Coast Arcade Jak Rāta
Nexus: Where does your name come from, Coast Arcade? Is there some deeper meaning behind what it means? Coast Arcade comes from us wanting to have a name that was easy to spell and remember. The first time we practised together, we all put a list of words together that we liked the sound of and trialled a heap of the combinations to see what we vibed with. When we got to Coast Arcade, we were like… yes… that's the one. Nexus: How would you describe your sound? What sort of genres do you float between? Our sound is mostly Indie Pop Rock with some twists of punk and surf in there. Basically, anything fun, energetic and vibey is our goto! Our music is heavily guitar-based, and so if you mix that with some strong kiwi vocals, you get a pretty fun and unique sound. Nexus: What brings you all together? Is there some sort of link or you just though ‘fuck it, leshgo’? Haha, at first, it was a fuck it, let's go moment just to jam through the last year of high school, but things progressed pretty quickly, and now we are playing awesome gigs, gearing up to release, and the best part is that we are all best friends. We have a strong collective drive to push Coast Arcade as far as it will go. Nate (who joined us about a month ago) and Chris are brothers, and Thom is basically Bella's 2nd sibling (and besties with her younger brother) so we all just fit together like a weird blended family. It's fun, and we wouldn't change it for the world.
Nexus: If you could pick a dream festy lineup, who’ve we got? Hold on; this might get a little interesting. It’s hard not to include every bloody band ever, but: Spacey Jane, Kings of Leon, Pearl Jam, The Beths, Daffodils, Arctic Monkeys, Sam Fender, Coast Arcade (of course), Harry Styles, Beach Bunny, Adele, Wallows, Loyle Carner, Bloc Party, Broken Bells, Lucy Dacus, Ruby Fields, Wetleg and the list goes on and on Nexus: Everyone’s favourite foods, go! That's like all we do at practice… eat lol. Pasta, Maccas, Pizza, sushi, doughnuts, Carrot cake and boba tea. Nexus: Any local artists that you’re frothing right now? Ahhhh, so many! It’s hard to pick. Apart from the ones we mentioned on our festy lineup… Park Rd, Flaxxies, Mako Rd, Lips, and Dick Move to name a very small portion of the many talented artists in Aotearoa right now! Nexus: What can we expect to see in the future for Coast Arcade? We hope to have our long-awaited debut single out in June, and from there, we want to pump out some tunes, play some sick gigs and see where we end up! Also might find some merch in amongst there ;)
Nexus: What would be your dream as a band? Where do you see yourselves heading? We have plenty of goals to keep us going, but the overall dream target for Coast Arcade would have to be being a successful touring band. We’d love to do a stint in Aussie and the UK and continue to live and breathe music. We want to create tunes that people love for any moment in their life, whether it be a road trip, holiday, breakup…. just all of the moments that come with being alive!