 25-33 to a tough Weymouth team in a home meet. “We’re not happy about it, but we figured that the meet was going to be hard,” Blackburn said. “They definitely had more depth.”


12 ◆ Newtonite, Newton North

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Volleyball faces tough opposition Jacob Schwartz Quickly mastering general skills including hitting, setting and serving has been a vital strength for volleyball, 3-1, according to senior Emily Hutchinson. The team is also working on tweaking skills to make them better, Hutchinson said. “Instead of just trying to be good, we’re trying to be great.” The Tigers face Brookline today on the road. According to coach Richard Barton, the Warriors are having some trouble this year. “They had tough injuries to both their setters, so their setting is particularly not strong. They’re having more of an off year.” Returning home, the Tigers will play Framingham in the Reginald E. Smith Gymnasium Monday. Barton said, “It should be one of the toughest matches of the year. “I know their roster—they have one of the strongest teams in the state.” The team will host Needham Wednesday. “They have a great middle and a couple of strong servers,” Barton said. Traveling to Natick, the Tigers will face the undefeated Red and Blue next Friday. “They are teamoriented and well-coached,” Barton said. “They won the Herget Division last year. It should be a good chalby

lenge for us.” Volleyball will attend the Hall of Fame Tournament at Holyoke, the birthplace of volleyball, in order to improve play, Barton said. The Tigers won the tournament last year. They will face teams from across Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Tigers will face Braintree Wednesday, Oct. 13, on the road. Braintree defeated the Tigers 31 in the first home game of the season Thursday, Sept. 16. “We learned from the first time we played them that they are actually a good team of athletes and power,” Barton said. “They really have no weaknesses.” At home, the Tigers defeated the Milton Wildcats 3-0 Wednesday. Hutchinson said, “We played well and they were the weaker team.” After losing the first game at Walpole Tuesday, Sept. 21, the Tigers won the next three games to come away with a win for the match. “We were still getting our act together in the first game,” Hutchinson said. “Then we stepped it up and stopped fooling around.” The Tigers defeated Weymouth on the road Thursday, Sept. 23. “We played with a new line up, which was proven effective. We really took advantage of their flaws,” Hutchinson said.

Against Milton: Senior Emily Hutchinson hits the ball as senior Nicole Goldberg covers.

“They always have a small team of strong swimmers,” she said. “ We’re expecting a good meet.” Looking forward to an exciting meet, the Tigers will visit Walpole Tuesday. “They won the conference last year and didn’t graduate a lot of swimmers,” Tuohy said. The Tigers expect a competitive meet against Boston Latin in a non-conference meet Thursday. “We’re looking for a win,”

Tuohy said. Next Friday, the Tigers will visit a tough Framingham team, according to Harris. “We’ve always had trouble with them,” Harris said, “but this year, we’re excited to face them because we’re stronger now than we ever were before. It’s going to be closer than it has ever been with them.” According to Tuohy, Framingham has a strong diver who scored 262 points in a meet this week. “That’s a lot, especially since

Teddy Wenneker

Girls’ swimming improves times, techinique, skills Jay Feinstein Girls’ swimming has “definitely improved a lot” over the past couple of weeks, according to senior Rebecca Harris, a captain with senior Daryl Choa. “We’ve improved our times, our technique and our basic skills,” she said. “Our strokes look especially good.” This afternoon, the Tigers will travel to Braintree for what is expected to be a challenging meet, according to coach Kirsten Tuohy. by

it’s so close to our school record of 278,” she said. “We’re really excited for the competition.” Tuesday, Oct. 12, the Tigers will host Brookline, according to Tuohy. “They’re a perennial meet for us. They’re always up for us,” she said. “They graduated quite a few swimmers, but they are still strong, and this is still going to be a hard meet.” At Natick Tuesday, the Tigers lost 84-77. “We weren’t as focused

as we could have been,” Harris said. “The intensity just wasn’t there.” Friday, Sept. 24, the Tigers defeated Wellesley, 95-91 in a “really exciting, close meet,” according to Tuohy. “It was especially exciting during the last event, the 400-yard freestyle relay,” she said. “We needed to win this event in order to win the meet, and we won it,” she said. “The cheering was deafening.”

Field hockey makes changes, hopes to improve its offense Eli Davidow As the team approaches midseason, field hockey, 2-1-1 Wednesday, is still trying to find the best configurations to give the best results, said coach Celeste Myers. “We are a very strong team, but we’re still a work-in-progress,” she said. “ We haven’t always been able to execute, but I am hoping we can implement changes. “I’m still really optimistic about this season, and I know we can pull ourselves together and play like the champions I know we can be.” The largest problem for the Tigers this season is their offense, Myers said. “We’re still looking for the right combination on offense that will yield success for us,” she said. However, on defense, the Tigers have found consistency in seniors Julia Cuccurullo, a goaltender, and the captains, seniors Andrea Marzilli, Ali Pappas and by

Marissa Troy, Myers said. Troy also said, “The communication has been much better on defense. We’ve started calling for the ball and that’s something that’s helped a lot.” If there is anything different about the Tigers compared to past years, it must be their strong cohesion, according to Troy. “This year, we’ve gelled together, and we’re all working together as a single unit.” As for upcoming games, Myers anticipates all of the Tigers’ opponents will bring strong play to the table. “I’m expecting all the teams we play this year to be competitive,” Myers said. “We need to make sure our offense and defense are together and in-synch for each game.” Wednesday, the Tigers visit Natick. Then, they host Braintree next Friday and Dedham Tuesday, Oct. 12. In recent action, the Tigers shut out the Mustangs 1-0 at Norwood Tuesday.

“They were a very good team, but we just played better,” Troy said. “The defense also played really well.” Junior Stephanie Vitone scored the Tigers’ lone goal on an assist from senior Michelle Troy. Friday at Brookline, the Tigers tied the Warriors 0-0. “Positioning-wise, we weren’t always in place,” Myers said. “We really defeated ourselves out there, because we missed lot of opportunities we should have capitalized on.” Wednesday, Sept. 22, the Tigers earned their first victory of the season against Milton, winning 1-0. Junior Bobby Grimshaw scored the game-winning goal for the team. “It was pretty much an even game, but we got that one opportunity to score, and we did,” Myers said. “Julia played well in net, and we did a lot of good things. It was a defense-driven game.” Yesterday, the Tigers were to have hosted the Rockets.

Teddy Wenneker

At Forte Field: Junior Stephanie Vitone handles the ball.

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